资源简介 教学基本信息教材 书名:普通高中教科书·英语必修第三册单元名称 Book 3 Unit 2 Morals and Virtues学科 英语 学段 高中 年级 高一第二学期大单元主题与单元主要语篇分析◆主题语境:人与自我 ◆主题群:做人与做事 ◆子话题:优秀品行,正确的人生态度,公民义务与社会责任 本单元围绕“道德与美德”( Morals and virtues)这一主题展开,通过探讨生活中常见的“道德困境”、人生中的抉择、如何传递爱心、如何面对问题和障碍、如何理解儒家思想中的“仁”、如何善待他人等诸多与社会生活紧密相关的话题,启发学生思考、分析、理解和领悟生活中的人与事,帮助他们树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,塑造良好的品格,弘扬中华民族优秀文化,传承优秀传统美德。在英语语言中,morals通常指的是道德规范和原则,是用来区分人的行为举止好坏的标准;而virtues则指一个人在日常生活中所表现出的良好的行为或积极正面的态度,而驱动一个人产生这些行为和态度的则是其良好的道德观念。本单元由对话、访谈、人物小传、寓言故事、视频、名言介绍等多模态语篇(见表1)构成。 表1 单元语篇梳理 教学板块语篇语篇类型(技能)语篇内容 语篇主题Listening and SpeakingA Moral Dilemma对话(听说)妇科专家林巧稚年轻时在“道德困境”中做出的选择、背后的原因及结果国内著名人物的道德选择Reading and ThinkingMother of the Ten Thousand Babies人物小传(阅读)妇科专家林巧稚一生中经历的人生选择及背后的原因及所体现的道德观国内著名人物的道德选择Discovering Useful StructuresHenry Norman Bethune人物小传(阅读)著名医生白求恩的生平及人物评价国内著名人物的道德选择Listening and TalkingChain of Love访谈(听说) 普通人之间传递爱心的故事美好品德--善Reading for Writing The Stone in the Road寓言故事及故事评论(读写)不同人物对“路中央的石头”做出的不同反应以及最终的结局承担社会责任Video TimeConfucius and Ren专家访谈(看)孔子所倡导的“仁”的思想的内涵及重要意义中华民族传统美德Reading and WritingThe Taxi Ride I’ll Never Forget记叙文(阅读)出租车司机通过安静的陪伴激励绝症病人的故事美好品德--善Expanding your World The Five Virtues名人名言(阅读)孔子所倡导的“仁义礼智信”的思想中华民族传统美德本单元主题探究方向: 本单元从青年林巧稚面临的“道德困境”开始,接着引进林巧稚生平中经历的人生选择,通过背后的原因和体现出的道德观,引起学生深入思考个人行为选择和高尚道德之间的关系,然后通过普通人间传递爱,勇于承担社会责任的例子为学生提供行为模范,帮助学生基于所学内容、生活体验及各种所见所闻梳理和提炼出世界不同民族普遍认可和赞颂的道德准则与美德,从而启发学生思考、分析、理解和领悟生活中的人和事,树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,塑造良好的品格,传承中华民族传统美德。大单元整体教学框架及课时分配课时分配: 小单元小单元主题教学板块及课时分配小单元1 人与自我: 自我发展与道德选择Listening and Speaking (课时 1) Reading and Thinking &Discovering useful languages (课时2&3)小单元2人与社会: 与人为善与社会责任Listening and Talking &WB:Reading and writing (课时 4) Reading for Writing (课时5)小单元3中华民族传统核心价值体系Video Time & Expanding your world & Project (课时 6&7)单元整体教学目标及课时目标基于核心素养的大单元目标 基于主题意义的大单元整体目标 本单元结束后,学生能够: 理解与道德和美德相关的文章内容,听懂或谈论与高尚美德或善意有关的话题,并正确评判语篇中人物的行为和背后的价值观;(学习理解) 基于所学内容、生活体验及各种所见所闻梳理和提炼出世界不同民族普遍认可和赞颂的道德准则与美德;(学习理解) 用英文表达出自身所面临的行为选择和背后的原因以及身边人的优秀品德,以此达到传承中国传统美德文化的目的;(应用实践) 理解儒家“仁义礼智信”的思想,树立正确的道德观和价值观,自觉遵守和践行中华美德,为传播和弘扬中华优秀传统文化而努力。(迁移创新) 三、基于大单元整体目标的课时目标 小单元课时分配板块语篇课时目标小单元I (人与自我) 自我发展与道德选择第1课时Listening and Speaking A Moral Dilemma学生能够描述林巧稚“道德困境”中的选择及带来的影响,分析选择背后所体现的品质,并结合实际生活表达自己的看法。第2&3课时 Reading and Thinking & discovering useful structuresMother of Ten Thousand Babies学生能够按照时间顺序梳理著名人物林巧稚的生平事迹,归纳林巧稚几次重大人生抉择以及所体现的人生原则、人物品质和美德,并从林巧稚、白求恩的生平中获得启发。Henry Norman Bethune小单元II (人与社会) 与人为善与社会责任第4课时Listening and Talking & WB:Reading and writing Chain of Love学生能够梳理访谈节目中和阅读语篇中普通人传递善意的故事,分享亲身经历或听到的善行小故事。The Taxi Ride I’ll Never Forget第5课时Reading for WritingThe Stone in the Road学生能够掌握寓言故事的特点,概述故事的起因、经过和结果,总结隐含的教育意义并阐释承担社会责任的重要性。小单元III 中华民族传统核心价值体系第6&7课时Video Time & Expanding your world & Project The Five Virtues学生能够用英语介绍孔子和其教育思想,结合生活实际阐释如何自觉遵守和践行美德,并通过制作海报,激励更多人践行美德。单元教学评一体化一览表课时教学目标教学活动评价内容 第1课时 学生能够描述林巧稚“道德困境”中的选择及带来的影响,分析选择背后所体现的品质,并结合实际生活表达自己的看法。Activity 1 Before Listening 1.Watch a short video about moral dilemma and talk about the man’s choices and the possible results of each choice. 2.T introduces the definition of “moral dilemma” according to ss’ answers and encourage ss to share their own experiences about moral dilemma. 3.Look at the picture,ask students to tell what a story it is about. Activity 2 While Listening 1.Listen to the conversation and complete the table to describe the moral dilemma that Jane is talking about. 2.Listen again and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). 3.Listen to the conversation carefully and answer the questions. 1) What did the girl do to help the student 2) What was the girl’s name What was she famous for 3) What did Jane say about the girl’s life Activity 3 Post- Listening Think about what you would do if you were ever faced with the same situation as the girl. Then share your thoughts with your group, and explain the reasons for your choice. 1.学生能够理解并辨别什么是道德困境,并能描述道德困境中的两难选择。 2.学生能够:第1遍获取关键信息;第2遍迅速提取目标信息,完成表格填写,从而对听力语篇形成较完整的理解;第3遍关注对话中说话者的情感态度,并适当模仿。 3.学生能够联系自身,谈论道德困境,表达自己的看法。 第2&3课时 学生能够按照时间顺序梳理著名人物林巧稚的生平事迹,归纳林巧稚几次重大人生抉择以及所体现的人生原则、人物品质和美德,并从林巧稚、白求恩的生平中获得启发。 Activity 1: Lead-in 1.When it comes to mother, what words come to your mind 2.Prediction: What content will you read based on such title, and pictures Activity 2 Read for structure 1. What is the purpose of the text 2. How is the passage developed 3.How can the passage be divided into 4.Choose the key words to complete the main idea of each part Activity 3: Read for information Find out all the important events, life choices and results related to Lin Qiaozhi. Activity 4: Read for virtues What dilemmas was she faced with What were her choices What kind of person Lin Qiaozhi was Activity 5: Critical reading Q1: Why was Dr Lin called “mother of ten thousand babies” Q2: What’s your new understanding of “mother” based on Dr Lin’s story Q3:Have you found your principle to carry through Who/What are you going to fight for 学生能够: 1.把握文本体裁,厘清文章框架,梳理文本发展主线。 2.理清在不同的人生阶段,林巧稚所面临的不同的人生抉择。 3.梳理林巧稚取得的伟大成就,并理解文章标题的内涵。 通过合作探究,感悟林巧稚的高尚品格,树立正确的道德观和价值观,自觉遵守和践行中华传统美德。第4课时 学生能够梳理访谈节目中和阅读语篇中普通人传递善意的故事,分享亲身经历或听到的善行小故事。Activity 1 Lead in How did Lin Qiaozhi treat to her patients What kind of person is Dr. Bethune What virtues /qualities do they have in common Activity 2 Pre-listening 1. Do you think we can trust the kindness of strangers when we need help 2. Do you believe a small act of kindness can make a big difference Activity 3 Listening 1.Listen to a radio show and answer three questions . (1) What’s the name of the radio show (2) What does “paying it forward” mean (3) What does the guest want the listeners to do 2. Listen to the story of “Chain of love” and fill in the blanks. Activity 4 Post-listening 1. Retell the story of “Chain of Love” . 2. Learn how to retell a story logically and fluently.( the six elements of a story and linking words ) Activity 5 Talking Think of a story of showing or receiving kindness, either your own story or one that you have heard of. Then share it with your group. Activity 6 Further reading “THE TAXI RIDE I’LL NEVER FORGET” ( P70) 1.Analyse the story. Where Who What Why 2.Answer the questions 1)Why will the writer never forget the taxi ride 2)What’s the author’s purpose in writing the story 学生能够: 1.把握听力文本和阅读文本的关键事实信息。 2.通过听广播节目来学习故事的六个要素和连接词; 3.重述the chain of love故事,提高表达善意的意识; 4.讲述并写出一个表达或接受善意的故事,并谈论善良的重要性,培养正确的人生观和道德观第5课时 学生能够掌握寓言故事的特点,概述故事的起因、经过和结果,总结隐含的教育意义并阐释承担社会责任的重要性。Activity 1 Lead-in 1.What is Fable 2.What Chinese fables do you know Activity 2 Pre-reading 1.What will you do if you come across a big stone in the middle of the road 2.Predict about the content of the reading text according to the title. Activity 3 Reading 1.Read the fable and answer the questions. 1) Who put the stone in the road Why What was the response from most of the people What did the young girl think and do when she saw the coins 2. This story presented different people’s emotions and responses when they came across the same plete the table according to the story. Further Thinking What does the stone stand for And what about the gold coins What lesson did the king teach his people Can you think of times in your own life when you felt and acted like the girl or like the other people in the story Give examples. Activity 4 Write a review Step 1: T analyzes the structure of a review. Step 2: T analyzes the aims of the 3 parts of a review. Step 3:Ss finish a draft of a review. Activity 5 ASSIGNMENT A story review about “The Fox and the Grapes” 学生能够: 1.在阅读《The stone in the road》一文时,通过人物言行的对比,分析其深层的道理和内涵; 2.分析文本特征及语言特点,结合现实生活案例,发表自己的见解和看法; 3.写一篇观点明确层次分明的故事评论。第6&7课时学生能够用英语介绍孔子和其教育思想,结合生活实际阐释如何自觉遵守和践行美德,并通过制作海报,激励更多人践行美德。Activity 1: Complete the following sentences with your best guess and check your answers by watching the video. (P24) Activity 2: Circle the correct words to complete the sentences below.(P24) Activity 3: Work in groups. Discuss the questions. 1. In what ways do you think Confucian thought still influences education and society in China 2. Do you think that your life would change if you understood and practised ren every day 3. How would the Confucian idea of fairness change society around you if everybody started practising fairness in everything Activity 4: Expanding Your World--THE FIVE VIRTUES (P72) TASK 1: What’ s the meaning of the five virtues TASK 2 : Read and appreciate the famous sayings. TASK 3: Which virtue impresses you most Please explain the meaning of its quote and talk about why do you think it is important TASK 4:The Five Virtues in Modern Society Activity 5: Project 1.In groups, brainstorm more virtues to add to the list on page 23. Then discuss which of these virtues are most needed in our society today. 2.Make a poster to explain what virtue it is and to motivate people to practise it. Divide up the work among your group members.1.学生观看视频后,能够用英语介绍孔子和其教育思想,并讨论儒家思想的影响,探讨道德价值观和美德的重要性; 2.学习和理解儒家“仁义礼智信”思想,树立正确道德观和价值观 3.制作宣传海报,鼓励大家践行美德。 展开更多...... 收起↑ 资源预览