
  1. 二一教育资源



四年级下册期中复习 连词成句题
1.is, classroom, This, my (.)
2.homework, Here’s, my (.)
3.play, let's, football (.)
4.weather Nanjing like in What's the ( )
5.have, get, up, breakfast, and, (.)
6.cool, is, Your, school (.)
7.fly kite your Can you ( )
8.is, classroom, This, my (.)
9.now, go, I, can, outside ( )
10.o'clock, is, four, It (.)
11.the, office, is, teachers', that (.)
12.cool, is, Your, school (.)
13.music room, that, is, the ( )
14.go, the, Let’s, playground, to (.)
15.play, Let's, football (.)
16.late school am for I (.)
17.go, time, It's, to, the, to, music room, (.)
18.classroom, is, that, my (.)
19.It, hot, is, sunny, and (.)
20.is weather This the report (.)
21.have, time, to, it, dinner, is, (.)
22.weather, Sydney, what's, like, in, the ( )
23.It, hot, sunny, is, and (.)
24.cool It in is Lanzhou (.)
25.you, Do, room, computer, a, have ( )
26.the, What's, like, weather, today ( )
27.Can, swim, outside, you ( )
28.Is, water, the, cold ( )
29.watch, TV, to, time, It's (.)
30.cloudy, is, it, and, warm (.)
31.play, let's, football (.)
32.first, on, is, floor, it, the (.)
33.warm, in, It's, Heze, today (.)
34.the on It floor is first (.)
35.you, Do, a, have, library ( )
36.sunny, It, is, Sydney, in (.)
37.next to, it’s, the, art room (.)
38.a, can, snowman, I, make
39.you, Do, room, computer, a, have ( )
40.have, music, room, we, a (.)
41.for, it's, time, school (.)
42.time, to, It’s, go, home (.)
43.the on It floor is first (.)
44.New York, about, how ( )
45.this, office, Is, teachers', the ( )
46.teachers' office, Is, the, that ( )
47.What, like, the, is, weather, Sydney, in ( )
48.homework, Here’s, my (.)
49.the library, is, The teachers’ office, next to (.)
50.late school am for I (.)
1.This is my classroom.
2. Here's my homework.
3.Let's play football.
4.What's the weather like in Nanjing
5.Get up and have breakfast.
6.Your school is cool.
7.Can you fly your kite
8.This is my classroom.
9.Can I go outside now
10.It is four o'clock.
11.That is the teachers' office.
12.Your school is cool.
13.Is that the music room
14.Let's go to the playground.
15.Let’s play football.
16.I am late for school.
17.It's time to go to the music room.
18.That is my classroom.
19.It is hot and sunny.
20.This is the weather report.
21.It is time to have dinner.
22.What’s the weather like in Sydney
23.It is hot and sunny.
24.It is cool in Lanzhou.
25.Do you have a computer room
26.What's the weather like today
27.Can you swim outside
28.Is the water cold
29.It's time to watch TV.
30.It is cloudy and warm.
31.Let's play football.
32.It is on the first floor.
33.It’s warm in Heze today.
34.It is on the first floor.
35.Do you have a library
36.It is sunny in Sydney.
37.It’s next to the art room.
38.Can I make a snowman
39.Do you have a computer room
40.We have a music room.
41.It 's time for school.
42.It’s time to go home.
43.It is on the first floor.
44.How about New York
45.Is this the teachers' office
46.Is that the teachers' office
47.What is the weather like in Sydney
48. Here's my homework.
49.The teachers’ office is next to the library.
50.I am late for school.
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