Module 1 My life Unit 1 Making friends思维导图单元教学设计课件(共46张PPT)

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Module 1 My life Unit 1 Making friends思维导图单元教学设计课件(共46张PPT)


7A Unit1 Making friends
Look and guess: Which country are they from
1. The kind of people you like.( Adj.s)
2. The tool you’ll use to make friends with him / her .
3. Something you going to tell her/him about yourself
[j 'self]
4. What you look like
5. Hobby: I am good at…
Work in pairs to tell your partner about yourself.
One is from China; the other is from another country.
Hi, nice to meet you !
My name is _________.(Name) I’m from______________. (Country) I’m ________years old.(Age)
I am _____________(What you look like).
I am good at __________________________(Hobby)
Nice meeting you.
Please watch a clip about Chinese in foreigners’ eyes and tick the words you hear about Chinese and Chinese culture..
Sum up
Sum up (纸质版1)
Reading 1 Anna’s blog
Read for comprehension
Period 2
Introduce yourself to your new classmates .The mind map may help you.
Step 1 Free talk
Read the title and subtitles ,predict what the article will talk about.
Step 2 Predicting
Step 3 Read for information
Read Part 1: About me, and complete the mind map.
I live with my family in a house close to some mountains.
Step 3 Read for information
Read Part 2: About my school and hobbies, and complete the mind map.
Every day, I go to school by school bus.
My favourite subjects are Maths, Art and Science.
I like my school because the teachers are all very friendly.
My dream is to be an engineer.
I like many sports. I’m good at swimming and playing basketball. These are my favourite hobbies.
Step 4 Read for information
My name is….
come from = be from
I’m …years old.
I have…
live with
in….; close to…
Step 5 Retelling
I go to school by…
My favourite subjects are….
= I like …best.
I like …because..
My dream is to be…
I like/love/enjoy/am keen on …
be good at= do well in
Step 5 Retelling
Step 6 Summary
Reading 2 Anna’s blog
Read for speaking and writing
Period 3
Step 1 Revision
Recite the article with the mind map given.
Step 2 Talk time
Introduce Anna to us in your own words.
My name is…./I’m…
come from = be from
I’m …years old.
I have…
live with
in….; close to…
Step 3 Phrases and sentence pattern learning
I go to school by…
My favourite subjects are….
= I like …best.
I like …because..
My dream is to be…
I like/love/enjoy/am keen on …
be good at= do well in
Step 3 Phrases and sentence pattern learning
Step 4 Phrases and sentence pattern in use
My name is…I come from…I’m…years old. I’m …(tall/thin).I have …(hair, eyes, mouth, nose ,glasses…).I live with… My house is…. My father is… My mother is..
I go to school by…My favourite subjects are… I like … because…My dream is to be ….I like …(hobby) . I am good at…
Talk about yourself with the phrases and sentence patterns in the article.
Grammar in use
Talking about someone with wh-questions and infinite articles “a & an”
Period 4
Guess about me
Writing an email
Period 5
How to Write an E-mail
Today’s task : writing emails!
An email usually goes like this:
Dear Anna,
My name is Bobby. I’d like to be your e-friend. I’m from the US. I’m short….
I have a big family. My grandfather lives with us…..
My school is very big. It’s far from our house…..
My favorite sport is …….
Best wishes,
Activity 2: Write an email to Anna and make e-friends with her.
Use the Mind map to help you.
Activity 3: Try to think
Why do we make friends
Reason1: ______________
Acitivity4 Talking about my best friend.
Period 6
Skills consolidation
Reading and speaking


