资源简介 (共26张PPT)Module 5Great people and great inventions of ancient ChinaDo you know the four great ancient inventions of China paper-makingprintingcompassgun-powderConfuciusthingkerphilosophereducatorConfucius孔子(前551~前479)名丘,字仲尼。_____后期伟大的思想家、教育家,____的创始人。鲁国人。是儒家学派的创始人,提出了_____的思想,是中国古代著名的思想家和教育家。春秋儒家“仁”Confucius (551BC-479BC)The family is important. We are members of a group.Treat others in the way you want to be treated.家天下己所不欲, 勿施于人。Old teachings of ConfuciusTo learn from time to time to apply what one has learned -- isn't that a pleasure 学而时习之,不亦悦乎?2.To have friends come from far away-- isn't that a joy 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?Mencius孟子(前372—前289)名轲,战国中期鲁国邹人。受业于子思(孔子之孙名)之门人,曾游历于宋、滕、魏、齐等国,阐述他的政治主张,还曾在齐为卿。晚年退而著书,传世有________七篇。他是战国中期儒家的代表。《孟子》Mencius (372BC-289BC)People are more important than rulers.Man is born good.民为贵 君为轻人性本善墨翟(公元前468—376),人们尊称墨子。他是战国初年的鲁国人,大约生于公元前468年,死于公元前376年。MoziMozi (376BC-390BC)All human beings are equal.We should love all human beings.众生平等兼爱In ancient China, private teachers traveled from state to s_______ explaining their p________ .Confucius was the most important of the ancient Chinese p__________ .Confucius’s t_________ influenced society for more than 2000 years. Other important t_______ included Mencius and Mozi. All three teachers believed in the i_________ of kindness and good government. Mencius’s ideas were very similar to those of Confucius, but some of Mozi’s t_________ were very different. For example, he hated the idea of w_____ and believed that strong people should l_________ weaker people.tatehilosophyhilosopherseachingshinkersmportanceeachingsarook afterMenciusMan is born good.人性本善All human beings are equal.众生平等MoziThe family is important. We are members of a group.家天下ConfuciusTreat others in the way you want to be treated.己所不欲, 勿施于人。ConfuciusPeople are more important than rulers.民为贵 君为轻MenciusWe should love all human beings.博爱MoziReading:Philosophers of Ancient ChinaFast ReadingFill in the blanks with the key information.Read the passage and fill in the blanksParagraph 1 Introduction about __________________ --- 479BCgreatest influence(more than2,000years)importance of ________, _______ and ______ in societyConfucius551BCkindnessdutyorderRead the passage and fill in the blanksParagraph 2 Introduction about ________born in ______ BC and brought up by ____ _______ onlyat an important ________ in the _________ first and later _______The Book of ___________Man was ________ ._______ were more important than ______hate the ________________Mencius372BChis motherpositiongovernmentresignedMenciuskindPeoplerulersstate when it treatedpeople badlyRead the passage and fill in the blanksParagraph 3 Introduction about ____________________ --- 390 BC__________ was more important .All man are _________ .love all ______ ________ and lookafter the weakhate the idea of ______Mozi476BCGovernmentequalhuman beingswarReading:Philosophers of Ancient ChinaConfucius (551BC-479BC)The family is important. We are members of a group.Treat others in the way you want to be treated.家天下己所不欲, 勿施于人。Mencius (372BC-289BC)People are more important than rulers.Man is born good.民为贵 君为轻人性本善Mozi (376BC-390BC)All human beings are equal.We should love all human beings.众生平等兼爱Fast ReadingChoose the correct answers.Read the passage and fill in the blanksParagraph 1 Introduction about __________________ --- 479BCgreatest influence(more than2,000years)importance of ________, _______ and ______ in societyConfucius551BCkindnessdutyorderRead the passage and fill in the blanksParagraph 2 Introduction about ________born in ______ BC and brought up by ____ _______ onlyat an important ________ in the _________ first and later _______The Book of ___________Man was ________ ._______ were more important than ______hate the ________________Mencius372BChis motherpositiongovernmentresignedMenciuskindPeoplerulersstate when it treatedpeople badlyRead the passage and fill in the blanksParagraph 3 Introduction about ____________________ --- 390 BC__________ was more important .All man are _________ .love all ______ ________ and lookafter the weakhate the idea of ______Mozi476BCGovernmentequalhuman beingswar 展开更多...... 收起↑ 资源预览