资源简介 (共46张PPT)Unit 1What’s the matter Section A语法点P.1-P.3询问“怎么了?”1) What’s the matter (with sb) 2) What’s the trouble (with sb) 3) What’s wrong (with sb) 4) What’s up (with sb)4) What happened to sb matter1) n.问题你怎么了?What’s the matter with you 2)v. 关系没关系.It doesn’t matter.不管什么/何时/何人。。no matter what/when/who…某事是值得的 sth matters重要的是你不轻易放弃。What matters is you don’t give up easily.–ache 身体部位上的痛牙痛toothache头痛headache腹痛stomachache心痛heartachehurt-hurt-hurt伤害某人hurt sb/sth/oneself受伤get/be hurt关于疼痛不舒服的表达总结1) have a sore+身体部位喉咙痛have a sore throat2) have a –ache头痛have a headache3) have a pain in/on+身体部位心痛have a pain in my heart4) 身体部位+hurt(s)我的手痛。My hands hurt.我不舒服/我生病了。I don’t feel well.I am ill.I am sick.have1) 拥有有一辆车have a car2) 体验过得愉快have a good time过一趟不错的旅程have a good trip3)患病得了感冒have a cold发烧have a fever/high temperature咳嗽have a cough4)吃、喝喝杯茶have a cup of tea早餐吃面包have bread for breakfast5) 使某人做某事have sb do(= make sb do/ let sb do)我妈妈逼我吃蔬菜。My mother has me eat vegetables.身体部位的复数牙齿tooth-teeth脚foot-feet嘴巴mouth-mouths(注意:月份 month- months老鼠 mouse-mice)headarmfootleghandneckkneeearstomachshouldertoefinger身体部位一些搭配手牵手hand in hand手臂挽手臂arm in arm肩并肩should to shouldlie1) 说谎 n./v.lie-lied-lied, lying向某人说谎lie to sb, tell a lie to sb2) 躺,坐落于(无被动) v.lie-lay-lain, lying躺下lie down这座建筑位于城市的东部。This building lies in the east of the city.3)放置,下蛋 v.lay-laid-laid, laying摆开,布置lay outlie &layShe _________ just now and had a rest.A. lie downB. lay downC. lied downD. laid downShe didn’t tell you the truth, she ______.A. lay B. laid C. lies D. liedlie-lay-lain 躺下lie-lied-lied说谎rest1) v. 休息,放松放松自己rest /relax oneself你应该躺下来休息。You should lie down and rest.2) n. 休息 [C/U]休息一下have / take a resthave some rest=have/take a breaktake breaks3) n. 剩下的 the rest of ..剩下的学生都去看电影了。The rest of the students all go to the movies.余生the rest of one’s life我准备余生在海滩上度过。I am going to spend the rest of my life on the beach.hurthurt-hurt-hurt (v.)(使)疼痛;受伤 (adj.)受伤的恶语伤人胜刀剑。Many words _____ more than swords.hurt+部位/oneself 使某个部位/某人自己受伤你在踢球时伤了自己吗?Did you __________ playing soccer get hurt 受伤feel hurt 感到伤心be badly/seriously hurt受重伤hurthurt yourself他跑步的时候弄伤自己的脚了,真疼呀。He ___________ when I was runing, and _____________.当我听说了科比悲伤的死讯,我感到悲痛万分。When I ___________ the news about Kobe's _________, I felt ______________.hurt his footit hurtheard aboutdeathterribly/bad/seriously hurtget offget off the bus 下公交车get out of the bus 从公交车上出来get out 出去/滚出去get out of sth 从。。里面出来off短语中断,终止取消推迟休假从。。掉落匆忙离开出发炫耀脱下,起飞下车break offcall off= cancelput offhave a day offfall off= fall down fromhurry off/ rush offset off=set outshow offtake offget off1.The plane will _________ at noon.A. put off B. take offC.call off D.get off2.It’s raining heavily, so we have to __________ the sports meeting.A. put off B. take offC.show off D.get offto one’s +情感n. “令某人。。的是”令某人惊奇的是令某人高兴的是令某人后悔的是令某人失望的是令某人悲伤的是令某人羞愧的是to one’s surpriseto one’s joyto one’s regretto one’s disappointmentto one’s sorrowto one’s shame1.To our ________, he got No.1 in the final exam.A. surprised B. surprise C. surprising2.He was ________ at the good grades he got.A. surprised B. surprise C. surprising3. What a __________ result!A. surprised B. surprise C. surprisingtrouble1) 怎么了What’s the trouble 2) They have trouble _________ up early in the morning.A. getting B. to get C. get做某事为难have trouble with sth/(in)doing sth=have problems/difficulty/a hard time with sth/(in)doing st3)Don’t get into trouble _________ the police.A. for B. to C. with惹上。。的麻烦get into trouble with sb/doing sth4) 在麻烦中be in trouble脱离麻烦be/get out of trouble用trouble短语填写1.Older people ____________________ fighting against the virus, now the number of the infected (感染人数) keeps growing.2.Because of the virus, people around the world are ____________.3.Don't __________________ with the Americans because most of them have guns(枪支).4.We hope the world will be ________________ soon.has trouble (in)in troubleget into troubleout of troublehithit-hit-hit (v.)用手或器具击打(近:beat)hit sb. on/in the+身体部位 击中某人的某个部位(当所打的部位较硬如head/nose/back等用on;当所打的部位较软如eye/mouth/face/stomach等用in)子弹击中他的后背。The bullet ________ the back.她挥起手臂打了我一个耳光。She swung her arm and _______ the face.有人头部被击打了。Someone got ____ on the head.hit him onhit me inhitSection B语法点Please read the word on P114P.4-P.8sick1)sick adj.生病的、恶心的一个生病的男孩a sick boy生病get sick/ill对。。厌恶be sick of sth渴望。。be sick for sthMy friend was sick yesterday, and today he is even ________.A. sicker B. sick C. worse注意:sick/ill的比较级,最高级 worse-worst2) n. sickness/ illness 病3) sick和ill的区别The_______ boy is seriously _______.A. ill, illB. ill, sickC. sick, illD. sick, illnesssick定语/表语ill表语(不能修饰名词)breathe1) breathe v. (breathed/ breathing)呼吸新鲜空气breathe fresh air吸入某物breathe in= take in sth2) breath n.喘不过气be out of breath呼吸某物take a breath of sth深呼吸take a deep breath某物令某人惊奇sth takes one’s breath当我到达了山顶,我呼吸新鲜空气,这里的美景使我惊奇。When I reached the top of the mountain, I ______ the fresh air and the beautiful sights here took my __________.A. breath, breathB. breathed, breathedC. breathed, breathD. breath, breathedbe used to 习惯be/get used to sth 习惯某事be used to doing sthget used to doing sth 习惯做某事我们习惯了写很多作业。We are used to a lot of homework.=We are used to doing a lot of homework.We get used to doing a lot of homework.区分:被动语态2) be used to do sthfor (doing) sth 被用来做某事引申: be used as 被用来作为。。be used by 被谁用这些钱是用来买电脑的。This money is used to buy the computer.=This money is used for (buying) the computer.区分:没有be动词时3) used to be+adj./n.do sth 过去常做某事,现在不做否定: didn’t use to/ usedn’t to疑问:Did sb use to …注意:只用于过去时态我过去常常在公园散步。I used to go for a walk in the park.我过去常常独自一人。I used to be alone.巩固练习1.We used to ___________ (go )swimming last year.2.I am used to ____________(run)every morning.3.Bamboos are used to __________(build) houses there.4.They have been used to __________(live ) in the countryside.gorunningbuildliving判断方法:没有be就是过去常常有be用doing或n.就是习惯有be用do就是被用来巩固练习( )1. There _______________ a lot of redcrowned cranes(红顶鹤) in this area. A.was used to B.was used to be C.used to D.used to be ( )2. She used to ______ with her parents, but now she is used to ______ with her classmates at school. A. live; living B.live; live C.living; living D.living; live ( )3. He used to ____ in a small village, but now he has been used to ___ in the big city. A. live; living B.live; live C.living;living D.living; live . risk1) n.冒险take a risk/ take risks冒着。。的危险do sth at the risk of (doing)sth他们冒着生命危险玩这个游戏。They played this game at the risk of their life.2) v.拿某物冒险risk sth冒险做某事risk doing sth不要拿你的生命去冒险。Don’t risk your life.accident一场事故 an accident车祸/飞机失事 a car/plane accident碰巧做了某事sb happen to do sth=sb do sth by accident/chanceI happened to see him on the street.=I saw him on the street by accident.用完某物用完sth run out= sth be used up(注意run out 无被动)钱花光了。The money runs out.The money is used up.某人用完某物sb run out of sthsb use up sth/use sth up我们把钱花光了。We ran out of the money.We used up the money.control1) v. 控制某物control sth2) n.掌管,管理= be in control of sthMs. K负责我们的英语。Ms. K is in control of our English.不受控制be out of control在掌控之中be under control一切尽在掌握之中。Everything is under control.mean1) 意味着做某事mean doing sth不吃早餐意味着慢性自杀。Not eating breakfast means killing ourselves slowly.2) 某人打算去做某事sb mean to do sth= plan to do sth/be going to do sth我打算要去美国留学。I mean to study abroad in America.1.2倍importance(n.)重要性,重要the importance of (doing) sth. (做)某事的重要性学好一门外语的重要性the importance of learning a foreign language wellimportant (adj.)重要的一些重要的事词尾-t变为-ce构成名词的形容词different (adj.)不同的→confident (adj.)有信心的→patient (adj.)有耐心的→importancesomething importantdifference (n.)不同confidence (n.)信心patience (n.)耐心blood1)(un.)血液【U】一滴血 _____________他失血过多,非常虚弱。He had lost ___________ and was very weak.2)bleed (v.)流血我的鼻子开始流血。My nose began to ______.流鼻血 _____________a drop of blooda lot of bloodbleedhave a nosebleedsituation(n.) 情况,状况in a good/bad/dangerous/present situation处于好的/坏的/危险的/目前的情况他处境艰难,不知道做什么才好。He is ________________ and doesn't know what to do.find oneself in a ... situation 发现自己处于...境地sit-com= situation comedy 情景喜剧in a difficult situationcut offcut off 切除,剪掉 (v.+adv.)玛丽从灌木丛中剪下一些花。Mary ________________ from the bush.他们不得不把它切下来。They had to _________.名词作宾语可以放中间或后面;代词作宾语只能放中间。cut off the electricity 切断电源cut off the water and food supply切断水和食物供应cut off the flowerscut it off补充笔记:复习cut的短语切成...切对半切碎切断砍倒插队删除cut sth into sthcut sth into halvescut up/cut sth into piecescut offcut downcut in the linecut sth out of = delete 展开更多...... 收起↑ 资源预览