高中英语 Unit 3 The worldonline Extended Reading 课件+导学案 牛津译林版(2019)必修三

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高中英语 Unit 3 The worldonline Extended Reading 课件+导学案 牛津译林版(2019)必修三


Step 1 Lead-in
Observe the picture and answer the following questions.
What is the boy doing
Step 1 Lead-in
Watch the video and answer the following questions.
What does the smartphone do to him
He is c ________ by his smartphone.
Their eyes are looking down to their smartphonwhen they are in line(排队),heads down.
are glued to their smartphones
What can you see in this video
smartphone: a smart choice
Let's rethink:
Do you think smartphone is a smart choice
= smombie
Are you a smart phone addict
Can you live without a smartphone for a week
Step 1 Lead-in
Free talk
blog网络日志 written by Alan
Part 1: Paras.
I was a smartphone addict and I wanted to make a change.
Life beyond smartphones is richer and more beautiful.
Part 2: Paras.
Part 3: Para.
What happened during the week without my smartphone?
Step 2 Fast reading
Skim the text and match the right structure
Read Paras. 1~2 and choose the best answer.
1.What does the phrase “a smartphone addict” mean in the first paragraph
A. A person who is unable to stop taking harmful drugs
B. A person who spends a lot of free time on playing smartphone.
C. A person who is interested in developing smartphone.
2.What makes the writer decide to make a change
A. That he was nearly knocked over by a car.
B. That he was too busy to play smartphone.
C. That his smartphone was broken.
Step 3 Detailed reading
Para.1 Details of his addiction His feeling about his addiction
I was a smartphone addict (1) to the little screen all the time (2)__________his phone first in the morning (3)Asking for ___________ in a new place (4)Feeling stressed due to Sometimes feeling uncomfortable,
What was Alan’s life like at first
Finish the table (no more than 3 words per blank)
Being glued
Reaching for
Wi-Fi connections
dead battery
dead battery
1.Read paragraph 1 and answer the following questions:
It might be .
How would the week without smartphone be like
After he stopped using his smartphone. Para.3 The first day was the _________ I didn’t know what to do with myself Feel________
I kept reaching for my pocket, for my smartphone that was not there Feel ________
The empty hours stretched out in front of me Feel ________
Read Paras. 3~5 and finish the tasks.
After he stopped using his smartphone
It was ____________ at first.
Then somehow I began to feel ____________.
I finally _________________ the classic novel and __________________ the beautiful language.
I ______________ of my feelings, thoughts and daily activities.
I _______________________ and felt __________________ than I had in days.
Best of all, I _________________________ the beauty in life with my own eyes.
picked up
kept a journal
was lost in
went out for a run
Action description
Psychological description
His colorful life
more alive
began to appreciate
Para 4
Read Para 4 and put them in the correct order
appreciate the beauty in life with my own eyes
Feel free
Action description
Environmental description
Alan’s offline relationship benefited as well.
Alan went for a long walk with his mother.
Alan made sure to spend less time with his parents.
Alan went to the opera, played basketball, and visited museums.
Read Para 5 and judge (true “T” or false “F”)
an old friend
(1)Why didn’t the writer want to turn his phone back
Read paragraph 6 and answer the following questions:
(Line 34-35) Those seven days have given him a great appreciation for life beyond the screen.
(2) What did Alan learn from this experience
Finish the table and pay attention to the form(no more than 4 words per blank)
Read paragraph 6 and answer the following questions:
Para.6 Supporting Details
“Life beyond smartphones is richer and more beautiful.” Cherishing(珍惜)real (1)
(2) _______________ time spent on his smartphone
Taking advantage of life beyond smartphones
life and relationships
Cutting back on
How did Alan feel in the phone-free week
lost, anxious, disconnected
more alive
almost didn’t …
Step 4 Post reading
Critical thinking
If we ________________ smartphone, it can be a smart choice.
If we _________________ smartphone, it can’t be a smart choice.
How do you understand the title of this blog post “Smartphone: a smart choice ”
are controlled by
Group discussion
Should students be allowed to bring mobile phones to school
The “for “ side
The group believes that students should be allowed to bring mobile phones to school.
The “against “ side
The group believes that students should not be allowed to bring mobile phones to school.
Useful Expressions
The “for “ side
The “against “ side
In my opinion/ As for me/ As far as I’m concerned/ From my point of view,...
There are many examples for this…For instance,…
In fact, you can find many examples for this in real life.
I disagree with/disapprove of/am against/am opposed to···
I hold a different opinion. I believe that reason1. Besides, reason2.
Its disadvantages outweigh its advantages.
Prepare for the debate
(Group 1,2,3,4 against Group 5,6,7,8,9)
Step 5 Summary
Be the owner of smartphones rather than a slave to them.
Smartphone: a smart choice
Less Smartphone: a smart choice!
Step 5 Summary
Put down your smartphone!中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
B3 U3 Extended Reading 导学案
Step 1 Lead-in
Watch a video and answer the following questions.
What can you see in this video
Their eyes _______________ their smartphone when they are in line(排队),heads down.Thus, they are called____________(低头族).
Step 2 Fast reading
Part 1: Paras._____ Life beyond smartphones is richer and more beautiful.
Part 2: Paras.______ I was a smartphone addict and I wanted to make a change.
Part 3: Para.______ What happened during the week without my smartphone?
Step 3 Detailed reading
Read Paras. 1~2 and choose the best answer.
1.What does the phrase “a smartphone addict” mean in the first paragraph
A. A person who is unable to stop taking harmful drugs
B. A person who spends a lot of free time on playing smartphone.
C. A person who is interested in developing smartphone.
2.What makes the writer decide to make a change
A. That he was nearly knocked over by a car.
B. That he was too busy to play smartphone.
C. That his smartphone was broken.
What was Alan’s life like at first Finish the table (no more than 3 words per blank)
Read Paras. 3~5 and finish the tasks.
Read Para 4 and fill in the blanks.
It was ____________ at first.
Then somehow I began to feel ____________.
I finally _________________ the classic novel and __________________ the beautiful language.
I ______________ of my feelings, thoughts and daily activities.
I _______________________ and felt __________________ than I had in days.
Best of all, I _________________________ the beauty in life with my own eyes.
Read Para 5 and judge (true “T” or false “F”)
1).Alan’s offline relationship benefited as well.
2).Alan went for a long walk with his mother.
3).Alan made sure to spend less time with his parents.
4).Alan went to the opera, played basketball, and visited museums.
Read paragraph 6 and answer the following questions:
(1)Why didn’t the writer want to turn his phone back
(2) What did Alan learn from this experience
Step 4 Post reading Critical thinking
How do you understand the title of this blog post “Smartphone: a smart choice ”
If we ________________ smartphone, it can be a smart choice.
If we _________________ smartphone, it can’t be a smart choice.
Step 5 Group discussion
The “for “ side
In my opinion/ As for me/ As far as I’m concerned/ From my point of view,...
There are many examples for this…For instance,…
In fact, you can find many examples for this in real life.
The “against “ side
I disagree with/disapprove of/am against/am opposed to···
I hold a different opinion. I believe that reason1. Besides, reason2.
Its disadvantages outweigh its advantages.
Step 6 Homework
Finish the related exercises in the exercise book.


