Unit 1 Welcome back to school 教案(6个课时合集)

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Unit 1 Welcome back to school 教案(6个课时合集)


PEP三年级下册Unit 1 Welcome back to school!教学设计
Period 1
Teaching contents: Main scene
Part A Let’s talk & Look and say
Teaching aims:
1.Be able to say and understand the word
2.Be able to say and understand the sentences and use them in real situation :Boys and girls, we have two new friends today. Hi , I’m ……I’m from……Welcome
3.Be able to say and know some countries name and flags :China /the UK/Canada/the USA
1.Be able to use I’m from……to introduce yourself to others.
2.Be able to pronounce from and welcome correctly.
Teaching aids:Computer
Step 1.Warm –Up and Revision
1.Enjoy a song: Boy and girl.
2.Greeting:T:Good morning/afternoon,boys and girls.
Ss:Good morning/afternoon,Miss…
T:Welcome back.Nice to see you again.
Ss:Nice to see you,too.
Step2.Presentation and Practice
1.Let’s talk
(1)Unit 1.Welcome back to school!(Watch PPT)
(2)Look at the picture:T:We have two new friends today.What his/her name Ss:He/She is...
(3)Watch the video.T:Where is he/she from Ss:He/She is from…
(4)Teach the new words and language points:
(b)I’m ……/Where are you from I’m from…/(introduce yourself)
(c) the UK/China/
(5)Read and act.
2.Look and say
(1)Watch the PPT,to know Canada/ the USA
(2)Teach the sentence : What about you
Step3 Consolidation and Extension
Do the exercise.
Step4 Workbook.
Period 2
Teaching contents: PartA Let’s learn & Let’s chant
Teaching aims:
1.Be able to grasp the four skilled words: China,Canada, the UK,the USA
2.Be able to grasp the sentence: Hi,I’m……I’m from…
3.Be able to know and say Let’s chant
4.Be able to know China and other English countries’ flag and the landmark buildings.
Main &Difficulties: 1.Be able to use the sentence in real situation:I’m from…
2.Be able to know the international countries’ name and their landmark buildings.
Teaching aids:computer, flash cards.
Teaching steps:
Step 1:Warm-UP
1.Free talk.e.g.T I’m Miss Wang, I’m from Huangshan. What about you,XXX
2.Act part A’s dialogue.
Step 2: Presentation and Practice
1.Teach the new words: China ,Canada,the UK ,the USA.
(1)Through the PPT to teach new words.
(2)Do some exercises
2.Let’s chant
(1)Watch the flash.
(2)Teach the chant.A girl from…A boy from… We are friends.
(3)Clap and say.
Step3: Consolidation and Extension
Watch the PPT and say the countries’name .E,g. It’s from…..
Period 3
Teaching contents: Let’s spell
Teaching aims: 1. Be able to listen,say and recognize the
words cat/bag/ hand/ dad
2. Be able to remember the pronunciation of letter A a
3. Through the write review the letters , train a sense of group identity.
Main&Difficulties: The pronunciation of “ a” in different words.
Teaching aids:Computer.
Teaching step:
Step 1.Warm-up and Revision
(1)Enjoy a song: A is for apple
(2)Free talk. E.g.T:Where is Big Ben .Ss: The UK.
Step 2.Presentation and Practice
Watch the video
(a)/K/- / /-/t/,cat.c-/k/,a-/ /,t-/t/.At the same time,the teacher writes the word.
Ss:Read after teachers.
(b) Describe the cat.It’s a…cat.
(a)T:Now I’ll give you a exam.How to read “mat/hat/rat/bat/
T:Good. b-/b/,a-/ /,g-/g/
(b)T:What colour is the bag Ss…
(a)/d/-/ -/d/.
(b)T:This is dad’s black bag. Dad has a black bag.
This is dad’s black cat.Dad has a black cat.
(a)/h/-/ /-/n/-/d/
(b)T:Look, what’s in my hand Ss…..
(5)a-/ /
(6)Read some words.
Step3: Consolidation and Extension
1.Read,listen and circle
2.Listen and write
Step4. Workbook
Teaching contents:B Let’s talk&Look and say&Let’ sing.
Teaching aims.
1.Be able to sing Boy and Girl
2.Be able to understand and say “Where are you from She’s a new student.
3.Be able to understand the representative animals in China,Canada,the USA and the UK.
Main&Difficulties: Be able to use “he” and “she”
Teaching steps
Step 1 .Warm-up and Revision.
(1)Enjoy a song: Boy and Girl.
(2)Free talk.T:Who’s this boy Ss:Wu Binbin
T:Good! He is a boy. Look! Who’s that girl
Ss:Sarah. T:Yes! She is a girl.
Step2. Presentation and Practice.
1.Let’s talk
(1)Watch the video
(2)Through the PPt to teach the sentences:
(a)This is …
(b)Where are you from I’m from…
(3)Read and act the talk
(4)Read and fill in.
3.Look and say.
(1) Show the animal pictures(panda/beaver/eagle/kangaroo) in PPT,lead students to know them.
(a) Let students to act them.
(b)Make a dialogue.
T: Where are you from
Ss:I’m from China.
(Pair work)
Panda,Panda,where are you from
China,China,I’m from China……
Step 3. workbook..
Period 5
Teachingcontents: Start to read&Let’s learn&Let’s chant&Look and match.
Teaching aims:
1.Be able to grasp four skilled words: he,she,student,pupil,teacher.
2.Be able to say and understand “This is Amy./She’s a student./This is Mr Jones./He’s teacher.”
3.Be able to understand and read Let’s chant.
4.Be able to use “he” and “she”.
Difficulties:1.Be able to use the words and sentences in real situation.
3.Be able to use “he” and “she” correctly.
Teaching steps:
Step 1:Warm-up and Revision.
2.Free talk.(What’s your name /Where are you from……)
Step 2.Presentation and practice.
(1)Let’s talk
(a)T: Hello, boys and girls. I’m Miss Wang.I’m a teacher. A teacher . You are students. (point to someone) “She’s a student/He’s a student./He’s a pupil
(b)Through the PPT,teach “he”/ “she” “student”/”teacher”
(c)Watch the video and read after teacher.
(d)Let’s do some exerise.
(e)Pair work. Please introduce your deskmate. E.g. He(She) is….(name). He’s(She’s) a boy(girl). He(She) is …years old. He’s (She’s) a student(pupil).
(2)Let’s chant.
(a). Describe the people.
E.g. This is Wu Binbin. He’s a student(pupil).
(b) Watch the video.
(c) Act the chant.
(3)Let’s do. Start to read.&Look and match.
Step3 Workbook.
Period 6.
Teaching contents: Let’s sing&Story time & Let’s check.
Teaching aims:
1.Be able to understand and read Story time.
2.Do the Let’s check.
1.Be able to use “he” and “she”.
2.Be able to understand and act Story time.
Teaching steps:
1.Warm-up and Revision.
(1)Sing a song: Boy and Girl.
(2)Daily talk. (Review this unit’s sentences)
2.Presentation and Practice.
(1)Watch the ppt’s picture.
T: What can you see in the picture
(2)Lead to the story’s blackground.
T: Zoom and Zip are playng a game ---“Teacher and student”
Who ‘s the teacher Let’s watch the video..
(3)Teach the story.
T: Do you like a story Who is the teacher,Zoom or Zip
T: Zip is the teacher. Why
S1: Zip is clever.
T: Look ! This boy is Yixiu. (Picture)He is clever.Who is clever in your class S1…..
T: Ok.You are all very clever. Can you read this (play a game/big –small/I’m the teacher/. I’m the student. /Wait a minute.)..
(4)Read after the tape.
(5)Act the story.
T: Let’s act. I am Zoom now,who wants to be Zip
T:Two students in a pair and try to act out the story.
Step 3. Consolidation and Extension.
(1)Let’s check (2)workbook.


