人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet Reading and Thinking-课件(31张 +3个音频)

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人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet Reading and Thinking-课件(31张 +3个音频)


Teaching objectives:
By the end of this period, you will be able to…
1. Figure out the main structure of the passage by analyzing the main idea of each part.
2. Judge the writing purpose and intended readers.
3. Express your own ideas on the given topics through creative thinking.
Unit 3 The Internet
- Start an online community
Period 2 Reading and Thinking
Warming up
What have we benefited from the internet
With the app,Tik Tok, it is more convenient for me to improve my spoken English at my convenience.
Free Talk
What have you benefited from the internet
With the app,xxx, it is more convenient for me to...
With the app,Tik Tok, it is more convenient for me to improve my English at my convenience.
Stronger together:
How we have been changed
by the Internet
main title
: (colon)→
1. What do you think the text will be about from the two titles
2. How do you think the writer feels about the topic
2. How do you think the writer feels about the topic
How we have been changed a lot by the Internet and it has brought us together.
A. Optimistic B. Positive C. Negative D. Pessimistic
Read headlines
Headlines usually include only key ideas or information from the text. They often do not follow strict grammar rules, because writers use as few words as possible to catch the attention of the readers.
____________ of the Internet to our life
The ___________ Joan met and solved
Joan started an IT club to _____________________________
Joan's next __________.
Joan's life has been __________________
teach older people...
greatly improved
Can you divide the passage into three parts
Read for structure
What is the text type of this passage
A. Argumentation
B. Narration
C. Exposition
Much has been written about the wonders of the World Wide Web. There are countless articles telling us how the Internet has made our lives more convenient. We no longer have to wait in line or carry cash around when we go shopping. We can get the most updated information from large databases. We can download software, documents, and images whenever we need them. But the Internet has done much more for people than simply make life more convenient. People's lives have been changed by online communities and social networks.
Read for details
Para. 1
1. What is the main idea of this paragraph
2. In which ways has the Internet changed people’s lives according to this paragraph
general statement
Read for details
Para. 2
Jan Tchamani, an English teacher in Birmingham, UK, suddenly developed a serious illness and had to quit her job. At age 50, she found herself out of work and stuck at home with only her computer to keep her company. After a while, she discovered that surfing the Internet could help her feel less lonely and bored. She could listen to music, watch films, play games, and explore the world. She also joined an online group where she could talk about her problems and get support and advice from others. She realised that one of the greatest benefits of the Internet was its ability to remove the distance that usually exists between people.
1. What’s the problem with Jan Tchamani
2. How did she deal with her illness
3. What is the main idea of this paragraph
Jan used the Internet to help herself deal with her illness.
Read for details
Para. 3
She was so inspired by the people she met online that she decided to start an IT club to teach older people how to use computers and the Internet. She and her friends now organise events and collect money to pay for private teachers. Many people have been helped by the club.
A 59-year-old man learnt how to apply for work online and found a great job. Now that he works and can take care of himself, his daughter has time to study at university. A 61-year-old woman who was living alone has started a small online company together with two friends. She no longer feels lonely, and her company has become quite successful.
1. Why did she start the club
2. In what way does the writer explain that many people have been helped
3. What is the main idea of this paragraph
By giving examples.
Jan used the Internet to help the old.
Jan has started taking online classes to learn more about how to use the Internet to make society better. She believes that it is highly important to bridge the digital divide and make sure that everyone has access to the Internet and knows how to use new technology. Her next goal is to start a charity website to raise money for children in poor countries.
Read for details
Para. 4
1. Why did she start taking online classes
2. What is the “digital divide”
3. What is the main idea of this paragraph
It is the gap between those who have access to the Internet and those who haven’t, and those who know how to use new technology and those who don't.
Jan used the Internet to make society better and set her next goal.
Jan's life has been greatly improved by the Internet. “When you go through tough times, you meet others who are facing similar challenges,” Jan says. “Thinking about other people's situations inspired me to offer help.”
1. What is the main idea of this paragraph
2. What inspirations can you get from Jan
Read for details
Para. 5
Jan's life has been transformed
Para. 2 Jan used the Internet to help her deal with her illness
Para. 3 Jan started an IT club to help older people
Para. 4 Her next goal is to start a charity website
a. Internet can make us feel
less lonely and can even
help us to achieve our goal
b. We can use the
Internet to help
people in need
c. We can make efforts to
make the Internet be
accessible to everyone
Thinking and sharing
What can we learn from Jan’s experience
d. When we go through tough times, we can find help and support from others facing similar challenges online.
List the ways in which the text says that the Internet has changed people’s lives. Try to add some examples.
Thinking and sharing
Examples from the text More examples you know
1. no longer wait in line or carry cash when shopping
2. download software, documents, and images
3. listen to music, watch films, play games, and explore the world
4. listen to music, watch films, play games, and explore the world
5. join an online group
6. start an online company, take online classes
7. start a charity website
1. read books online
2. video chat with friends
3. listen to audio books

writing method
Stronger together: How we have been changed by the Internet
Benefits of the internet to our life
Jan used the Internet to deal with her illness
Jan used the Internet to help the old
Jan used the Internet to make the society better and set her next goal
Jan's life has been greatly improved
Structure revision
Jan Tchamani, an English teacher in Birmingham, UK, suddenly developed a serious illness. She found herself out of work and 1. ________(stick) at home. After a while, she discovered that 2. (surf) the Internet could help her feel less lonely and bored. She could do all kinds of things online. She also joined 3. online group where she could talk about her problems and get support and advice 4. _______ others. She realized that one of the greatest 5. (benefit) of the Internet was its ability to remove the distance 6. usually exists between people.7. (inspire) by the people online, she decided to start an IT club and taught older people how to use the Internet. She and her friends organize events and collect money 8. (pay) for private teachers. Jan has started taking online classes to learn more about how to use the Internet to make society 9.________(good). Jan’s life has been 10. _________ (great) improved by the Internet!
to pay
Do you think your life has been changed by the Internet
If so, how
Show Time
Possible vocabulary:
take online class, chat with friends, purchase(buy) things, download apps and document, no longer wait in line or carry cash when shopping, listen to music, explore the world, have access to...
Creative thinking
Possible version
My life has been changed by the Internet. It has made my school work and studying easier and has helped me stay in touch with old friends more easily and often.
My life has been changed by the Internet. It has made my life colorful. When I was tired, I always listen to music to relax myself. When I have trouble doing my homework, I will look up information on the Internet. I have learned much through the Internet.
Creative thinking
Language points
Discuss in groups.
1. There are countless articles telling us how the Internet has made our lives more convenient.(Para. 1)
2. At age 50, she found herself out of work and stuck at home …(Para. 2)
3. She realised that one of the greatest benefits of the Internet was its ability to remove the distance that usually exists between people.(Para. 2)
4. She was so inspired by the people she met online that she decided to start an IT club to teach older people how to use computers and the Internet.(Para. 3)
5. She believes that it is highly important to bridge the digital divide and make sure that everyone has access to the Internet and knows how to use new technology.(Para. 4)
Language points
1. There are countless articles telling us how the Internet has made our lives more convenient. (Para. 1)
make + 宾语O + 宾补C:
There are countless articles which / that tell us how ...
I want to make it clear that I don’t agree with your plan.
Language points
make + n. / pron. + adj./n.
make + it + adj. / n. + to do/doing/that从句
类似的有:make, find, consider, feel, think, believe...
1) We made Pu Xu our monitor.
2) We find it convenient to shop online.
3) She considers it tough to deal with the generation gap.
4) Our school makes it a rule to wear school uniforms when
students are at school.
5) Tom thinks it a waste of time playing online games all time.
Language points
2. At age 50, she found herself out of work and stuck at home with only her computer to keep her company. (Para. 2)
1) I walked and walked along the street, and about 30 minutes later, I found myself __________________(在校门口).
2) When she woke up, she found herself _______(lie) in a dirty room.
3) I find English __________________(有趣又简单).
interesting and easy
at the school gate
Language points
3. She realised that one of the greatest benefits of the Internet was its ability to remove the distance that usually exists between people.(Para. 2)
opportunity / chance / ability / desire / urge / dream / courage to do 作定语
Language points
4. She was so inspired by the people she met online that she decided to start an IT club to teach older people how to use computers and the Internet.(Para. 3)
1. so + adj / adv + that …
2. such + (a / an) + (adj) + 名词 + that …
3. v + what / how / when + to do
So inspired was she by the people she met online that she decided to start an IT club to teach older people how to use computers and the Internet.
Language points
5. She believes that it is highly important to bridge the digital divide and make sure that everyone has access to the Internet and knows how to use new technology.(Para. 4)
5. She believes that it is highly important to bridge the digital divide and make sure that everyone has access to the Internet and knows how to use new technology.
Language points: Important phrases (P28 ~ P29)
1 no longer
2 carry cash around
3 download software
4 develop a serious illness
5 quit one’s job
6 surf the Internet
7 explore the world
8 collect money
9 take online classes
10 raise money for children in poor countries
The Internet has brought great ________ to Wuzhen, a small waterside town in Zhejiang Province. For the past few years, Wuzhen has hosted the World Internet Conference (WIC), which makes life in this ancient town much more ___________ than it has been. Residents here can ______ online as easily as in large modern cities. Plus they can _________ movies and music at high speeds.
Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words in the box.
access, convenient, surf, inspire, distance, network, download, cash, update, benefit
The Internet has even changed Wuzhen’s transport! For short _________, both residents and tourists can use the public bike system. Bikes can be rented by using online apps — no need for paperwork or _______ payment. In 2016, the parking system for Wuzhen’s WIC center was _________ to be fully Internet-based. Wuzhen’s entering the world of the Internet should _______ other small towns around the world. No matter how small a town is, everyone should be able to join the global _________ and _______ the world of the Internet!
Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words in the box.
access, convenient, surf, inspire, distance, network, download, cash, update, benefit
Have a debate
Each coin has its two sides. The Internet is our friend or enemy


