吉林省长春市第五中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一学程考试英语试题(含答案 含听力音频及听力原文)

  1. 二一教育资源

吉林省长春市第五中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一学程考试英语试题(含答案 含听力音频及听力原文)


长 春 市 第 五 中 学
英 语 试 卷
考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分
一、听力部分 (共两节,满分30分)
1.What do we know about the watch
A.The watch was not worth that much.
B.The price was reasonable.
C.It cost the woman $40.
2.What is the dog’s name
3.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.The man’s watch.
B.The man’s brother.
C.The man’s birthday.
4.What color was the woman’s couch
A.Yellow. B.Brown. C.Purple.
5.Why does the man come to the woman
A.To take a picture of her.
B.To ask for a new ID card.
C.To fill out a form.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6.What is the woman doing
A.Asking for help.
B.Making an apology.
C.Giving some advice.
7.What does the man ask the woman to do
A.Be more careful.
B.Buy a new glass.
C.Clean up the room.
8.What do we know about the writer
A.He can move fast.
B.He was born disabled.
C.He will travel around the world.
9.How does the man find the writer
A.Encouraging.  B.Strange.  C.Stupid.
10.When will the next course start
A.Next Monday.
B.Next Friday.
C.Next Saturday.
11.How many students are there in the class usually
A.6. B.9. C.15.
12.When does the school open on weekends
A.At 7∶00 am.
B.At 8∶00 am.
C.At 9∶00 am.
13.What was the man doing
A.Looking at an interesting picture.
B.Watching a funny video.
C.Reporting a nice story.
14.What happened to the news reporter
A.He hit a big tree.
B.He had a car accident.
C.He was attacked by bees.
15.What’s the weather like today
A.Sunny. B.Windy. C.Cloudy.
16.What will the man do next
A.Listen to the music.
B.Surf the website.
C.Go to the park.
17.Which is the best season to visit the park
A.Spring. B.Summer. C.Winter.
18.What will the tourists do in the morning
A.Go boating.
B.Go fishing.
C.Visit the valley.
19.What is the best-loved activity in the park
A.Having a picnic.
20.How will the tourists get to the entrance of the valley
A.On foot. B.By bus. C.By bike.
21.The number of the people who _______ cars _______ increasing.
A. owns; are B. owns; is C. own; is D. own; are
22. Only after I read the text over again _____ its main idea.
A. that I knew B. did I know C. I could know D. I did know
23. —Will it be __________ for you to chat with me on the Internet tonight
A. convenient B. effective C. unusual D. rude
24. It was this village ___ I was brought up.
A.where B. that C. on which D. which
25. — What's happening in the new area
— New houses__________ recently over there.
A. are built B. built C. have built D. have been built
26. The questions __________by them this time yesterday.
A. are discussing B. were discussing
C. were being discussed D. are discussed
27. You ‘d better take something to read when you go to see the doctor ________ you have to wait.
A. even if B. in case C. as if D. in order that
28. Driving is very simple if you ________ the rules.
A. are stick to B. insist in C. stick to D. will stick to
29. The camera is ______ expensive ______ I can't afford it.
A. so, that B. such, that C. so, as to D. enough, that
30. Walking along the river, we heard someone _________ for help.
A. shouting B. shout C. shouted D. having shouted
A trip to Paris is not complete without a visit to the Eiffel Tower.To get the most out of your visit,read our tips below:
Visit at Night
Riding up the Eiffel Tower at night and looking out over the streets of Paris,you’ll see why Paris is known as the “City of Light”.At street level,the spotlights on the top of the Tower and the reflections(倒影) of the Tower in the Seine(塞纳河) are sights not to be missed.
Purchase(购买) Your Ticket in Advance Online
Avoid the long ticket lines at the Eiffel Tower by purchasing your ticket online from the Eiffel Tower website.
You’ll pick a time to visit and then select whether to print out the ticket or display it on your phone or iPad,a convenient choice if you buy your ticket in Paris without a printer.
Don’t Bring Valuable Objects with You
Before entering the Eiffel Tower,your bags will be examined by a security officer.If an item you are carrying sets off the metal detector,the officer will take you away from the line for further inspection.Probably you will miss the chance to go up the Eiffel Tower.
Have Drinks and Snacks at the Eiffel Tower
If you’re like us,after an exciting trip to the Eiffel Tower,you’ll be ready to rest your legs and have a relaxing snack and a drink in a Parisian cafe.Across the Seine in the Trocadero area,there are many elegant cafes.The atmosphere is great,but the prices are in the stratosphere(极高水平).Actually,the perfect place for common visitors to eat and drink is on the Eiffel Tower itself.
31.Why does the author suggest visiting the Eiffel Tower at night
A.Because you can have special sights of the city of Pairs.
B.Because you can stand on the top of the Eiffel Tower.
C.Because you can see the Seine as clearly as possible.
D.Because you can avoid the crowds and enjoy it peacefully.
32.What can be inferred from this article
A.A printer will be necessary if you want to buy a ticket.
B.Tickets to the Eiffel Tower can only be bought online.
C.Tourists are not allowed to take bags to the Eiffel Tower.
D.Some objects can’t be brought to the Eiffel Towel.
33.What can we learn from the last paragraph
A.The Eiffel Tower provides expensive foods and drinks.
B.The author recommends tourists have snacks on the Eiffel Tower.
C.You will spend more if you have snacks at the Eiffel Tower.
D.The author prefers to eat across the Seine.
You might think people all over the United States have Wi-Fi—wireless Internet service—and mobile phones.But there is no such service in Green Bank,West Virginia,a tiny town four hours from the US capital,Washington D.C.Fewer than 150 people live in Green Bank,which has two churches,an elementary school and a public library.It is also home to the largest radio telescope in the world.
There is a ban(禁令) on Wi-Fi in Green Bank,along with anything else that can create electromagnetic(电磁的) waves.Officials say the waves could disturb the signals the telescope receives.
For many Americans,a visit to Green Bank is a little like returning to the 1950s.To get there,you must read road signs because there is no GPS service in the town.People can connect with the Internet through telephones,but wireless service is not allowed.
The observatory(天文台) is one of the largest employers in the area.The National Science Foundation (NSF) spends about $8.2 million a year to operate the observatory,telescope and educational center.
Jonah Bauserman is a technician.If he supposes there is a signal that is not allowed in the zone,he drives to the house where the signal is coming from and checks it.But once a week,when the device is cleaned,some banned devices are allowed near it.
People in the town respect the work of the scientists.And they say they are happy to live without Wi-Fi and mobile phones.“You know,instead of sitting here with our phones and other devices we’re out fishing,hunting and going to each other’s houses.” Everyone knows each other and communication is almost always face to face.
34.What will you see when you pay a visit to Green Bank
A.GPS service. B.Guide posts.
C.Cellphone towers. D.Radio-controlled toys.
35.What is Jonah Bauserman’s duty in his work
A.Following signals from cellphones.
B.Cleaning the telescope once a week.
C.Listening for signals from outer space.
D.Protecting the telescope from being affected.
36.What has the telescope brought to the local people
A.Great wealth.
B.Many job chances.
C.A healthier lifestyle.
D.Much difficulty in life.
37.What may be the best title for this text
A.An American Town Without Wi-Fi and Mobile Phones
B.Good Relationships Between People in an American Town
C.The Largest Radio Telescope in the World
D.A Better Life Without Wireless Devices
Sharks have been swimming in the ocean for millions of years.They were on Earth even before dinosaurs! At the top of the world’s ocean’s food chain,sharks help keep the population of other ocean animals in balance.A large drop in the number of sharks can cause serious problems for all ocean animals.Saving sharks makes sense!
Many people are afraid of sharks.But most sharks are harmless.Only a small percentage of sharks are known to attack humans.They adapt well to new habitats and eat whatever is available.However,today,sharks are in trouble.Nearly one third of the 400 shark species are in danger of extinction,largely due to over-fishing.Each year,tens of millions of sharks are caught and killed just for their fins.The fins are used to make shark fin soup.
Humane Society International(HSI) joined with the Jane Goodall Institute’s Roots and Shoots program and Beijing Zoo to protect sharks.An exhibit at the zoo,“The Price Behind the Taste—Protect Sharks.Don’t Eat Shark Fins”, was designed to tell people that shark finning is cruel and unnecessary.It’s hoped that the activity will help put an end to the practice.
Shark fin soup is also eaten in the United States.In fact,the numbers of some shark species in US waters have dropped 90 percent in the last 30 years.To slow the fall,laws against the sale of shark fins have been passed in several states,including Hawaii,Oregon,Washington,and California.
38.What does the first paragraph mainly tell us
A.Ocean animals are at the top of the food chain.
B.Sharks play an important role in the ocean.
C.Sharks are an old species in the ocean.
D.Sharks are being caught and killed.
39.According to Paragraph 2,sharks are in trouble because .
A.they often attack humans
B.their food is being polluted
C.they are being caught for food
D.their habitat is being destroyed
40.The underlined part “the practice” in Paragraph 3 refers to “ ”.
A.shark finning
B.shark protection
C.the program of HIS
D.the exhibit at Beijing Zoo
41.What do we know from the text
A.There are 400 shark species in the United States.
B.It’s illegal to eat shark fin soup in the United States.
C.Most sharks are not interested in a human for dinner.
D.Sharks are very particular about their habitats and food.
BRAZIL—The newly-elected president of Brazil,Jair Bolsonaro says that his country should withdraw(退出) from the 2015 Paris Agreement,and that Brazil’s rainforest protections are standing in the way of economic success.During the election campaign,he promised to ease(减缓) protections for areas of the Brazilian Amazon set aside for native people and wildlife.Are Brazil’s rainforests in danger
The Amazon,the world’s largest rainforest,is called “the lungs of the planet”.Each tree takes in and stores carbon dioxide from the air around it.Billions of trees pull up water through their roots and release water vapor into the air,forming tiny drops of water.The Amazon creates 30 to 50 percent of its own rainfall.Carlos Nobre,a climate scientist,says that it is almost impossible to say just how important the rainforest is to the planet’s living systems.
Some of Bolsonaro’s support comes from business and farming groups.One supporter,Luiz Carlos,noted that “farmers are not invaders;they are producers”.He blamed(责备) the past government for supporting rainforest protections at the cost of farmers.“Brazil,” he said,“will be the biggest farming nation on Earth during Bolsonaro’s years.”
Paulo Artaxo,a professor of environmental physics at the University of Sao Paulo,says that if Bolsonaro keeps his campaign promises,then “deforestation(毁林) of the Amazon will probably increase quickly—and the effects will be felt everywhere on the planet.”
Other scientists warn that if the Amazon and other tropical rainforests lose too many trees,this could affect rainfall in other areas.Without enough trees to support the rainfall,the longer and bigger dry season could turn more than half of the rainforest into a tropical grassland.
42.According to the passage,rainforests can .
A.produce much farmland
B.examine people’s lungs
C.change the earth’s living system
D.destroy farmers’ crops
43.The first paragraph is intended to .
A.attract the public to the newly-elected president
B.ask people to ease the protection of rainforests
C.draw people’s attention to the disappearing rainforests
D.complain about the new government’s withdrawing
44.What can be inferred from the passage
A.The new president’s supporters care less about farmers.
B.Scientists are concerned about the protection of rainforests.
C.The rainforests will stop the economic development in Brazil.
D.The past government is to blame for the destruction of rainforests.
45.The passage is probably taken from .
A.a newspaper B.a magazine
C.a guidebook D.a textbook
Camel Conversation
A mother and a baby camel were lying around under a tree.
Then the baby camel asked,“Mom, 46 do camels have humps(驼峰)?”
The mother camel considered this and said,“We are desert animals and we have the humps to 47 water so we can survive with very 48 water.”
The baby camel 49 for a moment and then said,“Okay,why are our 50 long and our feet rounded?”
The mama 51 ,“They are meant for walking in the 52 .”
The baby paused,and then asked,“Why are our eyelashes(睫毛) 53 ?Sometimes they get in my way.”
The mama responded,“Those long thick eyelashes 54 your eyes from the desert sand 55 the strong wind blows in the desert.”
The baby camel thought and thought.Then he said,“I see.So the hump is to store water when we are in the desert,the legs are for 56 through the desert and these eyelashes protect my eyes from the desert sand.Then why are we in the 57 ?”
We were given all 58 skills and abilities.These special gifts are to bring about the satisfaction we all 59 .That satisfaction comes in helping others.
Don’t sit around in a zoo.Use your gifts and talents to help 60 .You’ll be glad of what you did.
46.A.why B.how
C.whether D.where
47.A.drink B.flow
C.bring D.store
48.A.few B.little
C.less D.much
49.A.missed B.wished
C.asked D.thought
50.A.arms B.hands
C.feet D.legs
51.A.replied B.asked
C.wanted D.yelled
52.A.sea B.desert
C.garden D.yard
53.A.thin B.weak
C.long D.short
54.A.depend B.prevent
C.stop D.protect
55.A.when B.although
C.as D.because
56.A.flying B.walking
C.covering D.driving
57.A.desert B.zoo
C.country D.city
58.A.worthy B.expensive
C.special D.seasonal
59.A.disturb B.differ
C.disgust D.desire
60.A.others B.another
C.other D.else
Are you bored with your daily routine?Here are some things you should try before you are 18,because after that it’s too late!
Learn to swim.
Actually,this is so important that it could save your life.If you can’t swim well,you won’t be able to do water sports like water skiing(滑水),surfing and diving. 61 Make sure you do it.
Collect something.
One of the best hobbies for under 18s is collecting things.You could collect Chinese stamps,or you could collect things that make you remember what you’ve done,like cinema tickets for films.The best way to collect is to have a special album to put your collections in and to write what each thing means to you. 62
Try at least one kind of team sports.
63 You can’t just think of yourself,but have to work well with other people.Other advantages of team sports like basketball,football and baseball are that they keep you fit and healthy,and that they are also great fun. 64 So you’ll go to lots of parties and make many friends.
When you are young,get to know all the older people in your family and find out as much as you can about them when they were young.Draw a family tree and make notes about each person so that you won’t forget.
A.Draw your family tree.
B.In that way,you won’t forget.
C.Even taking a boat trip will not be safe for you.
D.And you’d better exchange them with your friends.
E.Teams usually have a good social life,too.
F.Being a good team player is an important skill in life.
G.You should get into good habits when you are young.
Peking Opera 66. (consider) as a national treasure in China,which
67. (date) back to over 200 years ago.The early Qing Dynasty saw the great
68. (develop) of this opera.Qianlong emperor in the Qing Dynasty had
69. interest in the local opera.70. (celebrate) his eightieth birthday,he asked opera troupes(戏班) 71. different places to perform for him in Beijing,so the four big Huiban Opera Troupes entered the capital.72. (gradual),they combined with the Kunqu Opera,Yiyang Opera,Hanju Opera etc.,and formed the present Peking Opera.
Peking Opera is a form of traditional Chinese theatre bines music,performance,and dance.Many audiences from different 74. (country) think that it is the 75. (large) and most influential kind of opera in China and the influence is incomparable in China.
76. What do you (打算,计划) to do when you get access to the Internet
77.He was very angry when he (观察到) his son’s bad behaviour.
78.She was (攻击) by a gang of youths and went through a tough period in hospital.
79. He was still being made fun of at school,which (使烦恼) his parents.
80.The remote desert area is (可进入) only by helicopter.
81.These health care products are (作为目标) at old people.
82.Research has (确认) that the risk is higher for women.
83. The new teaching programme will (使受益) a large number of residents.
84.It (使迷惑) scientists how these creatures can survive in such tough conditions.
85. To some people,happiness is being (包围,环绕)by family and friends.
网络病毒 Internet virus; 黑客 Hacker
For the most part, Hank, a two-year-old cat, is a homebody — and for good reason. But on November 6th, Bushong, his owner, spotted Hank resting on a branch near the top of a neighbor’s tree. Bushong believed Hank got frightened by some dogs. The more scared he got, the higher he climbed. “Cats have an amazing ability to climb up trees, but they aren’t that good at climbing down,” said Dan D’Eramo, director of field services for the Humane Rescue Alliance (HRA). Bushong then asked the HRA to help, but it was no easy task. HRA called the fire department, but it refused to help because of safety concerns. Then Bushong called a construction company to ask about renting scaffolding(脚手架) ,but was told she would have to book the equipment 48 days in advance. Next she reached out to a local tree company, Casey Trees. But the crew said it wasn’t safe for a person to go up into the tree.
Bushong became very sad. Then neighbors came to help. Ed Baptiste, whose tree Hank had climbed, let Bushong sit in his backyard and called to Hank. Another neighbor donated a can of fish, hoping it might attract the cat to come down. Nearby dog owners took their pets on walks instead of letting them out in their yards to avoid further frightening Hank. Another neighbor suggested Bushong call a local business, which had a tall ladder. Unfortunately, their 42-foot ladder proved too short. By day five, nothing had worked. That’s when another neighbor suggested creating a pulley(滑轮)system by throwing a sandbag attached to the rope to a branch higher than Hank. It will form a pulley system as the sandbag hangs down by gravity. Then raise a basket with some of the owners’ personal items. The cat may be attracted by the familiar scents and climb into the basket.
Paragraph 1:
Bushong decided to have a try.. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Paragraph 2:
Carefully, they lowered Hank down.听力
1.A 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.B 
6.B 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.A 
11.C 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.A 
16.C 17.A 18.C 19.A 20.B
21-25 C B A A D 26-30 C B C A A
31-35 A D B B D
36-40 C A B C A
41-45 C C C B A
46-50 A D B D D
51-55 A B C D A
56-60 B B C D A
61-65 C B F E A
66 is considered 67 dates 68 development 69 an 70 To celebrate
71 from 72 Gradually 73 which/that 74 countries 75 largest
76 intend 77 observed 78 attacked 79 upset 80 accessible
81targeted 82confirmed 83 benefit 84 puzzles/confuses 85surrounded
Nowadays, internet has taken control of the planet. Making friends online is another fresh new way of social communication.
As everyone knows that making friends online is quick and more convenient than other alternatives. It can save plenty of time because we don't need to go outside the door. However, to my best knowledge that every coin has two sides. Making friends online can also do harm to us. Information that has been post online maybe fake and the link can install massive virus packages in our computers to steal the passwords or bank account. Hackers may use our curiosity to others to blackmail us or cheat for money.
In conclusion, cyber security is a pressing issue in today's digital age. We must learn to protect ourselves online by enhancing our awareness, using strong passwords, keeping our devices up to date, and being cautious about online information. By taking these measures, we can minimize the risks and enjoy the benefits of the Internet safely.
Bushong decided to have a try. She filled a small basket with some of Hank’s favourite things. She called it Hank’s party pack. With the help of volunteers from Casey Trees, they used a special equipment and shot a sandbag attached to a rope high into the tree. They got lucky on the first try. The rope caught a branch directly above Hank. Pulling on the other end of the rope, they positioned Hank’s party pack just beneath him. To their great delight, he jumped in.
Carefully, they lowered Hank down. Once Hank reached the ground, Bushong took Hank into her arms, hugging him hard. Afterward, they went inside and ate, and Hank rested in his favourite chair. Hank’s adventure taught Bushong a lesson about neighbors helping neighbors. “I can’t believe so many people went out of their way to help me with this cat,” she said. “It made me feel good that I live in a neighborhood where people would do whatever they could to get him down. It gave me hope.”
Text 1
M:What a nice watch! How much did it cost
W:Four hundred dollars.A little more than its real worth.
Text 2
W:I like the names Scott and Michael.
M:I don’t think our boy should be named Scott.That is our dog’s name.How does Robert sound
Text 3
W: Your Apple watch is very beautiful.Where did you buy it
M: Actually I didn’t buy it.It is a gift from my brother.He gave me on my 20th birthday.
Text 4
W:I’m going to buy some new paint for the living room.
M:I thought you loved the yellow color.
W:I liked it when I had a purple couch,but now my furniture is brown and it makes the wall look ugly.
Text 5
M:I lost my ID card.What do I do to replace it
W:Fill out your name and social security number on this form,and stand behind that line.I’ll take your picture here.
M:OK.I’m ready.
W:I’ll print you the new ID card in about a minute.
Text 6
W:Sorry,Kevin.I am sorry for breaking your glass.I was tidying up your desk.
M:You’re supposed to be more careful.
W:I’m on duty today.I’m really sorry.I’ll pay for it and try to be more careful in the future.
M:There is no need to pay,but be sure you’re more careful from now on.
W:I will.Sorry again.
Text 7
W:What are you reading
M:It is a book written by a guy who was born without arms or legs.
W:What So,how does he get around
M:He can actually walk pretty well,but he can’t move that fast.He also has an assistant who helps him.He is actually quite successful.
W:He must have worked pretty hard.
M:Yeah.He travels around the world and gives speeches to young people.He’s changed many people’s lives.Even when nothing seemed possible,he stayed positive and put in even more effort.
Text 8
W:Hello,School of English Studies.
M:Hello,I saw your advertisement in the newspaper.Can you give me some information,please
W:Yes,of course.What would you like to know
M:Well,first,how long are the courses
W:They are 6 or 9 months long and the next course begins next Monday.
M:How many students will there be in the class Not too many,I hope.
W:Usually,there are 15.We find that a good number.
M:OK.Now,I saw the price of the course in the newspaper,but will I have to pay for anything else
W:Only for the textbook,which costs twelve pounds ninety-nine.
M:I see.When can I come and pay
W:Well,the school is open from 8 am to 7 pm on Monday to Friday and on Saturdays from 9 am to 1 pm.
M:OK.I see.Well,thank you very much.Goodbye.
Text 9
W:Are you looking at some funny pictures You have been laughing all this time.
M:I was watching a video on YouTube.It was really funny.
W:What’s it about
M:It was a news reporter,reporting a story about an old man who lives under a big tree.
W:How could that be funny
M:Well,as he was reporting the story,hundreds of bees attacked him.The reporter had to dive into his SUV and drive away.But he was unlucky.
W:Did he have an accident
M:No.some bees followed him into his car.
W:I hope he got to the doctor’s quickly.Jack,how about a walk in the park It is a beautiful day today.
M:But I don’t feel like walking outside now.There are so many funny videos on this website.I just can’t stop watching them.
W:Come on,Jack.You can’t sit in front of the laptop all day.It is not good for your eyes.
M:You are right.I will go to the park with you.
Text 10
Welcome to our park.My name is Linda.I am very glad to be your guide today.You have made a right choice to be here in spring,the best time of the year,because summer is a bit hot,and winter is too cold.Our park is famous for its 20-kilometer long valley.It is home to thousands of plants and animals.For today’s tour,we have a 50-minute valley walk in the morning.You will see beautiful flowers and strange rocks.Animal lovers can also have a close view of different wildlife.In the afternoon,you will have a chance to experience some interesting activities,such as boating and fishing.If you like,you may have a picnic by the lake,the best-loved activity in our park.Now,let’s get on the bus and go to the entrance of the valley.


