(听力题坏掉)初中英语新目标八年级下册Unit 1 What's the matter?综合能力检测卷(含完整音频)

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(听力题坏掉)初中英语新目标八年级下册Unit 1 What's the matter?综合能力检测卷(含完整音频)


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(听力题坏掉)初中英语新目标八年级下册Unit 1 What's the matter 综合能力检测卷(含完整音频)
1.What's the matter with the boy
2.What's the matter with the boy
(1)When did Judy's grandpa die
A.Yesterday. B.Last Saturday. C.This Tuesday.
(2)What will they do next
A.They'll buy some chocolate for Judy.
B.They'll go to a concert with Judy.
C.They'll invite Judy to watch a movie.
(1)How old was Dr.Smith when he started working in the hospital
A.25. B.30. C.33.
(2)How does Dr.Smith usually go to work
A.By car. B.By subway. C.By bus.
(3)How many people come to Dr.Smith's office every day
A.Over 30. B.Less than 20. C.About 10.
5.What's the matter with the boy
6.My sister had toothache, and she went to see dentist.
A.a;/ B./;the C.the;/ D.a;a
7.She has a bad cold and a lot in today's class.
A.smiles B.coughs C.hits D.breathes
8.I didn't go to school yesterday because I was and went to the hospital.
A.hungry B.serious C.healthy D.sick
9.Don't forget to take your bag when you the bus.
A.get off B.cut off C.turn off D.put off
10.After six days' walk in the mountains, we all our food and drinks.
A.ran away B.ran out of C.turned down D.lay down
11.—What did you do at the party
—We played games and enjoyed very much.
A.herself B.yourself C.ourselves D.yourselves
12.—I feel very upset before the exam.What I do
—Don't worry! You can listen to some music to relax yourself.
A.shouldn't B.needn't C.should D.must
13.—Is Mr. Zhang control of your class now
—Yes, our surprise, he is doing his job well.
A.to;to B.to;in C.in;in D.in;to
14.—Do you keep on sports every morning
—Yes. I'm used to in the morning to keep healthy.
A.play;run B.playing;run
C.playing;running D.play;running
15.—Hi, John. ?
—I have a sore throat and can't speak loudly.
A.How's the weather B.Who's that
C.What's the matter D.What are you doing
16.—Bob will take part in the singing competition tomorrow.
—He is good at singing. I expect him .
A.won B.to win C.win D.winning
17.In order to stay healthy, you shouldn't eat junk food.
A.much too B.too much C.too many D.so many
18.Jack,if you have problems the job.you can ask me for help.
A.finish B.finishing C.to finish D.finished
19.She realized she was wrong and the argument.
A.cheered up B.put up C.took up D.gave up
20.—Joe had a nosebleed in P.E.class.
— Did someone hit him on the nose
A.How do you like it B.What happened
C.I can't stand it. D.It's nothing.
Jane is a housewife. After finishing (1) ,she spends most of her time shopping online. She (2) takes any exercise. A few days ago, she felt more (3) than before. So she went to see a doctor.
The doctor asked her,“What's the matter (4) you?”
She said, “I feel tired all the time.”
The doctor examined her and asked her a lot of (5) and took some blood (血液) from her arm. The doctor told her to go back (6) to wait for the results.
A week later, the doctor called her. He said,“Your blood samples (样本) are okay. There is (7) wrong with you. You feel tired (8) you never take exercise. You need to do exercise from now on. You can take a walk or ride a bike every day. If you do (9) every day, you won't feel tired.”
She didn't believe the doctor. She thought if she did exercise every day, she would feel even (10) .So she still spent her time shopping online and soon she was badly ill. She regretted (后悔) not following the doctor's advice, but it was too late.
(1)A.exercise B.housework C.homework D.class
(2)A.sometimes B.often C.always D.never
(3)A.sad B.tired C.excited D.happy
(4)A.of B.to C.with D.in
(5)A.questions B.advice C.answers D.names
(6)A.hospital B.school C.home D.office
(7)A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything
(8)A.so B.when C.because D.why
(9)A.cleaning B.reading C.shopping D.exercise
(10)A.warmer B.faster C.easier D.worse
▲How nosebleeds happen:
Nosebleeds are very common among children and often result from activities such as blowing the nose too hard or getting hit on the nose during play.Catching colds or the flu can also cause (引起) nosebleeds.Usually,bleeding isn't very serious and it will stop in less than ten minutes.
▲When nosebleeds happen:
Your child may be frightened that there is something seriously wrong.Crying may make the bleeding worse, so it is important for you to tell him that he will be fine.
▲How to give first aid:
Let your child sit upright(直立) and tell him to put his head down.
Help your child press the sides of the nose for ten minutes.Do not stop to see if the bleeding has stopped.
▲If first aid works:
Rest your child for the next 12—24 hours.Tell him to do quiet activities such as drawing,reading a book or watching TV.
Tell him not to take a hot shower for at least 24 hours after a nosebleed.
Tell him not to touch or blow his nose for 24 hours.
▲If first aid doesn't work:
You'd better take him to hospital.
(1)The writer gives reason(s) for nosebleeds.
A.one B.two C.three D.four
(2)The underlined word “frightened” has the same meaning as “ ”.
A.scared B.surprised C.shy D.smart
(3)After a nosebleed, one should not .
A.draw pictures B.read books
C.watch television D.play basketball
(4)From the passage, we can learn that .
A.one should often stop giving first aid to see if the bleeding has stopped
B.one should take a hot shower as soon as the bleeding stops
C.it's wrong to blow the nose as soon as the bleeding stops
D.one should go to hospital right away if he has a nosebleed
(5)This passage is for .
A.children B.parents C.nurses D.doctors
Last Friday, I agreed to meet some friends at 6:00 p.m. in a coffee shop.The weather was sunny, so I decided to walk there.I arrived ten minutes early.I ordered a cup of coffee and sat watching people.There were some boys playing football on the street, and a small boy was running after the ball as it rolled (滚) across the road.
Suddenly (突然), there came a car.It was going very fast.When the driver saw the boy in his way, he braked (刹车) hard.But it was too late…The small boy was lying on the street without moving.To everyone's surprise, the car didn't stop.It drove away quickly.
People ran to the boy.There was a cut on the boy's head and he lost a lot of blood.The coffee shop owner (主人) telephoned the police.Soon an ambulance (救护车)arrived and took the boy to the hospital.
At 6:30 p.m., the police arrived and started questioning people.About half an hour later, they asked me to go to the police station because I saw everything.I gave them all the information I knew because I really wanted them to catch the driver.I didn't leave the police station until 8:00 p.m. After that I went home because I didn't feel like talking to anyone.
The next day, the boy's parents called me to say thanks.They also told me their boy was fine and the driver was in the police station now.
(1)Where was the writer at 5:50 p.m. last Friday
A.At home. B.On the street.
C.In a coffee shop. D.In the police station.
(2)Who called the police
A.The writer. B.The boy's friends.
C.The boy's parents. D.The coffee shop owner.
(3)The writer left the police station at p.m.
A.6:30 B.7:00 C.7:30 D.8:00
(4)Which is the right order of the following events
①The writer ordered a cup of coffee.
②There was a cut on the boy's head.
③A car came very fast.
④The writer got a call from the boy's parents.
⑤The writer went back home.
A.①②⑤③④ B.①③②⑤④ C.③②①⑤④ D.③①②④⑤
(5)How might the writer feel at the end of the story
A.Happy. B.Tired. C.Worried. D.Popular.
You may know about “junk food” like French fries.But do you know about “junk sleep”?
Recently, a British survey found that electronic(电子的) products in teenagers' bedrooms are affecting(影响) their sleep.
The survey was done among 1,000 British kids from 12 to 16.It found that 30% of them got just 4 to 7 hours of sleep every day.But doctors say they need 8 to 9 hours.
Almost a quarter of the kids said they fell asleep more than once a week while watching TV, listening to music or using other electronic products.
“This is very worrying,” said Dr.Chris Idzikowski,a British expert,“We call it 'junk sleep'.It means you don't get enough sleep and the quality of the sleep is bad, too.If you don't get a good rest,you don't perform well in school the next day.”
The survey found that 40% of the kids felt tired each day,with girls between 13 and 16 feeling the worst.Nearly all the teenagers have a cellphone,an iPad or a TV in their bedrooms.And many of them have all the three.
(1)This passage is mainly about .
A.junk food B.junk sleep
C.electronic products D.the importance of sleep
(2) of the children in the survey sleep only 4 to 7 hours a day.
A.200 B.300 C.500 D.1,000
(3)“Junk food” and “junk sleep” are similar to each other in the way that .
A.they are both low in quality
B.they are both produced in factories
C.people enjoy both in their spare time
D.they are both good for people's health
(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.Teenagers need 4 to 7 hours of sleep each day.
B.Few of the teenagers have a cellphone in their bedrooms.
C.Teenagers spend too much time on electronic products.
D.Girls between 15 and 16 spend the least time on electronic products.
(5)Which of the following is the best solution to the problem
A.Parents watch TV together with their children.
B.Make teenagers not use any electronic product.
C.Make teenagers limit(限制) their use of the electronic products.
D.The use of cellphone and iPad is not allowed at school.
25.The boy's     (脚) are very big. It's hard for him to buy shoes.
26.We need ten     (千克) of bananas for the party on Sunday.
27.Tom is my best friend. When I'm in     (麻烦), he always comes to help me.
28.Growing up     (意味着) that I can make my own decisions.
29.I think you need to learn to     (控制) your feelings.
30.Jack and I found it difficult to finish the work by     (we).
31.Don't touch the     (knife). They are dangerous for little kids.
32.Who do you think is the best     (climb) among them
33.The dog's     (die) made the little girl very sad.
34.Everybody should know the     (important) of health.
If your head feels very hot, you should           .
         , it only took him half a day to finish the work.
       WeChat Moments, I found my little dog soon.
My grandparents are        the country life, and they wouldn't like to live with us.
No one can help you all the time. You should              your life.
Today is Monday. It is 7:00 am. now, but Jimmy is still     in bed. He is thinking of an excuse,     he doesn't want to go to school. Have a fever It's    . His mother can take     temperature. Have a     No, he used this excuse many times. Then he remembers he has a loose(松动的) tooth. Great! Jimmy starts to cry.
“What's the    dear son?” his mom asks.
“Mom, I have a bad    . I can't go to school.”
“    your mouth and let me have a look. Oh, one of your teeth is loose. Don't cry. I'll call the dentist.”
Jimmy asks, “    will you call the dentist?”
“I'll ask him to pull(拔) the tooth out.”
“Oh, please, Mom. Don't pull it out. It doesn't     at all. I have to leave now. I'Il be late.” With these words, Jimmy gets out of bed quickly.
【解析】【听力原文】W: What's the matter, boy
M: I have a sore leg.
【分析】根据M: I have a sore leg.我腿疼。根据图片A我们看到一个男孩腿疼。故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】W: What's the matter, boy
M: I have a sore leg.
【分析】根据M: I have a sore leg.我腿疼。根据图片A我们看到一个男孩腿疼。故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】W:Judy looks sad. What's the matter with her
M:Don't you know Her grandpa died last Saturday. He had a heart problem.
W:I'm sorry to hear that. What can we do to make her happy
M:Judy loves movies. Let's invite her to watch a funny movie with us.
W:OK. Let's go!
(1)根据Her grandpa died last Saturday. 上周六她爷爷死了。故选B。
(2)根据. Let's invite her to watch a funny movie with us.让我们邀请她和我们去看一部有趣的电影。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】W:Excuse me. Can I ask you some questions,Dr. Smith
W:When did you start working in the hospital
M:In 2009,when I was 25.
W:Is the hospital far from your home
M:Yes. I usually take the subway to come here.
W:Are you busy every day
M:Yes. More than 30 people come to my office every day.
W:You must be an excellent doctor.
【分析】(1)根据W:When did you start working in the hospital 你什么时候开始在医院工作?M:In 2009,when I was 25.在2009年,当我25岁了。故选A。
(2)根据M:Yes. I usually take the subway to come here.是的。我通常坐地铁来这里。故选B。
(3)根据M:Yes. More than 30 people come to my office every day.是的。每天三十多人来我的办公室。故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】W: What's the matter, boy
M: I have a sore leg.
【分析】根据M: I have a sore leg.我腿疼。根据图片A我们看到一个男孩腿疼。故选A。
【解析】【分析】句意:我姐姐牙疼,她去看牙医了。have a headache头疼,固定短语,see a dentist看牙医,不定冠词放在名词前表示一类人或物,故选D。
【解析】【分析】句意:当你下汽车时不要忘记带你的包。get off下车,cut off切断,turn off关闭,put off推迟,当我们乘坐公共车,只有下车时才要把包带走,故选A。
【解析】【分析】句意:在山里走了六天后,我们耗尽了所有的食物和饮料。根据上文After six days' walk in the mountains,在山里困了几天,肯定食物和喝的都用完了。run away逃跑,run out of耗尽,用完,turn down关小,减少,lie down躺下,故选B。
【解析】【分析】句意:——在考试之前我感到很不高兴。我该怎么做呢?——不要担心!你可以听音乐来放松自己。根据下文Don't worry! You can listen to some music to relax yourself.——不要担心!你可以听音乐来放松自己。这是给出的建议,可知此处是问自己该怎么做。shouldn't不该,needn't不必,should应该,must必须,故选C。
【解析】【分析】句意:——现在张先生管理你们班吗?——是的,另外吃惊的是,他的工作做得好。be in control of管理;to one's surprise让人吃惊的是,固定短语,故选D。
【点评】此题考查固定短语be in control of和to one's surprise。
【解析】【分析】句意:——你每天早上坚持锻炼吗?——是的。我习惯了早上跑步保持健康。keep on doing sth.坚持做某事;be used to doing sth.习惯做某事,故选C。
【点评】此题考查固定短语keep on doing sth.和be used to doing sth。
【解析】【分析】句意:——你好,你怎么啦,约翰?——我嗓子疼不能大声说话。看到某人不舒服时,问某人身体状况时,可用固定句式What's the matter 故选C。
【解析】【分析】句意:——明天鲍勃将参加歌咏比赛。——他擅长唱歌。我盼望他赢。expect sb. to do sth.盼望某人做某事,固定短语,故选B。
【点评】此题考查固定短语expect sb. to do sth.
【解析】【分析】句意:为了保持健康,你不应该吃太多垃圾食品。too much太多的,修饰不可数名词,much too副词,修饰形容词,too many很多的,修饰可数名词复数,so many修饰可数名词,junk food垃圾食品,不可数名词,故选B。
【点评】此题考查短语辨析。注意much too,too much,too many,so many的意义和用法。
【解析】【分析】句意:杰克,如果你在完成这项工作上有问题,你可以找我帮忙。have problem doing sth,在做某事有问题。故选B。
【点评】考查固定搭配,掌握固定搭配have problem doing sth的应用。
【解析】【分析】句意:她意识到她错了放弃了争论。cheer up高兴起来,put up搭建,take up从事,give up放弃,根据上文She realized she was wrong她意识到她错了,可知她不想和别人争论了。故选D。
【解析】【分析】句意:——乔在体育课上流鼻血了。怎么回事?有人撞到他鼻子了吗?根据下文Did someone hit him on the nose 有人撞到他鼻子了吗?可知此处是问怎么流的鼻血,How do you like it 你认为它怎么样?What happened 怎么发生的?I can't stand it.我忍受不了。It's nothing.没什么事。故选B。
(1)名词辨析和语境理解。句意:当她做完家务,她大部分时间在网购。根据上文Jane is a housewife.简是一个家庭主妇。可知她主要任务是做家务,所以是在做完家务后进行网购。exercise锻炼,housework家务,homework作业,class上课,故选B。
(3)形容词辨析和语境理解。句意:几天前,她感到比以前更累了。根据 So she went to see a doctor.于是她去看医生了。可知她感到身体不舒服。sad伤心的,tired劳累的,excited激动的,happy高兴的,故选B。
(4)介词辨析和语境理解。句意:医生问她“你怎么啦?”病人去看病时医生询问病人时常用的一句话What's the matter with you “你怎么啦?”固定句式结构,故选C。
(7)不定代词辨析和语境理解。句意:你身体没毛病。根据上文Your blood samples (样本) are okay.你的抽血样本没问题。可知她的身体没毛病。nothing没事情,something某事,anything任何事情,everything每件事,There is nothing with sb.某人身体没毛病。故选A。
(8)连词辨析和语境理解。句意:你感到累是因为你从不锻炼。so因此,引导结果状语从句,when当......时候,because因为,引导原因状语从句,强调事件发生的原因,why为什么,强调结果,故 选C。
(9)动词辨析和语境理解。句意:如果你每天锻炼,你将不会感到劳累。clean打扫卫生,read读书,shop购物,exercise锻炼,根据上文 You need to do exercise from now on.从现在起你需要锻炼。故选D。
(1)细节理解题。根据 Nosebleeds are very common among children and often result from activities such as blowing the nose too hard or getting hit on the nose during play.Catching colds or the flu can also cause (引起) nosebleeds.流鼻血通常发生在孩子们中,经常是活动的结果,例如擤鼻涕太狠了。的太厉害了或在玩耍时撞到鼻子了。感冒或流感也可能引起流鼻血。共三种情况,故选C。
(2)细节理解题。根据Your child may be frightened that there is something seriously wrong.当做错事情很严重时,你的孩子可能会害怕。根据常识可知,孩子们在做错事时怕父母责备,他们会感到很害怕,可知frightened害怕的,scared害怕的,surprised吃惊的,shy害羞的,smart聪明的,故选A。
(3)细节理解题。根据Tell him to do quiet activities such as drawing,reading a book or watching TV. 告诉他去做一些安静的活动例如,画画,读书或看电视。故选D。
(4)细节理解题。根据 Tell him not to touch or blow his nose for 24 hours.告诉24小时内他不要碰鼻子或擤鼻涕。故选C。
(1)细节理解题。根据I arrived ten minutes early.I ordered a cup of coffee and sat watching people.我提前十分钟到达。我点了杯咖啡坐在那里观看着人们。可知他们在咖啡馆。故选C。
(2)细节理解题。根据The coffee shop owner (主人) telephoned the police.咖啡店的主人报了警。故选D。
(3)细节理解题。根据I didn't leave the police station until 8:00 p.m.我直到下午八点钟才到达警局。故选D。
(5)推理判断题。根据The next day, the boy's parents called me to say thanks.第二天,男孩的父母给我打电话感谢了我。我做好事,然后人家感谢我,可知我是很高兴的。故选A。
(1)主旨大意题。根据But do you know about “junk sleep” 可知本文主要是谈论垃圾睡眠的,故选B。
(2)细节分析题。根据The survey was done among 1,000 British kids from 12 to 16. It found that thirty percent of them got just 4 to 7 hours sleep every day.计算可知,1000*30%=300,故选B。
(3)细节理解题。根据“We call it ‘junk sleep', It means you don't get enough sleep and the quality of the sleep is bad, too.联系垃圾食品的性质,对身体不好的质量不好东西成为“垃圾”,可知睡眠质量不好的睡眠叫垃圾睡眠,故选A。
(4)细节理解题。根据Almost a quarter of the kids said they fell asleep more than once a week while watching TV, listening to music or using other electronic products.故选C。
(5)根据Recently, a British survey found that electronic(电子的) products in teenagers' bedrooms are affecting(影响) their sleep.可知控制青少年的电子产品的使用是主要手段,故选C。
【解析】【分析】句意:汤姆是我最好的朋友。当我有麻烦时,他经常来帮助我。根据句子结构可知此处缺少成分“麻烦”,trouble麻烦,be in trouble处于麻烦中,故答案为:trouble。
【解析】【分析】句意:长大意味着我能自己做决定了。根据句子结构可知此处缺少成分“意味着”,mean意味着,根据主语“Growing up”动名词短语作主语,可知谓语动词用第三人称单数结构,故答案为:means。
【解析】【分析】句意:我认为你需要学会控制你的感情。根据句子结构可知此处缺少成分“控制”,control控制,learn to do sth.学会做某事,故答案为:control。
【解析】【分析】句意:杰克和我发现靠我们自己完成这项工作是很难的。根据句子结构,可知此处是由某人完成工作,finish the work by sb.由某人完成工作,by oneself某人自己,我们自己ourselves,故答案为:ourselves。
【点评】此题考查by oneself固定短语用法。
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照和所给的句式结构,可知此处缺少成为“量一下体温了”take one's temperature量体温,your你的,故答案为:take your temperature。
【点评】此题考查固定短语take one's temperature。
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照和所给的句式结构,可知此处缺少成分“令我吃惊的是”to one's surprise令人吃惊的是,my我的,故答案为:To my surprise。
【点评】此题考查固定短语to one's surprise。
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照和所给的句式结构,可知此处缺少成分“多亏了”,thanks to,固定短语,句首首字母大写,故答案为:Thanks to。
【点评】此题考查固定短语thanks to。
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照和所给句式结构,可知此处缺少成分“习惯”be used to sth.习惯于某物,故答案为:used to。
【点评】此题考查固定短语be used to sth。
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照和所给的句式结构,可知此处缺少成分”控制”be in control of控制,掌控,固定短语,should后接动词原形,故答案为:be in control of。
【点评】此题考查固定短语be in control of。
(1)句意:现在上午七点钟,吉米仍旧在床上躺着。根据下文he doesn't want to go to school.他不想去上学,可知他在床上躺着不起床。lie躺,根据now可知句子时态是现在进行时,故答案为:lying。
(2)句意:他正在想借口,因为他不想去上学。根据He is thinking of an excuse,可知此处是说他找借口的原因,所有此处是原因状语从句,because引导,故答案为:because。
(3)句意:发烧了?不可能。因为母亲会为他量体温。根据下文His mother can take his temperature.可知他找发烧的杰克不可能。possible可能的,impossible不可能的,故答案为:impossible。
(4)句意:母亲会为他量体温。根据上文 Have a fever 发烧了?发烧后要量体温才能知道病情,take one's temperature量体温,he他,his他的,故答案为:his。
(6)句意:“你怎么了,亲爱的儿子?”根据上文Jimmy starts to cry.吉米开始哭。看到孩子哭,所以母亲问孩子怎么了,What's the matter “怎么了?”固定句式,matter事情,故答案为:matter。
(7)句意:妈妈,我牙很疼。我不能去上学了。根据上文Then he remembers he has a loose(松动的) tooth.然后他记起他有一颗松动的牙齿。可知他想找牙疼的借口。toothache牙疼,故答案为:toothache。
(9)句意:吉姆问“你为什么给牙医打电话。”根据下文“I'll ask him to pull(拔) the tooth out.”我让他把牙拔掉。可知此处问他妈妈为什么打电话,why为什么,故答案为:why。
(10)句意:它一点也不疼了。根据上文Oh, please, Mom. Don't pull it out. 哦,求求你了妈妈。别拔牙了。可知他不想拔牙,所以他说牙一点也不疼了。故答案为:hurt。
41.【答案】Dear Jill,
I'm sorry to hear that you are getting headache these days. You said you went to see the doctor,but you didn't feel better. According to what you told me,I think the reason that you are headache is that you're too tired. Here is my advice. First,you should get enough sleep every day,at least 8 hours at night. And you should do more sports. Second,you should eat more fruit and vegetables. Try to eat less meat. Third,try putting your feet in hot water for an hour before going to bed.
Hope you will be better soon.
Dr. Meng
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(听力题坏掉)初中英语新目标八年级下册Unit 1 What's the matter 综合能力检测卷(含完整音频)
1.What's the matter with the boy
【解析】【听力原文】W: What's the matter, boy
M: I have a sore leg.
【分析】根据M: I have a sore leg.我腿疼。根据图片A我们看到一个男孩腿疼。故选A。
2.What's the matter with the boy
【解析】【听力原文】W: What's the matter, boy
M: I have a sore leg.
【分析】根据M: I have a sore leg.我腿疼。根据图片A我们看到一个男孩腿疼。故选A。
(1)When did Judy's grandpa die
A.Yesterday. B.Last Saturday. C.This Tuesday.
(2)What will they do next
A.They'll buy some chocolate for Judy.
B.They'll go to a concert with Judy.
C.They'll invite Judy to watch a movie.
【解析】【听力原文】W:Judy looks sad. What's the matter with her
M:Don't you know Her grandpa died last Saturday. He had a heart problem.
W:I'm sorry to hear that. What can we do to make her happy
M:Judy loves movies. Let's invite her to watch a funny movie with us.
W:OK. Let's go!
(1)根据Her grandpa died last Saturday. 上周六她爷爷死了。故选B。
(2)根据. Let's invite her to watch a funny movie with us.让我们邀请她和我们去看一部有趣的电影。故选C。
(1)How old was Dr.Smith when he started working in the hospital
A.25. B.30. C.33.
(2)How does Dr.Smith usually go to work
A.By car. B.By subway. C.By bus.
(3)How many people come to Dr.Smith's office every day
A.Over 30. B.Less than 20. C.About 10.
【解析】【听力原文】W:Excuse me. Can I ask you some questions,Dr. Smith
W:When did you start working in the hospital
M:In 2009,when I was 25.
W:Is the hospital far from your home
M:Yes. I usually take the subway to come here.
W:Are you busy every day
M:Yes. More than 30 people come to my office every day.
W:You must be an excellent doctor.
【分析】(1)根据W:When did you start working in the hospital 你什么时候开始在医院工作?M:In 2009,when I was 25.在2009年,当我25岁了。故选A。
(2)根据M:Yes. I usually take the subway to come here.是的。我通常坐地铁来这里。故选B。
(3)根据M:Yes. More than 30 people come to my office every day.是的。每天三十多人来我的办公室。故选A。
5.What's the matter with the boy
【解析】【听力原文】W: What's the matter, boy
M: I have a sore leg.
【分析】根据M: I have a sore leg.我腿疼。根据图片A我们看到一个男孩腿疼。故选A。
6.My sister had toothache, and she went to see dentist.
A.a;/ B./;the C.the;/ D.a;a
【解析】【分析】句意:我姐姐牙疼,她去看牙医了。have a headache头疼,固定短语,see a dentist看牙医,不定冠词放在名词前表示一类人或物,故选D。
7.She has a bad cold and a lot in today's class.
A.smiles B.coughs C.hits D.breathes
8.I didn't go to school yesterday because I was and went to the hospital.
A.hungry B.serious C.healthy D.sick
9.Don't forget to take your bag when you the bus.
A.get off B.cut off C.turn off D.put off
【解析】【分析】句意:当你下汽车时不要忘记带你的包。get off下车,cut off切断,turn off关闭,put off推迟,当我们乘坐公共车,只有下车时才要把包带走,故选A。
10.After six days' walk in the mountains, we all our food and drinks.
A.ran away B.ran out of C.turned down D.lay down
【解析】【分析】句意:在山里走了六天后,我们耗尽了所有的食物和饮料。根据上文After six days' walk in the mountains,在山里困了几天,肯定食物和喝的都用完了。run away逃跑,run out of耗尽,用完,turn down关小,减少,lie down躺下,故选B。
11.—What did you do at the party
—We played games and enjoyed very much.
A.herself B.yourself C.ourselves D.yourselves
12.—I feel very upset before the exam.What I do
—Don't worry! You can listen to some music to relax yourself.
A.shouldn't B.needn't C.should D.must
【解析】【分析】句意:——在考试之前我感到很不高兴。我该怎么做呢?——不要担心!你可以听音乐来放松自己。根据下文Don't worry! You can listen to some music to relax yourself.——不要担心!你可以听音乐来放松自己。这是给出的建议,可知此处是问自己该怎么做。shouldn't不该,needn't不必,should应该,must必须,故选C。
13.—Is Mr. Zhang control of your class now
—Yes, our surprise, he is doing his job well.
A.to;to B.to;in C.in;in D.in;to
【解析】【分析】句意:——现在张先生管理你们班吗?——是的,另外吃惊的是,他的工作做得好。be in control of管理;to one's surprise让人吃惊的是,固定短语,故选D。
【点评】此题考查固定短语be in control of和to one's surprise。
14.—Do you keep on sports every morning
—Yes. I'm used to in the morning to keep healthy.
A.play;run B.playing;run
C.playing;running D.play;running
【解析】【分析】句意:——你每天早上坚持锻炼吗?——是的。我习惯了早上跑步保持健康。keep on doing sth.坚持做某事;be used to doing sth.习惯做某事,故选C。
【点评】此题考查固定短语keep on doing sth.和be used to doing sth。
15.—Hi, John. ?
—I have a sore throat and can't speak loudly.
A.How's the weather B.Who's that
C.What's the matter D.What are you doing
【解析】【分析】句意:——你好,你怎么啦,约翰?——我嗓子疼不能大声说话。看到某人不舒服时,问某人身体状况时,可用固定句式What's the matter 故选C。
16.—Bob will take part in the singing competition tomorrow.
—He is good at singing. I expect him .
A.won B.to win C.win D.winning
【解析】【分析】句意:——明天鲍勃将参加歌咏比赛。——他擅长唱歌。我盼望他赢。expect sb. to do sth.盼望某人做某事,固定短语,故选B。
【点评】此题考查固定短语expect sb. to do sth.
17.In order to stay healthy, you shouldn't eat junk food.
A.much too B.too much C.too many D.so many
【解析】【分析】句意:为了保持健康,你不应该吃太多垃圾食品。too much太多的,修饰不可数名词,much too副词,修饰形容词,too many很多的,修饰可数名词复数,so many修饰可数名词,junk food垃圾食品,不可数名词,故选B。
【点评】此题考查短语辨析。注意much too,too much,too many,so many的意义和用法。
18.Jack,if you have problems the job.you can ask me for help.
A.finish B.finishing C.to finish D.finished
【解析】【分析】句意:杰克,如果你在完成这项工作上有问题,你可以找我帮忙。have problem doing sth,在做某事有问题。故选B。
【点评】考查固定搭配,掌握固定搭配have problem doing sth的应用。
19.She realized she was wrong and the argument.
A.cheered up B.put up C.took up D.gave up
【解析】【分析】句意:她意识到她错了放弃了争论。cheer up高兴起来,put up搭建,take up从事,give up放弃,根据上文She realized she was wrong她意识到她错了,可知她不想和别人争论了。故选D。
20.—Joe had a nosebleed in P.E.class.
— Did someone hit him on the nose
A.How do you like it B.What happened
C.I can't stand it. D.It's nothing.
【解析】【分析】句意:——乔在体育课上流鼻血了。怎么回事?有人撞到他鼻子了吗?根据下文Did someone hit him on the nose 有人撞到他鼻子了吗?可知此处是问怎么流的鼻血,How do you like it 你认为它怎么样?What happened 怎么发生的?I can't stand it.我忍受不了。It's nothing.没什么事。故选B。
Jane is a housewife. After finishing (1) ,she spends most of her time shopping online. She (2) takes any exercise. A few days ago, she felt more (3) than before. So she went to see a doctor.
The doctor asked her,“What's the matter (4) you?”
She said, “I feel tired all the time.”
The doctor examined her and asked her a lot of (5) and took some blood (血液) from her arm. The doctor told her to go back (6) to wait for the results.
A week later, the doctor called her. He said,“Your blood samples (样本) are okay. There is (7) wrong with you. You feel tired (8) you never take exercise. You need to do exercise from now on. You can take a walk or ride a bike every day. If you do (9) every day, you won't feel tired.”
She didn't believe the doctor. She thought if she did exercise every day, she would feel even (10) .So she still spent her time shopping online and soon she was badly ill. She regretted (后悔) not following the doctor's advice, but it was too late.
(1)A.exercise B.housework C.homework D.class
(2)A.sometimes B.often C.always D.never
(3)A.sad B.tired C.excited D.happy
(4)A.of B.to C.with D.in
(5)A.questions B.advice C.answers D.names
(6)A.hospital B.school C.home D.office
(7)A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything
(8)A.so B.when C.because D.why
(9)A.cleaning B.reading C.shopping D.exercise
(10)A.warmer B.faster C.easier D.worse
(1)名词辨析和语境理解。句意:当她做完家务,她大部分时间在网购。根据上文Jane is a housewife.简是一个家庭主妇。可知她主要任务是做家务,所以是在做完家务后进行网购。exercise锻炼,housework家务,homework作业,class上课,故选B。
(3)形容词辨析和语境理解。句意:几天前,她感到比以前更累了。根据 So she went to see a doctor.于是她去看医生了。可知她感到身体不舒服。sad伤心的,tired劳累的,excited激动的,happy高兴的,故选B。
(4)介词辨析和语境理解。句意:医生问她“你怎么啦?”病人去看病时医生询问病人时常用的一句话What's the matter with you “你怎么啦?”固定句式结构,故选C。
(7)不定代词辨析和语境理解。句意:你身体没毛病。根据上文Your blood samples (样本) are okay.你的抽血样本没问题。可知她的身体没毛病。nothing没事情,something某事,anything任何事情,everything每件事,There is nothing with sb.某人身体没毛病。故选A。
(8)连词辨析和语境理解。句意:你感到累是因为你从不锻炼。so因此,引导结果状语从句,when当......时候,because因为,引导原因状语从句,强调事件发生的原因,why为什么,强调结果,故 选C。
(9)动词辨析和语境理解。句意:如果你每天锻炼,你将不会感到劳累。clean打扫卫生,read读书,shop购物,exercise锻炼,根据上文 You need to do exercise from now on.从现在起你需要锻炼。故选D。
▲How nosebleeds happen:
Nosebleeds are very common among children and often result from activities such as blowing the nose too hard or getting hit on the nose during play.Catching colds or the flu can also cause (引起) nosebleeds.Usually,bleeding isn't very serious and it will stop in less than ten minutes.
▲When nosebleeds happen:
Your child may be frightened that there is something seriously wrong.Crying may make the bleeding worse, so it is important for you to tell him that he will be fine.
▲How to give first aid:
Let your child sit upright(直立) and tell him to put his head down.
Help your child press the sides of the nose for ten minutes.Do not stop to see if the bleeding has stopped.
▲If first aid works:
Rest your child for the next 12—24 hours.Tell him to do quiet activities such as drawing,reading a book or watching TV.
Tell him not to take a hot shower for at least 24 hours after a nosebleed.
Tell him not to touch or blow his nose for 24 hours.
▲If first aid doesn't work:
You'd better take him to hospital.
(1)The writer gives reason(s) for nosebleeds.
A.one B.two C.three D.four
(2)The underlined word “frightened” has the same meaning as “ ”.
A.scared B.surprised C.shy D.smart
(3)After a nosebleed, one should not .
A.draw pictures B.read books
C.watch television D.play basketball
(4)From the passage, we can learn that .
A.one should often stop giving first aid to see if the bleeding has stopped
B.one should take a hot shower as soon as the bleeding stops
C.it's wrong to blow the nose as soon as the bleeding stops
D.one should go to hospital right away if he has a nosebleed
(5)This passage is for .
A.children B.parents C.nurses D.doctors
(1)细节理解题。根据 Nosebleeds are very common among children and often result from activities such as blowing the nose too hard or getting hit on the nose during play.Catching colds or the flu can also cause (引起) nosebleeds.流鼻血通常发生在孩子们中,经常是活动的结果,例如擤鼻涕太狠了。的太厉害了或在玩耍时撞到鼻子了。感冒或流感也可能引起流鼻血。共三种情况,故选C。
(2)细节理解题。根据Your child may be frightened that there is something seriously wrong.当做错事情很严重时,你的孩子可能会害怕。根据常识可知,孩子们在做错事时怕父母责备,他们会感到很害怕,可知frightened害怕的,scared害怕的,surprised吃惊的,shy害羞的,smart聪明的,故选A。
(3)细节理解题。根据Tell him to do quiet activities such as drawing,reading a book or watching TV. 告诉他去做一些安静的活动例如,画画,读书或看电视。故选D。
(4)细节理解题。根据 Tell him not to touch or blow his nose for 24 hours.告诉24小时内他不要碰鼻子或擤鼻涕。故选C。
Last Friday, I agreed to meet some friends at 6:00 p.m. in a coffee shop.The weather was sunny, so I decided to walk there.I arrived ten minutes early.I ordered a cup of coffee and sat watching people.There were some boys playing football on the street, and a small boy was running after the ball as it rolled (滚) across the road.
Suddenly (突然), there came a car.It was going very fast.When the driver saw the boy in his way, he braked (刹车) hard.But it was too late…The small boy was lying on the street without moving.To everyone's surprise, the car didn't stop.It drove away quickly.
People ran to the boy.There was a cut on the boy's head and he lost a lot of blood.The coffee shop owner (主人) telephoned the police.Soon an ambulance (救护车)arrived and took the boy to the hospital.
At 6:30 p.m., the police arrived and started questioning people.About half an hour later, they asked me to go to the police station because I saw everything.I gave them all the information I knew because I really wanted them to catch the driver.I didn't leave the police station until 8:00 p.m. After that I went home because I didn't feel like talking to anyone.
The next day, the boy's parents called me to say thanks.They also told me their boy was fine and the driver was in the police station now.
(1)Where was the writer at 5:50 p.m. last Friday
A.At home. B.On the street.
C.In a coffee shop. D.In the police station.
(2)Who called the police
A.The writer. B.The boy's friends.
C.The boy's parents. D.The coffee shop owner.
(3)The writer left the police station at p.m.
A.6:30 B.7:00 C.7:30 D.8:00
(4)Which is the right order of the following events
①The writer ordered a cup of coffee.
②There was a cut on the boy's head.
③A car came very fast.
④The writer got a call from the boy's parents.
⑤The writer went back home.
A.①②⑤③④ B.①③②⑤④ C.③②①⑤④ D.③①②④⑤
(5)How might the writer feel at the end of the story
A.Happy. B.Tired. C.Worried. D.Popular.
(1)细节理解题。根据I arrived ten minutes early.I ordered a cup of coffee and sat watching people.我提前十分钟到达。我点了杯咖啡坐在那里观看着人们。可知他们在咖啡馆。故选C。
(2)细节理解题。根据The coffee shop owner (主人) telephoned the police.咖啡店的主人报了警。故选D。
(3)细节理解题。根据I didn't leave the police station until 8:00 p.m.我直到下午八点钟才到达警局。故选D。
(5)推理判断题。根据The next day, the boy's parents called me to say thanks.第二天,男孩的父母给我打电话感谢了我。我做好事,然后人家感谢我,可知我是很高兴的。故选A。
You may know about “junk food” like French fries.But do you know about “junk sleep”?
Recently, a British survey found that electronic(电子的) products in teenagers' bedrooms are affecting(影响) their sleep.
The survey was done among 1,000 British kids from 12 to 16.It found that 30% of them got just 4 to 7 hours of sleep every day.But doctors say they need 8 to 9 hours.
Almost a quarter of the kids said they fell asleep more than once a week while watching TV, listening to music or using other electronic products.
“This is very worrying,” said Dr.Chris Idzikowski,a British expert,“We call it 'junk sleep'.It means you don't get enough sleep and the quality of the sleep is bad, too.If you don't get a good rest,you don't perform well in school the next day.”
The survey found that 40% of the kids felt tired each day,with girls between 13 and 16 feeling the worst.Nearly all the teenagers have a cellphone,an iPad or a TV in their bedrooms.And many of them have all the three.
(1)This passage is mainly about .
A.junk food B.junk sleep
C.electronic products D.the importance of sleep
(2) of the children in the survey sleep only 4 to 7 hours a day.
A.200 B.300 C.500 D.1,000
(3)“Junk food” and “junk sleep” are similar to each other in the way that .
A.they are both low in quality
B.they are both produced in factories
C.people enjoy both in their spare time
D.they are both good for people's health
(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.Teenagers need 4 to 7 hours of sleep each day.
B.Few of the teenagers have a cellphone in their bedrooms.
C.Teenagers spend too much time on electronic products.
D.Girls between 15 and 16 spend the least time on electronic products.
(5)Which of the following is the best solution to the problem
A.Parents watch TV together with their children.
B.Make teenagers not use any electronic product.
C.Make teenagers limit(限制) their use of the electronic products.
D.The use of cellphone and iPad is not allowed at school.
(1)主旨大意题。根据But do you know about “junk sleep” 可知本文主要是谈论垃圾睡眠的,故选B。
(2)细节分析题。根据The survey was done among 1,000 British kids from 12 to 16. It found that thirty percent of them got just 4 to 7 hours sleep every day.计算可知,1000*30%=300,故选B。
(3)细节理解题。根据“We call it ‘junk sleep', It means you don't get enough sleep and the quality of the sleep is bad, too.联系垃圾食品的性质,对身体不好的质量不好东西成为“垃圾”,可知睡眠质量不好的睡眠叫垃圾睡眠,故选A。
(4)细节理解题。根据Almost a quarter of the kids said they fell asleep more than once a week while watching TV, listening to music or using other electronic products.故选C。
(5)根据Recently, a British survey found that electronic(电子的) products in teenagers' bedrooms are affecting(影响) their sleep.可知控制青少年的电子产品的使用是主要手段,故选C。
25.The boy's     (脚) are very big. It's hard for him to buy shoes.
26.We need ten     (千克) of bananas for the party on Sunday.
27.Tom is my best friend. When I'm in     (麻烦), he always comes to help me.
【解析】【分析】句意:汤姆是我最好的朋友。当我有麻烦时,他经常来帮助我。根据句子结构可知此处缺少成分“麻烦”,trouble麻烦,be in trouble处于麻烦中,故答案为:trouble。
28.Growing up     (意味着) that I can make my own decisions.
【解析】【分析】句意:长大意味着我能自己做决定了。根据句子结构可知此处缺少成分“意味着”,mean意味着,根据主语“Growing up”动名词短语作主语,可知谓语动词用第三人称单数结构,故答案为:means。
29.I think you need to learn to     (控制) your feelings.
【解析】【分析】句意:我认为你需要学会控制你的感情。根据句子结构可知此处缺少成分“控制”,control控制,learn to do sth.学会做某事,故答案为:control。
30.Jack and I found it difficult to finish the work by     (we).
【解析】【分析】句意:杰克和我发现靠我们自己完成这项工作是很难的。根据句子结构,可知此处是由某人完成工作,finish the work by sb.由某人完成工作,by oneself某人自己,我们自己ourselves,故答案为:ourselves。
【点评】此题考查by oneself固定短语用法。
31.Don't touch the     (knife). They are dangerous for little kids.
32.Who do you think is the best     (climb) among them
33.The dog's     (die) made the little girl very sad.
34.Everybody should know the     (important) of health.
If your head feels very hot, you should           .
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照和所给的句式结构,可知此处缺少成为“量一下体温了”take one's temperature量体温,your你的,故答案为:take your temperature。
【点评】此题考查固定短语take one's temperature。
         , it only took him half a day to finish the work.
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照和所给的句式结构,可知此处缺少成分“令我吃惊的是”to one's surprise令人吃惊的是,my我的,故答案为:To my surprise。
【点评】此题考查固定短语to one's surprise。
       WeChat Moments, I found my little dog soon.
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照和所给的句式结构,可知此处缺少成分“多亏了”,thanks to,固定短语,句首首字母大写,故答案为:Thanks to。
【点评】此题考查固定短语thanks to。
My grandparents are        the country life, and they wouldn't like to live with us.
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照和所给句式结构,可知此处缺少成分“习惯”be used to sth.习惯于某物,故答案为:used to。
【点评】此题考查固定短语be used to sth。
No one can help you all the time. You should              your life.
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照和所给的句式结构,可知此处缺少成分”控制”be in control of控制,掌控,固定短语,should后接动词原形,故答案为:be in control of。
【点评】此题考查固定短语be in control of。
Today is Monday. It is 7:00 am. now, but Jimmy is still     in bed. He is thinking of an excuse,     he doesn't want to go to school. Have a fever It's    . His mother can take     temperature. Have a     No, he used this excuse many times. Then he remembers he has a loose(松动的) tooth. Great! Jimmy starts to cry.
“What's the    dear son?” his mom asks.
“Mom, I have a bad    . I can't go to school.”
“    your mouth and let me have a look. Oh, one of your teeth is loose. Don't cry. I'll call the dentist.”
Jimmy asks, “    will you call the dentist?”
“I'll ask him to pull(拔) the tooth out.”
“Oh, please, Mom. Don't pull it out. It doesn't     at all. I have to leave now. I'Il be late.” With these words, Jimmy gets out of bed quickly.
(1)句意:现在上午七点钟,吉米仍旧在床上躺着。根据下文he doesn't want to go to school.他不想去上学,可知他在床上躺着不起床。lie躺,根据now可知句子时态是现在进行时,故答案为:lying。
(2)句意:他正在想借口,因为他不想去上学。根据He is thinking of an excuse,可知此处是说他找借口的原因,所有此处是原因状语从句,because引导,故答案为:because。
(3)句意:发烧了?不可能。因为母亲会为他量体温。根据下文His mother can take his temperature.可知他找发烧的杰克不可能。possible可能的,impossible不可能的,故答案为:impossible。
(4)句意:母亲会为他量体温。根据上文 Have a fever 发烧了?发烧后要量体温才能知道病情,take one's temperature量体温,he他,his他的,故答案为:his。
(6)句意:“你怎么了,亲爱的儿子?”根据上文Jimmy starts to cry.吉米开始哭。看到孩子哭,所以母亲问孩子怎么了,What's the matter “怎么了?”固定句式,matter事情,故答案为:matter。
(7)句意:妈妈,我牙很疼。我不能去上学了。根据上文Then he remembers he has a loose(松动的) tooth.然后他记起他有一颗松动的牙齿。可知他想找牙疼的借口。toothache牙疼,故答案为:toothache。
(9)句意:吉姆问“你为什么给牙医打电话。”根据下文“I'll ask him to pull(拔) the tooth out.”我让他把牙拔掉。可知此处问他妈妈为什么打电话,why为什么,故答案为:why。
(10)句意:它一点也不疼了。根据上文Oh, please, Mom. Don't pull it out. 哦,求求你了妈妈。别拔牙了。可知他不想拔牙,所以他说牙一点也不疼了。故答案为:hurt。
【答案】Dear Jill,
I'm sorry to hear that you are getting headache these days. You said you went to see the doctor,but you didn't feel better. According to what you told me,I think the reason that you are headache is that you're too tired. Here is my advice. First,you should get enough sleep every day,at least 8 hours at night. And you should do more sports. Second,you should eat more fruit and vegetables. Try to eat less meat. Third,try putting your feet in hot water for an hour before going to bed.
Hope you will be better soon.
Dr. Meng
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