【中考】(重庆)初中英语 重点题型四 短文填空 专练(含答案)

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【中考】(重庆)初中英语 重点题型四 短文填空 专练(含答案)


重难题型四 短文填空
(2021·重庆中考A卷)A study has been done at a university. Scientists divided a class into two groups. They made each group take notes 74 different ways. The first group took notes by hand. The second one did it on the computer. The 75 of the study was to find out which method would help the students learn better. The scientists thought Group Two would win. But to their surprise, Group One did a better job. Since you take notes by hand, stick to it!
Good notes can 76 to less stress(压力) when test time comes around. Then how can you improve your note taking skills The following advice can help you.
Firstly, try to get yourself ready 77 class begins. Be familiar(熟悉的) with the material that you are going to learn. Make sure you have your notebooks and pens on the desk.
Secondly, take notes wisely while listening in class. Many students become 78 taking notes and they may fail to follow the teacher. So it is important to know when to take notes. And remember to write down the key words and use shorthand(速记法) if necessary.
Thirdly, check your notes after class. You can add some details(细节) yourself first. If there is still something missing, compare your notes with 79 . Do it with those who take notes carefully. These checks will also 80 your chances of understanding what you've written.
Try the advice above. When you can take notes 81 than before, you will find your lessons easier and more enjoyable.
74.in 75.purpose 76.lead 77.before 78.busy
79.others' 80.increase 81.better
微技法1 语境推断
INCLUDEPICTURE"例.TIF" INCLUDEPICTURE "例.TIF" \* MERGEFORMAT Do it with those who take notes carefully. These checks will also 80 your chances of understanding what you've written.
【解析】 根据语境可知,在检查笔记的过程中,也增加了理解自己所记内容的机会,increase“增加”,will后接动词原形,故填increase。
微技法2 逻辑推理
INCLUDEPICTURE"例.TIF" INCLUDEPICTURE "例.TIF" \* MERGEFORMAT  Secondly, take notes wisely while listening in class. Many students become 78 taking notes and they may fail to follow the teacher. So it is important to know when to take notes. And remember to write down the key words and use shorthand(速记法) if necessary.
【解析】 根据they may fail to follow the teacher可知,学生忙着记笔记以至于跟不上老师讲的内容。be busy doing sth.“忙于做某事”,故填busy。
微技法3 固定搭配
INCLUDEPICTURE"例.TIF" INCLUDEPICTURE "例.TIF" \* MERGEFORMAT  Good notes can 76 to less stress(压力) when test time comes around. Then how can you improve your note taking skills The following advice can help you.
【解析】 lead to“导致;通向”,固定短语,故填lead。
微技法4 语法知识
这类题主要考查学生对语法知识的掌握情况以及运用能力。在做此类试题时,需要考生熟练掌握相应的语法知识,具体可结合本书【第二部分 语法研究】进行复习。
INCLUDEPICTURE"例1.TIF" INCLUDEPICTURE "例1.TIF" \* MERGEFORMAT  A study has been done at a university. Scientists divided a class into two groups. They made each group take notes 74 different ways. The first group took notes by hand. The second one did it on the computer.
【解析】 in different ways“以不同的方式”,固定短语,故填in。
INCLUDEPICTURE"例2.TIF" INCLUDEPICTURE "例2.TIF" \* MERGEFORMAT  Thirdly, check your notes after class. You can add some details(细节) yourself first. If there is still something missing, compare your notes with 79 . Do it with those who take notes carefully.
【解析】 此处表示把你的笔记和其他人的笔记进行比较,others“其他人”,用名词所有格表示“其他人的笔记”,故填others'。
主题语境 语篇类型 难度
彩虹颜色组成 说明文 ★★★☆☆
  (2021·重庆巴南指标到校考试)People are always surprised and happy to see rainbows. Whenever people see a rainbow, they usually stop to admire it. But most people don't know 1 a rainbow actually is.
A rainbow is composed of(由……组成) sunlight. Although you might think 2 is colorless, it is actually made up of seven colors. The 3 are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo(靛青) and violet(紫色).
The colors in sunlight are always there, but we only see 4 at specific(具体的) times. When sunlight passes 5 raindrops, the light is bent, or refracted(折射). That breaks the sunlight into the seven bands of colored light(七个彩色光带). The seven bands of colored light run across the sky and 6 a rainbow. Sometimes you cannot see all seven colors because some of the colors blend(混合).
When can you see a rainbow When the sun is 7 brightly and it is raining at the same time. Stand with your back to the sun and look in front of you. Perhaps you will be lucky 8 to see a beautiful rainbow.
The next time you see a rainbow, please watch it carefully.
主题语境 语篇类型 难度
双语交际 议论文 ★★★☆☆
  (2021·重庆外国语三模)Many of the students in China have been called “bilingual talents(双语人才)”—their local dialects(方言) and Putonghua, not Chinese and a foreign language.
Zhang Yaoyi, 14, from Chongqing, is 1 of such talents. For many years, she has spoken Chongqing dialect at home, but Putonghua in school.
China encourages the 2 of Putonghua in class. And students find it natural to speak Putonghua even 3 class.
A report in 2011 showed that only 60 percent of Chongqing students could fully understand their local dialect. Many language experts(专家) are 4 . “The local culture is dying if a dialect is no longer popular,” they believe. “The liveliest words and expressions are all born of dialects,” Zhang Yaoyi 5 with it and finds it strange to use Putonghua for some words.
Some cities have taken action to protect dialects now. 6 2008, some primary schools in Chongqing have asked students to speak Chongqing dialect one day a week. Starting from this year, other primary schools encourage 7 to speak their dialect during breaks.
However, 8 dialects doesn't mean saying “No” to Putonghua. Dialects are just part of a multicultural(多元文化的) society.
主题语境 语篇类型 难度
人生哲理 议论文 ★★★☆☆
  (2021·重庆八中一模)There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real! Dream what you want to dream. Go 1 you want to go. Be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to 2 .
The happiest people may not have the best of everything. They just make best use of everything that comes along their 3 . Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried, for only they can appreciate(感激) the importance of people who have touched their lives. Love begins 4 a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear. The brightest future will always come from a forgotten past. You can't live a happy life unless you let your past failures and heartaches go. 5 you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you 6 crying.
Please send this message to those who mean something to you, to those who have touched your life in one way or 7 , to those who make you smile when you really need it, and to those that you see the brighter side of things when you are really down. And if 8 , don't worry. Nothing bad will happen to you. You will just miss a chance to make someone's day brighter with this message.
主题语境 语篇类型 难度
解密遗忘 说明文 ★★★☆☆
  (2021·重庆九龙坡适应性考试)Do you remember what you had for breakfast last year on this day Can you recall the names of all your classmates in the kindergarten(幼儿园) 1 not, why did you forget these things
First of all, the biggest 2 is that, during our daily lives, we focus on understanding the world, not remembering it. For example, we watch a baseball game not to remember it, but to 3 it. We do remember some details of the game, 4 they are only a by product(副产品) of this experience.
Second, 5 helps us to get through hard times. After something sad has happened in our lives, most of us find time helps to ease(减轻) the pain. The bad memories will slowly fade(消退) away. Forgetting saves us 6 the dark times of our past.
Third, forgetting is good for memory. You wouldn't like to fill your memory with 7 things, such as an old password(密码) you no longer use. People forget unimportant information so that 8 can remember important details better.
Don't be sad if you forget a lot. Forgetting is just part of having a healthy memory. It can help you to experience the world more fully!
1.what 2.sunlight 3.colors 4.them 5.through 6.form 7.shining 8.enough
1.full 2.use/spread 3.after 4.worried 5.agrees 6.Since
7.students 8.speaking
1.where 2.do 3.way 4.with 5.When 6.is 7.another 8.impossible
1.If 2.reason 3.enjoy 4.but 5.forgetting 6.from
7.unimportant 8.they


