Module 2 What can you do ? 单词笔记

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Module 2 What can you do ? 单词笔记


Unit One
1. play ⒈v. ①演奏;弹奏 (后跟表示西洋乐器的名词时,需加定冠词)
e.g. ⑴你会弹吉他吗?
Can you play the guitar?
He is good at playing the violin.
e.g. 他的爱好是下国际象棋。
His hobby is to play chess.
③玩 play with sb. 和某人玩 play with sth. 玩…….
play with snow 玩雪
⒉ n. 戏剧
e.g. My favourite play is Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare.
player 运动员,游戏者,演奏者,播放器
2. piano n. 钢琴 play the piano
3. ride v. 骑;乘(rode)
ride a bike骑自行车 ,bike 前要加冠词。
e.g. ⑴我弟弟经常骑自行车去上学。(两种)
My brother often rides a bike to school. = My brother often goes to school by bike.
⑵我期待在草原上骑马。(look forward to doing sth. 期待做某事)
I’m looking forward to riding a horse on the grassland.
There is an hour’s ride from here. (ride n. ) 离这骑车有一个小时的路程。
two hours’ walk 步行两个小时的路程
It’s about twenty minutes’ walk.
4. club n. 俱乐部
a tennis club网球俱乐部 (加入俱乐部jion)
5. would like 想要;希望
与want含义相同,但语气更加委婉。 would是情态动词,无人称和数的变化。常见用法有:
① would like sth. 想要某物
e.g. 我想要一杯咖啡. I would like a cup of coffee.
②would like to do sth. 想要做某事
e.g. 我想打篮球。I’d like to play basketball.
③would like sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事
e.g. 我想要你到我学校来。I’d like you to come to my school.
*** Would you like +n.? “你想要……吗?”,比“Do you want+n.?”语气更委婉,更有礼貌一些。 答语:Yes,please./ No, thanks.
*** Would you like to do sth.? “你愿意做某事吗?”这是日常生活中用来向对方有礼貌地提出建议或者邀请的句型。肯定回答一般是:Yes,I’d like/love to.否定回答常用:Sorry./I’d like / love to, but…”。
e.g. 你想和我去逛街吗? (练习回答)
Would you like to go shopping with me?
6. all ①adj. 所有的;全部的(三者或三者以上都) +可数名词复数/不可数名词,all修饰名词时,要放在冠词,形物代和其他限定词之前。
e.g. ⑴我所有的朋友都喜欢看电视剧。
All my friends like watching TV plays.
Don’t spend all your money at a time.
②pron. 所有;全部,放在be动词或助动词的后面,行为动词之前。You all或We all…也可以表达为All of you…或者All of us…
e.g. 他们所有人都喜欢听音乐。
All of them enjoy listening to music.
That’s all仅此而已是口语中一句非常有用的表达,其用法主要有以下三种:
①表示说话或做事完了(或暂时完了)。意为“……完了; ……就这些”“就这样,就这么多,就到这儿”句型后还可以用for 对于……就这样,就到这。
e.g. That’s all. Thank you. 我的发言完了,谢谢。
That’s all for today. 今天就到这里吧。
e.g. ⑴早餐就这些了。
That’s all for breakfast.
e.g. If all the seats are booked, we shall have to stay at home. That’s all.
③表示仅此这些或无关紧要,意为“没别的; 没事; 没什么; 事情就是这样”。
e.g. ⑴A: How are you feeling? 你感觉怎么样?
B: Fine. Just a little tired. That’s all. 还好,只是有点累,没事。
⑵A: What happened? 怎么啦?
B: Well, the wind blew the door open. I’ve closed it; that’s all.
噢, 是风把门吹开了, 我把它关上了, 没事。
I know her name, but that’s all.
7. worry ①vi. 焦虑;担心
worry about ……担心……
e.g.不要为我担心。我很好。Don’t worry about me. I’m OK.
②n. 烦恼;忧虑
e.g. 她没有一点烦恼。She has no worry at all.
worried adj. 烦恼的,焦虑的,担忧的
be worried about 为……担心
e.g. 玛丽为明天的考试担忧。
Mary is worried about her test tomorrow.=Mary worries about her test tomorrow.
8. teach v. (taught) 教;讲授
teach sb. sth. = teach sth. to sb.
teach sb. to do sth.
teach oneself = learn……by oneself 自学
teach sb. a lesson 给某人一个教训 / learn a lesson 吸取教训
e.g. 我妈妈是一名语文老师。但她有时会教我英语。她教我学习英语语法。并告诉我要学会自学。My mother is a Chinese teacher, but she sometimes teaches me English. She teaches me to study English grammar and tells me to learn to teach myself.
9. then adv. ①那么;就
e.g. 你不想当老师,那么你想干什么呢?
You don’t want to be a teacher. Then what do you want to be?
e.g. 我们先去喝一杯,然后再回家。
Let’s go for a drink, (and ) then go home.

Unit Two words
10. monitor n. 班长;监督员;显示器
11. start ①n. 开始;开端
e.g.⑴这是个好的开始。It is a good start/beginning.
⑵我确信你们将会有个好的开始。I’m sure you’ll have a good start.
the start of… ……的开始,开端
e.g. New year means the start of everything new.
at the start of = at the beginning of 在……开始
e.g. 在新学期开始,我们经常制定一个计划。
At the start/ beginning of the new term, we often make a plan.
②v. 开始 start to do sth. /doing sth. = begin
e.g. Let’s sit down and start to eat / eating.
均可接to do /doing,但在下面三种情况下,后跟to do 较好。
第一种,主语是物而不是人时 The ice started / began to melt. 冰开始融化。
第二种,本身是ing形式时 He is just starting / beginning to write the letter. 他刚刚开始写那封信。
第三种,其后的动词与想法,感情有关时 She started / began to understand it. 她开始明白这件事。)
③v. 动身;
12. get on well with sb.= get along well with sb. 与某人相处融洽
e.g. 我一直和我的同学们相处得很好。
I always get on well with my classmates.
与某人相处得不好:get on badly with sb.
e.g. —你跟同学们相处得怎样? How do you get on with your classmates?
— 一般吧。Just so so.
get on/along with sth. 在某事上进展得……
13. ready adj. 乐意的
be ready to do sth. 乐于做某事
e.g. ⑴He is always ready to help people in need. 他总是乐于帮助有需要的人。
⑵He packs up and is ready to go. 他整理好行装准备出发。
⑶Everything is here and we’re ready to go.
14. promise ①v. 承诺;保证
⑴promise (not) to do sth. 承诺(不)做某事,保证(不)做某事
e.g.他许诺给我们做好吃的。He promised to cook something delicious for us.
⑵promise sb. sth. = promise sth. to sb. 答应某人某事
e.g. 他答应把这笔钱给他的孙儿孙女们。(两种)
He promised the money to his grandchildren. = He promised his grandchildren the money.
⑶promise + that从句
e.g. 我答应要把这本书给安迪。I promised that I will give this book to Andy.
②n. 诺言;承诺
make a promise 做出承诺,许诺
keep one’s promise 遵守承诺
break one’s promise 违背诺言
15. fast ①adv. 快地;快速地 反义词:slowly
②adj. 快的;快速的 反义词:slow
e.g. ⑴我想打篮球,但是我跑的不快。
I want to play basketball, but I can’t run fast.
I will take a fast train to get there.
fast: 指运动的物体和运行的“速度快”Run as fast as possible.
quickly: 强调立刻行动,毫不延迟,动作快。
16. fit ①adj. 健康的;强健的 = healthy
保持健康:keep/stay fit/healthy
e.g. 为了保持健康,他每天早晨跑步一小时。
To keep fit, he runs for an hour every morning.
②adj. 适合的,恰当的(常和介词for搭配)
be fit for 适合于……
e.g. 她适合这项工作。She is fit for the job.
be fit to do sth.
e.g. 这食物不适合吃。The food isn’t fit to eat.
e.g. 这些牛仔裤不适合我穿。These jeans don’t fit me.
17. best ①adj. 最好的 (good的最高级)
②adv. 最好地 (well的最高级)
e.g. ⑴他是我最好的朋友。 He is my best friend.
⑵在他们中迈克打篮球打得最好。Mike plays basketball best among them.
18. score ①n. 得分;成绩(可数名词)
e.g. 这次测试你的了多少分?What’s your score in the test?
e.g.他考试得了115分。He scored 115 in the test.
19. tidy ①adj. 整齐的;整洁的;爱整洁的;爱整齐的;(反义词:untidy)
e.g. 我的房间干净而整洁。My room is clean and tidy.
tidy up 收拾;整理
e.g. 贝蒂通常在上午整理卧室。Betty usually tidies up the bedroom in the morning.
20. sure adj. 确信的;有把握的
be sure 确信
①be sure of/about对某事有把握
e.g. ⑴我们确信我们会成功。We are sure of our success.
⑵你对那个会议有把握吗?Are you sure of that meeting?
②be sure to do sth.一定要;务必(去做某事)
e.g. 我们一定会成功。We are sure to succeed.
③be sure +宾语从句 确信;肯定……
e.g. ⑴我确信他会加入我们的社团。
I’m sure that he will join our club.
We are sure (that) he will make great progress this term.
⑶我不确定他们住在哪里。I’m not sure where they live.
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