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Bring a new story home with you today
Intra-Operative Monitoring: A Comprehensive Approach
Donald Farrell M.D.
Paperback $92.99 | E-book $3.99
This book introduces the basics of evoked potentials(诱发电位)and their use as a diagnostic tool and as an intra-operative tool to reduce injury during surgery on the central and secondary nervous systems.
Retribution: A Jack Sanders Novelette
Philip Barnard
Hardback $24.99 | Paperback $15.99 | E-book $3.99
Horrified by what he finds, clinical psychologist Dr. Jack involves himself in a dangerous journey in an attempt to apologize for his family’s murderous behavior.
Energy Made Easy: Helping Citizens Become Energy-Literate
Ronald Stein / Todd Royal
Hardback $29.99 | Paperback $19.99 | E-book $3.99
From renewable intermittent(间歇性的)electricity to global warming and electrical nets, Energy Made Easy brings easy-to-read, layman’s explanations to complex issues helping citizens become energy-literate.
Nature Is My Teacher: Baby Steps to Follow Mother Nature
Prabhash Karan
Hardback $26.99 | Paperback $18.99 | E-book $3.99
Mother has been and will always remain the same with love, devotion, and dedication; and giving nature the features of a mother-life-giving and fostering-is simply personification as a caring mother. When Mother Nature teaches, we learn. Nature Is My Teacher reveals the deep emotional connection between human evolution and civilization.
1. What do Retribution and Energy Made Easy have in common
A. They have the same topic. B. They have the same author.
C. They introduce the similar experiences. D. They have the same price of the e-book.
2. Which book explains the inner passionate association of human progress
A. Intra-Operative Monitoring. B. Retribution.
C. Energy Made Easy. D. Nature Is My Teacher.
3. In which section of a magazine does the passage probably appear
A. Economy. B. Advertisement. C. Fashion. D. Entertainment.
【答案】1. D 2. D 3. B
细节理解题。根据Retribution: A Jack Sanders Novelette中价格信息“E-book $3.99(电子书 3.99美元)”及Energy Made Easy: Helping Citizens Become Energy-Literate中价格信息“E-book $3.99(电子书 3.99美元)”可知,这两本书的电子书版本价格相同。故选D。
细节理解题。根据Nature Is My Teacher: Baby Steps to Follow Mother Nature中关键句“Nature Is My Teacher reveals the deep emotional connection between human evolution and civilization.(《自然是我的老师》揭示了人类进化与文明之间深刻的情感联系)”可知,Nature Is My Teacher这本书解释了人类进步的内在激情联系。故选D。
推理判断题。根据文章标题“Bring a new story home with you today(今天带一个新故事回家)”及下文介绍的四本书的内容,购买价格和地址可知,本文是一份卖书广告,应该来自杂志的广告部分。故选B。
The Luling Mountains in Jinzhou, Liaoning Province, used to be a deserted area without even a single tree. Now, it is a leafy paradise for birds, and tourists are flooding in. The huge transformation has occurred thanks to the consistent efforts of Tian Wangui, 67, and his wife Lu Min, 63, over nearly half a century.
In 1982, the couple contracted(承包)the land-use rights of the two mountains near their home. They intended to plant fruit trees in the mountains to make a living. Back then, the mountains were deserted with no trees at all. To help the seedlings(树苗)they planted survive in the barren(贫瘠的)land, the couple had to carry water to the mountains on their backs. They also bought whatever seeds were available from a nearby forest farm and spread them every spring, hoping to afforest the mountains. With such an extensive planting method, however, they initially failed to see many seeds take root in the barren soil. But the couple didn’t give up.
The couple’s perseverance finally paid off. They discovered that some tree species were tough enough to survive, including pine and mulberry. Now, more than 50,000 trees of over 20 species cover the land they contracted, following their consistent efforts to sow tree seeds year after year.
As the mountains became lush(郁郁葱葱), Tian and Lu were charged with a new task-patrolling(巡逻)their nearly 67 hectares of forest every day to prevent fires. The patrol even didn’t stop on the eve of last year’s Chinese Lunar New Year. Instead of watching the CCTV Spring Festival Gala on Jan. 21st like most Chinese, the couple went to patrol the mountains with the families of their son and daughter. “Many people set off fireworks to mark the arrival of the new year, so the holiday is a time when we have to stay cautious against fire threats,” Tian said.
The couple has no plans to quit their work, and they hope their children will follow in their footsteps. “We cherish the mountains and trees as we cherish our own children,” Lu said. “Even as we grow old, they will continue to patrol the woods and watch over the birds.”
4. What does the second paragraph mainly talk about
A. The mountains. B. The forest farm.
C. The poor couple. D. The tough condition.
5. What can we learn from Paragraph 3
A. More than 20 species were sowed every year.
B. Pine and mulberry cannot survive on the land.
C. Their continuous efforts eventually worked.
D. They bought 50,000 trees according to the contract.
6. Which of the following can best describe the couple
A. Honest and hardworking. B. Curious and brave.
C. Determined and persevering. D. Friendly and intelligent.
7. Why do the couple decide to continue their work
A. They regard the mountains as their children.
B. They want their children to succeed their career.
C. They can earn much money from the mountains.
D. They have a life-long contract with the government.
【答案】4. D 5. C 6. C 7. A
主旨大意题。根据第二段“Back then, the mountains were deserted with no trees at all. To help the seedlings(树苗)they planted survive in the barren(贫瘠的)land, the couple had to carry water to the mountains on their backs.( 当时,山上荒芜一片,连一棵树都没有。为了让种植的树苗在贫瘠的土地上存活下来,这对夫妇不得不背着水爬到山上。)”以及“With such an extensive planting method, however, they initially failed to see many seeds take root in the barren soil(然而,采用这种广泛种植的方法,他们最初并没能看到许多种子在贫瘠的土壤中生根发芽。)”可知,第二段主要讲的是艰苦的环境,故选D项。
细节理解题。根据第三段“The couple’s perseverance finally paid off. They discovered that some tree species were tough enough to survive, including pine and mulberry. Now, more than 50,000 trees of over 20 species cover the land they contracted, following their consistent efforts to sow tree seeds year after year.( 这对夫妇的坚持终于有了回报。他们发现一些树种足够顽强,能够存活下来,包括松树和桑树。如今,经过他们年复一年地播种,他们承包的土地上已经覆盖着20多种、超过5万棵树。)”可知,这对夫妇的持续努力有了回报,故选C项。
推理判断题。根据第二段“With such an extensive planting method, however, they initially failed to see many seeds take root in the barren soil. But the couple didn’t give up.( 然而,采用这种广泛种植的方法,他们最初并没能看到许多种子在贫瘠的土壤中生根发芽。但是这对夫妇并没有放弃。)”以及倒数第二段“The patrol even didn’t stop on the eve of last year’s Chinese Lunar New Year. Instead of watching the CCTV Spring Festival Gala on Jan. 21st like most Chinese, the couple went to patrol the mountains with the families of their son and daughter. (去年春节前夕,巡逻队甚至没有停止巡逻。1月21日,与大多数中国人一样,这对夫妇原本应该收看央视春晚,但他们却和儿子、女儿的家庭一起上山巡逻。)”可推理出,这对夫妇是坚定不移、持之以恒的,故选C项。
细节理解题。根据最后一段“The couple has no plans to quit their work, and they hope their children will follow in their footsteps. “We cherish the mountains and trees as we cherish our own children,” Lu said. “Even as we grow old, they will continue to patrol the woods and watch over the birds.”(这对夫妇并没有打算停止工作,他们希望自己的孩子能够追随他们的脚步。“我们像珍惜自己的孩子一样珍惜大山和树木,”陆说。“即使我们老了,他们也会继续巡逻山林,守护鸟儿。”)”可知,这对夫妻决定继续他们的工作是因为他们把大山看成是他们的孩子,故选A项。
Step aside, blue collar. And white collar, pink collar and green collar. There’s a new collar in town. “New collar” jobs are those that require advanced skills but not necessarily advanced degrees, especially in emerging high-tech fields like artificial intelligence, cybersecurity (网络安全), electric vehicles and robotics.
There are real fears that workers will lose jobs to technology, especially artificial intelligence, in the coming years. But “new collar” optimists think in a more positive way: There are also real opportunities ahead for skilled workers who know how to handle machines.
“Somebody has to program, monitor and maintain those robots,” said Sarah Boisvert, the founder of the New-Collar Network.
Even if millions of high-tech jobs are created in the coming years, the impact on workers who lose jobs may be significant. For many Americans without four-year college degrees, according to census (人口普查) data, the new job market will require training.
Ginni Rometty, a former chief executive of IBM, is believed to have created a “new collar” in 2016. At the time, she said, IBM was having trouble filling cybersecurity jobs, partly because outdated criteria required that candidates have college degrees.
“Due to our high qualifications in these online jobs, we overlooked a large number of qualified and available candidates,” she wrote in an email. “Unless millions of people are trained in the skills employers need now,” she added, “they risk being unemployed even as millions of good-paying jobs go unfilled.”
Christopher M. Cox, a researcher who has written about the new-collar economy, said, “The alternative model of four-year universities is really great.” However, he added that “new collar” may also be a clever term that relieves the anxiety of workers by defining the constantly changing labor market and technology companies as more ideal rather than “terminators (终结者).”
8. What does “new collar” mean
A. People engaged in cybersecurity.
B. People working at electric vehicles.
C. People closely connected with artificial intelligence.
D. People with advanced skills regardless of degrees.
9. What made IBM’s cybersecurity jobs unfilled
A. Much stress. B. Low salaries.
C. High qualifications. D. Few candidates.
10. What is the benefit of the “new collar” economy to the society
A. It gives more opportunities to the workers.
B. It helps artificial intelligence develop better.
C. It rebuilds the confidence of the white collar.
D. It changes the system of technology companies.
11. What is the purpose of the text
A. To explain the anxiety of workers. B. To state the electric vehicle industry.
C. To emphasise the college education. D. To introduce the new-collar phenomenon.
【答案】8. D 9. C 10. A 11. D
细节理解题。根据第一段第三句““New collar” jobs are those that require advanced skills but not necessarily advanced degrees, especially in emerging high-tech fields like artificial intelligence, cybersecurity (网络安全), electric vehicles and robotics.(“新领”工作是指那些需要高级技能但不一定需要高学历的工作,尤其是在人工智能、网络安全、电动汽车和机器人等新兴高科技领域。)”可知,“新领”指的是那些需要高级技能但不一定需要高学历的工作。故选D。
细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句“At the time, she said, IBM was having trouble filling cybersecurity jobs, partly because outdated criteria required that candidates have college degrees.(她说,当时IBM很难找到合适的网络安全职位,部分原因是过时的招聘标准要求应聘者必须拥有大学学位。)”可知,高资质要求使得IBM的网络安全职位空缺。故选C。
细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句“However, he added that “new collar” may also be a clever term that relieves the anxiety of workers by defining the constantly changing labor market and technology companies as more ideal rather than “terminators (终结者).”(然而,他补充说,“新领”也可能是一个聪明的术语,它将不断变化的劳动力市场和科技公司定义为更理想的,而不是“终结者”,从而缓解劳动者的焦虑。)”可知,“新领”经济对社会的好处是它给了劳动者更多的机会。故选A。
推理判断题。根据第一段“Step aside, blue collar. And white collar, pink collar and green collar. There’s a new collar in town. “New collar” jobs are those that require advanced skills but not necessarily advanced degrees, especially in emerging high-tech fields like artificial intelligence, cybersecurity (网络安全), electric vehicles and robotics.(让开,蓝领。还有白领,粉领和绿领。镇上来了个新头目。“新领”工作是指那些需要高级技能但不一定需要高学历的工作,尤其是在人工智能、网络安全、电动汽车和机器人等新兴高科技领域。)”以及全文内容可知,写作该篇文章的目的是为了介绍“新领”经济现象。故选D。
Bees are more than just honey-makers, They are essential pollinators (传粉者) that help maintain the balance of our ecosystems and the diversity of our crops. Bees are among the most diverse and plentiful insects on Earth, with over 20,000 species worldwide. They belong to the order Hymenoptera (膜翅目昆虫), which also includes wasps, ants, and sawflies.
Bees have evolved to feed on nectar (花蜜) and pollen from flowers, and in doing so, they transfer pollen from one flower to another, enabling fertilization (受精) and reproduction. This process, called pollination, is essential for the survival of many plants, especially those that produce fruits, nuts, seeds, and vegetables that we eat.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), bees and other pollinators affect 35% of global agricultural land, supporting the production of 87% of the leading food crops worldwide.
Pollination also enhances the quality and quantity of the crops, as well as their resistance to pests and diseases. Without bees and other pollinators, our food supply and our biodiversity would be at risk.
Unfortunately, bees are facing many threats, such as habitat loss, pesticide use, climate change, diseases, and invasive species. The FAO estimates that 16.5% of vertebrate (脊椎动物) pollinators and 40% of invertebrate pollinators, such as bees, are facing extinction. This could have serious consequences for our food security, our livelihoods, and our environment.
Therefore, it is important to protect the bees and their habitats, and to raise awareness about their role and value.
One way to appreciate and support the bees is to learn how to identify them and observe their behavior. You might be surprised by the diversity and beauty of the bees that visit your backyard, garden, or balcony.
12. Why are pollinators important
A They help the bees fertilize. B. They keep the crops diverse.
C. They support the bees to make honey. D. They protect insects such as wasps.
13. What is the second paragraph mainly about
A. How pollination works. B. How the flowers attract bees.
C. How the bees reproduce. D. How the plants produce fruits.
14. What does the underlined word “This” in Paragraph 5 probably refer to
A. Climate change. B. Pesticide use.
C. Pollinators’ survival crisis. D. Bees’ habitat loss.
15. Which would be the best title for the text
A. A duty: Protect Bees’ Habitat B. A Means: Observe Bees’ Behaviour
C. Bees: Maintainers of the Ecosystem D. Bees: Consumers at the Top of the Food Chain
【答案】12. B 13. A 14. C 15. C
细节理解题。根据第一段的“Bees are more than just honey-makers, they are essential pollinators (传粉者) that help maintain the balance of our ecosystems and the diversity of our crops. (蜜蜂不仅仅是蜂蜜的制造者,它们还是重要的传粉昆虫,有助于维持我们生态系统的平衡和作物的多样性)”可知,传粉昆虫很重要是因为它们在维持生态系统平衡和农作物多样性方面至关重要。故选B。
主旨大意题。根据第二段“Bees have evolved to feed on nectar (花蜜) and pollen from flowers, and in doing so, they transfer pollen from one flower to another, enabling fertilization (受精) and reproduction. This process, called pollination, is essential for the survival of many plants, especially those that produce fruits, nuts, seeds, and vegetables that we eat.(蜜蜂已经进化为以花朵的花蜜和花粉为食,在这样做的过程中,它们将花粉从一朵花转移到另一朵花,从而实现受精和繁殖。这个过程被称为授粉,对许多植物的生存至关重要,尤其是那些生产我们所吃的水果、坚果、种子和蔬菜的植物)”可知,第二段主要介绍了蜜蜂通过取食花蜜和花粉进行传粉,从而帮助植物受精和繁殖的过程,即“传粉是如何运作的”。故选A。
词句猜测题。根据第五段的“The FAO estimates that 16.5% of vertebrate (脊椎动物) pollinators and 40% of invertebrate pollinators, such as bees, are facing extinction.(粮农组织估计,16.5%的脊椎动物传粉昆虫和40%的无脊椎动物传粉昆虫,如蜜蜂,正面临灭绝)”可知,蜜蜂和其他传粉者面临灭绝的危机,“这种危机”可能导致严重的后果,因此,“This”指代的是“传粉者生存危机”。故选C。
主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其根据第一段“Bees are more than just honey-makers, They are essential pollinators (传粉者 ) that help maintain the balance of our ecosystems and the diversity of our crops. Bees are among the most diverse and plentiful insects on Earth, with over 20,000 species worldwide. (蜜蜂不仅仅是蜂蜜的制造者,它们还是重要的传粉昆虫,有助于维持我们生态系统的平衡和作物的多样性。蜜蜂是地球上种类最多、数量最多的昆虫之一,全球有20000多种)”以及倒数第二段“Therefore, it is important to protect the bees and their habitats, and to raise awareness about their role and value.(因此,保护蜜蜂及其栖息地,提高人们对其作用和价值的认识是很重要的)”可知,文章主要围绕蜜蜂作为生态系统维护者的核心角色展开,论述了其传粉功能对农业生产、生物多样性和环境稳定性的重大意义,同时指出蜜蜂面临的生存挑战及其保护的紧迫性。所以“蜜蜂:生态系统维护者”适合作本文的标题。故选C。
Behind the sweaty hands, racing minds, and a general sense of misfortune, anxiety carries a lesser-known power. It can push us toward what matters to us. ____16____.
Connect. We are social creatures. Connection is one of the strongest coping mechanisms(机制)we have. You don’t have to talk to someone about what is bothering you to benefit from this. ____17____.
____18____. In my own life, and those of others I know who have experienced anxiety either for a temporary situation or a long-term one, it is common, upon emerging from an anxiety, to feel an increased level of empathy(共情)for other people who are suffering in the world. This is beautiful. We can take that empathy and change it into kindness.
Acts of Kindness. A research study found that participants who participated in acts of kindness reported a greater decrease in anxiety when compared to controls. ____19____. A smile, encouraging words, or baking cupcakes for your housemates are all simple acts of kindness.
Take in the Beautiful Things. Mindfulness of the present moment allows us to surf through the anxieties we experience. ____20____. On the other hand, when we try to shut out anxiety, we also run the risk of shutting out the pleasant things.
A. Let us experience compassion
B. Let your anxiety fuel compassion
C. This has to be something extreme
D. It also opens us to the beauty around us
E. This doesn’t have to be anything extreme
F. What follows are things to do with anxiety
G. Just being in the presence of others sharing life is enough
【答案】16. F 17. G 18. B 19. E 20. D
根据上文“Behind the sweaty hands, racing minds, and a general sense of misfortune, anxiety carries a lesser-known power. It can push us toward what matters to us.(在汗流浃背的双手、飞快的头脑和一种普遍的不幸感背后,焦虑有着一种鲜为人知的力量。它能把我们推向对我们重要的事情)”可知,本段提到焦虑的力量,给人带来的好处,该空应该是引领下文,下文介绍了应对焦虑的方法。由此可知,F. What follows are things to do with anxiety(以下是应对焦虑可以做的事情)符合语境。故选F项。
根据上文“Connection is one of the strongest coping mechanisms(机制)we have. You don’t have to talk to someone about what is bothering you to benefit from this.(联系是我们最强大的应对机制之一。你不需要和别人谈论困扰你的事情来从中受益)”可知,焦虑时去找朋友或家人,有时都不需要把烦恼说给他们听就可以收益。由此可知,G. Just being in the presence of others sharing life is enough(只要和别人在一起分享生活就足够了)符合语境。故选G项。
该小题为段首句,有可能是个祈使句。根据下文“In my own life, and those of others I know who have experienced anxiety either for a temporary situation or a long-term one, it is common, upon emerging from an anxiety, to feel an increased level of empathy(共情)for other people who are suffering in the world. This is beautiful. We can take that empathy and change it into kindness.(在我自己的生活中,以及我认识的那些经历过暂时或长期焦虑的人,在摆脱焦虑后,对世界上正在遭受痛苦的其他人的同情程度增加是很常见的。这太美了。我们可以将这种同理心转化为善意)”可知,本段落说,经历过焦虑的人会对别的焦虑的人产生共情。由此可知,B. Let your anxiety fuel compassion(让你的焦虑激发同情心)和下文内容呼应一致。故选B项。
根据上文“A research study found that participants who participated in acts of kindness reported a greater decrease in anxiety when compared to controls.(一项研究发现,与控制相比,参与善良行为的参与者的焦虑程度更低)及下文“A smile, encouraging words, or baking cupcakes for your housemates are all simple acts of kindness. (一个微笑,鼓励的话语,或者为你的室友烤蛋糕都是简单的善举)”可知,本段建议产生焦虑时可以去做善意的事情,并且生活中简单的小小的善举就可以温暖别人,降低自己的焦虑,不必做极其大的事情。由此可知,E. This doesn’t have to be anything extreme(这并不需要太极端)符合语境。故选E项。
根据上文“Take in the Beautiful Things. Mindfulness of the present moment allows us to surf through the anxieties we experience.(欣赏美丽的事物。对当下时刻的专注使我们能够挺过我们所经历的焦虑)”可知,作者建议焦虑时可以去关注生活中的美好事物。由此可知,D. It also opens us to the beauty around us. (它也让我们看到了周围的美)符合语境。故选D项。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
In a busy city, there lived an old bookseller named Mr. Finch. His tiny shop, hidden amid towering skyscrapers, was a ____21____ destination for book lovers. Mr. Finch was known for his warm smile and the ____22____ he could tell from his cherished books.
One summer afternoon, a young girl named Lily ____23____ his shop. She had a worn notebook in hand, filled with ____24____ and ideas. With ____25____ in her eyes, she asked, “Can you help me write a story ”
Mr. Finch nodded and ____26____ her to sit. They began with a blank page, and as they ____27____, the world around them faded away. They ____28____ a tale of an enchanted (被施魔法的) forest, where trees whispered secrets and animals sang lullabies. Hours turned into minutes, and before Lily ____29____ it, the story had come to life. She thanked Mr. Finch, _____30_____ to return.
Years passed, and one day, Lily; now a _____31_____ author, returned to Mr. Finch’s _____32_____. She handed him her latest book, dedicated to the old bookseller who had _____33_____ her passion for storytelling. Mr. Finch’s eyes welled with tears as he read the dedication. He realized that in helping Lily find her voice, he had also _____34_____ his own purpose. From that day forward, he wrote stories that filled his little shop with magic.
And so, in a hidden comer of the city, among the towering buildings, Mr. Finch and Lily _____35_____ that the power of a story could change lives, inspire dreams, and make even the smallest of places feel extraordinary.
A. challenging B. desired C. secret D. strange
A. lies B. truths C. stories D. differences
A. entered B. started C. closed D. rented
A. options B. dreams C. complaints D. facts
A. pride B. curiosity C. envy D. astonishment
A. invited B. forced C. allowed D. persuaded
A. relieved B. reported C. wrote D. read
A. shared B. explained C. added D. created
A. made B. suggested C. knew D. believed
A. promising B. attempting C. choosing D. agreeing
A. thoughtful B. peaceful C. successful D. respectful
A. house B. office C. room D. shop
A. noticed B. accepted C. descried D. lighted
A. kept B. found C. finished D. changed
A. proved B. decided C. imagined D. hoped
【答案】21. B 22. C 23. A 24. B 25. B 26. A 27. C 28. D 29. C 30. A 31. C 32. D 33. D 34. B 35. A
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他的小书店隐藏在高耸的摩天大楼中,是图书爱好者的理想去处。A. challenging有挑战性的;B. desired渴望的,向往的;C. secret秘密的;D. strange奇怪的。根据下文“Mr. Finch was known for his warm smile and the ____2____ he could tell from his cherished books.”可知,芬奇先生的书店是图书爱好者的向往的地方。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:芬奇先生以他温暖的微笑和他所珍爱的书中的故事而闻名。A. lies谎言;B. truths真相;C. stories故事;D. differences不同。根据下文““Can you help me write a story ””女孩想要芬奇先生帮助她写故事可知,芬奇先生因为知道很多故事而闻名。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个夏天的下午,一个名叫莉莉的年轻女孩走进了他的商店。A. entered进入;B. started开始;C. closed关闭;D. rented租。根据下文“Mr. Finch nodded and ____6____ her to sit.”可知,女孩莉莉进入书店。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她手里拿着一个破旧的笔记本,上面写满了梦想和想法。A. options选择;B. dreams梦想;C. complaints抱怨;D. facts事实。根据“She had a worn notebook in hand, filled with ____4____ and ideas.”可知,空处与ideas并列,表示梦想。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她好奇地问:“你能帮我写个故事吗 ”A. pride骄傲;B. curiosity好奇心;C. envy嫉妒;D. astonishment震惊。根据上文“Mr. Finch was known for his warm smile and the ____2____ he could tell from his cherished books.”可知,芬奇先生擅长讲故事,所以,女孩很好奇芬奇先生的故事。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:芬奇先生点了点头,请她坐下。A. invited邀请;B. forced强迫;C. allowed允许;D. persuaded说服。根据“Mr. Finch nodded and ____6____ her to sit.”可知,此处为芬奇先生邀请女孩坐下。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们从一张白纸开始,随着他们写字,他们周围的世界渐渐消失了。A. relieved缓解;B. reported报道;C. wrote写;D. read读。根据上文“Can you help me write a story ”可知,此处他们开始写故事。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们创造了一个魔法森林的故事,在那里树木低语着秘密,动物唱着摇篮曲。A. shared分享;B. explained解释;C. added添加;D. created创造。根据“a tale of an enchanted (被施魔法的) forest, where trees whispered secrets and animals sang lullabies.”可知,他们创造了一个故事,此处为描述故事的场景。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析句意:几个小时变成了几分钟,莉莉还没反应过来,故事就栩栩如生了。A. made制作;B. suggested建议;C. knew知道;D. believed相信。根据“Hours turned into minutes”可知,这里表示他们非常投入地创作,故事写好了,而莉莉还没有察觉知道。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她谢过芬奇先生,答应再来。A. promising承诺;B. attempting尝试;C. choosing选择;D. agreeing同意。根据下文“returned to Mr. Finch’s ____12____.”可知,女孩承诺芬奇先生还会回来的。故选A项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:多年过去了,有一天,莉莉;现在已经是一个成功的作家了,他回到芬奇先生的店里。A. thoughtful体贴的;B. peaceful和平的;C. successful成功的;D. respectful尊敬他人的。根据下文“She handed him her latest book”可知,莉莉现在是一个成功的作家。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:多年过去了,有一天,莉莉;现在已经是一个成功的作家了,他回到芬奇先生的店里。A. house房子;B. office办公室;C. room房间;D. shop商店。根据第一段“In a busy city, there lived an old bookseller named Mr. Finch. His tiny shop, hidden amid towering skyscrapers”可知,莉莉回到了芬奇先生的书店。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她把自己的新书递给他,献给那位点燃了她对讲故事热情的老书商。A. noticed注意到;B. accepted接受;C. described描述;D. lighted点燃。根据上文芬奇先生和莉莉一起写故事给她灵感的事情可知,此处表示芬奇先生点燃了莉莉对于讲故事的热情。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他意识到,在帮助莉莉找到自己的想法的同时,他也找到了自己的目标。A. kept保持;B. found找到;C. finished完成;D. changed改变。根据下文“From that day forward, he wrote stories that filled his little shop with magic.”可知,通过之前一起写故事的经历,芬奇先生也找到了自己的目标。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:因此,在城市的一个隐蔽角落,在高耸的建筑中,芬奇先生和莉莉证明了故事的力量可以改变生活,激发梦想,甚至让最小的地方也变得非凡。A. proved证明;B. decided决定;C. imagined想象;D. hoped希望。根据“that the power of a story could change lives, inspire dreams, and make even the smallest of places feel extraordinary.”及上文一起写故事的经历及后来莉莉的成功可知,他们的经历证明了故事的力量。故选A项。
Yellowstone is beautiful. No description I could give would do it in a right way. It is ____36____(fascinate) and full of natural wonders. Yellowstone is ____37____ land rich in dates and memories. The park, 96% of ____38____ is in Wyoming, 3% in Montana and 1% in Idaho, is celebrating a major milestone this year.
On this 150th anniversary, the National Park Service and Yellowstone fans looked at the past, present and future with events ____39____ (plan) well into the year. Yellowstone National Park serves as a time capsule, a sort of ‘land that time forgot’ in terms of wildlife. It is one of the few ____40____ (place) where you can get a sense of a past when wildlife ____41____ (control) our world. The significance of the park has changed over time, but in recent history it has shown us the critical role of wild places in contemporary life. The park has been leading ____42____ (global) in establishing the range of approaches to ____43____ (care) for wild animal. It is also a place for us to find ____44____ (we) collective and individual centre. The importance of Yellowstone to wildlife conservation ____45____ preserving our wild heritage cannot be overstated.
【答案】36. fascinating
37. a 38. which
39. planned
40. places 41. controled##controlled
42. globally
43. caring 44. our
45. and
考查形容词。句意:它是迷人的,充满了自然奇观。根据“and full of natural wonders”可知,此处是指它是迷人的,所以应用形容词fascinating表示“迷人的”作表语。故填fascinating。
考查可数名词的单复数。句意:这是少数几个你能感受到野生动物控制我们世界的过去的地方之一。place意为“地方”,为可数名词,在one of后应用复数形式。故填places。
考查一般过去时。句意:这是少数几个你能感受到野生动物控制我们世界的过去的地方之一。根据a past可知,此处应用一般过去时。动词control意为“控制”。故填controlled/controled。
考查连词。句意:黄石公园对野生动物保护和保护我们的野生遗产的重要性怎么强调都不为过。“wildlife conservation”和“preserving our wild heritage”构成并列关系,所以应用连词and。故填and。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 近期在网上有很多关于外国人体验汉服、中国书法、中国功夫的视频。对于中国文化在海外流行的这一现象,请用英语表达你的看法并分析其原因。
1. 你的看法;
2. 中国文化流行海外的原因。
注意:1. 可以增加细节,以使行文连贯;
2. 词数80词左右;
3. 短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。
I find this phenomenon amazing.
【答案】One possible version:
I find this phenomenon amazing. It shows the global appeal and influence of Chinese culture. Hanfu, Chinese calligraphy and Kung Fu are typically traditional Chinese culture. Reasons for their popularity abroad are as follows.
Firstly, globalization and the internet have made it easier for people from different countries to explore and appreciate diverse cultures. Secondly, Chinese culture has a rich history and unique charm, which can be quite attractive to foreign audiences. Lastly, the rise of social media platforms enables individuals to share their experiences with a wider audience, further arousing the interest in Chinese cultural practices.
令人惊奇的:amazing→ extraordinary
不同的:different → varied
有吸引力的:attractive→ fascinating
分享:share→ mutually exchange
原句:It shows the global appeal and influence of Chinese culture.
拓展句:This exemplifies the worldwide charm and widespread influence exerted by Chinese culture.
【点睛】【高分句型1】I find this phenomenon amazing.(使用了现在分词做宾补)
【高分句型2】Secondly, Chinese culture has a rich history and unique charm, which can be quite attractive to foreign audiences.(使用了关系代词which引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为前面一整句话表示的内容)
第二节(满分 25 分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Onni always had a great time with his grandad in winter because his grandad would teach him how to ski and they sometimes went for trips in the nearby woods.
When Onni turned ten, his grandad told him he was old enough to go with him into the Finnish wilderness. Therefore, one day, they put on their skis and set off into the forest, travelling for several kilometres while the sky turned dark above them. Eventually, they arrived at a silent and beautiful wooden cabin. Grandad managed to push the door open. Inside, it was icy-cold and smelled damp and musty.
“Now we need a fire!” said grandad. He pointed at the pot-belly stove in the corner.
They collected armfuls of wood and chopped them up. Before long, a fire lighted up the cabin with a golden light! The old man pulled out a pan and began frying some sausages.
Onni stared out of the window. “What animals live out here ” he asked. “Oh, the forest is full of life!” his grandad answered. “I have seen snow hares, stags, bears and snowy owls. There was only one creature we never managed to see.”
“What was that ” asked Onni. He was curious!
“Firefox! They say that during the day: his fur is inky-black. But at night, it shines with the most amazing colours! The light of his fur is supposed to brighten up the night sky at midwinter creating the wonderful glow that we call the Northern Lights, which always guide the people lost in forests.”
Grandad sighed. “I always wanted to see this beast! It is said that whoever spots the Firefox would be blessed.” Hearing this, Onni looked out of the window again in the hope of being the lucky one.
Grandad turned the sausages over as they sizzled (发出咝咝声) in the pan. “Why don’t you get some more firewood, Onni ” he suggested. Onni ventured out (冒险外出) again. As the boy was gathering more wood, he heard a sound and saw a glow in the trees.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150词左右;
2. 请按如下格式作答。
Overcome by curiosity, Onni followed the sound and the light.
“Grandad! Come out here!” Onni called.
【答案】One possible version:
Overcome by curiosity, Onni followed the sound and the light. He ventured into the woods, looking for any sign of the mysterious creature. Suddenly, a creature rushed out from between the trees. It looked like a Firefox! It glanced at him and began zigging across the landscape, as if daring the boy to chase him. Onni began running after the creature. Ahead, he could see where the Firefox was leading him: back to his grandfather’s little cabin in the woods!
“Grandad! Come out here!” Onni called. The old man came out and stared at the colours that fell down from above. “The Northern Lights!” he cried with excitement. “Well, my boy, it looks as if the Firefox has blessed us with his magic tonight.” Onni hugged him, and together they gazed in wonder at the strange cold fire burning far above. The boy knew in his heart that he would treasure the memory of this winter for years to come!
【详解】1. 段落续写:
2. 续写线索:Onni跟着声音和光走——Onni追寻到火狐——Onni和火狐靠近小木屋——Onni喊爷爷——爷爷看到火狐和北极光——Onni的感受
3. 词汇激活
①寻找:look for/seek/search for
③追踪:chase/run after/track
②惊奇:in wonder/in amazement
【点睛】[高分句型1] Ahead, he could see where the Firefox was leading him: back to his grandfather’s little cabin in the woods! (运用了where引导名词性从句作see的宾语)
[高分句型2] The old man came out and stared at the colours that fell down from above. (运用了that引导限制性定语从句)
[高分句型3] Well, my boy, it looks as if the Firefox has blessed us with his magic tonight. (运用了as if引导方式状语从句)
听力答案:1-5 ABCCA 6-10 BBABA 11-15 ACCBA 16-20 CCBAC贵阳市2024年高三年级适应性考试(一)
1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效.
3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
第一部分 听力(1-20小题)在笔试结束后进行。
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Bring a new story home with you today
Intra-Operative Monitoring: A Comprehensive Approach
Donald Farrell MD.
Paperback $92.99 | E-book $3.99
This book introduces the basics of evoked potentials(诱发电位)and their use as a diagnostic tool and as an intra-operative tool to reduce injury during surgery on the central and secondary nervous systems.
Retribution: A Jack Sanders Novelette
Philip Barnard
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Horrified by what he finds, clinical psychologist Dr. Jack involves himself in a dangerous journey in an attempt to apologize for his family’s murderous behavior.
Energy Made Easy: Helping Citizens Become Energy-Literate
Ronald Stein / Todd Royal
Hardback $29.99 | Paperback $19.99 | E-book $3.99
From renewable intermittent(间歇性的)electricity to global warming and electrical nets, Energy Made Easy brings easy-to-read, layman’s explanations to complex issues helping citizens become energy-literate.
Nature Is My Teacher: Baby Steps to Follow Mother Nature
Prabhash Karan
Hardback $26.99 | Paperback $18.99 | E-book $3.99
Mother has been and will always remain the same with love, devotion, and dedication; and giving nature the features of a mother-life-giving and fostering-is simply personification as a caring mother. When Mother Nature teaches, we learn. Nature Is My Teacher reveals the deep emotional connection between human evolution and civilization.
1. What do Retribution and Energy Made Easy have in common
A. They have the same topic. B. They have the same author.
C. They introduce the similar experiences. D. They have the same price of the e-book.
2. Which book explains the inner passionate association of human progress
A. Intra-Operative Monitoring. B. Retribution.
C. Energy Made Easy. D. Nature Is My Teacher.
3. In which section of a magazine does the passage probably appear
A. Economy. B. Advertisement. C. Fashion. D. Entertainment.
The Luling Mountains in Jinzhou, Liaoning Province, used to be a deserted area without even a single tree. Now, it is a leafy paradise for birds, and tourists are flooding in. The huge transformation has occurred thanks to the consistent efforts of Tian Wangui, 67, and his wife Lu Min, 63, over nearly half a century.
In 1982, the couple contracted(承包)the land-use rights of the two mountains near their home. They intended to plant fruit trees in the mountains to make a living. Back then, the mountains were deserted with no trees at all. To help the seedlings(树苗)they planted survive in the barren(贫瘠的)land, the couple had to carry water to the mountains on their backs. They also bought whatever seeds were available from a nearby forest farm and spread them every spring, hoping to afforest the mountains. With such an extensive planting method, however, they initially failed to see many seeds take root in the barren soil. But the couple didn’t give up.
The couple’s perseverance finally paid off. They discovered that some tree species were tough enough to survive, including pine and mulberry. Now, more than 50,000 trees of over 20 species cover the land they contracted, following their consistent efforts to sow tree seeds year after year.
As the mountains became lush(郁郁葱葱), Tian and Lu were charged with a new task-patrolling(巡逻)their nearly 67 hectares of forest every day to prevent fires. The patrol even didn’t stop on the eve of last year’s Chinese Lunar New Year. Instead of watching the CCTV Spring Festival Gala on Jan. 21st like most Chinese, the couple went to patrol the mountains with the families of their son and daughter. “Many people set off fireworks to mark the arrival of the new year, so the holiday is a time when we have to stay cautious against fire threats,” Tian said.
The couple has no plans to quit their work, and they hope their children will follow in their footsteps. “We cherish the mountains and trees as we cherish our own children,” Lu said. “Even as we grow old, they will continue to patrol the woods and watch over the birds.”
4. What does the second paragraph mainly talk about
A. The mountains. B. The forest farm.
C. The poor couple. D. The tough condition.
5. What can we learn from Paragraph 3
A More than 20 species were sowed every year.
B. Pine and mulberry cannot survive on the land.
C. Their continuous efforts eventually worked.
D. They bought 50,000 trees according to the contract.
6. Which of the following can best describe the couple
A. Honest and hardworking. B. Curious and brave.
C. Determined and persevering. D. Friendly and intelligent.
7. Why do the couple decide to continue their work
A. They regard the mountains as their children.
B. They want their children to succeed their career.
C. They can earn much money from the mountains.
D. They have a life-long contract with the government.
Step aside, blue collar. And white collar, pink collar and green collar. There’s a new collar in town. “New collar” jobs are those that require advanced skills but not necessarily advanced degrees, especially in emerging high-tech fields like artificial intelligence, cybersecurity (网络安全), electric vehicles and robotics.
There are real fears that workers will lose jobs to technology especially artificial intelligence, in the coming years. But “new collar” optimists think in a more positive way: There are also real opportunities ahead for skilled workers who know how to handle machines.
“Somebody has to program, monitor and maintain those robots,” said Sarah Boisvert, the founder of the New-Collar Network.
Even if millions of high-tech jobs are created in the coming years, the impact on workers who lose jobs may be significant. For many Americans without four-year college degrees, according to census (人口普查) data, the new job market will require training.
Ginni Rometty, a former chief executive of IBM, is believed to have created a “new collar” in 2016. At the time, she said, IBM was having trouble filling cybersecurity jobs, partly because outdated criteria required that candidates have college degrees.
“Due to our high qualifications in these online jobs, we overlooked a large number of qualified and available candidates,” she wrote in an email. “Unless millions of people are trained in the skills employers need now,” she added, “they risk being unemployed even as millions of good-paying jobs go unfilled.”
Christopher M. Cox, a researcher who has written about the new-collar economy, said, “The alternative model of four-year universities is really great.” However, he added that “new collar” may also be a clever term that relieves the anxiety of workers by defining the constantly changing labor market and technology companies as more ideal rather than “terminators (终结者).”
8. What does “new collar” mean
A. People engaged in cybersecurity.
B. People working at electric vehicles.
C. People closely connected with artificial intelligence.
D. People with advanced skills regardless of degrees.
9. What made IBM’s cybersecurity jobs unfilled
A. Much stress. B. Low salaries.
C. High qualifications. D. Few candidates.
10. What is the benefit of the “new collar” economy to the society
A. It gives more opportunities to the workers.
B. It helps artificial intelligence develop better.
C. It rebuilds the confidence of the white collar.
D. It changes the system of technology companies.
11. What is the purpose of the text
A. To explain the anxiety of workers. B. To state the electric vehicle industry.
C. To emphasise the college education. D. To introduce the new-collar phenomenon.
Bees are more than just honey-makers, They are essential pollinators (传粉者) that help maintain the balance of our ecosystems and the diversity of our crops. Bees are among the most diverse and plentiful insects on Earth, with over 20,000 species worldwide. They belong to the order Hymenoptera (膜翅目昆虫), which also includes wasps, ants, and sawflies.
Bees have evolved to feed on nectar (花蜜) and pollen from flowers, and in doing so, they transfer pollen from one flower to another, enabling fertilization (受精) and reproduction. This process, called pollination, is essential for the survival of many plants, especially those that produce fruits, nuts, seeds, and vegetables that we eat.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), bees and other pollinators affect 35% of global agricultural land, supporting the production of 87% of the leading food crops worldwide.
Pollination also enhances the quality and quantity of the crops, as well as their resistance to pests and diseases. Without bees and other pollinators, our food supply and our biodiversity would be at risk.
Unfortunately, bees are facing many threats, such as habitat loss, pesticide use, climate change, diseases, and invasive species. The FAO estimates that 16.5% of vertebrate (脊椎动物) pollinators and 40% of invertebrate pollinators, such as bees, are facing extinction. This could have serious consequences for our food security, our livelihoods, and our environment.
Therefore, it is important to protect the bees and their habitats, and to raise awareness about their role and value.
One way to appreciate and support the bees is to learn how to identify them and observe their behavior. You might be surprised by the diversity and beauty of the bees that visit your backyard, garden, or balcony.
12. Why are pollinators important
A. They help the bees fertilize. B. They keep the crops diverse.
C. They support the bees to make honey. D. They protect insects such as wasps.
13. What is the second paragraph mainly about
A. How pollination works. B. How the flowers attract bees.
C. How the bees reproduce. D. How the plants produce fruits.
14. What does the underlined word “This” in Paragraph 5 probably refer to
A. Climate change. B. Pesticide use.
C. Pollinators’ survival crisis. D. Bees’ habitat loss.
15. Which would be the best title for the text
A. A duty: Protect Bees’ Habitat B. A Means: Observe Bees’ Behaviour
C. Bees: Maintainers of the Ecosystem D. Bees: Consumers at the Top of the Food Chain
Behind the sweaty hands, racing minds, and a general sense of misfortune, anxiety carries a lesser-known power. It can push us toward what matters to us. ____16____.
Connect We are social creatures. Connection is one of the strongest coping mechanisms(机制)we have. You don’t have to talk to someone about what is bothering you to benefit from this. ____17____.
____18____. In my own life, and those of others I know who have experienced anxiety either for a temporary situation or a long-term one, it is common, upon emerging from an anxiety, to feel an increased level of empathy(共情)for other people who are suffering in the world. This is beautiful. We can take that empathy and change it into kindness.
Acts of Kindness. A research study found that participants who participated in acts of kindness reported a greater decrease in anxiety when compared to controls. ____19____. A smile, encouraging words, or baking cupcakes for your housemates are all simple acts of kindness.
Take in the Beautiful Things. Mindfulness of the present moment allows us to surf through the anxieties we experience. ____20____. On the other hand, when we try to shut out anxiety, we also run the risk of shutting out the pleasant things.
A. Let us experience compassion
B. Let your anxiety fuel compassion
C. This has to be something extreme
D. It also opens us to the beauty around us
E. This doesn’t have to be anything extreme
F. What follows are things to do with anxiety
G. Just being in the presence of others sharing life is enough
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
In a busy city, there lived an old bookseller named Mr. Finch. His tiny shop, hidden amid towering skyscrapers, was a ____21____ destination for book lovers. Mr. Finch was known for his warm smile and the ____22____ he could tell from his cherished books.
One summer afternoon, a young girl named Lily ____23____ his shop. She had a worn notebook in hand, filled with ____24____ and ideas. With ____25____ in her eyes, she asked, “Can you help me write a story ”
Mr. Finch nodded and ____26____ her to sit. They began with a blank page, and as they ____27____, the world around them faded away. They ____28____ a tale of an enchanted (被施魔法的) forest, where trees whispered secrets and animals sang lullabies. Hours turned into minutes, and before Lily ____29____ it, the story had come to life. She thanked Mr. Finch, _____30_____ to return.
Years passed, and one day, Lily; now a _____31_____ author, returned to Mr. Finch’s _____32_____. She handed him her latest book, dedicated to the old bookseller who had _____33_____ her passion for storytelling. Mr. Finch’s eyes welled with tears as he read the dedication. He realized that in helping Lily find her voice, he had also _____34_____ his own purpose. From that day forward, he wrote stories that filled his little shop with magic.
And so, in a hidden comer of the city, among the towering buildings, Mr. Finch and Lily _____35_____ that the power of a story could change lives, inspire dreams, and make even the smallest of places feel extraordinary.
A. challenging B. desired C. secret D. strange
A. lies B. truths C. stories D. differences
A. entered B. started C. closed D. rented
A. options B. dreams C. complaints D. facts
A. pride B. curiosity C. envy D. astonishment
A. invited B. forced C. allowed D. persuaded
A. relieved B. reported C. wrote D. read
A. shared B. explained C. added D. created
A. made B. suggested C. knew D. believed
A. promising B. attempting C. choosing D. agreeing
A. thoughtful B. peaceful C. successful D. respectful
A. house B. office C. room D. shop
A. noticed B. accepted C. descried D. lighted
A. kept B. found C. finished D. changed
A. proved B. decided C. imagined D. hoped
Yellowstone is beautiful. No description I could give would do it in a right way. It is ____36____(fascinate) and full of natural wonders. Yellowstone is ____37____ land rich in dates and memories. The park, 96% of ____38____ is in Wyoming, 3% in Montana and 1% in Idaho, is celebrating a major milestone this year.
On this 150th anniversary, the National Park Service and Yellowstone fans looked at the past, present and future with events ____39____ (plan) well into the year. Yellowstone National Park serves as a time capsule, a sort of ‘land that time forgot’ in terms of wildlife. It is one of the few ____40____ (place) where you can get a sense of a past when wildlife ____41____ (control) our world. The significance of the park has changed over time, but in recent history it has shown us the critical role of wild places in contemporary life. The park has been leading ____42____ (global) in establishing the range of approaches to ____43____ (care) for wild animal. It is also a place for us to find ____44____ (we) collective and individual centre. The importance of Yellowstone to wildlife conservation ____45____ preserving our wild heritage cannot be overstated.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 近期在网上有很多关于外国人体验汉服、中国书法、中国功夫的视频。对于中国文化在海外流行的这一现象,请用英语表达你的看法并分析其原因。
1. 你的看法;
2. 中国文化流行海外的原因。
注意:1. 可以增加细节,以使行文连贯;
2. 词数80词左右;
3. 短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。
I find this phenomenon amazing.
第二节(满分 25 分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Onni always had a great time with his grandad in winter because his grandad would teach him how to ski and they sometimes went for trips in the nearby woods.
When Onni turned ten, his grandad told him he was old enough to go with him into the Finnish wilderness. Therefore, one day, they put on their skis and set off into the forest, travelling for several kilometres while the sky turned dark above them. Eventually, they arrived at a silent and beautiful wooden cabin. Grandad managed to push the door open. Inside, it was icy-cold and smelled damp and musty.
“Now we need a fire!” said grandad. He pointed at the pot-belly stove in the corner.
They collected armfuls of wood and chopped them up. Before long, a fire lighted up the cabin with a golden light! The old man pulled out a pan and began frying some sausages.
Onni stared out of the window. “What animals live out here ” he asked. “Oh, the forest is full of life!” his grandad answered. “I have seen snow hares, stags, bears and snowy owls. There was only one creature we never managed to see.”
“What was that ” asked Onni. He was curious!
“Firefox! They say that during the day: his fur is inky-black. But at night, it shines with the most amazing colours! The light of his fur is supposed to brighten up the night sky at midwinter creating the wonderful glow that we call the Northern Lights, which always guide the people lost in forests.”
Grandad sighed. “I always wanted to see this beast! It is said that whoever spots the Firefox would be blessed.” Hearing this Onni looked out of the window again in the hope of being the lucky one.
Grandad turned the sausages over as they sizzled (发出咝咝声) in the pan. “Why don’t you get some more firewood, Onni ” he suggested. Onni ventured out (冒险外出) again. As the boy was gathering more wood, he heard a sound and saw a glow in the trees.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150词左右;
2. 请按如下格式作答。
Overcome by curiosity, Onni followed the sound and the light.
“Grandad! Come out here!” Onni called.
听力答案:1-5 ABCCA 6-10 BBABA 11-15 ACCBA 16-20 CCBAC


