外研版(2019)选择性必修 第一册 Unit1 Laugh out Loud整单元学案设计(含答案)

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外研版(2019)选择性必修 第一册 Unit1 Laugh out Loud整单元学案设计(含答案)


Unit1 Laugh and Loud整单元学案设计
Starting Out&Understanding Ideas学案设计
1.Understand the working responsibilities and significance of a clown doctor;
2.Master the language points by sentence analysis and describe the experiences and feelings by using them;
3.Think deeply about the work of a clown doctor,and form a positive and optimistic attitude towards life.
Step Ⅰ Lead-in
Activity 1 Brainstorm
What do you often do when you are upset
Activity 2 Watch the video and answer the questions
1.What forms of comedy are mentioned in the video
2.Have you ever been to a comedy show Share your experience with the class.
Activity 3 Prediction
1.Where do we often see clowns
2.Look at the title and the pictures and guess what the passage is about.
Now read the passage and check your prediction.
Step Ⅱ While-reading
Task 1 Read for the main idea
Activity 1 Check your prediction and answer the questions
1.What is the text about
2.What is special about the clown’s job
3.What is the genre of the text
Activity 2 Read for the main idea of each paragraph
Read the passage and match the questions to the paragraphs.
□ a Which patient is in need of the clown doctor’s attention and why
□ b What is a clown doctor and why did the author choose to be one
□ c How does the author feel after a day’s work
□ d What are the responsibilities of a clown doctor
□ e How does the clown doctor help the patient
□ f What does this clown doctor wear and what is his working environment like
Task 2 Read for details
Activity 1 Read each paragraph and find out the answers to the questions
Para.1 What does this clown doctor wear and what is his working environment like
Para.2 Which patient is in need of the clown doctor’s attention and why
Para.3 What is a clown doctor and why did the author choose to be one
Para.4 What are the responsibilities of a clown doctor
Para.5 How does the clown doctor help the patient
Para.6 How does the author feel after a day’s work
Activity 2 Organise information from the passage and complete the job advertisement
Employer The Healthy Humour Foundation
Job Clown Doctor (part-time)
·visit hospitals and other 1.           on a weekly basis
·entertain young patients who are feeling 2.           
·cheer up the patients,their families and 3.           
·sing songs,tell stories and jokes,and do 4.           
·help make the hospital 5.            
Send your CV to:healthyhumourfoundation@
Task 3 Language points and translation
1.As I approach the hospital wearing my white coat,I look just like any other doctor.
【翻译】 当我穿着白大褂走向医院的时候,我看起来跟其他医生一样。
【讲解】该句为一个复合句。本句中的as引导时间状语从句,意为“当……时”;wearing my white coat作伴随状语,其逻辑主语为I,两者为主动关系。approach意为“接近,靠近”。approach 还可作名词,意为“方式;路径”,the approach to意为“做某事的方法”。
Thank you for your                   some long-standing problems.
He nodded,                           .
She passed the food on to the porter,                 .
2.Although it’s the doctors and nurses who will treat her injury,it’s my job to make her feel better.
【翻译】 尽管为她治疗伤痛的是医生和护士,但让她的心情变好则是我的工作。
【讲解】it’s the doctors and nurses who will treat her injury是强调句式。强调句式的结构:it+be+被强调部分(主语/宾语/状语)+that/who+句子剩余部分。此结构不能强调谓语动词。
           Ben’s devoted love to his dear friend       pictured an everlasting rainbow in Leo’s world.
                    ,one that belonged to a grown-up boy.
3.Seeing their daughter so much happier has in turn made Lara’s parents more relaxed.
【翻译】 看到女儿破涕为笑,劳拉的父母也松了一口气。
【讲解】Seeing their daughter so much happier是动名词短语作主语。动名词(短语)作主语,当单数用。in turn意为“反过来”,此外,in turn还有“轮流,依次”之意。
(1)Looking on the bright side       (be) the best thing that we can do for ourselves as well as for others.
(2)Chinese New Year is a celebration marking the end of the winter season and the beginning of spring.This is why decorating with plants,fruits and flowers_________(carry) special significance.
(3)Leaving the less important things until tomorrow       (be) often acceptable.
Step Ⅲ Post-reading
Think and share
1.How important do you think clown doctors are Do you want to be one of them
2.What is your understanding of the saying “laughter is the best medicine” Do you agree with it Why
Step Ⅳ Homework
I’m a specially 1.      (train) clown doctor whose job is to cheer up patients,their families and the hospital staff 2.       doing magic tricks,singing songs and telling stories and jokes.I 3.      (choose) this career because I once went to hospital when I was a kid,and I spent much of my time there feeling frightened and more than a little bored.Being a clown doctor 4.__________(mean) I can help people by entertaining them.
On a typical day,5.      (wear) a white coat,my curly rainbow wig and a big red nose,I walk into the waiting room,6.       there is a familiar atmosphere of boredom and tension.There,I spot a little girl called Lara 7.________       ankle has got injured and is twice its normal size.The doctors and nurses are treating her injury.To get her attention,I begin to do a magic trick,which has made her scared and anxious look replaced with loud laughter.Seeing their daughter much happier has in turn made Lara’s parents more 8.      (relax).
I hope clown doctors can help make hospital 9.__________ friendlier place to visit.After all,10.       is really true that “Laughter is the best medicine”.
1.look through the old magazines         
2.rush sb to the hospital         
3.in pain         
4.do a great job         
5.be designed for...        
6.health care facilities         
7.more often than that         
8.do the trick         
9.concentrate on         
10.in turn         
学习目标 目标达成评价等级
Understand the working responsibilities and importance of a clown doctor.
Master the language points by sentence analysis.
Describe the experiences and feelings by using the language points.
Form a positive and optimistic attitude towards life.
Step Ⅰ Lead-in
Activity 1
Students’ own answers.
Activity 2
1.Stage plays with happy endings,comedy acts with clowns,cross-talk,stand-up,sitcom and comedy film.
2.Students’ own answers.
Activity 3
1.We can see clowns in a circus,on a busy street and in an amusement park.
2.Students’ own answers.
Step Ⅱ While-reading
Task 1
Activity 1
1.It is about a clown doctor and his experiences and responsibilities.
2.This clown works in hospitals or other health care facilities.His job is to comfort,entertain and cheer up patients,their families as well as the hospital staff in order to remove their nervousness and make them feel better.
Activity 2
2 3 6 4 5 1
Task 2
Activity 1
Para.1 This clown doctor wears a white coat,a curly rainbow wig,and a big red nose.His working environment is boring and tense.
Para.2 A small girl called Lara is in need of the clown doctor’s attention,because she fell off her bicycle and spent her time crying in pain.
Para.3 A clown doctor is a specially trained clown who works as part of a programme known as “hospital clowning”;the clown doctor helps people (patients) by entertaining them.
The author chose to be a clown doctor because of his frightening and boring experience of going to hospital when he was a kid.
Para.4 A clown doctor visits hospitals and other health care facilities,working together with medical professionals to cheer up patients,their families and the hospital staff.
Para.5 He gets the patient’s attention by doing a magic trick—he produces the patient’s sock from out of his pocket.
Para.6 He is still wearing a big smile as he remembers all the fun and laughter of the day,because he believes that “laughter is the best medicine”.
Activity 2
1.health care facilities 2.nervous,pain or bored 3.the hospital staff 4.magic tricks 5.a friendlier place to visit
Task 3
1.(1)Our holiday is approaching but we still haven’t decided where to go.
(2)smart approach to solving
(3)smiles spreading on his face
(4)apologizing for what she had done before
2.(1)It was;that
(2)It is the teacher’s praise that contributes to my success
(3)It was at this moment that I knew I had made the right decision
3.(1)is (2)carries (3)is
Step Ⅲ Post-reading
Students’ own answers.
Step Ⅳ Homework
一、1.trained 2.by 3.chose 4.means 5.wearing
6.where 7.whose 8.relaxed 9.a 10.It
二、1.浏览旧杂志 2.急忙送某人去医院 3.疼痛 4.尽职尽责 5.为……设计 6.医疗保健机构 7.通常,往往 8.奏效 9.专注 10.轮流
Using Language学案设计
1.Understand the similarities and differences between defining attributive clauses and non-defining attributive clauses,and use non-defining attributive clauses correctly in writing;
2.Pay attention to pragmatic functions and learn to tell humorous stories and make comments in English,and be able to use the expressions in real life;
3.Learn English idioms to express “laughter” and correctly use them in context;
4.Think about how to maintain a healthy and optimistic attitude in difficult situations and have a positive attitude in life.
Step Ⅰ Lead-in
Look at the sentences from the reading passage and answer the questions.
a I walk through the doors into the waiting area,where there’s a familiar atmosphere of boredom and tension.
b ...laughter produces chemicals to make people feel better,which means clown doctors can be helpful.
c I spent much of the time when I was there feeling frightened...
1.What do “where”,“which” and “when” refer to in each sentence
2.Which sentences contain a clause with essential information and which with extra information If you take away the clauses,do the sentences still make sense
3.Which clauses are separated by a comma,the ones with essential information or the ones with extra information
Step Ⅱ Analysis and identification
Activity 1 Look for more sentences with non-defining attributive clauses in the reading passage,and summarise their uses and form a mind map about attributive clauses(Group work)
Activity 2 Read the passage and rewrite the tips using non-defining attributive clauses
Add more tips to the list if you can.
Achieving a positive state of mind isn’t easy for everyone.But there are ways to maintain a healthy mind even during times of difficulty.
1.Go for a walk in the countryside.There you can enjoy the beautiful views and a peaceful atmosphere.
2.Spend time with your family and friends.This will activate chemicals in your brain to make you feel happier.
3.Try to accept your mistakes.You can learn a lot through them.
4.Close your eyes and picture the future.You’ve made your dreams come true.
Activity 3 Complete the joke with the sentence parts in the box using who/which and put commas in the correct position (Work in pairs)
has lost his patience by now
he thinks will impress Holmes
is lying next to him
he finds annoying
One day,Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson go camping.They put up their tent under the stars and go to sleep.Suddenly,in the middle of the night,Watson is woken up by Holmes 1.                  .“Watson,” Holmes says,“look up at the stars,and tell me what they tell you.” Not quite sure what he means,Watson thinks Holmes is joking 2._______________________________                   at this time of night.Even so,he replies,“I see millions of stars and it’s quite likely there are some planets like Earth.And if so,this means that there might also be life on other planets.” Watson is pleased with his answer 3.                  .But Holmes 4.______________________________________ shouts,“Watson,look around you!Use your eyes!Somebody’s stolen our tent!”
Step Ⅲ Listening
Activity 1 Listen and complete the conversations
Why are you grinning from 1.
I’ve won a free cinema ticket.
Cool! What are you going to watch
My Crazy Family.Have you seen it
Yes! I laughed my 2.      .You’ll enjoy it!
I really don’t get Harry.
Why Is he still not talking to you
No.Today,he was all 3.         ...
He asked me to help him with that website of his.
Really What did you say
Well,I said yes.We all deserve a second chance,I guess.
What’s the matter Why the long face
Yesterday,I stepped on a banana
skin and fell over in front of the whole class.
That’s so funny!
I was the 4.       stock of the
class.Even my teacher cracked
5.      !
Activity 2 Match the expressions you have completed in the conversation to their meanings
          :a person that everyone laughs at because they have done something funny or silly
          :to look friendly and happy,especially when other people are not expecting you to
          :to look extremely happy because you are very pleased about something
          :to smile slightly
          :to laugh very loudly and for a long time
Activity 3 Discuss other situations in which you could use these expressions
A:Tom must have passed that really hard test.
B:Why do you think so
A:Because he was grinning from ear to ear yesterday when I met him.
Activity 4 Brainstorm
What do you know about the April Fool’s Day
Read the text to know more about it.
Activity 5 Listen to the radio programme and choose the pictures mentioned
Activity 6 Listen again and complete the notes
Joke 1
Main story:A newsletter reported people going to watch 1.____________________________ at the Tower of London.The joke was played on visitors throughout the 2.            .
Joke 2
Main story:The 4.             introduced an invention called “Smellovision”.It allowed 5.             over the airwaves.
Joke 3
Main story:A news programme told viewers that the spaghetti trees in Switzerland were having 7.            .
Now work in pairs.Discuss which of the practical jokes you think is funny.
Activity 7 Complete the boxes with expressions from the radio programme
Let’s start with...
It’s a good one!
I don’t get it.
That’s so funny!
Now,my favourite one...
I can imagine!
Telling a story Making comments
Step Ⅳ Discussion
Work in pairs.Tell each other a funny story and make comments using the expressions in this section.
Now give feedback on each other’s stories and help your partner to improve theirs.
Step Ⅴ Homework
Fill in the blanks.
1.The GPNP is intended to provide stronger protection for all the species       live within the Giant Panda Range and significantly improve the health of the ecosystem in the area.
2. On the 1,100-kilometer journey,the man Cao Shengkang,       lost his eyesight at the age of eight in a car accident,crossed 40 cities and counties in three provinces.
3.Kim Cobb,a professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta,is one of a small but growing minority of academics       are cutting back on their air travel because of climate change.
4.I decided that if I learned of a company       used a lot of plastic,I’d send it an email urging it to cut back.
5.BMI is an internationally recognized measurement tool       gives an indication of whether someone is a healthy weight.
6.Because the moon’s body blocks direct radio communication with a probe,China first had to put a satellite in orbit above the moon in a spot       it could send signals to the spacecraft and to Earth.
7.In ancient China lived an artist       paintings were almost lifelike.
8.Now Irene Astbury works from 9 am to 5 pm daily at the pet shop in Macclesfield,      she opened with her late husband Les.
9.The students benefiting most from college are those       are totally engaged (参与) in academic life,taking full advantage of the college’s chances and resources(资源).
10.Two of the authors of the review also made a study published in 2014       showed a mere five to 10 minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all causes.
11.The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture finds that between 2005—when the government started a soil-testing program       gives specific fertilizer recommendations to farmers—and 2011,fertilizer use dropped by 7.7 million tons.
12.Many westerners       come to China cook much less than in their own countries once they realize how cheap it can be to eat out.
13.Having enough fat and salt in your meals will reduce the urge to snack(吃点心) between meals and will improve the taste of your food.Like anything,it is possible to have too much of both,       is not good for the health.
14.But Sarah,      has taken part in shows along with top models,wants to prove that she has brains as well as beauty.
15.But my connection with pandas goes back to my days on a TV show in the mid-1980s,       I was the first Western TV reporter permitted to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild.
16.Some people think that the great Chinese scholar Confucius,       lived from roughly 551 to 479 BCE,influenced the development of chopsticks.
17.I’d skipped nearby Guilin,a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River       are pictured by artists in so many Chinese paintings.
评价项目 自我评价 教师评价
能够区分限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句 □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement
能够在真实语境中正确使用非限制性定语从句 □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement
了解与“笑”有关的表达,能够运用新学语言知识进行对话交流,联系自身实际,谈论幽默趣事 □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement
能够通过听力活动,正确获取主旨大意和详细信息 □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement
能够通过听力学习活动,学会如何“讲故事”和“发表评论” □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement
能够理解同伴的观点并给予恰当的评论 □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement
Step Ⅰ Lead-in
1.In sentence (a) “where” refers to “the waiting area”;
In sentence (b) “which” refers to “...laughter produces chemicals to make people feel better”;
In sentence (c) “when” refers to “the time”.
2.Sentence (c) contains a clause with essential information,sentences (a) and (b) contain clauses with extra information.If we take away the clause of sentence (c),the meaning of it is incomplete.If we take away the clauses of sentences (a) and (b),the two sentences still make sense.
3.Sentences (a) and (b) with extra information are separated by commas.
Step Ⅱ Analysis and identification
Activity 1
Students’ own answers.
Activity 2
1.Go for a walk in the countryside,where you can enjoy the beautiful views and a peaceful atmosphere.
2.Spend time with your family and friends,which will activate chemicals in your brain to make you feel happier.
3.Try to accept your mistakes,where/through which you can learn a lot.
4.Close your eyes and picture the future,where you’ve made your dreams come true.
Activity 3
1.,who is lying next to him
2.,which he finds annoying
3.,which he thinks will impress Holmes
4.,who has lost his patience by now
Step Ⅲ Listening
Activity 1
1.ear to ear 2.head off 3.smiles 4.laughing 5.a smile
Activity 2
laughing stock;be all smiles;grin from ear to ear;crack a smile;laugh one’s head off
Activity 3
Students’ own answers.
Activity 4
It is on April 1st.People can play jokes on each other.
Activity 5
a c d
Activity 6
1.“the washing of the lions”
2.18th and 19th centuries
4.BBC News Channel
5.smells to be carried
7.a really good harvest
Activity 7
Telling a story Making comments
Let’s start with... Now,my favourite one... It’s a good one! I don’t get it. That’s so funny! I can imagine!
Step Ⅳ Discussion
Students’ own answers.
Step Ⅴ Homework
1.that 2.who 3.that/who 4.that/which 5.which/that 6.where 7.whose 8.which 9.who/that 10.that/which 11.that/which 12.who/that 13.which 14.who 15.when 16.who 17.that/which
Developing Ideas学案设计
1.Analyse the structure of the text and understand the importance of humour;
2.Analyse the cases of Mark Twain’s and Lin Yutang’s humorous ways in their works and life and learn their wisdom of tackling problems in life;
3.Appreciate the two masters’ open-minded outlook towards life and form a positive and healthy attitude towards life.
Step Ⅰ Lead-in
Activity 1 Look at the pictures and answer the questions
Have you ever read these two books Who are the authors of the two books
Activity 2 Read the short introductions to Mark Twain and Lin Yutang and share what else you know about them
 Mark Twain (1835—1910) was an American writer,humorist,lecturer and adventurer,who acquired international fame for his travel narratives,in particular The Innocents Abroad,and for his adventure stories of boyhood,such as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.He is regarded as one of North America’s best and most beloved writers due to his wit and satire.
 Lin Yutang (1895—1976) was a Chinese writer,translator,linguist,philosopher and inventor.His informal but sophisticated style of writing,in both Chinese and English,made him one of the most influential writers of his generation.His most famous works include My Country and My People and The Importance of Living.He’s also known as a wise and witty populariser of Chinese philosophy and the Chinese way of life.
Activity 3 Look at the title of the passage and predict what it is about and share with us how you will develop the text
Now,let’s check your prediction and see how the author develops the text.
Step Ⅱ While-reading
Task 1 Read for the structure
1.What is the text type
2.Divide the passage into 3 parts.
The Importance
of Humour
Task 2 Read for details
Activity 1 Read para.1 and answer the question
Why is humour an essential part of human behaviour for thousands of years

Activity 2 Read paras.2-4 and complete the information about the two writers
Mark Twain
Remembered for:ability to
1.         with more 2.         
Writing style:
Also well known for his witty remarks
Lin Yutang
Famous for his unique brand of humour
Quick wit helped make him famous as
Activity 3 Think and share
1.What’s Mark Twain and Lin’s attitude towards humour
2.Why is Lin Yutang’s joke about the man and wild animals funny
3.What’s the punch line in the joke about Mark Twain
Activity 4 Read para.5 and fill in the blanks
Humour is a       and a tool that can be used to             .
Activity 5 Think and share
Do you agree with Mark Twain’s remark on humour at the end of the passage Give your reasons.                 
Step Ⅲ Post-reading
Think and share
1.Do you think humour is important How can a sense of humour help you in your daily life
2.How can you develop a sense of humour
Step Ⅳ Homework
学习目标 目标达成评价等级
Analyse the structure of the text and understand the importance of humour.
Analyse the cases of Mark Twain’s and Lin Yutang’s humorous ways in their works and life and learn their wisdom of tackling problems in life.
Appreciate the two masters’ open-minded outlook towards life and form a positive and healthy attitude towards life.
Step Ⅰ Lead-in
Activity 1
Yes,I have.They are Lin Yutang and Mark Twain.
Activity 2
Students’ own answers.
Activity 3
The Importance of Humour,mainly talks about the importance.
I may use some examples...
Step Ⅱ While-reading
Task 1
2.1;importance/function;2-4;Examples/Two world masters of humour;5
Task 2
Activity 1
Because humour could not only entertain but also throw new light on sensitive or emotive issues.
Activity 2
1.combine humour 2.serious messages 3.funny and often mischievous 4.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
5.“That’s just my luck.I always have to stand when that fellow lectures!”
6.He borrowed “youmo” from Ancient Chinese as the translation for the English word “humour”.
7.a master of humour
8.He told a story about a cruel Roman emperor who tried to feed a man to wild animals during the dinner at a university.
Activity 3
1.Mark Twain and Lin’s attitude towards humour is positive/favourable.And they practised what they preached.
2.Because with the little joke,Lin was able to make people laugh,while gently telling off the president.The sentence “I told them they had to make a speech after eating me for dinner.” is a punch line.
3.“That’s just my luck.I always have to stand when that fellow lectures!”
Activity 4
way of life;illuminate the world
Activity 5
Yes,I do agree with Mark Twain’s remark,because without humour,life is boring/because humour can help us feel good and save us from embarrassment...
No,I don’t agree with Mark Twain’s remark because sometimes the improper humour makes people embarrassed...
Step Ⅲ Post-reading
1.Yes,I do.Humour makes our life more enjoyable and meaningful.
Humour is the best way to relieve stress and reduce negative emotions.
Humour makes our relationship better.
Humour helps us to adapt to the environment better.
Humour helps to deal with the problem in a better way...
2.Learn to observe and appreciate things happening in our life;see some humorous movies;read interesting stories;share jokes with our friends;be together with people who have a sense of humour;know about the different culture;use body language.
Step Ⅳ Homework
Students’ own answers.
Presenting Ideas学案设计
1.Know something about the stand-up comedy and learn to appreciate it;
2.Master some techniques of telling jokes and try to create and perform a stand-up comedy;
3.Learn to cooperate with others and form a humorous way of solving problems in life.
Step Ⅰ Lead-in
Activity 1 Look at the pictures and answer the questions
1.What do you know about these people
2.What do you think of their performances
Activity 2 Work in groups
Think about the stand-up comedy acts you have seen and answer the questions.
1.What were the main topics of these acts
2.How many people were there on the stage
3.Were any props used
4.How did they make the audience laugh
Step Ⅱ Think and exploration
Activity 1 Enjoy the jokes and explore the secrets of jokes (Group discussion)
1.You have two brains.Your left brain has nothing right and your right brain has nothing left.
2.Q:Why is 88 better than 69
A:Because you get ate twice.
3.Q:Why did the married man sell his complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica
A:He didn’t need them any longer—his wife knows everything.
4.Q:What do lawyers do when they die
A:Lie still.
Activity 2 Prepare your own comedy act
Consider the following:
Activity 3 Write the script for your act and complete the table
Add useful expressions and structures you can think of.
Main body
Activity 4 Group discussion
Choose a group member to be a stand-up comedian and help them to perform the comedy act you have written.Think of actions or props to include.
Step Ⅲ Presentation
Perform in front of the whole class and vote for the best act.
Step Ⅳ Reflection
Write a reflection after completing this unit.Consider the following:
Degree Script Presentation Interesting (Laugh) Score
Step Ⅰ Lead-in
Activity 1
1.They are the stars of stand-up comedies.
2.They often speak to the reality of today’s society.They make us laugh,but also make us be conscious of or rethink about some issues.
Their humour and even self-mockery give us a quick laugh to let off some stress in the fast-paced life.But this entertainment genre “encourages youngsters to make peace with life through humour”.
Activity 2
1.Using language to reveal social reality.
4.By their humorous words.
Step Ⅱ Think and exploration
Activity 1
1.polysemy 一词多义 2.homophonic pun 谐音双关
3.use the slot 利用槽点 4.pun 双关
Activity 3
Students’ own answers.


