Unit4 Don't eat in class.Section A Section B(1a-1d) 课件 (共27张PPT)

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Unit4 Don't eat in class.Section A Section B(1a-1d) 课件 (共27张PPT)


Section A+Section B
Listening and speaking
Unit 4
Don't Eat in Class!
Learning objectives:
At the end of this class, you can be able to:
1. master key words and phrases to express different rules;
2. understand and talk about school and family rules;
3. get the importance of rules.
-What’s the video about
-It’s about ______ ______.
school rules
After watching, now do you know these school rules
School Rule
Don’t _________ in school.
School Rule
_______ _______ the teacher in class.
School Rule
Keep(保持) the school _______.
School Rule
Don’t _________ with classmates.
Listen to
Let’s chant!
Don’t, don’t, don’t run in school.
Walk, Walk, please walk in school.
Don’t, don’t, don’t play in class.
Listen, listen, we must listen to the teacher.
Don’t, don’t, don’t fight with classmates.
Nice, nice, please be nice to classmates.
Today we’ll learn some school rules.
A: Can we be late for class
B: No, we can’t. We can’t be late for class.
Don’t be late for class.
____ ____ in the classroom.
A: Can we eat in the classroom
B: No, we can’t. We _____ _____in the classroom.
can’t eat
Don’t eat
A: Can we _____ in the hallways(走廊)
B: No, we can’t. We _____ _____ in the hallways.
_____ _____ in the hallways.
can’t run
Don’t run
A: Can we listen to music in class
B: No, we can’t. We______ _______ ____ music in class.
______ ______ to music in class.
can’t listen to
Don’t listen
A: Can we fight(打架)
B: No, we can’t. We ______ ______.
Don’t fight.
can’t fight
What activities are Alan and Cindy talking about
Listen and check( √ ). 他们在谈论什么活动?听录音打勾。
1._____ listen to music in the classrooms or hallways.
2._____ listen to music in the music room.
3._____ listen to music outside
4._____ eat in the classroom
5._____ eat in the dining hall
6._____ eat outside
7._____ wear a hat
8._____ fight

1._____ listen to music in the classrooms or hallways. can can't
2._____ listen to music in the music room can can't
3._____ listen to music outside can can't
4._____ eat in the classroom can can't
5._____ eat in the dining hall can can't
6._____ eat outside can can't
7._____ wear a hat can can't
8._____ fight can can't
Can they do these activities Listen again and circle can or can’t. 他们能进行这些活动吗?再听录音并圈出可以或不可以。

They can/can’t ……
Can you talk about the rules
Don’t listen to music in the classrooms or hallways.
We must listen to music in the music room.
Don’t eat in the classroom.
We must eat in the dining hall.
Don’t wear a hat .
Don’t fight.
Tips:can-must...; can’t-Don’t...
We must listen to music outside.
Pair work:Suppose(假设) Yang Yirun is new here, what should he know the rules in our class
What are
the rules
Well, we can’t be late for class.
Pair work:Suppose(假设) Yang Yirun is new here, what should he know the rules in our class
What are the rules
Don’t run in the hallways.
Pair work:Suppose(假设) Yang Yirun is new here, what should he know the rules in our class
What are
the rules
Don’t eat in class.
Pair work:Suppose(假设) Yang Yirun is new here, what should he know the rules in our class
Anything else
Don’t listen to music in class.
Pair work:Suppose(假设) Yang Yirun is new here, what should he know the rules in our class
What else
Don’t fight.
Be nice to...
Listen and put an × for things Dave can’t do and a √ for things he has to do.
Rules Can’t (×) Have to/ Must (√) When
go out
see friends
do his homework
practice the guitar
do the dishes
watch TV
help his mom make breakfast
clean his room

on school nights
on school days
after school
before dinner
after dinner
in the evening
every morning
every Saturday
Group work:We have known the rules of Dave’s family, and now let’s make a report to share your family rules to us.
Sentence patterns(句型):
1. We can’t … but we can …
2. Don’t …
3. We must …
I want to share my family rules with you. In my family, I can’t...but I can...My mom always says, don’t...I must...
school rules
class rules
family rules
library rules
street rules
Now let’s see some signs in our society, so do you know them
Don’t talk!
What does the sign mean
Don’t play with fire!
What does the sign mean
Don’t use mobile phones!
What does the sign mean
keep rules.
break rules.
Living in our family,school and society(社会),
we have to
we can’t
Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards.
Thank you!


