资源简介 2019人教版普通高中英语教材选择性必修四第三单元Sea ExplorationReading and Thinking Reaching Out Across the Sea教学分析教学内容分析本课教学内容选自2019人教版普通高中英语教材选择性必修四第三单元Sea Exploration 中的Reading and Thinking部分的课文Reaching Out Across the Sea。本节课的任务根据脚手架简单地讲述世界的海洋探索旅程。但是在进行该任务前,学生需要简单地复述一下课文——中国的海洋探索历程。本单元的主题语境为人与自然,旨在让学生了解中国和世界的海洋探索成就。本篇体裁属于说明文,脉络清晰地介绍了中国从古至今的海洋探索历。贯穿全文的是一条时间线:从早期的航海探索到明代郑和下西洋,再到现代的“一带一路”和中国海洋科考,最后表达对未来的展望。该文结构清晰明了,内容明确,中间部分比较适合学生学习和模仿。从文章结构来看,每一次探索都包括航海时间、航海地点/事件和航海目的/结果等维度,为学生的口语输出提供结构和内容支架。从语言层面来看,该文有许多与航海相关的动词表达,例如set sail, reach out等等,也有很多和目的影响有关的功能表达,比如lead to, in order to, on voyage of, the aim of ..., to do等等。从内容角度上看,该话题也有助于学生理解海洋探索对于建设现代化强国、促进世界和平与发展的重要意义,树立人类命运共同体意识。而且该文章也可以训练学生的阅读技巧,帮助学生感知说明文的文体特点。学情分析本课学生来自Z省某普通高中高三年级,大部分学生已有八年的英语学习经历。他们对海洋探索这一话题很感兴趣,由于历史是学生的必修课程,所以他们对于海洋探索有一定程度上的了解,这为本课的学习提供了有利条件。此外,经过初中和高中阶段的英语学习,他们已有了基本的语言能力。但是,很多学生缺乏与海洋探索等有关话题的相关词汇,即使有,也无法形成一个整体,而且他们的口语并没有得到很好的锻炼,不能独立地非常流畅地讲出一段话。因此,教师应采取读思结合教学法,指导学生从结构、语言和内容三个视角解读该教材文本,通过解读--赏析--模仿--运用,为顺利地讲出中国与世界的海洋探索历程搭建支架。此外,教师应指导学生开展自主学习、合作学习和探究学习,进而提高学生的分析、归纳和表达能力。教学目标语言能力了解“海洋探索”主题下的词汇如explore(exploration), find its way to, sail from ... to...;(重点)理解并使用表达目的和影响功能的句式,比如on voyage of, the aim of ..., in order to... , lead to, help to do;(重点)能够根据老师提供的信息按照时间线简要地口述中国和世界的探索旅程;(重难点)文化意识了解中国与世界的古代和现代的海洋探索进程,树立人类命运共同体意识;思维品质能够利用图表,使自己的表述更具有逻辑性;(重点)学习能力初步掌握一些常见的阅读技巧,并对自己口语输出的内容利用易错表进行自我纠正。教学思路本节课以海洋探索为主题,依据学生现有的综合语言能力和语言发展需求,从内容、结构、语言等方面为学生搭建支架,以保证学生能够顺利地完成本节课的口语任务——讲述世界的海洋探索历程。第一阶段是“读”的阶段,此阶段包括以下几个步骤:通过图片引入话题,创设情境,提出本节课的口语任务。之后让同学先将目标放到中国的海洋探索旅程,开启课文,预测内容,为下一步的文本解读做好准备。随后进行目标阅读,由教师提供的阅读策略,让同学们分析文章文体和结构,提取框架,寻找细节,学习其中的功能句型和相关的语言表达。第二阶段为“思”的阶段:让同学们整理提取框架表格(以时间为线索,介绍航行的地点、目的/影响、细节等等),同时通过讨论,补充更多的有关目的/影响功能的句型和有关海洋探索的词汇。第三阶段为“说”与“思”交织的阶段,同学们根据之前整理的框架和表达句型简单地复述整篇文章内容。之后学生聚焦本节课的任务,通过讨论和老师提供的几件世界上著名的探索事件(包括中国),填写框架内容,敲定要点,最后根据整理的表达词汇和句型来简单地讲述世界的探索旅程。教学过程步骤一:情境创设,导读预测(5分钟)Look at three pictures, talk about what these pictures depict and guess the topic of our lesson.【教学问题】Q1: What do these pictures describe Q2: What’s the topic today, according to the pictures 【课堂实录】[Play PPT and look at three pictures]T: First, let’s look at these pictures carefully. What do these pictures describe respectively T: What can you see in the first picture S1: I notice many people and big boats and... and a giraffe!T: Right. What do you think they were doing S1: Maybe they are delivering giraffes T: Good answer! They were transporting some goods including giraffes. But why did they do that S1: They are... they were trading with others!T: Excellent. Actually, the man in white was called Zheng He. And we call this event Zheng He's Voyages. How about the second picture S2: It is a book written by 马可波罗. We have learned it from the history class. I remember it describe China in Yuan Dynasty!T: Yes! At that time, Marco Polo travelled many places and wrote this book The Travels of Marco Polo. And then the next picture, I can provide a clue for you. The people standing at the back were called 印第安人 American Indians in Chinese. So who would like to have a try S3: I think it describes 哥伦布...T: Columbus.S3: Columbus found the new land.T: That’s right! Well, boys and girls. According to these pictures, can you guess what we will talk about Ss: Sea Exploration!T: Great! Our task is to tell the world's journey of ocean exploration. Now, let’s read the sailing history of China before.【设计说明】通过三张与航海有关的事件的图片引出话题。本活动的设计旨在激活学生的已有知识,了解新知,为之后的口语任务做内容上的铺垫。随后的创设情景、预测话题、布置任务也有利于激发学生的兴趣。学生在这一过程中进行语言输出,同时形成对课文的期待,为后续的内容创造了良好的前提。步骤二:文本解构,目标阅读(8分钟)Read the passage to analyze the genre and extract the structure.【教学问题】Q1: What’s the genre of this passage Q2: What’s the structure of this passage 【课堂实录】T: Here are two questions for you. What’s the genre of this passage and What’s its structure I have a reading tip for you: Skim. Skimming means to read something at a faster rate without going into an deep reading, so as to have an idea what the text is about. Read the passage to find out the answers. You have 3mins, OK T: Time is up. So What’s the genre of this passage S1: Narration.T: Why S3: Because it tells a part of the history.T: In fact, it is an exposition. The differences of exposition and narration are that narration always tells a story which is usually not true but exposition just explains something and describe something which is true in nature. This text explains the history without any feeling added and the words are very strict, right And the next question, what’s the structure of this passage S4: I divide the texts into three parts. The First part P1 is leading. The second part is from P2 to P5. It is about the history of sailing. And the last part is P6 which is about the future.T: Good! How does the second part develop Pay attention to the first sentence of each paragraph. They are very important. You can draw a timeline to help you.S5: It develops with the time, from “the ancient time”, “the centuries”, “the Ming Dynasty” to “today or the recent years”.T: Exactly!【设计思路】这一任务的主要目的是帮助学生熟悉文本内容,了解说明文文体的特征,学会运用一些阅读技巧,并分析这篇文章的结构,探究思路,为之后的提取框架做好准备。步骤三:探究思路,归纳框架(7分钟)Read the passage and find some aspects that the author use to describe events.【教学问题】Q1: From what aspect did the author describe each event 【课堂实录】T: From what aspect did the author describe events For example, the author wrote “time” in every event. And can you find others S6: The regions and aims.T: Any else S2: Name and details.T: You are excellent! This is the form which we have summarized. Now. Read the text again and according to the form, underline the corresponding sentences or circle the words, OK 5mins.[The teacher draw the blank form on the blackboard.]T: Here is the answer:【设计思路】这一活动旨在帮助学生梳理第二段信息内容,总结可迁移的框架,为后续的任务做准备。步骤四:整理要素,学习表达(13分钟)Read the passage to extract good expressions and then have a discussion to think about more.【课堂实录】T: This passage have many good expressions and let’s read the passage again to find them and complete the form. 5mins, OK If you don’t know the words, you can look them up in the dictionary.[The teacher draw the form on the blackboard.]T: Any volunteers S3: The first blank can be filled with “extend, explore, find its way to, sail from ... to...”. About sentences pattern expressing intent, I find “to do, on voyage of, the aim of ..., in order to...”. The last blank: “lead to, help to do”.T: You read very carefully. And then, boys and girls, these expressions may be not enough. So we should see more. Now you can talk to your partner and think about what can used and put in this form, OK 3min.T: Who wants to have a try Come up and write your answers on the blackboard.【设计思路】这一活动可以帮助学生构建在语言上的支架,同时也激活了学生原有的知识,支架在一定程度上降低了难度,为后续做好准备,也可以帮助同学们进行更好的语言输出。步骤五:复述课文,铺垫任务(9分钟)Read the passage and try to remember some details. Then based on the two forms try to retell the passage as much as possible. .【课堂实录】T: Read the passage and try to remember some details. You can write down key words.T: Based on the two forms try to retell the passage as much as possible. 6mins, OK T: Any volunteers S9: During ancient time, China sailed from India, the Middle East, and Rome, along what became known as the Silk Road and the coasts of the Indian Ocean centered around Ceylon, in order to... negotiate trade deals, which also led to more awareness of each other’s cultures. Over the centuries, Du Huan more explored the regions to the west of China. In the Ming Dynasty especially between 1405 and 1433, for the purpose of trade and exploration, Zheng He, set sail from the South China Sea across the Indian Ocean to the mouth of the Red Sea, and then to the east coast of Africa. But China withdrew from further expeditions after 1433. To reach out across the sea and encourage cooperation and trade across the historic Silk Road areas, and strengthen the bonds between China and the rest of the world, China has discovered more regions which will help to greatly develop the whole area...T: Very good!【设计思路】本活动是让学生利用先前搭好的脚手架(两个表格的内容)尝试着去复述整篇文章,有效锻炼了学生的语言组织能力和逻辑思维表达能力,以及英语口语能力。同时,本活动让学生对中国的海洋探索历程更加熟悉,学生也学会如何利用好脚手架,为下面的任务做铺垫。步骤六:话题讨论,确定内容(9分钟)Focus on the task of this lesson-- tell the world's journey of ocean exploration. Discuss what we have learned about this topic and choose some important events with the teacher’s help.【课堂实录】T: Well, boys and girls. Let’s discuss our task today. Do you still remember what’s our task S9: Tell the world's journey of ocean exploration.T: Right! Now discuss with your partner about important sailing events happening in the world and try to fill in the blanks (about the time, the regions and the intent, etc), OK If you know little, don’t worry. You can write the events I have showed you at the beginning of the class and I will offer you some information later. 3mins.[The teacher put a big map on the screen to help students know the English name of some regions. ]T: Who wants to share your ideas S4: 达伽马...T: Vasco Da GamaS4: Vasco Da Gama sailed from...Azores to Cape of Good Hope and finally arrived at Indian Ocean. The aim of this travel was to find where India was.T: Thank you. Because of the limit of the time, I will show you my choices direct. You can choose four events you are interested and draw a timeline or make a form like this one to help you. 3mins.【设计思路】本活动的设计是为了引导学生构思内容要点,梳理信息脉络。同时让学生养成利用图表整理信息的能力。步骤七:根据支架,讲述任务(9分钟)According to the forms tell the world's journey of ocean exploration.【课堂实录】T: The time is up. Let's start. Try to tell as much as possible. 5mins.T: Who wants to have a try S6: In China, during 1405 and 1433, Zheng He led 7 fleets to the South China Sea across the Indian Ocean to the mouth of the Red Sea, and then to the east coast of Africa for the purpose of trade and exploration. And then in western countries, in 1492, Christopher Columbus wanted to find India and set sail to the Cuba Island. There he found out many American Indians. After...5 years, Da Gama travelled from Azores to Cape of Good Hope and finally arrived at Indian Ocean. In 1519, a famous navigator Magellan sailed across the whole Earth for the money and treasure.T: You did good job! Boys and girls, here is your homework!【设计思路】将之前总结的框架和表达用于最后的口语中,完成口语任务,检验自己的学习成果。学生结合所学进行语言输出,在这一过程中将语言知识转化为语言能力,进一步内化、迁移、创新,在口语能力上实现了突破。教学反思本节课大致上分为“读”“思”“说”三个阶段,但是这三个阶段中又相互贯通。前两个阶段主要聚焦课文的结构框架和功能句型,将可用于迁移的知识提取出来;“说”的阶段主要聚焦于口语表达,实现输入和输出的协同。一、任务导向,目标明确,实现跨学科的交流本节课的任务是讲述世界的海洋探索历程,以读为输入,以说为输出。本节课设计的所有活动都是为了这一最终目标服务。从刚开始的解读文本,提取可供迁移的框架,到后面的讨论确定任务内容,作业中纠错和补充其他的信息,层层递进,最终帮助学生能够顺利地输出。因此本节课的内容是高度整合,目标清晰明确。本节课也实现了跨学科的交流,学生能够充分地利用自己在历史课本上学习的知识,比如哥伦布、达伽马和麦哲伦等人的航海冒险来作为自己的口语叙述的内容,同时,本节课中提到的其他信息又可以补充历史课本上所没有提到的,实现共赢。二、工具多样,提供支架本节课使用了许多工具来帮助学生搭建支架,从最开始的图片,激起学生的兴趣到阅读文本时所画的时间线,帮助学生梳理课文思路,再到后面的众多表格,引导学生梳理信息,再到地图展示,给学生提供英语的地名。这些工具可以学生在之后的学习过程中起到更好的帮助作用。三、难度过高,语言上存在许多问题,活动与活动之间难度跨度大因为本节课的主题单词属于航海有关的单词,学生在平时接触的不多。且本课中有许多的单词学生并不熟悉,所以使用起来会有一定的难度,存在问题。学生在口语输出的时候会下意识地选择自己熟悉的单词,因此对于不熟悉的单词学生依旧还是不熟悉。下节课教师会着重讲解语言点,来帮助学生认识掌握那些不熟悉的单词。本节课还存在一个问题是:活动与活动之间的难度跨度大。对于学生来说,前面的“读”和“写”是比较轻松的,但是在“说”阶段,由于学生对本课文接触接触比较少,对本课文不太熟悉,很多学生也是不愿意开口。下次教师应该先让学生自己预习课文,先接触和了解单词和句型,在此基础上,再进行复述。板书:附录:教学文本Trade and curiosity have often formed the foundation of mankind's greatest achievements. To complete the great map of the world was a strong passion for the people of early civilizations. Marco Polo's tales inspired European explorers to search for sea routes from west to east. However, merchants and explorers from the East set sail from east to west many years before Columbus first did.In ancient times, silk from China found its way overland to India, the Middle East, and Rome, along what became known as the Silk Road. A trading route across the sea was also extended along the coasts of the lndian Ocean centered around Ceylon(now Sri Lanka ). Here, merchants from China and many other places met to negotiate trade deals, which also led to more awareness of each other’s cultures. Over the centuries, further trading allowed more exploration of the regions to the west of China, as recorded in Du Huan’ s Record of My Travels in the eighth century.Later, the Ming Dynasty further developed relations with these regions.Between 1405 and 1433, seven large fleets sailed west on voyages of trade and exploration. These fleets were a sight to be hold and were in a league of their own at that time.Under the command of Zheng He, they set sail from the South China Sea across the Indian Ocean to the mouth of the Red Sea, and then to the east coast of Africa. African royal families sent gifts such as giraffes as gestures of friend ship in return for gold, silk, and spices. Although China withdrew from further expeditions after 1433, these land and sea routes remained active channels between other cultures for centuries.To reach out across the sea remains a strong desire today. The ancient sea routes travelled by Zheng He are being revisited with the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, which is part of the Belt and Road Initiative.The aim of this initiative is to encourage cooperation and trade across the historic Silk Road areas, and strengthen the bonds between China and the rest of the world. Trading has grown greatly inrecent years, and will continue to do so in years to come. China has invested billions in systems and services along these routes, which will help to greatly develop the whole area for the benefit of future trade and cultural exchange.China has also joined its friends across the sea on other important projects. Although the ancient sea routes of Zheng He have been travelled many times, there are still many other places left to explore. In recent years, China has joined other nations on several expeditions to explore the Arctic. From a scientific point of view, there is an urgent need to study the Arctic in order to understand climate change and its effects.Hundreds of years on, and with the latest technology in hand, the need to trade and the desire to enhance relationships will drive China to reach out across the sea far into the future. 展开更多...... 收起↑ 资源预览