资源简介 (共30张PPT)Unit 5 What were you doing whenthe rainstorm came Section A 3a娄底市第一中学附属星星中学Nature brings us gorgeous beauty.NATURE’s POWERNature also brings people many disasters.storm暴风雨flood洪水cyclone飓风earthquake 地震tsunami海啸sleet 雨夹雪drought干旱What’s a storm Which words can describe it Strong windsBlack cloudsA heavy rainstormheavy rainvery bad weather with strong windsand heavy rain, often with thunder and lightningPredictingPre-readingIf your family were in a storm, what things would you prepare Choose three.matchesfoodan iphonea radiocandleswatermoneyflashlights1.Who is the story about 2.Where did the storm happen In AlabamaIt's about BenWhile-readingAlabama [ l 'b m ]Benan area in America地域,地区Paragraphs(段落)&Main ideas①②③④Match the main idea with each paragraph.(将段落和大意匹配起来) Reading tip:Pay attention to (关注)the first and last sentence(句子) in each paragraph(段落).Para. 1Para. 2Para. 3Para. 4A . The activities during (在……期间) the rainstorm.B . The result (结果) after the rainstorm.C . The weather before the rainstorm.D . The preparation (准备) before the rainstorm.Before the stormDuring the stormAfter the stormIt’s in the order of(顺序) ____time1Ben could hear strong winds outside his home in Alabama. Black clouds were making the sky very dark. With no light outside, it felt like midnight. The news on TV reported that a heavy rainstorm was in the area.Read part1 carefully and finish the tasks.The Storm Brought People Closer TogetherBefore the storm2Everyone in the neighborhood was busy. Ben’s dad was putting pieces of wood over the windows while his mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working. She also put some candles and matches on the table.Before the stormBen could hear _____ _____ outside._______ ______were making the sky very dark.With ______ ______ outside, it felt like midnight.Task : Fill in the blanks.(填空)1.What was the weather like before the heavy rainstorm started 2.What preparations(准备) were people doing before the storm Everyone was busy. Ben’s dad was putting pieces of ______over the windows.while his mom was putting some ______ and ______ on the table.no lightBlack cloudswoodmatchesstrong windscandlesrainstormbeforeHow Ben could hear __________ outside.strong windsBlack cloudsno light__________ were making the sky very dark.With __________ outside, it felt like midnight.What beforeBen’s dad _____________________ .Ben’s mom was1.______________________________________2._____________________________________ .was putting pieces of wood overthe windows.making sure the flashlight and radio were workingputting some candles and matches on the tableHow 's the weather before the rainstorm What were people doing before the rainstorm Guess how people indoors felt then.The weather description.nervousterribleafraid…Para 1Strong winds were outside the room.Blackclouds made the sky very dark.It felt likemidninght,The news reported the storm.set offDescribing the environmentpeople’s feelings.was making sure the flashlights and radio were working. She put some candles and matches on the table.Para 2Ben’s fatherBen’s motherwhilewas putting piecesof wood over the windowsThe windows might be broken.The power might be off.Heavy work.Easy work.LoveWarmthWhat were people doing during the rainstorm 3 Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain began to beat heavily against the windows. After dinner, they tried to play a card game, but it was hard to have fun with a serious storm happening outside.Read part 2 and finish the tasks.Task:True or False1. Ben was helping his mom when the rain finally started.2.Ben’s family had fun playing a card game.TFDuring the stormrainstormbeforeHow Ben could hear __________ outside.strong windsBlack cloudsno light__________ were making the sky very dark.With ________outside, it felt like midnight.What beforeBen’s dad _____________________ .Ben’s mom was ___________________________________________________________________________ .was putting pieces of wood over the windows.making sure the flashlight and radio were workingputting some candles and matches on the tableduringBen _____________________ .They_____________________ .was helping his mother make dinnertried to play a card gameDid they have fun No, because it’s serious.Para 3with a serious storm happening outsidewhen the rain began to beat heavily against the windowswhen the wind was dying downBen was helping his mom make dinnerThey tried to play a card gameBen fell asleepcommonAlthough the weather was bad, they still tried to make themselves _______.relaxedWarmCloser4 Ben could not sleep at first. He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down at around 3:00 a.m.When he woke up, the sun was rising. He went outside with his family and found the neighborhood in a mess. Fallen trees, broken windows and rubbish were everywhere. They joined the neighbors to help clean up the neighborhood together. Although the storm broke many things apart, it brought families and neighbors closer together.Read part3 and finish the tasks.After the stormTasks:1.The wind ________________when Ben feel asleep at 3:00 a.m..2. What was the neighborhood like was dying downfallen treesbroken windowsrubbishEverywhere was in a mess.After the stormThe storm broke many things apart.It brought people closer together.Help each otherrainstormbeforeHow Ben could hear __________ outside.strong windsBlack cloudsno light__________ were making the sky very dark.With __________ outside, it felt like midnight.What beforeBen’s dad _____________________ .Ben’s mom was_____________________________________ .was putting pieces of wood over the windows.making sure the flashlight and radio were workingputting some candles and matches on the tableduringBen _____________________ .They_____________________ .was helping his mother make dinnertried to play a card gameHow afterfallen trees, broken windows, rubbishWhat They joined the neighbors to help _______theneighborhood together.clean upIn the neighborhood after the stormWhat did people do They cleaned up the neighborhood together.the storm broke many things apart,Para 4It was in a mess. Fallen trees, broken windows and rubbish were everywhere.it brought families and neighbors closer together.The sun was rising.The storm was finally gone.What was the neighborhoodlike AlthoughThe storm brought people closer together.So, when disasters come, we should help each other.1. Are storms always bad What can we do in the face of difficulty individual work Discussion灾难Post-readingThe Storm Brought People Closer Together2. How do you understand “people closer together” from the article pair work DiscussionAlthough nature brings all kinds of disasters, we never give up hopes and always help each other.3. What other things can bring people closer together …Thingsfiresstudying problemsillnesstraffic accidentearthquake(地震)floods( 洪水)Group work DiscussionAlthough 2020-nCoV has a big influence on our lives, it brings us closer together.HomeworkMake a surveyHow can we help others in times of difficulty One group choose one topic,make a survey and write a summaryI will ..._______________ ____________________________ ____________________________ _____________give away clothesdonate(捐赠) moneyhelp rebuild their houseslook after the injured(受伤的)...cheer...upTopics: earthquake, illness, fires, traffic accident, flood.....Though difficulties are common,HANKSll of us can do something.o matter who you are,where you from,elping people in need can make the world warmer.eep it in your mind,unshine will be always around you! 展开更多...... 收起↑ 资源预览