2024届湖南省长沙市雅礼中学高三4月综合自主测试(二模)英语试题(含答案 含听力音频及听力原文)

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2024届湖南省长沙市雅礼中学高三4月综合自主测试(二模)英语试题(含答案 含听力音频及听力原文)


雅礼中学 2024届高三综合自主测试(4月)
听力(30 分)
题序 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
答案 C A A A B C A C C C
题序 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
答案 C B A C C A B B C A
Text 1
W: Mr. Moore, I’ve added some examples of ancient Egypt in my article as you’ve suggested.
M: I think it still lacks scientific explanations. You’d better read more related articles.
Text 2
W: Carl, are you going out this afternoon
M: Yes. I’m going to a concert with a friend.
W: You’d better take an umbrella. It’s clear now. But the weatherman said it’d rain cats and dogs.
Text 3
M: Your daughter has won the first prize in the contest How old is she, Mary
W: Just 13.
M: Really Two years older than my son.
Text 4
W: Bob, I want to buy something online, but I’m a bit worried. Do you really think it’s safe
M: For the most part, it’s safe. There are people who try to steal money, but most of the sites are
Text 5
M: Can you guess who wins the Best Actress award at the 30th Hong Kong Film Awards
W: Carina Lau
M: You’ve hit it. Amazing! How did you manage that
W: I’ve read the news
Text 6
W:Aha, what a good job waiting for me!
M: Are you smiling to yourself You have found the right job
W: Sure, Prince William and his new wife Kate are advertising for servants.
M: To help them with their housework, right
W: Right, their day-to-day life, including everything.
M: They only need one servant
W: God, we have just one Prince William in Britain.
英语(YL)答案 (第 1 页,共 10 页)
M: And there are only three princes in Britain now, I know that.
W: You know they have so many important things to do every day.
M: You mean they will find a team of servants
W: At least four to help them when they are staying at their new London apartment!
M: You will have a try
W: Absolutely, you know I love Kate better than myself.
Text 7
W: Harry, guess what I’ve just received an email from Pamela. She and Peter are coming down to
see us this weekend.
M: Oh, that’s good news! We haven’t seen them for ages.
W: Yeah. The last time we met them was at our wedding three years ago.
M: Did Pamela mention how long they’ll stay
W: About one week.
M: Great! I can’t wait to show them around our new house.
W: Me too. We haven’t had any guests since we moved in here. If the weather is fine, we can have
a barbecue in the garden.
M: Good idea. I’ll go to the market tomorrow to buy all the things we’ll need.
Text 8
W: I’m trying to get a book published, but I don’t know how to begin. Should I call a publisher or
try to advertise it myself
M: Maybe you should ask Mr Wyatt. He knows a lot about the book industry.
W: Good idea! I always loved his English classes. He’s the reason that I started writing!
M: I’d like to read your book sometime though. How long is it I usually just read books that are
less than 200 pages. Remember that book Ulysses which we read in Mr Wyatt’s class That is over
700 pages!
W: Oh yeah, that took forever to read. My book is not as thick as that. It’s probably about half that
long.I won’t have an actually printed book to give you, at least in a few more months. The only
things I have are computer files and my handwritten copies.
M: Can you just give me a computer file
W: Yes. I’ll do that right away. Please give me your honest opinion, after you finish reading it. It is
the only way I can get better.
Text 9
W: You never know what happened at my house last night.
M: What’s wrong
W: A thief stole into my house!
英语(YL)答案 (第 2 页,共 10 页)
M: Poor you. How did you deal with him Did you fight with him
W:Are you crazy How dare I do that I was drinking water in the living room. And then we
found each other. I had to do what he asked me to do, because I was so scared.
M: Ok. What did he take
W: Well, he was about to take my necklace and some money away when my neighbor’s fierce dog
suddenly barked. He probably thought someone was coming, so he ran away, leaving behind what
he was trying to steal.
M: That was dramatic, wasn’t it Did you call the police
M:You’d better take some security measures at your house, like fitting an alarm.
W: I will.
M: I have to say, you have a lot of courage. Other people would be so frightened that they might
cry at that time. But you didn’t.
W: Thank you.
Text 10
W: Following the success of S.H.E and Twins, seventeen-year-old Singaporean twin sisters
Yumi and Miko Bai create the magic behind the music in the band BY2. The pair recently released
their second album, Twins. With great voices and dance moves to match, the lovely sisters have
won the hearts of many fans. At a young age, the sisters began to learn dance and the violin.When
a music company wanted to work with them, the girls had to leave their home and parents to go to
Taiwan for training. Their father, who died of cancer when they were 15 years old, had encouraged
the girls to work hard to make their dreams come true. The girls faced many difficulties. “We had
to learn Mandarin. Also, it was a killer to dance in high heels,” said the twins. However, they are
glad that they entered the stage at an early age. “When we are younger,we learn things faster and
can gain more experience.” Yumi said.
阅读(50 分)
题序 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
答案 D C A B A C D D C B
题序 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
答案 A B C B C E C G A B
21.推理判断题。根据 New Orleans Jazz Festival中“Attendees have long enjoyed the latest
hit-makers alongside booths and exhibits featuring Louisiana’s native cuisine, arts, and crafts. (长
英语(YL)答案 (第 3 页,共 10 页)
为特色。由此可知,该音乐节在路易斯安那州举办。故选 D项。
22.细节理解题。根据 Newport Folk Festival中“Founded by George Wein in 1959 and best
known for introducing the world to the likes of Joan Baez and Bob Dylan, Newport Folk Festival
is one of the oldest music festivals in America. (纽波特民谣音乐节是美国最古老的音乐节之
一,由乔治·韦恩于 1959年创立,以向世界介绍琼·贝兹和鲍勃·迪伦等人而闻名)”可知,纽
波特民谣音乐节的创办者是乔治·韦恩。故选 C项。
23.细节理解题。根据 Interceltic Festival中“While emphasizing music and dance, the ten-day
festival also provides a platform for colorful expressions of Celtic art, food and drink, theater,
literature, and sports. (在强调音乐和舞蹈的同时,为期十天的节日也为凯尔特艺术、食物和饮
料、戏剧、文学和体育提供了丰富多彩的表达平台)”和 Roskilde Music Festival中“With lake
swimming, an on-site skate park, and an annual “naked run”, the event has earned a name for
being a week-long summer camp for adults. (湖中游泳、现场滑板公园和一年一度的“裸跑”活
面的活动。故选 A项。
24.推理判断题。根据第二段“Interested in its unpredictable nature of exploding under pressure
or heat, Nobel started to find a way to control it and make a usable explosive. After years of efforts,
in 1867, Nobel invented dynamite, which is much easier and safer to control than nitroglycerin.(诺
造出可用的炸药。经过多年的努力,诺贝尔在 1867年发明了炸药,它比硝酸甘油更容易控
知,他对科学的好奇以及投入使得他发明了炸药,故选 B。
25.细节理解题。根据第二段“Alfred Nobel was born in 1833 to a family of engineers in
Stockholm, Sweden.(阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔于 1833年出生在瑞典斯德哥尔摩的一个工程师家
庭)”以及“After years of efforts, in 1867, Nobel invented dynamite, which is much easier and safer
to control than nitroglycerin.(经过多年的努力,诺贝尔在 1867年发明了炸药,它比硝酸甘油
更容易控制,也更安全)”可知,诺贝尔 1867-1833=34岁发明了炸药。故选 A。
26.细节理解题。根据第四段“Reading his own obituary, Nobel was disappointed to find out his
public image.(读着自己的讣告,诺贝尔对自己的公众形象感到失望)”可知,他看到自己的讣
告时是很失望的、沮丧的。故选 C。
英语(YL)答案 (第 4 页,共 10 页)
27.细节理解题。根据最后一段“This unfortunate event inspired him to make changes in his will,
so as to improve his public image, and to be remembered for a good cause. (这一不幸的事件促使
的财产来设立诺贝尔基金会目的是为了给公众留下好的形象,故选 D。
28.细节理解题。由文章第一段中“And flood control and prevention have always been key to the
well-being of the people living along it. Now, scientists can better work on these issues by giving
the river a digital twin. (洪水的控制和预防一直是生活在这条河上的人们幸福生活的关键。现
字孪生体的主要目的是加强防洪工作。故选 D。
29.细节理解题。由文章第三段中“They are buried in important dike (堤坝) locations to record
and report the movement of dike stones. (它们被埋在重要的堤坝上,以记录和报告堤坝石块的
运动。)”可知,智能石头监测和报告堤防的运动。故选 C。
30.细节理解题。由文章倒数第二段中“On the routes designed by engineers, the drones become
expert patrollers (巡逻员) of the river, looking at its dikes and flood prevention projects. (在工程
黄河数字化治理中的作用之一是收集堤防状况信息。故选 B。
31.词句猜测题。由文章最后一段中“Under the water and up in the sky, intelligence systems are
helping to protect the Yellow River Basin on all fronts. According to the Ministry of Water
Resources, in the future, we can expect to see the construction (水下和空中,情报系统正在帮助
看到这条重要河流的更全面的数字系统的建设。由此猜测,划线词意为“全面的”。A. Complete
完整的,全面的;B. Basic基础的;C. Beautiful美丽的;D. Natura自然的。故选 A。
定, 允许水务机构对废水进行循环再利用,将其输送到为家庭、学校和企业提供饮用水的供
32.推理判断题。根据第一段中的“A team has used it to make ice surfaces for the game of
hockey(冰球运动). It has been used to make snow for the sport of skiing. And farmers use it to
water their crops. (一个团队用它来制作冰球比赛的冰面。它被用来为滑雪运动造雪。农民们
故选 B。
33.细节理解题。根据第三段中的“California’s new rules would let—but not require—water
英语(YL)答案 (第 5 页,共 10 页)
agencies to take wastewater, treat it, and then put it right back into the drinking water system. That
means proving to people that recycled water is not only safe to drink but also not dirty. California
would be just the second US state to permit this, following Colorado.(加利福尼亚州的新规定将
第二个允许这样做的州。)”可知, 加利福尼亚州的新规定将允许水务机构将废水经过处理后
可知,这两个州都试图将废水转化为安全的饮用水。故选 C。
34.主旨大意题。根据最后一段中 Polhemus说的话“It’s at the same drinking water quality, and
probably better in many instances(它的饮用水质量相同,在很多情况下可能会更好)”可知,
水的态度是支持的。故选 B。
35.主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第二段“Recently, California officials approved new rules to
let water agencies recycle wastewater and put it right back into the pipes that carry drinking water
to homes, schools, and businesses. It is a big step for California.(最近,加州官员批准了新的规
题。故选 C。
36.上文“New academicians take a group photo after the certificate awarding ceremony at the
Chinese Academy of Sciences. (新晋院士在中国科学院颁证仪式后合影留念。)”描述新晋院士
参加颁证仪式的场景,结合常识可知,E项“The 59 newly elected academicians vowed at the
ceremony on Friday. (59位新当选的院士在周五的典礼上宣誓就职。)”与上文内容相符,说明
颁证仪式的时间和相关宣誓程序,下文“They aimed to make greater contributions to the
development of the nation’s scientific research by encouraging the young generation and
promoting the role of female scientists. (他们旨在是通过鼓励年轻一代和提高女科学家的作
选 E项。
37.根据下文“By allowing outstanding young people to have sufficient opportunities, we can
foster a diverse scientific community with vigorous debates (让优秀的年轻人有足够的机会,我
英语(YL)答案 (第 6 页,共 10 页)
C项“As academicians, we need to share more opportunities with the younger generation. (作为院
士,我们需要与年轻一代分享更多的机会。)”与黄院士观点一致,句中“As academicians, we...”
是黄院士的自称。故选 C项。
38.上文“persistence is the most valuable spirit on the path of scientific research. (坚持是科学研
究道路上最宝贵的精神。)”和下文“This determination and perseverance are essential in
scientific research. (这种决心和毅力在科学研究中是必不可少的。)”强调“坚持”、“决心”和“毅
力”,G项“To achieve success in the field of science, the most important thing is to persist with
original intention. (要在科学领域取得成功,最重要的是坚持初心。)”中表达同样的主旨,句
中“persist with original intention”与上下文内容相照应。故选 G项。
39.上文“Academician Jin Kuijuan mentioned that women have unique perspectives, and
respecting the role of women is of crucial significance. (金奎娟院士提到,女性有独特的视角,
尊重女性的作用至关重要。)”提出女性科学家的重要性,A项“They are more resilient (有适
应力的), which contributes to the development of science. (他们适应力更强,这有助于科学的发
40.下文“For example, she said funding institutions such as the National Natural Science
Foundation and the Excellent Young Scholars Fund have relaxed their age restrictions, taking into
consideration the time and energy women need for childbirth and childcare. (例如,她说,国家自
子所需的时间和精力。)”提出相关机构在政策上对女性科学家的支持,是对 B项“In recent
years, Jin has noticed the increasing support for female scientists in China. (近年来,金注意到中
国对女科学家的支持越来越多。)”的举例说明,上下文语意连贯。故选 B项。
语言运用(30 分)
41.B 42.A 43.D 44.C 45.B
46.D 47.A 48.B 49.C 50.A
51.B 52.D 53.A 54.B 55.C
41.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我沿着环路缓慢行驶时,我遇上了施工慢行。A. rushing
冲;B. traveling行进;C. touring观光;D. wandering闲逛。根据空后“ slowly along the loop”
可知,作者正沿着环形路缓慢行进。故选 B。
42.考查名词词义辨析。句意:环路有一个出口,使高速公路更加拥堵。A. jams堵塞;B. noise
英语(YL)答案 (第 7 页,共 10 页)
噪音;C. crowds人群;D. lights电灯。根据上文“The loop has an exit”可知,环路有一个出口,
这导致高速公路更加拥堵。故选 A。
43.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我接近环路内的最后一段时,交通几乎停止了。A. started
开始;B. passed通过;C. parked停车;D. approached接近,靠近。根据下文“the final stretch
inside the loop, the traffic nearly came to a stop”可知,是当作者接近环路内的最后一段时,交
通几乎停止了。故选 D。
enlarged扩大;B. cleaned打扫;C. narrowed使……变窄;D. increased增加。根据空后“to two
lanes from four lanes”可知,道路从四条车道变窄为两条车道。故选 C。
regularly经常;B. obviously明显地;C. merely仅仅;D. casually随意地。根据下文“going to
be late for my next client appointment”可知,由于堵车,很明显作者约会要迟到了。故选 B。
46.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因此,我必须保持冷静。A. alarmed害怕的;B. astonished
吃惊的;C. curious好奇的;D. calm冷静的。根据上文“but there was nothing I could do”可知,
对于堵车,作者无能为力,必须要保持冷静。故选 D。
47.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我慢慢向前走的时候,我发现一辆 18轮的车开着左闪光
灯停在路的右侧。A. spotted发现;B. guarded保卫;C. acknowledged承认;D. helped帮助。
根据空后“an 18-wheeler sitting on the right side of the road with the left blinker on.”可知,作者
发现了一辆 18轮的车开着左闪光灯停在路的右侧。故选 A。
48.考查动词短语辨析。句意:他试图挤进车流,但没有人减速让他进去。A. backed off后
退;B. slowed down减速;C. checked out检查;D. set out出发。根据上文“He’s trying to merge
into traffic”可知,他试图挤进车流,但没有人减速让他进去。故选 B。
49.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我想到了一个解决方案。A. riddle迷;B. turn转弯;C. solution
解决办法;D. luck运气。根据下文“As I got closer, I moved across the line so that I was in the
middle of both lanes. When I got directly behind him, I ___10___ my lights as I turned my car
almost sideways to be certain to ___11____ both lanes.”可知,作者想到了让大卡车通行的办法。
故选 C。
确保挡住两条车道。A. flashed闪光;B. shut关闭;C. fixed修理;D. plugged堵塞。根据空
后“my lights as I turned my car almost sideways”可知,当作者把车几乎侧过来的时候,作者闪
亮自己的车灯。故选 A。
确保挡住两条车道。A. ease缓解;B. block阻挡;C. excite使……激动;D. reward报答。根
据上文“I turned my car almost sideways”可知,作者把车几乎侧过来,以确保挡住两条车道。
英语(YL)答案 (第 8 页,共 10 页)
故选 B。
52.考查动词词义辨析。句意:卡车司机把他的 18轮车开进我的车道,把他的卡车停了下
来。A. dragged拉,拽;B. led带领;C. paused停顿;D. pulled(使车辆)转向,打斜。根据空
后“his 18-wheeler into my lane”可知,卡车司机把他的 18轮车转向作者的车道。故选 D。
仔帽,把帽子向我倾斜,深深地鞠了一躬。然后,他回到卡车上继续行驶。A. tipped倾斜;
B. left离开;C. dropped下落;D. guided指导。根据下文“took a full bow”可知,卡车司机深
深地向作者鞠了一躬,故之前他摘下牛仔帽,并把帽子向作者这边倾斜。故选 A。
54.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他的反应让我感觉很好。A. humor幽默;B. reaction反应;
C. skill技能;D. effort努力。根据上文“He then stepped out onto the step on the side of his truck,
turned, looked directly at me, took off his cowboy hat, ___13____ it to me and took a full bow. He
then got back into his truck and drove on.”可知,卡车司机一系列的反应让作者感觉很好。故
选 B。
深深地打动了我。A. generousness慷慨;B. wisdom智慧;C. gratitude感激;D. popularity
流行。根据上文“He then stepped out onto the step on the side of his truck, turned, looked directly
at me, took off his cowboy hat, ___13____ it to me and took a full bow. He then got back into his
truck and drove on.”可知,作者让卡车司机进入车流,他向作者鞠躬是为了表达他的感激。
故选 C。
过多年的努力增加它们的数量,现在有 1800多只大熊猫生活在野外。
56.their。句意:经过多年的努力增加它们的数量,现在有 1800多只大熊猫生活在野外。
修饰名词 numbers应用形容词性物主代词 their。故填 their。
57.that/which。句意:经过多年的努力增加它们的数量,现在有 1800多只大熊猫生活在野
外。限制性定语从句修饰先行词 1800 giant pandas,先行词指物,关系词替代先行词在从句
作主语,用关系代词 that/which。故填 that/which。
文 in 2016可知发生在过去,谓语动词 remove用一般过去时。故填 removed。
59.decision。句意:当时,中国官员并不同意这一决定。作宾语,应用名词 decision,此处
为单数含义。故填 decision。
为国宝。短语 be regarded as表示“被视为……”。故填 as。
by的宾语,应用动名词形式,by doing sth. (通过做某事)。故填 planting。
英语(YL)答案 (第 9 页,共 10 页)
62.to increase。句意:除了增加野生大熊猫的数量的努力外,世界各地的动物园都有繁殖
计划。名词 effort后跟不定式形式作后置定语。故填 to increase。
63.are designed。句意:这些都是为了帮助增加圈养大熊猫的数量。表示“目的是,为了”
短语为 be designed to,陈述事实用一般现在时,主语为 These,谓语用复数。故填 are designed。
子应用副词 hopefully作状语,首字母大写。故填 Hopefully。
未来”短语为 have a bright future。故填 a。
写作(40 分)
Dear Alice,
Our school English paper will hold an essay competition whose theme is Natural Disasters.
I’d like to invite you to take part in it.
It is well-known that many natural disasters happen every year in America, causing great
damage. You can introduce the main natural disasters, such as hurricanes and snowstorms and tell
some common knowledge about them. For example, you can discuss how they happen, what harm
they may cause, and what you can do in face of disasters. The measures you take may benefit us,
as we also face many natural disasters.
The deadline is June 8th, 2024. Looking forward to your article.
Li Hua
I knew it would be a challenging and demanding task, but I responded with a “yes”. The boy
lifted his head with his once lifeless eyes now glittering with a spark of hope. I beamed at him
with a radiant smile and without any delay, embarked on the task. The subsequent days witnessed
how I carefully selected the Lego pieces that catered to the boy’s interests and intricately
integrated practical components to enhance its flexibility. Days turned into weeks, and the
boy-customized prosthetics finally took shape. It’s time for them to fulfill their intended purpose.
I rushed to the boy’s home and secured the prosthetics onto him. Holding breath, we
anxiously awaited the result — they worked! The room erupted with cheers! The boy expressed
his gratitude and sprinted to his parents to envelop them in the biggest hug he hadn’t been able to
give for years. The scene was truly inspiring. Never had I imagined that my creations, born out of
mere fun, would someday make such a profound difference. It is on that day that I made up my
mind to commit myself to making a lasting impact in the realm of prosthetic innovation.
英语(YL)答案 (第 10 页,共 10 页)
英 语
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1.What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Boss and secretary. B.Guide and tourist. C.Teacher and student.
2.How is the weather at present
A.Sunny. B.Rainy. C.Cloudy.
3.How old is the man’s son
A.11. B.13. C.15.
4.What is the man’s opinion
A.Most websites are safe.
B.Most websites steal money.
C.More and more people shop online.
5.How did the man feel when the woman guessed it
A.Nervous. B.Shocked. C.Disappointed.
6.What kind of people are Prince William and his new wife looking for
A.Some designers for their new apartment.
B.Some secretaries from famous universities.
C.Some servants to help them with daily life.
7.How many princes are there in Britain now
A.Three. B.Two. C.One.
8.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.Moving into a new house.
B.Going out for sightseeing.
C.Having guests this weekend.
9.What is the relationship between the speakers
A.Boss and secretary. B.Host and visitor. C.Husband and wife.
10.What will the man do tomorrow
A.Work in his garden. B.Have a barbecue. C.Do some shopping.
11.What does the man suggest the woman do about her book
A.Call a publisher.
B.Advertise it herself.
C.Ask their teacher for advice.
12.How many pages does the woman’s book have
A.About 200. B.About 350. C.About 700.
13.What will the woman give the man to read
A.A digital copy. B.A printed copy. C.A handwritten copy.
14.What did the woman do with the thief
A.She pretended not to see him.
B.She fought with him.
C.She did as he asked.
15.What did the thief steal
A.A necklace. B.Some money. C.Nothing.
16.What does the man advise the woman to do
A.Fit a home alarm system.
B.Call the police.
C.Keep a dog.
17.What does the man say about the woman
A.She is puzzled. B.She is brave. C.She is frightened.
18.Where are the twin girls from
A.America. B.Singapore. C.Britain.
19.What did the twins’ father suggest his children to do
A.To make money.
B.To drop out of school.
C.To make their dreams come true.
20.What kinds of difficulties do the twins meet with
A.To learn Mandarin. B.To wear high heels. C.To sleep less.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
The list of music festivals seems to double each year, so we think we’d save you some time by presenting our picks that reflect a deep sense of place.
New Orleans Jazz Festival
This week-long festival was established in New Orleans, America in 1970 to celebrate the city’s status as the birthplace of jazz. Headliners that attended the first celebration included singer Mahalia Jackson and pianist Duke Ellington. Over the years, this festival has grown to showcase much more than jazz. Attendees have long enjoyed the latest hit-makers alongside booths and exhibits featuring Louisiana’s native cuisine, arts, and crafts.
Newport Folk Festival
Founded by George Wein in 1959 and best known for introducing the world to the likes of Joan Baez and Bob Dylan, Newport Folk Festival is one of the oldest music festivals in America. Like New Orleans Jazz Festival, this Rhode Island event gives a false impression about the types of music one can expect to find, although it has been remaining true to its roots.
Interceltic Festival
When most people hear the word “Celtic”, they think of Ireland. But this festival takes place each summer in the heart of the seaport town of Lorient in northwestern France. While emphasizing music and dance, the ten-day festival also provides a platform for colorful expressions of Celtic art, food and drink, theater, literature, and sports.
Roskilde Music Festival
England’s Glastonbury, Hungary’s Sziget, and Denmark’s Roskilde are Europe’s three biggest music festivals. Roskilde stands out not only for its impressive and eclectic music, but for its nonprofit approach. All concert incomes are donated to support charities, music and cultural programs since its founding in 1971. With lake swimming, an on-site skate park, and an annual “naked run”, the event has earned a name for being a week-long summer camp for adults.
21.Which festival is held in Louisiana
A.Interceltic Festival.
B.Roskilde Music Festival.
C.Newport Folk Festival.
D.New Orleans Jazz Festival.
22.Who started Newport Folk Festival
A.Joan Baez. B.Bob Dylan. C.George Wein. D.Mahalia Jackson.
23.What do the last two festivals have in common
A.They include some sports.
B.They emphasize one type of music.
C.They donate all their profits.
D.They last for the same period of time.
The Nobel Prize is considered as one of the most recognizable and admirable awards possible, honoring people of the world for their outstanding achievements in different fields.
Alfred Nobel was born in 1833 to a family of engineers in Stockholm, Sweden. In 1850, he met Ascanio Sobrero, the inventor of nitroglycerin (硝酸甘油) in Paris. Interested in its unpredictable nature of exploding under pressure or heat, Nobel started to find a way to control it and make a usable explosive. After years of efforts, in 1867, Nobel invented dynamite, which is much easier and safer to control than nitroglycerin.
During his lifetime, Nobel invented and patented various explosives. He built up his wealth from his 355 inventions, from which dynamite was the most important.
When Alfred’s brother Ludwig died in 1888, a French newspaper mistakenly published Alfred’s obituary (讣告). Reading his own obituary, Nobel was disappointed to find out his public image. The newspaper strongly blamed Nobel for inventing dynamite, giving him the nickname of “the merchant of death” and saying “Dr. Alfred Nobel, who became rich by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before, died yesterday.”
To Alfred, this obituary was a warning. He spent his lifetime alone inventing things and was deeply concerned with how he would be remembered. This unfortunate event inspired him to make changes in his will, so as to improve his public image, and to be remembered for a good cause. In 1895, one year before his death, Nobel made the last will, saying clearly that his wealth would be used to create a series of prizes for those who have made great contributions to mankind in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, and peace. To widespread astonishment, Dr. Alfred Nobel gave away 94% of his total wealth to found the five Nobel Prizes.
24.What led to Nobel’s invention of dynamite according to Paragraph 2
A.The strong desire to make money.
B.His great curiosity and devotion to science.
C.His lifetime dream of achieving success.
D.The valuable help from his family.
25.When did Nobel invent dynamite
A.34. B.40. C.42. D.55.
26.What was Alfred Nobel’s attitude towards the newspaper’s obituary
A.Optimistic. B.Satisfied. C.Upset. D.Supportive.
27.Why did Nobel give away most of his wealth to set up the Nobel Foundation
A.To be remembered as “the merchant of death”.
B.To prove the importance of his inventions.
C.To publish his findings of scientific research.
D.To leave a good name to the public.
The Yellow River is the cradle of China’s civilization. And flood control and prevention have always been key to the well-being of the people living along it. Now, scientists can better work on these issues by giving the river a digital twin.
The digital twin of the Yellow River uses various technologies, including big data, artificial intelligence, and the internet of things. Devices (设备) set up along the river collect and transmit information to the center. Based on the information, a 3D model of the river is presented on the computer screen. It’s like the Yellow River has a twin that reflects its real conditions.
One big breakthrough in the river’s digital governance (治理) is “smart stones”. According to Wang Qin, a lead researcher at the Information Center of Yellow River Henan Bureau, a smart stone is a water-proof stone-shaped device with chips, a battery, and a signal transmitter. They are buried in important dike (堤坝) locations to record and report the movement of dike stones. “Upon feeling movement of the dike stones, the smart stone sends an alarm to the center for quick response,” Wang said.
“In the past, researchers had to learn the conditions of the dike on the spot by themselves, putting their lives at risk,” said Zhao Xiao from the bureau. “Now the smart stones can do this for us, more safely, quickly, and accurately.”
And in the sky, drones (无人机) are flying. On the routes designed by engineers, the drones become expert patrollers (巡逻员) of the river, looking at its dikes and flood prevention projects. According to Shen Lin from the Yellow River Conservancy Commission, thanks to the drones, researchers at the command center can get first-hand photos and information. “Researchers then update the 3D model according to the changes the drones reported. The newly updated model helps us test our floodwater release plans in case we ever need to batten down the hatches (未雨绸缪), ”said Shen.
Under the water and up in the sky, intelligence systems are helping to protect the Yellow River Basin on all fronts. According to the Ministry of Water Resources, in the future, we can expect to see the construction of an even more comprehensive digital system for this important river.
28.What is the main purpose of creating a digital twin of the Yellow River
A.To conduct historical research.
B.To create a virtual tourist attraction.
C.To raise public awareness of river protection.
D.To improve flood control and prevention efforts.
29.How do the smart stones contribute to the river’s digital governance
A.They record water quality.
B.They improve the river’s beauty.
C.They monitor and report dike movements.
D.They serve as markers for important locations.
30.What is one of the functions of drones in the digital governance of the Yellow River
A.Entertaining tourists.
B.Collecting information on dike conditions.
C.Patrolling and take wildlife photos.
D.Testing water quality.
31.What does the under lined word “comprehensive” in the last paragraph probably mean
A.Complete. B.Basic. C.Beautiful. D.Natural.
California has been using recycled wastewater for many years. A team has used it to make ice surfaces for the game of hockey(冰球运动). It has been used to make snow for the sport of skiing. And farmers use it to water their crops. But it has not been used directly for drinking water.
Recently, California officials approved new rules to let water agencies recycle wastewater and put it right back into the pipes that carry drinking water to homes, schools, and businesses. It is a big step for California.
California’s new rules would let—but not require—water agencies to take wastewater, treat it, and then put it right back into the drinking water system. That means proving to people that recycled water is not only safe to drink but also not dirty. California would be just the second US state to permit this, following Colorado. It has taken officials more than 10 years to develop these rules, a process that included several studies by independent groups of scientists.
A project in San Diego is aiming to produce nearly half of the city’s water through recycling wastewater by 2035. And the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California aims to produce up to nearly 570 million liters(升)a day for its 19 million people. Adel Hagekhalil is with Metropolitan Water. He said the new rules will permit new projects that have not yet been considered.
California’s new rules require the wastewater be treated for all bacteria and viruses, even if they are not present in the wastewater. In fact, the treatment is so intense that it removes all of the minerals that make fresh drinking water taste good. That means the minerals need to be added back at the end of the process. Polhemus is a director of the drinking water group for the California Water Resources Control Board. “It’s at the same drinking water quality, and probably better in many instances,” he said, adding that it takes time and money to build these treatment centers. So, they will only be available for bigger cities at first.
32.What does paragraph 1 mainly tell us about the recycled wastewater
A.Its qualities. B.Its functions.
C.Its target users. D.Its disadvantages.
33.What do California and Colorado have in common
A.They made some new rules on pollution.
B.They spent ten years recycling wastewater.
C.They tried to make wastewater safe to drink.
D.They requested water agencies to speed up treating water.
34.What is Polhemus’s attitude to turning recycled wastewater to drinking water
A.Doubtful. B.Favorable. C.Pessimistic. D.Indifferent.
35.What is the best title for the text
A.The Process of Recycling Wastewater Is Complicated
B.California Tries to Reduce the Wastewater Generation
C.California Permits Turning Wastewater to Drinking Water
D.New Wastewater Treatment Projects Have Been Approved
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
New academicians take a group photo after the certificate awarding ceremony at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. 36 They aimed to make greater contributions to the development of the nation’s scientific research by encouraging the young generation and promoting the role of female scientists.
Academician Huang made three commitments to himself — to contribute his energy to scientific research; to apply his achievements in the fields; and to provide more opportunities for young people. “ 37 By allowing outstanding young people to have sufficient opportunities, we can foster a diverse scientific community with vigorous debates,” he said.
Academician Jian Zhimin advised young students that persistence is the most valuable spirit on the path of scientific research. “ 38 This determination and perseverance are essential in scientific research,” he said.
Out of the 59 newly elected academicians this year, five of them are female scientists. Academician Jin Kuijuan mentioned that women have unique perspectives, and respecting the role of women is of crucial significance. 39
40 For example, she said funding institutions such as the National Natural Science Foundation and the Excellent Young Scholars Fund have relaxed their age restrictions, taking into consideration the time and energy women need for childbirth and childcare.
A.They are more resilient (有适应力的), which contributes to the development of science.
B.In recent years, Jin has noticed the increasing support for female scientists in China.
C.As academicians, we need to share more opportunities with the younger generation.
D.She has both male and female students, who are irreplaceable to each other.
E.The 59 newly elected academicians vowed at the ceremony on Friday.
F.I hope the honor I received can inspire more females to develop an interest in physics.
G.To achieve success in the field of science, the most important thing is to persist with original intention.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
One afternoon, I had to drive through down town Houston during rush hour. As I was 41 slowly along the loop, I came upon a construction slowdown. The loop has an exit, putting more 42 onto the freeway.
As I 43 the final stretch inside the loop, the traffic nearly came to a stop. As we inched slowly forward, the road 44 to two lanes from four lanes. In Houston, during rush hour, that’s a huge problem.
I was 45 going to be late for my next client appointment, but there was nothing I could do. Therefore, I had to be 46 . As I inched forward, I 47 an 18-wheeler sitting on the right side of the road with the left blinker on. He’s trying to merge into traffic, but no one 48 to let him in.
A 49 came to me. As I got closer, I moved across the line so that I was in the middle of both lanes. When I got directly behind him, I 50 my lights as I turned my car almost sideways to be certain to 51 both lanes.
Horns were louder, but what happened next stunned everyone to silence. The truck driver 52 his 18-wheeler into my lane and stopped his truck. He then stepped out onto the step on the side of his truck, turned, looked directly at me, took off his cowboy hat, 53 it to me and took a full bow. He then got back into his truck and drove on.
His 54 made me feel so good. I also feel certain that I am not the only person who witnessed that bow and I was affected deeply by his act of kindness and 55 .
41.A.rushing B.traveling C.touring D.wandering
42.A.jams B.noise C.crowds D.lights
43.A.started B.passed C.parked D.approached
44.A.enlarged B.cleaned C.narrowed D.increased
45.A.regularly B.obviously C.merely D.casually
46.A.alarmed B.astonished C.curious D.calm
47.A.spotted B.guarded C.acknowledged D.helped
48.A.backed off B.slowed down C.checked out D.set out
49.A.riddle B.turn C.solution D.luck
50.A.flashed B.shut C.fixed D.plugged
51.A.ease B.block C.excite D.reward
52.A.dragged B.led C.paused D.pulled
53.A.tipped B.left C.dropped D.guided
54.A.humor B.reaction C.skill D.effort
55.A.generousness B.wisdom C.gratitude D.popularity
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
According to officials in China, the giant panda is no longer listed as endangered. After working for many years to increase 56 (they) numbers, there are now more than 1800 giant pandas 57 live in the wild. The International Union for Conservation of Nature 58 (remove) the giant panda from the endangered list in 2016. At the time, Chinese officials didn’t agree with the 59 (decide). However, now they do. China has worked for decades to increase the number of these black and white bears because they are regarded 60 national treasures. China has worked to enlarge the pandas’ habitat. They have also made sure that there is plenty of bamboo for them to eat by 61 (plant) more bamboo forests. This has helped increase the number of pandas and stop them from dying out China will continue to support the giant panda population. Alongside efforts 62 (increase) the number of giant pandas in the wild, zoos around the world have breeding programmes. These 63 (design) to help increase the number of giant pandas which in captivity (圈养). 64 (hopeful) the giant panda will have 65 bright future with continued conservation efforts. We certainly hope so. We couldn’t bear to lose them.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
1. 说明缘由;
2. 请她介绍美国的自然灾害并谈谈影响、应对措施等;
3. 告知征文的截稿日期。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可适当加入细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 开头已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Alice,Our school English paper will hold an essay competition whose theme is Natural Disasters.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Yours,Li Hua
第二节 (满分25分)
“Have you decided on your major ” my parents inquired.
“Bioengineering, of course.” I responded without the slightest hesitation.
I entered this world with Poland syndrome, a disease that prevented the formation of my right arm and pectoral muscles(胸肌). My parents, believing that playing with Lego could enhance my dexterity(灵巧), gifted me my first kit when I was five. Struggling to piece the components together, I crafted my first Lego work – a car. As I got older, I grew obsessed with Lego Technic, a more advanced range, and how to use it to build more delicate structures. By the age of nine, I had fashioned my first prosthetic arm(义肢)using Lego Technic – a simple box that perfectly accommodated my right arm.
This early creation sparked my drive for further exploration. Years later, I developed another prosthetic arm that I called the MK-1, which had fingers, a motor, a pressure sensor, a movable elbow joint, and a grabber capable of picking things up.
Before constructing it, I had already decided against traditional prosthetics. Not because they were ineffective, but because playing with Lego did significantly improve my dexterity, helping me adapt to my condition. However, a more frustrating reason was that prosthetics were too expensive. My parents and I had looked into getting one a few years earlier, only to be discouraged by the prohibitive price. So, I concluded that I might not need one because I was managing well without. Nevertheless, the joy of creating prosthetics with Lego remained, and I continued making them purely for the fun of it.
As the years passed, my creations evolved from MK-1 to the more advanced and comfortable MK-V. It featured a control unit that could send and receive orders from sensors on the arm to the motors, with cables that contract like muscles.
One day, a couple with their eight-year-old son, who lost both arms in an accident, reached out to me after learning about my creations. Short of money, they couldn’t afford well-functioning prosthetics. “Daniel,” the father earnestly asked, “we were wondering if you could possibly help build a set of prosthetics for our son.”
I knew it would be a challenging and demanding task, but I responded with a “yes”.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I rushed to the boy’s home and secured the prosthetics onto him!___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


