
  1. 二一教育资源



吟三中 2024-,025学 年度上学期高一学年
12月 月考 典傷 式巻
注意事項 :
1.答巻前,考生勢必1各 自己的姓名、准考江号填写在答題十上。
2.回答逸拝題吋,逸出毎小題答案后,用措篭把答題十上対立趣目的答案林号泳黒 .
如需改劫,用橡皮擦干浄后,再逸泳其他答実17JN号 。回答1卜逸掻題吋,格答案写在答題
3 考拭第東后,落本武巻和答題ホ ‐井交回。
第一部分 瞬力 (共両市,満分 30分 )
倣題吋,先杵答案禄在拭巻 L。 最音内容結東后,体為有両分仲的吋同1宅 武巻上的
第一市 (共 5小題;毎小題 1.5分 ,満分 7.5分 )
折下面 5段対活。毎段対活后有一今小題,状題中姶出的 A、 B、 C三今逸項中逸出
最佳逸項。瞬完毎段対活后,竹1都有 10秒仲的吋同回答有夫小題和颯減下一小題。毎段
例:How much is the shirt
A_ 1915 B. 9 1S c. 9.15
答案是 Cc
l NVllcrc cloes thc cOnversation prObably takc placc
A In agym. 3.At school c At holllc
2 NVhat arc trlc speakcrs l■ ai:〕 ly talking about
A,A rcstaul ant. B A ro6ol. c A calllcra.
3 Why Jdtle nlan。 。mc to Bcling
,へ .「6 visit Bcting Univcrsiり
B.To study as an intcrnational studcllt
C ]b illtrodじ ce an edllcati01lal prograln.
4.NVhatis tケ Ic probablc relatiorisllip bct、 vccn thc t、 vo spcakcrs
A.Doctoll and paticnt. B.Fathcr and daughtclヽ C 3oss and cnlployec.
5.How did the wolllan return■ om thc trip
A.By car. B By train. c By planc.
第二市 (共 15小題;毎小題 1.5分 ,満分 22.5分 )
野下面 5段対活或独自。毎段対活或独自后有 IL今小題,次題中所姶的 A、 B、 C三
今逸項中逸出最佳逸項。り「毎段対活或独自前,体格有吋同同演各今小題,毎小題 5秒
神:折完后,各 」ヽ題1宅姶出 5秒仲的作答吋同。毎段対i舌或独自浅両遍。
晴第 6段材料,国答第 6至 7題 。
高一英選 第 1頁 共 11頁
6.1lo、 v mllch did Ben raisc ill total
A.S200. B s600. c s800.
7 Vヽhy did Bcn c011cct F10ncy
A.To pl ovidc hclp for animals.
3 1b supply foOd tO tlle holllcless.
C.To donate ittO thc school nc、 vspapcr.
叶第 7段材 料 ,国答第 8至 10題 。
8 Ho、v long did thc、 volma穐 's prcscntation iast
A.1 0 Jnintltcs. B.20 ininiutcs C.30 rninutcs.
9.ヽVhat、vas thc海 lall's last suggcstion tO the Lvolnan
A To change thc ordcr ofthc data.
B 「Fo o就tr cOpics ol‐ tlle slides.
C.1‐o rcdtice thc delivcry spCcd.
10 Ho、v did thc、vOlltan probably loOk during thc prcsclltatioll
A.Calrli. B Excitcd c NcA′ Ous.
1斤第 8段 1材料,回答第 H至 13題 。
11 マVhat、 vili the、 vO■ nan do in thc lullcll ciub
A.Cook thc nleals
B ⅣIakc an appointmcnt.
C Help with transport
121ヽ′ilen、vill the、 vO■lan take Mrs(〕 lara to scc a doctor
A Nextlbcsday. B,Ncxt Thtlrsday. c.Next Friday.
13 Wilat wili thc、 vonlan do forl /1r Paul■ cxt Friday
A Dccoratc his kitchcn. B Vヽccd llis gardell. c.~ love llousc.
l~第 9段材料,iOl答第 14至 16趣 。
14 ヽヽ「ltat's thc wollian doing
A.IIosting a prOgralll. B Attcndiiig a nlecting 《].11ltrodllcing iistcncrs.
15 What'sthc man's problelil
A.=icう s got a cold. B.IIe=s brOkcn his ankle c Hc's got a hcadache.
16 What docsthc mantsjob probabけ involVeつ
A.Handlin3 onlinc c011lPiaintS
3.Rcpairing tlle colllputcr scrccns.
C Booking holidays lo子 pcOplc.
折第 10段材料 ,回答第 17至 20題 。
17 Why did νlilton travcl ovcr 3000 milcs
A,To nlove to Califorrlia.
3.lb reunitc with hisね ntily.
C To do an intcⅣ ic、v in the studio.
高 英鷲 第 2りて,t il りt
18.ヽVhat happcncd on Nlonday
A.Sontc cars、 vere stolcn.
B The Jolansonね nlily ca‖ ed 911.
C A roller coastcr stoppcd working、
19 Vヽherc is Six Flags thcllle park locatcd
A,In Ncw York B In Union Ciy c ln Orangc County
20 Vヽ″hat wili[he vicwcrs scc l rst a■ erthc nc、 vs
A An intcⅣ icw. B.A talk show. C.An advertiscment.
第二部分 園滅理解 (共再市,満分 50分 )
第一市 (共 15小題3毎小題 2.5分 ,沸分 37.5分 )
尚故下列短文,状毎題所治的四′卜逃項 (A、 B、 C tt D)中 ,逸出最佳i土項c
Vbiuntecr Zambia is a uniquc intcrnational sport progranl■ lc rula by thc Wallacc Group― 一a
cooperation bct、 vccn icading UK“ sport'l univcrsitics― ― to printarily support and、 vork、vith the
ldadillg Zanlbia1l spo■ t Non―Govcmmcnta1 0rganizajon,Spo● itt Action Tllc prQlcct iS
C01魂 11littcd to thc sustaillable practice ofbotll spol■ and illtcrnational dcvclopnncl‐ t.
Evctt year lDurhalnln Universi,sendS Studcnts out to Zanlbia貴 )r8wecks between June and
Scptcmbc■ ζヽoluntccrs 、vork 、vitil Zambian voluntcci coacltcs to delivcr sustair〕 ablc spoll
opporilnities for youllg peoplc in thcir cOl1ltllunity,particularly、 vomcn and giris.
The roles inciude:
一 botball Dcvelopmcnt Otticcr
一 Lskctball IDcvclopment OTficcr
―一 1ヽ=dia,障 rarketing and COilll1luniCations Ofliccr
――Entcrprisc Dcvclopnncllt(Diiccr
Plcasc cttall georgia m donohue(adurhal1l ac uk or coml■ unity cngagcmcntこ ″』 /′ /2α″′′ε″々
fbr mol ξ illiol llnation about anv ofthc rolcs
VVhell can l opply
/ヽpplications typicaHy opcn Septembcr/(Dctobcr for thc fo‖ o、ving year's travcl Find us at
会 cshcrsねir,olcmぷ lソθノ″,た ′″らわ」7rt1/7/″力θ″ασ″たif)'ou arc inttrestd in apメ ying.
Applications closc: 25th Novembcr 2024ね r spolt dcvclopnlcnt and 21st Decc131ber 2024
br busincss cntcttrise.28th lヽ ovc■lbcr for l1lcdia,markcting and coll11■ unications.
Interested in fundraising For Sport ill Action
In addilon to bcing an active inenlbcr Ofthcヽ 石oluntccr Zalllbia PrtliCCt,Durhanl LIn市 crsiv
is dcvotcd to ttndraising for Sport in Action Zalllbia Evc壇 /year Tcalll Dllrhanl cillbs contributc
to raising ovcr f 10 00oお r it if yOu are intcrcsted in hosting tl fllη draising event ifor Sport in
Action,メ casC Cmail ψθ′ ′′″θ ″わた7●出′7 力θtt ασ夕たto ttnd out how vou can do this
「1 英i吾 第 3 りて共 1]J(
21. What is an arm of Volunteer Zambia
A. To erpand the Wallace Group.
B. To adverrise UK "sport" universities.
C. pron:ote Zantbian spori cievelopment"
D. To sponsor the youth of Durham IJniversity.
22. When can you submit your applicaticn for the role of Basketbail Developrnent Offrcer
A.l\iov. 21,2024 B. Nor," 28,202,+. C. Dec. 2i,2A24 D.l)ec. 25,2024.
23. Which email account can y,ou tul"n to for the fundraising irrf'crrn:ation
A.',, olmtt e e rz ro, U, o. riutQ durharu ac. u k B gθθばFα /77あηθ力″θc励″力α″,αε″々
C . s p ctr t i nac t i on. z um h i a'ii., du r li aru. ac. uk D.ごο″7″ ,夕″Jヶα,設亀θ″ θ″′0ゴ″7 77′″ た
/ヽ lliother,Carrie Cort,51,from Sussex,and her ninc‐ ycar_old son havc been nailned thc
L‐ 1く 's nlost envirollnlelltaily ■icrldly ぬ■lily a■ cr、vinning an a、 vald fOr their enviroll■lental
Now cvcw aspCCt Of hcr liた is environmcη tally tticndly,11 om hcr son Adam's birthday
pal‐ tics to her clothing, and she recycles cvcヮ thing front enlPサ pCns to ■11lk bottic tops.

Changing oLlr ianllly I:fcs弩 /1C tO green has savcd us al Oulld f ll,000 evcv yCar,■ vhich llas
gi、 t‐n usl■ ore flnancial stabiliり ,''Carrie says t(Livillg grcen has nlade us hcaithicr attcI I fcci
)ounger■ ow. It is Ft11l sCCilig、 vhat you can lliakc、 vitll un、vantcd Or broken things. Gro、ving
}Our O` 1′ 11 100d is grcat excrcise,goOd lor wild:ifc,and theお od is nluch inorc nutritious and


/ヽfy conccrn for thc 、va)=、ve humalns arc treating thc planet、 vas really、vOkcn up、 vhcll
へd3111、vas born.刊Vhcn he arivcd.I suddenlv had this huge,grcatcr a、 varencss of tllc killd Of
planct、 vc'rc bringing our childrcn into tho3gh i lcarnt something about it ill university."SIlc
bcgan goilig to talks,rcadillg books,、 vatching docunlcntarics alld attending greeln nlcetings in
ordcr to educatc herselfin the dctails ofgrccn living
Carric sct up tllc local campaign grOup Sussex Grccn l,ivillg six ycars a■ cr hcr s011's bitth
Later.she gave up llcr high‐ powcrcd jo5,as shc ra■ a vidco cOmparly with hcr brotiler,to do
her iOb力 11-tinlo.Today,sh0 0rganizcs talks and wOrkshOps Shc runs a rcpair cafeぅ whcrc
pcoplc can bl ing cve7thillg tO bc ttxed. IIIcr rccycling prOgrain hclps people reusc、 vastes
Toothpastc tubcs〕 for exttilplC,ヽ vhich Carric sends to thc Philippincs,arc turncd into purscs by
an organiza[:on “Ivly goal is to inspirc nlorc peopic tO lcad grccttcr, l1lore cnvironlalcntaHy
n iendly livcs, to enablc us tO livc in grcater llarinony 、vith naturc, no、 v and fOr futurc
organizations l achieve this tlsing variolls Susscx Grccn Livillg comnlllnication programs alid
、vorking、vith othcr organizations、vho havc the salllc goals and valllcs.` '
24.IHow docs Carricた cl about her cnvironlllentally■ icndly liた sサlC
A. Unr.vanted. B. tlnheaithy. C. Expensive. D. Economical.
25.Whcn did Carric bcgin to fOrnl hcr cnvirOnlllcntally,iendly liftnsサ lc
高 一英Fi 第 4り〔りt ll 史
A Aicr winning an award.
BA■ er giving bilth to hcr son
C After being stuck in povcrty.
D.Aic'attcnding green nlcetings.
26ヽVhat can wc kno、 v about Carric
A.Shc madc good prcparations fOr livilig green
B She recyclcd、 vhat pcople ignorcd for亀 11.
C.Shc docs daily tfxcrcisc by gro、 virig food.
D.Shc nlaiorCd in planct protectiOn in univcrsity.
27 Vヽhat docs Carrie rclv On to lllakc hcr achievements
A.IIei rcpair ca■ and workshOps.
B.Tlcf own programs and othcrs'wOrk
C Hcr wcll¨paid iOb and hei brOthcr's support
D.[lcr indcpcndcncc Oflcalizing hcr grccn drcar〕 1.
Eating a traditional Icditじ 1 rancan-7pC diCt―‐―rich in ねods sucll as scafood, 金uit, and

nu"nlay help rcduce theだ sk of demen五 a(痴 呆 )by JmOSt a quarter,a ncw stじ dy has
Experts at lヽ c、vcastic t」 nivcrsity(bund that individuals who ate a Mcditcrrancail-likc dicl
had ulD to 2300 1o、 vcr risk lor dementia than thosc、 vllo tlid nct l`his research,publishcd today
in thcjourndも資 I」Zgttε′η
`,k onc ofthe biggest studics ofits kind.
Scterltists analy7cd data frolΥ 1 60,298 individllais i onn thc UK I〕 iobank, incilldi1lg
individuals from across thc Uふ 【,、vhO iiact completcd a dietaF「 asscssr:lCllt Thc authors scored
illdi、 ′irluali bascd oil 110、 v c10scly their dict matchcd thc kcy f3aturcs of aヽ Ieditcrrancan onc
l`he participants、 vcrc t)1lo、vcd for alnlost a dccade,durittg、 Thich tinle tilcrc v/crc 882 cases of
dctη clltia. ‐
Tllc allthors considercd cach indi、 idllal's gcnetic risk for dcnlcntia by cstinlating、 vhat is
known as thcir polygcllic(多 基 因 的)Ask一 a measurc of Jl the dittrert gcrles that are rclated

to thc risk of dcl1lcntia. 「 hey fbulld that tllcrc、 vcrc silllilar associatiOl〕 S bct、、
:ecn stickittg to
Mediterrancan diet and denlcnia risk iη :漱 dividuals with highcr and 16● er genctic Ⅲζkおl his
cotldition, 、vhich■lay ilndicatc that cvein for thosc、 vith a highcr gcnctic risk, having a bcttcr
dict could rcdllcc thc likclihood of dcvcloping thc condition.
Dr.Janice Ranson,jol■ t lcad author ott thc papcr,said,“ Dcmcntia impacts thc livё s of
lllillions of individuals thl ou81loじ t tllc、vorld,arld thcre are currcntiy lirllited optiolls flor treating
this condition.(Dur stじd, sho、 vs a 〕vicditelTancall dict that has a high intakc ()f ilcalthy
plant… bascdヽ ods nlay bc li31poltant for futllrc strategies to rcducc dcnlentia risk Foll exanlplc,
thc dclttentia prcvcntion cfbrts could go bcyottd gcneral hcalthy dict advicc and locus on
choosing spccinc f。 。ds and nutrients.''
I千 英iギ: 第 5r〔 共 ロ リ〔
The auth9rs Cau憲 on that their analysis is limitcd tO individuュ is WhO,CIf―repO費ed thcir
ethnic background as white:British Or lrish,as genctic data Ⅵ7as OFily aVailablc bascd on
Europcan coulltics,and that funher rescarch is necded in a l ange of populations t6 dё terlllinc

thc 13otё ntial bellcttt.
28. 商`′hat did scientists dO durilig thc stlldy
A.Thcy scorcd the Mediterranean dict.
B.Tllcy trackcd thc panicipants'healtili
C.Thcy collccted data from 60,298 fh薇 1lies
D.Tllcy selccted 882 p6tcntial delaiё hia cases.
29.Whatcan weinた r aboutthe Mlai品 ancatt dict iOm paragraph 4
A.Its cttcct is c10scly rclated tO the polygenic risk.
B It incrcascs ollCう S chancc Of dcve10ping dcmentia
C.It cali rcducc dclllelltia risk regardlcss Of rllle's genctic risk.
D It can providc protection against variotls gcnctic discascs.
30.VvThat tll e Dr ranicc Ranson's、 vOrdS inainly abOut
A.Values of the studv. il. Features of tire study.
C. Elenrents of a healthv dier. D. Ways to deal with dementia.
31.Bアhat will fbrTher rcsearch inost probably focus oli
A`Applying thc indilngs to thc frcatllicllt ofdcnientia.
B.Involving patticipants Ofdivcrse raccs and natiorlalitics.
C Studying thc ratc of dcmentia、 vithin diRtrent agc grOups.
D.DiscOvering thc lllethods fbr inaking thc Mcditcrancan dict.
A tcam in NoAvay reccntly conductcd in… dcpth rcscarch on writillg by hand and typing on
a keyboard.
Thc tcant invitcd 36 university studcnis、 vhO llad to cither、 vritc or typc lvords displayed
on a scrccn.Thc study palticipants uscd a digital pcrl tO、 Titc in cursivc(1事 二
~ → )on a
touchscrcen,and they used olle nnger on a kcyboard to typc.The rescarchcrs uscd a spccial cap
、vitl1 256 scnsors.This cap、 vas、vorrl by tlic studcnts,alld their brain activity、 vas l ccordedお r
ivc secOnds cach time thcy werc askcd to writc Orッ pc.
:=uFc shOw tllat whcn writing by hand,brain conneci宙
サ pattC晶 S arcね r mOrc cOlinplcx
than whcn″pCWritillg on a kcybOard,''3ayζ PrOた ssor Audrcy van der ⅣIccr,thc team leader.
`(Such widcsprcad brai』 conncctivity is k■ 0、vn tO bc important for inemo理 メforlllation and for
cncoding(縮 偶 )new inね rlllaion and,thcreお rc,is bencicial fO,leaming。 ''Thc rescarchcrs
Jso nOtc that cvcn though thc paraOipants us,d digitJ pcns ftir writing in the stlldy,tlley
belicve thc nrldillgSヽ vould bc silllilallifthc participants uscd an ink pen and papё
“We'vc shO、 vn that tllc di壼しrcnccs in braill activity arc reiatcd tO thc carcnll fOrllling of
the lettcrs、 vhcn、vriting by hand、 vllllc rllaking inOrc usc Of thc scnscs sincc it's the inovcrncnt
高一英景 第 6頁 共 11頁
ofthc rll℃ ers“ icd out when fofming lettcrs that promotcS braitt connectiviけ ぅヽwiting in print
also has silnil「ar benefits for lcanling as.culsive、 vritingノ 'Audrey adds.``This also explains、 vhy
children 、vho havc icmcd to vヽrite ar.d rcad on a tablct can havc difnculサ distinguishing
t fbit、 vith
bct、vecn letters that are mil■ or irlnages of each other,sllch as`b'and id',Thcy havenつ
their bodics、 vhat it feels like to producc those letters."
Considering hand、 vrittcn rlotc―taking is bccollling icss cona:沿 On in cducational sctings,thc
rescarcllers advocatc tior lnore oppo■ unitics ior sttdents to writC by hand. “Thcrc's some
cvidcnce that smdents lcattn inore and rclllembcr bcttcr、 vhen tak/ing hand、 vritcn lectlFC nOtCs,
whnc using a compl■ er witt a kcyboard may be llnorc pragmaic(努 実的)whcn、ごiting a long
text or ess可 ぅ''Audrey conciudes.
32. What、vas thc special cap uscd to do
A Ⅳieasurc thc palticipantS'brain activity.
B.Evaluatc thc p劉■icipants'writing swics_
C.Tcll the participttts whcn to、 lTite orサ pc.
D.Record thc timc the participalts uscd to wlite.
33.VVhich aspcct ofthc study dces paragraph 3 focus on
A. Its back-grounds. B.'its equlpment.
C, Its outcomes. D. Its process.
34. What plays the key role in strengthening brain ccnnectivifl
A. Writing letters carefully by hand.
B. Forming the habit of iaking notes.
C. Recognizing letters' mirror images.
D. Lea:-ning lo praciice cursive writing.
35. What is AuCrey's afiif,rtde lowards handrt'ritten noie-iaking
A.C壺tical. B.Tol釘観 t. C.Ambiguous D.Approving
第二市 (共 5小題:毎小題 2.5分 ,満分 12.5分 )
In a world iat o■ en fecls ist‐ paccd ttd rcstrained to routincs,trle desireお r van(房 牟)
liic and mcbile living has captllred tte heans of many seeking an altcrnativc liた style`
36 Fromぬ c freedom to cxplorc ncw horizons to bstering a n」 nimalist lllindsct(板 筒
主 文心恣),hel'C are somc cngaging advantagcs ofcmbracing van li■ .
Liberation from PIaterialism
The li■litcd space of a van encoldragcs a■ linilllalist litsぃ ′le,、vhcre cxpcricnces are valued
Ovcr possessions. 37___ヽ「ヽith lllininal illonthly cxpcnscs, such as parking fces arid iel
oosts,Van dwellers can dⅣ ote resourccs to ettertences rather than higll r"l or housc
Exploratioll and Flexibility
高一英悟 第 7頁 共 11頁
Thc abiliサ tO f01low advenmrc wherevcr it takcs yOu is onc ofthc most amazing aspects
ofliving in a van.You call choosc tO wakc llp at da、 vη ovCr thC Occan onc day and Jind yolLrsclf
in a forcsted mountainside the next.ChoOsing lifc in a var frequently inv01ves bcing c10se tO
thc otltdoors su■ oundcd by thc bcau奄「ofnaturc. 38
ⅣIinil■ 21 Ecological Footprint
_」9__They adopt sdar paneL and cmdcnt water systems,九 nher面ltimttitt th由
illlpact on the environment.Pcopic、 vho choosc to live in mobile honies believe thal cventllally,
メ01J Warrnhg and cxtrcmc wctthcr mittt bring創 l cnd lo scdcntav(定 居的)li宙 ng pattcrns.
ThFough thc opcn road,thc beauち √ofnaturc,and the lヤ icndshp of fel10、 v advcll仙 FerS,Van
lii provides a uniquc Ncnue for etiching the humm experience.__40__
A.Itis thrilling to travcl tlle wOrld.
B,Ⅳ[any van lircrs tcnd to go greeri.
C.Livirtg in a van call onen be more cost― cttcctive,
ID.Bcttcr yet,it o ёrs a way to reconnect with icd li■
E.They'1l ind a serlse of■ ccdolll ofC01lsセIlt exp10ration.
F.The namral、 vOrid becomcs an csscntial part Ofyoul'daily lifё
G.■lc concept ofvan li■ o ёrs bcicits beyondiust a change ofscene7.
第二部分 選吉透用 (共三市,満分 45分 )
第一市 完型填空 (共 15小題;毎小題 1分,満分 15分 )
開政下面短文,状毎題所鈴的A、 B、 C tt D四 今逸項中逸出可以填入空自赴的最
One day, hurdreds of people were stuck in traffic on the highway in below-freezing
temperatures due to a sno'i.vstorm. With the conditions making it 41 for reseue rvorkers
to hclp,Inany、 vcre trapped ovcrnight、 vith no access to 42 .
But onc stuck drivcr fOund a___43__spot in thc dcspair.As shc was sitting in hcr car
ittng thc_二 44__」 Cascy Holihan and hcr husbttd,Jchn Noc,__45__a brcad trllck just
ahead Ofthem in thcjam.Willing to"/just abO■ any血1■g,島ey caHcd The customcl scⅣ icc
number listed on tt back oftlhe truck ttd left a_二 46__beggingね F thC driver to open lle
back alld__二 47__bread to thc hungv pasSCngcFS arOund icm.It was a last‐ ditch(孤 注 一 榔
的 )cffo■ ,and thc couplc wasn't vc7__二48__about gctting a responsc.But to thcir
_49__3 they soon received a phone cali from the colllpany's owner,Chuck Patcrakis,with
thc nc、vs that hc、vas 50 thc truck's drivcr to open up a_Fld paSs out loaves of brcad from
his cargo.OvcljOycd by the news,H01ihan and Noc__51__tlle Fuck's drivcr to bring
l■uch‐rlccdcd things tO thc cars fround thcnl.
Thc simple loavcs of bread、 verc surely a ray of__ 52___in an impossibly disturbirlg
sittlation.Grateilly,Hollhan herself calis it“ One of the 53 morllents"she's ever
witnesscd.This cornpany could have l■ adc a(n) 54 ■om thc bread butinstead chose to
高一英語 第 8天 りそ11頁
help the pcoplc arOund thcm.That is just sO incrcdiblc that sOnloone chose 55 0ver
pront,cspecially in a situation、vhcre pccplc、 verc so dcsperate.
41.A.strcsstill B.e orticss c.practical D.difflcり It
42. A watcr B.1lcccssitics c brcad D.biankets
43.A spccial B.fhmiliar c.bright D.strangc
44.A.least B.bcst c.most D.worsI
45. A spottcd B rcalizcd c,starcd D kncw
46.A.numbcr 3.lllcSSagc c.lctter D.cluc
47 A.givc in B.cut llp c.givc out D cutdo、 Ⅳn
48.A,upset B.Optinlistic c.cxcitcd D.anxious
49,A relicf B_rcgret c.su璃 〕risc D crcdit
50. A.enabling B.、 varning C.bcgging D.instl■ cting
Si. A.kept up with B.tcalncd up、 vith c.■let up、vith D putup、vith
52.A.1lope B.truth c inspilation D.ね
53.A.hardcst B.bravcst c.kindest D.fl iendlicst
54. A pront B ditttrcnce c.living D.contribution
55 A.wcIね re B.亀 me c ali7ard D.hu31ani、
第二市 単句活法填空 (共 lo小趣;毎小題 1.5分 ,溝分 15分 )
錮浅下面句子,在空白た填入 1↑這当的単i可 或括号内単河的正碗形式。
56 Thc custOm… madc dining table,____―
― ――( CasUrc)2 rliCters,in thcir dining loom is―
clcganily designcd.
57. Rcccntly,、 vc havc cncotl■ tcrcd scvcral cascs______―
―一―thc sonwarξ 食ゴlcd lo「 clfbrm as
cx13ectcd utider ccrtain co■ ditiOns.
58 Thc lbntily gathcrcd fOr rainion last、 veek,thrcc Of_____―
― ―had travcicd iOn3 across the―
C0111lt(y tO attelld.
vcrc buili by thc 10cal Zhl■ arig and Yao pcoplc,______一 i`L°nl Guangxi
".Tllcse tcraces、
ls home.
60.Talling breaks durittg work 110uls can bc
…______(bCncilt)lo lllCrcasing producti、
61.Solvillg colllpleX prOblcnls Oicn■ cquircs_____―
―(CrCate)WhiCh helps in cffectively
洒rlding innovativc solutlons.
62.As the FiVer Was_______(■Ceze)solid,thc daring icc skaters brⅣ c thc clcmclls tO skate
63. Efncient packaging cnsurcs that fl agilc g00ds arc lveli protccted, prcvcrlting thclll ルOm
―(Wrap)t00 1ghtiy and pOtenially dal■ aged.
64.A■cr thc nood,cnomous amounts Of ciean water______(bC)nccdCd to pro、 lde rclief to

thosc attscted last、 veck.
65 Thc pOlice_____一
――(SeCk)public assistance ycstcrday to locatc a missing boy in thc
高一英i7: 第 9英 り111り〔
第三市 悟篇填空 (共 10小題:毎小題 1.5分 ,満分 15分 )
同浅下面短文,在空白処填入 1今通当的単洞或括号内単飼的正碗形式。
Rcpolls of dOgs biting pcOplc in China=二 66__(beCOmc)incrcasingly commOn in thc
pastた w years.According to data__67__(prOVide)by thC NHC,by tllc end Of 2021 China
had thc largcst numbcr of dOgs in thc worid,with ovcr 12 111illioll people biticn each ycar.
The govenlmellt Of Xiamcn,East Chi■a's Fttian PrOvince,annoullccd thc‐ launch Of a
canlpaigll against iHcgal dogs on Tuesday,___68___will fOcus On dog‐ ratiing bchaviOrs like
厳 lure to rcgistcr thc dOg Or walttng dOgs__69__lcashes(狗
健 ).Pct OWners in the citt arc
rcquircd tO gct___二 70 _licensc which incilddcs registrati01l inforlnatiOli such as thc O、
vncrう s
i11lomatlo13 alld dOg breed
Chincsc authorities havc bccn 71 (actiVC)making c 0■s on l13anagelllcnt of pct
dogs in urban areas sOme citics evcn rcstrict thc sizc Of adult dOgs I'Or exainplc,Bcting has
轟c highcst rclllilCmentsぬr aduli doが .In BCtting,it___72__(fOrbid)tO kCep adult dOgs that
are___73__(tali)than 35 ccn街
響etCrs in the restActcd areas.
Kccping dogs in a civilizcd nlanncr is a slogan that cvcγ bOdy knc 、vs.The nlorc irnporant
thing is 、vhcther thcre are accOlllpanying irleasurcs tO put tllis s10gan intO practicc
___74__(prCVCnt)is alヽ Vays bcttcr thall cure; dOn't、 vait unill the dog sl10ws an tcndency
____75____(attack)pcopie bcお rc strckillg a solution.
第四部分 写作 (擁分 25分 )
Violet and T;1,I wcrc twO sisters I` 11ly was sc stuck with hel sistcr ttat shc always
io1lo、 vcd her clder sistcr, Violet, cvew` VllCrc. For exal■ ple, 、vhell Vi01et lvas pairlting, she
VヽOllld paint by hcr sidc.Evξ 'tililC,`Ziolct 100kcd at her angrily. COuldn't she ttnd hcr O、り vr
thing tO dO This tillle, it 、vas Tilly's irst 、vcek at gyl■ nastics, 、vililc ″ヽ101et had dorlc
gymllastics lor the past t、vO ycars.
Violct sat on thc gy鐙 濃00「,waiJngねr hcr tum tO dO somcrsaults(番羽筋 il).She■ 0、vncd
at hcr littic sister across the rot_ lli ヽヽ7hy cOtlidn:t Tilly ai、 vays nlld her。 、vn thing tO dO ``Violct
yoじ 'rc upl''called Violct's instructOr: Ⅳriss Taylor Violct call10 0Ver and pushed Of「 、vith hcr
lCg3 and Stiaightcned hcr al■ls.shc did onc,● vo,thrcc sOmersaults.Miss Taylor clappcd
“Pcrた cti''
Violct noticed that Tilly had stcppcd a、 vay l onl thc youngcr group to lvatch viOlet's
somcrsauits.“Tilly!''callcd Tilly's instructOr=IVIiss Brooke,'oln across thc roO■ 1.Tilly didnit
sccm to hcar.Not until shc、vas callcd thl ec tilllcs did shc ttn back tO her group.“ Your tuFn tO
do sOnlersaults. 5'Ⅳliss Brookc put an arlla around llcr.Tilly、 valked to the illat、 vith hcr lhce
tumillg red likc a tomato.She bcnt do、 vn to stait a somcrsault.や Vhcn shc rollcd,shc fcll hcavily
on thc inat.Kids laughcd in sulprisc atthc nOise
Ti‖ y stood uncomfo■ably and then ran tOwards thc rcstr001n Shc、vas gone■Om thc gynl,
as ViOlct had wantcd.But it didn't iel right.Ancr tclling Ⅳliss Taylor whcre shc was going,
高一英清 第 10り(共 11■
Violet hurricd to tlie res廿 oom.Shc found Tilly cwing hard.Violct put an am ttound hcr sistcr.
Sceingヽ ri。lct,Tllly cried even hardcrt Tilly sniffed“ I don't、vant to do gymntttics any lllore.':
/1olct's chancc. If shc said
Shc 、vipcd a、vay the tears、 vith the back of hcr hand. This vヽasヽ
nothing to her sistcr,Tilけ rltight ttit ymnastics forever.
注意 :
1.象写洞数立力 150左 右 ;
But Violet knew how excited Tiliy had been about joining in gymnastics.
Seeing a smile on Tiliy's face, Violet said, "What about giving it another try "
高一英■ 第 11天 共 ‖ 頁
6-10 CAABA
11-15 CABAC
16-20 ABABC
28-31 BCAB
32-35 ACAD
36-40 GCFBD
41-45 DBCDA
46-50 BCBCD
51-55 BACAD
62.frozen.63.being wrapped
65.sought/were seeking
66.have become
67.provided 68.which
72.is forbidden
75.to attack
Paragraph 1:
But Violet knew how excited Tilly had been about joining in gymnastics.She thought
about all the times Tilly had talked about wearing the gymnastics outfit and learning new skill
Violet felt a pang of guilt for being so annoyed with her sister.She took Tilly's hand and said.
"We can't quit now.Let's review the basics."They found a quiet space and Violet patiently
guided Tilly through the steps of a somersault,emphasizing balance and control.
Paragraph 2:
Seeing a smile on Tilly's face,Violet said,"What about giving it another try Tilly's
eyes sparkled with newfound confidence.She returned to the mat and,with Violet cheering he
on,attempted another somersault.She managed to complete it with much better form.The
other kids stopped laughing and even gave a few claps.Tilly ran into Violet's arms,and Viole
knew that this moment had strengthened their bond.They would face future challenges
topether.with love and sunnort for each nther


