人教版八年级上册 Unit 7 Do you think you will have your own robot Section B 2a-2e教案(表格式)

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人教版八年级上册 Unit 7 Do you think you will have your own robot Section B 2a-2e教案(表格式)


教学课题 阅读课 Unit7 Will people have robots Reading: Do You Think You Will Have Your Own Robot
教学对象 八年级一班
本节课为人教版教材八年级英语第七单元Section B的阅读课。单元话题是谈论未来的生活,功能是对未来作出预测,语法目标是能使用一般将来时句型“will do”来描述未来事件。本单元由Section A章节和Section B章节构成。通过学习Section A章节,学生对未来生活进行了预测和讨论,如城市是否会变得更加拥挤、污染是否会更多、人类的寿命是否会更长等,通过大量的话题讨论和语法练习,学生基本掌握了一般将来时的用法。Section B章节进一步聚焦话题,阅读部分探讨机器人的现状和未来发展。 (一)[What]主题意义和主要内容 “Do You Think You Will Have Your Own Robot ”是一篇说明和议论相结合的文章。文章围绕“机器人”展开,主要介绍了机器人的影视作品形象、现状、是否可能具备思考能力、未来发展等方面。不仅帮助读者全面了解了机器人,而且在“是否可能具备思考能力”这一议题上留白,引发读者的深入思考。 (二)[Why]写作意图 作者通过对机器人多维度的描述,向读者全面介绍了机器人这一概念。在第三段中,作者提出一个重要的伦理性问题:“机器人将来是否会有思考能力?”,虽然文章并未给出确切的回答,但在第四段的最后,作者提出,“一切皆有可能!”,引导读者认真思考机器人未来发展的方向,鼓励读者发挥想象。 [How]文体结构和修辞语言 作为一篇说明和议论相结合的文章,结构清晰,信息丰富,第一段阐述机器人的影视作品形象,第二段阐述当前工厂里的机器人有何功能,第三段介绍人形机器人的发展情况,并提出从“行为”和“思维”两个层面上探究人形机器人的发展,第四段探讨未来机器人发展的方向,主要从形状和功能两个方面切入。作者多次用到“will do”谈论未来事件,在探讨机器人未来发展时,作者使用“will never get bored”,“will never be able to wake up”,“will even be able to talk like humans”,“will have many different shapes”等句式来表达对未来事件的不同预测和观点。
授课学生是八年级一班的学生: 1. 知识储备:大部分同学不喜欢英语课外阅读,涉猎范围窄;课内知识掌握不牢固,小部分同学基础较弱。 2. 心理特点:部分同学英语学习热情较高,乐于在小组内分享自己的观点。但在全班面前表达自己时,有时还需要老师的鼓励,口头表达能力一般。 3. 话题知识:大部分同学都对机器人有所了解,在影视作品中见过机器人,部分同学在个人生活中接触过机器人(比如扫地机器人)。但大部分同学对机器人的存在可能带来的问题和当前人工智能时代的机器人未来如何发展这两个层面的了解不够深入,甚至未有所思考。
在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 获取、梳理并整合机器人的相关信息,包括影视作品形象、现状、思考能力、未来发展等。 结合自身已知,剖析并阐述机器人的价值与意义。 结合人工智能的发展,探讨未来机器人对人类可能带来的好处和坏处。
教学重点:梳理整合机器人的相关信息。 教学难点:剖析机器人的价值和意义,探讨未来机器人对人类可能带来的好处和坏处。
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教学阶段 教学活动 设置意图 时间 安排
Pre-reading activities
Step1 Lead-in Ss watch a video and answer two questions: What do they look like What can they do Ss think the two questions to think out more. 引出“机器人”话题,激活学生已知,激发阅读兴趣。 3’
While-reading activities
Step2 1st reading Ss read through the article and get the main topic of the passage. And then match each paragraph with the question it discusses. 通读全文,获得整体感知,了解文章主要内容。 5’
Step 3 2nd reading read Para.1 and answer Ss read Para.1 and then answer the questions. (1)What are robots like in movies (2)What can the robots do in movies 获取机器人的影视形象。 4’
read Para.2 and think Ss read Para.2 and answer the questions: What can robots do today Why do the robots do the jobs over and over again Ss think and discuss: (1)What will happen to humans when lots of robots work in factories (2)Why do robots never get bored 获取工厂机器人信息,并深入思考工厂机器人对人类的利弊。 4’
read Para.3 and think Ss read Para.3 to finish the mind map. Ss focus on the question: Will robots think like humans 从人形机器人的思考能力两个层面切入,引发学生思考。 7’
read Para.4 and think Ss read Para.4 and finish the task. 获取第四段关于机器人的一些具体信息。 5’
Post-reading activities
Step 4 Further thinking Ss think how the writer construct the passage. 学习作者是如何表达观点,表达观点后又是如何说明。 4’
Step 5 Practice and presentation Ss form into groups of two to role play a conversation. Ss talk with deskmate about the three questions: (1)Will robots think like humans in the future (2)Do you think this will be possible in 20 to 50 years (3)There will be more robots in the future. Is it good or bad 3. Ss think and write down their opinions on the questions:There will be more robots in the future. Is it good or bad 从封闭式对话到半开放式对话,引导学生用所学知识针对相应的问题,发表自己的看法。运用作者的Ideas+Reasons+Examples的结果,写下自己的看法。 8’
1.同步 P148-P150;2.背诵 Paragraph4.
附件:Unit 7 Will people have robots —— Reading Text
Do You Think You Will Have Your Own Robot
When we watch movies about the future, we sometimes see robots. They are usually like human servants. They help with the housework and do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places.
Today there are already robots working in factories. They can help to build cars, and they do simple jobs over and over again. Fewer people will do such jobs in the future because they are boring, but robots will never get bored.
Scientists are now trying to make robots look like humans and do the same things as we do. Some robots in Japan can walk and dance. They are fun to watch. However, some scientists believe that although we can make robots move like people, it will be difficult to make them really think like a human. For example, scientist James White thinks that robots will never be able to wake up and know where they are. But many scientists disagree with Mr. White. They think that robots will even be able to talk like humans in 25 to 50 years.
Some scientists believe that there will be more robots in the future. However, they agree it may take hundreds of years. These new robots will have many different shapes. Some will look like humans, and others might look like animals. In India, fore example, scientists made robots that look like snakes. If buildings fall down with people inside, these snake robots can help look for people under the buildings. This was not possible 20 years ago, but computers and rockets also seemed impossible 100 years ago. We never know what will happen in the future!


