Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag 全单元教案

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Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag 全单元教案


Unit 4
第一课时 Section A(1a-2c)
(1)单词:where, table, bed, bookcase, sofa, chair, on, under.
一It's in/on/under...
一Where are..
-They're on/in/under..
(2)能使用方位介词on, in, under 等描述物品所在的位置
(1)通过小组活动等一系 列的课堂活动,培养学生的合作精神和观察能力。
2.教学难点:能用方位介词on, in, under 等描述物品所在的位置
PPT课件, 录音
Step 1 Warming up
Playa game: Do as Isay,
Let the students do the actions as the teacher says.
Teacher: Put your right hand on your head.
Put your pen in your partner's pencil box.
Put your pen under your English book..
Step2 Leading in
1. The teacher asks the students:
What can you see in our classroom
Help the students with the answers: I can see some desks, chairs, pictures, books, pens, pencils, pencil boxes, schoobags..
2. The teacher shows a picture of a room and asks the students:
What can you see in the room
Help the students with the answers: I can see a table, a sofa, a bed, a bookcase..
3. Show all the new words on the screen. Let the students read and remember by themselves. Then write the following words:
桌子table 床bed 书架bookcase 沙发sofa 椅子chair
书桌desk 在哪里where 在...上面 on 在.....下under 在... 里in
Step 3 Consolidation
1. Point to the picture in la and ask,“What things in the picture can you name "Ask the students to point to the items as they name them. They may work in pairs before reviewing the answers with the whole class. Ask the students to match the words with the objects in the picture by writing the ltters of the objects on the lines next to the words.
2. Check the answers together.
Answers: 1.b 2.e 3.h 4.g 5.d 6.a 7.f 8.c
Step4 Presentation
1. The teacher points to a book that he/she puts on the desk before the class and then says: My book is on the desk. Where's your pen
Help the students with the answers: It's on/in/under the...Ask some students to answer.
2. Translate the following phrases.
在桌子下面under the table
在床上on the bed
在书架里in the bookease
在椅子下面under the chair
在书包里面in the schoolbag
在沙发上on the sofa
3. Ask the students to find the things and their location after the model.
Model: The schoolbag is under the table. Remind the students of the forms of“be".
4. Let the students work in pairs:
A: Where's your..
B: It's on/in/under.._.
A: Where are your books
B: They're in/on/under..
5. Translate the following scentences.
(1)“我的铅笔盒在哪里 ”“它 在你的书包里。”
Where's my pencil box It's in your schoobag.
(2)“我的书在哪里 ”“它们在沙发 上。”
Where are my books They re on the sofa.
(3)“我的电子游戏在哪里 ”“它在 你的床下。”
Where's my computer game It's under your bed.
Step5 Practice
1. Show a picture of a room and ask the students to talk about it in pairs.
A: Where's/Where are..
B: It's/They're on/in/under..
2.Ask the students to listen to Ib and 2a. Number the things in the pictures.
Then check the answers:
1b.1, 4,2,3
2a.2,6,1, 5,3,4
3. Listen to 2a and 2b again and write down the key information in the chart.
Answers: (2.) books, on the chair
(3). pencil box,under the sofa
(4). schoolbag, under the table
(5.) ruler, under the chair
(6.) keys, on the table
4. Make a report according to the information in the chart after the model.
The computer game is in the bookcase. The books are on the chair..
5. Ask the students to work in pairs and talk about the things in 2b like this:
A: Are the keys on the sofa
B: No, they aren't. They 're on the table.
6. Work in groups.
(1)where用于询问某人或某物的位置,意为“在哪里"。句子结构为“Where+be+主语 ”,be动词的形式要与后面的主语保持一致。在回答该句型时,用“主语+be+表示地点的介词短语.”。
7. Task
Show a picture of Mary's room. In group of four, describe where the things are in the room.
This is Mary's room. It's clean and tidy. The books are on the desk. The computer is on the desk..
Let the students describe Mary's room in pairs before the class.
Step 6 Summary
In this lesson, we have learned:
1. New words: where, table, bed, bookcase, sofa, chair, on, under.
2. Sentence structures: Where's.. It's in/on/under.....
Where ar..They re in/on/under....
1. Remember the new words.
2. Write at lcast five sentences about the things and their places in your room.
3. Make a play Forgetful.
Board Design
第二课时 Section A(2d-3c)
(1)单词:come, desk, think, room, their, hat, head, know;
(2)短语: come on.
(3)句型:"Where'. "和“Where are.. ""句型。
2. 能力目标
熟练运用方位介词on, in, under 等描述物品的位置
2.教学难点:(1)方位介词on, in, under 的熟练运用。(2)系动词be(is, are)的 正确运用。
PPT课件, 录音
Step 1 Leading in
Act out Forgetfiul
The students practice the short play Forgetful for three minutes so that they can act it out well.
T: Which group can act the play out
Ss: We can.
S1: My name is“Forgetfiul", I want to work, but..Where are my...
S2: (come to him)Are they on the.......
S1: No, they aren't,
Ss: Are they in you...
S1: Oh, yes. But where is my ID card ....
Step 2 Presentation
Teacher: Let's learn some new words.
1. Look at the picture. Here's a room. (板书room)What can you see in the room
(New words: room, desk, hat, head, come, think, know)
2. Translate the fllowing words and phrase. Then read in groups.
来come 书桌desk 认为:想think 房间room 他(她、它)们的their 帽子hat :
头head 是的:对yeah 知道know 快点儿come on
Step 3. Role-play
1. Ask the students to find out where Jack's bag, map and hat are after reading the conversation for the first time.
2. Read and role-play the conversation.
3. Work in groups.
(1)Come on!此处表示催促,意为“快点儿”。
(2)I think后接宾语从句,用来表述自己的主观想法或看法,其否定形式为Idon't hink...
Step4 Grammar Focus
1. The teacher cllects some school things on the desk, then hides them to ask some questions.
T: Where is the map
Ss: It's on/in/under...
T: Where are my books
Ss: They are on/in/under..
“Wher's.. I'../.Where re... Teye.."are contractions. Then the teacher writes them on the blackboard.
Please pay attention to the sentences. We ue"Whers'.... 'to talk about the single obje
And “Where' r..Theyere... ”to talk about two or more objects.
2. Read all the sentences in the box.
3. Sum up the prepositions: in, on, under.
(2)on表示“...上.”指某人或某物在另一-物体的 上面,两者之间有接触。
(3)under表示“....下”,指某人或某物在另- -物体的垂直下方,两者之间没有接触。
4. Make a survey.
Make a survey about your classmates' things using"Where isr.."And then fill in the chart.
Step 5 Practice
1. Look at the pictures and complete the conversations in 3a.
Answers: 1. are;on;table 2. book;ls;under 3. are;Are;schoolbag
2. Complete the sentences.
(1)- Where are your books - They're on the desk.
(2)-Where's your baseball- -It's under the chair.
(3)- -Where are his pencils
- -They're in the pencil box.
(4)- -Where's her computer
- HIt's on the desk.
(5)-Is the book in the schoolbag
- -No, it isn't,
(6)- Are they on the desk
- -Yes, they are.
Step 6 Pair work
Ask and answer questions about the things in 3b.
A: Where are the books
B: I don't know. Are they on the desk
A: No, they're on the sofa.
Share the work in class and find out the best pair.
Step7 Task
1. Work in pairs. Student A looks at the picture on page 19. Student B looks at the picture in 3c.
T: Let's find out the differences between the pictures. Where is the backpack Is it on the table (Look at Picture 1)
Ss: No, it isn't. It's under the table. (Look at Picture 2)
T: Where are the books Are they behind the sofa (Look at Picture 1)
Ss: No, they are on the sofa. (Look at Picture 2)
T: Please practice in pairs.
2. Fill in the chart.
Ask some pairs to make a dialogue and find out some differences. And fill in the chart according to the pictures.
3. Make a report.
Let some pairs report it
Model: In Picture I, the pencil box s..In Picture 2, the pencil box is..
Step 8 Summary
Ask the students to make a summary about this lesson:
New words and a phrase: room, dcsk, hat, head, come, think, know, their, come on.
Sentence structures: Where'. It's on/in/under...
Where are.. They' re..on/in/under..
1. Remember the new words in Section A.
2. Ask the students to make a dialogue like 3c.
Board Design
第三课时 Section B(1a-2c)
(1)单词: radio, clock, tape, player, model, plane,
(2)短语:tape player, model plane
(3)句型: -Where are the English books
-They're under the radio.
PPT课件, 录音
Step 1 Warming up
Ask the students: Do you like our classroom Please describe it.
Let them describe it with the drills. You can find out the better ones and share in class.
The main drills they can use:
There is a(n).. on/in/under..
The map is... .
The books are...
Step2 Leading in
1. Show a picture of Tom's bedroom and ask the students:
What can you see in the bedroom
Help the students with the answers: I can see a radio, a clock, a tape, a model plane..
2. Read the new words. Then write the following words and phrases.
收音机radio 时钟clock 磁带taps 播放机player 磁带播放机tape player
飞机plane 模型model 飞机模型model plane
Step 3 Practice
1. Ask the students to match the words with the things in the picture in la.
Then check the answers.
Answers: 1.a 2.f 3.d 4.e 5.b 6.c
2. Play a game: Challenge your memory
Ask the students to look at everything in the picture in la and memorize as many as they can.
Then ask them to close their books and write down as many as they can. Then have students open their books and see if they missed any words.
3. Ask the students to work in pairs.
A: Where's the notebook
B: It's on the bed.
4. Translate the following sentences.
(1)--笔记本在哪儿 Where's the notebook
--它在床 上。It's on the bed.
(2)--英语 书在哪儿 Where are the English books
- -- -它们在收音机下面。They're under the radio.
My English books are on the chair.
Frank's tape is in the tape player.
Step4 Listening
1. Say the list of words in 1c and ask the students to repeat them.
2. Play the recording for the first time and ask the students to circle the things that Tom wants from his room.
Answers: English books, ruler, notebook, tape
3. Ask the students to listen again and answer:
Where are Tom's things Write them down in 1d.
Answers:. The ruler is on the bed.
The notebook is under the model plane in the bookcase.
The tape is in the tape player.
4. Work in pairs to talk about the things in Tom's room.
A: Where are the English books
B: They're under the radio.
5. Task.
T: Please look at Tom's room. Do you think it's tidy
Ss: No, I don't think so.
Then let four students in a group. Draw a picture about Tom' s room, put the things in the correct
Choose some groups to show the room.
6. Work in groups.
(1)bring意为“带来”,指从别处将某物带到说话者处,常用短语: brig..0...
He needs some English books.
Where's my ruler I need it.
Step5 Activity
1. The teacher says,“We all have our own rooms and want to make them more beautiful. Now lets design our rooms. "Give the students some time to prepare and then share in class.
2. The teacher shows two similar pictures and asks the students to find out the differences between them in the shortest time.
The students can report like this: The books are on the sofa in this picture, but the books are in the bookcase in that picture...
Step6 Summary
Ask the students to make a summary about this lesson:
1. New words: radio, clock, tape, player, model, plane.
2. Sentences:
Where's the notebook
It's on the bed.
Where are the English books
They' 're under the radio.
1. Design your bedroom and write it down.
2. Prepare to read the passage in 2b.
Board Design
第四课时 Section B(3a-Self Check)
(1)单词:tidy, but, our, everywhere, always.
(2)句型:I'm tidy, but Gina is not.
I have a clock.
Gina's books are everywhere.
The white model plane is hers.
Gina always asks.
PPT课件, 录音
Step 1
Warming up and leading in
Show a picture of a room to the class.
1. Let the students write the words they know for the things in the picture.
2. Ask some questions about the picture.
Show another picture of an untidy room to the class and ask the students:
Which room do you like better Why
Do you want to know something about them
Answers will vary.
3. Translate the words into English.
整洁的tidy 但是but 我们的our 处处:到处everywhere 总是always
Step2 Reading
1. Rcad the passage for the first time and answer the qucstions (1) and (2).
(1)Is Kate tidy
(2)Is Gina tidy
Answers: (1)Yes, sheis. (2)No, she isn't.
2. Read the passage a second time and try to complete the chart in 2c.
3. Ask and answer in pairs like this:
A: Where are Kate's books and tapes
B: They're in the bookcase. /In the bookcase.
4. Translate the following sentences.
I'm tidy. but Gina is not.
L have a clock.
Gina's books are everywhere.
The white model plane is hers.
Gina always asks.
5. Work in groups.
辨析: but 与and
(2)always副词,意为“总是:始终:永远”,常用在- -般现在时中,表示频率。
6. Read the passage again and discuss the way of describing one's room.
Step3 Writing
1. Ask the students to make a list of what they have in their rooms and tell the class where they
are. Fill in the chart in 3a.
2. Write about where the things are. Use the word"and" if they can in 3b.
3. Task.
Ask the students to draw their ideal rooms in groups of six with color pencils.
Ten minutes later, ask the students to hand up their drawings, every group chooses one to
describe the room.
..M.y room is very tidy. There is/are...
My dictionary and my radio are on the desk.
My pencil box is in my schoolbag and my schoolbag is under the desk..
Choose the best one and give them some candies or school things to encourage them.
Step4 Self Check
1. Write the things in your room in groups.
Then read the words in groups and check the words each other.
Answers: Fumiture: bed, sofa, bookcase, chair..
Stationery: pen, ruler, eraser, pencil box, notebook..
Other: plant, radio, clock, model plan...
2. Write about the things in your classroom with in, on and under.
Answers will vary.
Step5 Summary
Ask the students to make a summary about this lesson.
1. New words: tidy, but, our, everywhere, always.
2. Sentences: I'm tidy, but Gina is not.
I have a clock.
Gina's books are everywhere.
The white model plane is hers.
Gina always asks.
3. Writing.
1. Write a short passage to describe your room/classoom.
2. Preview the words in UNIT 5, Scction A.
Board Design


