资源简介 (共20张PPT)聚焦新教材,弥补听力短板夯实基础第一步:音标How does a baby learn to say the word “Ma” Step 1. Mom tells how to …Step 2. Baby listens and then imitatesListen = inputSay = output厚积薄发Do you know these chinese characters 茕茕孑立 沆瀣一气踽踽独行 醍醐灌顶绵绵瓜瓞 奉为圭臬龙行龘龘 犄角旮旯娉婷袅娜 涕泗滂沱呶呶不休 不稂不莠——— 《生僻字》qióng qióng jié lì hàng xiè yī qìjǔ jǔ dú xíng tí hú guàn dǐngmián mián guā dié fèng wéi guī nièlóng xíng dá dá jī jiǎo gā lápīng tíng niǎo nuó tì sì pāng tuónáo náo bù xiū bù láng bù yǒu拼音拼读的力量!English has its own alphabet and pronunciation rulesTry to spell the following words with their phonetic symbol/t // //l/ / //n//d / / // //s//tr//e//s//f/ / //l/[ stresf l]stressful/d/ / //f/ / /[ d f ] differ[ t l nd ]challenging掌握音标就能读,会读就会拼写!背单词事半功倍!/p/ /b/peak beak pet bed pig big rapid rabbitlap lab speak break/t/ /d/tip dip tea deep test desk tap dadbat bad bet bed辅音(24个)Listen to the pronunciation and read after the tape/k/ /g/kit git kate gate cup gut anchor angerpick pig peck keg/f/ /v/fat valley fit visit ferry very fest vestlife drive leaf leave/s/ /z/sip zip soon zoom soup zoo lesson reasononce lose peace please/θ/ / / three there thin that thank those thigh thebath bathe breath breathe/ / / /mesh measure fresh pleasure leash decisionattention occasion shall usual/h/hat hot high home house him/t / /d /chuck jug chop job choke jokecheap jeep catch page pitch college/m/ /n/ / / map nap met net meet neat room noon tom run lime line sin sing on longsun sung/r/rat red read rice right room/w/was why wide wet we wood/j/yes yard yellow young yoga use/l/lack lake like look lose leak 清晰help mile all girl school full 模糊Listen to the pronunciation and read after the tapei bee fee pearead meat lead bit fit pitlit hit fishebed get petlet met set bad fat patlad mat sat单元音(12个) her person learn bird word fur about balloon taken problem familypencil memory freedom supply supportɑ father fast glasscar park mark but hut mustson ton done book look goodtook bush wouldu too food looseprove moon soon top hot lotbox stop wash caught bought lawsaw door foure make date cakesafe play planea bike nice timelike site life boy toy soyvoice noise moist双元音(8个)a how cow allow house loud mouse open hope post coat boat soap area idea various dear fear heree hair pair chair fare care dare tour poor moor pure cure lureHomework练习音标,掌握发音。 展开更多...... 收起↑ 资源预览