牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 2 Understanding each other单词学案(含答案)

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牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 2 Understanding each other单词学案(含答案)


react v.(作出)反应;起化学反应; (对食物等)不良反应,过敏;
react against对…有反抗作用
react on对…产生影响,和…发生反应
react to对…有反应,对…过敏
react with和…发生反应
react by doing sth通过做某事来回应
E.g. How do acids react on metals 酸对金属起什么反应?
E.g. Many people react badly to penicillin.很多人对盘尼西林严重过敏。
E.g. How do you think she’ll react when she hears the news 你觉得她听到这个消息会作何反应?
【词性变化】n. reaction
a chemical reaction化学反应
E.g. You need to have quick reactions to play these computer games.
E.g. Some people have an allergic reaction to shellfish. 有些人对贝类有过敏反应。
【词性变化】a. reactive
gentle adj.文静的,温柔的;(动作)轻柔的,徐缓的
gentle breeze微风
be gentle with sb对…很温柔
E.g. He was a very gentle boy at heart. 他实际上是一个非常温和的男孩。
E.g. The path has a gentle slope. 这条路有个缓坡。
【词性变化】adv. gently
E.g. He lifted the baby gently out of its crib.
【词性变化】n. gentleness
a man of gentleness一个温柔的人
encode v.把……译成密码(或电码);给(计算机程序)编码
decode vt. 破译,译解(密码信息)
【词性变化】code n.密码,暗码;道德准则,行为规范;法典,法规
mail n.邮政,邮递系统;邮件,信件v.邮寄;用电子邮件发送
contact sb by mail通过邮件联系某人
mail sb sth/mail sth to sb将某物寄给某人
E.g. She spent the morning reading and answering her mail.
E.g. All of our customers will be contacted by mail.
feedback n.反馈意见
positive/negative feedback正面/负面反馈
E.g. Feedback from the sensors ensures that the car engine runs smoothly. 传感器的反馈确保了汽车发动机的平稳运行。
competent adj.能干的,能胜任的;合格的 incompetent
be competent in (doing)有能力做某事,能胜任某事
E.g. All we want is someone competent to manage the staff.
【词性变化】n. competence 能力,胜任 core competence核心竞争力
E.g. Her competence as a teacher is unquestionable.
E.g. He reached a reasonable level of competence in his English.
【词性变化】adj. competitive竞争的;有竞争力的;努力竞争的;一心求胜的
at a competitive price有竞争力的价格;有价格优势
E.g. Believe me, we are going to be competitive on the field.相信我,我们将在球场上极具有竞争力。
E.g. Rampant unemployment has resulted in a highly competitive job market.失业率高企导致了就业市场的激烈竞争。
obtain v.(尤指通过艰难的过程)得到,获得
obtain permission获得许可 obtain knowledge获取知识
E.g. He is plotting to obtain property by deception.他正在密谋通过欺骗获取财产。
E.g. In the second experiment they obtained a very clear result.
【词性变化】adj. obtainable
E.g. That drug is now obtainable without a prescription.
8.suit n.套装,西装v.与……相配
space suit宇航服
a suit of 一套…
E.g. Could you pick up my suit from the cleaner's for me, please
E.g. Lighter shades suit you best.较浅色的衣服对你最合适。
suitcase n.手提箱
negotiate v.(尤指在商业或政治上)谈判,磋商,洽谈;商定,达成协议
negotiate with sb与某人谈判
negotiate a settlement 协商解决
E.g. The government has refused to negotiate with the strikers.
E.g. I'm negotiating for a new contract.
E.g. I've managed to negotiate a five percent pay increase with my boss.
The company's had some tricky problems __________(negotiate)in its first year in business.( to negotiate)
【词性变化】n. negotiation 谈判,协商;转让
business negotiation商业谈判
be under negotiation正在谈判中
begin/enter into/be in negotiations (with someone)开始/进入/正在(和某人)谈判中
E.g. There was little room for negotiation.此事没有协商的余地。
【词性变化】n. negotiator
【词性变化】adj. negotiable
enterprise n.企业,事业单位;事业心,进取心;事业
a state-owned enterprise国有企业
E.g. Horse breeding is indeed a risky enterprise.养马的确是一项有风险的事业。
E.g. Its geographical location stimulated overseas mercantile enterprise.它的地理位置激发了海外商业企业的兴趣。
E.g. They've shown a lot of enterprise in setting up this project. 他们在建立这个项目时表现出很大的进取心。
【词性变化】n. entrepreneurship企业家精神
straightforward adj.简单的,易懂的;(人)诚实的,坦率的
a straightforward reply坦率的回复
E.g. The doctor explained the operation in straightforward English. 医生用直截了当的英语解释了这次手术。
【词性变化】adv. straightforwardly
fold v.折叠,对摺 unfold n.褶,褶皱
E.g. I fold up the chairs.我把椅子折起来。
E.g. I folded the letter (in half) and put it in an envelope.
The cost of a loaf of bread has increased five-fold.一块面包的价格已经涨了5倍。
She sat with her legs _____(fold)under her. (folded)
friction n.不和,分歧;摩擦;摩擦力
friction between A and B …之间的摩擦力;…之间的分歧
E.g. There's a lot of friction between my wife and my mother.
【词性变化】adj. frictional
a frictional force摩擦力
frictional heat摩擦产生的热量
clarify v.澄清,阐明
clarify one’s point阐明某人的观点
clarify one’s own thinking about sth理清某人自己对某事的思路
E.g. Could you clarify the first point please I don't understand it completely.
E.g. Talking it through with you has helped me to clarify my own thinking about the problem.
The exact cause of host mortality, however, remains_______(clarify). (to be clarified)
【词性变化】n. clarification 澄清,阐明;净化
The second one needs some_________(clarify). (clarification)
knowledgeable adj.有见识的,知识渊博的
be knowledgeable about了解,知道
E.g. Let me call someone who is more knowledgeable.让我打电话给比较了解情况的人。
E.g. Plus, you can ask knowledgeable questions when your turn comes around.此外,轮到你提问的时候你也能问出一些有见地的问题。
【词性变化】n. knowledge one’s knowledge of某人对…的了解 common knowledge常识
It has come/been brought to one’s knowledge that某人发现…
【词性变化】v. acknowledge It is acknowledged that…
empathy n.共鸣,同情;感同身受,产生共鸣(的能力)
have empathy with sb与某人共情,感同身受
show empathy for对…同情
E.g. Besides, empathy can be a cure for loneliness and sadness. 此外,共情能力可以用来治愈孤独和悲伤。
E.g. Some of the first studies to suggest that reading literature can boost people's empathy for others. 最早的一些研究表明阅读文学作品可以增强人们对他人的同情心。
【词性变化】adj. empathetic有同情心的,同感的
【词性变化】v. empathize有同感,起共鸣
empathize with sb与某人共情,感同身受
E.g. It's very easy to empathize with the characters in her books.
The key is rather the author's striking ability________(empathy). (to empathize)关键在于作者惊人的移情能力。
sympathy n.同情,理解,赞同
feel/show/express one’s sympathy for对…表达同情
E.g. I don't have much sympathy for her - I think she's brought her troubles on herself.我不是很同情她,因为我觉得是她自找的麻烦。
a sympathetic look/smile同情的表情/笑容
feel sympathetic towards sb对某人感到同情
put yourself in one’s shoes设身处地为别人着想,换位思考
E.g. I found a tip that really helps in understanding his/her concerns is to put yourself in the person’s shoes.我发现有一个小办法可以帮助我们很好的了解别人的需求。那就是站在对方的立场看问题。
account for
E.g. Can you account for all these absences 你怎么解释这些缺席情况?
E.g. How do you account for the fact that unemployment is still rising 你如何解释失业人数仍在增加这个现实?
E.g. Students account for the vast majority of our customers.
E.g. The social services account for a substantial part of public spending.社会服务性事业占政府开支的相当大的一部分。
E.g. These reasons largely account for the American Civil War大致是这些原因导致了美国内战。
The disappearance of the papers has never been __________(account)for. (accounted)
open/close an account开户/销户
give an account of描述
on account of由于,因为
on no account决不,绝对不(后接部分倒装结构)
approve v.同意,赞成;批准,通过;核准 disapprove
①approve of赞成,赞同 disapprove of
E.g. I wish my mother approved of my friends.我希望妈妈能认可我的朋友。
E.g. I don't approve of violence in any shape or form.我不赞成任何形式的暴力行为。
=I _________ ________ violence in any shape or form.(disapprove of)
E.g. I strongly disapprove of underage drinking.
He doesn't approve of ________(smoke).(smoking)
I thoroughly approve of ______ the government is doing.(what)
②批准approve sth=give approval to sth
E.g. We had to wait months for the council to approve our plans to extend the house. 我们不得不等待数月,等待委员会批准我们扩建房屋。
E.g. The Secretary of State has the power to approve the proposals.国务卿有权批准这些提议。
【词性变化】n. approval disapproval
get/secure/win approval赢得认可
gain/receive approval获得批准
He nodded in approval.他点头表示赞成。
I hope my suggestions will meet with your approval.希望我的建议能够得到您的认可。
He showed his approval by smiling broadly.他露出一个大大的微笑表示赞成。
Sam always tried hard to win his father's approval. Sam总是努力想要赢得父亲的认可。
The project has now received ________(approve)from the government. (approval)
The teacher gave the student a nod of ________(approve). (approval)
【词性变化】adj. approving赞许的,赞成的 disapproving
a falling/ rising tone降调/升调
E.g.His tone was tinged with irony.他的语气中微含讽刺。
E.g. He talks in a very slow but humorous tone.他讲话慢条斯理但是富有幽默感。
gain a degree取得学位
gain advantage from …从…获得好处
gain access to sth获准进入,可以取得
gain ground 变得更受欢迎;取得进展;得到肯定
E.g. After you've gained some experience teaching abroad, you can come home and get a job.
E.g. Some people do gain weight after they stop smoking.有些人戒烟后的确增加体重了。
E.g. His ideas on nutrition have been gaining ground in recent years.他在营养学上的观点在近年来得到了肯定。
a gain in sth某个方面的增加
weight gain/weight loss增重/减重
E.g. Regular exercise helps prevent weight gain.经常锻炼有助于防止体重增加。
E.g. After deducting costs, we still made a net gain of 5,000. 扣除成本后,我们仍然获得了5,000英镑的净收益。
You’ve got nothing to lose and everything_______(gain). (to gain)
make a gesture做手势
do sth as a gesture of…以…姿态做某事
E.g. The government donated 500,000 as a gesture of goodwill.政府为了表示善意捐赠了五十万英镑。
V.打手势,用动作示意 gesture for sb to do sth示意某人做某事=signal to sb to do sth
precisely adv.精确地,准确地;恰好,正是(表示强调);(用于表示完全同意)的确如此;严谨地,细致地
precisely speaking,/to be precise准确来说
Not precisely.不见得 ; 不一定
【词性变化】adj. precise 精确的,准确的;恰好的,确切的;(人)严格的,一丝不苟的
at the precise moment 就在那时
E.g. She gave me clear and precise directions.她给了我清晰而准确的指示。
E.g. He caught me at the precise moment that I fainted.他恰好在我晕倒时抓住了我。
vocabulary n.词汇,词汇量
enlarge/increase one’s vocabulary 扩大词汇量
preference n.偏爱,偏好;更喜欢的人(或物);优待,优先(权)
one’s preference for sth对…的偏好
have a preference for sth(rather than/over…)更偏向,更青睐…
give preference to优待…,让…优先
in preference to 优先于..
E.g. Choosing furniture is largely a matter of personal preference.选家具很大程度上是个人喜好问题。
E.g. Her preference is for comfortable rather than stylish clothes.比起时髦的服饰,他更喜欢舒服的。
E.g. I have a preference for sweet food over spicy.我更喜欢甜食,而不是辣的。
E.g. The city gives preference to job applicants who live there. 该市优先考虑居住在本地的求职者。
E.g. He studied chemistry in preference to physics at university. 他在大学里优先学习化学,而不是物理学。
【词性变化】V. prefer 更喜欢,宁可- preferred- preferred
prefer to do/doing sth 更喜欢(做)某事
E.g. I'd prefer not to discuss this issue. 我宁可别讨论这件事了。
prefer sb/sth to (doing) sth 更喜欢某人/某事(做)某事,宁可做某事
E.g. I'd prefer you not to smoke.我希望你别再抽烟了。
E.g. Would you prefer to leave 你想走吗?
prefer (doing) A to (doing) B 比起(做)B更喜欢(做)A
E.g. He prefers watching football to playing it.
prefer+that从句 从句使用should do虚拟语气
E.g. She prefers that we meet at the station.她认为我们在车站见比较好。
【词性变化】preferable adj.更可取的,更合适的 preferably adv.更可取地 preferred adj.首选的,有优先权的。
E.g. The earlier train would be my preferred option.我首选早班车。
jam n.果酱;堵塞,拥挤,困境
be stuck in a traffic jam遇到堵车
be in a jam陷入困境
somewhat adv.稍微,有点
E.g. They smiled at one another, somewhat falsely.他们相互微笑,有点假惺惺地。
taboo n.(宗教或社会习俗方面的)禁忌,忌讳
E.g. For some people, death is a taboo subject.对某些人来说,死是很忌讳的话题。
embarrassed adj.尴尬的,窘迫的;拮据的,陷入经济困境的
feel embarrassed about感到尴尬
be financially embarrassed囊中羞涩
E.g. I was too embarrassed to admit that I was scared.
【词性变化】embarrass v.(使)尴尬,窘迫;使难堪,使为难
E.g. They were my friends, and I just didn't want to embarrass them publicly.他们是我的朋友,我只是不想公开说让他们难堪的话。
【词性变化】embarrassing adj.使人尴尬的,使人难堪的
E.g. You rescued me from an embarrassing situation.我正感到尴尬,你为我解了围。
intention n.意图,目的,打算
the intention to do sth/of doing做某事的意图,打算
E.g. He has announced his intention to retire.他已经宣布他打算退休。
E.g. I have no intention of selling this house.我并没有打算卖这套房子。
E.g. He had good intentions, but unfortunately things just didn’t work out.他是好意,只不过事与愿违。
【词性变化】v. intend
intend to do sth打算做某事
intend sb to do sth打算让某人做某事
intend for sth为…而打算,准备
E.g. We intend to go to Australia next year.
E.g. I don't think she intended me to hear the remark.
E.g. The course is intended for intermediate-level students.
【词性变化】adj. intentional 故意的,蓄意的
E.g. Did you leave his name out by accident or was it intentional
【词性变化】adv. intentionally=on purpose by accident=accidentally
v.类似于,相当于;correspond to相当于
与通信;correspond with sb通信 ; 和某人通信
E.g. I've been corresponding with several experts in the field.我一直在和该领域的几名专家通信。
相一致,符合correspond with相符合 ; 相一致
E.g. Your account of events does not correspond with hers.你对事情的陈述与她说的不相符。
E.g. The two maps of the Rockies correspond closely.这两张落基山脉的地图极为相似。
【词性变化】adj. corresponding 相应的,相关的
E.g. Company losses were 50 percent worse than in the corresponding period last year. 公司的损失比去年同期减少了50%。
E.g. He has got both corresponding education and talents and is by all means equal to this job.
【词性变化】n. correspondence 信件,信函;通信;相似,关联
be in correspondence 保持通信
business correspondence商务信函
correspondence between A and B A和B之间的关联
E.g. Any further correspondence should be sent to my new address.后续信件都寄到我的新地址。
E.g. The survey found no correspondence between crime and unemployment rates.调查发现犯罪和失业率之间没有关联。
behave misbehave
表现得体,有礼貌 behave oneself
E.g. They behaved as if nothing had happened.他们表现得好像什么都没发生一样。
E.g. It is believed that animals behave differently before a natural disaster. 人们认为,在自然灾害之前动物会有异常表现。
【词性变化】n. behavior misbehavior
E.g. He was notorious for his violent and threatening behavior. 他因其暴力和威胁性的行为而臭名昭著。
E.g. His research involved the study of instinctive behavior in birds.他的研究涉及鸟类本能行为。
【词性变化】adj. behavioral行为的 behavioral economics行为经济学
v.容许,允许;忍受,包容;=put up with=bear=stand
tolerate (one’s) doing忍受(某人)做某事
E.g. Lying is something that I will not tolerate.撒谎是我所不能容忍的。
E.g. I will not tolerate that kind of behaviour in my class.我不能忍受在我的班里出现那种行为。
E.g. We have to tolerate each other's little foibles.我们得互相容忍对方的小缺点。
E.g. These ants can tolerate temperatures.这些蚂蚁能承受高温。
【词性变化】n. toleration宽容,忍受,默认;
E.g. The key to go on with others is toleration.与人相处之道,在于宽容。
E.g. The overweighted people's toleration is bad in summer.胖人在夏天的忍受力较差。
【词性变化】n. tolerance 宽容,容忍,忍耐力
have no tolerance for(doing)sth不能容忍(做)某事
【词性变化】adj. tolerable尚好的,还可以的;可接受的,可忍受的
【词性变化】adj. tolerant 宽容的,容忍的 intolerant adj.不能容忍的be tolerant of/towards容忍,容许
31.dergarten n.学前班,幼儿园
recite vt. 吟诵;列举
recite a poem背诗
E.g. He was nervous about reciting in front of the class.前全班面前背书令他紧张。
【词性变化】n. recitation背诵,详述
accent n. 口音;腔调;重音(stress)
E.g. He speaks with a broad/strong northern accent.他说话有浓重的北方口音。
handwriting n. 手写,书写;笔迹,书法
handwriting examination笔迹鉴定
handwriting on the wall不祥之兆 ; 显而易见的危险 ; 之兆 ; 灾祸将临的预兆
fluent adj.(说话)流利的;(表达思想)熟练的
be fluent in…说…很流利
She speaks fluent Chinese.
She is a fluent Chinese speaker.
She is fluent in Chinese.
【词性变化】adv. fluently
【词性变化】n. fluency (说话)流利;(做事)流畅,娴熟
E.g. One of the requirements of the job is fluency in two or more African languages.
E.g. The team lacked fluency during the first half.该队在上半场打得不够流畅。
E.g. His son was praised for speeches of remarkable fluency.他的儿子非常流利的发言受到了表扬。
cooperate v.合作,协作;配合,协助
cooperate (with sb) on/in sth与某人就某事合作
cooperate in doing sth/ to do sth合作做某事
E.g. Without the cooperation of local residents, this movie could not have been made.如果没有当地居民的配合,这部电影是无法完成的。
E.g. We cooperate with other people to achieve some goal.为了达成某种目标,我们会和他人合作。
E.g. They have agreed to cooperate in distributing products and providing support services. 他们已经同意在分销产品和提供支持服务方面进行合作。
【词性变化】n. cooperation 合作,协作;协助,配合
cooperation with sb in sth和某人在某事上的合作
cooperation between A and B AB之间的合作
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation亚太经合组织
E.g. We would like to see closer cooperation between parents and schools.我们希望学生家长和学校有更加紧密的合作。
【词性变化】adj. cooperative 合作的,协作的;乐于配合的;(企业或其他组织)合作性的
E.g. I asked them to turn down their music, but they're not being very cooperative.
cite v.提及,列举(quote);引用,引述
be cited as被拿来用作…的例子
E.g. The lawyer cited two similar cases. 该律师引用了两个类似的案例。
broaden/expand/widen one’s mind/horizons拓宽视野,开阔眼界
E.g. They say that travel broadens the mind.
tofu n.豆腐
bacon n.熏猪肉,咸猪肉
tank n.坦克;(贮放液体或者气体的)罐
golf n. 高尔夫运动
integrate v.(使)合并,成为一体;(使)加入,融入群体
integrate with/into融入,加入
E.g. Children are often very good at integrating into a new culture.
E.g. Dave seems to be finding it hard to integrate with his colleagues.
integrate A with/into B把A融入B
E.g. You need to integrate exercise into your normal life.
E.g. Our program helps new staff members to integrate themselves into the team.
【词性变化】adj. integrated【常用于名词前】综合的;互相协调的
an integrated public transport system综合公共交通系统
bilingual adj.会说两种语言的,涉及两种语言的,使用两种语言的
bilingual education双语教育
lingual adj. 语言的
linguist n. 语言学家
linguistics n.语言学
词根: -lingu-=language
kung fu功夫
oppose v.反对,抵制;与…对垒
E.g. The new testing system has been vigorously opposed by teachers.
E.g. Most of the local residents opposed the closing of the school.
oppose doing sth反对做某事
E.g. I would certainly oppose changing the system.
【词性变化】adj. opposed【不用于名词前】反对的;截然不同的
be opposed to=oppose(vt.)
as opposed to 而,而非
【词性变化】adj. opposing 【只用于名词前】对立的,敌对的,(观点等)相反的
intervention n.干预,介入
intervention in sth对…的干预
government/regulatory/state intervention政府/调控/国家干预
armed/military intervention武装/军事干预
【词性变化】v. intervene 干预;介入
pure adj. 纯净的,完全的 impure
a pure cotton shirt纯棉上衣
pure white纯白色
the pure vocal tones of the choirboy唱诗班男孩的纯净嗓音
E.g. It was pure coincidence/chance that we met.我们遇见纯属巧合。
as pure as the driven snow道德上单纯、无暇的人
【词性变化】n. purity 洁净,纯净;纯洁,清白
E.g. The water is regularly tested for purity.水的纯度定期受到检测。
E.g. White has always been a symbol of purity in Western cultures.在西方文化中,白色一向象征纯洁。
tribe n.部落
primitive tribes原始部落
v.拒绝,否决(提议、建议或请求);reject a suggestion/proposal/argument
E.g. The prime minister rejected the suggestion that it was time for him to resign. 总理拒绝了关于他现在应该辞职的建议。
摈弃,不接受,不予考虑;reject sth as sth认为…怎样而不予考虑
E.g. The appeal was rejected by the court.法庭驳回上诉。
E.g. The coach rejected him for the first team.教练不同意他进入一队。
【词性变化】n. rejection n.(对提议、建议或请求的)拒绝接受;(对求职者、求学等者的)拒绝;嫌弃,厌弃;(对移植器官的)排斥;
transplant rejection移植排斥反应
E.g. Jane still nurses the pain of rejection.简依然怀着被拒绝的痛苦。
E.g. I've applied for ten jobs, but I've had ten rejections/rejection letters.
E.g. He never asked her to marry him out of fear of rejection.
pessimistic adj.悲观的,悲观主义的 optimistic
be pessimistic/optimistic about对…悲观/乐观
E.g. The doctors are pessimistic about his chances of recovery.
【词性变化】adv. pessimistically optimistically
【词性变化】n. pessimism optimism
There is now a mood of deepening pessimism about/over the economy.
【词性变化】n. pessimist optimist
【词性变化】v. optimize v.优化,充分利用(形势,机会,资源);持乐观态度
Germanic adj.日耳曼语的;德国的
【词性变化】Germany n.德国
tendency n.趋势,趋向;倾向,偏好
a tendency to do sth做某事的倾向
E.g. His tendency to exaggerate is well known.
E.g. There’s a growing tendency to try kids as adults.
a tendency for sth…的趋势
E.g. There is a tendency for unemployment to rise in the summer.
skateboard n.滑板
canteen n.食堂,餐厅
sincerely adv.真诚地,诚实地
【词性变化】adj. sincere 真诚的,诚实的
【词性变化】n. sincerity 真诚,真挚
a man of deep sincerity一个非常真诚的人
①v.滑倒;溜走,悄悄地走;陷入,进入(困难或不愉快的处境); slip-slipped-slipped
E.g. I slipped on the ice我在冰上滑倒了。
E.g. The glass just slipped from my grasp.被子从我手里滑落的。
E.g. Just slip out of the room while nobody's looking.没人看的时候赶紧溜出房间。
E.g. She slipped between the cool cotton sheets and was soon asleep. 她钻进凉爽的棉被之间,很快就睡着了。
a slip of paper纸条
E.g. She's made one or two slips.
slip away消失;死去
slip out无意中说出(或泄露)
sth slip one’s mind被遗忘
fence n.栅栏,篱笆
be on the fence持观望态度
E.g. The contest for the leadership of the party was very bitter.
E.g. We will certainly contest any claims made against the safety of our products. 我们当然会对任何针对我们产品安全的主张提出异议。
E.g. The medal is being keenly contested by eight gymnasts.
【词性变化】n. contestant参赛者


