
  1. 二一教育资源



Unit 1 Playing Sports
Topic 1 I’m going to play basketball
What’s your favorite sport? = What sport do you like best? 你最喜爱的运动是什么?
Which sport do you prefer? = Which sport do you like better? 你更喜欢什么运动?
I prefer skating. = I like skating better. 我更喜欢滑雪.
Do you skate much? = Do you often skate? 你常滑雪吗?
She spends at least half an hour in the gym every day. 每天她至少花半小时在体育馆.
She plays baseball pretty well and she is also good at jumping.
What kind of sports do you like? = Which sport do you like? 你喜欢哪种运动?
Would you like to come and cheer us on ? 你愿意来为我们加油吗?
What are you going to be when you grow up? 当你长大后做什么?
There is going to be a school sports meet next month.下月有一场运动会。
Topic 2 We should learn teamwork
Could you please do me a favor? = Could you help me? = Could you give me a hand?
Would you mind teaching me? = Would you please teach me? 你教我好吗?
Would you mind not smoking here ? 你不要在这里抽烟好吗?
You are always so careless. 你总是这样粗心大意.
I’m very sorry for what I said. 我为所说感到到道歉。
We are sure to win next time 下次,我们一定回赢。
Let me buy you a new one. = Let me buy a new one for you.让我为你买一个新的。
He invented an indoor game for his students so that they could play it even in bad weather. 他为他的学生们发明了一项室内运动以便他们甚至在恶劣的天气也能玩。
And you can throw it with one hand or both hands.你能用一只手或两只手投掷它。
I have great fun running and I feel well and look fit 我总是快乐地跑步和我感到很好,看上去很健康。
Topic 3 The school sports meet is coming.
1.Could you tell me your name? 你能告诉我你的名字吗?
= What’s your name?
2.What do you do? = What’s your job? = What are you? 你是干什么的?
3.Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics. 北京将主办2008年奥运会
4. More and more foreign friends ride in my taxi (= take my taxi) now.
5.Speaking English will help me a lot. 说英语将对我有很大帮助.
6..Please fill it out. 请把它填好.
7.What will the weather be like this weekend? = How will the weather be this weekend?
8. There will be more roads in Beijing. 在北京将会有更多的马路.
9. When shall we meet? 我们什么时候见面?
10.Let’s make it half past six.咱们把时间定在六点半吧。
Unit 2 Keeping healthy
Topic 1 You should see a dentist.
1. What`s wrong with you/him/her?你/他/她怎么了?
同一句:What`s the matter with-------?
What`s the trouble with------?
You should see a dentist.你应该去看牙医。
3.I`m sorry to hear that.听到这个消息我很难过。
4.You look pale.你看起来很苍白。
5.------Shall I take you to the hospital?我送你去医院吧?
-------No,thank you.不用,谢谢。
6. I`ll take some medicine and see how it goes. 我打算先吃药看看情况再说。
7.You`d better drink hot tea with honey.你最好喝加蜂蜜的热茶。
8.Michael had an accident yesterday.昨天迈克发生了事故。
9.But my left leg still hurts when I move it.可是当我挪动脚时,还是有点儿疼。
10.Your X-rays show it`s nothing serious.你的X光照片显示没什么严重的问题。
11.Stay in bed and don`t move your leg too much.躺在床上,不要总是挪动你的腿。
12.Michael`s friends bought some chocolate for him .迈克的朋友给他买饿一些巧克力。

Topic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking
Staying up late is bad for your health.熬夜有害健康。
It will keep you active during the day.它会使你在白天保持活力。
Different foods help us in different ways不同的食物对我们有不同的作用.
Walking is good exercise and it is necessary for good health. 散步是很好的锻炼,它是身体健康必不可少的。
If we eat too littele or too much food-----如果我们吃太少或太多食物------
Topic 3 Must we exercise to prevent the flu ?
Sure,go ahead.当然可以,请问吧!
Please tell my father to take care of himself 请告诉我爸爸照顾好自己。

can I take a message?我能为您梢个口信吗?
I`ll tell her when she comes back.她一回来我就告诉她。

------,he took an active part in the battle against it.他积极投身于抗击“非典”的战斗中。
He cared for the patients.他日夜关心着病人。
It`s my duty to save the patients. 救治病人是我的职责。
Long time no see. 好久没见!
I tought myself on the Internet. 我在网上自学。
How often does Mr Brown exercise? 布朗先生多长时间锻炼一次?
Unit3 Our Hobbies
Topic 1 What’s your hobby?
hobby 爱好 vacation假期 painting 绘画 friendship友谊 knowledge 知识 daily 每日的 whether 是否 such as 例如 used to do sth. 过去常常做某事
take a bath 洗澡 be interested in 对……感兴趣
go dancing 跳舞 go boating 划船 play volleyball 打排球 swimming 游泳 drawing 画画 collecting stamps 集邮 collecting coins 收藏硬币 listening to pop music 听流行音乐 listening to classical music 听古典音乐 listening to symphony 听交响乐 walking in the countryside 在乡间散步 Topic2 What sweet music
1.And it sounds great! (Page 61) 听起来好极了。?
2.What kind of musical instrument can you play? (Page 62)你会弹什么种类的乐器? ?
3.We have guitar, violin, piano and drum lessons for just ¥240 each. (Page 62) 我们有吉他课、小提琴课、钢琴课、和打鼓课,每个课程仅需要240元。
?4.What do you do in your free time? (Page 63) 你在闲暇之际干些什么?
5.Classical music is serious music. (Page 64) 古典音乐是一种很严肃的音乐。 ?6.Pop music often comes and goes easily. (Page 64) 流行音乐来得快去得也快。
7.They are very popular among young people. (Page 64)它们在年轻人当中很流行。 ?

Topic3 What were you doing at this time yesterday?
1.I called you but nobody answered the phone. (Page 69) 我给你打电话了,但是没有人接。
2.Oh, I was taking a shower. (Page 69) 我在淋浴。? 3.Yeah, I think so. (Page 71)是,我也这样认为。
4.And I also like the young man with light hair. (Page 71) 我也喜欢那个留着浅色头发的年轻人。
5.He is so handsome! (Page 71)他非常帅!
6.I agree with you. (Page 71)我同意你的意见。
7. You look very sad. (Page72) 你看起来很伤心。 8.There’s nothing serious. (Page 72)没什么严重的事。(没事。)
9.In the early 1800s, Sunday was the “holy day”. (Page 73) 在19世纪早期,星期日的含义就是“神圣的一天”。
10.In the US, workers called them“blue Mondays”.(Page 73)在美国,工人们把它们叫做“蓝色星期一”。 11. Then decide how you are going to spend your weekend. (Page 74)然后决定你的周末怎么过。
12. Did you have a good time? (Page 76) 你们玩得高兴吗?
Unit 4 Our World
Topic1 Which do you like better, plants or animals?
1.Plants are more beautiful than animals. 植物比动物更漂亮。
2.The plants stay green longer there. 那儿的植物能更长时间保持绿色。
3.The rainforests are very important to us. (热带)雨林对我们很重要。
4.Water is necessary for all plants.It is the most important thing to all living things,we must save every drop of water. 水对所有植物是必需的。它对所有生物都重要,我们必须节约每一滴水。
5.Isn’t it interesting? 是不是很有趣呀?
6.It is one of the most dangerous fish in the world. 它是世界上最危险的鱼之一。
7.It is so strange! 太奇怪了!
Topic 2 How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake ?
1.I’m sure robots can do some work better than humans. 我确信机器人比人能更好地做某些工作。
2.I saw a UFO while I was walking down the street yesterday. 昨天我沿着街道走时,看见了一个不明飞行物。
3.It looked like a plate. 它看上去像一个盘子。
4.Until now,even the scientists are not sure whether there are UFO. 直到现在,甚至科学家也不确信是否有不明飞行物。
5.We can shop without going out of our houses. 我们不出家门就能购物。
6.We can use the Internet for finding a job. 我们可以用网络来找工作。
7.We shouldn’t spend too much time on it.但是我们不应该在因特网上面花费太多的时间。
8.When you look up a word in the dictionary,pay attention to the first letter of the word. 当你在字典里查一个单词的时候,注意这个单词的第一个字母。
Topic 3 The Internet makes the world smaller.
1.Lots of them were pulled down in the 1960s. 他们当中许多在二十世纪六十年代被拆毁。
2.People thought them useless. 人们认为它们没有用。
3.It’s really too bad. 这太遗憾了。
4.We are doing our best to protect and rebuild the old city walls. 我们正在尽全力保护并重建老城墙。
5.It is one of the“seven wonders”of the ancient world still standing. 它是现存的古代“七大奇迹”之一。
6.It took 100,000 people over 20 years to build it. 修建它花了10万人二十多年的时间。
7.Since then,people regarded the Great Wall as a symbol of the Chinese nation. 从那以后,人们就把长城看作是中华民族的象征。
8.Every year many people find great pleasure visiting the wall.每年有许多人参观长城,从中得到极大乐趣。


