Unit 5 Wild animals Reading1 Giant pandas 教案

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Unit 5 Wild animals Reading1 Giant pandas 教案


Unit 5 Reading
1. Be able to use the words and phrases to describe giant panda’s appearance and take actions to protect them
2. To train the students’ ability of guessing the meaning of the words in the text.
3. To enable the students to treat giant pandas as their friends by learning more information about them.
Words: outside,bamboo,sadly,action,protect,writer,gram,survive,reserve
Phrases: the baby panda,look like,at four months old,grow into,cut down,take some actions,in danger,on one’s own
Sentence: When Xi Wang was born, she weighed just 100 grams...
1.To understand the main idea of the article.
2.To learn how to take action to protect the wild animals.
Step1.Revision and Leading in
1, A free talk to revise what they have learned about the giant panda .Ask: Do you like pandas Why or why not
Do you know anything about the baby pandas
2.Watch a video about the baby pandas.
What do you know about the baby pandas in this video
Can you tell anything about the lightest panda in the world.(Discuss with partners)
Step2. Reading
1.Fast reading
T: Look through the passage and find out the main idea of this passage.
S: It wants us to protect pandas by introducing a story of a panda called Xi Wang.
T: Can you find an easy way to find the main idea
The title The picture The first sentence or the last sentence
Skim for the main ideas of paragraph 2 to 5
T: All of you have thought of so many ideas. Now, let’s read paragraph 2-5 and find their main ideas to see whether you have made the right prediction.
(3) Explain how to find out the main idea with the topic sentence.
T: Here, I have a question for you. How did you find the main idea of each paragraph Can you circle the topic sentence
(4). Understand the structure of the text
T: So far, we have known how the report is organized. It is time for us to analyze the structure of the report. How many parts can the report be divided into What are they Please work in groups.
3. Detail reading.
(1) Finish the table.
T: Boys and girls ,we have known the structure of this article and the main idea of each paragraph. Now, let’s get a close look at the article. First, let’s find out what the pandas eat and how much they weigh in different stages. You can circle some useful words while looking for answers. Now, please listen to the tape and then finish the table.
Information about Xiwang
Time Weight Food
At birth 100 grams mother’s milk
At 4 months 8 kilograms
At 6 months bamboo
At 12 months Over 35 kilograms
At 20 months look after herself
(2) Discussion
T: While looking for the answers, you may find some useful words that can help you quickly find the information you need. Can you circle them
Show students the life cycle of pandas
Life span:15-20 years in the wild
<30years in captivity (补充关于熊猫的课外知识)
Class: mammal
Habitat, Cat-like pupils, five fingers and one thumb.
(3).Show a picture of Xi Wang crying.Ask: Why is Xi Wang is crying
Answer:There are many problems that Xi Wang may have in the picture.
Read para 4&5 and complete sentences.
It’s difficult to have babies and many babies die when they are very young.
Pandas may not have a place to live or food to eat.
Let’s take action to help pandas.
Step3: Show time
T:show your more useful and creative ideas . You can help the reserve get 10 million from WWF.
Discuss first then show their answers.
Tell students that the pandas have changed into vulnerable animals from endangered animals.If we try our best, there will be more and more pandas in the world. Maybe one day we can keep a panda as our pet.
In a word,where there is Xi Wang, there is hope.
Have more babies
Build more panda reserves
Take action
Make laws


