
  1. 二一教育资源



1. vanish (v.)
音标: / v n /
中文释义: 消失,不见了,绝迹
例句: The scientist watched as the chemical vanished in a puff of smoke. (科学家看着化学物质在一缕烟雾中消失。)
同义词: disappear, fade away
反义词: appear, emerge
搭配: vanish into thin air (消失得无影无踪)
2. digital (adj.)
音标: / d d tl/
中文释义: 数字的,数码的,电子的
例句: Many people now read books on digital devices instead of paper. (现在许多人用数字设备而不是纸质书籍来读书。)
同义词: electronic, computerized
反义词: analog
搭配: digital technology (数字技术), digital camera (数码相机)
3. electrical (adj.)
音标: / lektr kl/
中文释义: 电的,电气科学的
例句: The electrical engineer designed a new circuit for the device. (电气工程师为该设备设计了一个新的电路。)
搭配: electrical current (电流), electrical appliance (电器)
4. electronic (adj.)
音标: / lek tr n k/
中文释义: 电子的; 电子操纵的
例句: Electronic devices have become an essential part of our daily lives. (电子设备已经成为我们日常生活的重要组成部分。)
搭配: electronic mail (电子邮件), electronic commerce (电子商务)
5. optical (adj.)
音标: / pt kl/
中文释义: 眼睛的, 视觉的, 光学的
例句: The telescope uses optical lenses to magnify distant objects. (望远镜使用光学透镜来放大远处物体。)
搭配: optical fiber (光纤), optical illusion (视觉错觉)
6. universal (adj.)
音标: / ju n v s l/
中文释义: 普遍的,通用的,宇宙的
例句: Gravity is a universal force that affects all objects in the universe. (万有引力是一种影响宇宙中所有物体的普遍力。)
同义词: global, widespread
反义词: specific, limited
搭配: universal law (普遍规律), universal language (通用语言)
7. solar (adj.)
音标: / so l /
中文释义: 太阳的,太阳能的
例句: Solar energy is a renewable source of power. (太阳能是一种可再生能源。)
搭配: solar panel (太阳能电池板), solar system (太阳系)
8. solid (adj.)
音标: / s l d/
中文释义: 固体的,结实的,可靠的,实心的
例句: The table is made of solid wood. (这张桌子是用实木做的。)
同义词: firm, stable
反义词: liquid, gas
搭配: solid state (固态), solid evidence (确凿证据)
9. mechanical (adj.)
音标: /m k n kl/
中文释义: 机械的,力学的,呆板的
例句: The robot arm performed the task with mechanical precision. (机械臂以机械般的精度完成了任务。)
搭配: mechanical engineering (机械工程), mechanical failure (机械故障)
10. precise (adj.)
音标: /pr sa s/
中文释义: 精确的,准确的,认真的
例句: The scientist made precise measurements of the experiment. (科学家对实验进行了精确的测量。)
同义词: accurate, exact
反义词: approximate, vague
搭配: precise details (精确的细节), precise language (精确的语言)
11. logical (adj.)
音标: / l d kl/
中文释义: 符合逻辑的,逻辑上的,有推理能力的
例句: The detective used logical reasoning to solve the mystery. (侦探用逻辑推理来解开谜团。)
同义词: reasonable, rational
反义词: illogical, irrational
搭配: logical conclusion (合乎逻辑的结论), logical thinking (逻辑思维)
12. psychological (adj.)
音标: / sa k l d kl/
中文释义: 心理(学)的
例句: The study examined the psychological effects of social media on teenagers. (这项研究调查了社交媒体对青少年的心理影响。)
搭配: psychological stress (心理压力), psychological disorder (心理障碍)
13. phenomenon (n.)
音标: /f n m n n/
中文释义: 现象,非凡的人或事物
例句: The aurora borealis is a natural phenomenon that can be seen in the night sky. (北极光是可以在夜空中看到的自然现象。)
同义词: event, occurrence
搭配: natural phenomenon (自然现象), social phenomenon (社会现象)
14. bacteria (n.)
音标: /b k t ri /
中文释义: (复数)细菌
例句: Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that can be found everywhere. (细菌是随处可见的单细胞微生物。)
搭配: harmful bacteria (有害细菌), beneficial bacteria (有益细菌)
15. element (n.)
音标: / el m nt/
中文释义: 成分,要素,元素,基本原理
例句: Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe. (氢是宇宙中最常见的元素。)
同义词: component, ingredient
搭配: chemical element (化学元素), key element (关键要素)
16. biology (n.)
音标: /ba l d i/
中文释义: 生物学
例句: Biology is the study of living things. (生物学是研究生物的学科。)
搭配: marine biology (海洋生物学), molecular biology (分子生物学)
17. evolution (n.)
音标: / i v lu n/
中文释义: 进化,发展,进展
例句: The theory of evolution explains how species change over time. (进化论解释了物种是如何随着时间推移而变化的。)
搭配: human evolution (人类进化), technological evolution (技术进化)
18. mathematics (n.)
音标: / m θ m t ks/
中文释义: 数学
例句: Mathematics is the study of numbers, quantities, and shapes. (数学是研究数字、数量和形状的学科。)
搭配: applied mathematics (应用数学), pure mathematics (纯数学)
19. formula (n.)
音标: / f mj l /
中文释义: 公式,配方,规则
例句: The scientist used a complex formula to calculate the results of the experiment. (科学家用一个复杂的公式来计算实验结果。)
搭配: chemical formula (化学式), mathematical formula (数学公式)
20. statistic (n.)
音标: /st t st k/
中文释义: 统计数值
例句: The statistics show that the number of people using smartphones is increasing rapidly. (统计数据显示,使用智能手机的人数正在快速增长。)
同义词: data, figure
搭配: statistical analysis (统计分析), statistical data (统计数据)
21. vitamin (n.)
音标: / v t m n/
中文释义: 维生素
例句: Vitamins are essential nutrients that the body needs in small amounts to function properly. (维生素是人体必需的营养素,身体只需要少量就能正常运转。)
搭配: vitamin deficiency (维生素缺乏), vitamin supplement (维生素补充剂)
22. protein (n.)
音标: / pro ti n/
中文释义: 蛋白质
例句: Proteins are essential nutrients for building and repairing tissues in the body. (蛋白质是构建和修复身体组织的必需营养素。)
搭配: protein structure (蛋白质结构), protein synthesis (蛋白质合成)
23. oxygen (n.)
音标: / ks d n/
中文释义: 氧,氧气
例句: Oxygen is a gas that is essential for human life. (氧气是人类生存所必需的气体。)
搭配: oxygen level (氧气水平), oxygen mask (氧气面罩)
24. carbon (n.)
音标: / kɑ b n/
中文释义: 碳
例句: Carbon is a chemical element that is found in all living things. (碳是一种化学元素,存在于所有生物中。)
搭配: carbon dioxide (二氧化碳), carbon footprint (碳足迹)
25. measurement (n.)
音标: / me m nt/
中文释义: 测量,衡量,尺寸,大小
例句: Accurate measurements are crucial in scientific experiments. (精确的测量在科学实验中至关重要。)
同义词: measurement, dimension
搭配: unit of measurement (测量单位), take measurements (进行测量)
26. intelligence (n.)
音标: / n tel d ns/
中文释义: 理解力, 智力, 情报
例句: Artificial intelligence is rapidly changing the world. (人工智能正在迅速改变世界。)
同义词: intellect, brainpower
搭配: artificial intelligence (人工智能), human intelligence (人类智能)
27. graph (n.)
音标: /ɡr f/
中文释义: 图表,曲线图
例句: The graph shows the relationship between temperature and pressure. (该图表显示了温度和压力之间的关系。)
搭配: bar graph (条形图), line graph (折线图)
28. navigation (n.)
音标: / n v ɡe n/
中文释义: 航行,航海,导航
例句: GPS navigation systems have made it much easier to find your way around. (GPS导航系统使人们更容易找到路线。)
搭配: satellite navigation (卫星导航), air navigation (航空导航)
29. dimension (n.)
音标: /da men n/
中文释义: 尺寸,次元,维度
例句: The box has three dimensions: length, width, and height. (这个盒子有三个维度:长、宽和高。)
搭配: spatial dimension (空间维度), time dimension (时间维度)
30. infinite (adj.)
音标: / nf n t/
中文释义: 无限的,无穷的
例句: The universe is vast and seemingly infinite. (宇宙浩瀚无垠,似乎是无限的。)
同义词: boundless, limitless
反义词: finite
搭配: infinite space (无限空间), infinite possibilities (无限可能性)
一、语法填空 (10题)
The scientists are trying to develop a new _____ (formula) for a more efficient solar cell.
With the rapid _____ (evolve) of technology, many traditional jobs are disappearing.
The _____ (measure) of the room was inaccurate, so the furniture did not fit properly.
The study found a strong correlation between exercise and increased _____ (intelligent).
The _____ (navigate) system guided the ship safely through the storm.
The _____ (dimension) of the universe are still not fully understood by scientists.
The company's profits have _____ (soar) in recent years.
The government needs to _____ (allocate) more resources to renewable energy development.
The economic recession forced many businesses to _____ (slash) their budgets.
The two sides finally reached an agreement after months of difficult _____ (negotiate).
二、单句改错 (5题)
The researchers are investigating the effect of the new drug on patients.
The data was analyzed using a complex algorithm.
Carbon dioxide is a harmful gas that contributes to climate changing.
The engineer used a computer program to design the bridge.
The biologists are studying the evolution of the human brain.
三、根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词 (5题)
_____ (精确) is crucial in scientific research.
_____ (生物学) is the study of living organisms.
The company's new product is expected to _____ (提升) sales significantly.
The team is working to _____ (恢复) the damaged ecosystem.
We need to _____ (减少) our reliance on fossil fuels.
四、根据括号的要求翻译句子 (5题)
科学家正在探索宇宙的奥秘。 (mystery)
这项新技术有望彻底改变医疗保健行业。 (revolutionize)
政府正在采取措施应对气候变化。 (address)
我们需要找到可持续发展的方法。 (sustainable)
人工智能的发展引发了许多伦理问题。 (raise)
Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the healthcare industry, offering new tools and approaches for diagnosis, treatment, and patient care. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of medical data, such as patient records, medical images, and genomic data, to identify patterns and insights that may not be apparent to human clinicians. This can lead to earlier and more accurate diagnoses, personalized treatment plans, and improved patient outcomes.
One area where AI is making significant strides is medical imaging. AI-powered systems can analyze medical images, such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs, to detect abnormalities and assist radiologists in making diagnoses. For example, AI algorithms can identify early signs of cancer, heart disease, and other conditions with high accuracy, potentially saving lives through early intervention.
AI is also being used to develop personalized medicine, which tailors treatment plans to individual patients based on their unique genetic makeup, medical history, and other factors. AI algorithms can analyze a patient's genomic data to identify potential risks for certain diseases and predict their response to different treatments.
Furthermore, AI-powered virtual assistants and chatbots are being used to provide patients with 24/7 support and answer their questions about their health conditions and medications. These AI systems can help to reduce the burden on healthcare providers and improve patient access to information.
1.What is the main topic of the passage
a. The ethical implications of AI in healthcare.
b. The use of AI in medical research.
c. The transformative impact of AI on the healthcare industry.
d. The challenges of implementing AI in healthcare settings.
2.According to the passage, how can AI algorithms improve diagnosis
a. By replacing human clinicians.
b. By providing emotional support to patients.
c. By analyzing large amounts of medical data to identify patterns.
d. By conducting clinical trials to test new treatments.
3.Which of the following is an example of AI being used in medical imaging
a. AI-powered robots performing surgery.
b. AI algorithms analyzing genomic data to predict disease risk.
c. AI-powered virtual assistants answering patient questions.
d. AI systems detecting early signs of cancer in X-ray images.
4.What is personalized medicine
a. A one-size-fits-all approach to treating diseases.
b. Treatment plans tailored to individual patients.
c. The use of traditional remedies to treat illnesses.
d. A type of alternative medicine that does not involve medication.
5.How can AI-powered virtual assistants benefit patients
a. By reducing healthcare costs.
b. By performing complex medical procedures.
c. By providing 24/7 support and health information.
d. By replacing the need for human healthcare providers.
Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun, has long captivated human imagination as a potential destination for exploration and even colonization. With its proximity to Earth and similarities in some aspects, Mars offers a unique opportunity to study the possibility of past or present life beyond our planet and to understand the evolution of rocky planets.
Several robotic missions have been sent to Mars, providing valuable data about its atmosphere, surface, and potential for harboring life. Rovers such as Curiosity and Perseverance have explored the Martian terrain, analyzed rock and soil samples, and searched for signs of ancient microbial life. Orbiters have mapped the planet's surface, studied its climate, and identified potential landing sites for future missions.
Despite the progress made in Mars exploration, significant challenges remain. The Martian atmosphere is thin and primarily composed of carbon dioxide, offering little protection from harmful radiation. The planet's surface is extremely cold and dry, with temperatures dropping to -140 degrees Celsius (-220 degrees Fahrenheit) at the poles. Water, essential for life as we know it, exists mainly in the form of ice.
Human missions to Mars would face numerous technological and logistical challenges. The journey to Mars would take several months, requiring advanced propulsion systems and life support systems to sustain astronauts during the long voyage. Landing on Mars is also a complex maneuver, requiring precise navigation and landing systems.
1.What is the primary reason for human interest in exploring Mars
a. Its potential for harboring extraterrestrial life.
b. Its abundance of natural resources.
c. Its proximity to Earth and similarities in some aspects.
d. Its potential as a source of renewable energy.
2.What have robotic missions to Mars accomplished
a. They have established permanent human settlements on Mars.
b. They have discovered conclusive evidence of past life on Mars.
c. They have terraformed Mars to make it habitable for humans.
d. They have gathered data about Mars' atmosphere, surface, and potential for life.
3.What is a major challenge for human missions to Mars
a. The distance and duration of the journey.
b. The lack of available funding for space exploration.
c. The political tensions between countries involved in space exploration.
d. The ethical considerations of potentially contaminating Mars with Earth microbes.
4.Which of the following best describes the Martian atmosphere
a. Dense and rich in oxygen.
b. Thin and primarily composed of carbon dioxide.
c. Similar to Earth's atmosphere in composition and pressure.
d. Composed mainly of nitrogen and water vapor.
5.What is the main challenge posed by the Martian surface conditions
a. The extreme heat and frequent dust storms.
b. The lack of solid ground for landing spacecraft.
c. The extreme cold, dryness, and lack of liquid water.
d. The presence of toxic chemicals in the soil.
The automotive industry is undergoing a significant transformation as the world shifts towards cleaner and more sustainable transportation options. New energy vehicles (NEVs), which include electric vehicles (EVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), and fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs), are rapidly gaining popularity as a viable alternative to traditional gasoline-powered cars.
Electric vehicles are powered by batteries that store electrical energy, offering several advantages over conventional vehicles. They produce zero tailpipe emissions, reducing air pollution and greenhouse gases. EVs are also quieter than gasoline cars, contributing to reduced noise pollution in urban areas. Additionally, EVs have lower operating costs due to the lower cost of electricity compared to gasoline and the reduced need for maintenance.
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles combine an internal combustion engine with an electric motor and a battery. PHEVs can be driven for a certain distance on electric power alone, reducing emissions and fuel consumption. When the battery is depleted, the gasoline engine kicks in to provide additional power.
Fuel cell electric vehicles use hydrogen gas to generate electricity, which powers the electric motor. FCEVs emit only water vapor as a byproduct, making them a truly zero-emission transportation option. However, the infrastructure for hydrogen refueling is still in its early stages of development.
Despite the numerous advantages of NEVs, some challenges remain. The upfront cost of NEVs is generally higher than that of gasoline cars, although government incentives and declining battery costs are helping to close the gap. The range of EVs is also a concern for some consumers, although battery technology is continuously improving, extending the driving range of newer models. Additionally, the development of a comprehensive charging infrastructure is crucial for the widespread adoption of NEVs.
1.What is the main focus of the passage
a. The history of the automotive industry.
b. The technological advancements in gasoline-powered cars.
c. The rise of new energy vehicles as a sustainable transportation option.
d. The economic impact of the transition to electric vehicles.
2.Which of the following is NOT an advantage of electric vehicles mentioned in the passage
a. Zero tailpipe emissions.
b. Lower operating costs.
c. Longer driving range compared to gasoline cars.
d. Reduced noise pollution.
3.How do plug-in hybrid electric vehicles differ from purely electric vehicles
a. PHEVs have a longer driving range than EVs.
b. PHEVs combine an electric motor with a gasoline engine.
c. PHEVs are more expensive than EVs.
d. PHEVs produce more emissions than EVs.
4.What is the main byproduct of fuel cell electric vehicles
a. Carbon dioxide.
b. Water vapor.
c. Nitrogen oxides.
d. Particulate matter.
5.What is a major challenge hindering the widespread adoption of NEVs
a. The lack of government support for NEV development.
b. The high cost of hydrogen fuel.
c. The limited availability of charging infrastructure.
d. The lack of consumer interest in NEVs.
formula (名词,意为“公式,配方”)
evolution (名词,意为“进化,发展”)
measurement (名词,意为“测量,尺寸”)
intelligence (名词,意为“智力,理解力”)
navigation (名词,意为“导航,航行”)
dimensions (名词复数,意为“维度,尺寸”)
soared (动词过去分词,表示利润“暴涨”)
allocate (动词,意为“分配,拨付”)
slash (动词,意为“大幅削减”)
negotiations (名词复数,意为“谈判,协商”)
effect → effects (effect 是名词,此处应用复数形式 effects 指“影响”)
data was → data were (data 是复数名词,谓语动词应用复数形式)
changing → change (climate change 是固定搭配,意为“气候变化”)
program → program (拼写错误,应为 program)
human brain → human brain (没有错误)
Scientists are exploring the mysteries of the universe.
This new technology is expected to revolutionize the healthcare industry.
The government is taking measures to address climate change.
We need to find ways to achieve sustainable development.
The development of artificial intelligence has raised many ethical issues.
1.文章主要讨论了人工智能在医疗保健行业的变革性影响,包括诊断、治疗和病人护理等方面。 原文定位: 文章第一句就点明了主题 "Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the healthcare industry..."
2.文章提到AI算法可以通过分析大量医疗数据来识别模式和洞察力,从而提高诊断的准确性。 原文定位: 第二段第一句提到 "... to identify patterns and insights that may not be apparent to human clinicians. This can lead to earlier and more accurate diagnoses..."
3.文章举例说明AI在医学影像领域的应用,例如AI系统可以通过分析X光图像来检测癌症的早期迹象。 原文定位: 第二段第三句提到 "For example, AI algorithms can identify early signs of cancer, heart disease, and other conditions with high accuracy..."
4.文章解释了个性化医疗的概念,即根据患者的独特基因组成、病史和其他因素制定治疗方案。 原文定位: 第三段第一句提到 "AI is also being used to develop personalized medicine, which tailors treatment plans to individual patients..."
5.文章提到AI驱动的虚拟助手可以为患者提供24/7的支持和健康信息,从而减轻医疗保健提供者的负担并改善患者获取信息的途径。 原文定位: 第四段提到 "... AI-powered virtual assistants and chatbots are being used to provide patients with 24/7 support and answer their questions about their health conditions and medications."
1.文章开头就指出,火星与地球的距离较近,并且在某些方面存在相似之处,因此人类对探索火星有着浓厚的兴趣,将其视为探索地球以外生命可能性和了解类地行星演化的独特机会。 原文定位: 文章第一句就阐明了火星吸引人类探索的主要原因 "With its proximity to Earth and similarities in some aspects, Mars offers a unique opportunity to study the possibility of past or present life..."
2.文章提到,火星探测器已经收集了有关火星大气、表面和潜在生命的数据,并分析了岩石和土壤样本,寻找古代微生物生命的迹象。 原文定位: 第二段描述了机器人任务的成果,例如 "... providing valuable data about its atmosphere, surface, and potential for harboring life."
3.文章指出,前往火星的旅程需要数月时间,需要先进的推进系统和生命支持系统来维持宇航员在漫长航行中的生命。 原文定位: 第四段第一句提到 "Human missions to Mars would face numerous technological and logistical challenges. The journey to Mars would take several months..."
4.文章描述了火星大气的特点,稀薄且主要由二氧化碳组成,对有害辐射的防护作用很小。 原文定位: 第三段第一句就描述了火星大气 "The Martian atmosphere is thin and primarily composed of carbon dioxide, offering little protection from harmful radiation."
5.文章提到火星表面的极端寒冷、干燥以及缺乏液态水,这些条件对人类生存构成挑战。 原文定位: 第三段描述了火星表面的恶劣条件,例如 "The planet's surface is extremely cold and dry, with temperatures dropping to -140 degrees Celsius... Water, essential for life as we know it, exists mainly in the form of ice."
1.文章主要集中讨论了新能源汽车作为一种可持续交通选择的兴起。 原文定位: 文章第一段就点明了主题,"The automotive industry is undergoing a significant transformation as the world shifts towards cleaner and more sustainable transportation options. New energy vehicles (NEVs)... are rapidly gaining popularity as a viable alternative to traditional gasoline-powered cars."
2.文章提到了电动汽车的几个优点,包括零排放、运行成本低和噪音污染少,但并没有提到比汽油车更长的续航里程。 原文定位: 第二段列举了电动汽车的优势,"They produce zero tailpipe emissions... EVs are also quieter than gasoline cars... Additionally, EVs have lower operating costs..." 但并未提及续航里程方面的优势。
3.插电式混合动力汽车与纯电动汽车的不同之处在于,它们结合了电动机和汽油发动机。 原文定位: 第三段解释了插电式混合动力汽车的特点,"Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles combine an internal combustion engine with an electric motor and a battery."
4.燃料电池电动汽车的主要副产品是水蒸气。 原文定位: 第四段描述了燃料电池电动汽车,"FCEVs emit only water vapor as a byproduct, making them a truly zero-emission transportation option."
5.文章指出,阻碍新能源汽车广泛普及的主要挑战是充电基础设施的缺乏。 原文定位: 最后一段提到了新能源汽车面临的挑战,其中包括 "the development of a comprehensive charging infrastructure is crucial for the widespread adoption of NEVs."


