四川省大数据学考大联盟高2023-2024学年高一下期期中质量检测英语试卷(PDF版含答案 无听力音频 含听力原文)

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四川省大数据学考大联盟高2023-2024学年高一下期期中质量检测英语试卷(PDF版含答案 无听力音频 含听力原文)


秘密 ★ 启用前
英 语
本试卷分为试题卷和答题卡两部分,其中试题卷共 10 页,答题卡共 2 页。满分 150 分,
考试时间 120 分钟。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最
佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题
和阅读下一小题。 每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What does the woman lose
A. A bus. B. Her wallet. C. Her handbag.
2. What is the man probably waiting for
A. His book. B. His friend. C. His food.
3. Who might the woman be
A. A doctor. B. A sales girl. C. A ticket collector.
4. What is the man calling for
A. The appointment time. B. The account information. C. The PPT contract.
5. What does the man advise the woman to do first
A. To visit the square. B. To visit the museum. C. To visit the art gallery.
第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个
选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听
完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 和 7 题。
6. What does the man want to do
A. To rent a car. B. To book a hotel. C. To buy an insurance.
7. How much does the man need to pay
A. $320. B. $240. C. $288.
听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 和 9 题。
8. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a hotel. B. In a taxi. C. In an office.
9. What is the woman unsure of
A. The time. B. The price. C. The destination.
高一英语试题卷 第1页(共 10 页)
听第 8 段材料,回答第 10,11,12 三个小题。
10. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Classmates. B. Teacher and student. C. Husband and wife.
11. What is Jim’s research topic about
A. The benefits of higher education.
B. The college education expenses.
C. Ways to improve college education.
12. What condition does Jim suggest for free college education
A. Students must be skilled in something.
B. Students must pass a standardized test.
C. Students must show interest in their field.
听第 9 段材料,回答第 13,14,15 和 16 四个小题。
13. What time do the speakers agree to meet for studying on Sunday
A. At 9:00 am. B. At 9:30 am. C. At 10:00 am.
14. Which subject does the woman ignore first
A. Maths. B. History. C. Science.
15. Why do the speakers like Ms. Whitehead
A. She is a strict teacher.
B. She always smiles in class.
C. She is caring and encouraging.
16. Where do the speakers decide to have lunch tomorrow
A. In a sandwich bar. B. At Burger King. C. At Pizza House.
听第 10 段材料,回答第 17,18,19 和 20 四个小题。
17. What is the speaker doing
A. Attending an interview. B. Advertising a book. C. Hosting a live show.
18. What is the most important in achieving goals faster
A. A scientific deadline.
B. An effective action plan.
C. The qualities of success.
19. How many steps are mentioned
A. 3. B. 4. C. 5.
20. What are the listeners expected to do at last
A. Try to make their own videos.
B. Write down their plans on a paper.
C. Share information with those in need.
高一英语试题卷 第2页(共 10 页)
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)
第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题
If you are planning for your summer reading list and are lost in numerous choices, check out
the following book reviews on modern classics for consideration.
The Known World by Edward P. Jones (2003).
Apart from having won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 2004, this amazingly beautiful novel
about Black slave owners in an imaginary town is still under-read. It’s a work of genius and
profound humanity.
One Hundred Years of Solitude(孤独) by Gabriel García Márquez (1967).
García Márquez deals with Colombia's Thousand Days’ War of 1899-1902, but in the most
indirect way possible and in some of the most charming and excited words possible. The vast
majority of people consider this Nobel Prize winning novel as a must-read book in life.
Pachinko by Min Jin Lee (2017).
As a book on National Book Award finalist, this novel focuses on the issues of Japan’s
occupation of Korea and the impact of World War II through the painful and inspiring stories of
multiple(多个) characters over four generations with the best level of modern classic storytelling
Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut (1969).
This novel brings its readers back to the fire and bombing days of Germany. It breaks so many
rules that it will make you rethink what is possible in fiction.
21. What do these four books have in common
A. They are all prize-winning works.
B. The writers are American-born.
C. They belong to the same literature style.
D. The writers set their stories in real cities.
22. Who would choose to read Pachinko
A. Readers into Germany.
B. Readers keen on slavery.
C. Readers fond of modern poems.
D. Readers interested in Asian history.
23. Which column of a newspaper is this text probably taken from
A. Literature. B. Business. C. History. D. World News.
高一英语试题卷 第3页(共 10 页)
As a young boy growing up in England, James Jefferson wanted to become a leader to make
the world a better place. His passion to help people was clear from the age of eight, and he traveled
with his Egyptian mother to north Africa during summer holidays. There his mother organized
homework clubs and English lessons for local children. James witnessed the awful effect of
desertification(沙漠化). When he was eight, he learned in Egypt that within 5 years, rich farmers
could become worse off, and in 10 years they would be in poverty, due to the fact that a decrease in
average rainfall and an increase in the droughts have led to an estimated 90% of Egyptian
agricultural lands being threatened by desertification. Consequently, he wanted to stop the Sahara
Desert from desertification and make the land fertile again.
James believed that the current farming practices needed to be changed in Egypt. He was
confident that small changes can bring large returns if farmers were able to plant sustainable crops,
using new technologies for watering and using natural fertilizers(肥料)rather than chemicals.
In 2019, James pursued his dream to fight against the desertification. He moved to Egypt, then
set up a programme named One for All to carry his sustainable farming philosophy into action. “I’d
like to show young people in rural areas that they can create opportunities wherever they are.
Nobody is better able to understand the impact of desertification and climate change than
somebody who is living with no access to water like them.”
By September 2021, more than 120, 000 trees had been planted on 25 farms, with farmers
recording a 70 % survival rate. James estimated that nearly 4 million trees would be needed to
protect Egyptian farmland. He expects to plant 1 million trees by 2025. In the next couple of years,
James hopes to extend the programme to other countries.
24. How did the summer holiday trips to Egypt influence James
A. They made him decide to leave the country.
B. They lit up his passion for helping others.
C. They helped him better understand his mother.
D. They destroyed his dream of being a teacher.
25. Why did James set up One for All in Egypt
A. To persuade the farmers not to use fertilizers.
B. To create job opportunities for young people.
C. To help the children gain education on agriculture.
D. To promote the protection of Egyptian farmland.
26. Which of the following may best describe James
A. Devoted and caring. B. Demanding and creative.
C. Easygoing and carefree. D. Humorous and passionate.
27. What is a suitable title for the text
A. Purifying Water for Drinking B. Planting Trees against Drought
C. Holding back the Sahara D. Fighting Poverty in South Africa
高一英语试题卷 第4页(共 10 页)
Today, it’s impossible to imagine life without highways which connect goods with markets,
employees with work places. “Everything in life is somewhere else,” wrote E.B.White, “and you
get there in a car.”
Do highways bring any benefit to our natural world Yes. Arizona’s highways rainfall softens
desert soils for underground-living animals, while vultures(秃鹫) get to expand their diet by
roadkill. Butterflies find home on the roadside grassland. In Britain, such habitat is called the “soft
estate”—a concept that roads are able to create new ecosystems, even though they sometimes
destroy existing ones. A biologist once led me under a highway bridge to show me hundreds of bats
resting beneath the bridge, not bothering with the traffic overhead.
But the positive situation isn’t always the case. We tend to ignore the death number as the
unavoidable cost of modernity. Although few people ever flatten an animal on purpose while
driving on the road, the attraction of the car is so strong that it has caused Americans to kill about
40,000 human lives in car accidents each year, what chance does wildlife have on the road
Northern America and Europe used to build their road networks with little regard for how they
would affect nature. Today, in theory, we know better. Over the last several decades, America and
European countries have built bridges for bears, tunnels for turtles, rope webs that allow monkeys
to swing over highways without going down to the forest floor. In Kenya, elephants walk under the
highways and railways via passages as tall as two-story houses. And road ecology has brought
more than crossings: We’ve also learned to map and protect the migrations of animals to design
roadsides that benefit bees and butterflies-proof that old mistakes will surely be corrected in the
upcoming future.
28.What do E.B.White’s words mean in Paragraph 1
A. Highways benefit the natural world.
B. People can’t get everything in life.
C. A good car is needed to get somewhere.
D. Highways are essential for our daily life.
29. What is the main function of the “soft estate”
A. Destroying the ecosystem.
B. Building new ecosystems.
C. Planning road networks.
D. Repairing habitats for animals.
30. Why is the number 40,000 mentioned in Paragraph 3
A. To reveal the negative effects of highways.
B. To explain people flatten animals on purpose.
C. To stress the importance of American modernity.
D. To show the number of animals killed on the road.
31. How does the writer think of the future of road ecology
A. Optimistic. B. Unclear. C. Worried. D. Doubtful.
高一英语试题卷 第5页(共 10 页)
Perhaps some girls are wondering whether their kitties can see colors. The simple answer is
yes, but the detailed answer is much more interesting.
To help you understand how your cat sees, it’s helpful to understand how our eyes work. It’s
the eye and brain working together that turn light into color. Our eyes can react to the light and
send signals to the brain. Those signals are translated into colors. The amount of three primary
colors — red, blue, and green determines the final color your brain registers. It’s thought that
people can see as many as one million colors.
Both people and cats have three different types of cones (视锥细胞), allowing us to see that
red, blue, and green. The big difference is that cats have considerably fewer overall cones than
people. As a result, they’re not able to see as many different color variations as we are. There’s also
a difference in the richness of color they see because they are much less sensitive to changes in
light than we are.
Compared with humans, cats tend to see blues, greens, and grays best. Cats can easily tell the
difference between these three colors groups. However, reds and pinks, and likely yellows, are
difficult for cats to tell. However, cats can see much better in low light than we can. They have
more rods (视杆细胞) (responsible for detecting motion) than humans, so they better detect small
movements that are significantly farther away. Cats have broader surrounding vision since their
eyes are set more on the sides of the head.
Interestingly, cats can’t see well close, right in front of their face. If you’ve been wondering
why your cat doesn’t play well when you shake a toy right in front of them, it’s because they can’t
see it. They’re using their other senses to figure out where that toy is.
32.Which may replace the underlined word “registers” in Paragraph 2
A. Imagines. B. Shows.
C. Carries. D. Records
33.Why do cats see fewer color variations than human
A. Their overall cones are fewer. B. They have better color vision.
C. Their movements are smaller. D. They see better in low light.
34.What colors can cats see best
A. Reds and pinks. B. Blues and greens.
C. Yellows and oranges. D. Purples and browns.
35. What is the text mainly about
A. Cats see better than us. B. Cats’ cones are different.
C. Cats can see differently. D. Cats’ vision is larger than ours.
高一英语试题卷 第6页(共 10 页)
第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
Working out is such an important part of your overall health. 36 While starting an exercise
routine might seem demanding, don’t worry.
Choose your inspiration and set a clear, achievable goal. Having a goal can really help you
feel motivated. Take a few minutes to think about why you’re working out and what you want to
achieve. 37 Write down your goal and post it somewhere you’ll see it regularly, like your
bathroom mirror or on your fridge.
38 Decide how many days a week you’ll be able to work out. Ideally, you should get at
least 30 minutes of exercise per day, 5 days a week. However, if you’re trying to achieve a certain
goal, you might want to consider working out for about an hour several days a week.
Push yourself to work hard. The trick is to do it safely and in a controlled manner. If you ran
2 miles yesterday and felt worn out later, don’t try to run 5 miles today. Instead, find a level of
effort that leaves you feeling like you got in a good workout. 39
Work as much of your body as you can. The more parts of your body receive exercise, the
more you’ll notice exercises’ positive effects on your weight, mood, stress levels, sleeping patterns,
and overall sense of well-being. 40 But some options are better than others. Lifting free
weights, for example, works more muscle groups than using targeted weightlifting machines.
A. It’s good for both your body and mind!
B. As always, any exercise is good exercise.
C. Figure out a schedule that suits your needs.
D. Set a date when you want to accomplish your goal, too.
E. You can record each of your workouts on your phone with them.
F. If you want to feel energized, you’ll need to ensure some good sleep.
G. Then try to slightly add on to the intensity of that level every couple of weeks.
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节 完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出可以填入空白处
In my early years, I did not see the value of education. When I was turning thirteen, I started
to 41 my own shop. From then on, I worked hard to become a successful businessman. But
one day I 42 the importance of the English language in the business world and started taking
night classes.
I was able to communicate well with foreign 43 after two years of English study. But I
started to feel that, in the long run, having a 44 knowledge of English was not enough to make
my business successful. I knew that only a well-rounded education could 45 my success in the
When I was eighteen, I had to make a decision about 46 to do business or go back to
school. There was one 47 keeping me from getting an advanced education. I had only
completed elementary school up to that point. I then went back to senior high school. Being at
school for the first time after so many years was somewhat 48 because my classmates were at
高一英语试题卷 第7页(共 10 页)
least two or three years younger than me. I concluded that my age did not 49 . The important
thing was getting into college.
I took the College Entrance Exams. 50 my math exam result was thirty points below the
required score, I never gave up hope. The following year, I took it again and received
the 51 score in my city. 52 such an amazing result gave me encouragement and
courage 53 to continue my education to the next step.
I am now in my second year of college and 54 that it is never too late to learn. My passion
for studying and improving myself will never 55 to a stop as long as I continue to live.
41. A. run B. select C. decorate D. promote
42. A. compared B. stressed C. realized D. studied
43. A. experts B. customers C. classmates D. servants
44. A. limited B. proper C. global D. detailed
45. A. measure B. prove C. guarantee D. reach
46. A. why B. when C. how D. whether
47. A. barrier B. question C. puzzle D. stage
48. A. thrilling B. embarrassing C. inviting D. annoying
49. A. speak B. change C. matter D. mind
50. A. Before B. Since C. Unless D. Though
51. A. liveliest B. fastest C. highest D. earliest
52. A. Believing B. Predicting C. Ignoring D. Achieving
53. A. necessary B. original C. widespread D. frequent
54. A. permit B. know C. reply D. argue
55. A. intend B. stick C. come D. lead
第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
Since respect for elders is very important in Chinese culture, there is a special
festival 56 (call) the Qingming Festival in Chinese. The words “Qingming” literally mean
“clear” and “bright”—quite a fitting 57 (describe) of the beautiful weather around this time of
the year.
During the festival, Chinese families 58 (usual) visit the graves of their ancestors to sweep
away dust and fallen 59 (leaf) in order to keep the family tombs clean. That’s 60 it is also
known as the Tomb-Sweeping Day. After that, many families will go on a spring
outing, 61 (take) full advantage of the nice weather and the opportunity to gather with family
members. In Mandarin, we call this outing “taqing”, 62 refers to families gathering upon the
soft green grass to play and eat. Flying kites 63 (be) also very popular with children in this
festival due to the fine weather.
In Chinese culture, it’s important to respect our elders. In life, we respect them by making
them 64 (pride) and taking care of them in their old age. After death, we respect them by
keeping their tombs clean and remembering them. Therefore, the Qingming Festival is not meant to
be a day of sadness, 65 a day for remembering one’s heritage. Celebrate this festival by taking
some time to remember your heritage.
高一英语试题卷 第8页(共 10 页)
第四部分 任务型阅读(共两节,满分 20 分)
第一节 根据文本内容从方框中选择适当的词,并用其正确形式填入文本图示中,每词限用 1
次,有 2 词为多余选项。(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)
Melissa worked at a low-paid job but had her three small children to support on her own.
Money was always tight and she had to work hard to make ends meet. But she still felt fortunate
with a roof over their heads,food on the plate,clothes on their backs,and even if not a lot,always
enough. Not knowing they were poor, the kids just thought their mother was strict in arranging
every penny. Melissa was really glad about that.
Christmas was drawing near. Although there wasn’t budget for a lot of gifts, Melissa planned
to please the kids with a family party. She prepared weeks in advance, asking one by one what the
kids wanted for Christmas. Fortunately, Melissa managed to set aside $80 dollars for the whole
family to enjoy the happiness of Christmas shopping.
The big day arrived. Melissa drove the kids to a nearby Walmart and gave each kid a twenty-
dollar bill. “Now, my children,” she announced, “you have two hours to choose a gift in the
supermarket. Then we will meet back at the gate.” With joy and happiness welling in their hearts,
the children scattered(四散) and rushed into the supermarket.
Melissa smiled. She looked at her own note and put it back into her pocket. Well, the
children’s shining faces were the most precious Christmas gifts for her, weren’t they Sitting in the
car, she was waiting patiently, wondering what gifts the kids would choose. She couldn’t wait to
share their joy.
Two hours later,the kids came back one by one. Tom and Tick rushed to their mother, eyes
twinkling with excitement. They showed their gifts to Melissa and jumped with joy. The smallest
girl, Ginger, was obviously left behind, who dragged her feet to the car, with neither money nor
gifts in her hand.
“What has happened, my sweetheart,” asked Melissa.
“Outside the supermarket, I saw a homeless man who looked starving,” explained Ginger, “I
really want a Barbie doll, but if my 20 dollars could buy him a Christmas hamburger, he may gain
enough strength to live through the cold season.”
single worry fun nothing luck arrangement
jump spare pick patient supermarket expect
高一英语试题卷 第9页(共 10 页)
Melissa was a 66 parent of three Not knowing they were poor,the three kids
small children,working at a low-paid job. just thought their mother was strict in
But she still felt 67 ,for she had basic money 68 , which made Melissa really
daily necessities. glad.
With Christmas just around the corner, All the kids 71 their Christmas gifts.
Melissa managed to 69 $80 dollars
for the whole family to enjoy
the 70 of Christmas shopping.
At Christmas, Melissa drove the kids to a Excited, the children scattered and rushed
nearby 72 and gave each kid a into the supermarket 73 out their
twenty-dollar bill. own gifts.
Sitting in the car, she was waiting Two hours later, Tom and Tick returned,
with 74 , wondering what gifts the eyes twinkling with excitement and joy,
kids would choose. while Ginger dragged her feet to the
car, 75 in her hand.
第二节 根据文本内容回答下列问题,词数不限(共 10 分)
76. How do you think Ginger would deal with her money (3 分)
77. Do you think Ginger is rich or poor and why (3 分)
78. What do you think Melissa would say to Ginger (4 分)
第五部分 写作(满分 20 分)
1. 活动过程。
2. 辩论的主要观点。
3. 对你的启示。
1. 写作词数应为 100 词左右。
2. 请在答题卡相应位置作答。
高一英语试题卷 第10页(共 10 页)
第一部分 听力(满分 30 分,1~20 小题,每小题 1.5 分)
1-5 BCBCB 6-10 ACBAA 11-15 BABCC 16-20 ACBAC
第二部分 阅读理解(满分50分,21~40小题,每小题2.5分)
第一节(满分 37.5 分)
21-25 CDABD 26-30 ACDBA 31-35 ADABC
第二节 (满分 12.5 分)
36-40 ADCGB
第三部分 语言知识运用(满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(满分 15 分,41~55 小题,每小题 1 分)
41-45 ACBAC 46-50 DABCD 51-55 CDABC
第二节(满分 15 分, 56~65 小题,每小题 1.5 分,有任何错误,包括用词错误、
56: called 57: description 58: usually 59: leaves 60: why
61: taking 62: which 63: is 64: proud 65: but
第四部分 任务型阅读(满分 20 分)
66: single 67: lucky 68: arrangement 69: spare 70: fun
71: expected \ were expecting 72: supermarket 73:to pick 74: patience 75: nothing
66~75 小题,每小题 1 分,有任何错误,包括用词错误、单词拼写错误(含大小
76. (3 分)She gave it to a homeless man.\She bought a hamburger for the homeless man.
77: (3 分)Rich. Because she has the ability to love and care others’ needs.
78: (4 分)Open.
第五部分 写作(满分 20 分)
档次 分值 语言要点表达情况划档依据
第五档 17-20 语言基本无误,行文连贯,表达清楚
第四档 13-16 语言有少量错误,行文基本连贯,表达基本清楚
第三档 9-12 语言有一些错误,尚能表达
第二档 5-8 语言错误很多,影响表达
第一档 0-4 只能写出与要求内客有关的一些单词
高一英语评分标准 第1页(共 12 页)
1. 上周班上饮食习惯主题辩论赛活动介绍。5分
2. 辩论的主要观点以及理由论证。10分
3. 对你的启示。 5分
One possible version:
Last week our class held a debate on eating habits. We were randomly divided into
two groups. One group held the belief that we should eat what we need while the other
stuck to it that we should eat what we like. The first group argued that only through
healthy eating can we have a healthy body. But the other thought they could never feel
happy, eating what they dislike.
The debate greatly shocked me because those who preferred to eat what they like
won. It is not hard to picture our body crying while we are eating unhealthy food.
Should health really stand aside in front of likes
高一英语评分标准 第2页(共 12 页)
1. 【答案】B
【详解】根据听力原文 Yes. I have my wallet stolen.故正确选项为 B。
2. 【答案】C
【详解】根据听力原文 It’s not the dish I ordered.故正确选项为 C。
3. 【答案】B
M: Excuse me, I wonder if I could exchange the shoes for a larger one.
W: No problem. May I see your receipt, please
M: Here you are.
故正确选项为 B。
4. 【答案】C
【详解】根据听力原文 Please tell him Mr. Smith from XYZ Company called about the
PPT contract.故正确选项为 C。
5. 【答案】B
【详解】根据听力原文 Why not go to the museum first It’s worth seeing. You can go to
the square some other time.故正确选项为 B。
6. 【答案】A
【详解】根据听力原文 M: Yes, I’d like to rent a car. 故正确选项为 A。
7. 【答案】C
W: How long do you need it
M: Four days.
W: I see. This blue one might suit you.
M: How much does it cost per day
W: Its price is $ 80 per day, including insurance and taxes. And we offer a ten percent discount
for three days or more. 租用 4 天,每天租金 80,然后再打九折,故正确选项为 C。
8. 【答案】B
9. 【答案】A
【详解】根据听力原文 Yes, it’s rush hour now. Today it’ll probably take about 20 minutes,
I guess.故第 8 题正确选项为 B,第 9 题正确选项为。
【详解】根据听力原文 We haven’t met since we graduated.故正确选项为 A。
【详解】根据听力原文 Well, it is about whether college education should be free.故正确选
项为 B。
【详解】根据听力原文 Perhaps, students who apply could be required to maintain a special
skill or show real talent in their chosen field of study to qualify for free education.故正确选项
为 A。
【详解】根据听力原文 Alright. Let’s meet at the main entrance at 9:30.故正确选项为 B。
高一英语评分标准 第3页(共 12 页)
M: As well as the science notebook for the science exams on Monday.
W: Thank god. I totally forget about it. Well, let’s start with science.
故正确选项为 C。
【详解】根据听力原文 I can’t agree more. She always cares about us and encourages us a
lot when possible.故正确选项为 C。
W: You know how oily and fattening pizza and burgers are There’s a nice sandwich bar near
there, and that’s a healthier choice.
M: Okay. I would like to give it a try.
故正确选项为 A。
【详解】根据听力原文 Hello, I’m Brian Tracy. And today I want to show you how to create
an action plan for achieving your goals.故正确选项为 C。
【详解】根据听力原文 Everyone has goals, but some seem to accomplish far more than
others. That’s because they behave according to an effective action plan. 故正确选项为 B。
【详解】根据听力原文 Now, if you enjoy this video and find it inspiring, share it with your
friends or anyone else who might benefit from this information. Thanks for watching.
故正确选项为 C。
体裁:应用文 主题:人与社会---书评
21. 【答案】C
【详解】细节理解题。根据 1 自然段内容:If you are planning for your summer reading list
and are lost in numerous choices, check out the following book reviews on modern classics for
consideration. 可知四本书的共同之处为同属一个文学体裁,故选 C。
22. 【答案】D
【详解】细节理解题。根据 4 自然段内容:this novel focuses on the issues of Japan's
occupation of Korea and the impact of World War II through the painful and inspiring stories of
multiple(多个) characters over four generations。可知感兴趣读本书的作者应该是对亚洲历史
感兴趣的人,故选 D。
23. 【答案】A
【详解】推理判断题。根据第一自然段内容:If you are planning for your summer reading
list and are lost in numerous choices, check out the following book reviews on modern classics for
consideration. 可知本文应取自报纸中“文学”一栏,故选 A
高一英语评分标准 第4页(共 12 页)
体裁:记叙文 主题:人与自然---环境保护
24. 【答案】B
【详解】推理判断题。根据第 1 自然段内容:As a young boy growing up in England, James
Jefferson wanted to become a leader to make the world a better place. His passion to help people
was clear from the age of eight, and he traveled with his Egyptian mother to north Africa during
summer holidays.可知与母亲一同回埃及度过暑假的那些年经历,点燃和坚定了 James 想要
帮助世人并使这个世界成为一个更好的地方的愿景,故选 B。
25. 【答案】D
【详解】细节理解题。根据第 3 自然段内容:He moved to Egypt, then set up a programme
named One for All to carry his sustainable farming philosophy into action.以及第 4 自然段 One
for All 项目里涵盖的种树计划,以期退沙还耕,保护耕地。可知 One for All 的设立初衷应
为保护埃及的农耕地,故选 D。
26. 【答案】A
【详解】人物评价题。通过首段和末段可以归纳出 James 自小心怀世界,了解母亲故乡
广可持续性农业实践,植树造林,阻止沙漠化。为了达成这个目的,James Jefferson 没有一
天放弃过努力,可知人物的个性应该是 devoted (有奉献精神的)和 caring(有同情心的,关爱
的),故选 A。
27. 【答案】C
【详解】主旨大意题,归纳最佳标题。通读全文,James Jefferson 所作的努力都是为了
选 C。
体裁:说明文 主题:人与自然--公路生态保护
28. 【答案】 D
【详解】细节理解题。根据第 1 自然段内容:Today, it’s impossible to imagine life without
highways which connect goods with markets, employees with work places. “Everything in life is
somewhere else,” wrote E.B.White, “and you get there in a car.”可知 E.B.White 言语所表达的是
高速公路之于我们的生活是必要的,也是常见的,故选 D。
29. 【答案】B
【详解】细节理解题。根据第二自然段内容:In Britain, such habitat is called the “soft
estate”—a concept that roads are able to create new ecosystems, even though they sometimes
destroy existing ones. 可知 soft estate 的作用在于创建新的生态系统,故选 B。
30. 【答案】A
【详解】推理判断题。根据第三自然段内容:But the positive situation isn’t always the case.
We tend to ignore the death number as the unavoidable cost of modernity. Although few people ever
flatten an animal on purpose while driving on the road, the attraction of the car is so strong that it
has caused Americans to kill about 40,000 human lives in car accidents each year, what chance does
高一英语评分标准 第5页(共 12 页)
wildlife have on the road 可知作者提及美国高速公路车祸年伤亡 40000 人的目的是在于揭
示高速公路的消极影响,如果美国人能每年在高速公路上使 40000 人丧生,那么在高速上被
撞死的动物只会比这个数据高,从侧面揭示出高速公路的负面影响,故选 A。
31. 【答案】A
【详解】观点态度题。根据最后一个自然段内容:And road ecology has brought more than
crossings: We’ve also learned to map and protect the migrations of animals to design roadsides that
benefit bees and butterflies-proof that old mistakes will surely be corrected in the upcoming future.
可知作者对道路生态系统的未来是乐观的,故选 A。
体裁:说明文 主题:人与自然—猫的视觉
【详解】词义猜测题。根据第二自然段句子 The amount of three primary colors — red,
blue, and green determines the final color your brain registers.可知,三种原色光的数量决定了
【详解】细节理解题。根据题干可以定位到第三自然段的句子 The big difference is that
cats have considerably fewer overall cones than people. As a result, they’re not able to see as
many different color variations as we are 可知最大的差异在于与人类相比,猫有极其更少的
【详解】细节理解题。根据倒数第二自然段第一句 Compared with humans, cats tend to
see blues, greens, and grays best.可以轻松找到答案。
是要留意出现转折的地方。据第一自然段句子 The simple answer is yes, but the detailed
answer is much more interesting.讲述了猫在看见颜色方面的更多细节的有趣信息。第三自然
7 选 5
体裁:说明文 主题:人与自我—设定目标
【详解】考察上下文衔接。A 选项中 It 指代前句主语 Working out,A 选项中 both your
body and mind 对 your overall health 进行补充,形成语意衔接。
【详解】考察上下文衔接。根据黑标题 Choose your inspiration and set a clear, achievable
goal 可知后文围绕 inspiration 和 goal 讲述。横线前后都是祈使句讲解时如何设定目标的,
前句 what you want to achieve 与 D 选项中 when you want to accomplish your goal 形成语意递
高一英语评分标准 第6页(共 12 页)
【详解】考察段落主旨句。C 选项中 schedule 与后文中 how many days a week,30
minutes of exercise per day,5 days a week 等形成上下义复现。即:做出一项符合你需求的
【详解】考察上下文衔接。G 选项中 that level 和前句 a level 形成同词复现。即:然后
【详解】考察上下文衔接。B 选项中 exercise 和前句 exercise 形成同词复现。语义上对
前面的句子形成衔接,后面句子中的 option 实际上也就是指 exercise option。即:如一直那
体裁:记叙文 主题:人与自我—英语学习
【详解】根据后句中的 or 判断,作者是要对是否是做生意还是回到学校上学进行抉
至少比他小 2 到 3 岁。
【详解】根据前句可知,作者参加了高考,尽管数学成绩比需要的分数线低 30 分,但
高一英语评分标准 第7页(共 12 页)
【详解】此处与前句中 below the required score 形成对比。
【详解】考察固定短语 come to a stop, 作者对于学习以及提升自身的热情远不会终
【详解】此处 a fitting 57 (describe) of the beautiful weather 需要用名词形式。
【详解】前文提到清明节的传统习俗之一,就是扫墓,故到此句 That’s 60 it is also
known as the Tomb-Sweeping Day,指代前文提到的内容,那也是为什么清明节也叫 Tomb-
Sweeping Day。所以答案是 why。
【详解】非限制性定语从句,先行词指物,在从句中作主语,故用 which。
【详解】考察主谓一致,主语是动名词 Flying kites,所以用三单形式。
【详解】make 此处作使役动词,让祖先们感到自豪,所以用形容词作宾语补足语。
【详解】考察并列连词,not... but...。
【详解】文章第一段第一句中 but had her three small children to support on her own,所
【详解】文章第一段第二句中 But they still felt fortunate with a roof over their heads,故
答案是 fortunate 的同义词 lucky。
高一英语评分标准 第8页(共 12 页)
【详解】文章第一段第三句中 Not knowing they were poor, the kids just thought their
mother was strict in arranging every penny.
【详解】文章第二段第三句中 Fortunately, Melissa managed to set aside $80 dollars,所
以填 spare。
【详解】文章第二段第三句中 for the whole family to enjoy the happiness of Christmas
shopping,所以填 fun。
71.【答案】expect/ were expecting
【详解】文章第二段第二句中 She prepared weeks in advance,asking one by one what
the kids wanted for Christmas. 故孩子们知道母亲在为他们准备圣诞礼物,心里一直期待着
【详解】文章第三段第二句中 Melissa drove the kids to a nearby Walmart,在沃尔玛超
市,故填 supermarket。
73.【答案】to pick
【详解】文章第三段第三句中“Now, my children,” she announced, “you have two hours to
choose a gift in the supermarket. 故孩子们冲进超市的目的是去选自己的圣诞礼物,不定式作
【详解】文章第四段第三句中 she was waiting patiently,所以 with patience。
【详解】文章第五段最后一句中 with neither money nor gifts in her hand,所以填 nothing。
One possible version:
Last week our class held a debate on eating habits. We were randomly divided into two groups.
One group held the belief that we should eat what we need while the other stuck to it that we should
eat what we like. The first group argued that only through healthy eating can we have a healthy body.
While the other thought they could never feel happy, eating what they dislike.
The debate greatly shocked me because those who preferred to eat what they like won. It is not
hard to picture our body crying while we are eating unhealthy food. Should health really stand aside
in front of likes
高一英语评分标准 第9页(共 12 页)
第一部分 听力
Text 1
M: Is there anything I can do for you
W: Yes. I have my wallet stolen.
M: Please take a seat here and tell me what happened in detail.
Text 2
W: Sir, here is your fish and chips.
M: Well, I am afraid you have made a mistake. It’s not the dish I ordered.
Text 3
M: Excuse me, I wonder if I could exchange the shoes for a larger one.
W: No problem. May I see your receipt, please
M: Here you are.
Text 4
M: Hello, could I speak to Mr. Wang, please
W: I am sorry. He’s out in a meeting now. Do you want to leave a message
M: Yes. Please tell him Mr. Smith from Z Company called about the PPT contract.
Text 5
W: Wow, it’s still raining. Apparently, I can’t visit the square.
M: Why not go to the museum first It’s worth seeing. You can go to the square some other time.
W: Good idea. Thanks a billion.
Text 6
W: Good morning. May I help you
M: Yes, I’d like to rent a car.
W: What kind of car are you looking for
M: A small one for two people.
W: How long do you need it
M: Four days.
W: I see. This blue one might suit you.
M: How much does it cost per day
W: Its price is $ 80 per day, including insurance and taxes. And we offer a ten percent discount for
three days or more.
M: OK, I’ll take it.
Text 7
W: Good morning, Sir. Where do you want to go
高一英语评分标准 第10页(共 12 页)
M: Could you take me to the Hyatt Hotel, please
W: No problem.
M: How long do you think it’ll take
W: Sorry, it’s hard to tell. Usually 10 minutes will be enough. But It really depends on the traffic.
M: Is it usually crowded at this time
W: Yes, it’s rush hour now. Today it’ll probably take about 20 minutes, I guess.
W: Would you please try to get there as quickly as you can
W: Absolutely.
Text 8
W: Hi, Jim. Long time no see.
M: Hi, Lina. We haven’t met since we graduated. Glad to see you here.
W: I hear that you are doing a research recently, aren’t you
M: Yes.
W: What’s your topic
M: Well, it is about whether college education should be free. Hey, what do you think about this
W: Well, in my view, it should be free for everybody.
M: Why
W: Because if college education is free, more people would have the opportunity to attend college
and receive higher education..
M: I see.Well, I personally think that it should be free, but with certain condition.
W: What kind of condition
M: Perhaps, students who apply could be required to maintain a special skill or show real talent in
their chosen field of study to qualify for free education.
W: That sounds reasonable. Only those who truly value education can benefit.
Text 9
W: We’re going to study for the exams on Sunday, right
M: Of course. When shall we meet How about 10 am
W: It is a bit late because we have got a lot to do. I think 9 o’clock will do.
M: But the library won’t be open until 9:30.
W: Alright. Let’s meet at the main entrance at 9:30. Do remember to bring your maths book and
history book.
M: As well as the science notebook for the science exams on Monday.
W: Thank god. I totally forget about it. Well, let’s start with science.
M: I guess our science teacher Ms. Whitehead will be satisfied with our revision plan.
W: Yeah.Though Ms.Whitehead is very strict and seldom smiles in class, she is the most admirable
teacher that I have ever met.
M: I can’t agree more. She always cares about us and encourages us a lot. By the way, we’d better
decide what to have for lunch tomorrow. How about Pizza House, or the Burger King
W: You know how oily and fattening pizza and burgers are There’s a nice sandwich bar near there,
and that’s a healthier choice.
M: Okay. I would like to give it a try.
高一英语评分标准 第11页(共 12 页)
text 10
Hello, I’m Brian Tracy. And today I want to show you how to create an action plan for
achieving your goals.
Everyone has goals, but some seem to accomplish far more than others. That’s because they
behave according to an effective action plan. The following steps will teach you how to make one.
The first step in creating an action plan is deciding exactly what you want. Being clear is the most
important single quality of goal setting, and perhaps the most important single quality of success.
Next, write your goals down on a sheet of paper. Only 3% of adults have written goals, and everyone
else plans to write them down someday. Success begins with a piece of paper, a pen and a few
minutes of your time. The third step is setting a deadline. If it’s a large goal, set a series of sub-
deadlines. And what if you don't achieve your goal by the deadline Set another deadline. Remember,
a deadline is just a prediction of when you will achieve it.
Now, if you enjoy this video and find it inspiring, share it with your friends or anyone else who
might benefit from this information. Thanks for watching.
高一英语评分标准 第12页(共 12 页)


