专题03 完形填空-2024年高考英语满分冲刺攻略(命题分析+应试技巧+真题回顾(2013-2023))(学生版+教师版)

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专题03 完形填空-2024年高考英语满分冲刺攻略(命题分析+应试技巧+真题回顾(2013-2023))(学生版+教师版)


专题03 完形填空
年份 试卷类型 体裁 词数 话题 考点分布
2023年 全国甲卷 记叙文 251 仅仅以外表来判断食物是否好吃是不明智的 动词10
全国乙卷 记叙文 251 美国体操运动员 Gabby Douglas赢得奥运会全能冠军,成为了第一个获此殊荣的黑人女性。 动词8
2022 年 全国甲卷 记叙文 285 从一个男人对待小狗都方式了解对方很多 动词7
全国乙卷 记叙文 262 儿童玩捉迷藏游戏 动词9
新高考全国I卷 记叙文 240 作者和家人在旅行过程中经历过的趣事与冒险 动词4
新高考全国II卷 记叙文 209 Jessica和丈夫通过当看房人来环球旅行的事情 动词5
浙江卷1月 记叙文 218 一个遭受眼睛问题之苦的Burdeyney女士积极为研究项目提供帮助 动词9
2021年 全国甲卷 记叙文 260 Burchill住酒店因海鸥导致进入酒店黑名单的故事 动词9
全国乙卷 记叙文 245 作者做护士期间做了自己分内的事 动词11
新高考全国I卷 记叙文 206 春假打工挣钱的经历 动词8
浙江卷6月 记叙文 283 作者年迈的母亲在超市购物时,得到陌生人帮助的故事 动词5
浙江卷1月 记叙文 278 作者做志愿者的一次经历 动词9
2020年 新课标卷I 夹叙夹议文 260 作者以现实中的门,引申出生活中的“门”,从而探讨了一种教育理念。作者认为家长们不要害怕告诉孩子们真相,这样,孩子们才可以在生活的道路上,不再被各种“进退两难”所困扰,从而抓住机遇,勇往直前。 动词4
新课标卷II 记叙文 281 文章主要讲述了一个名叫Nicolo的人在拍卖会上以低价购得两幅画。 动词11名词4
形容词3 副词2
新课标卷III 记叙文 270 作者学到了宝贵的一课,那就是要学会淡化和难缠顾客之间的矛盾,不然当事情发展成不愉快的场面时,结果只会毁了每个人的一天。 动词8动词短语1
副词2 介词短语2
2019年 新课标卷I 夹叙夹议文 258 乞力马扎罗山因登山者活动而造成的环境污染及努力治理之后环境的改观。 动词6 动词短语2
新课标卷II 记叙文 271 Ehlers和他的朋友救助了一只丢失的小狗,最终帮它找到了主人 动词9 动词短语1
形容词3 副词2
新课标卷III 记叙文 247 北欧一个小镇长达半年没有阳光照射,为此在附近的山顶安装了一套镜子设备把阳光反射到小镇的广场。 动词8 名词5
形容词5 副词2
2018年 新课标卷I 夹叙夹议文 271 讲述了我在大二学的免费课程下棋及对我生活的指导意义 动词9 名词7
形容词3 副词1
新课标卷II 记叙文 277 讲述了作者13年后和儿子见面的情景 动词9 名词3
形容词5 副词2
新课标卷III 记叙文 271 Dennis Williams认真对待陌生人的信息,使陌生人倍受感动的故事 动词10 名词6
2017年 新课标卷I 记叙文 251 学习美式手语的经历和感受 名词5 动词10
新课标卷II 记叙文 266 作者自己的学生Feddy的性格特征及多年后的生活、工作状况 名词8 动词9
新课标卷III 记叙文 271 一个加拿大青年在和女朋友分手后,希望免费赠送自己为女朋友购买的环球航空旅行机票的故事,体现了年轻人无私的精神 名词:7个
2016年 新课标卷I 记叙文 253 讲述了司机Larry在路上遇到着火的汽车,积极救人的故事。 动词7 名词 4
形容词3 副词1
连词2 介词短语2
新课标卷II 夹叙夹议文 262 作者通过自身的经历总结出,电话中的感受有时与现实生活中的感受不一致,因为像微笑这样无声的信号无法通过电话传播。 动词6 名词 4
形容词5 副词3
新课标卷III 记叙文 276 作者通过刻苦训练,最终实现了成为足球队明星球员的目标。 动词8 名词4
形容词5 副词 1
连词1 代词1
2015年 全国卷I 记叙文 262 超市帮助贫困老人 动词6 名词7
形容词3 副词 2
全国卷II 记叙文 242 陪女儿看一场足球锦标赛 动词5 名词5
形容词2 副词 2连词1
2014年 全国卷I 议论文 251 室友的活动如果常规去做都变得无聊 动词3 名词7
形容词3 副词 2
全国卷II 记叙文 263 英国登山家Joe Simpson和同伴Simon Yates登山的遭遇和经历 动词11 名词2
形容词1 副词 5介词1
2013年 全国卷I 记叙文 262 一次小活动了解残疾人的经历 动词7 名词7
形容词4 副词 1连词1
全国卷II 记叙文 236 带着手套的格林伯格 动词11 名词5
a. 首句完整,线索清楚。
b. 叙述灵活,侧重语境。
c. 实词为主,虚词为辅。
a. 重视首句,开篇明义。
b. 利用语境,揣摩心态。
c. 理清线索,把握方向。
【2023 年全国乙卷】
To become the Olympic champion in the individual (个人) all-around event, Gabby Douglas had to leave everything she ____21____ best. She had to ___22___ her bedroom in Virginia. She had to say ____23____to her two dogs and to the beach, where she loved to ____24____ waves on her board. But it was____25____ to take the leap (飞跃), however ____26____ it would be. Even at 14, Douglas knew that. So she____27____about 1,200 miles away from home, to ____28____ with a coach from China. She lived with a family she had never ____29____ and everything was new to her.
As it turned out Douglas did ____30____ what she needed to do to become Olympic champion when she
____31____two Russians. The Chinese coach ____32____ Douglas into one of the best gymnasts in the ____33____, helping her skyrocket from an ____34____ member of the national team to the top of the sport. By ____35____ the Olympic all-around title, she became the first black woman to do so. She ____36____ the
competition from beginning to end. She said she had felt ____37____ all along that she would win.
Not so long ago, Martha Karoly the coordinator (联络人) of the women’s national team, did not think Douglas had what it ____38____ to be an Olympian. As time went by, she thought ____39____ that she could make the London Games-and win.
“I’m going to inspire so many people,” she said. “I’m ready to ____40____.” And shine she did.
21. A. tried B. thought C. judged D. knew
22. A. take up B. pack up C. clean up D. do up
23. A. goodbye B. hello C. thanks D. no
24. A. cause B. observe C. ride D. strike
25. A. common B. time C. fun D. tough
26. A. breathtaking B. heartbreaking C. eye-catching D. head-spinning
27. A. dropped out B. moved on C. pulled over D. went off
28. A. reason B. talk C. compete D. train
29. A. met B. helped C. understood D. needed
30. A. approximately B. gradually C. exactly D. possibly
31. A. defeated B. pleased C. respected D. assisted
32. A. forced B. transformed C. persuaded D. put
33. A. world B. city C. team D. state
34. A. amateur B. elected C. average D. enthusiastic
35. A. clarifying B. defending C. winning D. demanding
36. A. followed B. organized C. watched D. led
37. A. confident B. nervous C. excited D. uneasy
38. A. viewed B. appeared C. mattered D. took
39. A. now and then B. more and more C. far and wide D. on and on
40. A. shine B. fly C. dance D. score
【2023 年全国甲卷】
Many years ago, I bought a house in the Garfagnana, where we still go every summer.The first time we ___21___ there, we heard the chug chug-chug of a motorbike ___22___ its way down the hill toward us. It was ___23___ called Mario, coming to ___24___ us a box containing some tormatoes and a bottle of wine. It was a very nice ___25___ for him to make. But when we looked at the tomatoes, we were ___26___ because
they were so misshapen: not at all like the nice, round, ___27___ things you get in a supermarket. And the wine was cloudy, in a funny old bottle with no label (标签) on it. These can’t be any ___28___, we thought. But we were ___29___ his kindness, so we ___30___ them.
What we discovered is that it’s ___31___ to judge what you eat only by its ___32___. Those tomatoes had
___33___ that reminded me of the ones my uncle used to grow when I was a child. Nowadays supermarket tomatoes ___34___ perfect but taste of water. Nobody’s going to have a ___35___ memory of those. It’s a surprise they haven’t managed to grow square ones so that they can ___36___ them easily. Mario’s wine may have been cloudy and come out of an old bottle, but it was ___37___.
It’s good to eat things at the correct time, when they’re ___38___, and as close as possible to where they were___39___. What Mario had ___40___ us was the taste of the Garfagnana.
21. A. waited B. met C. camped D. stayed
22. A. making B. searching C. squeezing D. feeling
23. A. customer B. neighbor C. relative D. passenger
24. A. lend B. send C. bring D. show
25. A. choice B. comment C. promise D. gesture
26. A. worried B. moved C. thrilled D. bored
27. A. simple B. real C. shiny D. fun
28. A. more B. good C. new D. easy
29. A. sympathetic to B. thankful for C. cautious about D. interested in
30. A. tried B. sold C. returned D. mixed
31. A. unnecessary B. uncertain C. unwise D. unusual
32. A. appearance B. quality C. origin D. price
33. A. size B. shape C. color D. taste
34. A. smell B. look C. become D. work
35 A. happy B. vivid C. short D. vague
36. A. clean B. check C. count D. pack
37. A. perfect B. useful C. convenient D. familiar
38. A. on view B. on sale C. in season D. in need
39. A. finished B. stored C. found D. grown
40. A. cooked B. given C. bought D. told
典例一 (2022 全国甲卷)
You can tell a lot about a man by how he treats his dogs.
For many years, I enjoyed living with my dogs, Tilly and Chance. Their ___21___ was nearly enough to keep my loneliness at bay. Nearly. Last year, I started dating, but with ___22___ . When I first dated Steve, I ___23___ he had a dog, Molly, and a cat, Flora. While I was ___24___ that he was an animal lover, I ___25___ that three dogs were perhaps too many, and my dogs might attack ___26___ , the cat.
The next week we ___27___ our dogs together. It was a hot day. When we paused to catch our ___28___ , Steve got down on one knee. Was he proposing (求婚) I liked him too, but so ___29___ He poured water from a bottle into his hand and offered it to my dogs. _____30_____ , I began to fall for him.
We _____31_____ to date, though neither of us brought up the future. And then in late November, Tilly had an operation on her _____32_____ . I took the dogs out four times a day, and I worried that Tilly _____33_____ climbing the stairs could reopen the wound. Then Steve _____34_____ his house. All worked _____35_____ . The three dogs formed a pack that, with coaching, _____36_____ Flora’s space; Steve and I formed a good team _____37_____ for Tilly. We made good housemates.
A year later, much to my _____38_____ , this man produced a little box with a ring and proposed to me. He did not kneel (跪) down, nor did I _____39_____ him to. That’s only for giving _____40_____ to the dogs that brought us together.
21. A. ownership B. membership C. companionship D. leadership
22. A. reservations B. expectations C. confidence D. prejudice
23. A. feared B. doubted C. hoped D. learned
24. A. unsatisfied B. amused C. terrified D. thrilled
25. A. predicted B. worried C. regretted D. insisted
26. A. Flora B. Chance C. Molly D. Tilly
27. A. tied B. walked C. bathed D. fed
28. A. breath B. balance C. attention D. imagination
29. A. calm B. sure C. soon D. real
30. A. By the way B. In that case C. By all means D. In that moment
31. A. continued B. decided C. intended D. pretended
32. A. eye B. tail C. ear D. leg
33. A. secretly B. constantly C. eventually D. unwillingly
34. A. left B. sold C. suggested D. searched
35. A. late B. hard C. fine D. free
36. A. emptied B. respected C. occupied D. discovered
37. A. looking B. caring C. waiting D. calling
38. A. delight B. credit C. interest D. disadvantage
39. A. beg B. trust C. need D. aid
40. A. toys B. awards C. food D. water
典例二 (2022 浙江卷1月)
When Beverley Burdeyney turned seventy four last year, she started having problems with her ___16___ , notably dryness and discomfort.
"I was simply ___17___ a terrible experience, " Ms. Burdeyney said at her home in Toronto. "I felt so helpless and insecure because the quality of my ___18___ was affected. "
Ms. Burdeyney talked to some friends who had ___19___ problems and discovered that they were largely suffering in ___20___. " Nobody chooses to talk about it because it seems so ___21___ she said. " But more and more are suffering and lives are being ___22___.
Eventually, Ms. Burdeyney learned about plans for an eye research, ___23___ at Tel Aviv University in Israel. The research team ___24___ Canadian doctor Allan Slomovic, who has done_____25_____ work on eye care using stem cells. Seeing a ray of hope, Ms. Burdeyney began raising _____26_____ for the project with a friend, Toronto businessman Meyer Zeifman. _____27_____ she has raised $ 110, 000 with another $40, 000 _____28_____ .
"I'm trying to get more and more people to _____29_____ that there are solutions(解决办法)said Ms. Burdeyney, a trained nurse who is still working as a personal trainer after _____30_____ . "I say there is no old _____31_____ , there's only neglect (忽视). Don't stand _____32_____ , do something about it. "
Ms. Burdeyney _____33_____ that she is hoping to do more for the research project. "I just want to bring _____34_____ into people eyes and this is just the _____35_____. There is still a long way to go"
16. A. throat B. skin C. lungs D. eyes
17. A. getting over B. going through C. holding on D. passing down
18. A. story B. treatment C. life D. relationship
19. A. similar B. various C. personal D. special
20. A. turn B. peace C. vain D. silence
21. A. unbearable B. abnormal C. insignificant D. disturbing
22. A. compromised B. forgotten C. substituted D. separated
23. A. course B. program C. paper D. conference
24. A. informed B. doubted C. included D. dismissed
25. A. part-time B. controversial C. voluntary D. ground-breaking
26. A. money B. standards C. awareness D. questions
27. A. As ever B. So far C. In return D. Once again
28. A. wasted B. donated C. expected D. earned
29. A. imagine B. confirm C. remember D. understand
30. A. retirement B. childbirth C. graduation D. marriage
31. A. time B. rule C. age D. tale
32. A. straight B. still C. firm D. alone
33. A. commented B. learned C. reminded D. added
34. A. light B. joy C. color D. beauty
35. A. future B. beginning C. truth D. meaning
典例三 (2021 全国甲卷)
It's the seaside birds that deserve at least part of the blame for getting Nick Burchill blacklisted at the Fairmont Empress Hotel in Victoria, Canada.
Burchill was ___21___ at the hotel on business and planning to ___22___ some friends in the area. They had asked him to ___23___ some pepperoni (辣香肠) from back east. So he ___24___ a suitcase full of pepperoni. As he was ___25___ that it would be too warm, he ___26___ it out on the table near an open window. He thought his pepperoni was ___27___ and well chilled (冷却) and he ___28___ .
That's when things went ____29____ “I remember walking down the long _____30_____ and opening the door to my room to find an entire flock of seagulls,” Burchill said in a recent letter of _____31_____ to the 4-star hotel. "The seagulls immediately went _____32_____ . They rushed to the window, 30 or 40 birds all trying to _____33_____ at the same time, and pepperoni—everywhere. The curtains were falling down, the lamps were falling down, It was a real _____34_____ .
Older and wiser now, Burchill chalked up the incident to youthful indiscretion (莽撞).
“I have _____35_____ and I admit responsibility of my _____36_____,” he said in the letter. “I come to you, _____37_____ , to apologize for the-damage I had _____38_____ caused and to ask you to _____39_____ my lifetime ban from the hotel.”
His letter _____40_____ . Banned from the hotel since 2001.Burchill is now welcome to come back, the Fairmont said.
21 A. studying B. staying C. looking D. packing
22. A. visit B. help C. follow D. make
23. A. sell B. have C. bring D. taste
24. A. filled B. locked C. abandoned D. lost
25. A. surprised B. pleased C. excited D. worried
26. A. dug B. cleared C. cut D. laid
27. A. delicious B. safe C. soft D. ready
28. A. left B. nodded C. waited D. regretted
29. A. far B. funny C. wrong D. blind
30. A. beach B. driveway C. hall D. table
31. A. application B. apology C. request D. invitation
32. A. hungry B. dead C. missing D. wild
33. A. wake up B. get out C. take off D. break in
34. A. mess B. puzzle C. fight D. challenge
35. A. recovered B. retired C. escaped D. matured
36. A. suffering B. plans C. madness D. actions
37. A. hands in pocket B. nose in the air C. hat in hand D. feet on the ground
38. A. indirectly B. deliberately C. cautiously D. secretly
39. A. replace B. remember C. reconsider D. renew
40. A. arrived B. worked C. ended D. disappeared
典例四 (2020 浙江卷7月)
I’ve been farming sheep on a hillside for 54 years. I use a small tractor to get about. My dog Don always sits beside me in the passenger scat.
One morning I 36 a lost lamb when I was in the top field, near where a motorway cuts through my land. The lamb had become separated from its 37 , so I jumped out of the tractor to 38 it while Don stayed in his scat.
Lamb and mother 39 , I turned back to the tractor only to see it move suddenly away from me. This was so 40 because I had put the handbrake on when I jumped out. 41 Don had somehow made the 42 move.
My heart froze in my chest as I 43 the tractor heading towards the 44 . I ran desperately but failed to 45 . It crashed through a wooden fence and disappeared. The 46 thing I saw was Don’ s face, looking calmly back at me.
Heart in mouth, I 47 the fence and looked over. The tractor was 48 against the crash barrier in the central reservation, having miraculously(奇迹般地)crossed the 49 road with fast-flowing traffic. I couldn’t see Don, but as I 50 the tractor he jumped out onto the road, apparently 51 , and dashed back to me.
The police 52 and the motorway ran normally again. I couldn’t quite believe my 53 it turned out no one got badly hurt, but the outcome could have been 54 . Don was given a special 55 that night — I didn’t want him thinking I was angry with him.
36. A. dropped B. spotted C. carried D. returned
37. A. kids B. friends C. owner D. mother
38. A. ask about B. play with C. tend to D. run into
39. A. freed B. switched C. reunited D. examined
40. A. unexpected B. dangerous C. embarrassing D. difficult
41. A. Fortunately B. Generally C. Immediately D. Obviously
42. A. lamb B. vehicle C. seat D. fence
43. A. saw B. stopped C. remembered D. drove
44. A. crowd B. motorway C. field D. hill
45. A. take off B. catch up C. hold back D. get out
46. A. real B. best C. basic D. last
47. A. fixed B. noticed C. reached D. closed
48. A. resting B. running C. parking D. turning
49. A. steep B. long C. rough D. busy
50. A. abandoned B. approached C. recognized D. repaired
51. A. unclean B. uncertain C. unhurt D. unhappy
52. A. arrived B. replied C. survived D. waited
53. A. ability B. dream C. luck D. idea
54. A. common B. confusing C. desirable D. awful
55. A. meal B. test C. job D. lesson
典例五 (2019 新课标全国卷II)
It’s about 250 miles from the hills of west-central lowa to Ehlers’ home in Minnesota. During the long trip home, following a weekend of hunting. Ehlers ___41___about the small dog he had seen ___42___ alongside the road. He had ___43___ to coax(哄)the dog to him but, frightened, it had ___44___.
Back home, Ehlers was troubled by that ___45___ dog. So, four days later, he called his friend Greg, and the two drove ___46___. After a long and careful ___47___. Greg saw, across a field, the dog moving ___48___ away. Ehlers eventually succeeded in coaxing the animal to him. Nervousness and fear were replaced with ___49___. It just started licking(舔)Ehlers’ face.
A local farmer told them the dog sounded like one ___50___ as lost in the local paper. The ad had a ___51___ number for a town in southern Michigan. Ehlers ___52___ the number of Jeff and Lisa to tell them he had ___53___ their dog.
Jeff had ___54___ in lowa before Thanksgiving with his dog, Rosie, but the gun shots had scared the dog off. Jeff searched ___55___ for Rosie in the next four days.
Ehlers returned to Minnesotan, and then drove 100 miles to Minneapolis to put Rosie on a flight to Michigan. “It’s good to know there’s still someone out there who ___56___ enough to go to that kind of ___57___,”says Lisa of Ehlers’ rescue ___58___.
I figured whoever lost the dog was probably just as ___59___ to it as I am to my dogs,” says Ehlers. “If it had been my dog, I’d hope that somebody would be ___60___ to go that extra mile.”
41. A. read B. forgot C. thought D. heard
42. A. read B. trembling C. eating D. sleeping
43. A. tried B. agreed C. promised D. regretted
44. A. calmed down B. stood up C. rolled over D. run off
45. A. injured B. stolen C. lost D. rescued
46. A. home B. past C. back D. on
47. A. preparation B. explanation C. test D. search
48. A. cautiously B. casually C. skillfully D. angrily
49. A. surprise B. joy C. hesitation D. anxiety
50. A. predicted B. advertised C. believed D. recorded
51. A. house B. phone C. street D. car
52. A. called B. copied C. counted D. remembered
53. A. fed B. adopted C. found D. cured
54. A. hunted B. skied C. lived D. worked
55. A. on purpose B. on time C. in turn D. in vain
56. A. cares B. sees C. suffers D. learns
57. A. place B. trouble C. waste D. extreme
58. A. service B. plan C. effort D. team
59. A. equal B. allergic C. grateful D. close
60. A. suitable B. proud C. wise D. wiling
技巧1 根据上下文语境确定答案
It was a cold January in 1925 in Nome, Alaska. The town was cut off from the rest of the world due to heavy snow.
On the 20th of that month, Dr. Welch __36__ a sick boy, Billy, and knew he had diphtheria, a deadly infectious(传染的) disease mainly affecting children. The children of Nome would be __37__ if it struck the town. Dr. Welch needed medicine as soon as possible to stop other kids from getting sick. __38__ , the closest supply was over 1,000 miles away, in Anchorage.
36. A. examined B. warned C. interviewed D. cured
37. A. harmless B. helpless C. fearless D. careless
38. A. Moreover B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. However
技巧2 根据常识及文化逻辑推理
How could the medicine get to Nome The town’s __39__ was already full of ice, so it couldn’t come by ship. Cars and horses couldn’t travel on the snowy roads. Jet airplanes and big trucks didn’t exist yet.
39. A. airport B. station C. harbor D. border
技巧3 根据词语惯用法和固定搭配作答
41 January 26, Billy and three other children had died. Twenty more were __42__.
41. A. From B. On C. By D. After
技巧4 根据词汇意义及用法辨析词义确定答案
a. 同一词上下文复现:很多正确选项常是上文或下文中出现的词。
b. 同义词复现:and连接两同义的词或句子。happy and gay; unhappy and disappointed.
c. 反义词复现:but 连接两个含义相对的词:small but neat; expensive but tasty; gave them reason to reflect on their past and plan for their future.
d. 词汇链即不同词类的联想: 如:believe和belief;think和thought;repairman 和fix one's car;continue和go on。
e. 词义深层内涵的区别: 如:“普通的”,在英语中有多词可用,但含义不同。common: 强调事情发生的频率,非罕见的,如common sense; ordinary: 强调事物的等级、一般和日常、平凡之含义,如:ordinary people ;usual:强调习惯;general:强调大多数,较少例外;normal:含义为标准的,常态的。
41 January 26, Billy and three other children had died. Twenty more were __ 42__. Nome’s town officials came up with a(n) __43__. They would have the medicine sent by __44__ from Anchorage to Nenana. From there, dogsled(狗拉雪橇) drivers—known as “mushers”—would __45__ it to Nome in a relay(接力).
The race began on January 27. The first musher, Shannon, picked up the medicine from the train at Nenana and rode all night. __46__ he handed the medicine to the next musher, Shannon’s face was black from the extreme cold.
42. A. tired B. upset C. pale D. sick
43. A. plan B. excuse C. message D. topic
44. A. air B. rail C. sea D. road
45. A. carry B. return C. mail D. give
技巧5 利用语法分析解题
The race began on January 27. The first musher, Shannon, picked up the medicine from the train at Nenana and rode all night. __46__ he handed the medicine to the next musher, Shannon’s face was black from the extreme cold.
46. A. Though B. Since C. When D. If
技巧6 利用语篇标志解题
如:表示结构层次的语篇标志的词有:firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally等。表示逻辑关系的有:thus, therefore,so等;表示改变话题的有:by the way等 ;表示递进关系的有besides, what is more, further等; 表示时间关系的有 before, so far, yet, meantime, meanwhile, now, later等等。在做完形填空题时,如果能充分利用这些语篇标志语,就可以迅速理清文章脉络,弄清上下文关系。
Larry works with Transport Drivers, Inc. One morning in 2009, Larry was 41 along 165 north after delivering to one of his __42__ . Suddenly, he saw a car with its bright lights on. __43__ he got closer, he found 44 vehicle upside down on the road.
43. A. Since B. Although C. As D. If
技巧7 利用排除法解题
技巧8 摆脱定势逆向思维
考生如果学习方法不当,对某些知识点进行了过度强调,就会产生思维定势。例如过度强调make sb. do sth.这一结构, 当看到 make sb.时就会不假思索地用不带to的不定式do sth.作宾语补足语。其实make sb. 后面也有可能接不定式短语的。如:The father made a paper tiger to please his son. 不过to please his son不是宾语补足语,而是目的状语。
41 January 26, Billy and three other children had died. Twenty more were ____.
41. A. From B. On C. By D. After
1 事例—观点 先叙述作者自己亲历或所见所闻的一件事情,然后针对这件事情发表自己对生活的看法,或揭示生活的真理。
2 观点—事例 先提出一种观点或看法,然后围绕这一观点或看法用具体的事例来说明,一般是一个事例,有时也会用几个事例从不同的侧面加以说明。
3 观点—事例—观点 提出一种观点或看法,然后用事例说明,最后再进一步阐述或总结自己的观点。
典例一 (2021 全国乙卷)
Simply saying thank you doesn't seem enough in certain situations. I was considering this while working as a ___41___ just a few weeks ago. And it came to me then how much easier it would be if we had a range of words that express different ___42___ of gratitude(感谢).
My thoughts were soon ___43___. We had a woman patient who was ___44___ from a knee replacement operation. One afternoon, while ___45___ to get into bed she collapsed(倒下) from what was ___46___ discovered to be a heart attack. The collapse was disastrous, ___47___the emergency medical team and good teamwork. But she recovered, though ___48___, and was ready for discharge(出院)after four weeks.
She was ___49___ for everything that the medical and nursing team had done for her. On her day of discharge, we shared in her _____50_____ at her recovery. As she was _____51_____ she was eager to say _____52_____ to each of us in the nursing team. When she _____53_____ one nurse, she tried to press a five-pound note into her hand. My colleague _____54_____ to accept it, saying that we were all just _____55_____ our job. The patient looked puzzled, and then _____56_____:“Oh this isn't for the_____57_____ I had. I take that as a _____58_____. No, this is for setting my hair yesterday.”
And there you have it. To many people,_____59_____lives is part of the job but styling hair is an _____60_____ and should be rewarded.
41. A. cleaner B. chemist C. nurse D. doctor
42. A. grades B. meanings C. needs D. expectations
43. A. brushed aside B. put to the test C. brought under discussion D. taken into account
44. A. departing B. escaping C. retiring D. recovering
45. A. attempting B. choosing C. pausing D. promising
46. A. eventually B. fortunately C. casually D. secretly
47. A. assessing B. requiring C. forming D. proving
48. A. slightly B. accidentally C. slowly D. happily
49. A. grateful B. thoughtful C. sorrowful D. fearful
50. A. surprise B. delight C. curiosity D. disappointment
51. A. operating B. thinking C. hesitating D. leaving
52. A. sorry B. hello C. goodbye D. yes
53. A. reached B. consulted C. introduced D. persuaded
54. A. wished B. pretended C. failed D. refused
55. A. enjoying B. doing C. securing D. starting
56. A. repeated B. recited C. replied D. reported
57. A. courage B. patience C. duty D. care
58. A. goal B. given C. push D. greeting
59. A. risking B. changing C. saving D. building
60. A. honour B. ability C. opening D. extra
典例二 (2020 新课标全国卷I)
Since our twins began learning to walk, my wife and I have kept telling them that our sliding glass door is just a window. The 41 is obvious. If we 42 it is a door, they’ll want to go outside 43 . It will drive us crazy. The kids apparently know the 44 . But our insisting it’s 45 a window has kept them from 46 millions of requests to open the door.
I hate lying to the kids. One day they’ll 47 and discover that everything they’ve always known about windows is a 48 .
I wonder if 49 should always tell the truth no matter the 50 . I have a very strong 51 that the lie we’re telling is doing 52 damage to our children. Windows and doors have 53 metaphorical(比喻) meanings. I’m telling them they can’t open what they absolutely know is a door. What if later in 54 they come to a metaphorical door, like an opportunity(机会) of some sort, and 55 opening the door and taking the opportunity, they just 56 it and wonder, "What if it isn’t a door " That is, "What if it isn’t a 57 opportunity "
Maybe it’s an unreasonable fear. But the 58 is that I shouldn’t lie to my kids. I should just 59 repeatedly having to say, "No. We can’t go outside now." Then when they come to other doors in life, be they real or metaphorical, they won’t 60 to open them and walk through.
41. A. relief B. target C. reason D. case
42. A. admit B. believe C. mean D. realize
43. A. gradually B. constantly C. temporarily D. casually
44. A. result B. danger C. method D. truth
45. A. merely B. slightly C. hardly D. partly
46. A. reviewing B. approving C. receiving D. attempting
47. A. win out B. give up C. wake up D. stand out
48. A. dream B. lie C. fantasy D. fact
49. A. parents B. twins C. colleagues D. teachers
50. A. restrictions B. explanations C. differences D. consequences
51. A. demand B. fear C. desire D. doubt
52. A. physical B. biological C. spiritual D. behavioral
53. A. traditional B. important C. double D. original
54. A. life B. time C. reply D. history
55. A. by comparison with B. in addition to C. regardless of D. instead of
56. A. get hold of B. stare at C. knock on D. make use of
57. A. real B. typical C. similar D. limited
58. A. safety rule B. comfort zone C. bottom line D. top secret
59. A. delay B. regret C. enjoy D. accept
60. A. hurry B. decide C. hesitate D. intend
典例三 (2020 新课标全国卷Ⅲ)
As s businesswoman, I care deeply about my customers. But like anyone for whom you feel affection, 41 can also drive you mad. They’ll come rushing in, 42 their handbag’s been stolen. They’ll 43 that they left it in the changing room, create havoe(混乱) and then 44 it had been in their car all the time. They’ll have out half the 45 in the shop, and want the only style you don’t have left in a 46 colour. I do know how upset the shop staff can get, but I try to persuade them to keep 47 .
I remember the first really 48 customer we had at Covent Garden. She was 49 absolutely everything, nothing was right and I was rather 50 that she became a “regular”. After a while, she 51 for the way she behaved at the beginning. She had split up with her husband the week before, was living in a flat 52 , and since she’d found it too much to cope with(应对), she’d taken it out on 53 people.
That taught me a valuable 54 and I pass it on to the people who 55 in the market. Don’t take it 56 . If a customer is rude or difficult, just think "Maybe she’s had a row with her husband. Maybe her child’s not 57 .” Always water it down and don’t let your ego(自我) get 58 . If you do, you won’t be able to 59 it and the whole thing develops into an unpleasant scene and that 60 everyone’s day.
41. A. shopkeepers B. customers C. salespersons D. receptionists
42. A. saying B. pretending C. guessing D. replying
43. A. agree B. promise C. imagine D. swear
44. A. forget B. decide C. discover D. assume
45. A. foods B. catalogues C. belongings D. goods
46. A. particular B. different C. matching D. natural
47. A. fighting B. smiling C. waiting D. changing
48. A. generous B. polite C. careless D. difficult
49. A. curious about B. displeased with C. patient with D. uncertain about
50. A. relaxed B. delighted C. surprised D. embarrassed
51. A. searched B. argued C. prayed D. apologized
52. A. by chance B. by herself C. on purpose D. on duty
53. A. rude B. such C. other D. lonely
54. A. lesson B. trick C. skill D. trade
55. A. work B. shop C. meet D. quarrel
56. A. kindly B. secretly C. personally D. casually
57. A. ready B. away C. up D. well
58. A. out of sight B. in the way C. behind the scene D. above the law
59. A. stress B. expect C. handle D. blame
60. A. ruins B. makes C. starts D. saves
From my second grade on,there was one event I feared every year:the piano recital(独奏会)和尾句的With his first recital,my father taught me more about courage and determination than all the words he used those 30 plus years ago.表明了文章的主旨:作者本来很反感弹钢琴,但是父亲的行为感动了自己。作者认为他的实际行动比30多年以前说的话更有感染力。
常见标志词有:(1)并列关系:and,not only...but also,that is to say等;(2)因果关系:because,for,so that,in order that,due to,thanks to,thus,therefore,so等;(3)对比关系:while,whereas,as,rather than,instead of等;(4)转折关系:although,though,even if,nevertheless,despite,but,yet,however,on the contrary等;(5)递进关系:also,then,besides,in addition,furthermore,what’s more等;(6)顺序关系:first,then,on the one hand等;(7)转变话题:by the way,what I really mean...等。
1. 开头点题
1. 快速弄清文章大意
2. 弄清楚说明的顺序
3. 把握文章的组织结构,理清事实细节
4. 注重上下文语境
5. 熟练做题方法,遵循四个原则:
典例一 (2021 全国乙卷)
Young children across the globe enjoy playing games of hide and seek. For them, there’s something highly exciting about ___21___ someone else’s glance and making oneself unable to be seen.
However, we all witness that preschool children are remarkably ___22___ at hiding. They often cover only their eyes with their hands, leaving the rest of their bodies ___23___ .
For a long time, this ineffective hiding method was ___24___ as evidence that children are hopelessly “egocentric” (自我中心的) creatures. But our ___25___ research results in child developmental psychology ___26___ that idea.
We brought young children aged 2-4 into our Minds in Development Lab at USC. Each ___27___ sat down with an adult who covered her own eyes or ___28___ . We then asked the child if she could ___29___ or hear the adult. Surprisingly, children replied that they couldn’t. The same ___30___ happened when the adult covered her own mouth: ___31___ children said that they couldn’t ___32___ to her.
A number of ___33___ ruled out that the children misunderstood what they were being asked. The results were clear: Our young subjects ___34___ the questions and knew ___35___ what was asked of them. Their ___36___ to the questions reflected their true ___37___ that “I can see you only if you can see me, too.” They simply ___38___ mutual (相互的) recognition and regard. Our ___39___ suggest when a child “hides” by putting a blanket over her head, it is not a result of egocentrism. In fact, children consider this method ___40___ when others use it.
21. A. following B. taking C. escaping D. directing
22. A. clever B. bad C. scared D. quick
23. A. exposed B. examined C. untouched D. imbalanced
24. A. supported B. guaranteed C. imagined D. interpreted
25. A. disappointing B. mixed C. surprising D. desired
26. A. explained B. confirmed C. contradicted D. tested
27. A. parent B. child C. researcher D. doctor
28. A. feet B. nose C. hands D. ears
29. A. see B. help C. reach D. fool
30. A. event B. thing C. action D. accident
31. A. Yet B. Now C. Soon D. Once
32. A. speak B. listen C. turn D. wave
33. A. instructions B. descriptions C. experiments D. assumptions
34. A. comprehended B. predicted C. explored D. ignored
35. A. partly B. honestly C. vaguely D. exactly
36. A. responses B. approaches C. contribution D. sensitivity
37. A. ability B. belief C. identity D. purpose
38. A. hold back B. relate to C. insist on D. make up
39. A. limitations B. requirements C. theories D. findings
40. A. tentative B. impressive C. creative D. effective
典例二 (2019 新课标全国卷I)
Every year about 40,000 people attempt to climb Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. They ___41___ with them lots of waste. The ___42___ might damage the beauty of the place. The glaciers(冰川)are disappearing, changing the ___43___ of Kilimanjaro.
Hearing these stories, I’m ___44___ about the place — other destinations are described as “purer” natural experiences.
However, I soon ___45___ that much has changed since the days of disturbing reports of ___46___ among tons of rubbish. I find a ___47___ mountain, with toilets at camps and along the paths. The environmental challenges are ___48___ but the efforts made by the Tanzania National Park Authority seem to be ___49___.
The best of a Kilimanjaro ___50___, in my opinion, isn’t reaching the top. Mountains are ___51___ as spiritual places by many cultures. This ___52___ is especially evident on Kilimanjaro as ___53___ go through five ecosystems(生态系统)in the space of a few kilometers. At the base is a rainforest. It ends abruptly at 3, 000 meters, ___54___ lands of low growing plants. Further up, the weather ___55___ — low clouds envelope the mountainsides, which are covered with thick grass. I ___56___ twelve shades of green from where I stand. Above 4, 000 meters is the highland ___57___: gravel(砾石), stones and rocks. ___58___ you climb into an arctic-like zone with ___59___ snow and the glaciers that may soon disappear.
Does Kilimanjaro ___60___ its reputation as a crowded mountain with lines of tourists ruining the atmosphere of peace?I found the opposite to be true.
41. A. keep B. mix C. connect D. bring
42. A. stories B. buildings C. crowds D. reporters
43. A. position B. age C. face D. name
44. A. silent B. skeptical C. serious D. crazy
45. A. discover B. argue C. decide D. advocate
46. A. equipment B. grass C. camps D. stones
47. A. remote B. quiet C. all D. clean
48. A. new B. special C. significant D. necessary
49. A. paying off B. spreading out C. blowing up D. fading away
50. A. atmosphere B. experience C. experiment D. sight
51. A. studied B. observed C. explored D. regarded
52. A. view B. quality C. reason D. purpose
53. A. scientists B. climbers C. locals D. officials
54. A. holding on to B. going back to C. living up to D. giving way to
55. A. changes B. clears C. improves D. permits
56. A. match B. imagine C. count D. add
57. A. village B. desert C. road D. lake
58. A. Obviously B. Easily C. Consequently D. Finally
59. A. permanent B. little C. fresh D. artificial
60. A. enjoy B. deserve C. save D. acquire
典例三 (2014 新课标全国卷I)
The small town of Rjukan in Norway is situated between several mountains and does not get direct sunlight from late September to mid-March- ___41___ six months out of the year.
Of course, we ___42___ it when the sun is shining," says Karin Ro, who works for the town’s tourism office. “We see the sky is ___43___, but down in the valley it’s darker — it’s like on a ___44___ day.”
But that ___45___ when a system of high-tech ___46___ was introduced to reflect sunlight from neighboring peaks(山峰)into the valley below. Wednesday, residents(居民)of Rjukan ___47___ their very first ray of winter sunshine: A row of reflective boards on a nearby mountainside were put to ___48___. The mirrors are controlled by a computer that ___49___ them to turn along with the sun throughout the ___50___ and to close during windy weather. They reflect a concentrated beam(束)of light onto the town’s central ___51___, creating an area of sunlight roughly 600 square meters. When the light ___52___, Rjukan residents gathered together.
“People have been ___53___ there and standing there and taking ___54___ of each other," Ro says. "The town square was totally ___55___. I think almost all the people in the town were there. "The 3,500 residents cannot all ___56___ the sunshine at the same time. ___57___, the new light feels like more than enough for the town’s ___58___ residents.
"It's not very ___59___,” she says, "but it is enough when we are ___60___.”
41. A. only B. obviously C. nearly D. precisely
42. A. fear B. believe C. hear D. notice
43. A. empty B. blue C. high D. wide
44. A. cloudy B. normal C. different D. warm
45. A. helped B. changed C. happened D. mattered
46. A. computers B. telescopes C. mirrors D. cameras
47. A. remembered B. forecasted C. received D. imagined
48. A. repair B. risk C. rest D. use
49. A. forbids B. directs C. predicts D. follows
50. A. day B. night C. month D. year
51. A. library B. hall C. square D. street
52. A. appeared B. returned C. faded D. stopped
53. A. driving B. hiding C. camping D. siting
54. A. pictures B. notes C. care D. hold
55. A. new B. full C. flat D. silent
56. A. block B. avoid C. enjoy D. store
57. A. Instead B. However C. Gradually D. Similarly
58. A. nature-loving B. energy-saving C. weather-beaten D. sun-starved
59. A. big B. clear C. cold D. easy
60. A. trying B. waiting C. watching D. sharing
模式一:引言段(提出观点)——正方论点心(支持作者的观点的较弱论点)、正方论点2(支持作者的观点的较强论点)、正方论点3(支持作者观点的最强论点)——结论段(总结+解决方法,论断或建议) 在这种模式中,文章主体段(中间部分)的每一个部分论述一个论点,这些论点以其重要性按序排列,最有力、最重要的论点在最后面,以示强调。
议论文有自己的语言个性,它不同于记叙文的生动形象,也不同于说明文的简明易懂。议论是对具体事物、事理作出的理论上分析与阐述,因此,它的语言自然客观的、抽象的、概括的。同时,它的语言也很准确,合乎逻辑。文中会较多地使用,诸如since(既然),now that(既然),therefore(因而),in that case(在那种情况下),so(所以),It follows that…(因而…),If…,we may conclude that …(如果……,我们可以这样下结论……),Should it be the case (如果是这样的话……),Idon’t want to…,but…(我并不想……),It is true that…,but…(诚然……但是……),Even if …(即使……)等有辩论和推理含义的连接和过渡词语与结构,以增强语言的准确性和逻辑性。此外,作者的写作态度一般也较诚恳,在文章中通常使用的是与读者平等交流的语气,不会给人以居高临下、以势居人、逼人接受的感觉,在遣词造句方面多使用虚拟语气、让步状语从句和can, may, might, could, would, should等情态动词。
1. 通览
2. 试填
3. 复核
典例一 (2015 福建卷)
One of the easiest things in the world is to become a fault-finder. However, life can be 1  when you are not busy finding fault with it.
Several years ago I  2  a letter from seventeen-year-old Kerry, who described herself as a world-class fault-finder, almost always  3  by things. People were always doing things that annoyed her, and  4  was ever good enough. She was highly self-critical and also found fault with her friends. She became a really  5  person.
Unfortunately, it took a horrible accident to change her  6 . Her best friend was seriously hurt in a car crash. What made it almost  7  to deal with was that the day before the  8 , Kerry had visited her friend and had spent the whole time criticizing her  9  of boyfriends, the way she was living, the way she related to her mother, and various other things she felt she needed to  10 . It wasn’t until her friend was badly hurt that Kerry became  11  her habit of finding fault. Very quickly, she learned to appreciate life rather than to  12  everything so harshly(刻薄). She was able to transfer her new wisdom to other parts of her  13  as well.
Perhaps most of us aren’t as extreme at fault-finding,  14  when we’re honest, we can be sharply  15  of the world. I’m not suggesting you  16  problems, or that you pretend things are  17  than they are, but simply that you learn to allow things to be as they are —  18  most of the time, and especially when it’s not a really big  19 .
Train yourself to "bite your tongue", and with a little  20 , you’ll get really good at letting things go. And when you do, you’ll get back your enthusiasm and love for life.
1. A. lonely B. great C. quiet D. uneasy
2. A. received B. answered C. expected D. rejected
3. A. threatened B. interrupted C. bothered D. spoiled
4. A. anything B. everything C. something D. nothing
5. A. caring B. boring C. interesting D. surprising
6. A. attitude B. plan C. measure D. explanation
7. A. urgent B. unnecessary C. certain D. impossible
8. A. occasion B. event C. accident D. adventure
9. A. memory B. notice C. evidence D. choice
10. A. hear B. contribute C. express D. admit
11. A. aware of B. afraid of C. curious about D. confused about
12. A. discuss B. realize C. judge D. settle
13. A. family B. life C. career D. education
14. A. so B. or C. but D. for
15. A. proud B. sure C. hopeful D. critical
16. A. face B. create C. solve D. ignore
17. A. rarer B. better C. stranger D. worse
18. A. at least B. at last C. by far D. so far
19. A. task B. deal C. result D. duty
20. A. practice B. speech C. rest D. pity
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年份 试卷类型 体裁 词数 话题 考点分布
2023年 全国甲卷 记叙文 251 仅仅以外表来判断食物是否好吃是不明智的 动词10
全国乙卷 记叙文 251 美国体操运动员 Gabby Douglas赢得奥运会全能冠军,成为了第一个获此殊荣的黑人女性。 动词8
2022 年 全国甲卷 记叙文 285 从一个男人对待小狗都方式了解对方很多 动词7
全国乙卷 记叙文 262 儿童玩捉迷藏游戏 动词9
新高考全国I卷 记叙文 240 作者和家人在旅行过程中经历过的趣事与冒险 动词4
新高考全国II卷 记叙文 209 Jessica和丈夫通过当看房人来环球旅行的事情 动词5
浙江卷1月 记叙文 218 一个遭受眼睛问题之苦的Burdeyney女士积极为研究项目提供帮助 动词9
2021年 全国甲卷 记叙文 260 Burchill住酒店因海鸥导致进入酒店黑名单的故事 动词9
全国乙卷 记叙文 245 作者做护士期间做了自己分内的事 动词11
新高考全国I卷 记叙文 206 春假打工挣钱的经历 动词8
浙江卷6月 记叙文 283 作者年迈的母亲在超市购物时,得到陌生人帮助的故事 动词5
浙江卷1月 记叙文 278 作者做志愿者的一次经历 动词9
2020年 新课标卷I 夹叙夹议文 260 作者以现实中的门,引申出生活中的“门”,从而探讨了一种教育理念。作者认为家长们不要害怕告诉孩子们真相,这样,孩子们才可以在生活的道路上,不再被各种“进退两难”所困扰,从而抓住机遇,勇往直前。 动词4
新课标卷II 记叙文 281 文章主要讲述了一个名叫Nicolo的人在拍卖会上以低价购得两幅画。 动词11名词4
形容词3 副词2
新课标卷III 记叙文 270 作者学到了宝贵的一课,那就是要学会淡化和难缠顾客之间的矛盾,不然当事情发展成不愉快的场面时,结果只会毁了每个人的一天。 动词8动词短语1
副词2 介词短语2
2019年 新课标卷I 夹叙夹议文 258 乞力马扎罗山因登山者活动而造成的环境污染及努力治理之后环境的改观。 动词6 动词短语2
新课标卷II 记叙文 271 Ehlers和他的朋友救助了一只丢失的小狗,最终帮它找到了主人 动词9 动词短语1
形容词3 副词2
新课标卷III 记叙文 247 北欧一个小镇长达半年没有阳光照射,为此在附近的山顶安装了一套镜子设备把阳光反射到小镇的广场。 动词8 名词5
形容词5 副词2
2018年 新课标卷I 夹叙夹议文 271 讲述了我在大二学的免费课程下棋及对我生活的指导意义 动词9 名词7
形容词3 副词1
新课标卷II 记叙文 277 讲述了作者13年后和儿子见面的情景 动词9 名词3
形容词5 副词2
新课标卷III 记叙文 271 Dennis Williams认真对待陌生人的信息,使陌生人倍受感动的故事 动词10 名词6
2017年 新课标卷I 记叙文 251 学习美式手语的经历和感受 名词5 动词10
新课标卷II 记叙文 266 作者自己的学生Feddy的性格特征及多年后的生活、工作状况 名词8 动词9
新课标卷III 记叙文 271 一个加拿大青年在和女朋友分手后,希望免费赠送自己为女朋友购买的环球航空旅行机票的故事,体现了年轻人无私的精神 名词:7个
2016年 新课标卷I 记叙文 253 讲述了司机Larry在路上遇到着火的汽车,积极救人的故事。 动词7 名词 4
形容词3 副词1
连词2 介词短语2
新课标卷II 夹叙夹议文 262 作者通过自身的经历总结出,电话中的感受有时与现实生活中的感受不一致,因为像微笑这样无声的信号无法通过电话传播。 动词6 名词 4
形容词5 副词3
新课标卷III 记叙文 276 作者通过刻苦训练,最终实现了成为足球队明星球员的目标。 动词8 名词4
形容词5 副词 1
连词1 代词1
2015年 全国卷I 记叙文 262 超市帮助贫困老人 动词6 名词7
形容词3 副词 2
全国卷II 记叙文 242 陪女儿看一场足球锦标赛 动词5 名词5
形容词2 副词 2连词1
2014年 全国卷I 议论文 251 室友的活动如果常规去做都变得无聊 动词3 名词7
形容词3 副词 2
全国卷II 记叙文 263 英国登山家Joe Simpson和同伴Simon Yates登山的遭遇和经历 动词11 名词2
形容词1 副词 5介词1
2013年 全国卷I 记叙文 262 一次小活动了解残疾人的经历 动词7 名词7
形容词4 副词 1连词1
全国卷II 记叙文 236 带着手套的格林伯格 动词11 名词5
a. 首句完整,线索清楚。
b. 叙述灵活,侧重语境。
c. 实词为主,虚词为辅。
a. 重视首句,开篇明义。
b. 利用语境,揣摩心态。
c. 理清线索,把握方向。
【2023 年全国乙卷】
To become the Olympic champion in the individual (个人) all-around event, Gabby Douglas had to leave everything she ____21____ best. She had to ___22___ her bedroom in Virginia. She had to say ____23____to her two dogs and to the beach, where she loved to ____24____ waves on her board. But it was____25____ to take the leap (飞跃), however ____26____ it would be. Even at 14, Douglas knew that. So she____27____about 1,200 miles away from home, to ____28____ with a coach from China. She lived with a family she had never ____29____ and everything was new to her.
As it turned out Douglas did ____30____ what she needed to do to become Olympic champion when she
____31____two Russians. The Chinese coach ____32____ Douglas into one of the best gymnasts in the ____33____, helping her skyrocket from an ____34____ member of the national team to the top of the sport. By ____35____ the Olympic all-around title, she became the first black woman to do so. She ____36____ the
competition from beginning to end. She said she had felt ____37____ all along that she would win.
Not so long ago, Martha Karoly the coordinator (联络人) of the women’s national team, did not think Douglas had what it ____38____ to be an Olympian. As time went by, she thought ____39____ that she could make the London Games-and win.
“I’m going to inspire so many people,” she said. “I’m ready to ____40____.” And shine she did.
21. A. tried B. thought C. judged D. knew
22. A. take up B. pack up C. clean up D. do up
23. A. goodbye B. hello C. thanks D. no
24. A. cause B. observe C. ride D. strike
25. A. common B. time C. fun D. tough
26. A. breathtaking B. heartbreaking C. eye-catching D. head-spinning
27. A. dropped out B. moved on C. pulled over D. went off
28. A. reason B. talk C. compete D. train
29. A. met B. helped C. understood D. needed
30. A. approximately B. gradually C. exactly D. possibly
31. A. defeated B. pleased C. respected D. assisted
32. A. forced B. transformed C. persuaded D. put
33. A. world B. city C. team D. state
34. A. amateur B. elected C. average D. enthusiastic
35. A. clarifying B. defending C. winning D. demanding
36. A. followed B. organized C. watched D. led
37. A. confident B. nervous C. excited D. uneasy
38. A. viewed B. appeared C. mattered D. took
39. A. now and then B. more and more C. far and wide D. on and on
40. A. shine B. fly C. dance D. score
【答案】21. D 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. B 26. B 27. D 28. D 29. A 30. C
31. A 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. C 36. D 37. A 38. D 39. B 40. A
【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了美国体操运动员 Gabby Douglas 为了成为个人全能项目的奥运冠军,不得不远离家乡,去离家 1200 英里的地方,和一个来自中国的教练一起训练。最终在教练的训练下,Douglas 成为世界上最好的体操运动员之一,赢得奥运会全能冠军,成为了第一个获此殊荣的黑人女性。
【21 题详解】
考查动词词义辨析。句意: 为了成为个人全能项目的奥运冠军,Gabby Douglas 不得不放弃她最熟悉的一切。A. tried 尝试;B. thought 思考;C. judged 判断;D. knew 知道;熟悉,了解。由上文“To become the Olympic champion in the individual (个人) all-around event, Gabby Douglas had to leave everything”和下文“1,200 miles away from home”可知,为了成为个人全能项目的奥运冠军,Gabby Douglas 放弃她最熟悉的一切,来到一个陌生的地方,故选 D。
【22 题详解】
考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:她不得不整理好她在弗吉尼亚的卧室。A. take up 从事;B. pack up 整理;收拾行李;C. clean up 清理;D. do up 装修。由上文“Gabby Douglas had to leave everything”和下文“her bedroom in Virginia”可知,整理好她的卧室,准备离开这里,故选 B。
【23 题详解】
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她不得不和她的两只狗以及她喜欢在冲浪板上冲浪的海滩说再见。A. goodbye 再见;B. hello 你好;C. thanks 感谢;D. no 没有;否定的回答。由上“Gabby Douglas had to leave everything”可知,Gabby Douglas 要离开自己的家,所以与家里的狗说再见,故选 A。
【24 题详解】
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她不得不和她的两只狗以及她喜欢在冲浪板上冲浪的海滩说再见。A. cause 引起;B. observe 观察;C. ride 骑;漂浮;D. strike 打击。由下文“waves on her board.”可知,此处表示冲浪,ride the waves 意为“冲浪”,故选 C。
【25 题详解】
考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是,是时候迈出这一步了,无论这将是多么令人心碎。A. common 平民;普通;B. time 时间;C. fun 乐趣;D. tough 暴徒。由下文“to take the leap (飞跃)”可知,虽然离开自己所熟悉的一切很难,但是是时候该迈出这一步了,故选 B。
【26 题详解】
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但是,是时候迈出这一步了,无论这将是多么令人伤心。A. breathtaking 激动人心的;B. heartbreaking 令人心碎的;令人伤心的;C. eye-catching 引人注目的;D. head-spinning 头晕的。上文提到的 Gabby Douglas 不得不放弃她最熟悉的一切可知,放弃自己所熟悉的一切是令人伤心,故选 B。
【27 题详解】
考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:所以她离家 1200 英里,和一个来自中国的教练一起训练。A. dropped out 退出;B. moved on 继续。C. pulled over 靠边停车;D. went off 离开。由下文“about 1,200 miles away from home,”可知,Gabby Douglas 到了一个离家 1200 英里的地方,故选 D。
【28 题详解】
考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以她离家 1200 英里,和一位来自中国的教练一起训练。A. reason 推理;B. talk谈话;C. compete 竞争;D. train 培训。由上文“To become the Olympic champion in the individual (个人)all-around event”和下文“with a coach from China”可知,为了成为个人全能项目的奥运冠军,Gabby Douglas离开家,由此可知,她来到这里是为了和一位来自中国的教练一起训练,故选 D。
【29 题详解】
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她和一个素未谋面的家庭住在一起,一切对她来说都是全新的。A. met 遇到;见过;B. helped 帮助;C. understood 理解;D. needed 需要。由下文“everything was new to her.”可知,一切对她来说都是全新的,所以此处指她和一个素未谋面的家庭住在一起,故选 A。
【30 题详解】
考查副词词义辨析。句意: 事实证明,Douglas 击败了两名俄罗斯选手,完全完成了她成为奥运冠军所需要做的一切。A. approximately 大约;B.gradually 逐渐地;C. exactly 准确地;完全;D. possibly 可能地。由下文“the Olympic all-around title, she became the first black woman to do so”可知,Gabby Douglas 获得了奥运会全能冠军,由此可知,Gabby Douglas 完全完成了她成为奥运冠军所需要做的一切,故选 C。
【31 题详解】
考查动词词义辨析。句意: 事实证明,Douglas 击败了两名俄罗斯选手,完全完成了她成为奥运冠军所需要做的一切。A. defeated 打败;B. pleased 使高兴;C. respected 尊敬;D. assisted 帮助。由上文“what she needed to do to become Olympic champion”和下文“the Olympic all-around title, she became the first black woman to do so”可知,Douglas 击败了两名俄罗斯选手,成为了奥运冠军,故选 A。
【32 题详解】
考查动词词义辨析。句意:这位中国教练让 Douglas 成为世界上最好的体操运动员之一,帮助她从国家队的普通队员一跃成为体操运动的顶尖选手。A. forced 强迫;B. transformed 转换;改造;彻底改变;C. persuaded劝说;D. put 放。由下文“Douglas into one of the best gymnasts”可知,这位中国教练让 Douglas 变成世界上最好的体操运动员之一,transform...into 固定搭配,意为“使......变成......”,故选 B。
【33 题详解】
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这位中国教练让 Douglas 成为世界上最好的体操运动员之一,帮助她从国家队的普通队员一跃成为体操运动的顶尖选手。A. world 世界;B. city 城市;C. team 团队;D. state 国家。由下文“the Olympic all-around title, she became the first black woman to do so”可知,Douglas 赢得奥运会全能冠军,所以说她是世界最好的体操运动员之一,故选 A。
【34 题详解】
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这位中国教练让 Douglas 成为世界上最好的体操运动员之一,帮助她从国家队的普通队员一跃成为体操运动的顶尖选手。 A. amateury 业余爱好的;B. elected 当选的;C. average 平均的;普通的;D. enthusiastic 热情的。由下文“member of the national team to the top of the sport”可知,这位中国教练帮助 Douglas 从国家队的普通队员一跃成为体操运动的顶尖选手。故选 C。
【35 题详解】
考查动词词义辨析。句意:通过赢得奥运会全能冠军,她成为了第一个获此殊荣的黑人女性。A. clarifying
分类;B. defending 打败;C. winning 赢得;D. demanding 要求。由下文“the Olympic all-around title, she became the first black woman to do so.”可知,Douglas 赢得奥运会全能冠军,故选 C。
【36 题详解】
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她自始至终领先于竞争对手。A. followed 跟随;B. organized 组织;C. watched
观看;D. led 带领;领先。由下文“the competition from beginning to end”可知,比赛过程中,Douglas 一直领先于竞争对手,故选 D。
【37 题详解】
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她说她一直坚信自己会赢。A. confident 自信的;坚信的;B. nervous 紧张的;C. excited 兴奋的;D. uneasy 不安的。由下文“all along that she would win.”可知,Douglas 一直坚信自己会赢,故选 A。
【38 题详解】
考查动词词义辨析。句意:就在不久前,女子国家队联络人 Martha Karoly 还认为 Douglas 不具备成为奥运选手所需要的条件。A. viewed 看待;B. appeared 出现;C. mattered 重要;D. took 需要。由下文“to be an Olympian”可知,此处表示 Martha Karoly 还认为 Douglas 不具备成为奥运选手所需要的条件,空处表示“需要”,故选 D。
【39 题详解】
考查短语词义辨析。句意:随着时间的推移,她越来越相信自己能够赢得伦敦奥运会。A. now and then 时不时地;B. more and more 越来越多;C. far and wide 广泛地;D. on and on 不断地。由上文“As time went by”和下文“that she could make the London Games-and win.”可知,随着时间的推移,Douglas 越来越相信自己能够赢得伦敦奥运会。故选 B。
【40 题详解】
考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我准备好发光了”。A. shine 照耀;发光;B. fly 飞行;C. dance 跳舞;D. score得分。由上文“I’m going to inspire so many people”和“And shine she did.”可知,Douglas 认为自己将会激励很多人,即自己会发光,影响到很多人,故选 A。
【2023 年全国甲卷】
Many years ago, I bought a house in the Garfagnana, where we still go every summer.The first time we ___21___ there, we heard the chug chug-chug of a motorbike ___22___ its way down the hill toward us. It was ___23___ called Mario, coming to ___24___ us a box containing some tormatoes and a bottle of wine. It was a very nice ___25___ for him to make. But when we looked at the tomatoes, we were ___26___ because
they were so misshapen: not at all like the nice, round, ___27___ things you get in a supermarket. And the wine was cloudy, in a funny old bottle with no label (标签) on it. These can’t be any ___28___, we thought. But we were ___29___ his kindness, so we ___30___ them.
What we discovered is that it’s ___31___ to judge what you eat only by its ___32___. Those tomatoes had
___33___ that reminded me of the ones my uncle used to grow when I was a child. Nowadays supermarket tomatoes ___34___ perfect but taste of water. Nobody’s going to have a ___35___ memory of those. It’s a surprise they haven’t managed to grow square ones so that they can ___36___ them easily. Mario’s wine may have been cloudy and come out of an old bottle, but it was ___37___.
It’s good to eat things at the correct time, when they’re ___38___, and as close as possible to where they were___39___. What Mario had ___40___ us was the taste of the Garfagnana.
21. A. waited B. met C. camped D. stayed
22. A. making B. searching C. squeezing D. feeling
23. A. customer B. neighbor C. relative D. passenger
24. A. lend B. send C. bring D. show
25. A. choice B. comment C. promise D. gesture
26. A. worried B. moved C. thrilled D. bored
27. A. simple B. real C. shiny D. fun
28. A. more B. good C. new D. easy
29. A. sympathetic to B. thankful for C. cautious about D. interested in
30. A. tried B. sold C. returned D. mixed
31. A. unnecessary B. uncertain C. unwise D. unusual
32. A. appearance B. quality C. origin D. price
33. A. size B. shape C. color D. taste
34. A. smell B. look C. become D. work
35 A. happy B. vivid C. short D. vague
36. A. clean B. check C. count D. pack
37. A. perfect B. useful C. convenient D. familiar
38. A. on view B. on sale C. in season D. in need
39. A. finished B. stored C. found D. grown
40. A. cooked B. given C. bought D. told
【答案】21. D 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. D 26. A 27. C 28. B 29. B 30. A
31. C 32. A 33. D 34. B 35. A 36. D 37. A 38. C 39. D 40. B
【21 题详解】
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们第一次住在那里的时候,我们听到了一辆摩托车从山上向我们开过来的嘎吱嘎吱的声音。A. waited 等待;B. met 遇见;C. camped 露营;D. stayed 暂住。根据前文“Many years ago, I bought a house in the Garfagnana, where we still go every summer.”可知,作者在当地买了房子,所以是第一次住在那里。故选 D 项。
【22 题详解】
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们第一次住在那里的时候,我们听到了一辆摩托车从山上向我们开过的嘎吱嘎吱的声音。A. making 使;让;B. searching 搜索;C. squeezing 挤压;D. feeling 感觉。根据后文“coming to 4 us a box containing some tomatoes and a bottle of wine.”可知,摩托车是开过来给我们送东
西的,所以 make one’s way 复合语境,为固定搭配,意为“前往”。故选 A 项。
【23 题详解】
考查名词词义辨析。句意:那是邻居马里奥,他给我们带来了一个盒子,里面装着一些西红柿和一瓶酒。A. customer 顾客;B. neighbor 邻居;C. relative 亲戚;D. passenger 乘客。根据前文“we heard the chug chug-chug of a motorbike 2 its way down the hill toward us.”以及最后一句“What Mario had 20 us was
the taste of the Garfagnana”可知,马里奥是从山上下来的,送来了当地的食物,可推测是作者的邻居。故选B 项。
【24 题详解】
考查动词词义辨析。句意:那是邻居马里奥,他给我们带来了一个盒子,里面装着一些西红柿和一瓶酒。A. lend 借出;B. send 发送;C. bring 带来;D. show 展示。根据后文“It was a very nice 5 for him
to make.”可知,马里奥很友好,所以是给作者一家带来一个盒子。故选 C 项。
【25 题详解】
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他这么做真是太好了。A. choice 选择;B. comment 议论;C. promise 诺言;D. gesture姿态。根据前文“coming to 4 us a box containing some tomatoes and a bottle of wine.”可知,马
里奥给作者一家带来一盒子的西红柿和酒,所以是好的姿态。故选 D 项。
【26 题详解】
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但当我们看着那些西红柿时,我们是担心的,因为它们事非常畸形的:一点也不像你在超市里买到的那种漂亮的、圆的、闪亮的东西。A. worried 担心的;B. moved 感动的;C. thrilled兴奋的;D. bored.感到厌倦的。根据后文“because they were so misshapen”可知,西红柿是畸形的,所以作者一家很担心是否能吃。故选 A 项。
【27 题详解】
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但当我们看着那些西红柿时,我们是担心的,因为它们是非常畸形的:一点也不像你在超市里买到的那种漂亮的、圆的、闪亮的东西。A. simple 简单的;B. real 真实的;C. shiny 闪亮的;D. fun 有趣的。根据前文“not at all like the nice, round”可知,空处是在形容超市里的西红柿,和前文的“nice, round”并列,结合选项,应是“shiny 闪亮的”符合实际。故选 C 项。
【28 题详解】
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们想,这些肯定不好。A. more 更多的;B. good 好的;C. new 新的;D. easy容易的。根据前文“But when we looked at the tomatoes, we were 6 because they were so misshapen:
not at all like the nice, round, 7 things you get in a supermarket. And the wine was cloudy, in a
funny old bottle with no label (标签) on it.”可知,马里奥带来的西红柿和酒都不好,因此作者一家认为这些都不可能好。故选 B 项。
【29 题详解】
考查形容词短语辨析。句意:但我们很感谢他的好意,所以我们试了试。A. sympathetic to 同情;B. thankful for 对......表示感谢;C. cautious about 谨慎对待;D. interested in 对......感兴趣。根据前文“It was 3 called Mario, coming to 4 us a box containing some tomatoes and a bottle of wine.”可知,西红柿
和酒是邻居送的,所以应该是很感谢他。故选 B 项。
【30 题详解】
考查动词词义辨析。句意:但我们很感谢他的好意,所以我们试了试。A. tried 尝试;B. sold 出售;C. returned回来;D. mixed 混合。根据后文“Those tomatoes had 13 that reminded me of the ones my uncle
used to grow when I was a child.”可知,马里奥送的西红柿让作者想起了小时候叔叔种的西红柿,所以推知,他们是尝试了。故选 A 项。
【31 题详解】
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们发现,仅仅以外表来判断你吃的东西是否好吃是不明智的。A. unnecessary不需要的;B. uncertain 无把握;C. unwise 不明智的;D. unusual 特别的。结合前后文,可知,作者一家刚开始看到马里奥送的西红柿是畸形的,对其感到担心,但是后来发现,它的味道,比超市的西红柿要好,所以此处应是根据外观来判断你吃的东西是不明智的。故选 C 项。
【32 题详解】
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们发现,仅仅以外表来判断你的吃的东西是否好吃是不明智的。A. appearance外观;B. quality 质量;C. origin 源头;D. price 价格。根据前文“we were 6 because they were so misshapen”可知,此处应是通过外观来评判。故选 A 项。
【33 题详解】
考查名词词义辨析。句意:那些西红柿的味道让我想起了我小时候叔叔种的西红柿。A. size 尺寸;B. shape形状;C. color 颜色;D. taste 味道。根据后文“Nowadays supermarket tomatoes 14 perfect but taste
of water.”可知,此处应是用马里奥送的西红柿和超市的西红柿作对比,马里奥送的西红柿外观差,但是味道好,让作者想起了小时候叔叔种的西红柿。故选 D 项。
【34 题详解】
考查动词词义辨析。句意:现在超市里的西红柿看起来很好,但味道像水。A. smell 闻起来;B. look 看起来;C. become 变成;D. work 工作。根据前文“not at all like the nice, round, 7 things you get in a
supermarket.”可知,超市的西红柿看起来很完美。故选 B 项。
【35 题详解】
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:没有人会对那些有快乐的记忆。A. happy 快乐的;B. vivid 清晰的;C. short 短的;D. vague 模糊的。根据前文“Nowadays supermarket tomatoes 14 perfect but taste of water.”
可知,超市的西红柿,看起来很好,但是吃起来像水,因此没有将会有快乐的记忆。故选 A 项。
【36 题详解】
考查动词词义辨析。句意:令人惊讶的是,他们没有设法种植方形的,这样他们就可以方便地包装它们。A. clean 打扫;B. check 检查;C. count 计数;D. pack 包装。根据前文“It’s a surprise they haven’t managed to grow square ones”结合实际,可知方形的易包装。故选 D 项。
【37 题详解】
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:马里奥的酒可能是混浊的,而且是从一个旧瓶子里出来的,但它是完美的。A. perfect 完美的;B. useful 有用的;C. convenient 便利的;D. familiar 熟悉的。根据前文“Mario’s wine may have been cloudy and come out of an old bottle”以及空前的 but 可知,此处表转折,结合选项,此处应“马里奥的酒可能是混浊的,而且是从一个旧瓶子里出来的,但它是完美的”之意,符合实际。故选 A 项。
【38 题详解】
考查介词短语辨析。句意:在合适的时间,当它们是当令的时候,并且尽可能靠近它们生长的地方,吃东西是好的。A. on view 在展出;B. on sale 出售;C. in season 当令的;D. in need 困难中的。根据前文“It’s good to eat things at the correct time”可知,在合适的时间,也就是当令的时候。故选 C 项。
【39 题详解】
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在合适的时间,当它们是应季的时候,尽可能靠近它们生长的地方,吃东西是好的。A. finished 完成;B. stored 贮存;C. found 找到;D. grown 成长。根据前文“It’s good to eat things”以及“as close as possible to where”可知,此处在讲在合适的时间吃东西是好的,根据 where 推断涉及地点,结合实际,应是在靠近它们生长的地方,摘下来吃,能保持新鲜,是好的,符合题意。故选 D 项。
【40 题详解】
考查动词词义辨析。句意:马里奥给我们的是 Garfagnana 的味道。A. cooked 烹饪;B. given 给;C. bought买;D. told 告诉。根据前文“It was 3 called Mario, coming to 4 us a box containing some tomatoes and a bottle of wine.”可知,应该是马里奥给作者一家的。故选 B 项。
典例一 (2022 全国甲卷)
You can tell a lot about a man by how he treats his dogs.
For many years, I enjoyed living with my dogs, Tilly and Chance. Their ___21___ was nearly enough to keep my loneliness at bay. Nearly. Last year, I started dating, but with ___22___ . When I first dated Steve, I ___23___ he had a dog, Molly, and a cat, Flora. While I was ___24___ that he was an animal lover, I ___25___ that three dogs were perhaps too many, and my dogs might attack ___26___ , the cat.
The next week we ___27___ our dogs together. It was a hot day. When we paused to catch our ___28___ , Steve got down on one knee. Was he proposing (求婚) I liked him too, but so ___29___ He poured water from a bottle into his hand and offered it to my dogs. _____30_____ , I began to fall for him.
We _____31_____ to date, though neither of us brought up the future. And then in late November, Tilly had an operation on her _____32_____ . I took the dogs out four times a day, and I worried that Tilly _____33_____ climbing the stairs could reopen the wound. Then Steve _____34_____ his house. All worked _____35_____ . The three dogs formed a pack that, with coaching, _____36_____ Flora’s space; Steve and I formed a good team _____37_____ for Tilly. We made good housemates.
A year later, much to my _____38_____ , this man produced a little box with a ring and proposed to me. He did not kneel (跪) down, nor did I _____39_____ him to. That’s only for giving _____40_____ to the dogs that brought us together.
21. A. ownership B. membership C. companionship D. leadership
22. A. reservations B. expectations C. confidence D. prejudice
23. A. feared B. doubted C. hoped D. learned
24. A. unsatisfied B. amused C. terrified D. thrilled
25. A. predicted B. worried C. regretted D. insisted
26. A. Flora B. Chance C. Molly D. Tilly
27. A. tied B. walked C. bathed D. fed
28. A. breath B. balance C. attention D. imagination
29. A. calm B. sure C. soon D. real
30. A. By the way B. In that case C. By all means D. In that moment
31. A. continued B. decided C. intended D. pretended
32. A. eye B. tail C. ear D. leg
33. A. secretly B. constantly C. eventually D. unwillingly
34. A. left B. sold C. suggested D. searched
35. A. late B. hard C. fine D. free
36. A. emptied B. respected C. occupied D. discovered
37. A. looking B. caring C. waiting D. calling
38. A. delight B. credit C. interest D. disadvantage
39. A. beg B. trust C. need D. aid
40. A. toys B. awards C. food D. water
【答案】21. C 22. A 23. D 24. D 25. B 26. A 27. B 28. A 29. C 30. D 31. A 32. D 33. B 34. C 35. C 36. B 37. B 38. A 39. C 40. D
考查名词词义辨析。句意:它们的陪伴几乎足以让我远离孤独。A. ownership所有权;B. membership会员;C. companionship陪伴;D. leadership领导。由上文的“For many years, I enjoyed living with my dogs, Tilly and Chance. (多年来,我喜欢和我的狗Tilly和Chance生活在一起)”可知,作者多年和狗狗生活在一起,可得出狗狗陪伴着作者,让作者远离孤独。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:去年,我开始约会,但有所保留。A. reservations保留;B. expectations期望;C. confidence信心;D. prejudice偏见。由下文的“He poured water from a bottle into his hand and offered it to my dogs. (他把瓶子里的水倒在手里,递给我的狗)”和“I began to fall for him (我开始爱上他)”可知,作者是在第二周和史蒂夫一起遛狗时,因为史蒂夫把水给自己的爱犬喝,作者才对史蒂夫产生好感,可得出刚开始约会时,因为不熟悉史蒂夫的品行,作者还是有所保留的。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我第一次和史蒂夫约会时,我得知他有一条名叫Molly的狗和一只名叫Flora的猫。A. feared恐惧;B. doubted怀疑;C. hoped希望;D. learned得知。由上文的“When I first dated Steve (当我第一次和史蒂夫约会时)”和常识可知,第一次约会会得知对方相关情况,作者从而得知史蒂夫有一只狗和一只猫。故选D项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然我很高兴他是一个动物爱好者,但我担心三条狗可能太多了,我的狗可能会攻击猫Flora。A. unsatisfied不满意的;B. amused愉快的;C. terrified害怕的;D. thrilled激动的。由下文的“he was an animal lover (他是一个动物爱好者)”可知,得知史蒂夫是一个动物爱好者,多年和两只爱犬生活在一起的作者应该是感到愉快高兴。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然我很高兴他是一个动物爱好者,但我担心三条狗可能太多了,我的狗可能会攻击猫Flora。A. predicted预测;B. worried担心;C. regretted后悔;D. insisted坚持。由下文的“three dogs were perhaps too many, and my dogs might attack 6 the cat (三条狗可能太多了,我的狗可能会攻击猫)”可知,作者认为三条狗可能太多了,且自己的狗可能会攻击史蒂夫的猫,针对这种情况,作者是担忧的。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然我很高兴他是一个动物爱好者,但我担心三条狗可能太多了,我的狗可能会攻击猫Flora。A. Flora弗洛拉;B. Chance机会;C. Molly莫莉;D. Tilly蒂莉。选项指的是文中动物名词。由上文的“he had a dog, Molly, and a car, Flora (他有一条名叫Molly的狗和一只名叫Flora的猫)”可知,此处指作者担心自己的狗可能会攻击史蒂夫的猫Flora。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:第二周,我们一起遛狗。A. tied系;B. walked牵着(动物)走;C. bathed沐浴;D. fed喂养。由本处的“ 7 our dogs together (一起……我们的狗)”可知,作者和史蒂夫在一起遛狗。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我们停下来休息时,史蒂夫单膝跪下。A. breath呼吸;B. balance平衡;C. attention注意力;D. imagination想象。由上文的“It was a hot day. When we paused (那是一个炎热的日子。当我们停下)”可知,那天很热,遛狗的二人停下来休息一下,catch one’s breath (休息一下、歇一口气)。 故选A项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我也喜欢他,但这么快?A. calm冷静的;B. sure确定的;C. soon很快的;D real真正的。由上文的“The next week (第二周)”和“Was he proposing (求婚) (他在求婚吗)”可知,二人才认识两周,作者以为史蒂夫要向自己求婚,认为进展太快了。故选C项。
考查介词短语辨析。句意:就在那一刻,我开始爱上他。A. By the way顺便说一句;B. In that case那样的话;C. By all means务必;D. In that moment那一刻。由上文的“He poured water from a bottle into his hand and offered it to my dogs. (他把瓶子里的水倒在手里,递给我的狗)”和下文的“I began to fall for him (我开始爱上他)”可知,就在史蒂夫把水给作者爱犬喝的那一刻,还有所保留的作者卸下心防,对史蒂夫产生好感。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们继续约会,虽然我们都没有提到未来。A. continued继续;B. decided决定;C. intended打算;D. pretended假装。由上文的“I began to fall for him (我开始爱上他)”可知,作者对史蒂夫产生好感,可得出二人会继续约会。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:11月下旬,Tilly的腿做了一次手术。A. eye眼睛;B. tail尾巴;C. ear耳朵;D. leg腿。由下文的“I worried that Tilly 13 climbing the stairs could reopen the wound (我担心Tilly爬楼梯会重新打开伤口)”可知,作者担心爬楼会影响Tilly的伤口,可得出Tilly的腿做了手术。故选D项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:我一天带狗出去四次,我担心Tilly不断地爬楼梯会重新打开伤口。A. secretly秘密地;B. constantly不断地;C. eventually最终;D. unwillingly不情愿地。由上文的“I took the dogs out four times a day (我一天带狗出去四次)”可知,作者一天带狗出去四次,可得出狗狗(包括Tilly)要不断地爬楼梯。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后史蒂夫离开了他的房子。A. left离开;B. sold卖;C. suggested建议;D. searched搜寻。由下文的“We made good housemates. (我们是很好的室友)”可知,二人成为室友,可得出史蒂夫作者一起居住。故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一切都很好。A. late晚的;B. hard困难的;C. fine好的;D. free自由的。由下文的“The three dogs formed a pack (这三条狗组成了一个团队)”和“Steve and I formed a good team (史蒂夫和我组成了一个好团队)”“We made good housemates. (我们是很好的室友)”可知,狗狗相处友好,作者和史蒂夫相处也友好,可得出一切都好。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:这三条狗组成了一个团队,在训练下,尊重Flora的空间;史蒂夫和我组成了一个照顾Tilly的好团队。A. emptied清空;B. respected尊重;C. occupied占据;D. discovered发现。由上文的“my dogs might attack 6 , the cat (我的狗可能会攻击猫)”和“The three dogs formed a pack that, with coaching (这三条狗组成了一个团队,在训练下)”可知,起初作者担心自己的狗会攻击史蒂夫的猫Flora,但作者的狗和史蒂夫的狗相处友好,可得出在训练下,狗不会去攻击猫,结合动物的领地意识可知,此处指狗尊重猫的空间。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:这三条狗组成了一个团队,在训练下,尊重Flora的空间;史蒂夫和我组成了一个照顾Tilly的好团队。A. looking看;B. caring照顾;C. waiting等待;D. calling打电话。由上文的“Tilly had an operation (Tilly做了一次手术)”可知,作者的狗Tilly做过手术,史蒂夫和作者一起居住后,和作者一起照顾术后康复的Tilly。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:一年后,令我非常高兴的是,这个男人拿出一个带戒指的小盒子向我求婚。A. delight高兴;B. credit信用;C. interest兴趣;D. disadvantage缺点。由下文的“this man produced a little box with a ring and proposed to me (这个男人拿出一个带戒指的小盒子向我求婚)”可知,史蒂夫向作者求婚,作者应该是感到高兴。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他没有跪下,我也不需要他跪下。A. beg乞求;B. trust信任;C. need需要;D. aid帮助。由上文的“He did not kneel (跪) down (他没有跪下)”和常识可知,一般求婚是要下跪的,但史蒂夫没有下跪,作者对此并不在意,因为作者不需要他下跪。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:正是给爱犬喝水的举动把我们带到一起。A. toys玩具;B. awards奖励;C. food食物;D. water水。由上文的“He poured water from a bottle into his hand and offered it to my dogs. 10 , I began to fall for him. (他把瓶子里的水倒在手里,递给我的狗。我开始爱上他)”可知,就在史蒂夫把水给作者爱犬喝的那一刻,还有所保留的作者卸下心防,对史蒂夫产生好感,所以是“给爱犬喝水”的举动让二人走到了一起。故选D项。
典例二 (2022 浙江卷1月)
When Beverley Burdeyney turned seventy four last year, she started having problems with her ___16___ , notably dryness and discomfort.
"I was simply ___17___ a terrible experience, " Ms. Burdeyney said at her home in Toronto. "I felt so helpless and insecure because the quality of my ___18___ was affected. "
Ms. Burdeyney talked to some friends who had ___19___ problems and discovered that they were largely suffering in ___20___. " Nobody chooses to talk about it because it seems so ___21___ she said. " But more and more are suffering and lives are being ___22___.
Eventually, Ms. Burdeyney learned about plans for an eye research, ___23___ at Tel Aviv University in Israel. The research team ___24___ Canadian doctor Allan Slomovic, who has done_____25_____ work on eye care using stem cells. Seeing a ray of hope, Ms. Burdeyney began raising _____26_____ for the project with a friend, Toronto businessman Meyer Zeifman. _____27_____ she has raised $ 110, 000 with another $40, 000 _____28_____ .
"I'm trying to get more and more people to _____29_____ that there are solutions(解决办法)said Ms. Burdeyney, a trained nurse who is still working as a personal trainer after _____30_____ . "I say there is no old _____31_____ , there's only neglect (忽视). Don't stand _____32_____ , do something about it. "
Ms. Burdeyney _____33_____ that she is hoping to do more for the research project. "I just want to bring _____34_____ into people eyes and this is just the _____35_____. There is still a long way to go"
16. A. throat B. skin C. lungs D. eyes
17. A. getting over B. going through C. holding on D. passing down
18 A. story B. treatment C. life D. relationship
19. A. similar B. various C. personal D. special
20. A. turn B. peace C. vain D. silence
21. A. unbearable B. abnormal C. insignificant D. disturbing
22. A. compromised B. forgotten C. substituted D. separated
23. A. course B. program C. paper D. conference
24. A. informed B. doubted C. included D. dismissed
25. A. part-time B. controversial C. voluntary D. ground-breaking
26. A. money B. standards C. awareness D. questions
27. A. As ever B. So far C. In return D. Once again
28. A. wasted B. donated C. expected D. earned
29. A. imagine B. confirm C. remember D. understand
30. A. retirement B. childbirth C. graduation D. marriage
31. A. time B. rule C. age D. tale
32. A. straight B. still C. firm D. alone
33. A. commented B. learned C. reminded D. added
34. A. light B. joy C. color D. beauty
35. A. future B. beginning C. truth D. meaning
【答案】16. D 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. D 21. C 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. D 26. A 27. B 28. C 29. D 30. A 31. C 32. B 33. D 34. A 35. B
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她开始有眼睛问题,明显的干涩和不适。A. throat喉咙;B. skin皮肤;C. lungs肺;D. eyes眼睛。根据第八空前面的句子“Eventually, Ms. Burdeyney learned about plans for an eye research”(最终Burdeyney女士了解了一项眼睛研究计划)可知,她有眼睛问题,故选D项。
考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我只是在经历一段糟糕的体验。A. get over克服;B. go through经历;C. hold on坚持;D. pass down传递下去。根据语境可知,她遭受眼睛问题,这是一段糟糕的经历,故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我感到如此无助和不安,因为我的生活质量受到了影响。A. story故事;B. treatment治疗,对待;C. life生命,生活;D. relationship关系。主人公遭受眼部之苦,生活质量自然会被影响,故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Burdeyney女士同跟她有相似问题的朋友交谈并发现他们中的大多数都在默默地受苦。A. similar相似的;B. various多种多样的;C. personal私人的;D. special特别的。跟与自己有相同问题的人交谈并发现问题,符合语境逻辑,故选A项。
考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:Burdeyney女士同跟她有相似问题的朋友交谈并发现他们中的大多数都在默默地受苦。A. in turn轮流;B. in peace和平地;C. in vain徒劳地;D. in silence默默地。根据后句“Nobody chooses to talk about it”(没有人想谈论它)可知,他们很多人保持了沉默,故选D项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她说没有人选择谈论它因为这看起来没有意义。A. unbearable无法忍受的;B. abnormal不正常的;C. insignificant无意义的;D. disturbing扰人的。他们闭口不提的原因很可能是因为无意义,其他三个选项不符合一般逻辑,故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是越来越多的人在受苦,生命陷入危险。A. compromise使陷入危险、妥协;B. forget遗忘;C. substitute替代、代替;D. separate分隔。越来越多的人在遭受眼睛问题带来的痛苦,这属于健康问题,威胁生命,故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:最终Burdeyney女士了解了一项眼睛研究计划,这是在以色列特拉维夫大学的一个项目。A. course课程;B. program项目;C. paper纸、论文;D. conference会议。一项研究通常也被称为一个项目,故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个研究团队包括了一位加拿大博士Allan Slomovic,其已经用干细胞就眼睛护理问题做了开创性的工作。A. inform通知;B. doubt怀疑;C. include包括;D. dismiss解散。根据语境可知,这位专家在这个团队中,故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这个研究团队包括了一位加拿大博士Allan Slomovic,其已经用干细胞就眼睛护理问题做了开创性的工作。A. part-time兼职的;B. controversial有争议的;C. voluntary自愿的;D. ground-breaking开创性的。根据后句“Seeing a ray od hope”(看到了一丝希望)可知,他是带来希望的人,是最先做的,他的工作具有开创性,故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:看到了一丝希望,Burdeyney女士开始和朋友多伦多商人Meryer一起为这个项目筹集资金。A. money钱;B. standards标准;C. awareness意识;D. questions问题。根据后文他们筹集了111000美金可知此处指“筹集资金”,故选A项。
考查短语词义辨析。句意:截至目前,他们已经筹集了111000美金,有望再增加4000美金。A. as ever依旧、和往常一样;B. so far目前;C. in return作为回报;D. once again再一次。根据本句的现在完成时态,应选择so far,他们已经筹集了111000美金,故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:截至目前,他们已经筹集了111000美金,有望再增加4000美金。A. waste浪费;B. donate捐赠;C. expect期待、预期;D. earn赢得。根据语境目前已经筹集了一笔钱,预期未来还有部分金额,故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:Burdeyney说,“我正在努力让越来越多的人明白有解决办法”。A. imagine想象;B. confirm确认;C. remember记得;D. understand理解。结合前文很多人默默地受苦是因为看不到希望,所以要让他们理解办法是有的,故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:一位受过专业培训的护士在退休之后仍然作为私人培训师在工作。A. retirement退休;B. childbirth出生;C. graduation毕业;D. marriage婚姻。根据still work可知,她本可以不工作了可知,她已经退休了,故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我认为没有老的年纪,只有忽视。A. time时间;B. rule规则;C. age年龄;D. tale传说。本文主要谈论的是上了年龄的人的眼睛问题,故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:不要呆着保持不动,做点什么事情。A. straight直的;B. still静止的;C. firm坚定的;D. alone单独。此处的stand意为“处于某种状态”后跟形容词作表语,呼吁人们采取行动,不要什么都不做,故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:Burdeyney补充说她希望为这个项目做得更多。A. comment评论;B. learn学习;C. remind提醒;D. add补充说。前句为她说的话,后面又继续说,即为补充说,故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我只是想给人们的眼睛带来光明,这只是一个开始。A. light光明;B. joy乐趣;C. color颜色;D. beauty美。根据常识,眼睛是人们识别光的器官,此处一语双关,只看到的光,也指希望,故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我只是想给人们的眼睛带来光明,这只是一个开始。A. future未来;B. beginning开始;C. truth事实;D. meaning意义。根据后句“There is still a long way to go”(根据后句话有很长的路要走。)可知,只是开始,故选B项。
典例三 (2021 全国甲卷)
It's the seaside birds that deserve at least part of the blame for getting Nick Burchill blacklisted at the Fairmont Empress Hotel in Victoria, Canada.
Burchill was ___21___ at the hotel on business and planning to ___22___ some friends in the area. They had asked him to ___23___ some pepperoni (辣香肠) from back east. So he ___24___ a suitcase full of pepperoni. As he was ___25___ that it would be too warm, he ___26___ it out on the table near an open window. He thought his pepperoni was ___27___ and well chilled (冷却) and he ___28___ .
That's when things went ____29____ “I remember walking down the long _____30_____ and opening the door to my room to find an entire flock of seagulls,” Burchill said in a recent letter of _____31_____ to the 4-star hotel. "The seagulls immediately went _____32_____ . They rushed to the window, 30 or 40 birds all trying to _____33_____ at the same time, and pepperoni—everywhere. The curtains were falling down, the lamps were falling down, It was a real _____34_____ .
Older and wiser now, Burchill chalked up the incident to youthful indiscretion (莽撞).
“I have _____35_____ and I admit responsibility of my _____36_____,” he said in the letter. “I come to you, _____37_____ , to apologize for the-damage I had _____38_____ caused and to ask you to _____39_____ my lifetime ban from the hotel.”
His letter _____40_____ . Banned from the hotel since 2001.Burchill is now welcome to come back, the Fairmont said.
21 A. studying B. staying C. looking D. packing
22. A. visit B. help C. follow D. make
23. A. sell B. have C. bring D. taste
24. A. filled B. locked C. abandoned D. lost
25. A. surprised B. pleased C. excited D. worried
26. A. dug B. cleared C. cut D. laid
27. A. delicious B. safe C. soft D. ready
28. A. left B. nodded C. waited D. regretted
29. A. far B. funny C. wrong D. blind
30. A. beach B. driveway C. hall D. table
31. A. application B. apology C. request D. invitation
32. A. hungry B. dead C. missing D. wild
33. A. wake up B. get out C. take off D. break in
34. A. mess B. puzzle C. fight D. challenge
35. A. recovered B. retired C. escaped D. matured
36. A. suffering B. plans C. madness D. actions
37. A. hands in pocket B. nose in the air C. hat in hand D. feet on the ground
38. A. indirectly B. deliberately C. cautiously D. secretly
39. A. replace B. remember C. reconsider D. renew
40. A. arrived B. worked C. ended D. disappeared
【答案】21. D 22. A 23. C 24. A 25. D 26. D 27. B 28. A 29. C 30. C 31. B 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. D 36. D 37. C 38. A 39. C 40. B
考查动词词义辨析。句意:Burchill出差,当时正在酒店收拾行李,准备去拜访当地的一些朋友。A. studying研究;B. staying停留;C. looking看;D. packing包装。根据“Burchill was 21 at the hotel on business and planning to 22 some friends in the area.”及生活常识可知,Burchill出差住在酒店,准备去拜访当地的一些朋友,自然是在酒店收拾行李。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:Burchill出差,当时正在酒店收拾行李,准备去拜访当地的一些朋友。A. visit拜访;B. help帮助;C. follow跟随;D. make制作。根据“They had asked him to 23 some pepperoni (辣香肠) from back east. So he 24 a suitcase full of pepperoni.”可知,朋友让他带一些东西,由此推知Burchill准备去拜访当地的一些朋友。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们让他从美国东部带些意大利香肠过来。A. sell卖;B. have有;C. bring带来; D. taste品尝。根据“So he 24 a suitcase full of pepperoni.”可知,Burchill的朋友让他从美国东部带些意大利香肠过来。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以他装了满满一箱子意大利香肠。A. filled装满;B. locked锁上;C. abandoned抛弃;D. lost丢失。根据“a suitcase full of pepperoni”和“They rushed to the window, 30 or 40 birds all trying to 33 at the same time, and pepperoni — everywhere.”可知,他装了满满一箱子意大利香肠。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因为担心会太热,他把它放在桌子上,靠近一扇开着的窗户。A. surprised感到惊讶的;B. pleased高兴的;C. excited兴奋的;D. worried担心的。根据“he 26 it out on the table near an open window.”可知,他担心意大利香肠会太热,所以把它放在桌子上,靠近一扇开着的窗户。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:因为担心会太热,他把它放在桌子上,靠近一扇开着的窗户。A. dug挖; B. cleared清除;C. cut切下;D. laid放。根据“it out on the table near an open window”可知,他把它放在桌子上。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他以为他的意大利香肠是安全的,冷却得很好,就走了。A. delicious美味的; B. safe安全的;C. soft柔软的;D. ready准备好。根据““I remember walking down the long 30 and opening the door to my room to find an entire flock of seagulls,” Burchill said in a recent letter of 31 to the 4-star hotel.”可知,Burchill离开了,由此推知,他以为他的意大利香肠是安全的,冷却得很好。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他以为他的意大利香肠是安全的,冷却得很好,就走了。A. left离开;B. nodded点头;C. waited等待;D. regretted后悔。根据““I remember walking down the long 30 and opening the door to my room to find an entire flock of seagulls,” Burchill said in a recent letter of 31 to the 4-star hotel.”可知,Burchill离开了。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:事情就在这时出了问题。A. far远的;B. funny有趣的;C. wrong失常的;D. blind盲目的。根据“The seagulls immediately went 32 . They rushed to the window, 30 or 40 birds all trying to 33 at the same time, and pepperoni — everywhere. The curtains were falling down, the lamps were falling down, It was a real 34 .”可知,事情就在这时出了问题。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:Burchill在最近给这家四星级酒店的一封道歉信中说:“我记得我走过长长的大厅,打开房门,发现满满一群海鸥。”A. beach海滩;B. driveway私人车道;C. hall大厅;D. table桌子。根据“and opening the door to my room to find an entire flock of seagulls”可知,Burchill走过长长的大厅。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:Burchill在最近给这家四星级酒店的一封道歉信中说:“我记得我走过长长的大厅,打开房门,发现满满一群海鸥。”A. application申请;B. apology道歉;C. request要求;D. invitation邀请。根据““I have 35 and I admit responsibility of my 36 ,” he said in the letter. “I come to you, 37 , to apologize for the-damage I had 38 caused and to ask you to 39 my lifetime ban from the hotel.””可知,Burchill给酒店写了一封道歉信。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:海鸥立刻变得疯狂起来。A. hungry饥饿的;B. dead死亡的;C. missing失踪的; D. wild疯狂的。根据“They rushed to the window, 30 or 40 birds all trying to 33 at the same time, and pepperoni — everywhere.”可知,海鸥被突然回到房间的Burchill吓到了,变得疯狂起来。故选D。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:它们冲到窗口,30或40只鸟都想同时出去,到处都是意大利香肠。A. wake up醒来;B. get out出去;C. take off起飞;D. break in闯入。根据“They rushed to the window”及生活常识可知,鸟看到人类很害怕,想同时从窗户逃出去。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:窗帘在落下,灯也在落下,真是一团糟。A. mess混乱; B. puzzle不解之谜;C. fight打架;D. challenge挑战。根据“The curtains were falling down, the lamps were falling down”可知,现场一片混乱。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我成熟了,我承认对自己的行为负责,”他在信中说。A. recovered恢复;B. retired退休;C. escaped逃跑;D. matured成熟。根据“and I admit responsibility of my 36 ,”可知,这里意思是Burchill认为自己成熟了。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我成熟了,我承认对自己的行为负责,”他在信中说。A. suffering苦难;B. plans计划;C. madness疯狂;D. actions行为。根据“I come to you, 37 , to apologize for the-damage I had 38 caused and to ask you to 39 my lifetime ban from the hotel.”可知,Burchill承认对自己的行为负责。故选D。
考查固定短语辨析。句意:我来找你,恭恭敬敬地,为我间接造成的伤害道歉并请求您重新考虑我被终身禁止入住酒店的决定。A. hands in pocket手放在口袋里; B. nose in the air目中无人;C. hat in hand毕恭毕敬地;D. feet on the ground脚踏实地。根据“to apologize for the-damage I had 38 caused and to ask you to 39 my lifetime ban from the hotel.”及生活常识可知,向别人道歉,应该表明自己是毕恭毕敬地。故选C。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:我来找你,恭恭敬敬地,为我间接造成的伤害道歉并请求您重新考虑我被终身禁止入住酒店的决定。A. indirectly间接;B. deliberately故意地;C. cautiously谨慎地;D. secretly秘密地。根据“The curtains were falling down, the lamps were falling down”可知,作者携带的意大利香肠招来了海鸥,海鸥在逃跑的过程中,造成了一些东西的损坏,Burchill间接给酒店造成了损失。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我来找你,恭恭敬敬地,为我间接造成的伤害道歉并请求您重新考虑我被终身禁止入住酒店的决定。A. replace取代;B. remember记得;C. reconsider重新考虑;D. renew更新。根据“my lifetime ban from the hotel.”和“Banned from the hotel since 2001. Burchill is now welcome to come back, the Fairmont said.”可知,Burchill请求酒店重新考虑自己被终身禁止入住酒店的决定。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的信起作用了。A. arrived到达;B. worked起作用;C. ended结束;D. disappeared消失。根据“Banned from the hotel since 2001. Burchill is now welcome to come back, the Fairmont said.”可知,他的信起作用了。故选B。
典例四 (2020 浙江卷7月)
I’ve been farming sheep on a hillside for 54 years. I use a small tractor to get about. My dog Don always sits beside me in the passenger scat.
One morning I 36 a lost lamb when I was in the top field, near where a motorway cuts through my land. The lamb had become separated from its 37 , so I jumped out of the tractor to 38 it while Don stayed in his scat.
Lamb and mother 39 , I turned back to the tractor only to see it move suddenly away from me. This was so 40 because I had put the handbrake on when I jumped out. 41 Don had somehow made the 42 move.
My heart froze in my chest as I 43 the tractor heading towards the 44 . I ran desperately but failed to 45 . It crashed through a wooden fence and disappeared. The 46 thing I saw was Don’ s face, looking calmly back at me.
Heart in mouth, I 47 the fence and looked over. The tractor was 48 against the crash barrier in the central reservation, having miraculously(奇迹般地)crossed the 49 road with fast-flowing traffic. I couldn’t see Don, but as I 50 the tractor he jumped out onto the road, apparently 51 , and dashed back to me.
The police 52 and the motorway ran normally again. I couldn’t quite believe my 53 it turned out no one got badly hurt, but the outcome could have been 54 . Don was given a special 55 that night — I didn’t want him thinking I was angry with him.
36. A. dropped B. spotted C. carried D. returned
37. A. kids B. friends C. owner D. mother
38. A. ask about B. play with C. tend to D. run into
39. A. freed B. switched C. reunited D. examined
40. A. unexpected B. dangerous C. embarrassing D. difficult
41. A. Fortunately B. Generally C. Immediately D. Obviously
42. A. lamb B. vehicle C. seat D. fence
43. A. saw B. stopped C. remembered D. drove
44. A. crowd B. motorway C. field D. hill
45. A. take off B. catch up C. hold back D. get out
46. A. real B. best C. basic D. last
47. A. fixed B. noticed C. reached D. closed
48. A. resting B. running C. parking D. turning
49. A. steep B. long C. rough D. busy
50. A. abandoned B. approached C. recognized D. repaired
51. A. unclean B. uncertain C. unhurt D. unhappy
52. A. arrived B. replied C. survived D. waited
53. A. ability B. dream C. luck D. idea
54. A. common B. confusing C. desirable D. awful
55. A. meal B. test C. job D. lesson
36.B 考查动词辨析
37.D 考查名词辨析
【解题思路】根据下文“Lamb and mother”可知,小羊是和它的“母亲”分开了。故选D。
38.C 考查动词短语辨析
【解题思路】根据前文,小羊和母亲分开了,因此作者需要“照料”它。ask about意为“询问”;play with意为“玩弄”;tend to 意为“照料”;run into意为“撞上,遇见”。故选C。
39.C 考查动词辨析
40.A 考查形容词辨析
【解题思路】根据句中的“because I ...”,作者跳出拖拉机的时候已经拉好手刹,所以当作者看到拖拉机溜坡的时候,感到“出乎意料”。故选A。
41.D 考查副词辨析
【解题思路】根据上文“Don stayed in his scat”,拖拉机上只有牧羊犬在,根据句意:“明显地”,是Don使得拖拉机溜坡。故选D。
42.B 考查名词辨析
43.A 考查动词辨析
44.B 考查名词辨析
45.B 考查动词短语辨析
【解题思路】根据语境,作者拼命地跑,却不能“赶上”。take off意为“起飞,脱下”;catch up意为“赶上”;hold back意为“隐瞒,阻止”;get out意为“离开,泄露”。故选B。
46.D 考查形容词辨析
47.C 考查动词辨析
48.A 考查动词辨析
【解题思路】根据“against the crash barrier”,可知拖拉机“倚”在栅栏上。故选A。
49.D 考查形容词辨析
【解题思路】根据“fast-flowing traffic”可知此处指“繁忙的”车道。故选D。
50.B 考查动词辨析
51.C 考查形容词辨析
【解题思路】根据牧羊犬“jumped out”和“dashed back”的动作,可知牧羊犬明显“没有受伤”。故选C。
52.A 考查动词辨析
53.C 考查名词辨析
【解题思路】根据“it turned out no one got badly hurt”可知“没有人严重受伤”,我很不能相信我的“运气”。故选C。
54.D 考查形容词辨析
55.A 考查名词辨析
典例五 (2019 新课标全国卷II)
It’s about 250 miles from the hills of west-central lowa to Ehlers’ home in Minnesota. During the long trip home, following a weekend of hunting. Ehlers ___41___about the small dog he had seen ___42___ alongside the road. He had ___43___ to coax(哄)the dog to him but, frightened, it had ___44___.
Back home, Ehlers was troubled by that ___45___ dog. So, four days later, he called his friend Greg, and the two drove ___46___. After a long and careful ___47___. Greg saw, across a field, the dog moving ___48___ away. Ehlers eventually succeeded in coaxing the animal to him. Nervousness and fear were replaced with ___49___. It just started licking(舔)Ehlers’ face.
A local farmer told them the dog sounded like one ___50___ as lost in the local paper. The ad had a ___51___ number for a town in southern Michigan. Ehlers ___52___ the number of Jeff and Lisa to tell them he had ___53___ their dog.
Jeff had ___54___ in lowa before Thanksgiving with his dog, Rosie, but the gun shots had scared the dog off. Jeff searched ___55___ for Rosie in the next four days.
Ehlers returned to Minnesotan, and then drove 100 miles to Minneapolis to put Rosie on a flight to Michigan. “It’s good to know there’s still someone out there who ___56___ enough to go to that kind of ___57___,”says Lisa of Ehlers’ rescue ___58___.
I figured whoever lost the dog was probably just as ___59___ to it as I am to my dogs,” says Ehlers. “If it had been my dog, I’d hope that somebody would be ___60___ to go that extra mile.”
41. A. read B. forgot C. thought D. heard
42. A. read B. trembling C. eating D. sleeping
43. A. tried B. agreed C. promised D. regretted
44. A. calmed down B. stood up C. rolled over D. run off
45. A. injured B. stolen C. lost D. rescued
46. A. home B. past C. back D. on
47. A. preparation B. explanation C. test D. search
48. A. cautiously B. casually C. skillfully D. angrily
49. A. surprise B. joy C. hesitation D. anxiety
50. A. predicted B. advertised C. believed D. recorded
51. A. house B. phone C. street D. car
52. A. called B. copied C. counted D. remembered
53. A. fed B. adopted C. found D. cured
54. A. hunted B. skied C. lived D. worked
55. A. on purpose B. on time C. in turn D. in vain
56. A. cares B. sees C. suffers D. learns
57. A. place B. trouble C. waste D. extreme
58. A. service B. plan C. effort D. team
59. A. equal B. allergic C. grateful D. close
60. A. suitable B. proud C. wise D. wiling
【解析】考查动词词义辨析。根据下文Ehlers和朋友一起去找那只狗可知,此处是指Ehlers一直在想关于那只狗的事,think about考虑。故选C。
【解析】考查动词词义辨析。根据下文可知,他在尽力的哄那只狗,try to do sth尽力做某事。故选A。
【解析】考查动词短语辨析。他在尽力的哄那只狗,可是它很害怕,所以此处是指那只狗被吓跑了,run off“跑开”的意思。故选D。
【解析】考查副词词义辨析。句意:因此,四天后,Ehlers给他的朋友Greg打电话,他们俩又驱车返回。 根据上文可知,此处是指他们又返回到之前见到那只走失的狗的地方,back向后,回原处。故选C。
【解析】考查副词词义辨析。根据文中提到的frightened, nervousness, fear等词并结合上文并根据下文Ehlers最终成功的安抚了它可知,小狗非常的谨慎小心,cautiously谨慎地,小心地。故选A。
【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:当地的一个农民告诉他们,这听起来像是当地报纸上刊登的那只丢失的狗。根据本句的in the local paper及语境可知,此处是指在报纸上刊登的,advertise登广告。故选B。
【解析】考查名词词义辨析。根据下文Ehlers给狗的主人打电话可知,此处是指广告上有电话号码,phone number电话号码。故选B。
【解析】考查介词短语辨析。根据上文Ehlers找到的Jeff的狗可知,Jeff在狗丢失后没有找到他的狗,in vain徒劳。故选D。
【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我想无论是谁丢了狗,可能就像我接近我的狗一样去接近它。根据下文Ehlers说的话可知,此处是指他对待那只狗就像对自己的狗一样,close to靠近。故选D。
【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我希望有人愿意付出更多的努力。根据上文语境可知,此处是表达他希望面对这样的事情,大家能愿意去付出更多努力去帮忙,be willing to do乐意做某事。故选D。
技巧1 根据上下文语境确定答案
It was a cold January in 1925 in Nome, Alaska. The town was cut off from the rest of the world due to heavy snow.
On the 20th of that month, Dr. Welch __36__ a sick boy, Billy, and knew he had diphtheria, a deadly infectious(传染的) disease mainly affecting children. The children of Nome would be __37__ if it struck the town. Dr. Welch needed medicine as soon as possible to stop other kids from getting sick. __38__ , the closest supply was over 1,000 miles away, in Anchorage.
36. A. examined B. warned C. interviewed D. cured
37. A. harmless B. helpless C. fearless D. careless
38. A. Moreover B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. However
36. A
考查动词辨析。A.examined检查;B.warned警告;C.interviewed 采访,面试;D.cured治愈。医生检查了一个生病的孩子,知道他患上了白喉,故选A。
37. B
考查形容词辨析。A.harmless无害的;B.helpless无望的;C. fearless不怕的;D.careless粗心的。如果白喉肆虐诺姆,那里的孩子们都将毫无希望,故选B。
38. D
技巧2 根据常识及文化逻辑推理
How could the medicine get to Nome The town’s __39__ was already full of ice, so it couldn’t come by ship. Cars and horses couldn’t travel on the snowy roads. Jet airplanes and big trucks didn’t exist yet.
39. A. airport B. station C. harbor D. border
39. C
考查名词辨析。A. airport机场; B. station车站;C. harbor 港口;D. border边境。根据“so it couldn’t come by ship”可知,这里指港口结冰,故选C。 由于文章后面提到了由于结冰,就不可能通过船过来。船舶停泊在港口是生活常识问题,根据语境和常识很明显就是说的港口。
技巧3 根据词语惯用法和固定搭配作答
41 Jan


