
  1. 二一教育资源



七选五 学案
二、 解题方法及规律
1. 段首句的选择
2. 段中句的选择
3. 段尾句的选择
(2)总结句:用于总结本段内容,常含有总结性的词语,如therefore、 as a result、 thus、 to sum up、 to conclude、 in a word等。
(1) 并列关系
All the people on our block give us trouble. Mrs. Brown calls the police whenever we go to play ball on the street. Mrs. Johnson complains that skateboarding makes too much noise. If we happen to stray into Mr. Hardy's yard, he yells at us.
We had a hard time getting Peter out of the hole he had fallen into. First, we made a rope by linking our belts together. Then we lowered it to Peter, telling him to grasp the end. After he had hold of the rope, we began to pull him slowly out of the hole. As he came up, no one dared to speak a word. Finally, we could grasp him arms, and with a sigh of relief, we pulled him out onto the grassy bank.
I seem to be suffering from all the illnesses imaginable: insomnia (失眠), headache, backache, indigestion (消化不良), constipation (便秘) and pains in the stomach. To make things still worse (更糟糕的是), I've caught a cold, I've got a sore throat, and I'm constantly sneezing and coughing. To crown it all (最糟糕的是), I had an accident the other day, hurt my right shoulder, leg and knee, and nearly broke my neck. If I take a long walk, I get short of breath. In fact, I feel more dead than alive.
上面语段中,作者用层层递进的方式描述了自己的不幸遭遇,感到生不如死。to make things worse 和 to crown it all,清楚地表现了这种层递关系。
Cloning takes the DNA from a single cell to create a whole new individual. A clone is an organism which is genetically identical to another one. But it's now certain that no clone is an exact copy because of differences in experiences and upbringing.(克隆技术通过提取单个细胞的DNA来创造出一个完整的新个体。克隆体在基因上与另一个有机体是相同的。然而,现在可以确定的是,由于经历和成长环境的不同,没有哪个克隆体是一丝不差的复制品。)又例如:
It's tempting to see the life of a journalist as glamorous and exciting, but as with any other occupation, there is a lot of hard work and routine activity. It also depends on what kind of publication you work for. However, each day is different and you will cover a wide range of news stories and features.
Friends come in many flavors. There are best friends, school friends, fair-weather friends (顺境朋友), forever friends and many more. Best friends are friends with whom you spend a lot of time and with whom you share all your thoughts and feelings. School friends are different: you see each other in school and you study and have fun together, but you may not know everything about each other. Fair-weather friends are friends who only like you when you are happy or when you are popular. If you are feeling down, or if you are having a problem, fair-weather friends don't want to spend time or talk with you. Forever friends are friends that will always listen to you and try to help you, even if you disagree or if you are having a problem.
这一语段首先提出“朋友有许多种”,然后分别对best friends,school friends,fair-weather friends 和 forever friends 进行解释和说明。
(6) 解释关系
Do you know that the average person puts only 25% of his energy and ability into his work That means those who use 50% of their ability really stand out from the rest. And the very few who actually give their full 100% of strength and smarts to their work become the most successful. Many people want the greener grass, but they don't want to pay the higher water bill to get it!
(7) 因果关系
Advertisers discovered years ago that all of us love to get something out of nothing. An advertisement which begins with the magic word FREE can rarely go wrong. These days, advertisers not only offer free samples, but free cars, free houses, and free trips around the world as well.
The surface of the earth is like the skin of an orange, which cannot be spread out flat unless it is torn into strips. That is why flat maps of the whole earth always distort its appearance.
预测考向1 考查段首句
Spending time with people pursuing knowledge as intentionally as you are can encourage you to push through challenges to achieve your learning goals. And engaging with people who have different opinions and experiences can help keep your worldview flexible. Then you can continue to find new fields of knowledge to explore.
A.Surround yourself with fellow learners.
B.Encourage yourself to brave challenges.
C.Every kid’s favorite question is “Why ”
D.You’re surrounded by opportunities to learn.
E.There’s no better or worse hobby or information to acquire.
F.Of course, scheduling learning isn’t just limited to the ways mentioned.
G.Adding a learning session to your timetable prevents you forgetting about it.
Have you ever caught a smell of something and been strongly reminded of a person or place There seems to be a deep psychological link between smells and our memory.Some research even suggests that smells can influence our cognition(认知,感知).
36 Roja Dove, a perfumer,informed the BBC that when we are born,the olfactory bulb(嗅球), which is the area in our brain that processes smell, is empty, without pre-existing information or association.
A.Why do smells take us back
B.So,don't take your nose for granted.
C.How is the sense of smell connected to your brain
D.Scents can revive memories that have been long forgotten.
E.We are not actively aware of them unless they are extremely strong.
F.This is especially true when it comes to the fragrance of essential oils.
G.Therefore, our responses to smells are learnt and highly individualized.
预测考向2 考查段中句
Life’s rarely boring if you’re open to learning new things. No matter what you want to learn, the first step is noticing and seizing learning opportunities wherever you find them. Here are ways to develop the habit of learning.
Get curious and make friends with your inner child. This sense of curiosity is how you begin to learn, grow, and understand the world around you. As an adult, it’s important to stay curious to remain open to possibilities and opportunities by making a habit of asking questions.
A.Surround yourself with fellow learners.
B.Encourage yourself to brave challenges.
C.Every kid’s favorite question is “Why ”
D.You’re surrounded by opportunities to learn.
E.There’s no better or worse hobby or information to acquire.
F.Of course, scheduling learning isn’t just limited to the ways mentioned.
G.Adding a learning session to your timetable prevents you forgetting about it.
Set actionable goals. It can be helpful to break down the feedback into specific, actionable goals. Set time to outline an action plan and timeline for each of these goals. With this, you can keep track of your progress and hold yourself accountable to your goals.
Though negative feedback may be disheartening, take the necessary steps to become an even better version of yourself.
A.Avoid reacting defensively.
B.Don’t take the feedback personally.
C.These can feel easier to work with and give you direction.
D.You don’t have to apply every piece of feedback you receive.
E.Negative feedback can sometimes make you feel like a failure.
F.It’s almost impossible to consistently do everything right all the time.
G.So instead of reacting negatively, thank those caring about you to give you honest feedback.
预测考向3 考查段尾句
Recently, a topic featuring “Graduates avoid sending resumes out of social anxiety disorder” received many comments on Sina Weibo. It seems that social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia (恐惧症), is affecting many people’s lives. Over 80% of university students who took part in a survey tended to avoid social interaction due to an assumed social phobia.
For those who have a social phobia, everyday social situations cause strong fear beyond their control because they fear being watched or judged negatively by others.
A.After all, they are not making you any better.
B.Understand it’s perfectly fine to make mistakes.
C.Here are some tips for overcoming a fear of social interaction.
D.But is avoiding social interaction equal to having a social phobia
E.However, my attitude began to change when I met a senior journalist.
F.But if you only feel a bit uncomfortable, it might mean you are just shy.
G.Shy people avoid socializing because they take others’ opinions seriously.
Get eight hours of sleep. “When you’re not rested, everything that happens in your life is a lot more stressful,” says Dr. Arya Sharma, a professor of medicine at the University of Alberta. If we don’t have enough sleep, our bodies also have more difficulty controlling blood pressure, inflammation and glucose levels. 37
A.Avoid polluted air.
B.Engage in indoor activities.
C.These factors can all have an impact on cardiovascular health.
D.Read the following tips to make your life filled with happiness.
E.Doing good for others helps your self-esteem and relieves stress.
F.It reduces stress and depression, and it may also serve as a mini-workout.
G.Actually, a small change in your everyday routine can potentially have a big impact.
预测考向1 考查段首句
【解析】空处为本段主旨句。根据后文“Spending time with people pursuing knowledge as intentionally as you are can encourage you to push through challenges to achieve your learning goals. And engaging with people who have different opinions and experiences can help keep your worldview flexible. Then you can continue to find new fields of knowledge to explore.(花时间和那些和你一样追求知识的人在一起可以鼓励你克服挑战,实现你的学习目标。与有不同观点和经历的人交往可以帮助你保持世界观的灵活性。然后你可以继续寻找新的知识领域去探索)”可知,本段建议人们要花时间和与自己一样追求知识的人在一起,因此判断A项“让自己与其他学习者为伍。”可以作为主旨句,总领本段。故选A。
【解析】第一段说嗅觉和记忆似乎有心理关联, 且研究发现气味会影响我们的认知。下文引用调香师 Roja Dove 的话说明嗅觉和记忆之间的关系。 因此, A项“为什么气味会唤起记忆 ”承上启下, 符合语境。C项中 your brain中的your与段落的叙述角度不符。
预测考向2 考查段中句
【解析】根据上文“Get curious and make friends with your inner child.(保持好奇,和你内心的孩子交朋友)”可知空前内容建议人们要保持好奇,和内心的孩子交朋友,因此判断C项“每个孩子最喜欢问的问题是为什么?”和前句语义衔接,且kid和child是同义词。故选C。
【解析】根据上文“Set actionable goals. It can be helpful to break down the feedback into specific, actionable goals.(设定可行的目标。将反馈分解成具体的、可操作的目标是很有帮助的)”可知,本句承接上文,说明设定目标的作用,C选项中These指代上文goals。故C选项“他们会让你感觉更容易相处,给你指明方向”符合语境,故选C。
预测考向3 考查段尾句
【解析】根据前文“Over 80% of university students who took part in a survey tended to avoid social interaction due to an assumed social phobia.(在一项调查中,超过80%的大学生由于假定的社交恐惧症而倾向于避免社交互动)”可知,此处作者说80%的大学生由于假定的社交恐惧症而倾向于避免社交互动,以及后文内容在讨论因为害羞避免社交是不是社交恐惧症的问题,所以D项“But is avoiding social interaction equal to having a social phobia (但是,回避社交就等于患有社交恐惧症吗 )”承接上文,并引出下文,符合文意。故选D。
【解析】前文“If we don’t have enough sleep, our bodies also have more difficulty controlling blood pressure, inflammation and glucose levels.(如果我们睡眠不足,我们的身体也会更难控制血压、炎症和血糖水平。)”讲述了睡眠不足时身体的某些方面会出现的一些反应,空处应承接上文,讲述这些因素对心脏产生的后果,C项“这些因素都会对心血管健康产生影响。”符合题意,“These factors”指代上文中的“blood pressure, inflammation and glucose levels”。故选C


