外研版(2019)必修第三册Unit 1 Knowing Me, Knowing You Grammar 课件(共15张PPT)

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外研版(2019)必修第三册Unit 1 Knowing Me, Knowing You Grammar 课件(共15张PPT)


Knowing me,
knowing you
What do these sentences have in common
Disappointed by his behavior, I said all this to my best friend.
Embarrassed and ashamed, I can’t concentrate on anything.
Treated this way, you’re sure to feel hurt…
Approached in this way, your friendship will soon be repaired.
Filled with anger, you tend to say whatever comes to your mind.
Why do we use –ed rather than –ing in these sentences
-ed as adverbial (过去分词做状语)
1. 过去分词做状语,通常表示被动或完成。可以做各类状语,也可改写为相应的从句或并列句。
Seen from the hill, the village looks more beautiful.
Satisfied with what he did, the teacher praised him in class.
Given more time and support, we could have done it better.
Attacked many times, the residents in London didn’t give in.
Followed by his wolf dog, the hunter walked slowly in the forest.
He failed in the competition, blamed by his companions.
-ed as adverbial (过去分词做状语)
2. 过去分词还可以做说明性状语,交代谓语动作发生的背景。
Founded in 1900, the university has a history of more than 100 years.
Born in a rural family, she began to help her family at an early age.
3.有些过去分词(短语)已形容词化,常用于系表结构,作状语时表状态。e.g, seated, determined, devoted to, involved in, dressed in, tired of, lost/absorbed/buried in, …
Determined to go to a top university, he works hard on his study every day.
Tired of the city life, she desired to live in peace in the country.
-ed as adverbial (过去分词做状语)
4. 过去分词做状语,前面可加when, though, although, as if, as though, if, unless, until, once等连词,也可看作是状语从句的省略。
________ asked to sing a song, the girl jumped onto the stage.
________ invited to speak, you should remain silent at the meeting.
________ heated, the material can be made into any shape.
He will come, ______ invited.
辨析 1:done, being done, having being done做状语
Founded in 1900, the university has a history of more than 100 years.
Being redecorated right now, the music hall is not available.
Having been well tended for half a year, my grandma became better.
being done表被动和进行
having been done强调被动和先于谓语动作发生/因果关系
辨析2:to do, doing, done做状语
I woke up in the morning to find the outside world changed completely.
To improve the situation, we call for immediate measures.
He is sad to hear the bad news.
to do表原因、目的、(意料之外的)结果
修改病句:Finished their homework, the children went out to play.
The children finished their homework and went out to play. (并列句)
After the children finished their homework, they went out to play.(状语从句)
After finishing their homework, the children went out to play. (介词短语作状语)
Having finished their homework, the children went out to play football. (现在分词做状语)
With their homework finished, the children went out to play. (with+宾语+宾补)
Their homework finished, the children went out to play. (独立主格结构)
评注性状语举例:judging from, to be honest, generally/frankly speaking, considering (鉴于), providing/provided (that)(假使)等。
Judging from his appearance, he is a wealthy man.
Generally speaking, the more you pay, the more you get.
To be honest, the house is not quite our style.
She's very active, considering her age.
We'll hold the concert on next Monday provided that the weather is good.
Rewrite the underlined sentences with the -ed form. (P6, A2)
Last week, attracted by a particular article in a magazine, Anne bought it.
Praised in class, Anne felt happy as well as ashamed.
Shocked by the decision, Anne did not know what to do.
Read the plot summary and choose the correct form of the words.(P7, A3)
Inside Out is an animated film about the five emotions of a girl called Riley: Joy, Sadness, Fear, Disgust, and Anger. Influencing/Influenced mainly by Joy, most of Riley’s memories are happy ones.
Believing/Believed that she is Riley’s most important emotion, Joy always tries to take the lead. Preventing/Prevented from playing her role in Riley’s emotional development, Sadness feels annoyed. When Riley moves to a new city, she has a hard time adjusting to her new surroundings. Sadness wants to do her duty but by accident causes the loss of Riley’s happy core memories with Joy. Now separating/separated from her friends and her beloved hockey team, Riley starts to feel lost and helpless, and wants to run away from her parents and new school. Worried about her, Joy and Sadness try to work together to ensure she gets her core memories back.
Read the plot summary and choose the correct form of the words.(P7, A3)
Eventually, realizing/realized that every emotion has a role, Joy understands it is okay for Riley to feel sad sometimes. Accepting sadness as part of life helps Riley deal with the emotional complexity of growing up, and settle down in her new life.
Inside Out 2 Trailor
Ennui /ɑ n wi / (boredom)
Express! Don’t suppress!
Fill in the blanks.
If __________ (connect) to the campus network, you can get to it directly from your computer.
The flowers, __________ (smell) sweet in the garden, attract many visitors.
When first __________ (introduce) to the market, these products enjoyed a great success.
With trees, flowers and grass __________ (plant) everywhere, my hometown has taken on a new look.
Once __________ (ask) about her father, the girl will burst out crying.
__________ (be) frank, it’s your fault to let the dog out.
To be
Fill in the blanks.
When __________ (complete), the museum will be open to the public next year.
European football is played in 80 countries, _________ (make) it the most popular sports in the world.
__________ (suffer) from heart trouble for years, Professor White has to take some medicine with him everywhere he goes.
Although not __________ (invite), he went to the party alone.
She turned up the driveway, only __________ (find) her way blocked.
__________ (devote) himself to charity, she has won our respect.
to find


