资源简介 (共23张PPT)Module 3 Unit 2Point to the window!学习内容:重点单词: window, door, desk, chair, point, open复习重点句子: 1. Stand up.2. Sit down.3. See you!=Goodbye!=Bye!学习重点句子: 1. Point to the...2. Open the...Look and say.Stand up!Sit down!Open the window!Open the door!(看一看,说一说。)SamHi! I’m Sam. How are you windowdoordeskchairSam’s classroomw i ndow窗户d oor门d e sk课桌ch air椅子Please look at me and guess what ’s word I said.Let’s see , who’s the best!看口型猜单词,比比看,谁最棒!Play gameswindowchairdeskdoorMatch: 连线What do you know What does he say Point to the window.Point to the door. Why Listen and repeat.What can you hear Point to the window.Point to the door. Point to the desk. Point to the chair.Point to the chair .Point to the desk .Point to the window .Point to the door .Read and match. Ss:Point to the... (说出老师指的物品)如果同学指对 “Yes”如果不对 “No” 每人抽取1个人物Ss: Point to... (说出老师指的那位同学)S 1 : Hello, I'm...S 2/3/4/5 : Hello,... 展开更多...... 收起↑ 资源预览