人教版2019必修一第五单元 Unit 5 Languages around the world -Reading and Think 教学设计

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人教版2019必修一第五单元 Unit 5 Languages around the world -Reading and Think 教学设计


人教版2019必修一第五单元Reading and Think教学设计
Unit5 Languages around the world
Reading and Thinking
The Chinese Writing System:
Connecting the past and the present
该板块以“探索汉字书写体系”( Explore the Chinese writing system )为活动主题。主语篇是一篇介绍我国汉字书写发展的说明性文章,标题“The Chinese Writing System:Connecting the Past and the Present”直接点明汉字连接中华文明的过去和现在的历史作用。从历史上看,汉字发展历程跌宕起伏,而文本主要聚焦在汉字与中华文明的关系上,选择了最重要的信息进行介绍,语言简明扼要、重点突出。作者态度鲜明,开篇点题中华文明能一直延续不断并传承至今,其中一个重要原因是汉字书写体系的发展与传承。通过对汉字发展的介绍,表达了作者对中华文明和中国文化走向世界的自信。
该文本结构清晰,按照两条主线来铺展内容。第一条主线按照时间顺序展开,介绍了汉字书写体系起源、成形、分化、统一的演变过程,这是文本叙述的明线。在这条明线的叙述中,文本按时间顺序介绍了汉字的发展历史,从汉字最初起源于象形文字开始,到甲骨文的出现,以及春秋和战国时期书写体系多样化的发展,再到秦始皇统书写体系等,交代了汉字对中华文明延续至今所起到的重要作用。第二条是呼应标题中的题眼“连接”(Connecting)的一条暗线,围绕汉字书写体系对中华文明传承的重要意义,阐述了汉字书写体系在连接中国的过去与现在、不同地域的人们、语言与艺术、中国与世界等四个方面的重要作用。该文本介绍汉字书写体系的重点词汇和句式较多,主要涵盖时间表述、体系发展特征、中华文明的传承这三个方面。表达汉字书写体系特征的词汇有picture-based、bone、 shell、symbol、 carve、well- developed、 different、 variety、 dialect、 character、 art form、 calligraphy、amazing。表达中华文明传承的词汇有: civilization、 continue、 ups and downs、change、 unite、unify、 develop、 in one direction、 communicate、 Important means、 connect、 regard、 development、 Important part、 play a role in、 appreciate。此外,该文本还有一些有关汉字重要性的表达,如四次出现关键词 Importance和 important;与连接古今有关的表达,如 continue、 lead to等。还有 探讨汉字演变的功能语言,其中最突出的是时间表述,如 at the beginning、 date back、 several thousand years、by、 dynasty、 around、BCE、 over the years、 it was a time when、 in modern times in ancient times、 today等。学生可以在探究主题意义的过程中学习和内化相关的语言表达。
教师引导学生梳理文本的两条主线,即汉字发展线和汉字意义线,从而让学探究文本主题,分析、推断汉字发展趋势,增强民族自豪感。本节课以汉字的演变为核心,以“预测一提问一阅读一梳理一概括一事实与观点”为主要流程,学生整体感知文本内容,重点探究汉字书写体系历史变迁( development)和重要作用。教师首先以象形文字为导入,激活学生的背景知识和主题词汇;再结合标题和图片,引导学生对文本内容等进行预测;然后引导学生通过阅读文本,梳理、归纳汉字发展历史事实信息,聚焦文本主要内容,形成并完善汉字书写体系历史变迁的时间轴;再引导学生寻找并分析有关汉字书写体系连接过去与现在的句子,明确其多种功能;定位体现汉字书写体系重要性的语言并进行提炼归纳,推断出作者的写作意图—突出汉字书写体系对中华文明传承起到的重要作用;整个过程侧重培养学生基于语言和文本分析的逻辑思维能力和文化意识,引导学生认识到汉字书写体系的功能与重要性,重视对母语的学习,加强对中国文化的认同感,坚定文化自信。最后引导学生以书信的形式介绍汉字书写体系的发展及意义,整合输出语言。
Activity 1: Talking about Chinese characters
Look at the different pictures about Chinese characters and answer the questions.
Q1: Do you know these Chinese characters What characters are they
Q2:Can you guess which periods they belong to
Q3: Where did people write down the symbols
Q4: How did people write down the symbols on animal shells
【设计意图】以文本图片中象形文字为导入,激活学生原有背景知识,引导学生关注汉字的发展与变化,引出相关话题词汇,如 picture-based, animal shell, Symbol, carve等,提高学生的文化敏感性,帮助学生直观感受汉字的演变。
Activity 2: Predicting the content of the text
Look at the title and the picture, and predict the content of the passage.
Q1.What is the topic of the text
Q2: What might this text talk about
Q3: What do you want to know from this passage
Activity 3: Raising and dealing with questions
Raise some questions about the Chinese writing system.
Q: What aspects of the Chinese writing system would you like to know in this text
Read the text and answer what you have learned about the Chinese writing system.
QI: Is what you want to know mentioned in the text Show the evidence.
Q2: What else is talked about in the text
Activity 4: Reading for the details
Scan Paragraphs 2 to 6 to find the words and phrases that describe a time. Write down what happened to the Chinese writing system at each of those important times.
Answer the following question after finishing the timeline. For the development of the Chinese writing system, which period was the most important
Activity5: Describing pictures
Q1: Which period does each of the four types of characters belong to State your reasons
Q2: In your opinion, which period matters most in China's history And why
Activity6: Focusing on the function of the Chinese writing system
Read Paragraphs 2 to 6 and find some sentences that show how the Chinese writing system connects the past and the present.
Q1: In what ways is the Chinese writing system important
Q2: Can you find any evidence from the text to show that
Q3:What does written Chinese connect
Evidence:(1) Some of the ancient symbols can still be seen in today's hanzi (Paragraph 2)
Over the years, the system developed into different forms......,leading to many varieties of dialects and characters. (Paragraph 3)
Even today, no matter where Chinese people live or what dialect they speak, they can all still communicate in writing.(Paragra*ph 4)
People in modern times can read the classic works which were written by Chinese in ancient times. (Paragraph 5)
The high regard for the Chinese writing system can be seen in the development of Chinese characters as an art form, known as Chinese calligraphy, which has become an important part of Chinese culture(Paragraph 5)
As China plays a greater role in global affairs, an increasing number of international students are beginning to appreciate China's culture and history through this amazing language( Paragraph 6)
T instruct the ss to summarize the function of the Chinese writing system
The past and the present
People of different places
Chinese Writing System Language and art
China and the world
Activity 7: Identifying the structure
Sort out the structure of the passage by think about the following questions.
Q1: What is the main idea of Paragraphs 2 to 6
Q2: What about Paragraph 1 What does it talk about
Q3: What is the relationship between Paragraph I and Paragraphs 2 to 6
Activity 8: Exploring the author’s intention of writing this passage.
Q1: Can you tell the writer's attitude towards the Chinese writing system Give your reasons.
Q2: What do you think of the role of the Chinese writing system What's your attitude towards it
Activity 9: Discussion in groups
Q: Apart from the Chinese writing system, what other factors do you think have contributed to the continuation of Chinese civilization
Make a speech: Some contestants in the “Chinese Bridge”Competition are visiting our school. Make a speech at the welcome party. Your speech should include:
1. Express your welcome and your appreciation of their interest in Chinese.
2. Introduce the development and importance of the Chinese writing system.
3. Convey your wish.
Blackboard Design
Unit5 The Chinese Writing System:
Connecting the past and the present
课程内容 反思内容 自我评价
主题 作者重点突出了什么内容?
语篇 语篇是什么体裁?结构特征是什么?
语言知识 能否根据时间抽复述课文?
语言技能 能否通过图片,标题,主旨句及关键词来概括段落及文章大意?
文化知识 能否了解汉语所传递的文化内涵?
学习策略 哪些学习方法对自己的学习帮助最大?


