资源简介 (共24张PPT)少儿英语英语国际音标课程Lesson8音标英语MaryContent01.复习02.双元音[ ] [a ]字母和字母组合发音03.练习Reviwe01hiboyherepearnocake[ke k ][ ha ][b ][h ][pe ][n ]双元音(8个)[e ][a ][ ][e ][ ]poornow[p ][na ][ ][a ][ ][e ] +5[fe ][ba ]左边的同学-5右边的同学+10[t ]给一个飞吻给老师元音 [ ] [a ]02双元音[ ][ ]书写格式口腔定位从[ ]向[u]滑动,发音前重点轻唇形由中性渐变为圆唇Words[ ]owoaoeowindow['wind u]snow [sn u]goat [g ut]toe [t u]woe [w u]photo [f ut u]smoke [sm uk]boat [b ut]SentencesRose goes boating![r z][ɡ z]['b -t ]Rose goes boating with Zoe!['z i]Rose goes boating with Zoe in Rome![r m]双元音[a ][a ]书写格式口腔定位起点舌位比[a:]更前,然后音滑向[u]音唇形由中性开口渐变为松驰圆形。Learn and read[ha ][ 'ba t][a ][ha s][a ][la d]Practice[ka ]['fla ][ma s][bra ][na ]Words[a ]ouowdown[daun]brown [braun]shout [ aut]around [ '-raund]SentencesThe mouse shouts![ma s] [ a ts]The mouse shouts loudly.[la d-l ]The mouse shouts loudly in the house! [ha s]听音辩词snow slownose brownabout boatgrow shoutmouse toeloud slowSee you! 展开更多...... 收起↑ 资源预览