
  1. 二一教育资源



Jane is a student in Yucai Junior High School.She is from America (美国) .And she likes Chinese food very much.Her mother is a teacher.And she works in Yucai Junior High School,too.Today is Sunday.Her mom says to her, "Jane,what do you want to have for lunch?" Jane says, "I want to eat jiaozi." Her mother likes jiaozi,too.She thinks it is very nice.But she can't make jiaozi.Jane's classmate,Li Yun,can make jiaozi.So they want to ask her to help them.
1. Where is Jane from? ______
A. Canada. B. The UK. C. The USA. D. Japan.
2. What does Jane want to have for lunch? ______
A. Bread. B. Chicken. C. Hamburgers. D. Jiaozi.
3. Who may help them make jiaozi? ______
A. Li Yun. B. Liu Qing. C. Li Kang . D. Wang Jun.
4. Which (哪一个) is NOT right? ______
A. Jane and her mother are in the same school.
B. Jane's mother doesn't like jiaozi.
C. Jane's mother can't make jiaozi.
D. Jane likes Chinese food a lot.
In winter,chilblains (冻疮) become a headache for many people,but how much do you know about them?Have a look at the following information.
Why do people get chilblains?
They commonly happen in winter and early spring.Anyone who stays in cold but suddenly warm temperatures may get chilblains.Some certain people are at greater risk.
People who have little body fat.
People who live or work in wet,cold conditions.
People who have a poor diet and low body weight.
What are chilblains?
Chilblains are small,red and itchy swellings (发痒的肿块) on the skin (usually on fingers and toes).
How to avoid them?
Try to keep your gloves,socks,and shoes dry and comfortable.
Do some aerobic (有氧的) exercise like running to keep your blood flowing.
Massage (按摩) your hands and feet often.
Wear some cream on your skin,especially the Chilblains-prone skin areas
5. Chilblains usually happen ______ .
A. in late spring B. in winter C. on faces D. on ears
6. People who ______ are easy to get chilblains.
A. are very heavy B. work in warm temperatures
C. have a poor diet D. have much body fat
7. ______ may not help prevent getting chilblains.
A. Wet gloves B. Aerobic exercise
C. Massaging D. Wearing cream
Gray's Diary
Well,Mom told me not to lie.I think I'm 100% honest (诚实的) all the time,and I think it's not that hard.
In fact,I was much more honest than I was a week ago.For example,the other day I talked with my friend Sam.
And yesterday,my parents had a birthday party for my grandfather.
Most people don't like a person as honest as me.So don't ask me how George Washington ever got to be president (总统).
8. In Gray's diary,Sam is ______ years old.
A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7
9. Gray's grandfather's birthday is on ______ .
A. Thursday B. Friday C. Saturday D. Sunday
10. In Gray's diary,Sam wants to be a ______ .
A. soccer player B. basketball player
C. teacher D. doctor
11. Which of the following is TRUE? ______
A. Sam was too fat and he can't play basketball.
B. Gray's parents were very happy when they heard Gray's words.
C. Sam wants to be a football player when he grows up.
D. Gray's grandfather wanted a chocolate cake on his birthday next year.
Hold a bag,take your shopping home,and throw it in the bin (垃圾桶) .End of the story?Not really.Your family might use plastic (塑料的) bags,water bottle,and bowls for just a few minutes,but those things don't disappear(消失) when people throw them away.
Over the last 10 years we have made more plastic than that during the whole of the last 100 years.We use 50 percent of the plastic Just once and throw it away.The plastic that people throw away each year is enough to circle the earth 4 times.We now degrade(降解)only 5 percent of the plastic we made.It takes 500-1000 years for plastic to degrade.1,000,000 sea birds and 100,000 sea animals are killed yearly by plastic in the seas.Plastic chemicals(化学品)is also dangerous to human body.
There is no Plan B for our environment because we do not have a Planet B.For the good of the planet,it's time to rethink how we use plastic.We all have a role to play.Reuse shopping bags and plastic boxes.Say no to single -- serving packaging (一次性包装) and over packaging.Bring to-go cup with you to the coffee shop or restaurants,which is a great way to reduce (减少) plastic cups or plates.Talk to your family and friends about why it is important to reduce plastic in our lives and the danger of plastic pollution (污染).
12. In the second paragraph,the writer gave some numbers to show ______ .
A. people made too much plastic 100 years ago
B. it's hard for plastic to degrade
C. many sea animals are killed by human
D. we only use 50 percent of plastic
13. In this passage, ______ ways to better use plastic are talked about.
A. three B. four C. five D. six
14. About this passage,which of the following is TRUE? ______
A. All people like to use plastic bag.
B. People use more plastic over the last 10 years.
C. Plastic chemicals is dangerous to human.
D. Plastic is good for our environment.
15. The best title of the passage may be ______ .
A. Plastic--a Great Invention (发明)
B. Plastic Makes People in Great Danger
C. Let's Stop Environmental Pollution
D. Stop Plastic Pollution to Save the Planet
Dear Sally,
Let me tell you how I spend my free time on weekends.I like playing soccer and volleyball,I join the sports club.I go there three times a week.In the evening,I watch TV for an hour.After that,I read books for half an hour.I often go swimming on Saturday.On Sunday,I usually go to the museum with my friend.I wonder what you like to do in your free time.Please write to me.
Dear Tom,
I'm glad to hear from you.I'm in the dancing club now.I go there on Tuesday and Thursday every week.In the evening,I practice the guitar for an hour.I hardly ever watch TV because I think it's boring.I like tennis best.I always play tennis with my sister on Saturday.I sometimes go shopping on Sunday.
16. Tom reads books for ______ in the evening.
A. an hour B. half an hour
C. twenty minutes D. fifteen minutes
17. Sally goes to the dancing club ______ .
A. once a month B. twice a month
C. twice a week D. three times a week
18. Sally hardly ever watches TV because ______ .
A. her TV doesn't work B. she thinks it's boring
C. she likes go shopping best D. she likes reading books
Good morning.The program today is about music.The word"music" comes from the Greek word "'muse".Who invented (发明) music?Who sang the first song?No one knows exactly the answers to these questions.But we know that music plays an important part in everyone's life.Babies and young children love to hear people sing to them.When they are a little older,they like to sing the songs they have heard.When children go to school,their world of music grows.In middle schools,students begin to take music lessons.When they go to high schools,they become interested in listening to pop music.
Today's program brings together music from different comers of the world.The songs we have chosen for you today are from American country music,Indian music,African music.Music can make people happy or it can make them sad.In this program we can study the language of music.We also try to find out how music expresses(表达) people's feelings (情感).Now,here comes the music today,let's enjoy!
19. The speaker is probably ______ .
A. a DJ B. a singer C. a dancer D. a teacher
20. We can't hear ______ in today's program.
A. American country music B. Chinese traditional music
C. Indian music D. African music
21. What is NOT the purpose (目的) of this music program? ______
A. To give people some music to listen to.
B. To study the language of music.
C. To teach people how to sing.
D. To learn more about music.
22. The speaker believes that ______ .
A. an American invented music
B. only young people like music
C. everyone is interested in pop music
D. music plays an important part in our life
Take a look at your parents' mobile phones.Can you see a small "5 G" at the top?Do you know what it is?5 G means "5th generation mobile network(第五代移动通信技术)".
Each mobile network generation is faster and more powerful than the one before it.In 1980s,with 1 G,we made phone calls for the first time.Around ten years later,2 G let us send messages.Then in 2000s,using the Internet listening to music and sending emails appeared in people's life for 3 G.Later,we could watch films and even buy things in 2010s with 4 G.To our surprise,5 G is coming now.
Do you have online classes at home?With 5 G,you can have classes outside your home.The class can go as well as the ones you have at home.Students from poor areas can have the chance to study just like you do.
In some movies,you might see cars that can drive by themselves- you tell them where you want to go,and they take you there as fast as possible.With 5 G,cars like this may appear in our life.It makes self-driving cars safer.These cars can send messages to each other.They can also "talk" to traffic lights.5 G will make cars move even faster than human drivers.
5 G networks are about 100 times faster than 4 G.This means you can download(下载)a movie in seconds using 5 G,and makes your video calls clearer.What's more,VR games will become more popular with 5 G.It will make the games feel even more real.
All in all,5 G will change the way people live and make our life more comfortable and convenient than ever before.You won't have to wait too long to enjoy it.Now you can buy a new mobile phone to use 5 G networks.5 G phones cost about 8,000 yuan right now .But experts say that about one and a half years later,the price could go down to around 2000 yuan.Why not try 5 G?
23. The writer mentions ______ in this passage.
A. 1 G appeared in 1990s
B. 2 G let us make calls for the first time
C. 3 G made people start using the Internet
D. 4 G helps download a movie in seconds
24. From the passage,we can ______ with 5 G.
①have online classes
②have self-driving cars
③see a doctor at home
④study better
⑤make video calls clearer
A. ①②③ B. ②④⑤ C. ①②⑤ D. ①④⑤
25. To show how 5 G changes our lives,the writer mainly ______ .
A. tells stories B. gives definitions(定义)
C. gives numbers D. gives examples
26. If we put this passage into three parts which of the following is best? ______
①=Para.1②=Para.2 ③=Para.3 ④=Para.4 ⑤=Para.5⑥=Para.6
A. ①②/③④⑤/⑥ B. ①/②③/④⑤/⑥
C. ①②/③④/⑤/⑥ D. ①/②③④/⑤/⑥
Feelings are difficult to deal with (处理),it's very important to begin teaching kids about their feelings as early as possible because their feelings affect (影响)every choice they make.A child who can say,"I'm a little angry with you about what you did," is less likely (有可能的)to get into fights.They can use clear sentences to express their feelings.
A good way to help kids deal with feelings is to set an example for them.Parents should often share their feelings with kids in their daily life.A parent could say to the kid,"I feel sad that you don't want to share your toys with your sister."Another great way to help kids learn about feelings is to discuss how different roles in TV plays may feel.When watching TV,a parent could stop and ask the kid," "Then,discuss the feelings that the person may be experiencing and the reasons.
Doing so can teach children .Young children think the world centers are around them,so it can be a good way for them to learn other people have feelings,too.When young children can understand other people's feelings,they are less likely to do bad things to them.For example,if a child knows that pushing his friend to the ground may make his friend sad,he will be less likely to do so.What's more,teaching a kid about feelings will help him become mentally (精神上) strong.Kids who have the skills to deal with their feelings will be so confident that they can face and manage whatever life throws in the way.
27. Kids who understand their feelings are more likely to ______ .
A. shout to their friends
B. fight with others
C. use clear sentences to express their feelings.
D. make wrong choices
28. Which of the following sentence can be put in the ? ______
A. What can we learn from his story?
B. What do you think of his feelings right now?
C. Which is your favorite actor in the play?
D. What will happen (发生) next?
29. The underlined word "empathy" in Paragraph 3 means ______ .
A. 上进心 B. 同理心 C. 自尊心 D. 求知心
30. According to the passage,we can infer that ______ .
A. it's easy for kids to understand their feelings
B. parents should teach kids about their feeling as early as possible
C. children can be healthier if they can deal with their feelings well
D. teaching kids about feeling can help them live a happier life
Ashley Power's mother bought a computer for her when she was eight.When she was thirteen,she often surfed the Internet,but she couldn't find anywhere for teenagers to meet and talk.And one day she thought,"If I had my own website(网站), I would make it interesting for teenagers ."
So,when Ashley was sixteen,she had her own website called Goosehead.She didn't know whether it would go well ,but three years later,her website was the most successful teenagers' website in the USA !It was getting 100,000 hits (点击量) every day,and Ashley had about 30 employees(雇员).
After a few years,the website was closed down.Ashley was asked to write a book which was about how to design (设计) a website and start a business.In the book,Ashley told readers what it was like to be the boss of a company when she was only sixteen. "I was so happy.But it was very busy in many ways.I got very tired.I mean,I was only sixteen!If you were sixteen and you had your own company,you would get very tired,too !"
In a recent interview,Ashley gave advice to teenagers who want to start their own business. "Just be strong,find your dreams and work hard at them.And don't listen when people say 'no' to you.Just keep going until you hear 'yes' !"
31. When Ashley was ______ ,her website was the most successful teenagers' website in the USA.
A. 8 B. 13 C. 16 D. 19
32. The book written by Ashley tells readers ______ .
A. how to make money
B. how to design a website and start a business
C. how to write a book
D. how to keep happy
33. When Ashley became the boss of a company,she felt ______ .
A. happy and relaxed B. busy and relaxed
C. busy and tired D. sad and tired
34. What's the best title for the passage? ______
A. An Internet Company B. A Great Teenager
C. A Useful Book D. A Rich Boss
Body language is one of the best ways to find out what is really going on inside someone's head.A small movement of the mouth or nose,or a wink (眨眼) of the eye - these actions can show 80 much more about persons' feelings than anything they say to you.Here are some basic movements made by Westerners and their meanings.
Shrug(耸)your shoulders.This means "I don't know "or" I don't mind it".If your friends shrug their shoulders when being invited to a party,it shows they are not very interested in it.
Keep your fingers crossed,It is a gesture that wishes for good luck.Before people take exams,they often cross their fingers in the hope of good grades.Football fans do the same thing when their favorite team gets a penalty(点球) -- they wish the player will score a goal.
Rub (揉) your chin (下巴).If someone rubs their chin,it often means they don't believe what someone is saying!So if your friends make this gesture,it secretly tells you how they feel.
Scratch(挠) your head.If your foreign English teacher scratches his head when you ask a question,then he is puzzled and might not have understood what you said.Either that,or he can't remember your name!
Anyway,the most important is that you need to be very experienced to fully understand what you see.
35. A small movement of a person's mouth,nose,or eye can show ______ .
A. much about a person's action B. much about a person's feelings
C. that he doesn't know it D. that he can't remember your name
36. ______ small actions and their meanings are mentioned in the passage.
A. Four B. Five C. Six D. Seven
37. If you tell your foreign friend about your important exams tomorrow,he will probably ______ .
A. shrug his shoulders B. keep his fingers crossed
C. rub his chin D. scratch his head
38. If we put the passage into three parts,which of the following is the best? ______
A. ①②;③;④⑤⑥ B. ①②;③④;⑤⑥
C. ①②③;④;⑤⑥ D. ①;②③④⑤;⑥
For a long time,many people wished to have a kind of new air conditioner (空调).They can carry their air conditioners with them on hot summer days.Sony has a new invention about this kind of new air conditioner.It is called Reon Pocket.It is small and light in weight and it can be put into the pocket of a special T- shirt.The Reon Pocket is controlled (控制) by a smart phone app.It is able to make you feel cooler or warmer.The Reon Pocket comes out of Sony's startup acceleration (众筹创业) program.However,Sony only has plans to sell the Reon Pocket in Japan at present.
According to a spokesperson (发言人),the product is mostly fit for businessmen who have to wear suits in summer.Now the T-shirts include men's sizes in small,medium or large,but the product is not really for all-day use so much.It needs to be charged around two hours and lasts about 90 minutes.
In a blog post,Yoichi lto,a project leader on Reon Pocket,said people pay more attention to the functionality(功能性)and comfort (舒适性) in their clothing.In 2017,his learn started thinking of ways they could mix technology with fashion to meet people's needs.Reon Pocket was the result.
Though Japanese buyers are looking forward to buying the new produce,they will have to wait for some time.If the project is successful, deliveries of the invention will begin in the near future,then people can buy it in the store.
39. The Reon Pocket is controlled by ______ .
A. a store B. an app C. a temperature D. a T-shirt
40. According to a spokesperson,the new air conditioner is mostly fit for ______ .
A. students B. doctors C. teachers D. businessmen
41. People pay more attention to the ______ in their clothing.
A. comfort B. shape C. size D. color
42. The underlined word "deliveries" means ______ in Chinese.
A. 想法 B. 发货 C. 原因 D. 讨论
On August 1st,Chinese short distance runner Su Bingtian ran into the 100 m final at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.He used only 9.83 seconds.The amazing result made him the first Asian man to reach the men's 100 m final at the Olympics in 89 years.He had a chance to make a new Asian record.Later in the final,Su was the sixth to run through the finishing line.This time he used 9.98 seconds - 0.18 seconds behind the Italian runner Lamont Marcell Jacobs.He wrote the history of Asian short distance race again. "I am very happy to run under 10 seconds twice, "Su said after the race." I have made every effort to run into the finals.I hope I can still show the China speed to the world in 4 x100 m relay race in 5 days."
On the afternoon of August 1st,Gong Ljjao won a gold medal in the women's shot put (铅球) game.On the same day,Shi Tingmao got her second gold medal in the women's 3 m springboard (跳板) game.Chen Yufei beat the player from Taibei and won the gold medal in Women's badminton (羽毛球) singles.
43. Who set a new Asian record? ______
A. Lamont Marcell Jacobs. B. Su Bingtian.
C. Gong Lijiao. D. Chen Yufei.
44. What was the result of the Italian runner Lamont Marcell Jacobs in the 100 m final? ______
A. 9.98 seconds. B. 9.90 seconds. C. 9.83 seconds. D. 9.80 seconds.
45. Where may the passage come from? ______
A. A sports report. B. A science program.
C. A short novel. D. A music newspaper.
Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy invites you to
2020 Green Community Day
Celebration& Film
Saturday,January 18
Activities for the whole family!
9:00 a.m.—12:00 a.m.Volunteers make a difference!Help beautify the plant garden.
10:00 a.m.Family-friendly walk
11:00—11:30 a.m.Violin performance by local kids
11:00 a.m.—12:00 a.m.Art at Your Fingertips Art Activity
12:00—2:00 p.m.Local plant sale
Film:Free Solo
Warner Grand Theater,5 p.m.
A documentary (纪录片) about Alex Honnold,who climbs the world's most famous rock—the about 900-meter-high El Capitan,without a rope!
For more information,visit pvplc.org,Green Community Day.
46. The activities of 2020 Green Community Day are ______ .
A. on Saturday B. on Sunday
C. all in the morning D. all in the afternoon
47. What will volunteers do on 2020 Green Community Day? ______
A. Play the violin. B. Sell local plants.
C. Help with the art activity. D. Make the plant garden prettier.
48. How long will the art activity be? ______
A. Three hours. B. Two hours. C. One hour. D. Half an hour.
49. Free Solo is a film about ______ .
A. a very famous rock B. a great rock climber
C. how to work as volunteers D. how to build a green community
Some people collect all kinds of paintings,drawings and photographs.Others collect goods (商品)such as balls,cards and clothes from their favorite sports.It seems easy to start a collection,but how do you become a smart collector?Here are several rules for you to follow.
●Enjoy things you collect
Collect things that you are interested in.Collect things that you want to keep for a long time.Don't waste your money and time on something you don't really like.Think twice before you start a collection.
●Learn to become an expert(专家)
Read a lot of books about the things you collect as well as visit many museums.Go to different markets and talk to antique (古董) experts there.Feel free to ask them a lot of questions.Don't worry!Experts love to talk and share.
●Look for the best
Collect things that are in good condition.An antique toy in perfect condition,for example,will be valuable in the future.A similar toy in bad condition will not be as valuable.
●Collect rare(稀有的)things
Rare things are more valuable than common ones.If the things you collect are rare today,they will be more valuable in the future.
Everyone can be a smart collector.Why not start your collection in a wise way?
50. How many rules are mentioned in the article? ______
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.
51. Jack believes that collecting coins from the 1800s is better than collecting common coins of today.Which of the following rules matches his idea? ______
A. Look for the best. B. Collect rare things.
C. Enjoy things you collect. D. Learn to become an expert
52. Which of the following statements about Jack doesn't follow any of the rules? ______
A. Jack often watches TV shows about antiques
B. Collecting basketballs brings Jack great pleasure.
C. Jack collects basketballs signed by famous players
D. Some of the basketballs Jack collects are in poor condition.
53. The best title for the article is ______ .
A. Fine Art Collections B. The Fun of Collecting
C. Be a Smart Collector D. Be an Antique Expert
Although most dogs are kept just as pets,assistance (协助) dogs are specially trained to help people with disabilities (残疾).These dogs help their owners live more independent lives.There are several kinds of assistance dogs,but the most common are guide dogs,hearing dogs and service dogs.
Guide dogs help blind people get around their homes and communities.Most guide dogs are large dogs like German shepherds (牧羊犬),which wear a harness (系带) with a U-shaped handle (手柄).It allows the dog and its owner to communicate.The owner gives directional (方向的) orders,and the dog makes sure its owner is safe.
Hearing dogs tell a person who is deaf or has trouble hearing to pay attention to sounds like doorbells,baby cries and smoke alarms.They're trained to touch their owners and lead them to where the sound comes from.Hearing dogs are generally small or not too large.They always wear orange harnesses that can be easily seen.
Service dogs usually help people who are sitting on the wheelchair (轮椅).The dogs are trained to pick up dropped things,open and close doors,help people get into or out of a wheelchair,and find help when needed.Because many of these tasks require strength (力量),most service dogs are large dogs such as Golden or Labrador retrievers (寻回犬).These dogs usually wear a backpack or harness.
Guide dogs,hearing dogs and service dogs have one thing in common.Before being matched with a human partner,each kind of assistance dog a one to two-year training program.After the dog and its owner are matched,they begin to trust each other and often become a team.
54. An assistance dog is specially trained to help a person who ______ .
A. is disabled B. is in danger C. asks for help D. loves dogs
55. Service dogs are generally ______ .
A. small B. large C. active D. quiet
56. The underlined word "undergoes" in the last paragraph means " ______ ".
A. gives up B. looks for
C. is interested in D. takes part in
57. The structure of the passage may be ______ .
A. B. C. D.
In Singapore,primary and high school students take outdoor-skills courses as part of their studies.They are usually three to five days long and include rope-rock climbing,going to sea in a small boat,sleeping in a tent at night,taking long walks in the forest,and learning to make a fire.It's real life.One careless mistake could make someone really get hurt.Are those outdoor skills really important?
Minister of Education Ng Chee Meng says that the outdoor courses help students develop skills like critical thinking (批判性思维),teamwork,and good communication-abilities that are necessary for work and life.He believes that these skills are as important as traditional subjects.Students need to learn from books,but for some lessons,reading isn't as useful as doing.
What do the students think?Angelique,a student from Singapore,went for a boat trip in the sea. "It helped me to grow stronger," she says.The trip was stressful (有压力的) because it was stormy that day.There were moments when she felt afraid and hopeless.But she remembered that "smooth seas never makes a skilled sailor (水手)" and felt brave enough to continue against the storm. "I am thankful for this amazing chance," she says.
Right now,students attend the courses with groups from their own school.After 2020,however,all students will do the course in groups from several different schools.Why does this matter?Good communication skills are more important now than ever.Working closely with students from other backgrounds is a great way to learn this useful lesson.
One student said it this way, "There is nothing to be afraid of and nothing's impossible." And that's a great lesson to learn.
58. What do we know about the outdoor-skills courses from Paragraph 1? ______
A. They are similar to P.E.
B. They are usually one week long.
C. Students may get hurt in the courses.
D. Each student in Singapore needs to take them.
59. The writer uses Angelique's example to show ______ .
A. why the courses are popular
B. what the courses are really like
C. what students think of the courses
D. how students can succeed in the courses
60. How different will the outdoor-skills courses be after 2020? ______
A. They will include more activities.
B. They will be much longer in time.
C. Students will have to attend them more often.
D. Students from different schools will have to work together.
61. What can be the best title of the passage? ______
A. Outdoor Courses in Singapore B. Education in Singapore
C. Important Outdoor Skills D. The Future of School Courses
"Shoes from Italy will make your legs look thinner and longer…"
In a small room,Zhang Man is describing the products to buyers who are watching her livestream (直播) She sells more than 100,000 pairs of shoes in just ten minutes.
Zhang Man is one of the people who sell products trough livestrearming.It has become a new way of buying and selling products in China these years:
Mi Sitian is a new mom from Lanzhou,Gansu Province.She is a fan of livestream shopping.For her,it is a time - saving and easy way of shopping:
"I can hardly find the time to go to stores after having a baby. "she said. "I only have some free time at nigh to watch livestreaming on the Internet. "Also,livestream shopping makes it possible for her to communicate with the sellers face to face. ""it's just like shopping in the real stores, "she said:For sellers,livestreaming helps them sell more products.______ It encourages those poor people to sell their products by livestreaming.Han Mei,for example,a fruit farmer from Linyi,Shandong Province began to sell his products online and had 90,000 fans.She got 1.1 million yuan by selling fruit trough livestreaming in a few months.
Seeing what the Chinese market is doing with livestreaming,many other countries are ready to adopt it.Livestreaming is sure to be popular outside of China.
62. At the beginning of the passage,Zhang Man is busy ______ .
A. talking with friends B. shopping online
C. selling shoes D. taking a photo
63. Mi Sitian hardly goes to stores because she ______ .
A. doesn't like going shopping
B. doesn't have enough money
C. needs to take care of her baby
D. hates talking with people face-to-face
64. The best sentence for the missing part_____ may he ______ .
A. Many people begin to sell their products online.
B. Even the Chinese government sees it as a way to help farmers out of poverty (贫困).
C. It helps people to have many fans.
D. Livestreaming is becoming more and more popular.
65. This passage may come from ______ .
A. a story book B. an advertisement
C. an economy(经济) magazine D. a book report
Recently,the term "carbon neutral (碳中和) "has been used frequently at some important meetings in many countries.Many countries have put forward the goal of striving (奋斗目标) to be carbon neutral.China is expected to be carbon neutral by 2060.So,as middle school students,what can we do protect the environment and live a low carbon life?Here are some suggestions for you.
Travel in a green way.Now more Chinese people have cars of their own.It has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.So we'd better do more walking,cycling and less driving.By doing so,we can save energy and reduce pollution.
Cut down white pollution.We should reduce the of plastic bags.When you go to the supermarket bring your own shopping bags.
Save water.Lack (缺乏) of water resources will affect the ecological environment (生态环境):So please turn off the tap after using it.
Sort(分类) the rubbish.Doing garbage classification (垃圾分类) in a right way can turn waste into wealth.
Plant more trees.Planting more trees means cutting down and reducing the carbon footprint (碳足迹) and spreading of greenhouse gases(气体).
Use both sides of the paper.The paper production process uses a.lot of trees.
Now is the time that we should take up our responsibility to protect our environment from being polluted.
Let's join our hands and take actions immediately.
66. How many suggestions does the writer give in the passage to be carbon neutral? ______
A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8
67. In order to protect the environment and live a low carbon life,we can ______ .
①walk,cycle more and drive less
②use plastic bags while shopping
③use only one side of the paper
④turn off the water after using it
⑤do garbage classification in a right way
A. ①②③④⑤ B. ①③④⑤ C. ①②⑤ D. ①④⑤
68. The purpose of the passage is ______ .
A. to call us to cut down white pollution
B. to advise us to travel in a green way
C. to give suggestions on why to plant more trees
D. to give advice on how to protect the environment
69. What is the main idea of the passage? ______
A. Live a low carbon life. B. Sort the rubbish.
C. Travel in a green way. D. Save the world.
Poverty (贫困) is a big problem around the world.But China has done a good job of dealing with it and it has found its own way to fight poverty.Instead of just giving money to poor people,it has tried to educate people and give them the tools they need to lift themselves out of poverty.Ordinary people play a big role in the fight.Here are two of them.
Zhang Guimei has been helping girls pursue (追求) education since she traveled to Yunnan at the age of 17.As a teacher,Zhang was heartbroken when she saw her students school after finishing senior high school.They couldn't go to college because their families couldn't afford it.So in 2008,Zhang started a free school for poor girls.Since then,Zhang has been busy asking for donations to provide money for the school.She has convinced(说服) parents to send their daughters back to school.The school has sent more than 1 ,800 students to universities and colleges.
When Mao Xianglin started to work as the Party secretary of his village,there was only one pathway out of the village for many years.He led more than 100 villagers to build a road with their hands.It took them seven years to build an eight-kilometer road.Mao then encouraged the villagers to grow oranges.Last year,their orange yield (产量) was nearly 40 tons.Young people have returned to the village to sell oranges online.By the end of 2019,269 villagers had been lifted out of poverty.The per capita income (人均收入) reached 12,670 yuan,40 times more than in the 1990s.
Over the last eight years,98.99 million rural people have been lifted out of poverty.The 832 counties (县) and 128,000 villages which these people live in are no longer in poverty.China is,responsible for reducing 70 percent of poverty worldwide since the late 1970s.
70. What does the underlined word"quit"" mean in Paragraph 2? ______
A. Leave. B. Serve. C. Dislike. D. Build.
71. What do you know about Mao Xianglin according to the text? ______
A. He works as a teacher in the village.
B. He did two things to help the villagers.
C. He encouraged the villagers to sell oranges.
D. He led villagers to build a road with some tools.
72. What's the right structure (结构) of the text? ______
A. A B. B C. C D. D
73. What is the purpose of using the numbers in the last paragraph? ______
A. To praise the spirits of model workers.
B. To show great achievements against poverty.
C. To spread the ways of fighting against poverty.
D. To describe the experiences of fighting against poverty.
74. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text? ______
A. The teacher helped the poor areas out of poverty by giving materials.
B. The per capita income in the village was more than¥500 in the 1990s.
C. The young people who stayed in the village grew oranges in the past.
D. Zhang Guimei has been helping girls pursue education for over 40 years.
What will come to Beijing in 2022?Beijing is the hosting city for the Olympic Games in 2022.Choose homestay for your accommodation (住宿)!
Beijing does not have enough hotels available to accommodate all people that will visit the city for the 2022 Olympics.
Homestay Beijing 2022 now has almost 450 different homestay (家庭寄宿) accommodation available.We have made arrangements (安排) with people who want to share their living flats for a few days or weeks with visitors.
All hosts speak English!
Beijing has a large number of expats (侨民) from English-speaking countries,so it is possible that all hosts speak English.
Much cheaper than a hotel!
Hotel prices will become 10 times higher than usual.
More space than in a hotel!
A hotel room is just that a room.At homestay Beijing 2022,you can choose what kind of accommodation you want.
More experience than in a hotel!
We think that staying with people who live here can add much more to your experience.
More information
Read our introduction on the about page.If you have any questions,please have a look at our Frequent Asked Questions pages for answers!
Contact us
If you want to contact us for more information,you can find a contact form on the Frequent Asked Questions page.If you are interested in staying at one of our flats,please visit the page Rent Homestay.
75. Which is one of the benefits (好处) of homestay according to the passage? ______
A. Being easier to visit places of interest.
B. Being comfortable with larger room.
C. Being able to make more Chinese friends.
D. Being closer to the Olympic stadiums.
76. What can we infer from the advertisement? ______
A. There will be more visitors to Beijing than hotels can hold.
B. A present 400-dollar room may cost as much as 200 dollars.
C. Most visitors will choose the flats of homestay Beijing 2022.
D. Homestay will help visitors to learn to speak good English.
77. What can you do if you want to learn more information about homestay? ______
A. Visit "Rent Homestay". B. Contact hotels in Beijing.
C. Read "the about page". D. Call homestay Beijing 2022.
78. Who is the ad made for during the 2022 Olympics? ______
A. Those who will work as Olympic volunteers.
B. Those who will provide accommodation for visitors.
C. Those who will come to Beijing from different parts of China.
D. Those who will come to Beijing from foreign countries.


