
  1. 二一教育资源



This Friday brought a mix of emotions—both excitement and disappointment—all because of a flyer from school
情绪:为什么又兴奋又失望 - 是否需要在续写中体现?还需要结合后文来看】.
When I got home, Mum saw the flyer in my hand and asked, “What's this ”
“A flyer for a five-day art camp,” I explained. “But Emily can't go.”
flyer 传单 最后作者一定是要去这个地方的,且看看遇到了什么问题。
“Would you like to attend ”Mum asked. “You've always loved art.” Her words reminded me of what Emily had said earlier: “Tessa, you're the real artist. My brother thought the roses I painted were rocket ships.”I sighed. Mum patted my back. She knew I had a hard time jumping into something with no familiar faces around. “Maybe next year.”
① 续写主要矛盾、要解决的问题:“社交恐惧”“不敢融入有陌生面孔的新环境”
② 具体怎么解决,用什么方式,要看后文有什么提示
“Maybe,” I echoed. Then I told Mum I wanted to go outside to draw the Westons' pine tree( 松树 ). She nodded with an encouraging smile.
As I walked into the bright sunshine, I couldn't help but think about the art camp. I wished I felt a little bit braver. Emily could make friends with a whole bus of kids in ten minutes, but my stomach felt like a little boat tossed in a heavy storm when I was surrounded by strangers... By the time I started drawing, I had made up my mind to forget about the art camp. 到这里主人公还在纠结
I began by drawing the pine tree's strong and straight trunk, and then added the beautiful branches, making sure the upper ones lifted gently towards the sun. Lost in my work, I jumped when I heard Mr. Weston speak up, “You’ve done a great job showing the strength of that tree on paper.”
“Thanks,” I smiled, glancing up.
As I drew the needles to the branches, Mr. Weston told me something I never knew about pines: If you plant the root ball too deep, the tree dies. Their roots grow out, not down—to get enough water and grow tall.
① 使用隐喻;
② I never know about pines,说明是让我牢记的句子;
③ 肯定对“我鼓起勇气参加art camp”有所启示;
④ plant the root ball too deep可以理解为是“太隐藏自己,不接触外界人”;
⑤roots grow out可以理解为是“走出去,接触外界事物,个人才能发展好”;
⑥ 这意味着后文续写,要把自己比喻为branches
“You have a good eye, Tessa.”With these words, Mr. Weston nodded goodbye.
Paragraph 1: His words made me pause and think.
Paragraph 2: The next Monday, I signed up for the camp.
1. 先看续写第二段第一句“The next Monday, I signed up for the camp.
—— 说明第一段都在写“我做决定的过程”
2. 再看续写第一段第一句“ His words made me pause and think.”
—— 这里提示已经很明显了“think”
—— 说明接下来都写“我思考的过程”
—— “我到底想一些什么”才能写到80-100词呢?
—— 当然是原材料倒数第二段的那句话给我的启示
3. 再来看第二段
—— 第二段“我参加艺术夏令营”之后,经历了什么给我带来改变?
—— 结合对原材料的分析,有几点是需要再第二段体现:① 我最后一定是开始愿意和陌生面孔接触、融入了陌生环境;② 我最终参加夏令营之前,可以提一下妈妈什么态度(这部分可写可不写吧);③ 参加夏令营一开始是什么反应;④ 怎么发生变化的,要写出这种转折;
—— 当然了,还可以写“我的内心活动”
His words made me pause and think. 我开始由此想到我和Mr Weston所说的树有很大的相似性,如果我的根只是深入地下,或者说如果我只是胆小地躲起来,不敢面对生面孔,那么我永远无法成熟起来。想到这里,我觉得art camp对于我来说可能是一个成长的契机。我应该开始尝试突破自己的,挖掘自身的潜能,毕竟未来还有很多场合都需要我面对这种情形。想到这里,我仿佛没那么恐惧了。
His words made me pause and think. I began to think about how similar I was to the tree Mr. Weston talked about. If my roots merely went deep underground, or if I just shyly hid away, afraid to fit in new environment where there are many new faces, then I could never really grow up. Thinking about this, I felt that the art camp might be an opportunity for me to grow. I should start trying to break out my boundaries and tap my potential. After all, there will be many situations in the future where I need to face these kinds of challenges. Thinking about this, I seemed to become braver.
The next Monday, I signed up for the camp. 我事情来龙去脉告诉妈妈后,她的眼神充满骄傲和喜悦,说很开心能看到我的成长,也很欣慰我能从Mr Weston的话语中感悟如此深刻。到了art camp开营的那天,我 刚走进教室,一开始还是感觉不舒适,不敢抬头看他人,也不敢与他人讲话。但转念想到我来到这里的目的,和Mr Weston的话,我鼓起勇气找到前排的位置坐下,并主动与同学交谈,分享我的作品,并开始享受这种感觉。逐渐地,我不再抗拒接触陌生面孔,开始感受到了我向外生长的快乐。
The next Monday, I signed up for the camp. After telling Mum the whole story, her eyes lit up with pride and joy. She was relieved to see my growth and my deep understanding from Mr. Weston's words. On the first day of the camp, I walked into the classroom feeling uneasy, but remained hesitant to make eye contact or start a conversation with anyone. But then, thinking of my purpose for being there and Mr. Weston's encouraging words, I took a seat at the front and began talking with my classmates, sharing my artwork, and enjoying the atmosphere. Gradually, as I not longer objected to meeting new people and found the joy of my roots branching out.
I began to think about how similar I was to the tree Mr. Weston talked about.
If my roots merely went deep underground, or if I just shyly hid away, afraid to fit in new environment where there are many new faces, then I could never really grow up.
Thinking about this, I felt that the art camp might be an opportunity for me to grow.
After all, there will be many situations in the future where I need to face these kinds of challenges.
Thinking about this, I seemed to become braver.
After telling Mum the whole story, her eyes lit up with pride and joy.
运用了after doing。
But then, thinking of my purpose for being there and Mr. Weston's encouraging words, I took a seat at the front and began talking with my classmates, sharing my artwork, and enjoying the atmosphere.


