外研版(2019)必修第一册Unit 5 Into the wild 教案(3份)

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外研版(2019)必修第一册Unit 5 Into the wild 教案(3份)


Unit 5 Into the wild
Developing ideas
科目:英语 课题:Developing ideas 课时:1课时
1. Greeting
2. Leading-in
学生活动: 教师组织学生两两一组开展Role-play——An Interview.激发学生的兴趣。
Give an interview according to the hint.
1 由于环境变糟,气候变暖,大熊猫数量受到了影响;
2 中国已经建立数个自然保护区来保护大熊猫;
3 需要更多的资金和帮助。
学生活动:完成活动6。Read the paragraph about the red-crowned crane and answer the questions.
1 What does the red-crowned crane look like
2 Where can you find it
3 Where does it migrate to
4 What does it eat
5 What symbolic meaning does the red-crowned crane have in Chinese culture
Useful expressions
It is...tall.
It gets its name from…
Its unique feature is....
Its food includes…
It is a symbol of...
答案 1 It has white feathers except for some black ones on its face, neck and wings. It also has bright red skin on the top of its head.
2 It can be found in China. Russia, Mongolia, Japan and the Korean Peninsula.
3 It migrates to east-central China when the weather gets cold.
4 It eats fish, snails and water plants.
5 It has a symbolic meaning of long life and good luck in Chinese culture.
2、 While-writing
Choose an animal you want to write about and make notes.
Other information
The Siberian crane is also known as the snow crane. It is about 140 cm in height, generally shorter than the red-crowned crane. Its feathers are nearly all snowy white except for some black ones that are only visible inflight. Its featherless face is reddish in colour. The Siberian crane is usually found in East Asia, where its numbers are known as the eastern populations. These migrate to China in winter. Other much smaller populations migrate to Iran in winter. The snow crane has a good and diverse appetite, including fish, insects, the roots and tubers of water plants and soon. In Chinese culture, the snow crane is a symbol of elegance, purity, good fortune and long life.
Come up with your own ending to Jimmy and Bob's story, twenty years after Bob was arrested. Answer the questions to help you.
Pair work
1. Share your writing with your partner and help each other correct the mistakes.
2. Give your partner some useful suggestions to express the same meaning better.
5 4 3 2 1
Complete content
Enough words
Good expressions
Correct grammar
Nice handwriting
2Unit 5 Into the wild
Using language教学设计
科目:英语 课题:Using language 课时:1课时
1. Help the students learn more about the structures and functions of the attributive clauses and master the usage of relative adverbs as well as their applications in real contexts.
2. Help the students deepen their understanding of English and stimulate their interest in learning English.
Ménwhile, help the students learn to observe, research and summarise in English thinking models.
3. Help students learn more about the attributive clauses by observing, analysing and illustrating. Thus, help the students deepen their own understanding of the attributive clauses
4. Help the students explore more usage of the attributive clauses, especially that of the relative adverbs through self-study and cooperation.
教学重点:1. Help the students learn more about the structures and functions of the attributive clauses and master the usage of relative adverbs as well as their applications in real contexts.
2. Help the students master and properly use the idioms related to animals, and learn the meanings of some common idioms.
1. Greeting
2. Leading-in
教师活动:The teacher leads the students to review the reading passage on Pages 50-51 and underline all the attributive clauses in the passage. Then, the teacher will introduce the main topic of this class.
(Intention: Introduce the grammar item of this class: the attributive clauses introduced by relative adverbs.)
二、While- reading
教师活动:The teacher requires the students to discuss the similarities of the underlined attributive clauses in the passage and then summarise the law of the application of their conjunctions, such as where, when and why.
(Intention: Summarise the usage of the relative adverbs in the attributive clauses.)
when引导定语从句,其先行词是表示时间的名词,如:time, morning, day, week, month, year等,when在从句中作时间状语。
I still remember the days when we swam together in the river.
Do you know the date when they got married?你知道他们结婚的日期吗?
where引导定语从句,其先行词往往是表示地点的名词,如place, spot, room, house, school, city 等,where在从句中作地点状语。这里说的“地点”名词包含着①具体的地点,如place, house ②抽象的地点,如case, stage, situation, position ③隐性的地点,如news, story等。
Do you still remember the woods where we first met?
why引导定语从句,表示原因或理由,其先行词是reason why在定语从句中作原因状语。
Is this the reason why you refused me 这就是你拒绝我的理由吗?
在现代英语中,that是一个多功能词,也可以用作关系副词引导定语从句,修饰表示时间(time)、地点(place)原因(reason)、方式(way)的先行词。that作关系副词时相当于when,where,why,in which,而且一般可以省略。
I still remember the time(that/when/in which)I helped my father on the farm.我仍然记得在农场里帮助我爸爸的岁月。
I have never been to the place(that/where/in which)the Indians live.我从未到过那些印第安人居住的地方。
(3)表示原因时,that相当于why或for which,可省略。
The reason(that/why/for which)he lost his life was lack of medical care.他的死是由于缺乏医疗造成的。
(4)表示方式时,that相当于in which,可省略。
Can you work out a way(that/in which)we can solve this problem?你能找出一种我们能够解决这个问题的方法吗?此时不能用how引导定语从句。注意:how从来不引导定语从句!
学生活动:学生完成活动1。Look at the sentences from the reading passage and answer the question.
a Eventually, it manages to reach the places where it will spend the winter.
b The solution... comes at a time when it is in serious trouble.
c Sadly, human activity is the main reason why the number of monarch butterflies is falling.
1 What do "where", "when" and "why" refer to in each sentence
1 "Where" refers to "the places" in sentence (a), "when" refers to "a time" in sentence (b) and "why" refers to "the main reason" in sentence (c).
d Eventually, it manages to reach those places. It will spend the winter there.
e It is in serious trouble. The solution... comes at this time.
f Sadly, human activity is the main reason. For this reason, the number of monarch butterflies is falling.
2 What's the difference between the two groups of sentences
3 Why does the author choose to use sentences (a), (b) and (c) in the reading passage
2 Sentences (a), (b) and (c) contain a clause defining a noun or pronoun in the sentence. Sentences
(d),(e) and (f) are constructed with a pair of simple sentences, with one defining a noun or pronoun in the other sentence in each pair.
3 Because there is a closer link and connection between the item and the clause defining it in sentences (a), (b) and (c).It will also make the passage clearer, and create an emphatic(强调的)effect on the location, time and reason being defined.
1 These two pieces of information-the time of day and the point where the sun is in the sky...
2 In many of the places where the butterfly can be found, people are destroying the natural environment.
3...there may come a time when the number of monarch butterflies increases once again.
学生活动:完成活动2。Read the passage and underline the words that where, when and why refer to.
In April 2017, two giant pandas from China arrived at a zoo in the Netherlands. There, they were welcomed to the Chinese-style compound where they were to live. On 30 May, after the preparations were complete, the day finally came when the pandas met their fans for the first time. People were excited -the zoo is the only place in the country where it is possible to see pandas. In fact, the last time there were pandas in the Netherlands was in 1987. And of course, the main reason why they were so excited is that pandas are just so cute!
where-the Chinese-style compound
when-the day
where-the only place in the country
why-the main reason
学生活动:完成活动3。Complete the email with where, when or why.
We're having an amazing time here in South Africa. Our accommodation is perfect. It is in a location 1 _____ we can watch animals wandering past on their way to the waterhole. Sunset is the time of the day 2 _____ we sit on the balcony and count how many giraffes or antelopes we can see. I guess this is the reason 3 _____ this place is so popular. Next week, we are going to fly up to Zambia. That's one of the countries 4_____ you can visit the famous Victoria Falls.
答案:1 where 2 when 3why 4 where
学生活动:学生完成活动4。Look at the pictures and complete the idioms with animal names.
1 as busy as a(n) _________
2 kill two ______ with one stone
8 When the cat's away, the _____ will play.
4 hold your ______
5 It's raining _____ and ______
1 bee 2 birds 3 mice 4 horses 5 cats, dogs
学生活动:完成活动5。Complete the paragraph with the animal idioms in Activity 4.
English idioms are a way of adding colour to the language. For example, instead of f saying "It's raining heavily", you could say "1 _____________________________________"Another reason to use idioms is that they are concise. For example, to describe someone who is always working or busy doing something, we can say they are 2 _________________________________. If they're rushing into something and should wait and be patient, you could say 3"____________________________________". Learning idioms can be fun, especially when we compare them to Chinese equivalents. Take, for example, "4_________________________________" (people do what they want and have fun when someone in authority is absent) and "5__________________________" (solve two problems with one action) -are there corresponding idioms in Chinese
1 It's raining cats and dogs 2 as busy as a bee 3 hold your horses 4 When the cat's away, the mice will play 5 kill two birds with one stone
Work in pairs. Find more animal idioms. Choose an idiom and describe a situation with it.
·put the cart before the horse 本末倒置
·lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen 亡羊补牢
·birds of a feather flock together物以类聚
·look a gift horse in the mouth 吹毛求疵
·ride the high horse 趾高气扬
·let sleeping dogs lie莫惹是非
·a black sheep害群之马
五、Homework 完成本节课同步练习
2Unit 5 Into the wild
Understanding ideas教学设计
科目:英语 课题:Understanding ideas 课时:1课时
1. Students will be able to find and summarise the usage of when, where and why in the attributive clauses and apply it in the real context. Meanwhile, they will learn and apply some words and expressions related to monarch's migration.
2. Students will be able to learn the background, purpose and way of monarch's migration, understand the influence of human behavior on their survival, and deepen the cognition of
3. Students will be able to explore more usage of when, where and why in the attributive clauses and compare it with the usage of that, which, who and whom in the attributive clauses through self-study and cooperation.
教学重点:1. Lead the students to understand the author's intention.
2. Have a clear picture of the structure and inner logical relation of the passage.
教学难点:1. Lead the students to comb the important information through mind mapping.
2. Help the students try out the summary writing.
1. Greeting
2. Leading-in
What is animal migration
Animal migration
Animal migration refers to the movement of a species from one habitat to another in response to seasonal changes to the environment. Often covering great distances and involving huge numbers of animals, it can be fascinating to observe. Migration happens in all parts of the animal kingdom, from fish and insects to birds, reptiles (爬行动物)and mammals(哺乳动物).
学生活动:学生完成活动1。 Look at the pictures and choose the animals that migrate.
a b c e
While- reading
学生活动:完成活动2。Read the passage and find out what mystery the scientists have solved.
The scientists have solved the mystery of how monarch butterflies manage to travel a long distance and find their way to their destination.
学生活动:完成活动3。Choose where you are most likely to find the passage. 2
学生活动:完成活动4。Complete the sentences with expressions from the passage. Then use the sentences to complete the "cause-effect "flow charts.
a The monarch butterfly is able to tell 1__________________________________
b Using these two pieces of information, the monarch butterfly determines 2_______________________________
c The monarch butterfly measures 3_________________________________________with its eyes
d The monarch butterfly reaches 4________________________________________
1 the time of day
2 the way to go
3 the position of the sun
4 the places where it will spend the winter
) (
e Humans 5 __________________________________trees.
f The 6 _________________________________where monarchs can be found is destroyed
g Humans use chemicals that 7 ___________________________________________that monarch caterpillars eat.
h The monarch butterfly's population 8 ______________________________ in the last few years.
5 cut down
6 natural environment of many places
7 kill the plants
8 has crashed (by as much as 90 per cent)
) (
学生活动:Think & Share
1 What impresses you most about the monarch butterfly
2 What can people do to help protect the monarch butterfly
1They can travel around 4,000 kilometres south and find their way to California or Mexico.
2 We protect them by planting more trees, using fewer chemicals and providing enough food
1. Sum up what they learned in class and take notes.
2. Preview the next period.


