
  1. 二一教育资源



周一上午,以“强国有我”为主题的升旗仪式在我校举行,旨在振奋学生精神,鼓励学生努力学习。 We’ll Make China Strong
学校英语戏剧俱乐部正在为根据马克·吐温的著名短篇小说改编的戏剧《百万英镑的钞票》挑选男女演员。 Mark Twain,The Million Pound Bank Note
为庆祝中国成立70周年,我校将举办一场以追求中国梦70年为主题的关于中国成就的摄影展。Chinese Dream Pursuing
如果一切顺利,我将在寒假期间前往印度尼西亚的一个岛屿,与来自世界各地的志同道合的志愿者一起保护濒危的海龟,教育人们保护宝贵的海洋生态系统的重要性。 Indonesia
东湖绿道是最美丽的绿道,有着令人惊叹的风景,已成为一个热门的旅游景点。the East Lake Greenway
The national flag-raising ceremony with the theme of“We’ll Make China Strong" took place in our school on Monday morning, aimed to lift students’ spirits as well as encourage them to study hard.
To stress the importance of labor, our school organized a fruit-picking activity on a farm located at the foot of a mountain.
School English Drama Club is selecting actors and actresses for the drama The Million Pound Bank Note, based on the famous short story by Mark Twain.
To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of PRC, an photography exhibition on China’s achievements, themed Chinese Dream Pursuing over the last 70 Years, will be held in our school.
If everything goes well, I will be traveling to an island in Indonesia during the winter vacation, working with like-minded volunteers from over the world to protect endangered sea turtles and educate people on the importance of conserving the valuable marine ecosystem.
As required, each competitor must complete their speech within the given time: 3 minutes.
We chatted happily with each other over dinner, sharing our harvest of the year.
we went to the yard to appreciate the full moon, while enjoying mooncakes and grapes.
Regarded as the most beautiful greenway with its breath-taking scenery, the East Lake Greenway has become a hot tourist attraction.
Riding bikes along the way, taking photos and having an outdoor picnic are what is on our schedule.
With the college entrance examination approaching, I can't help considering my future college life, which must be quite different from that in high school.
Enormous excitement overwhelmed me when my latest invention the intelligent chair took the crown in our city’s Teenager Invention Competition held last Wednesday and I can’t wait to share with you such good news.
Looking back on the three-month preparation for this competition, I must extend my sincere gratitude for your assistance throughout my invention process.
China has a great many traditional virtues passed on from generation to generation.
Harboring a grateful heart, we can create a more harmonious society.
With a heart filled with gratitude
Thinking tea culture is of great charm and huge value, I’m filled with pride to spread our own culture to people all over the world.
The art of paper-cutting, originating in China, has a long history and is one of the most important types of Chinese folk art.
Having a good knowledge of Chinese idioms contributes to a better understanding of both spoken and written Chinese.
Born in a poor family, he received little education in his childhood.
Devoted to community activities, we are highly thought of by the people around.


