【课堂无忧】Unit 4 第4课 Integrated skills & Study skills课件+教案+学习任务单+课后练习

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【课堂无忧】Unit 4 第4课 Integrated skills & Study skills课件+教案+学习任务单+课后练习


课题 第四课时Integrated skills & Study skills 单元 Unit 4 A good read 课型 听说课
使用教材 牛津译林 出版时间 2013 学科 英语 年级 八
教材分析 通过观看视频以及对书籍进行种类梳理,进而导入哈利波特,在听力前注重对学生进行听力技能的指导,指导学生结合自己所学对听力内容做适当的推测、学会找关键词、学会速记,并且学习借书。
学习目标 I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. understand some new words and expressions and learn to use them;2. catch the key points from the listening materials;3. learn how to borrow books from the library.4.To learn how to use the transitions in writing.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: refuse, success, translate, sales, copy, Canadian, series, publishing house, publish, online, get the idea for, so far, a great success, translate into, at a time 2. New structures: Excuse me, I want some history books, but I don’t know where to find them. How many books can I borrow at a time How long can I keep the books You must return them on time.Could you tell me how to renew them We don’t have to come to desk every time. III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. To get specific information from listening materials. 2. To learn how to borrow books from the library.
重点 To get specific information from listening materials.
难点 To learn how to borrow books from the library.
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入(5分钟) 1. Watch a video T: What types of books can you see in the video What do you know about Harry Potter What types of books do you like Why 【设计意图:通过观看视频自由谈话,快速引导学生进入本课情境,激发他们的学习热情。】
课前活动(10分钟) Step 2 While-listening 1. Listen and matchT: The Class 1, Grade 8 students are talking about what they have read recently. Listen to them and match each student with the type and name of the book they have heard. You can predict before listening. Of all the books, I like reading Harry Potter best. Who wrote the book (J. K. Rowling.) 1.Listen and complete Part A1. 2.Listen and complete Part A23. Listen and complete Part A3 【设计意图:本环节注重训练学生听和写的能力,听力难度在逐渐加大。在听力前注重对学生进行听力技能的指导,指导学生结合自己所学对听力内容做适当的推测、学会找关键词、学会速记为不同层次的学生听力技能的提升打下基础。】
课中活动(15分钟) 1.Something we should know before borrowing a book2.Speak up: I want some history books. 1. Listen and fill in the form(1) How many books can Daniel borrow at a time (2) How long can he keep the books (3) How can he renew the books 【设计意图:让学生带着简单问题听录音,训练听力能力。】
课后活动(15分钟) Study skillsUnderline the transitional words and phrasesT: Read Sandy’s article and underline the transitional words and phrases. Discuss with your partner about their types.3.Language points Underline the transitional words and phrases 【设计意图:指导学生在实际运用中巩固所学知识。】
课堂总结 To improve your writing, you need to make sure that your ideas, both in sentences and paragraphs, stick together and have coherence. One way to do this is to use transitional words or phrases that help bring ideas together.
作业 1. Learn the words and expressions by heart and review the grammar.2. Prepare to learn more about transitions.
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学科 英语 年级 八年级下册
使用教材 牛津译林版 出版日期 2013
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I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. understand some new words and expressions and learn to use them;2. catch the key points from the listening materials;3. learn how to borrow books from the library.4.To learn how to use the transitions in writing.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: refuse, success, translate, sales, copy, Canadian, series, publishing house, publish, online, get the idea for, so far, a great success, translate into, at a time 2. New structures: Excuse me, I want some history books, but I don’t know where to find them. How many books can I borrow at a time How long can I keep the books You must return them on time.Could you tell me how to renew them We don’t have to come to desk every time. III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. To get specific information from listening materials. 2. To learn how to borrow books from the library.
一、单项选择 1 ---Did James invite you to his party ---Yes, he did. But I had to _________ it because it was hard for me to spare time for it.A. accept B. refuse C. return D. receive2. Don't try to do everything at once. Take it a bit _________ .A. at times B. at that time C. at all times D. at a time3--- Do you _________ like reading the books on cooking, Mrs White --- No, and my husband doesn't like it _________ .A. too; also B. also; either C. either; as well D. as well; either4. --- People like travelling very much.--- Yes, Sometimes we do need a journey to________________ from our busy life for a while.A. run away B get away C. take away D. break away 5. --- We must work as a team or we will fail a second time.--- Yes. Just as a saying goes, “________________.”A. Better late than never B. One is never too old to learnC. One finger can't lift a small stone D. He who laughs last laughs best6. My friend didn’t know_________________ the problem that she met at that time.A. who to talk to about B. who to talk about C. what to talk with about D. when to talk with 7 More than one thief ___________ the bus, we should be careful.A. have got off B. has got off C. has got on D. have got on8. Did you _________the watch he gave you ---No ,it’s too expensive.A. get B. receive C. accept D. have9. ----_________ can I _________ these books and magazines ----At most two weeks.A. How far, keep B. How long, borrow C. How soon, lend D. How long, keep10. When your father _____ at home, please ask him to help me___ the box on the fridge.A. arrives, get to B. reaches, reach C. gets, reach D. arrives, reach 二、动词填空 1.No one can tell me if she (accept) my offer tomorrow.2. You should follow the doctor's_______ (advise) and give up smoking.3 We have to_______ (put) on warm clothes in winter.4. The teacher told the students how_______ (do) the experiment.5. I guess finishing reading this new novel (take) me two days.6. There are no buses here, so we have (walk) home. 三、翻译句子 1. 一家纽约的小出版社没有拒绝出版她的新书。 _____________________in New York ______________________her new book.2 成龙在昨天的会议上建议我们参加慈善活动。 Jackie Chan_________________________ at the meeting yesterday.3. 他们正在讨论怎么避免被边缘化的问题。(how) They are discussing ________________________________ being left out. 4. 你是怎么设法到达哪儿的? How did you_____________________________________ 5. 读完这部小说,我不再像过去一样害羞了。 _________________, I am not as shy as ______________________________一、完型填空阅读短文,从每题所给的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。One day, a crow came and perched (栖息) on the branch of the lovely tree where Bluebird lived. Crow had been 1 on the branch for a while when Bluebird asked him to fly away.“This nice tree near the garden is my home.” Bluebird said.“Oh, no,” replied Crow. “I’d like to live in this tree. From here I can see when Mrs. Brown plants 2 seeds in the garden. Then I can fly 3 and eat them.”“Let’s ask if any of our friends have an opinion about who should live in this tree,” said Bluebird. “Then we will 4 whose home it will be.”First they saw Rabbit hop by.“Who should live in this tree ” Crow asked in a loud 5 .Rabbit said, “I like Bluebirds’ songs. I also like to eat the carrots from Mrs. Brown’s garden. Last year you ate all the seeds, so there were no carrots. I like you, Crow, 6 I think Bluebird should live in this tree.”Next Bee buzzed (发出嗡嗡声) by.“Who should live in this tree ” Crow asked.“I 7 to say it, Crow, but I think Bluebird should,” Bee replied. “Last year you ate all the flower seeds. I can’t make honey 8 flowers.”Crow thought for a moment. Then he said, “I understand, and this is 9 I will do. I will move to 10 tree down the lane (乡间小路). I will eat only seeds from the field. We will wait for Mrs. Brown’s garden to grow. Then we can all enjoy some carrots and honey together.”Everyone liked Crow’s idea, especially Bluebird.1.A.lying B.sitting C.running D.jogging2.A.her B.hers C.she D.him3.A.up B.into C.away D.down4.A.decide B.describe C.develop D.discover5.A.sound B.voice C.noise D.shout6.A.however B.so C.but D.and7.A.hate B.like C.have D.hope8.A.with B.around C.for D.without9.A.how B.when C.which D.what10.A.another B.other C.the other D.others二、阅读理解Then Alice heard some noise. She looked around and saw a mouse swimming nearby. “Excuse me, Mouse,” she said. “Do you know the way out of this pool ” The Mouse looked at her, but it didn’t say anything. “Maybe it doesn’t know English,” she thought. “I’ll try French.” Alice knew only the first lesson in her French textbook, so she said that. “Ou est mon chat ” she asked. The Mouse jumped out of the water in fear.“Oh,” Alice thought. “I asked the wrong thing. I asked it ‘Where is my cat ’, and mice are afraid of cats.”“I am sorry,” she said to the Mouse. “I forgot you don’t like cats.” “Would you like cats if you were a mouse ” the Mouse said angrily. “Perhaps not,” Alice answered. “But I’m sure you’d like my pet, Dinah. She’s beautiful and very clever at catching... Oops! Sorry. I nearly said the wrong thing. We won’t talk about Dinah any more. What about dogs ” But the Mouse began swimming away.“Come back, please,” Alice said. “I won’t talk about cats or dogs any more.” Slowly the Mouse swam back to her. “All right,” it said. “Come with me to the shore, and I’ll tell you why I don’t like cats or dogs.”Alice swam with the Mouse to the shore. She was pleased to be out of the pool, which was now full of all kinds of animals. Some of them were very strange.—Adapted from Alice in Wonderland11.Why didn’t the Mouse want to help Alice at first A.Because it didn’t understand French. B.Because Alice didn’t like mice.C.Because it was angry at what Alice said. D.Because it didn’t like to help others.12.What is the possible Chinese meaning of the underlined word in Paragraph 4 A.平原 B.岸边 C.山坡 D.田野13.What’s the main idea of the story A.Alice talked about her past with the Mouse.B.Alice got out of the pool with the help of the Mouse.C.Alice made friends with the Mouse.D.Alice swam in the pool with the Mouse.三、补全对话请通读下面对话,根据对话内容,从下面的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。A: Hello, Mike! 14 B: I’m reading a story named The Ugly Duckling. A: What’s the story about B: 15 She was very ugly when she was little. Other ducks always laughed at her. A: They shouldn’t do that! 16 B: The little duck went through a lot of difficulties, but she kept fighting. 17 A: That’s great! I’m happy for her. B: The story tells us that if we try our best for our dreams, we can make them come true some day. A: I can’t agree more. 18 B: Right.A.It’s about a little “duck”.B.Everyone should fight for their dreams.C.What are you reading D.What do you learn from the story E.What happened next F.At last, she became a beautiful swan (天鹅) !参考答案:一、单项选择BDBBC ACCDD二、动词填空1accepts 2 advice 3 put 4 to do 5 takes 6 to walk .三、翻译句子1A small publishing house didn`t refuse to publish 2advised us to take part in the charity 3 how to avoid 4 mange to get there 5 After reading the book I used to be完型填空1.B 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.D 10.A【导语】本文主要讲述了乌鸦想住在蓝鸟所在的树,但是蓝鸟叫他飞走。于是它们找朋友评评理,最后乌鸦搬走了。1.句意:乌鸦在树枝上坐了一会儿,蓝鸟叫他飞走。lying躺;sitting坐;running跑;jogging慢跑。根据“perched (栖息) on the branch of the lovely tree”可知,在树枝上坐了一会儿,故选B。2.句意:从这里我可以看到布朗太太在花园里播种。her她的;hers她的;she她;him他。此处是指布朗太太的种子,应用her修饰名词seeds。故选A。3.句意:然后我就可以飞下来吃掉它们了。up向上;into进入;away远离;down向下。种子在地上,所以乌鸦飞下去才可以吃到种子,应用down,故选D。4.句意:然后我们再决定是谁的家。decide决定;describe描述;develop发展;discover发现。根据“Let’s ask if any of our friends have an opinion about who should live in this tree,”可知,要问问朋友们,谁应该住在这棵树上,最后再决定是谁的家。故选A。5.句意:乌鸦大声问道。sound声音;voice嗓音;noise噪音;shout喊声。根据“Crow asked in a loud ”可知,这里是指乌鸦发出的声音,是嗓音,故选B。6.句意:我喜欢你,乌鸦,但我认为蓝鸟应该住在这棵树上。however然而;so所以;but但是;and并且。前后是转折关系,空后没有逗号,应用but。故选C。7.句意:我讨厌这么说,乌鸦,但我认为蓝鸟应该这么说。hate讨厌;like喜欢;have有;hope希望。根据“Crow, but I think Bluebird should”可知,蜜蜂不想这样说,但是还是认为蓝鸟是对的,所以应用hate符合语境,故选A。8.句意:没有花我酿不出蜜来。with和;around四周;for为了;without没有。根据“I can’t make honey...flower”可知,没有花,蜜蜂制造不出来蜂蜜,故选D。9.句意:我明白了,这就是我要做的。how如何;when什么时候;which哪一个;what什么。这里是表语从句,连接词作do的宾语,应用what。故选D。10.句意:我要搬到乡间小路另一棵树上。another泛指三者及以上的另一个;other其他的;the other两者中的一个;others其他人。根据“ tree down the lane (乡间小路)”可知,是指另一个树,表示泛指,故选A。11.C 12.B 13.B【导语】本文主要讲述了爱丽丝向老鼠求助并在老鼠的帮助下走出池塘的故事。11.细节理解题。根据“‘Would you like cats if you were a mouse ’ the Mouse said angrily.”可知,老鼠一开始不想帮助爱丽丝是因为它对爱丽丝说的话很生气。故选C。12.词句猜测题。根据“Slowly the Mouse swam back to her.”以及“Come with me to the shore,”可知,此处指“去岸边”。故选B。13.主旨大意题。通读全文内容可知,本文主要讲述了爱丽丝向老鼠求助并在老鼠的帮助下走出池塘的故事。故选B。14.C 15.A 16.E 17.F 18.B【导语】本文是A和B的对话,他们谈论的内容为《丑小鸭》这本书。14.根据下句“I’m reading a story”可知,我正在读一个故事,上句应该是询问他正在做的事情。选项C“你正在读什么?”符合情景。故选C。15.根据问句“What’s the story about ”可知,前句询问故事内容。选项A“它是关于一只小鸭子的”符合情景。故选A。16.根据下句“The little duck went through a lot of difficulties, but she kept fighting”可知,小鸭子经历了很多困难依然保持战斗的事情,这是在角色B介绍了这本书的开始情节后继续讲述的内容。选项E“接下来发生了什么”符合情景。故选E。17.根据“The little duck went through...fighting”和“That’s great! I’m happy for her”可知,设空处处于这两句之间,上句讲述了故事的情节发展,下句表示为小鸭子感到高兴,此处应该填写故事的结局。选项F“最终,她变成了美丽的天鹅”符合情景。故选F。18.根据“Right”可知,表示赞同,所以上句为阐述观点的内容。选项B“每个人都应该为自己的梦想而奋斗”符合情景。故选B。
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学科 英语 年级 八年级下册
课题 Unit 4 Integrated skills & Study skills
使用教材 牛津译林版 出版日期 2013
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1.能听懂本课时中关于介绍、推荐一本书及其作者的听力材料内容,并知道《哈利·波特》这部作品的情节的大致发展及其作者的主要履历。2.能从听力材料中获取有用信息,并完成信息的筛选、整合和判断,从而形成书面介绍。3.能模仿Speak up编写在图书馆借书的对话。 课时重点: 运用正确的听力技巧听懂A1和 A2部分的内容,并学会正确使用过渡语。
1.一个英国作家    2.在去伦敦的火车旅途中 3.拒绝做某事    4.到目前为止    5.巨大的成功    6.写我自己的故事    7.每次,依次    8.给我很大的信心 二、译一译1.第八部《哈利·波特》是系列中的最后一部。_____________________________________________________________________2.第一部《哈利·波特》在一开始就获得了巨大的成功。_____________________________________________________________________3.我一次可以借多少本书 _____________________________________________________________________4.你必须准时归还它们。_____________________________________________________________________【答案】一、1.a British writer 2.on a train trip to London 3.refuse to do sth.4.so far 5.a great success 6.write my own stories 7.at a time 8.give me a lot of confidence二、1.The eighth Harry Potter is the last one of the series.2.The first Harry Potter was a great success in the very beginning.3.How many books can I borrow at a time 4.You must return them on time.
听录音,完成练习1.阅读“阅读周”活动的背景,了解该活动情况:“The students in Sunshine Middle School are having a Reading Week. Many students have read different books recently. What type of book have they read What are the names of the books ”。2.播放听力录音,认真听并完成课本A1部分的听力练习。3.同桌两人一组,核对答案。·学习小助手·为了更好地理解A1部分的任务,可以头脑风暴想一些你所知道的书的名称和类别,以利于A1部分听力训练。听录音,朗读对话1.观看《哈利·波特》电影片断,激发学习兴趣。2.思考该文学作品的作者是谁,并简要介绍你对作者J.K.Rowling的了解。3.听录音,完成课本A2和A3部分的听力练习。任务完成后,和同桌两人一组谈一谈对作者的了解情况。4.听B部分的对话录音,两人一组朗诵对话。然后各小组派代表上台展示对话。阅读课文,学习衔接词的用法1.打开课本,读课本Study skills课时的内容介绍,了解到使用过渡语可以使文章的上下文意思之间转换更流畅、连贯。2.再次阅读Reading部分的课文,找出其中的连接词并说出它们的作用。3.两人一组,共同阅读课本中Sandy对自己喜爱阅读的描述,并找出其中的衔接词,分析其作用及含义,学会衔接词的使用。【知识超市】●...has been translated into about 96 languages... ……被翻译成大约96种语言……translate 意为“翻译”,既可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词。其名词为translation或translator。例如:This English poem is too hard to translate.这首英文诗非常难翻译。be translated into意为“被翻译成”。例如:The book was translated into Russian.这本书被翻译成俄文。●The first Harry Potter book was a great success in the very beginning. 在一开始,第一部《哈利·波特》就获得了巨大的成功。1.success作“成功的人或事”讲时为可数名词;作“成功”讲时为不可数名词。例如:He is a great success as a writer.作为作家来讲,他获得了巨大的成功。Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。2.succeed为不及物动词。succeed in doing sth.成功地做某事。例如:He succeeded in swimming across the river.他成功地游过了河。3.successful是形容词,意为“成功的”。例如:He is a successful writer.他是一名成功的作家。4.successfully是副词,意为“成功地”。例如:He passed the exam successfully.他成功地通过了考试。另外:at the beginning可加of,而in the beginning却常单独使用。例如:At the beginning of the meeting, they sang a song together. 在会议开始时,他们一起唱了一首歌。In the beginning, he wasn't a boss.开始他并不是老板。●How long can I keep the books 这些书我可以借多长时间 borrow意为“借进”,常和介词from搭配;lend意为“借出”,常和介词to搭配;keep意为“保留”,此处指“借”;borrow和lend为短暂性动词,keep为延续性动词,常和表示一段时间的状语连用。例如:Can you lend me your bike 你能把你的自行车借给我吗 Who did you borrow the book from 你从谁那借来的这本书 ●Maybe I can become a writer when I am older!也许我长大了能成为一名作家!1.maybe是副词,表示“大概 ,或许,可能”。例如:Maybe you'll have better luck next time.也许下次你的运气会好一点。2.may be中的may是情态动词,后面接动词原形。may“(表示可能性)可能,也许;(表示许可或请求许可)可以;(表示希望,祝愿等)祝,愿”。例如:He may be at home.他也许在家。May I have your name, please 请问你叫什么名字
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Unit 4 A good read
integrated skills & Study skills
Learning objectives
Learning objectives
After learning this lesson, you can:
1. get the key points by listening and use useful expressions
2. learn more about J.K.Rowling and the Harry Potter series
3. talk about how to borrow a book and the library rules
Lead in
What do you know about Harry Potter
What types of books do you like Why
Student Type Name
Kitty novel Three Men in a Boat 《三怪客泛舟记》
Millie history Notes from a Small Island《“小不列颠”札记》
Daniel science Moment in Peking《京华烟云》
Simon travel The Long March《长征》
Sandy A Brief History of Time《时间简史》
Match each student with the type and name of the book they have read.
Part A1
Harry Potter series (n. 一系列;系列节目)
J.K. Rowling and her books
J.K. Rowling
a British writer
She got the new idea when she met a little boy with a pair of glasses on the train.
She had to write the story in a café nearby called the elephant house because it was too cold at home.
At first, all the British publishing houses refused to publish it.
Later, only a small publishing house accepted it.
[ `p bl ]
[r 'fju z]
It has been translated into many languages.
[tr ns`le t]
So far, it has been a great success.
n.成功[s k`ses]
The book stores sell thousands of copies every year. The sales are very high, up to 450,000,000.
v. 卖
n. 销售量
31 July 1965
1. J. K. Rowling is a Canadian writer. _______
2. Rowling's birthday is on 30 July. _____
3. When she was a child, Rowling often
shared toys with her sister. ______
Millie made some notes of the Harry Potter series. However, she has made some mistakes. Listen to Suzy again. Help Millie underline the mistake in each sentence and write the correct words in the blanks.
4. The eighth Harry Potter book is the last
one of the series. _______
5. The first Harry Potter book was a great
success in the very beginning. ________
6. The Harry Potter series is popular only in
Britain. ________________________
was not
in over 200 countries and areas all over the world
Q1: Hi, I'd like to know more about the Harry Potter series. Who wrote the books
Q2: What did J. K. Rowling often do as a child
Q3: How did she get the idea for the amazing story
Q4: Was the first Harry Potter book a success at the beginning
Q5: Can you tell me what happened then
Q6: What do you think of J. K. Rowling/ the Harry Potter series
Do you often borrow books from our school library
If you want to borrow a book, what should you pay attention to
We must know how many books we can borrow at a time.
We must know how long we can keep the books.
We must return the books on time.
We must take good care of the books.
If we want to keep the books longer, we must renew them.
Something we should know before borrowing a book
1. How many books can Daniel borrow at a time
He can borrow one Chinese book and one English book.
2. How long can he keep the books
For two weeks.
3. How can he renew the books
He can renew them online.
Daniel is talking to Mrs Li, the school librarian.
Speak up
I don’t know where I can find them.
Could you tell me how I can renew them
don’t need to/ needn’t
My pleasure./ It’s my pleasure./ That’s all right./ Don’t mention it.
Pair work: I want some ...... books.
A student: Excuse me, I want ... Can you show me...
A librarian: Don’t worry. You can....
A student: Thanks. How many books...
A student: I see. How long....
A student: Could you tell me how to renew them
A student: Ok. Thanks for....
A librarian: .....
A librarian: ....
A librarian: For.... You must...
A librarian: You can....
borrow 3 books
at most at a time
keep the books
for 1 month
renew the books
Study skills
Transitions between ideas
When we write an article, we have different ways to connect the ideas in it. One way to do this is to use transitional words or phrases that help bring ideas together.
Language points
1. all the British publishing houses refused to publish it 所有英国的出版社拒绝出版它
refuse vt. & vi. 拒绝 refuse sb. 拒绝某人 refuse sth. 拒绝某物
refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事
我们叫他来, 可是他拒绝了。We asked him to come, but he ________________.
她拒绝了他们的邀请。She ____________ their _______________.
他拒绝改变主意。He ____________ ____________ ___________ his mind.
翻译:My legs refused to carry me further. __________________________________________________
* publish vt. 出版 publish a book 出版一本书 be published 被出版 come out vi. 出版
他的书上个月出版了。His book _____________ _______________ last month.
= His book ____________ ___________ last month.
* publishing house 出版社 A _____________ house is a company which ____________ books
publisher n. 出版者;出版社(既可指人,也可指公司)
A _______________ is a person or a company that _____________ books, newspapers, or magazines.
refused invitation
refused to change
was published
came out
publishing publishes
publisher publishes
3. has been translated into about 70 languages 已经被翻译成了约70种语言
translate sth. into … 把…翻译成… be translated into … 被翻译成…
这首英文诗很难翻译。This English poem is too hard _____________ _____________.
你能把这个句子译成法语吗? Can you ____________ the sentence _______ _____________
The novel _________ _____________ _________ Chinese, English, French, German and so on.
has been translated into … 是 “be translated into…”这一被动语态短语的现在完成时形式。
I ____________ ______________ the text ____________ Chinese.
= The text ___________ __________ _______________ _____________ Chinese by me.
to translate
translate into French
was translated into
have translated into
has been translated into
The first Harry Potter book wasn’t a success in the beginning.
* success un. 成功 cn. 成功的人(或事) 反义词:failure
失败是成功之母。_________________ is the mother of ______________.
作为作家来讲,他获得了巨大的成功。He is _____ _________ ____________ as a writer.
会议开得很成功。The meeting is ____________ ________________.
Failure success
a great success
a success
succeed vi. 成功 succeed in doing sth. 成功地做某事
他成功地游过了河。He ____________ ________ ______________ ___________ the river.
succeeded in swimming across
successful adj. 成功的 successfully adv. 成功地
他是一个成功的作家。He is a _________________ ________________.
He passed the exam ___________________.
= He _____________ ________________ _______________ the exam.
successful writer
succeeded in passing
Xu Yuanchong is a famous ____________. He is famous for ___________
ancient poems. In 1939, he _____________his first work, Lin Huiyin’s
poem Do not throw away into English. (translate).
2. In 1994, British ________________ company Penguim _______________
Xu Yuanchong’s 300 China’s immortal poems.《中国不朽诗300首》
3. The first Harry Potter book turned out to be a big _________(success) as
soon as it was on the market. Although J. K. Rowling was ________(refuse)
12 times, she __________ (success) finally. Now her works have been
made into films _______________(success). The films are so _____________
(success) that they are popular among children.
J.K. Rowling ___________ a number of letters from universities so far. However, she has just ___________ the invitation from Havard and made a speech there. (receive/accept)
Complete the sentences
has received
J. K. Rowling
got the idea for the first book on a ______ trip to London
What did she do during these years
Why has she got a big success
Never give up.
Success Through Failure
1. Learn the words and expressions by heart and review the grammar.
2. Prepare to learn more about transitions.


