人教新目标(Go for it)版八年级下册Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents? 书面表达专练(含答案)

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人教新目标(Go for it)版八年级下册Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents? 书面表达专练(含答案)


八下 Unit 4 书面表达专练
本单元的话题为“烦恼与建议”。该话题习作通常阐明自己与他人的烦恼,并向他人征求意见或给出合理的解决办法,最后提出祝愿。在写作时,首先要学会运用 “My problem is that/I cant... ”等描述生活中在的问题,学会用 should/could/why don’t you…/why not…/what about… / how about...提出建议以及用 In my opinion... ”等阐述观点与理由。
1能用"my problem is that…,I can't…”等描述生活中存在的问题。
2.能用"should/could/why don't you …/why not …/what about …/how about …”等提出建议。
3.能用"I agree that…/I believe that …/I think it's fair to …/in my opinion/because”等阐述观点与理由。
4.写作微技能:用"firstly , secondly, thirdly…”等串联词罗列建议与理由
(一) 问题类短语
1 .对某人生气 be angry with sb. 2.与某人吵架 get into a fight with sb.
3.不能与同学和睦相处 can't get on with classmates
4. 给某人施压 give sb.pressure 5. 与同学竞争 compete with classmates
6. 太多的作业 too much homework 7. 没有足够的睡眠 not get enough sleep
8. 拒绝让我看电视 refuse to let me watch TV
9.不允许我闲逛 not allow me to hang out 10.担心某人 worry about sb.
(二) 建议类短语
1 .与父母交流 communicate with parents 2.早点睡觉 go to sleep earlier
3. 给某人写信 write to help 4. 给某人打电话 call sb.up
5.归还某物 return sth. 6. 给某人道歉 say sorry to sb.
7. 根据某人的看法 in one's opinion
(三) 其他短语
1. 解决;成功地发展 work out 2. 对 有好处 be good for
3. 删除 cut out 4.重要的事 big deal
1. What do you think of... 你认为.怎么样?
2. In my opinion, you should...在我看来,你应该 …
3. Why don't you... 你为什么不......呢?
4. You’ d better(not)…你最好(不要).
5. You should…你应该.
6. It' s+ adj. +to do sth 做某事是…的,
某中学生英文报社开展了主题为“如何与父母和谐相处”的征文大赛。作为一名初中生,你一定有自己的思想与辨别是非的能力,但你是否曾想过应该怎样和自己的父母相处呢?请以“How to Get on Well with Our Parents ”为题写一篇短文参加此次征文大赛。
1. 与父母和谐相处很重要;
2. 与父母和谐相处的做法或建议;
1. 短文应紧扣要点,但不要逐字翻译,可适当发挥,以使短文衔接、连贯;
2. 词数80-100。
How to Get on Well with Our Parents
How to Get on Well with Our Parents
It's very important for us to get on well with our parents.But how can we get along well with our parents Here is some of my advice. We should understand and respect our parents. Parents talk much because they care about us. We are supposed to listen to them. When we want to tell them our opinions, we'd better be in a polite way. We should also talk with them about our happiness and tell them about our problems. When we are free,we'd better help them do some things. I get on well with my parents. I enjoy sharing everything with my parents. My parents are like my best friends. They are proud when I do something well and they try their best to help me when I have trouble.We love each other. Let's get on well with our parents because they are our parents.


