
  1. 二一教育资源



1. accelerate (vt., vi.) / k sel re t/
例句:The government's new policies are expected to accelerate economic growth. (政府的新政策预计将加速经济增长。)
同义词:speed up, hasten
反义词:decelerate, slow down
2. boost (n., vt.) /bu st/
中文释义:(n.) 推进,支援,增加 (vt.) 推进,提高
例句:The tax cuts gave the economy a much-needed boost. (减税给经济带来了急需的提振。)
同义词:(vt.) increase, raise, improve
搭配:boost profits, boost morale
3. mushroom (n., vi.) / m ru m/
中文释义:(n.) 蘑菇,菌菇状物,暴发户 (vi.) 扩张,迅速增加
例句:Small businesses mushroomed in the city after the new regulations were introduced. (新法规出台后,城市里的小企业如雨后春笋般涌现。)
同义词:(vi.) grow rapidly, proliferate
4. flourish (vi., vt., n.) / fl r /
中文释义:(vi.) 繁荣,茂盛,活跃,手舞足蹈 (vt.) 挥舞 (n.) 挥舞,华丽词藻,茂盛,兴旺,炫耀
例句:The tourism industry flourished after the airport was built. (机场建成后,旅游业蓬勃发展。)
同义词:(vi.) thrive, prosper
反义词:(vi.) decline, wither
5. thrive (vi.) /θra v/
例句:The company thrived under the new management. (在新管理层的领导下,公司蓬勃发展。)
同义词:flourish, prosper
反义词:fail, struggle
6. impose (vt., vi.) / m p z/
例句:The government imposed new taxes on luxury goods. (政府对奢侈品征收新税。)
同义词:(vt.) enforce, levy
搭配:impose tariffs, impose sanctions
7. restore (vt.) /r st (r)/
例句:The government is working to restore confidence in the financial markets. (政府正在努力恢复对金融市场的信心。)
同义词:repair, rebuild, revive
搭配:restore order, restore stability
8. soar (vi., n.) /s (r)/
中文释义:(vi.) 往上飛舞,高聳,滑翔 (n.) 高揚
例句:The price of oil soared to record highs. (石油价格飙升至历史新高。)
同义词:(vi.) rise rapidly, skyrocket
9. squeeze (vt., vi., n.) /skwi z/
中文释义:(vt.) 紧握,挤压,使经济困难 (vi.) 让步,压迫,险胜 (n.) 压榨,榨出的少量,佣金,经济拮据
例句:The recession squeezed many families' budgets. (经济衰退挤压了许多家庭的预算。)
同义词:(vt.) compress, press
搭配:squeeze profits, squeeze out
10. exceed (vt., vi.) / k si d/
例句:The company's profits exceeded expectations. (公司的利润超出了预期。)
同义词:surpass, outdo, outstrip
反义词:fall short of
11. allocate (v.) / l ke t/
例句:The government allocated funds for the new infrastructure project. (政府为新的基础设施项目拨款。)
同义词:assign, distribute, allot
搭配:allocate resources, allocate budget
12. slash (vt., n., vi.) /sl /
中文释义:(vt.) 猛砍,尖锐抨击,大幅减少 (n.) 猛砍,斜线,长切口,衣衩 (vi.) 大幅度削減
例句:The company slashed prices to attract more customers. (公司大幅降价以吸引更多顾客。)
同义词:(vt.) cut, reduce, decrease
13. negotiate (vt., vi.) /n ɡ ie t/
例句:The two countries are negotiating a trade agreement. (两国正在谈判一项贸易协定。)
同义词:discuss, bargain, mediate
搭配:negotiate a deal, negotiate a contract
14. distribute (vt., vi.) /d str bju t/
例句:The company distributes its products all over the world. (该公司将其产品分销到世界各地。)
同义词:spread, disperse, circulate
搭配:distribute goods, distribute information
15. bankrupt (adj., n., vt.) / b kr pt/
中文释义:(adj.) 破产的,貧窮的,道德敗壞的,枯竭的 (n.) 破产者,无知的人 (vt.) 使破产
例句:The company went bankrupt after a series of bad investments. (该公司在一系列糟糕的投资后破产了。)
同义词:(adj.) insolvent, broke
反义词:(adj.) solvent
16. economy (n.) / k n mi/
例句:The global economy is facing a number of challenges. (全球经济正面临着许多挑战。)
搭配:economic growth, economic development
17. prosperity (n.) /pr sper ti/
例句:The country enjoyed a period of prosperity after the war. (战后,该国经历了一段繁荣时期。)
同义词:wealth, affluence
反义词:poverty, hardship
18. hardship (n.) / hɑ d p/
例句:The recession caused great hardship for many people. (经济衰退给许多人带来了巨大的困难。)
同义词:difficulty, adversity
反义词:ease, comfort
19. recession (n.) /r se n/
例句:The country is in a recession. (这个国家正处于经济衰退之中。)
同义词:depression, downturn
反义词:boom, expansion
20. budget (n., vt., vi., adj.) / b d t/
中文释义:(n.) 预算 (vt.) 编预算,为…做预算 (vi.) 节省开支 (adj.) 不贵的,廉价的
例句:The family had to stick to a tight budget. (这个家庭不得不坚持紧缩的预算。)
搭配:budget deficit, budget surplus
21. corporation (n.) / k p re n/
例句:The multinational corporation has offices in many countries. (这家跨国公司在许多国家设有办事处。)
同义词:company, firm
22. commission (n., vt.) /k m n/
中文释义:(n.) 委任(狀),任官令; 委员会; 佣金; 犯罪行为 (vt.) 委任,委托; 使服役
例句:The salesperson earned a commission on each sale. (销售人员每笔销售都能获得佣金。)
搭配:commission a study, commission an artwork
23. installment (n.) / n st lm nt/
例句:She paid for the car in monthly installments. (她分期付款买了这辆车。)
搭配:installment plan, installment payment
24. warranty (n.) / w r nti/
例句:The product comes with a one-year warranty. (该产品提供一年保修。)
搭配:warranty period, warranty claim
25. venture (n., vt., vi.) / vent (r)/
中文释义:(n.) 冒险,风险,投机 (vt.) 敢尝试,谨慎地做,冒险一试 (vi.) 冒险做
例句:Starting a new business is a risky venture. (创业是一项冒险的 undertakings。)
同义词:(n.) undertaking, enterprise
搭配:joint venture, business venture
The government is taking steps to _______ (accelerate) the development of renewable energy sources.
The recent drop in oil prices has _______ (boost) the economy.
Online shopping websites have _______ (mushroom) in recent years.
The tech industry is _______ (flourish) in the region, attracting talent from around the world.
Small businesses often struggle to _______ (thrive) in a competitive market.
The government _______ (impose) a tax on sugary drinks to combat obesity.
The aim of the project is to _______ (restore) the historic building to its former glory.
Housing prices have _______ (soar) in major cities, making it difficult for young people to afford a home.
The company was _______ (squeeze) by rising costs and falling demand.
Demand for the product _______ (exceed) all expectations.
The company allocated a large amount of fundings to research and development.
The government is planning to slash taxes for small businesses.
The two sides are negotiating a trade deal.
The company distributes its products through a network of retail stores.
The economic recession left many people bankrupted.
经济衰退给许多企业带来了 _______ (hardship).
政府正在努力控制 _______ (budget) 赤字。
这家跨国 _______ (corporation) 在全球拥有数千名员工。
销售人员根据销售额获得 _______ (commission).
他分期付款购买了新电脑,每月支付 _______ (installment).
Globalization has become a defining feature of the 21st century, significantly impacting economic development around the world. The acceleration of trade and investment flows has led to increased economic interdependence among nations, blurring geographical boundaries and fostering interconnectedness. Multinational corporations have mushroomed, expanding their operations across borders and contributing to economic growth in developing countries. This influx of foreign investment has boosted employment opportunities, infrastructure development, and technology transfer.
However, the benefits of globalization are not evenly distributed. While some countries and individuals thrive in the globalized economy, others struggle to adapt and compete. The imposition of trade barriers and protectionist policies by developed nations can hinder the growth of emerging economies. Additionally, concerns about environmental sustainability, labor exploitation, and cultural homogenization raise ethical considerations regarding the impact of globalization.
To ensure that globalization benefits all, international cooperation is essential. Promoting fair trade practices, investing in education and infrastructure development, and addressing environmental and social concerns are crucial steps towards achieving inclusive and sustainable development. By fostering a globalized economy that prioritizes equity, sustainability, and human well-being, countries can harness the power of globalization to improve living standards and reduce poverty worldwide.
1.What is the main idea of the passage
(A) The challenges of globalization outweigh its benefits.
(B) Globalization has both positive and negative impacts on economic development.
(C) Multinational corporations are the primary beneficiaries of globalization.
(D) Developed countries are hindering the progress of developing countries.
2.The word “mushroomed” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to:
(A) declined
(B) stagnated
(C) proliferated
(D) specialized
3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a potential negative impact of globalization
(A) Environmental damage
(B) Increased cultural diversity
(C) Labor exploitation
(D) Unequal distribution of wealth
4.What is suggested as a way to ensure that globalization benefits all
(A) Implementing protectionist policies
(B) Limiting foreign investment
(C) Promoting fair trade practices
(D) Reducing international cooperation
5.The author’s tone in the passage can best be described as:
(A) optimistic
(B) pessimistic
(C) neutral
(D) critical
Technological innovation is widely recognized as a fundamental driver of economic growth and societal progress. The development of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and biotechnology, has the potential to revolutionize industries, create new jobs, and enhance productivity. Automation and digitalization are transforming traditional industries, while emerging technologies are spawning entirely new sectors, such as the sharing economy and the Internet of Things.
Governments and businesses alike are investing heavily in research and development to boost innovation and maintain a competitive edge in the global market. Start-ups and small businesses are playing an increasingly important role in driving technological advancement, fostering a culture of entrepreneurship and creativity. Venture capitalists and angel investors provide the necessary financial resources to support these innovative ventures, contributing to the dynamism of the economy.
However, technological change can also lead to job displacement and income inequality. As automation replaces routine tasks, workers may need to acquire new skills or transition to different occupations. Furthermore, the benefits of technological innovation are not always evenly distributed, potentially exacerbating existing social and economic disparities.
To mitigate these challenges, governments and societies must invest in education and training programs to equip individuals with the skills needed to succeed in a rapidly evolving job market. Social safety nets and policies that promote inclusive growth are essential to ensure that the benefits of technological innovation are shared by all. By embracing technological advancement while addressing its potential drawbacks, societies can ensure that economic growth is sustainable and benefits everyone.
1.According to the passage, what is a primary driver of economic growth
(A) Globalization
(B) Technological innovation
(C) Government regulation
(D) Free trade agreements
2.The word "revolutionize" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to:
(A) slightly improve
(B) completely change
(C) slowly develop
(D) gradually reduce
3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a potential negative impact of technological innovation
(A) Job displacement
(B) Increased environmental pollution
(C) Income inequality
(D) Skill gaps
4.The passage suggests that governments can mitigate the negative impacts of technological change by:
(A) reducing investment in research and development
(B) restricting the growth of start-up companies
(C) providing education and training programs
(D) implementing protectionist policies
5.The author’s attitude toward technological innovation can best be described as:
(A) cautious optimism
(B) strong opposition
(C) indifference
(D) enthusiastic support
Financial markets play a crucial role in allocating capital, facilitating investment, and promoting economic growth. They provide a platform for businesses to raise funds, for investors to allocate their capital, and for individuals to manage their savings and investments. A well-functioning financial system is essential for a healthy economy, as it channels funds to productive investments and supports entrepreneurial activity.
However, financial markets can also be a source of instability and risk. The 2008 financial crisis, triggered by the collapse of the subprime mortgage market in the United States, highlighted the dangers of excessive speculation, deregulation, and complex financial instruments. The crisis led to a global recession, causing widespread job losses, business failures, and a decline in living standards.
In response to the crisis, governments and central banks around the world implemented a range of measures to restore stability and prevent future crises. These measures included stricter regulations on financial institutions, increased capital requirements for banks, and the use of monetary policy tools to manage liquidity and interest rates. Additionally, international cooperation was strengthened to coordinate regulatory efforts and prevent regulatory arbitrage.
Despite these efforts, financial markets remain vulnerable to shocks and crises. Geopolitical events, economic downturns, and emerging technologies can all disrupt financial markets and threaten economic stability. It is therefore crucial to continue to strengthen financial regulations, improve risk management practices, and promote transparency to ensure the resilience of the financial system and support sustainable economic growth.
1.What is the primary function of financial markets, according to the passage
(A) To promote social equality
(B) To regulate international trade
(C) To allocate capital and facilitate economic growth
(D) To provide social safety nets for individuals
2.The word "recession" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to:
(A) period of economic growth
(B) period of economic decline
(C) period of technological innovation
(D) period of political stability
3.The 2008 financial crisis was triggered by:
(A) excessive government regulation
(B) the collapse of the technology sector
(C) the collapse of the subprime mortgage market
(D) a decline in international cooperation
4.According to the passage, governments and central banks responded to the financial crisis by:
(A) deregulating financial institutions
(B) increasing speculation in the stock market
(C) implementing stricter regulations on financial institutions
(D) reducing international cooperation
5.The author’s main purpose in writing the passage is to:
(A) explain the causes of the 2008 financial crisis
(B) argue for the complete deregulation of financial markets
(C) discuss the role of financial markets in the economy and the importance of ensuring their stability
(D) criticize the actions of governments and central banks in response to the financial crisis
Individual financial planning is essential for achieving long-term economic security and well-being. By managing their finances effectively, individuals can build a solid foundation for their future, providing for their needs and achieving their financial goals. Developing a budget, saving for retirement, and investing wisely are all crucial steps in building a secure financial future.
Creating a budget is a fundamental aspect of personal finance. By tracking income and expenses, individuals can gain a clear understanding of their financial situation and identify areas where they can slash unnecessary spending. Saving for retirement is equally important, as it ensures financial security during one's later years. Retirement savings plans, such as 401(k)s and IRAs, offer tax advantages and allow individuals to accumulate wealth over time.
Investing wisely is another key component of personal finance. By diversifying their investments across different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate, individuals can mitigate risk and potentially generate higher returns. Seeking professional financial advice can also be beneficial, especially for those with limited investment experience.
However, many individuals face hardships that can make it difficult to manage their finances effectively. Unemployment, debt, rising living costs, and unexpected expenses can all create financial strain. Financial literacy programs can equip individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed decisions about their finances. Governments can also play a role by providing social safety nets, such as unemployment benefits and affordable housing programs, and by promoting financial inclusion to ensure that everyone has access to basic financial services.
By taking steps to improve their financial literacy, plan for the future, and seek assistance when needed, individuals can enhance their economic well-being and build a more secure future for themselves and their families.
1.What is the main purpose of the passage
(A) To explain the causes of financial hardship
(B) To encourage individuals to seek professional financial advice
(C) To emphasize the importance of individual financial planning for achieving economic security
(D) To criticize government policies related to social safety nets
2.The word "slash" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to:
(A) increase
(B) reduce
(C) stabilize
(D) prioritize
3.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a key component of personal finance
(A) Creating a budget
(B) Saving for retirement
(C) Investing wisely
(D) Relying on government assistance
4.The passage suggests that financial literacy programs can help individuals:
(A) avoid all financial risks
(B) make informed decisions about their finances
(C) become wealthy quickly
(D) eliminate the need for government assistance
5.The author's tone in the passage can best be described as:
(A) informative and encouraging
(B) critical and pessimistic
(C) indifferent and detached
(D) humorous and sarcastic
accelerate (v.) 加速:根据句意,政府正在采取措施“加速”可再生能源的发展,因此需要动词形式。
boosted (v. 过去分词) 提振:此处需要过去分词作定语修饰economy。
mushroomed (v. 过去分词) 如雨后春笋般涌现:此处需要过去分词作谓语,表示在线购物网站在近年来“大量涌现”。
flourishing (v. 现在分词) 蓬勃发展:此处需要现在分词作伴随状语,表示科技行业“正在蓬勃发展”。
thrive (v. 不定式) 兴旺:struggle to do sth. 表示“努力做某事”,此处不定式作宾语补足语。
imposed (v. 过去式) 征收:根据句意,政府“征收”了含糖饮料税,因此需要过去式。
restore (v. 不定式) 恢复:the aim/goal/purpose to do sth. 表示“做某事的目标”,此处不定式作目的状语。
soared (v. 过去分词) 飙升:此处需要过去分词作谓语,表示房价“已经飙升”。
squeezed (v. 过去分词) 挤压:此处需要过去分词作谓语,表示公司“被”不断上涨的成本和下降的需求“挤压”。
exceeded (v. 过去式) 超过:根据句意,产品的需求“超过”了所有预期,因此需要过去式。
fundings → funds:fund 作“资金”讲时是不可数名词。
slash taxes for → slash taxes on:slash taxes on sth. 表示“削减某物的税收”。
bankrupted → bankrupt:bankrupt 作“破产”讲时是形容词,不能用作谓语。
hardship (n.) 艰难,困苦
budget (n.) 预算
corporation (n.) 公司,法人,集团
commission (n.) 佣金
installment (n.) 分期付款(安装,一期)
1.答案: (B) Globalization has both positive and negative impacts on economic development.
解析: 文章整体讨论了全球化对经济发展的积极和消极影响,包括促进经济增长、创造就业机会、加剧不平等、环境问题等。
原文定位: 第一段和第二段分别论述了全球化的积极和消极影响。
2.答案: (C) proliferated
解析: “mushroomed” 指的是像蘑菇一样快速生长,大量涌现,与“proliferated” (激增,扩散) 意思相近。
原文定位: 第一段 “Multinational corporations have mushroomed, expanding their operations across borders and contributing to economic growth in developing countries.”
3.答案: (B) Increased cultural diversity
解析: 文章提到的全球化的负面影响包括环境问题、劳工剥削和文化同质化,并没有提到文化多样性的增加。
原文定位: 第二段 “…concerns about environmental sustainability, labor exploitation, and cultural homogenization…”
4.答案: (C) Promoting fair trade practices
解析: 文章提到,为了确保全球化惠及所有人,需要促进公平贸易,投资教育和基础设施,以及解决环境和社会问题。
原文定位: 第三段 “…promoting fair trade practices, investing in education and infrastructure development, and addressing environmental and social concerns…”
5.答案: (C) neutral
解析: 作者以客观的方式陈述了全球化的利弊,没有明显的倾向性。
1.答案: (B) Technological innovation
解析: 文章开头就明确指出,技术创新是经济增长的主要驱动力。
原文定位: 第一段 “Technological innovation is widely recognized as a fundamental driver of economic growth and societal progress.”
2.答案: (B) completely change
解析: “revolutionize” 指的是彻底改变,与“completely change” 意思相近。
原文定位: 第一段 “…has the potential to revolutionize industries, create new jobs, and enhance productivity.”
3.答案: (B) Increased environmental pollution
解析: 文章提到的技术创新的负面影响包括工作流失、收入不平等和技能差距,并没有提到环境污染的增加。
原文定位: 第二段 “…can also lead to job displacement and income inequality.”
4.答案: (C) providing education and training programs
解析: 文章建议政府和社会投资教育和培训项目,帮助个人获得在快速变化的就业市场中取得成功所需的技能。
原文定位: 第三段 “…governments and societies must invest in education and training programs…”
5.答案: (A) cautious optimism
解析: 作者对技术创新持积极态度,但同时也认识到其潜在的负面影响,因此是谨慎乐观的态度。
1.答案: (C) To allocate capital and facilitate economic growth
解析: 文章开头就说明了金融市场在配置资金、促进投资和推动经济增长方面的关键作用。
原文定位: 第一段 “Financial markets play a crucial role in allocating capital, facilitating investment, and promoting economic growth.”
2.答案: (B) period of economic decline
解析: “recession” 指的是经济衰退,与“period of economic decline” 意思相近。
原文定位: 第二段 “…led to a global recession, causing widespread job losses…”
3.答案: (C) the collapse of the subprime mortgage market
解析: 文章明确指出,2008年金融危机是由美国次级抵押贷款市场崩溃引发的。
原文定位: 第二段 “…triggered by the collapse of the subprime mortgage market in the United States…”
4.答案: (C) implementing stricter regulations on financial institutions
解析: 文章提到,各国政府和中央银行采取了一系列措施来恢复稳定,包括对金融机构实施更严格的监管、提高银行资本要求等。
原文定位: 第三段 “…implemented a range of measures to restore stability…These measures included stricter regulations on financial institutions…”
5.答案: (C) discuss the role of financial markets in the economy and the importance of ensuring their stability
解析: 作者的目的是探讨金融市场在经济中的作用以及确保其稳定的重要性。
1.答案: (C) To emphasize the importance of individual financial planning for achieving economic security
解析: 文章主要强调个人理财规划对实现经济安全的重要性。
原文定位: 第一段和全文
2.答案: (B) reduce
解析: “slash” 指的是大幅减少,与“reduce” 意思相近。
原文定位: 第二段 “…identify areas where they can slash unnecessary spending.”
3.答案: (D) Relying on government assistance
解析: 文章提到的个人理财的关键组成部分包括制定预算、为退休储蓄和进行明智的投资,并没有提到依赖政府援助。
原文定位: 第二段和第三段
4.答案: (B) make informed decisions about their finances
解析: 文章指出,金融知识项目可以帮助个人做出关于其财务状况的明智决定。
原文定位: 第四段 “…Financial literacy programs can equip individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed decisions about their finances.”
5答案: (A) informative and encouraging
解析: 作者以 informative 的方式介绍了个人理财的重要性,并鼓励个人采取措施改善财务状况,因此是 informative and encouraging 的语气。


