译林版(2020) 选择性必修第三册 Unit 2 Out of This World Extended reading课件(共20张PPT)

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译林版(2020) 选择性必修第三册 Unit 2 Out of This World Extended reading课件(共20张PPT)


Extended reading
Do you want o explore the space Why
To find out more reasons, let’s read the magazine article arguing for space exploration on page 25-26.
Read the article and complete the chart below
Why do we continue to explore space
Para 2
Para 4
Para 3
Para 5
Para 6
Our nature
An understanding of the universe
Solve problems facing mankind
Bring economic value
Provide education and inspiration for next generations
Para 1
Para 1
What’s the reality of space exploration
In 1969, when Neil Armstrong first landed on the Moon, many people thought that soon we would be regularly visiting other planets in our solar system and would even dare to travel beyond it. This is clearly not the case. The reality is that space exploration is extremely difficult and dangerous, can take a very long time and costs a huge amount of money. Some people believe that while space exploration expands our understanding of the universe, it is a waste of the public purse and does nothing to enhance the quality of our lives here on the Earth. Why do we continue to explore space, then
expand one’s understading of ... 拓宽对。。。的认知
This / That / It is clearly not the case. 情况显然不是这样。
Para 2
What is our nature in exploration
It is in our nature to explore. From the very early days of human life on the Earth,
our curiosity about the unknown has kept us adventuring into new places. We long to visit thick and wild forests, climb vast mountain ranges, and cross deep oceans. We desire to explore the furthest frontier of all—space. As Stephen Hawking once said, “Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious.” That we are fascinated by the sky is evident in ancient tales from around the world, such as that of Chang’e. While space exploration is a reality, we remain curious about the mysteries of the universe. With each space mission comes greater insight, thus motivating us to continue along the same path of adventure.
Greater insight comes with each space mission, …
thus motivating ... 为分词短语作状语
省略,not ( to look ) down
It is in our nature to explore.
Para 3
What fundamental questions can exploring space solve
The results of these space investigations have made major contributions to an
understanding of the origin, evolution, and likely future of the universe, such
as planets, stars, and all other forms of matter and energy. Exploring space helps address fundamental questions about our place in the universe and the history of our solar system. It is through our research into space that we have confirmed that the Earth is round and that it orbits the Sun. As we learn more about the universe, we may one day answer the question whether there is life on other planets.
强调句 + 并列的两个宾语从句
The results of these space investigations have made major contributions to an understanding of the origin, evolution, and likely future of the universe, such as planets, stars, and all other forms of matter and energy. Exploring space
Para 3
Complete the mind map below
An understanding of the ______, ________, and _______ of the universe
Our _______in the universe
The history of__________
The ultimate question:
our solar system
Is there life on other planets
Para 4
How can these advances help human kind
With technologies first researched and developed for space exploration, we can
solve some of the big problems facing mankind, making our lives safer and easier. One of these is earthquake shock absorbers. Shock absorbers originally applied to the space shuttle launch have also been set up in the cities with a high frequency of earthquakes in order to protect buildings and save lives. Some technologies need further research to better solve real-life problems.
For example, liquid hydrogen is a clean alternative energy source that is used widely as rocket fuel, and it is likely that hydrogen fuel cell vehicles will be mass-produced and launched in the near future. These scientific and
technological advances can provide benefits to societies on the Earth in many areas including health, energy and information technology. This should be a strong motive for continuing to explore space.
Give examples
Para 4
Space exploration
________ and
our life
Shock absorbers
fuel cell vehicles
Information technology
A strong motive
Complete the mind map below
Para 5
What career opportunities are provided for young people
Although space exploration demands huge investment, the space industry can
actually bring great economic value. It has been calculated that the global space
economy is increasing by billions of dollars every year. At the same time, space
exploration can provide a variety of career opportunities for young people.
Jobs in the space industry go far beyond the astronauts that receive widespread media coverage. There are many support staff on the ground, such as engineers, mechanics and research assistants.
Jobs in the space industry go far beyond the astronauts that receive widespread media coverage.There are many support staff on the ground, such as engineers, mechanics and research assistants.
Para 6
Why is “providing education and inspiration” the biggest reason for space exploration
Moreover, the amazing work these people do can provide education and inspiration for the next generation. For me personally, this is by far the biggest reason for humanity to explore space. Such wonders as a space shuttle launch or astronauts walking on the Moon are incredibly exciting and inspiring to witness, and it can be these moments that shape children’s lives forever and motivate them to become the scientists and engineers of the future. It is this kind of inspiration that keeps our thirst for knowledge alive and ensures that advances in space exploration and many other fields will continue to be made. When you have seen a man walk on the Moon, you grow up believing that anything is possible!
Think and discuss
What do you think of the article
expressive persuasive accurate enthusiastic infectious beautiful appealing moving
clear logical reasonable valid
far-reaching profound
1. The article talks about the advantages of space exploration.
Do you agree or disagree with the author's opinion Why
2. Our exploration of space has already taught us many things.
What do you think the future of space exploration holds for
human understanding Give reasons for your opinion and
support your reasons with evidence.
Humanity's interest in the heavens has been universal and enduring. Humans are driven to explore the unknown, discover new worlds, push the boundaries of our scientific and technical limits, and then push further. The intangible desire to explore and challenge the boundaries of what we know and where we have been has provided benefits to our society for centuries.
Impossible version:
Challenge 1
Radiation is the biggest problem we will have to solve in order to settle on Mars. Radiation levels on the surface of Mars are two and a half times higher than those on the International Space Station. Exposure to high levels of radiation may increase the risks of contracting cancer and other diseases.
Challenge 2
Dust storms are common throughout the year and cover the entire planet for
weeks, blocking sunlight from reaching the surface. Perhaps more importantly,
these storms, made up of fine dust caught in the atmosphere, can affect energy
production for long periods.
How to live on Mars
We should find permanent shelter that offers long-term protection from radiation. We could build a special structure near the Red Planet’s freezing north pole. It would protect us against radiation and keep inner atmospheric pressure constant as well. The north pole is bathed in sunlight continuously for nearly 300 days, so
we could take advantage of the solar energy in that region. If the solar energy could not meet our energy needs, we could construct nuclear power stations.
How to live on Mars
This is clearly not the case.
expand our understanding of the universe
a waste of the public purse
enhance the quality of our lives
in our nature
the unknown
keep us adventuring into new places
long to do ...
climb vast mountain ranges
desire to explore the furthest frontie
look up at the stars
make sense of
wonder about
be fascinated by
be evident
in ancient tales
remain curious about
motivate sb to do ...
space investigations
make major contributions to
an understanding of the origin, evolution, and likely future of the universe
address fundamental questions about...
orbit the Sun
the space shuttle launch
the cities with a high frequency of earthquakes
a clean alternative energy source
it is likely that ...
hydrogen fuel cell vehicles
be mass-produced and launched
a strong motive for
demand huge investment
It has been calculated that ...
increase by
go far beyond
receive widespread media coverage
mechanics and research assistants
for me personally
be incredibly exciting and inspiring
shape children’s lives
keep our thirst for knowledge alive
exposure to
contract cancer
dust storms
throughout the year
blocking ... from...
(be) made up of fine dust
(be) caught in the atmosphere
permanent shelter
build a special structure
the freezing north pole
protect us against radiation
keep inner atmospheric pressure constant
be bathed in sunlight continuously
take advantage of the solar energy
meet our energy needs
construct nuclear power stations


