资源简介 (共19张PPT)——BE A GOOD TOURIST教学阐释基于英语学习活动观的以读促写的阅读课读什么怎么读读得怎么样学习内容学习活动学习评价教学定位语篇的what, why 和how学情阅读技能+语言表达以读促写的阅读课语篇结构+语言表达语篇内容+主题意义目标定位经过本课的学习后,学生能够:理解文中关于旅游产生的问题和作者的建议,明确写作意图,并形成新的知识结构图。(学习理解)(重点)基于自主学习,运用新的知识结构探究文本的内容和语言特点。(应用实践) (重、难点)基于所读文本,小组合作探讨旅游产生的其他问题,产出新的语篇并针对当地旅游问题设计一份旅游宣传册,形成文明旅游意识。 (迁移创新)(重、难点)Step 1读前导入教学步骤教学活动Step 2读中Step 3读后Step 4迁移创新分享经历,推荐景点整体阅读,归纳主旨目标达成学法指导下解析第二段学习活动观内容结构语言自主+合作探究第三段梳理第四段信息总结全文,探讨写作目的小组讨论探讨旅游新问题小组讨论设计旅游小册子激活认知阅读微技能渗透形成新的知识结构应用新的知识结构理解语篇意义理解主题意义综合运用语言技能分析、解决问题学习理解应用实践学习理解学习理解学习理解学习理解迁移创新迁移创新教学活动Step 1—分享经历,推荐景点Questions:Can you guess where in Jinhua have I been Can you recommend me some tourist sites in Jinhua 创设情境,导入文本学习理解之感知与注意教学活动Step 2-1——整体阅读,归纳主旨阅读微技能渗透学习理解之获取、梳理与概括Instruction:Go through the whole passage and find the main idea of the passage.教学活动Step2-2——学法指导下解析第二段(内容)Questions:What is the first problem mentioned What examples are listed What results does it bring What do all these places have in common (参阅型问题)Why does the writer give examples of so many different places (参阅型问题)What suggestion does the writer give What mark should we leave, in writer’s opinion 通过问题链,获取、梳理语篇内容通过参阅型问题,深度解读文本阅读策略与评价手段——“()” 标注学习理解之获取、梳理与整合,建立信息的关联教学活动Step2-2——学法指导下解析第二段(结构)Questions:How is the paragraph developed How many parts can it be divided into How does the writer explain the problem 关注段落语篇结构和作者写作手法学习理解之概括与整合,建立信息的关联,形成新的知识结构教学活动Step2-2——学法指导下解析第二段(语言)HowInstruction:Find the expressions used to introduce the problem, to make a suggestion and to show the writer’s attitude.学习与主题相关的语言表达阅读策略与评价手段—— 标注学习理解之感知并理解语言所表达的意义教学活动Instruction:Conclude what has been discussed in paragraph 2.总结第二段过程性学习内容,完成结构化知识图板书第一阶段教学活动Step2-3——自主学习第三段HowInstruction:Read paragraph 3 and work in pairs to find answers on the blackboard.运用并巩固新的知识结构图在理解第三段的基础上对其开展描述、阐释、分析、判断等交流活动应用实践,将知识转化为能力教学活动Step2-4——梳理第四段信息HowQuestions:Besides the two problems, what other problem are mentioned What is the writer’s suggestion for all these problems Why you should be the best, kindest and most polite tourist 理解语篇意义学习理解之获取与梳理教学活动Questions:What is the writer’s purpose of writing the passage Why does the writer call on people to be a good tourist 明确作者写作意图学习理解之理解语篇所承载的文化价值Step 3 ——总结全文,探讨写作目的教学活动Step 4——小组讨论探讨旅游新问题Instruction:Choose another problem and discuss in a group of 4.In your discussion, you should explain the problem and come up with your suggestions.Remember to use expressions learned in the passage.教学活动教学活动Project 小组讨论设计旅游宣传册教学活动Instruction:To solve the problems caused by tourism in Jinhua, you are going to design a brochure for tourists in Jinhua. In your brochure, you will list some serious problems and give tips for tourists to follow.联系生活,分析、解决问题小组合作迁移创新,从能力到素养布置作业口头到笔头,内化语言知识,实现深度学习Thank you!Be A Good TouristA bad touristIntroduce a problemExplain a problemProvide a suggestionto protect culture and historyto build a harmonious societyto leave a good impressionbe the best, kindest and most politeexampleschoice of words 展开更多...... 收起↑ 资源预览