资源简介 最全的英语26个字母及常见字母组合发音规律26个字母发音规律:a [e ] Name able cake table take date[ ] apple cat map match sad and angry[α:] dance last pass plant[ ] want what watch wash[ :] waterb [b] book big bag boxc [k] clean climb cup clock cook clothes[s] face nice pencil city cinemad [d] desk doll dog dad day dish does deepe [i:] he she me evening meter[e] elephant egg bed pen best get next then[ ] enjoy English eleven because forestf [f] fine friend fly foot fan fall fightg [ɡ] gun glass glad go get[ ] age orange villageh [h] hat her house honey happy have heavier hurt hospitali [a ] fine bike five ice climber hiking kind[ ] is sit miss pig picture ill dinner him listen pick riverj [ ] jeep jacket jump Jan. July Junek [k] kite cake thank kangaroo speak take walk work lake likel [l] leg left ruler flag lamp longer relax play[l] apple bowl tell old tail whalem [m] am map my mouth milkn [n] no know new hand[ ] thank think thing uncle swingo [ u] old home nose coke tomato over hold piano[ ] dog not clock box robot on from forest often stop[ ] son month mother love young[u:] who do whosep [p] map jeep pig pen apple plant play please policemanq [kw] quite quilt quickr [r] radio brother read rabbit write mirror librarys [s] sit miss this books spring swim sleep grass[z] nose those rose rulers seasont [t] it sit not that table little take left fruit but plantu [ju:] use usually excuse menu[ ] bus us sun duck uncle up trunk funny must[ ] put pull helpfulv [v] five love very seven village livew [w] we window watch want wait water Wednesday winter withx [ks] box six fox relaxy [a ] my fly why bye[j] yes yellow young yesterday[ ] happy baby very windy snowy studyz [z] zoo zero元音字母组合发音规律:ai [e ] wait paintank [ ηk] tank thank.ass [a:s] grass class glass brass.ask [ a:sk] ask task mask basketay [e ] May play day sayair [е ] air hair chairall [ :] tall small ballar [α:] farther farm car arm garden hardly partyare [е ] hare mar ,bare glareau [ :] caugh caught taughtaw draw awn.ea [i:] meat please tea read cleaner east easy leaf season[e] head bread ready[ ] theater[e ] greatee [i:] meet see bee feet jeep seed weekend sweet sweepear [ ] ear hear near[е ] bear wear[з:] earth learneir [е ] theirer [ ] worker teacher November later[з:] herere [ ] here[е ] where thereew [ju:] new few[u:] flew grewigh [a ] right high brightir [з:] bird girl shirt thirty thirdoa [ u] boat coat road goatoi [ ] boil oiloy toy boy.ong [ ] long songoo [ ] book foot good look[u:] moon balloonor [ :] short fork pork north[з:] word world workoor [ :] door floorore [ :] more store soreou [au] out house mouth cloud south bounceour [ :] four your[au ] our hourow [ u] bowl window know row[au] now cow flower down howur [з:] turnui [u:] fruit[ ] biscuit辅音字母组合发音规律:tr [tr] tree train tripdr [dr] dress driverge [ ] age,cage,gorge.dge [ ] bridge,knowledge.th [θ] thank mouth thin think twelfth[ ] this that with togethersh [ ] shirt wash short ship shine shop show freshch [t ] child chair catch teach watch[k] school Christmasck [k] attack,cock,knock.kn [n] know,knock,knightng [ ] cling,sing,englishnk [ k] ink,think,blink.ph [f] physics,photoqu [kw] queue,quest,requiresh [∫] shit,sheep shop cash,rubbish washsion [∫ n] tension decision revisiontion attention positiontch [t∫] catch matchth [θ] think thing;those[ ] that thistw [tw] two twin twentywh [w] white wheel what[h] who whose whomts [ts] jackets kitesds [dz] birds friend这些总结并不能包括所有字母组合,但是已经是大部分了。清辅音浊化 英语浊化只出现在下列情况下:当/p/、/t/、/k/、/tr/前面的音标是/s/且所在音节是重读音节则清辅音浊化成/b/、/d/、/g/、/dr/。浊化的一个根本特点是,发音发生改变,而音标的书写方式没有改变,所以在拼读的时候尤其要注意。比如school我们虽然读作/sgu:l/,但音标依然要写成/sku:l/。有人把美国人water,better的发音中/t/趋向于/d/也称为浊化,这是一种无知的说法,因为这只是美音和英音的区别,英国人并不这样读。我们不妨可以看作是美国人为了读音方便,做出的一种语音弱化现象。 音节 开音节和闭音节所谓音节是指由一个元音音标单独构成,或者由辅音和元音组合而成的发音单位。所谓开音节和闭音节是针对单词而言的,以a,e,i,o,u五个元音字母之一结尾的,或者与辅音字母(r除外)结合并且以字母e结尾的音节。其他以辅音字母和元音字母组合的音节是闭音节。元音字母在单词中的发音规律 英语中共有a,e,i,o,u五个元音字母。这五个元音字母在单词中的发音也是有规律的,例如:1、A在开音节中发/ei/,比如:cake,take,在闭音节中发/ /,比如:rat,that,tank,与r组合时发/a:/,比如:bark,tard.这其实是字母组合发音。2、E在开音节中发/i:/,比如:me,she,thesis,theme在闭音节中发/e/,比如:tension,lesson,hen.与r组合时发/ :/,比如:emergency,energy.这其实是字母组合发音。3、I在开音节中发/ ai/,比如:mine,knife,mike.在闭音节中发/i/,比如:bit,kick,pick,与r组合时发/ :/,比如:skirt,dirty这其实是字母组合发音。4、O在开音节中发/ u/,比如:choke,nose,rose.在闭音节中发/ /,比如:knock,not,rot.与r组合时发/ :/,比如:born,more,short,这其实是字母组合发音。5、U在开音节中发/ju:/,比如:use,unite在闭音节中发/Λ/,比如:truck,suck,much.与r组合时发/ :/,比如:burn,turn,nurse这其实是字母组合发音。 辅音字母在单词中的发音规律在英语单词中,除了元音字母组合发音具有一定的规律外,辅音字母组合的发音也有一定的规律,掌握这些规律对迅速掌握单词,有事半功倍的效果。下面简单总结一下辅音字母组合的发音规律。b一般发音为:/b/。比如:bake,bike,bad,boy.c有两种发音:/k/。比如:cake,catch,cap. 或 /s/。比如:cite,city,rice.d一般发音为:/d/。比如:dog,dick,dot,duck.f一般发音为:/f/。比如:forth,future,fox.g一般发音为:/g/。比如:muskeg,egg,good.h一般发音为:/h/。比如:hate,hot,humorous.k一般发音为:/k/。比如:cook,coak,kitchen.一般在词尾。l一般发音为:/l/。比如:milk,smile,tail.m一般发音为:/m/。比如:mum,memory,mushroom,much.n一般发音为:/n/。比如:nut,enough,nike.p一般发音为:/p/。比如:proper,pitch,pig,poke.q一般需要跟u一起用。发/kw/,在字母组合发音时会讲到。r一般发音为:/r/。比如:right,rock,russia,rich.s一般发音为:/s/。比如:sit,sick,season,seashore. 或/z/。比如:rise,raise,towards,一般在开音节中。t一般发音为:/t/。比如:tick,teach,temple.v一般发音为:/v/。比如:very,victory,vacancy.w一般发音为:/w/。比如:watch,word,work.x一般发音为:/ks/。比如:six,sex,excise.一般在词中或词尾。 /zi /。比如:xerox.一般在词首。 /gz/。比如:example,exactly,多在以字母开头的单词中。y一般发音为:/i/。比如:physics,baby,kitty.一般在闭音节中。 / ai/。比如:bye,eye,一般在开音节中。 /j/。比如:yoke,new york,you,yesterday.一般在词首。z一般发音为:/z/。比如:zigzag,zero,zipperPAGE6 展开更多...... 收起↑ 资源预览