Unit 10 I'd like some noodles. SectionA 2d - grammar focus课件 (共37张PPT)

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Unit 10 I'd like some noodles. SectionA 2d - grammar focus课件 (共37张PPT)


Learning Goals
In this class, you will:
1. 掌握点餐用语May I take your order 的用法;
2. 掌握some与any的用法;
3. 熟读对话,在语言活动中逐渐熟悉点餐用语;
4. 运用英语思维对食物进行询问并点餐。
What, what, what would you like
Beef, beef, I’d like beef.
What, what, what would he like
Mutton, mutton, he’d like mutton.
What, what, what would she like
Potatoes, potatoes, she’d like potatoes.
What, what, what would they like
Noodles, noodles, they’d like noodles.
Let's chant
What are they doing
What kind of restaurant is it
They’re in a restaurant.
They’re ordering food.
It's a Chinese restaurant.
Where are they
What’s the relationship among them
Waitress and customers
Try to describe they look.
Listen to 2d and complete the multiple choices.
1. Sally and Tom would like the following except___.
A. chicken soup
B. mapo tofu
C. gongbao chicken
2. What size bowl of soup would they like
A. Small B. Medium C. Large
Waitress: Good afternoon. ________
Sally: Yes. Are there any vegetables in the beef soup
Waitress: Yes. _________.
Sally: OK. We’d like one bowl of beef soup.
Waitress: Sure. ______
Sally: Large, please.
Tom: We’d also like gongbao chicken and some mapo tofu with rice.
Waitress: OK. _______beef soup, one gongbao
chicken, and one mapo tofu with rice.
Tom: Yes, that’s right.
Choose one in the blanks.
A. There are some tomatoes
B. May I take your order
C. One large bowl of
D. What size would you like
Listen again and
check your answer
Language points
1. May I take your order 您可以点菜了吗?
(1) May I take your order 是服务员询问顾客是否点餐的交际用语。如果需要点餐,回答时一般先说“Yes, please. ”,然后再说“I'd like. . . ”来说明具体点什么。
-May I take your order
-Yes, please. I'd like two eggs and a glass of milk.
— ______________________?
- Yes, I'd like some beef noodles.
A. May I take your order
B. May I borrow your ruler
C. What club do you want to join
D. What size would you like
How can I help you
Can/May I help you
What can I do for you
May I have your order
(2). Order的用法
名词,“点菜;顺序”; take one’s order 意为“点菜”;
动词,意为“命令”;order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事
① I’d like to order a hamburger and a glass of orange juice.
② I want to order some books online.
③ He orders his son to do his homework.
④ You shouldn’t order your brother to do so many things.
⑤ Let’s answer the questions in order.
2. Are there any vegetables in the beef noodles?
any(一些;任何) some(一些)
①常用于否定句中; ②用于大部分疑问句中; ③用于肯定句中,意为“任一” ①常用于肯定句中;
a. offer things(给东西);
b. ask for things(要东西);
① I don’t have any friends. 我没有任何朋友。 ② Are there any pens in the bag 包里有钢笔吗?(表询问) ③ I need a pen, any pen is OK. 我需要支笔,什么笔都行。 ① I have some friends.
② Do you want some water
③ Would you like some apple juice
④ Can I have some rice, please
注: any 用于否定、疑问时,后跟复数;
一般询问用any, 给东西要东西用some
1. Would you like _______ apples for your dinner this evening
A. some B. any C. an D. much
2. There aren’t _______ eggs in the fridge(冰箱).
We have to go to the supermarket to buy ______.
A. some; any B. any; some
C. any; any D. some; some
3. There are _____ hamburgers in our restaurant.
Would you like ______?
A. some; some B. some; any
C. any; any D. any; some
Put in some or any
1. I have ______ hamburgers but I don’t have ______ bread.
2. I’m going to the supermarket, I need to buy ______ milk.
3. There aren’t ______ shops in the village.
4. I don’t have _______ brothers or sisters.
5. — Would you like _______ tea — Yes,please.
6. I’m thirsty(口渴的), can I have _______ water, please
7. Are there _______ banks in the town
1. — Would you like some beef
— ____________.
A. Yes, I would B. No, I wouldn’t
C. Yes, please D. Thanks
2. There are _____ hamburgers in our restaurant.
Would you like ______
A. some; some B. some; any
C. any; any D. any; some
4. — _______ bowl of mutton soup would you like
— A big bowl, please.
A. What size B. What big
C. How much D. How size
3. Meimei is a beautiful girl _____ big eyes and
dark hair.
A. in B. on
C. at D.with
1. She’d like a story book. (改为一般疑问句)
______ she ______ a story book
2. Kate would like something to eat. (改为同义句)
Kate ______ something to eat.
Would like
3. would like的用法
6.would like sb. to do sth. 想让...做某事
1. 与want同义,但比want更委婉
2. would like中的would可缩写为’d
3. would like无人称和数的变化
4.would like sth. 想要某物
5.would like to do sth. 愿意、想做某事
Li Ming would like a new phone.
We’d like to watch the movie My Motherland and Me.
否定:Li Ming would not / wouldn’t like a new phone.
一般疑问:Would Li Ming like a new phone
否定:We would not / wouldn’t like to watch the movie
My Motherland and Me.
一般疑问:Would you like to watch the movie
My Motherland and Me
would like 疑问句及其答语
Would you like sth. 你想要…吗 表征求意见。 肯定:Yes, please.
否定:No, thanks.
Would you like to do sth. 你想做某事吗? 表征求意见。 肯定:Yes, I’d like/love to.
否定:Sorry, but.../
I’d love to, but...
What would you like (to do) 你想要(做)什么?表示询问。 回答:I’d like (to)...
(2) —Would you like to come to my birthday party tonight
—Yes, _______________.
(1) —Would you like more dumplings, Harry
—_____________ . I’m full.
No, thanks.
I'd like/love to.
(3)—Would you like ______ (see)a film with us tonight
—Sorry, I have to help my mother do housework.
to see
a. What kind of noodles do you have
b. Oh, a medium bowl, please.
c. OK, I’d like the mutton noodles
d. I’d like some noodles, please.
e. What size do you have
f. Are there any vegetables in the
mutton noodles
1. May I have your order ___
2. What kind of noodles would
you like ___
3. We have beef, chicken, mutton,
cabbage, potato, tomato … ____
4. Yes, there are some carrots. ___
5. Sure. What size would you like ___
6. We have large, medium and small
bowls. ____
Complete the conversation below.
The waiter’s words
The customer’s words
What are the customer’s words?
What are the waiter’s words?
3b Write questions and answers using the words in brackets.
1. What kind of noodles would you like _(kind)
2. ______________________________(size)
3. __________________________________
(any / cabbage / beef noodles)
I'd like chicken / beef / tomato noodles.
What size would you like?
I’d like a medium bowl, please.
Is there any cabbage in the beef noodles
No, there isn't any.

Some other expressions
Welcome to …
Can I help you This way, please. ( 请走这边。) Here’s the menu. (这是菜单。) What kind of … would you like
Is that all (够了吗?) Wait a minute, please .(请稍等。) What else(别的) would you like
Anything else
I’d like … I’d like a table for two.(双人桌) For here or to go
Here’s the menu. Take your time.
Ordering food:
- What kind of... would you like
- I'd like..., please.
- What size would you like
- ...
- Is/Are there ... in ...
- Yes, there is/are ... in ...
No, there is/are no...
waiter’s words
1. Do you have a table for two
2. I want to sit by the window.
3. Can I have a menu, please?
4. I'm sorry, but we're still waiting for the…
5. I’m ready to order.
6. Do you have today’s special
7. What would you recommend(推荐)?
8. For the starter(开胃菜), I’d like …/
I’ll have…for the main course(主菜).
9. I’d like …for the dessert(甜品).
10. Medium well (七分熟).
Customer’s words
would, special, noodles, large, size
1. What ______ bowl of soup does the
boy want
2. Would you like some beef ________
3. Oh, this T-shirt is too _____. It
doesn’t fit (适合) me.
4. This is the ________ in this restaurant.
It’s very delicious (美味的).
5. His father ________ like some mutton.
1.There is some beef in my fridge.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)
-Is there ___________ beef in your fridge
-No, ___________ isn't.
2.I’d like a large bowl of noodles.(对画线部分提问)
 ____ _______bowl of noodles would you like
3.He'd like some mutton noodles.(改为一般疑问句)
___________ ___________ ______ _____mutton noodles
4.He wants a medium bowl of noodles.(改为同义句)
He_____ _______a medium bowl of noodles.
5.I'd like beef and tomato noodles.(对画线部分提问)
What ___________ of noodles ___________ you like
What size
Would he like some
would like
kind would
1. There is a potato on the desk.(改为复数疑问句)
_______ _______ _______ __________on the desk
2. I would like an egg and two pieces of bread for breakfast.
________ ________ you like for breakfast
3. Would you like to play basketball with me (作肯定回答)
________,________ ________ ________.
Are there any potatoes
Yes I’d love to
What would
4. I would like some oranges.(改为一般疑问句)
________ _______ _________ ________oranges
5. I want to buy some cakes.(改为同义句)
I_______ ________ ________ buy some cakes.
6. Do you want some apples (改为同义句)
________ you ________ some apples
would like to
Would you like some
Would like
A: Welcome to... What would you like / What kind of noodles would you / What size … / Would you like…
B: Do you have today’s special …
A: …
C: For the starter(开胃菜), I’d like ……
D: ...
Imagine you are a waiter/waitress at a restaurant and others are customers. Make a long and natural conversation about ordering food.
Countable nouns
Uncountable nouns
Countable and
uncountable nouns
(1)特点:有单复数之分, 可以用a/an 修饰, 也可用some, many, a lot of, lots of, a few等修饰。
a book 一本书 an apple 一个苹果
some actors 一些演员 a few students 几个学生
① 一般名词后加 s。 noodle→noodles面条
② 以 -s,- x,- ch, -sh结尾加- es。
box→boxes 盒子
③ 以“辅音字母+y”结尾,把-y变成-i再加 -es。
city→cities 城市
④ 部分以-f或-fe结尾,改-f或-fe为-v再加 -es。
life →lives 生命 leaf →leaves 树叶
⑤ 以-o结尾,有生命加 -es,无生命加-s。
potato→potatoes 土豆 photo→photos 照片
① 单复数同形的词:
Chinese 中国人 sheep 绵羊 deer 鹿
② 不规则变化的名词:
child→children 孩子  mouse→mice 老鼠
man→men 男人  woman→women 女人
tooth→teeth 牙齿 foot →feet 脚

Wuhan, one of the most important _______ in China, is famous for the Yellow Crane Tower.
A. cities B. citys C. city
one of + 可数名词复数 …之一
可以用some, a lot of, lots of, much, a little等修饰。
some water 一些水 much money 很多钱
a little mutton 一点羊肉
Milk is my favorite. 牛奶是我最喜欢的。
Clean air and sunshine are free. 干净的空气和阳光是免费的。
a cup of tea 一杯茶
two boxes of milk 两盒牛奶
three bowls of rice 三碗米饭
—Are you thirsty —Yes, please give us ______.
A. three bottle water B. three bottle of water
C. three bottles of water D. three bottles of waters
There are some ________ and ________ in the fridge (冰箱).
A.tomatos; milk B.tomatos; milks
C.tomatoes; milk D.tomatoes; milks
2. —What would you like ____for your mum on Mother’s Day
—A dress.
A. buy B. buying C. to buy D. buys
3. There is ____ bread at home. Would you please get ____ for us
A. no; some B. not; some
C. few; some D. little; any
4. There isn't any ________ in the bowl.
A. noodles B. dumplings C. rice D. eggs
5. —Would you like to travel with me after this exam
— _______. I can’t wait.
A. That’s all right B. Of course not
C. Yes, I’d love to D. What a pity


