上海市华东师范大学第二附属中学闵行紫竹分校2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题(无答案 无听力音频 无听力原文)

  1. 二一教育资源

上海市华东师范大学第二附属中学闵行紫竹分校2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题(无答案 无听力音频 无听力原文)


(考试时间:120分钟 卷面满分:140分)
Ⅰ.Listening Comprehension
Section A
Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
1.A.Not play computer games. B.Finish the school project.
C.Not turn on the computer. D.Wait for the woman to arrive.
2.A.Read an article for the project. B.Read all the articles related.
C.Work on the project alone. D.Focus on one science theory.
3.A.The weather. B.The tiring trip. C.The scenery. D.The air pollution.
4.A.At an airport. B.On a plane. C.In a restaurant. D.At an exhibition.
5.A.1:00. B.3:00. C.4:00. D.5:00.
6.A.The woman made a joke of Tom. B.Tom was hopelessly poor at maths.
C.The man couldn’t believe the news. D.Tom caught a student cheating.
7.A.He has already given up eating salt. B.He plans to control blood pressure.
C.He may die soon if he eats salt. D.He says goodbye to the woman.
8.A.The woman feels sorry for being too late. B.The man can’t go to the show tomorrow.
C.They can enjoy to the show tonight. D.The show will be held more than once.
9.A.He wants to borrow a guidebook. B.He asks the woman to buy the book.
C.He can’t afford a book from the library. D.He borrows a book from the woman.
10.A.She will be busy in the afternoon. B.She doesn’t enjoy working with the man.
C.She wants to work on the report once again. D.She doesn’t find it necessary to revise the report.
Section B
Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
Questions 11 through 14 are based on the following conversation.
11.A.Too many planes taking off and landing at the same time.
B.Too many passengers waiting to board the aircraft.
C.Too many bags and cases that need loading into planes.
D.Too many complaints about plane tickets being over sold.
12.A.Ask for more cash to make up for lost time. B.Choose the free-trip ticket over cash.
C.Consult their family before they decide. D.Guarantee their seats on the next flight.
13.A.Over-booking. B.Special fare systems. C.Business flight. D.Holiday discounts.
14.A.Go to those less busy airports. B.Eat enough food before boarding.
C.Make clear why your flight is delayed. D.Volunteer for the next flight for a better seat.
Questions 15 through 17 are based on the following passage.
15.A.It is a rare condition for human beings. B.It is the result of the body’s lack of heat.
C.It is not a fatal condition even if not found early. D.It is not obvious as the patient shows few signs.
16.A.Wearing a bat, a scarf and a pair of gloves is important.
B.It’s essential to have all the clothes stay as dry as possible.
C.Sweating after too much labour is dangerous in the cold seasons.
D.Two layers of light clothes are better than one layer of heavy clothing.
17.A.It brings warmth by holding heat inside bodies.
B.It is a fun way to lower the body’s temperature.
C.It makes the human body less able to hold heat.
D.It increases the risk of falling or hurting oneself.
Questions 18 through 20 are based on the following passage.
18.A.To demonstrate how much they missed their home country.
B.To indicate their loyalty to the Roman Catholic religion.
C.To show that they were proud of their national culture.
D.To protest against their low social status in America.
19.A.Festive food and drink. B.The wearing of the green.
C.Irish parades and music. D.A political statement.
20.A.It’s the color of the wild fields in Ireland.
B.It’s the sole colour of the Irish national flag.
C.It’s the original colour associated with St. Patrick’s Day.
D.It’s replaced by blue in celebration from the 17th century.
Ⅱ.Grammar and vocabulary
Section A
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
Medieval (中世纪的) manners
While I was growing up, “keep your elbows (肘) of the table” was a common remark at dinner time. But, as I learned in our recent podcast episode with medieval historian and author Cybulskie, such remarks have a long history — (21)______ (date) all the way back to the Middle Ages.
In the medieval period, manners proved more important than today and (22)______ (prize) particularly by social climbers, because a firm grasp of manners was a way of standing out from the crowd: “It showed you were worldly and educated, and ready to hang out with the most important people of the day.”
But what would have ingratiated (讨好) you with a medieval host, and what kinds of social faux pas (失礼) would have ensured (23)______ you were never invited back Practising good hygiene was key, particularly when it came to the dinner table. In this era, dining was a much (24)______ (intimate) experience, according to Cybulskie, than it is today. When sharing a meal with a dining partner, you would also be sharing cups and plates.
“Don’t blow your nose at the table, or wipe your face on the tablecloth,” Cybulskie advised. As well as listing some behaviour (25)______ (avoid), Cybulskie shared tips on how to be an attentive dining partner. “You would want to give the best portions of food to your partner at the table,” she said, “and make sure they were comfortable and well taken care of.”
Such social codes were set out in handbooks at the time, one of (26)______ The Book of the Civilised Man, written in the early 14th century, was aimed at boys and young men — and, with advice (27)______ (tailor) to this audience, warned its young readers against “making bodily function jokes at the table”.
Social conventions extended (28)______ the dining hall. When visiting someone’s house, for instance, it was considered fashionable to wash your hands on arrival, (29)______ you didn’t bring dirt inside. Though this is one custom that is in line with us in the 21st century, others feel decidedly medieval: one book asks readers “to make sure you (30)______ (get) down from your horse before entering someone’s house”.
Section B
Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A.adoringly B.charging C.exhausting D.festive E.gifting F.packaged G.physically H.registry I.stress J.transfer K.venue
Wedding Bills
Growing up, little girls are brainwashed into believing that their wedding is the most important day of their lives. You’re supposed to dream about it since childhood and when your big day finally arrives, walk like a princess with all your friends and family dressed to the nines, watching 31 in the audience. But real life isn’t directed by Disney and in reality, weddings are anything but the fairy tale day that we were taught to believe. In China, weddings are 32 and more often than not, it’s a money-making event not just for the wedding planner, but also for the bride and groom. It’s all a transaction 33 in a white veil (面纱).
So how’s a typical wedding in China different First of all, in China, the groom’s family is expected to pay for the wedding. Weddings in China tend to be massive events, and the 34 culture and local belief that the more people come to celebrate the more luck the couple will have plays a huge part in that. In the US, it’s common for the couple to have a gift 35 . But in China, you bring cash in red envelopes. In recent years some bridesmaids have even been seen wearing QR codes around their necks for wedding guests to scan to 36 their wedding gift money. Online, some have praised this trend as providing safety and convenience for the couple. Others call it tacky (俗气), comparing it to 37 an admission fee to watch a spectacle (壮观的场面). One bride admitted to me that her guest list for 40 tables consisted of friends, family and acquaintances she knew would be generous. It’s also an unspoken custom in China that even if you can’t 38 attend someone’s wedding, your money is expected to make an appearance.
Moving on to the wedding photos. In China when you arrive at the 39 , you’ll most likely see a giant poster of the couple in their wedding clothes. Here, there’s no such thing as bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her wedding dress before the big day so most couples would take their wedding photos in advance. To be frank, I find this the most reasonable way to do it. There’s already enough 40 on the wedding day, so why add to it by throwing a photo shoot in there too
Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Heads or Tails
Careful: it’s not 50-50
The phrase “coin toss” is a classic synonym for randomness. But since the 18th century, mathematicians have 41 that even fair coins tend to land on one side slightly more often than the other. Proving this tiny bias, 42 , would require hundreds of thousands of carefully recorded coin flips, making laboratory tests a logistical (后勤的,组织协调的) 43 .
Franti ek Barto , currently a Ph.D. candidate studying the research methods of psychology at the University of Amsterdam, became interested in this 44 four years ago. He couldn’t 45 enough volunteers to investigate it at first. But after he began his Ph.D. studies, he tried again, recruiting 47 volunteers from six countries. Multiple weekends of coin flipping later, including one 12-hour marathon 46 , the team performed 350,757 tosses, breaking the previous record of 40,000.
With one side initially upward, the flipped coin landed with the same side facing 47 as before the toss 50.8 percent of the time. The large number of throws allows 48 to conclude that the nearly 1 percent bias isn’t a fluke (侥幸). “We can be quite sure there is a bias in coin flips after this data set,” Barto says.
The leading theory explaining the 49 advantage comes from a 2007 physics study by Stanford University statisticians, whose calculations predicted a same-side bias of 51 percent. From the moment a coin is launched into the air, its entire track—including whether it lands on heads or tails—can be calculated by the laws of 50 . The researchers determined that airborne coins don’t turn around their symmetrical axis (对称轴); 51 , they tend to move off-center, which causes them to spend a little more time high in the air with their initial “up” side on top.
For day-to-day decisions, coin tosses are as good as random because a 1 percent bias isn’t 52 with just a few coin flips, says statistician Ameli, who wasn’t involved in the new research. Still, the study’s conclusions should eliminate any lasting doubt regarding the coin flip’s slight bias. “This is great experiment-based evidence 53 the bias,” she says.
It isn’t difficult to prevent this bias from influencing your coin-toss matches; simply 54 the coin’s starting position before flipping it should do the trick. But if your friends are 55 the tiny bias, you may as well benefit from your slight advantage. After all, 51 percent odds beat a casino’s house advantage. “If you asked me to bet on a coin,” Barto says, “why wouldn’t I give myself a 1 percent bias ”
41.A.confirmed B.denied C.recorded D.suspected
42.A.therefore B.however C.for example D.vice versa
43.A.nightmare B.context C.intervention D.delay
44.A.coinage B.discipline C.challenge D.phrase
45.A.cooperate with B.round up C.shrug aside D.count on
46.A.analysis B.race C.interview D.session
47.A.upward B.evenly C.downward D.uniformly
48.A.volunteers B.gamblers C.psychologists D.statisticians
49.A.accidental B.dominant C.subtle D.prejudiced
50.A.mechanics B.relativity C.geometry D.chemistry
51.A.moreover B.instead C.likewise D.initially
52.A.insignificant B.accessible C.inclusive D.perceptible
53.A.reversing B.integrating with C.backing up D.rejecting
54.A.concealing B.shifting C.perceiving D.anchoring
55.A.favourable to B.opposed to C.unaware of D.suspicious of
Section B
Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
By Walt Jackson
The article entitled “New Boy in Town” prompts me to tell of my own experience in boxing, way back in 1921. I was the banjo player of a dance orchestra.
By a strange coincidence, three of the four musicians were expert boxers. But the only one who owned a set of boxing gloves was me—who knew nothing at all of boxing—so I took them along to the summer resort near the American border where we had a full season’s engagement, boxing in the dance hall. It had a roof, but no sides. The two combatants would stand, not sit, in two imaginary corners. One would shout “Bong!” as we had no gong (锣) to start the round. If either of the combatants wanted to quit, he would shout “Bong!” and that was the end of the round.
We took turns boxing each other. Either I was a slow learner or they were fast teachers. I shouted “Bong!” so often that it became second nature; but as the season advanced, I improved a bit and made a name for myself. That name was “Battling Linoleum” because I spent so much time on the floor.
At last the season was drawing to a close, Labor Day being the finish. On the Saturday before Labor Day, a newcomer named Bob booked into our boardinghouse. He asked me if I would care to take on a round with him. I agreed. He was much shorter than I was, and I felt confident I could hold him off, owing to my longer reach. However, none of the orchestra boys was around, for which I was sorry. I wanted them to see how much I had improved under their expert guidance.
I said “Bong!” and he went “Bang!” Round one was over. There wasn’t any second round. It was two minutes before I could breathe.
After the last dance on Labor Day night, I said goodbye to Bob and gave him my boxing gloves. I have never worn any since. I found out later that his job was polishing huge slabs of marble (大理石板) at a nearby quarry (采石场)—by hand! “Bong!”
The moral of this story is: If a man has an old-age pension, he should give up boxing with a quarry man. There’s no future in it!
56.Which of the following statement is TRUE about Walt’s dance orchestra
A.The orchestra was established in 1921. B.All the members were expert boxers.
C.They spent the whole season boxing. D.The boxing ring was well furnished.
57.Walt was nicknamed “Battling Linoleum” because ______.
A.he was often knocked out onto the floor B.he made rapid improvement in the battle
C.shouting “Bong” became second nature D.battle fuelled his courage like petroleum
58.How did Walt feel when Bob challenged him to boxing
A.He felt sorry to be a slow learner. B.He was confident of winning.
C.He was frightened by Bob’s “Bang”. D.He felt too excited to breathe.
59.Which of the following is the best title of the passage
A.Another New Boy in Town B.Musicians in Boxing Ring
C.Unbeatable Battling Linoleum D.Uncle Walt’s Last Fight
Rip currents are like the rivers of the sea, transporting water near the shore back out into the ocean depths. The presence of these currents can be hidden by the wild movements of the surrounding waves. This means that as well as carrying seaweed and pieces of materials quickly out to sea, they can rapidly sweep away even the strongest swimmers. Around 80 percent of all lifeguard rescues are caused by powerful rip currents pulling a swimmer into danger.
If you find yourself being pulled out to sea by an unsuspected rip current, you should remain calm, focus on staying afloat and, if you can, swim parallel to the shore. Your instincts might tell you to swim towards land, as this is where you’re aiming to get to, but the current will be too strong to swim against. Instead, aim to move across the current and into slower flowing water next to it. A rip current may only pull you just past the breaking waves, but in some cases they can take you hundreds of metres offshore. The strength of currents can be hard to predict, so it’s safest to stay on lifeguarded beaches and not to swim if you see any indication of a rip current.
60.Understanding rip currents can help ______.
A.prevent you from swimming into danger B.transport water out into the ocean depths
C.clear away seaweed and pieces of materials D.warn lifeguards against rescue in rip currents
61.The illustration probably explains ______.
A.difference between various currents B.two types of zones off shore
C.an ideal route to surf in safety D.how rip currents form
62.Which region is the path of a rip current
A.1000 metres off the shore beyond “HEAD”. B.The channel through the gap in a sandbar.
C.The location where a red flag is erected. D.Over the narrow stretch of a sandbar.
In the near future there will be AI systems attempting to befriend you. AI friends offer many benefits. They’re available any time and they never get bored. But, as convenient as an AI friend might be, it’s a friend with more costs than benefits.
One reason to be suspicious of AI companions is that you don’t know their motives. They may be programmed to sell products or sow conflict. And, while most of us would feel significant guilt if we hurt or betrayed another, a machine, having no mind, has no such guilty feeling. Machines are also becoming more persuasive than most humans. A recent study showed that pro-vaccine (支持疫苗接种的) arguments produced by ChatGPT were more effective than those used by government agencies — an ability that could be easily redirected to advance more immoral positions. Similarly, all aspects of artificial friend-bots can be polished based on the effectiveness of their interactions with various users.
But what about AI friends that are created as genuine companions, not secret salesmen or undercover disruptors Could they be a solution to our crisis of loneliness Friendship is good for you: research has shown that people with an active and engaging social life live longer and are healthier and happier. Might artificial friends be the helpful supplements when the lively circle of great friends is unavailable
Here the concern centres on the mind — or lack of mind — of the other. Think about the everyday experience of seeing something that would amuse a friend and making a mental note to tell them about it. Why do you do that Maybe they’re feeling down and you want to cheer them up. Or, perhaps you hope to impress them with your eye for the beautiful. In any case, your concern is with their inner experience, with how they feel or what they think of you. If something has no mind — no inner experience, just the capacity to imitate those who can think and feel — can it really be considered a friend
Society is bound by our caring about what others feel. Empathy (同感) is part of this: we can feel the joy, or sadness, that someone we care about experiences. It’s also important that we care what others think of us. Emotions are also essential to keeping our society working — we ‘do the right thing’ and cooperate, because we care how others perceive us. And having others think highly of us, or simply enjoy our company and care about our friendship, can be tremendously uplifting. The key is that these others must be conscious beings, instead of an artificial entity which doesn’t actually feel anything.
Does this mean you should avoid interacting with AIs Not necessarily. Properly designed, they can help people practise social skills and provide insightful feedback. But, even as we increasingly interact with ever more sophisticated AIs, we need to embrace the complications of truly two-way relationships and to care about, and be responsive to, the experience of living, conscious friends.
63.Why is the writer concerned about the prospect of AI befriending humans
A.AI friends are too costly to produce. B.AI will replace human beings.
C.AI is ignorant of people’s motives. D.AI can behave immorally.
64.The underlined phrase “undercover disruptors” in paragraph 3 probably means ______.
A.cheats pretending to care about you B.people who spread disorder
C.relief of our crisis of loneliness D.supplements to social life
65.The writer probably agrees that ______.
A.we cannot manage without contact with human friends
B.both AI and humans care about others’ inner experience
C.empathy links AI friends with human friends emotionally
D.it is advisable for us to stop interaction with AIs completely
66.Which of the following is the best title of the passage
A.Is Artificial Intelligence out of control B.What Is the Nature of Real Friendship
C.Could We Build Relationships with AI D.How does AI Befriend Human Beings
Section C
Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.
A.Books do have different thresholds (阈) according to genre. B.This is plenty for a typical author’s book, particularly the first one. C.Yes, there are exceptions to every genre but these are generally rare. D.Is everything of equal importance and does everything need to be included E.Longer books are more expensive to produce and harder to sell in, so it increases their risk. F.With a firm handle on length, your novel will have increased its chances of commercial publication.
How long should my novel be
This is a question I’m often asked, and it’s certainly not the same answer as how long a piece of string is! So, how long should your book actually be
If we work backwards, from a production department point of view, a book of approximately 100,000 words will come in somewhere between 300 to 400 pages. 67.______ I’d suggest that 80,000 words up works well, occasionally stretching to 120,000 words on rare occasions.
Shorter texts are less daunting (使人气馁的) for an agent to submit rather than a block of manuscript so aim to make your publication path easier. There’s an implication that a standard book length should have a tighter handle on pacing, with the reader more readily drawn in. In turn, an overlong novel often indicates to a publisher that there’s potentially extensive editing work to be done by them.
68.______ For example, historical fiction could more comfortably sit near the 120,000 mark. Literary fiction can head in the other direction, with 60,000 words still offering a feeling of fundamental worth to the publisher and reader, with an implication that the text is highly developed.
More commonly, issues over length tend to highlight that pacing is an issue, be it too long or too short. Overwriting, in particular, can be an issue for many authors, who might struggle to express their ideas clearly, using complex language that play down the flow of the book. Successful writing contains a clarity of thought that enables the writer to connect with the reader for maximum impact, allowing the story, characters and setting to shine through.
In terms of content, it’s important for an author to prioritise the key themes in the book. 69.______ Allow your reader to piece together information you delicately work through your text and avoid excess scenes and information, revealing instead what’s needed to keep that tension pulsing. Be brave as you cut back on the unnecessary, keeping a backup copy of your novel just in case you change your mind.
Work intuitively, from the heart, keeping secrets for as long as possible so the reader is forced to read on. In this way, a reader will readily connect with your words. 70.______
Ⅳ.Summary Writing
Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
The Science of Chocolate
Chocolate is a complex chemical delight containing over 500 individual flavour components together with stimulants and a host of substances beneficial to health. With that many ingredients, it’s no surprise that crafting chocolate is a science in itself, requiring careful temperature control. For starters, cocoa butter has six different forms of crystals, all of which have different melting points. And the fat crystals in the final product have to be exactly the right type, size and shape for the flavour to be correct. This is achieved through tempering, a crucial stage of chocolate production that involves cooling so that crystals form before raising the temperature slightly to melt unstable crystals.
While we tend to think of chocolate as junk food, some of its components may actually be good for us, Cocoa beans are rich organic chemicals called flavonoids (类黄酮). One particular flavonoid called epicatechin (表儿茶酸) increases blood flow in the brain and prevents the grouping together of the proteins that characterise conditions such as Alzheimer’s. Research published in March 2014 also found that dark chocolate is used by bacteria in the stomach to produce anti- inflammatory (消炎的) compounds that are good for your heart. But so far, most studies suggesting health benefits for chocolate have been carried out on mice, so further research would be required to see whether there are the same benefits in humans.
At the University of Bath, scientists have been studying mouse brain cells grown in the lab. “Our research has shown that epicatechin and related flavonoids have promising protective actions in brain cells, explains Dr Robert Williams, a neuroscientist at the university. “But whether we could achieve the levels required to reproduce these effects in humans by eating chocolate is uncertain.” The jury is still out on whether we can consider chocolate a health food. But since the positive ingredients are all found in cocoa itself, there’s one rule of thumb — the darker, the better.
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
Ⅵ.Guided Writing
Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
School Fire Drill Objective: To arouse students’ awareness of fire hazard. Date of drill: March 6th, 2024 Time of drill: 8:00 to 8:10 Scenario (场景): Fire at the teacher’s office. Action plan: 1.Trigger the fire alarm. 2.Students evacuate (疏散) from classrooms. 3.A professional firefighter teaches students how to use the fire extinguisher.


