北师大版(2019) 必修第一册 Unit 3 Celebrations Lesson 1 Spring Festival Vocabulary 词汇课件-(23张ppt)

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北师大版(2019) 必修第一册 Unit 3 Celebrations Lesson 1 Spring Festival Vocabulary 词汇课件-(23张ppt)


unit 3 topic talk & lesson 1
occasion n.重要的社交活动;时刻,时候
occasional adj. 偶然的 occasionally adv. 偶然地
on occasion(s) 偶尔;偶然 = occasionally
on this/that occasion 在这种/那种场合
on the occasion of 在…之际
graduation n.毕业
graduate n. 毕业生 vi. 毕业
graduate from 从…毕业
graduate in 毕业于…
1. After ________ (graduate), he went to Beijing, working as a teacher.
2. Martha graduated ________ high school two years ago.
congratulation n.恭喜,祝贺
congratulations to sb on sth. 为某事向某人祝贺
send/offer congratulations to sb 向某人致以祝贺
→congratulate v.
congratulate sb. on (doing) sth. 祝贺某人某事
congratulate…for… 因…而称赞…
decorate vi. & vt. 装饰,布置,美化
→decoration n. 装饰物
decorate...with... 用……装饰……
be decorated with... 装饰着/装点着……
tradition n. 传统
religious/cultural traditions 宗教/文化传统
break with tradition 摒弃传统
by tradition 按照传统
→traditional adj. 传统的
traditionally adv. 传统地
traditional dress/music 传统服装/音乐
①Today, many Chinese people are learning Western styles and theories rather than focusing on Chinese ________ (tradition).
②School uniforms are ________ (tradition) in Britain, but some schools are starting to get rid of them.
③Housework has ________ (traditional) been regarded as women's work.
put up 张贴;竖起;搭建
put down 写下;记下;镇压
put forward 提出;提前
put off 推迟
put out 熄灭;扑灭
put aside 储存;保留
account n. 描述,报道;账户 
vi. 作出解释;说明;认为
on account of 因为,由于 (=because of)
take account of/take...into account (=take...into consideration)
account for 解释;说明(原因);(在数量、比例上)占
summarise vi. & vt. 总结,概括
→summary n. 摘要,概要,总结 
in summary 总的来说

attach vt. 贴;固定;附上
→attachment n. 附件;附属品;爱慕
attach...to... 把……附加于/贴……上
be attached to 附属于;喜爱
attach importance to 认为……很重要
My parents always ________ great importance ________ my getting a good education.
expectant adj. 期待的,期望的
→expect vt. 期望;预料;以为;料想
→expectation n. 期待,预期
expect to do sth. 期望做某事
beyond expectation 出乎意料
surround vt. 环绕,围绕
→surrounding adj. 周围的;附近的
→surroundings n. 环境
be surrounded by/with  被……包围/围绕
①The children grew up in beautiful surroundings but not in a happy home environment.
②The factory was surrounded with lots of policemen.
scare vt. 吓唬;使(某人)惊恐
→scared adj. 惊吓的,恐惧的
→scary adj. 恐怖的,吓人的
scare sb./sth. away   把……吓跑
(be) scared to death 吓得要死
retired adj. 退休的 
retire vi. & vt. (使)退休
retirement n. 退休
retiree n. 退休人员
①Jim has ________ (retire), but he still remembers the happy time spent with his students.
②At 60, he is now approaching (临近的) ________ (retire).

joy n. 欢欣,愉快,喜悦;乐事
→joyful adj. 高兴的;令人快乐的
to one's joy 令某人高兴的是
jump/dance/shout with/for joy 高兴得跳起来/舞起来/喊起来
be filled with joy 充满快乐
tears of joy 喜悦的泪水
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
①I didn't expect them to jump ________ joy at the news.
②To his great ________ (joy), she accepted.
original adj. 原先的,最早的
origin n. 起源,来源
original adv. 原先地,最早地


