剑桥国际少儿英语 kid‘s box 第六册 unit4 food,glorious food 课件(共23张ppt)

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剑桥国际少儿英语 kid‘s box 第六册 unit4 food,glorious food 课件(共23张ppt)


What’s your favorite food
Let’s read!
too much sugar
enough eggs
too many apples
Let’s read!
You’ll need enough apples to cover the base.
We’ve got
too many apples.
Let’s read!
We’ve got too much sugar.
We don’t have enough eggs.
Look and say
Look at the recipe and check the ingredients if they are enough, too much, or too many.
5 eggs
1 pack flour
3 cans milk
4 mangoes
1 cup sugar
Listen and tick food words you hear.
Listening text.
FEMALE TEACHER: As part of our international food project we'll make Tarte Tatin next Wednesday afternoon.
DAN: What'll we make
SHARI: Tarte Tatin. That's apple cake in French.
DAN: Oh, OK.
TEACHER: So, decide in your groups: who's going to bring the apples, the flour and the sugar. You'll need to bring enough apples to cover the base ....
NARRATOR: It's Wednesday afternoon.
SHARI: OK, let's see what we've got. I've got a big bag of apples.
DAN: And I've got two bags ... I think we've got too many apples.
ALVIN: Look, we've got three kilos of sugar too. We've got too much!
Listening text.
DAN: Have we got enough flour I've got a little.
SHARI: Er, I haven't got any flour.
ALVIN: I haven't got any flour either.
DAN: Oh dear. We haven't got enough flour.
ALVIN: There's only one egg, So we haven't got enough eggs either.
SHARI: We've got too much sugar and too many apples. We haven't got enough flour or eggs. What shall we do
DAN: Well, we can't make anything for the international food project, but we can write about it in our ezine.
Listen again. Who said it
1 We'll make Tarte Tatin next Wednesday afternoon.
2 I think we've got too many apples.
3 We've got three kilos of sugar too. We've got too much!
The teacher Dan Shari Alvin
The teacher Dan Shari Alvin
The teacher Dan Shari Alvin
Listen again. Who said it
4 Have we got enough flour
5 So we haven't got enough eggs either.
6 We've got too much sugar and too many apples.
The teacher Dan Shari Alvin
The teacher Dan Shari Alvin
The teacher Dan Shari Alvin
Read and order the words.
1. got/ apples./ a/bag/ Shari’s/ of/ big
2. many/ They’ve/ apples./ too/ got
3. A / They’ve/ flour./ little/ got
Shari’s got a big bag of apples.
They’ve got too many appes.
They’ve got a little flour.
Read and order the words.
4. Haven’t/ flour./ got/ We/ enough
5. one/ only/ got/ They’ve/ egg
6. Flour or/ enough/ haven’t/ They/ eggs./ got
We haven’t got enough flour.
They’ve only got one egg.
They haven’t got enough flour or eggs.
Listen and tick the box.
1. Why doesn’t Michael like the coffee
2. what’s the problem
Listen and tick the box.
3. Why isn’t Robert eating his pasta
4. What did Mary put on the table
Listen and tick the box.
5. Will Dad and Emma be hungry
There are too many knives
There aren’t enough spoons.
there are too many pizzas.
Look. Correct the sentences.
There isn’t enough milk.
There are too many peas.
There isn’t enough mango ice cream.
Look. Correct the sentences.
Ask your teacher
five questions
using these words.
sweets chocolate pizza vegetables
salads cheese fruit coffee
pasta fish eggs meat
How often do you eat sweets
Eight times a day.
Ask and answer.
Talk with your friends.
I think I eat too many sweets. What do you think
I think you eat too many sweets too… and I …
Tell the rest of the class.
We think we don’t eat enough fruit because we only have fruit once a day……
How much of these
do you eat everyday
too much
too many


