2024年高考英语预测卷03(新高考I卷专用)( 原卷版+解析版,有听力音频有听力原文)

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2024年高考英语预测卷03(新高考I卷专用)( 原卷版+解析版,有听力音频有听力原文)


英 语
(考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分)
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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
1.What are the speakers talking about
A.Their favorite fruit. B.Items on a menu. C.Drink orders.
【原文】M: Is this pineapple juice I asked the server for a cup of lemon juice.
W: Oh, the pineapple one is mine. She must have mixed our requests up. You asked for the juice with no added sugar, right
M: Exactly. Iced soda water with lemon — that’s how I like it.
2.What are the speakers talking about
A.What kind of design style to choose.
B.Whether to surf the Internet.
C.When to move into the new house.
【原文】W: Do you like this design style
M: Hmm... I think it is luxurious. Simple decoration suits us better.
W: OK. I’ll search for other styles on the Internet. I hope we can move into our new house as soon as possible.
3.When will the next bus leave for the train station
A.At 8:20. B.At 8:30. C.At 8:40.
【原文】M: Excuse me, can you tell me when the next bus will leave for the train station
W: Just in ten minutes. It’s 8:30 now. Run quickly, and you may catch it.
M: Thank you. I’ll try my best.
4.Where has mother just gone
A.Office. B.Restaurant. C.Supermarket.
【原文】W: I’m back!
M: Hi, Mom. Are you OK You’ve been gone for two hours.
W: Yes, I’m fine. The supermarket was just really busy. Now I need to put the food in the fridge.
M: I’ll do it, Mom. You just sit here, have a cup of coffee and take a rest.
5.What has ruined the strawberries
A.The sun. B.The rain. C.The insects.
【原文】W: It’s been so hot this summer. Most of the fruit in the garden has gone bad. The apples are brown instead of green and have fallen early. If only the rain would come sooner.
M: Yes. I see the strawberries have been eaten by insects.
6.How does the woman mostly spend her time now
A.Starting a business. B.Making money. C.Looking for a job.
7.When did the man finish his career
A.20 days ago. B.Half a year ago. C.30 years ago.
【答案】6.C 7.B
【原文】W: I need your help, Grandpa. I failed to start my own business and now look for a new position, but I haven’t found anything.
M: That’s too bad. I wish I could help, but I haven’t looked for a job since I was 20!
W: Stop joking, Grandpa. I’ve been looking everywhere for a position with good pay and benefits-this is all I do daily!
M: I know, dear. I retired six months ago after working for this company for over 30 years! My advice: don’t be shy, don’t fear failure, and keep an open mind.
8.Where did the woman go on Tuesday
A.To a lake. B.To a forest. C.To the mountains.
9.What did the woman do on Thursday
A.She stayed at home. B.She took many photos. C.She went to the farm.
10.Who came over on Friday
A.Her parents. B.Her friends. C.Her cousins.
【答案】8.C 9.B 10.C
【原文】M: Hi, Fiona. How was your holiday in your grandparents’ village
W: It was great. On Monday, I went for a walk in the forest and saw some beautiful birds.
M: Did you go to the farm on Tuesday
W: No, it was closed. So we walked in the mountains.
M: What did you do on Wednesday
W: We stayed at home all day. Then on Thursday, Grandpa took me to see a famous lake. It was amazing —I took lots of photos.
M: And what about Friday
W: My cousins came over and we all went to the cinema. We saw a film but it was a little boring.
11.What will the man do
A.Post the gifts. B.Send the kids. C.Make a call.
12.What will Gordon get
A.Some books. B.A clock. C.A handbag.
13.Who is the man talking to
A.His workmates. B.His wife. C.His kid.
【答案】11.A 12.A 13.B
【原文】M: Hi, Jane. Are you busy now
W: Hello, Mike. I’m not busy. What’s the problem
M: I just sent the kids to school and I’m home now. I want to take your gifts to the post office. But you didn’t write the names and addresses on them.
W: The books are for Gordon. The clock is for my mum.
M: And the handbag Is that for Tara
W: No. That’s mine.
M: OK. So what did you get for Tara I know it’s her birthday next week.
W: The diary is hers.
M: OK. Well, what about the black umbrella on the table
W: It’s ours!
14.What can the Cornell Notes system help students do
A.Recite notes. B.Copy notes. C.Organize notes.
15.Which section of the paper should be wider according to the woman
A.Left section. B.Right section. C.Bottom blank.
16.What should be replaced by using symbols according to the system
A.Main ideas of the text or speech.
B.Long ideas and sentences.
C.Questions related to the review.
17.When will the man try the Cornell Notes system
A.Right now. B.After the final exams. C.Next semester.
【答案】14.C 15.A 16.B 17.C
【原文】W: Hey, are you busy lately
M: Yes, I’m sorting through my notes. They’re a mess.
W: Why not try the Cornell Notes system
M: Cornell Notes
W: Yeah. It’s a method of organizing notes as you take them. You divide the paper into two sections: the note-taking section on the left and the key questions and words section on the right. You make the note-taking section twice the size of the key words section, and then you also leave two inches blank at the bottom of the page ——about five to seven lines in a standard notebook.
M: So then how do you take notes
W: Well, like usual, you note down the main ideas of the text or speech, but you avoid long ideas and sentences and use symbols instead. Then, to help with future review, you write any related questions on the left.
M: OK, that sounds logical. What then
W: Then, within 24 hours of taking the notes, you write a summary at the bottom five to seven lines of the page. This helps you increase your understanding of the topic.
M: I see. That sounds like a great method. I will try it next semester, but now I’ll just have to use the notes I have and get ready for the final exams.
18.Where did the man come from
B.A country in the South Pacific.
C.The Andaman Sea.
19.How does the man want to leave the island
A.By finding a way to fix his boat.
B.By seeking the help of local people.
C.By getting rescued by an airplane.
20.What is the man most frightened about
A.Being attacked by sea robbers.
B.Running out of food and water.
C.Being trapped on the island forever.
【答案】18.B 19.A 20.C
【原文】Dear journal, I’ve been trapped on this island for two months and can only keep track of the days by my markings in a cave. I’ve entirely given up hope on getting rescued by a plane. The aircraft that fly by are much too infrequent and far away to be of any help. Also, in this part of the Indian Ocean, there is no one on the island. I’ve searched this island far and wide, and I’m forced to eat mushrooms, insects, and small fish. Luckily, there are enough coconuts to last a lifetime. I’m writing this to feel like I have contact with someone due to months without outside communication. I escaped the massive violent conflict in my country in the South Pacific, and I sought help from India. There, I’d be taken in and could legally settle in a different country. If it wasn’t for facing the random typhoon while crossing the Andaman Sea, I would have made it, even if my boat wasn’t perfect. There was nothing I could have done to prevent this storm. The primary issue now is lacking any method of contacting emergency support. My satellite phone is unreliable and has now proven to be of no use at all. My hope now is to find a wood supply to get my boat functioning again. If not, I’ll have to face my greatest panic: being stuck on this island forever.
第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节(共15小题:每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Finding your next awesome read
When you read as much as we do, it can be hard to find a good new book. There are so many read out there that it’s easy to be overwhelmed by all of the possibilities, often leading to a disappointing choice or wasted money and time. We’re here to make the process just a little bit easier. Here are five tips to find your next awesome read:
World’s famous works
If you’re looking for a popular current read, then bestseller lists are a great place to start. Usually there’s a reason that a book ends up on one of these lists, guaranteeing a high quality read. There are always the classic lists to consult, like the New York Times or USA Today, which are both reliable and constant.
Book clubs
Maybe you’re already part of a local book club, so you know how great they can be in terms of introducing
you to new books you might not discover on your own. But there are also tons of online book clubs you can join, giving you an even wider access to some awesome reads. Some of these clubs are celebrity-run, like Oprah’s Book Club 2.0 or Emma Watson’s feminist book club: Our Shared Shelf.
To 100 Lists
Another way of finding a good book is to consult a top 100 lists. There are tons of them out there, from the traditional to the unusual. If you’re looking for a lot of solid classics, then try Time’s All-Time 100 Novels, which included books like On the Road and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. If you want something a little more global, then head over to thegreathooks.org for their Top 100 works in World Literature.
Considering the fact that part of Goodreads’ mission is to “help people find and share the books they love,” then there’s no surprise that it’s an awesome way to discover new reads. Fans, readers and authors all connect on the site, sharing review s and shelving books they’re interested in.
21.What can we infer from the first paragraph
A.Reading wastes a lot of time. B.There are various wonderful books out there.
C.Electric books are more popular now. D.Readers prefer to buy books online.
22.Which one would you join if you’re a fan of Emma Watson
A.A local book club. B.Book club 2.0.
C.Feminist book club. D.A celebrity club.
23.Where can we probably find the text
A.An online column. B.A travel journal.
C.A text book. D.A newspaper.
【答案】21.B 22.C 23.A
21.推理判断题。根据文章第一段“There are so many read out there that it’s easy to be overwhelmed by all of the possibilities, often leading to a disappointing choice or wasted money and time.(有这么多的阅读材料,很容易被所有的可能性所淹没,经常导致令人失望的选择或浪费金钱和时间)”可推知,市面上有各种各样的好书。故选B。
22.细节理解题。根据Book clubs中“Some of these clubs are celebrity-run, like Oprah’s Book Club 2.0 or Emma Watson’s feminist book club: Our Shared Shelf.(其中一些俱乐部是名人经营的,比如奥普拉的读书俱乐部2.0
或者艾玛·沃特森的女权主义读书俱乐部:我们共同的书架)”可知,如果喜欢Emma Watson可以加入女权读书会。故选C。
23.推理判断题。根据文章第一段“We’re here to make the process just a little bit easier. Here are five tips to find your next awesome read:(我们在这里是为了让这个过程变得简单一点。这里有五个建议,让你找到下一个很棒的读物)”及To 100 Lists中关键句“If you want something a little more global, then head over to thegreathooks.org for their Top 100 works in World Literature.(如果你想要一些更全球化的东西,那就去看看greatathooks.org来读一读100部世界文学作品)”及最后一段“Fans, readers and authors all connect on the site, sharing review s and shelving books they’re interested in.(粉丝、读者和作者都可以在这个网站上联系,分享评论,并把他们感兴趣的书放在书架上)”可推知,这篇文章来自于一个在线专栏。故选A。
Joseph Dituri hasn’t seen the sun for two fortnights. And he won’t see it again for months. Since March 1st, the professor has been underwater, with the goal of spending 100 days there-for science. If successful, he will break the current world record for time spent living underwater, which was set by two Tennessee biologists in 2014 when they stayed beneath the surface for 73 days.
Dituri, who has been nicknamed “Dr. Deep Sea”, is living in Jules’ Undersea Lodge (小屋) in Key Largo, Florida-the same underwater venue where the previous record was set. The 100-square-foot hotel, which sits 30 feet below the surface, is his temporary home, where he is carrying out research and giving virtual lectures for his students at the University of South Florida.
“The human body has never been underwater that long, so I will be monitored closely,” Dituri said. “This study will examine every way this journey impacts my body, but my hypothesis (假设) is that there will be improvements to my health due to the increased pressure.” This hypothesis comes from a study that indicated potentially positive effects of pressure exposure on cell growth and vitality (活力), and Dituri hopes that his underwater experience could reveal ways to combat age-related diseases and lengthen lifespan.
As part of his research, Dituri is investigating the effects of living in a high-pressure environment for an extended period. To keep water from entering the lodge, air must constantly be pumped into the space to create a pressure about 1.6 times higher than that of the Earth’s surface. Therefore, it can’t be achieved in his own right.
Before the journey, Dituri had undergone psychosocial, psychological and medical tests. He continues to undergo testing during and after his 100 days at the lodge. “The mental health part of this is important, because I’m in an isolated and limited environment,” he said.
Beyond research, the project is also a chance to cultivate children’s enthusiasm for exploring the science field. Dituri invites about 40 children to stay with him for 24 hours at a time and teach them to dive. To him, this outreach is what makes the whole project worth it-more than the chance for a world record.
24.What do we know about Dituri’s experiment from the text
A.It is scheduled to end on July 9th.
B.It has been on for nearly a month.
C.Its aim is just to break the world record.
D.It is conducted where two Tennessce biologists settled.
25.What is Dituri’s attitude toward the impact the increased pressure has on health
A.Doubtful. B.Cautious. C.Hopeful. D.Unclear.
26.Which scene possibly happens in the course of Dituri’s living underwater
A.He pumps the air into the lodge. B.He instructs invited children to dive.
C.He analyzes his own psychosocial tests. D.He experiments in a spacious lodge.
27.Why does Dituri invite children to experience the underwater life
A.To arouse their eagerness for science. B.To case his loneliness and isolation.
C.To set a world record at full stretch. D.To prove the value of his experience.
【答案】24.B 25.C 26.B 27.A
24.细节理解题。根据第一段中“Joseph Dituri hasn’t seen the sun for two fortnights.(Joseph Dituri已经两个两周没见太阳了)”可知,迪图里的实验持续了四周时间。故选B。
25.推理判断题。根据第三段中“This study will examine every way this journey impacts my body, but my hypothesis is that there will be improvements to my health due to the increased pressure.(这项研究将检验这次潜水过程对我身体各方面的影响,但我假设由于增大的水压,我的健康状况会有所改善)”可知,迪图里认为增大的水压会对健康有改善作用。故选C。
26.细节理解题。根据最后一段中“Dituri invites about 40 children to stay with him for 24 hours at a time and teach them to dive.(迪图里邀请了大约40名儿童,让他们一次与他共度24小时,并教他们潜水)”可知,迪图里邀请孩子跟他共处24小时,并且教他们潜水。故选B。
27.推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Beyond research, the project is also a chance to cultivate children’s enthusiasm
for exploring the science field. Dituri invites about 40 children to stay with him for 24 hours at a time and teach them to dive.(除了研究之外,这个项目也是一个培养孩子们对探索科学领域热情的机会。迪图里邀请了大约40名儿童,让他们一次与他共度24小时,并教他们潜水)”可知,迪图里邀请孩子体验水下生活的原因是激发他们对科学的渴望。故选A。
If you’ve been on BookTok, an online community where readers recommend, review and theorize about their favorite books, authors and genres, you’ve probably heard of Rebecca Yarros’ Fourth Wing. On BookTok, the release of Fourth Wing came with hype (炒作) around a mix between romance and fantasy. The novel was published last May and its sequel (续集) followed just six months later.
But questions came: Are publishers and authors publishing books too quickly, and does this affect the quality of writing
On the day of the sequel’s release, Yarros and her publisher, Red Tower Books, were met with much criticism about her misuse of a language’s grammar in the novel. Many argued that the mistakes could have been avoided if the publishers had hired someone to proofread (校对) the language.
So what does BookTok have to do with this It was one of the reasons why within the first week of Fourth Wing being published, the book quickly shot up to the top of the New York Times Best Sellers list despite criticism.
With the rising readers, it isn’t uncommon for both publishers and authors to use that hype to their advantage. This was likely a reason why the series, originally including three books, was dragged into a five-book series.
This is kind of what fast fashion is all about. Fast fashion refers to the process of clothing manufacturing that moves from production/design to stores quickly to keep up with current trends. These pieces are often cheap and low-quality and sent to stores with the hope of selling out quickly. The same approach used in the publishing world, thanks to BookTok to some degree, could lead to decreasing book quality when writing and editing aren’t able to reach their maximum potential.
This isn’t to say that books like Fourth Wing are bad just because they’re hyped. But abandoning developed work for crowd-pleasers doesn’t do all readers justice. These worries about the quick turnover in the publishing industry aren’t directed towards independent authors who carefully write, edit and publish themselves, but rather towards those who overlook the importance of everything that goes into the writing process.
28.Why does the author raise questions in the text
A.To doubt readers’ judgment. B.To keep the text developing.
C.To highlight BookTok’s advantages. D.To provide background information.
29.What was the situation of Fourth Wing after its release
A.It enjoyed popularity. B.It faced little criticism.
C.It was publicly rejected. D.It didn’t sell well in stores.
30.Which of the following shows the author’s opinion
A.Book quality is vital in the publishing industry.
B.Books like Fourth Wing are not good ones.
C.Authors should avoid doing too many duties.
D.BookTok shouldn’t be to blame for fast fashion.
31.What is the best title for the text
A.BookTok Is Misleading Consumers in Reading.
B.Are Those Books Posted Online Worth Reading
C.Fast Fashion Emerges in the Publishing Industry.
D.Can the Publishing Industry Adapt to Challenges
【答案】28.B 29.A 30.A 31.C
28.推理判断题。根据第二段中的“But questions came: Are publishers and authors publishing books too quickly, and does this affect the quality of writing (但问题来了:出版商和作者出书的速度是否太快,这会影响写作质量吗?)”可知,本段提出“出版商和作者出书的速度是否太快,这会影响写作质量”的问题,结合第三段“On the day of the sequel’s release, Yarros and her publisher, Red Tower Books, were met with much criticism about her misuse of a language’s grammar in the novel.(在续集发行的当天,亚罗斯和她的出版商红塔图书公司因在小说中滥用一种语言的语法而受到了很多批评。)”可知,本段使用例子给出了答案:快速出书会影响图书质量,结合第四段中的“So what does BookTok have to do with this (那么,BookTok与此有什么关系呢 )”可知,此处提出问题,提到BookTok与此有什么关系,结合下文中的“It was one of the reasons why within the first week of Fourth Wing being published, the book quickly shot up to the top of the New York Times Best Sellers list despite criticism.(这也是为什么在《第四翼》出版的第一周内,尽管受到批评,这本书还是迅速登上了《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜的榜首。)”可知,BookTok让这本书变得流行起来,由此可推断,作者在文中提
29.推理判断题,根据第四段中的“It was one of the reasons why within the first week of Fourth Wing being published, the book quickly shot up to the top of the New York Times Best Sellers list despite criticism.(这也是为什么在《第四翼》出版的第一周内,尽管受到批评,这本书还是迅速登上了《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜的榜首。)”可知,尽管这本书收到了批评,但还是迅速登上了《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜的榜首,由此可推断,这本书在发行后深受欢迎。故选A项。
30.推理判断题。根据最后一段“But abandoning developed work for crowd-pleasers doesn’t do all readers justice. These worries about the quick turnover in the publishing industry aren’t directed towards independent authors who carefully write, edit, and publish themselves, but rather towards those who overlook the importance of everything that goes into the writing process.(但是,为了迎合大众而放弃成熟的作品并不是对所有读者都公平。这些对出版业快速更替的担忧并不是针对那些自己认真写作、编辑和出版的独立作者,而是针对那些忽视了写作过程中所有环节重要性的人。”)”可知,作者谈到这些对出版行业快速出新的担忧是针对那些不重视写作的人。由此可推断,作者认为图书质量在出版业至关重要。故选A项。
31.主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是倒数第二段“This is kind of what fast fashion is all about.(这就是快时尚的真谛。)”以及下文对快时尚的简要介绍可知,本文主要介绍了当今出版业的一个现象——网络社区BookTok导致出版业出现了“快时尚”,由此可知,标题“快时尚在出版业兴起”与本文内容一致,且概括了本文的主题,所以适合为文章的最佳标题。故选C项。
Keith Payne realized he was poor for the first time when he was in the fourth grade. The awareness came to him when a new lunch lady in the cafeteria asked him to pay for his lunch.
“Previously, the lunch lady had just waved me on because I’d always been on free lunch,” he says. “But this new lady didn’t know how things worked, and it was the first time that I had been asked to pay for my lunch.”
It was an agonizing moment and all of a sudden, he realized why he got free lunch while many of his classmates were paying for their meals every day.
“It’s not like I was poorer the day after that than I was before. Nothing objective had changed. But because of that subjective awareness, I began constantly comparing myself with my classmates and felt really unhappy,” he says.
Keith Payne is now a social psychologist at the University of North Carolina and shares how the awareness of inequality affects the way that both our minds and our bodies respond.
“As we walk through the world, it is very natural for us to compare our lives with those of others. We think about ourselves in terms of being on a certain ladder (梯子) with some people above us and it can cause serious psychological consequences,” he says.
One is that it makes us more willing to seek out risks and engage in high-risk, high-reward sort of behaviors. It affects us in ways that are similar to physical threats.
“But I think there are wiser and less wise ways to make those social comparisons,” he says. “Upward social comparisons feel terrible, but they can be motivating. Downward social comparisons feel great, and yet they can be demotivating. So one of the things I recommend is that we can be more strategic in making upward and download social comparisons, Neither one is good in itself. It just depends on what your goal is.”
32.Which of the following best explains “agonizing” underlined in paragraph 3
A.Painful. B.Brief. C.Important. D.Happy.
33.What does the author want to show by telling the story
A.Poor people should be treated equally.
B.He wants to blame the new lunch lady.
C.There were a lot of poor people in his country.
D.We can be influenced by the awareness of inequality.
34.What does Keith Payne feel about making social comparisons
A.Unimportant. B.Acceptable. C.Annoying. D.Unnecessary.
35.What will Keith Payne most probably advise us to do if we feel stressed
A.Talk to psychologists immediately. B.Hang out with top performers.
C.Compare with less successful persons. D.Stay alone and enjoy ourselves.
【答案】32.A 33.D 34.B 35.C
32.词句猜测题。根据画线词后“he realized why he got free lunch while many of his classmates were paying for their meals every day. (他明白了为什么他的午餐是免费的,而他的许多同学每天都要付钱。)”及第四段中““It’s not like I was poorer the day after that than I was before. Nothing objective had changed. But because of that subjective awareness. I began constantly comparing myself with my classmates and felt really unhappy,” he says. (他说:“这并不是说我第二天比以前更穷了。目标没有改变。但由于这种主观意识,我开始不断地把自己和
同学比较,感到非常不开心。”)”可推断,那一刻,Keith Payne感到很痛苦,因为他意识到自己比别人穷。A. Painful痛苦的;B. Brief简明的;C. Important重要的;D. Happy快乐的。故选A。
33.细节理解题。根据第五段“Keith Payne is now a social psychologist at the University of North Carolina and shares how the awareness of inequality affects the way that both our minds and our bodies respond. (Keith Payne现在是北卡罗莱纳大学的社会心理学家,他分享了对不平等的认识如何影响我们的思想和身体的反应方式。)”可知,我们可能会受到不平等意识的影响。故选D。
34.推理判断题。根据第六段中“As we walk through the world, it is very natural for us to compare our lives with those of others. (当我们在这个世界上行走时,我们很自然地会将自己的生活与他人的生活进行比较。)”可推断,Keith Payne认为“人比人”很正常,这是可接受的。故选B。
35.推理判断题。根据最后一段中“So one of the things I recommend is that we can be more strategic in making upward and download social comparisons. Neither one is good in itself. It just depends on what your goal is. (所以我的建议之一是,我们可以更有策略地进行向上和向下的社交比较,这两者本身都不好。这取决于你的目标是什么。)”可推断,感到很灰心时,他很可能会建议我们“往下比”,给自己减压。故选C。
第二节(共5小题:每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Some of the oldest living things on our remarkable planet are trees. The record holders are bristlecone pines (狐尾松) of the western United States, quite a few of which are known to be more than 3,000 years old. One individual, discovered in 2012, is estimated to be more than 5,060 years old, making it the oldest known non-clonal tree in the world! 36 : individuals across a number of other tree species have also been around for thousands of years.
So, how do trees survive for thousands of years 37 . Undoubtedly, part of the answer lies in luck. Ancient trees have obviously not submitted to deadly diseases, pests, fires, droughts, windstorms, landslides, or the human axe in the centuries and centuries that they have quietly endured.
The other part of the answer has to do with how trees age. In fact, there is quite a debate about whether ancient trees can be considered “immortal (永生的)”. That is, will such trees ever die if they are not killed by an outside force We may never know the answer to that, but, at the very least, 38 . While cell death is an important factor in the aging of humans and other animals, one study found little evidence of cell death in the ginkgo tree vascular cambium (银杏树维管形成层). In addition, a study of bristlecone pine pollen (花粉) found no significant increase in mutation (变异) rates with age, which is another factor associated with animal aging.
39 .
Older trees benefit greatly from having bodies made mostly of dead woody tissue. In fact, an old tree might be as much as 95 percent dead tissue! Given that it isn’t alive, wood does not require metabolic (新陈代谢的) activity to maintain it, 40 .
A.so an old tree doesn’t really need to do much to keep living
B.This is a question that has something to do with the good luck of trees
C.However, bristlecones are certainly not alone in terms of the oldest creatures
D.This is a fascinating question for biologists that does not yet have a settled answer
E.What’s more, some ancient trees have superior chemical defenses against pests and diseases
F.which means that trees can survive everywhere without being limited by external and internal conditions
G.we know that ancient trees age in ways that are dramatically different from the ways that most animals and even other plants age
【答案】36.C 37.D 38.G 39.E 40.A
36.由上文“The record holders are bristlecone pines (狐尾松) of the western United States, quite a few of which are known to be more than 3,000 years old. One individual, discovered in 2012, is estimated to be more than 5,060 years old, making it the oldest known non-clonal tree in the world! (在我们这个非凡的星球上,一些最古老的生物是树木。纪录保持者是美国西部的狐尾松,其中相当一部分的树龄已经超过3000年。2012年发现的一棵树估计有5060多岁,是世界上已知最古老的非克隆树!)”和后文“but also about being a good listener (许多其他树种的个体也已经存在了数千年)”可知,此处表示不是只有狐尾松古老。故C选项“However, bristlecones are certainly not alone in terms of the oldest creatures (然而,就最古老的生物而言,狐尾松肯定不是唯一的)”能承上启下,符合题意。故选C。
37.由上文“So, how do trees survive for thousands of years (那么,树木是如何存活数千年的呢?)”及下文“Undoubtedly, part of the answer lies in luck. Ancient trees have obviously not submitted to deadly diseases, pests, fires, droughts, windstorms, landslides, or the human axe in the centuries and centuries that they have quietly endured. (毫无疑问,部分原因在于运气。古树显然没有屈服于致命的疾病,害虫,火灾,干旱,风暴,山体滑坡,或人类的斧头在他们默默地忍受了一个又一个世纪)”可知,树木是如何存活数千年,目前还没有确定的答案。故D选项“This is a fascinating question for biologists that does not yet have a settled answer(对于生物学家来说,这是一个令人着迷的问题,目前还没有一个确定的答案)”能承上启下,符合题意。故选D。
38.由上文“The other part of the answer has to do with how trees age. (答案的另一部分与树木如何老化有关)”可知,本空要说跟“如何老化”有关的话题,和上文“We may never know the answer to that, but, at the very least(我们可能永远不会知道答案,但至少)”可知,前文说不知道的事情,本空说至少知道的一件事,且与“如何老化”有关,故G选项“we know that ancient trees age in ways that are dramatically different from the ways that most animals and even other plants age (我们知道,古树的衰老方式与大多数动物甚至其他植物的衰老方式截然不同)”能承上启下,符合题意。故选G。
39.由上文“In addition, a study of bristlecone pine pollen (花粉) found no significant increase in mutation (变异) rates with age, which is another factor associated with animal aging. (此外,一项对狐尾松花粉的研究发现,突变率没有随着年龄的增长而显著增加,这是与动物衰老有关的另一个因素)”可知,此处在讲述古树自身所具有的特性,故E选项“What’s more, some ancient trees have superior chemical defenses against pests and diseases (此外,一些古树对病虫害有很好的化学防御能力)”能承接上文,符合题意。故选E。
40.由上文“Older trees benefit greatly from having bodies made mostly of dead woody tissue. In fact, an old tree might be as much as 95 percent dead tissue! Given that it isn’t alive, wood does not require metabolic (新陈代谢的) activity to maintain it, (老树的身体主要由死亡的木质组织构成,这对它们大有好处。事实上,一棵老树的坏死组织可能高达95% !鉴于它不是活的,木材不需要代谢活动来维持它)”可知,老树不需要新陈代谢,故A选项“so an old tree doesn’t really need to do much to keep living (所以一棵老树其实不需要做什么来维持生命)”能承接上文,符合题意。故选A。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
I’d been exploring the 40-hectare woods around our cottage my whole life and I knew the way well. So it was a 41 when I found myself lost there.
One dull cold February afternoon, I had a sudden 42 to hike the hill with my two daughters. Putting on our snowshoes, we immediately 43 northwestward. While making our way up the hill, my daughters stopped occasionally to investigate unknown plants and to look at the abandoned deer beds… These really made their 44 .
As the shadows started to 45 , we moved further up. Soon, weariness began to 46 enthusiasm. We decided to return. Instead of backtracking over our 47 route, I chose to walk down the steep (陡峭的) side of the hill, 48 my general sense that ahead of us lay the stream that would guide us
to the road. But as the terrain (地形) leveled out, I had my first major moment of 49 : Where was the stream Were we off course
I instinctively (本能地) pulled out my phone to get my location, but it 50 in my hand in the cold air. 51 , I started feeling a bit panicky. However, I quickly 52 myself, reassuring my daughters to continue walking. Focusing on the landmarks, I spotted a familiar tree and eventually 53 the road.
That winter’s day taught me a valuable lesson about habitual reliance on technology. If my phone had 54 then, I might have directly followed the GPS, ignoring the old 55 of depending on surroundings and life skills.
41.A.challenge B.shock C.reward D.reminder
42.A.discovery B.response C.worry D.urge
43.A.escaped B.drove C.headed D.looked
44.A.reputation B.dream C.day D.way
45.A.lengthen B.swing C.emerge D.fade
46.A.fuel B.witness C.overlook D.outpace
47.A.original B.rough C.offbeat D.roundabout
48.A.appreciating B.trusting C.envisioning D.assessing
49.A.curiosity B.comparison C.doubt D.anticipation
50.A.died B.slipped C.flashed D.rang
51.A.Reportedly B.Admittedly C.Seemingly D.Surprisingly
52.A.exposed B.composed C.defended D.behaved
53.A.got off B.laid down C.came across D.made out
54.A.worked B.remained C.changed D.overheated
55.A.theory B.standard C.practice D.routine
41.B 42.D 43.C 44.C 45.A 46.D 47.A 48.B 49.C 50.A 51.B 52.B 53.D 54.A 55.C
41.考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以当我发现自己迷失在那里时,我很震惊。A. challenge挑战;B. shock震惊;C. reward奖励;D. reminder提醒。根据上文“I’d been exploring the 40-hectare woods around our cottage my whole life and I knew the way well.”可知,作者很熟悉这里的路,因此发现自己迷失在那里时,他会很震惊。故选B。
42.考查名词词义辨析。句意:二月里一个阴冷的下午,我突然有一种冲动,想和两个女儿一起去爬山。A. discovery发现;B. response回应;C. worry担忧;D. urge冲动。根据下文“to hike the hill with my two daughters”以及接下来叙述的他们的确去爬山了可知,作者是我突然有一种冲动,想和两个女儿一起去爬山。故选D。
43.考查动词词义辨析。句意:穿上雪鞋,我们立即向西北方向行进。A. escaped逃脱;B. drove驾驶;C. headed朝(某方向)行进;D. looked看。根据上文“to hike the hill with my two daughters”可知,作者是想和两个女儿一起去爬山,因此是向西北方向行进。故选C。
44.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这些真的让她们很开心。A. reputation声誉;B. dream梦想;C. day日子;D. way方式。根据上文“my daughters stopped occasionally to investigate unknown plants and to look at the abandoned deer beds”可知,作者的女儿偶尔会停下来调查未知的植物,看看被遗弃的鹿床,可推知她们会很开心,固定短语make one’s day意为“让某人开心”。故选C。
45.考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着影子开始拉长,我们继续向上移动。A. lengthen延长;B. swing摇摆;C. emerge出现;D. fade褪色。根据上文“As the shadows started to”可推知,影子应该是开始拉长,表明时间在流逝,天色变晚。故选A。
46.考查动词词义辨析。句意:很快,疲倦开始超过热情。A. fuel(给……)提供燃料;B. witness目击;C. overlook俯瞰;D. outpace超越。根据下文“We decided to return.”可知,他们准备返回,因此是疲倦开始超过热情。故选D。
47.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我没有沿着原来的路线折回,而是选择沿着陡峭的山坡走下去,相信我的直觉,我们前面有一条小溪,它会指引我们走向大路。A. original原来的;B. rough粗糙的;C. offbeat另类的;D. roundabout迂回的。根据下文“I chose to walk down the steep (陡峭的) side of the hill”可知,作者选择沿着陡峭的山坡走下去,因此是没有沿着原来的路线折回。故选A。
48.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我没有沿着原来的路线折回,而是选择沿着陡峭的山坡走下去,相信我的直觉,我们前面有一条小溪,它会指引我们走向大路。A. appreciating欣赏;B. trusting相信;C. envisioning想象;D. assessing评估。根据上文“I chose to walk down the steep (陡峭的) side of the hill”和下文“my general sense
that ahead of us lay the stream that would guide us to the road”可推知,作者选择一条新的路线是因为相信自己的直觉,认为可以沿着小溪走向大路。故选B。
49.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但随着地势逐渐平坦,我第一次产生了怀疑:小溪在哪里?我们偏离路线了吗?A. curiosity好奇心;B. comparison比较;C. doubt怀疑;D. anticipation期待。根据下文“Where was the stream Were we off course ”可知,作者有很多问题,对自己产生了怀疑。故选C。
50.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我本能地掏出手机想要找到我的位置,但手机在冰冷的空气中死机了。A. died停止运转;B. slipped滑倒;C. flashed闪烁;D. rang响起。根据下文“I started feeling a bit panicky”可知,作者开始感到有点恐慌,可推知手机没法使用,应该是在冰冷的空气中死机了。故选A。
51.考查副词词义辨析。句意:无可否认,我开始感到有点恐慌。A. Reportedly据说;B. Admittedly不可否认地;C. Seemingly表面上;D. Surprisingly令人惊讶地。根据上文“I instinctively (本能地) pulled out my phone to get my location, but it ____10____ in my hand in the cold air.”可知,作者原本想用手机导航,但是手机应该是无法使用,因此不可否认地,作者的确有点恐慌。故选B。
52.考查动词词义辨析。句意:不过,我很快镇定下来,安慰女儿们继续走下去。A. exposed暴露;B. composed使镇静;C. defended辩护;D. behaved行为。根据下文“reassuring my daughters to continue walking”可知,作者安慰女儿们继续走下去,可推知他应该是让自己镇定下来了,固定短语compose oneself意为“使自己镇定下来”。故选B。
53.考查动词短语辨析。句意:盯着路标,我发现了一棵熟悉的树,终于辨认出了那条路。A. got off下车;B. laid down躺下;C. came across偶遇;D. made out辨认出。根据上文“I spotted a familiar tree”可知,作者发现了一棵熟悉的树,因此可以辨认出回去的那条路。故选D。
54.考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果我的手机那时还能工作,我可能会直接跟着GPS走,而忽略依赖环境和生活技能的传统做法。A. worked工作;B. remained保持;C. changed改变;D. overheated(使)过热。根据下文“I might have directly followed the GPS”可知,此处是对过去的事实做出相反的假设,指如果那时手机那时还能工作的话,就会直接跟着GPS走。故选A。
55.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果我的手机那时还能工作,我可能会直接跟着GPS走,而忽略依赖环境和生活技能的传统做法。A. theory理论;B. standard标准;C. practice通常的做法;D. routine例行公事。根据上文“Focusing on the landmarks, I spotted a familiar tree”可知,作者是通过盯着路标发现熟悉的树,再结合下文“of depending on surroundings and life skills”可推知,此处指依赖环境和生活技能的传统做法。故选C。
第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分 ,满分15分)
Following the tradition of wearing new clothes for the Chinese New Year, hanfu, or traditional Chinese clothing, 56 (experience) substantial growth recently. The horse face skirt is particularly popular for 57 (it) combination of traditional and modern elements, especially among young Chinese.
During the Spring Festival, many performers and tourists in Luoyang, Henan province, showcased the horse face skirts. Gorgeous hanfu shows in Caoxian county, Shandon g province, one of the major hanfu production bases in China, highlighted the 58 (elegant) of the long tradition of Chinese clothing.
Consumers expressed their desire 59 (promote) traditional Chinese culture as hanfu styles become 60 (common).
The sales of horse face skirts are booming, 61 (lead) production enterprises to optimize (优化) processes to meet demand. 62 annual sales surpassing (超过) 7 billion yuan, the sales of new year’s clothes for the Year of the Dragon, 63 (primary) horse face skirts, exceeded 300 million yuan in Caoxian county.
Additionally, local companies are dedicating efforts to 64 production and development of more Chinese-style clothing fabrics. The new trend of Chinese-style fashion, 65 was led by horse face skirts, is gaining popularity among overseas consumers as well.
56.has experienced 57.its 58.elegance 59.to promote 60.commoner/more common 61.leading 62.With 63.primarily 64.the 65.which
56.考查时态。句意:继中国新年穿新衣服的传统之后,汉服,或传统的中国服装,最近经历了大幅增长。根据recently可知句子时态为现在完成时,主语为hanfu,助动词用has。故填has experienced。
59.考查非谓语动词。句意:随着汉服款式越来越普遍,消费者表达了弘扬中国传统文化的愿望。短语desire to do sth.表示“做某事的渴望”,不定式作后置定语。故填to promote。
60.考查比较级。句意:随着汉服款式越来越普遍,消费者表达了弘扬中国传统文化的愿望。此处为比较关系,应用比较级,故填commoner / more common。
65.考查定语从句。句意:以马面裙为主导的中国式时尚新潮流也在海外消费者中越来越受欢迎。空格处引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词The new trend of Chinese-style fashion,在从句作主语,指物,故填which。
第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
假定你是李华,你和你校的外国交换生David计划在校园内组织一场名为“A Taste of the World”的美食节活动,请写一封邮件给David,内容包括:
1. 你对活动形式的建议;
2. 约定时间讨论安排和分工。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear David,
Best Wishes,
Li Hua
Dear David,
Hope this mail finds you well. The food festival—“A Taste of the World” is buzzing in my head, and I can’t wait to plan it with you!
Personally, why not set up booths on campus where authentic dishes from different countries are displayed and shared Additionally, interactive cooking workshops could be arranged, thereby enhancing hands-on engagement and learning. To ensure smooth planning, could we meet online next Tuesday at 6 PM During the session, we can finalize the detailed arrangement and decide on our responsibilities.
Looking forward to your suggestions and confirmation regarding the meeting time.
Best Wishes,
Li Hua
确保:ensure→make sure
原句:To ensure smooth planning, could we meet online next Tuesday at 6 PM
拓展句:To ensure smooth planning, I suggest that we meet online next Tuesday at 6 PM.
【点睛】[高分句型1] Personally, why not set up booths on campus where authentic dishes from different countries are displayed and shared (运用了where引导定语从句)
[高分句型2] To ensure smooth planning, could we meet online next Tuesday at 6 PM (运用了不定式作目的状语)
I sat in my parents’ car. Mom had insisted I go with her to pick up Dad from work. Across from Dad’s office is a bike store. That was the day my eleven-year-old eyes first saw the purple BMX Mongoose bike. From that day on, all I could think about was that bike. I even drew pictures of the bike in class. Every evening afterward, at five
thirty, I eagerly went along with Mom to get Dad.
And every day I told my parents, “I want that bike!” But they disagreed and replied that I had already had a perfectly good bike at home. I’d argue it was old and ugly, thinking that my happiness depended on that purple bike. Days later, I found the store had sold that bike. I knew I’d never be happy again.
A week later, returning home from school, I tripped over something. Lying in the weeds near a river and some wooded lots, was a bike — the exact bike from the store. “Hey, whose bike is this ” I shouted, scanning the area. No one replied, and there was no one in sight. Maybe its owner didn’t want it any longer. I couldn’t leave it lying in the weeds. So I took it home and hid it behind the garage. Every day after school, I sat there, admiring it. But I didn’t feel like riding and didn’t feel as happy as I had thought. Thinking about the bike made my stomach tighten and uncomfortable.
A few days later, during lunch at school, my friend said, “Did you hear about Tyler, in the other fifth-grade class He lost his new purple BMX Mongoose bike he had just gotten for his birthday. He left it by a river while playing in the woods. It got dark, and he couldn’t find it.”
“I’d never go off and leave a new bike like that. He doesn’t deserve to have that bike,” I replied. My friend added, “Kids say he’s nice. And they say Tyler is upset because his dad worked overtime to buy the bike for him.” For the rest of the day, I couldn’t stop thinking about Tyler.
After school, I returned home and dragged to my room.
“I know Tyler’s house,” Mom said. “I’ll drive you there.”
After school, I returned home and dragged to my room. The guilt of keeping Tyler's bike hidden behind the garage weighed heavily on me. I couldn't enjoy having the bike while knowing that it rightfully belonged to someone else. I wanted to make things right. So I went to my mother and told her what had happened. My mother smiled and tapped me on the shoulder, gently saying, “I believe you have known what you should do to the bike.”
“I know Tyler’s house,” Mom said. “I’ll drive you there.” My heart raced with a mix of nervousness and determination. I walked up to knock the door. “Hey Tyler, I'm really sorry that I hid it and caused you trouble.” To my great surprise, he did not blame. What I saw was a smile slowly spread across his face. I knew exactly what that smile meant -- forgiveness for me. From that day on, the purple BMX Mongoose bike was no longer important to me. What mattered was the friendship I had formed with Tyler, which also taught me the important values like honesty.
①重压:weigh on sb/press on sb
③.绽开笑容:a smile spread across one’s face/a smile shines on one’s face
【点睛】[高分句型1]. My mother smiled and tapped me on the shoulder, gently saying, “I believe you have known what you should do to the bike.”(句中含有现在分词作伴随状语的结构以及what引导的宾语从句)
[高分句型2]. What mattered was the friendship I had formed with Tyler, which also taught me the important values like honesty.(由what引导的主语从句以及which引导的非限制性定语从句)绝密★启用前
英 语
(考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分)
1. 答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号和座位号填写在答题卡上。用2B铅笔将试卷类型(A)填涂在答题卡相应位置上。将条形码横贴在答题卡右上角“条形码粘贴处”。
2. 作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。
3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液,不按以上要求作答的答案无效。
4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁:考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
1.What are the speakers talking about
A.Their favorite fruit. B.Items on a menu. C.Drink orders.
2.What are the speakers talking about
A.What kind of design style to choose.
B.Whether to surf the Internet.
C.When to move into the new house.
3.When will the next bus leave for the train station
A.At 8:20. B.At 8:30. C.At 8:40.
4.Where has mother just gone
A.Office. B.Restaurant. C.Supermarket.
5.What has ruined the strawberries
A.The sun. B.The rain. C.The insects.
6.How does the woman mostly spend her time now
A.Starting a business. B.Making money. C.Looking for a job.
7.When did the man finish his career
A.20 days ago. B.Half a year ago. C.30 years ago.
8.Where did the woman go on Tuesday
A.To a lake. B.To a forest. C.To the mountains.
9.What did the woman do on Thursday
A.She stayed at home. B.She took many photos. C.She went to the farm.
10.Who came over on Friday
A.Her parents. B.Her friends. C.Her cousins.
11.What will the man do
A.Post the gifts. B.Send the kids. C.Make a call.
12.What will Gordon get
A.Some books. B.A clock. C.A handbag.
13.Who is the man talking to
A.His workmates. B.His wife. C.His kid.
14.What can the Cornell Notes system help students do
A.Recite notes. B.Copy notes. C.Organize notes.
15.Which section of the paper should be wider according to the woman
A.Left section. B.Right section. C.Bottom blank.
16.What should be replaced by using symbols according to the system
A.Main ideas of the text or speech.
B.Long ideas and sentences.
C.Questions related to the review.
17.When will the man try the Cornell Notes system
A.Right now. B.After the final exams. C.Next semester.
18.Where did the man come from
B.A country in the South Pacific.
C.The Andaman Sea.
19.How does the man want to leave the island
A.By finding a way to fix his boat.
B.By seeking the help of local people.
C.By getting rescued by an airplane.
20.What is the man most frightened about
A.Being attacked by sea robbers.
B.Running out of food and water.
C.Being trapped on the island forever.
第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节(共15小题:每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Finding your next awesome read
When you read as much as we do, it can be hard to find a good new book. There are so many read out there that it’s easy to be overwhelmed by all of the possibilities, often leading to a disappointing choice or wasted money and time. We’re here to make the process just a little bit easier. Here are five tips to find your next awesome read:
World’s famous works
If you’re looking for a popular current read, then bestseller lists are a great place to start. Usually there’s a reason that a book ends up on one of these lists, guaranteeing a high quality read. There are always the classic lists to consult, like the New York Times or USA Today, which are both reliable and constant.
Book clubs
Maybe you’re already part of a local book club, so you know how great they can be in terms of introducing you to new books you might not discover on your own. But there are also tons of online book clubs you can join, giving you an even wider access to some awesome reads. Some of these clubs are celebrity-run, like Oprah’s Book Club 2.0 or Emma Watson’s feminist book club: Our Shared Shelf.
To 100 Lists
Another way of finding a good book is to consult a top 100 lists. There are tons of them out there, from the traditional to the unusual. If you’re looking for a lot of solid classics, then try Time’s All-Time 100 Novels, which included books like On the Road and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. If you want something a little more global, then head over to thegreathooks.org for their Top 100 works in World Literature.
Considering the fact that part of Goodreads’ mission is to “help people find and share the books they love,” then there’s no surprise that it’s an awesome way to discover new reads. Fans, readers and authors all connect on the site, sharing review s and shelving books they’re interested in.
21.What can we infer from the first paragraph
A.Reading wastes a lot of time. B.There are various wonderful books out there.
C.Electric books are more popular now. D.Readers prefer to buy books online.
22.Which one would you join if you’re a fan of Emma Watson
A.A local book club. B.Book club 2.0.
C.Feminist book club. D.A celebrity club.
23.Where can we probably find the text
A.An online column. B.A travel journal.
C.A text book. D.A newspaper.
Joseph Dituri hasn’t seen the sun for two fortnights. And he won’t see it again for months. Since March 1st, the professor has been underwater, with the goal of spending 100 days there-for science. If successful, he will break
the current world record for time spent living underwater, which was set by two Tennessee biologists in 2014 when they stayed beneath the surface for 73 days.
Dituri, who has been nicknamed “Dr. Deep Sea”, is living in Jules’ Undersea Lodge (小屋) in Key Largo, Florida-the same underwater venue where the previous record was set. The 100-square-foot hotel, which sits 30 feet below the surface, is his temporary home, where he is carrying out research and giving virtual lectures for his students at the University of South Florida.
“The human body has never been underwater that long, so I will be monitored closely,” Dituri said. “This study will examine every way this journey impacts my body, but my hypothesis (假设) is that there will be improvements to my health due to the increased pressure.” This hypothesis comes from a study that indicated potentially positive effects of pressure exposure on cell growth and vitality (活力), and Dituri hopes that his underwater experience could reveal ways to combat age-related diseases and lengthen lifespan.
As part of his research, Dituri is investigating the effects of living in a high-pressure environment for an extended period. To keep water from entering the lodge, air must constantly be pumped into the space to create a pressure about 1.6 times higher than that of the Earth’s surface. Therefore, it can’t be achieved in his own right.
Before the journey, Dituri had undergone psychosocial, psychological and medical tests. He continues to undergo testing during and after his 100 days at the lodge. “The mental health part of this is important, because I’m in an isolated and limited environment,” he said.
Beyond research, the project is also a chance to cultivate children’s enthusiasm for exploring the science field. Dituri invites about 40 children to stay with him for 24 hours at a time and teach them to dive. To him, this outreach is what makes the whole project worth it-more than the chance for a world record.
24.What do we know about Dituri’s experiment from the text
A.It is scheduled to end on July 9th.
B.It has been on for nearly a month.
C.Its aim is just to break the world record.
D.It is conducted where two Tennessce biologists settled.
25.What is Dituri’s attitude toward the impact the increased pressure has on health
A.Doubtful. B.Cautious. C.Hopeful. D.Unclear.
26.Which scene possibly happens in the course of Dituri’s living underwater
A.He pumps the air into the lodge. B.He instructs invited children to dive.
C.He analyzes his own psychosocial tests. D.He experiments in a spacious lodge.
27.Why does Dituri invite children to experience the underwater life
A.To arouse their eagerness for science. B.To case his loneliness and isolation.
C.To set a world record at full stretch. D.To prove the value of his experience.
If you’ve been on BookTok, an online community where readers recommend, review and theorize about their favorite books, authors and genres, you’ve probably heard of Rebecca Yarros’ Fourth Wing. On BookTok, the release of Fourth Wing came with hype (炒作) around a mix between romance and fantasy. The novel was published last May and its sequel (续集) followed just six months later.
But questions came: Are publishers and authors publishing books too quickly, and does this affect the quality of writing
On the day of the sequel’s release, Yarros and her publisher, Red Tower Books, were met with much criticism about her misuse of a language’s grammar in the novel. Many argued that the mistakes could have been avoided if the publishers had hired someone to proofread (校对) the language.
So what does BookTok have to do with this It was one of the reasons why within the first week of Fourth Wing being published, the book quickly shot up to the top of the New York Times Best Sellers list despite criticism.
With the rising readers, it isn’t uncommon for both publishers and authors to use that hype to their advantage. This was likely a reason why the series, originally including three books, was dragged into a five-book series.
This is kind of what fast fashion is all about. Fast fashion refers to the process of clothing manufacturing that moves from production/design to stores quickly to keep up with current trends. These pieces are often cheap and low-quality and sent to stores with the hope of selling out quickly. The same approach used in the publishing world, thanks to BookTok to some degree, could lead to decreasing book quality when writing and editing aren’t able to reach their maximum potential.
This isn’t to say that books like Fourth Wing are bad just because they’re hyped. But abandoning developed work for crowd-pleasers doesn’t do all readers justice. These worries about the quick turnover in the publishing industry aren’t directed towards independent authors who carefully write, edit and publish themselves, but rather towards those who overlook the importance of everything that goes into the writing process.
28.Why does the author raise questions in the text
A.To doubt readers’ judgment. B.To keep the text developing.
C.To highlight BookTok’s advantages. D.To provide background information.
29.What was the situation of Fourth Wing after its release
A.It enjoyed popularity. B.It faced little criticism.
C.It was publicly rejected. D.It didn’t sell well in stores.
30.Which of the following shows the author’s opinion
A.Book quality is vital in the publishing industry.
B.Books like Fourth Wing are not good ones.
C.Authors should avoid doing too many duties.
D.BookTok shouldn’t be to blame for fast fashion.
31.What is the best title for the text
A.BookTok Is Misleading Consumers in Reading.
B.Are Those Books Posted Online Worth Reading
C.Fast Fashion Emerges in the Publishing Industry.
D.Can the Publishing Industry Adapt to Challenges
Keith Payne realized he was poor for the first time when he was in the fourth grade. The awareness came to him when a new lunch lady in the cafeteria asked him to pay for his lunch.
“Previously, the lunch lady had just waved me on because I’d always been on free lunch,” he says. “But this new lady didn’t know how things worked, and it was the first time that I had been asked to pay for my lunch.”
It was an agonizing moment and all of a sudden, he realized why he got free lunch while many of his classmates were paying for their meals every day.
“It’s not like I was poorer the day after that than I was before. Nothing objective had changed. But because of that subjective awareness, I began constantly comparing myself with my classmates and felt really unhappy,” he says.
Keith Payne is now a social psychologist at the University of North Carolina and shares how the awareness of inequality affects the way that both our minds and our bodies respond.
“As we walk through the world, it is very natural for us to compare our lives with those of others. We think about ourselves in terms of being on a certain ladder (梯子) with some people above us and it can cause serious
psychological consequences,” he says.
One is that it makes us more willing to seek out risks and engage in high-risk, high-reward sort of behaviors. It affects us in ways that are similar to physical threats.
“But I think there are wiser and less wise ways to make those social comparisons,” he says. “Upward social comparisons feel terrible, but they can be motivating. Downward social comparisons feel great, and yet they can be demotivating. So one of the things I recommend is that we can be more strategic in making upward and download social comparisons, Neither one is good in itself. It just depends on what your goal is.”
32.Which of the following best explains “agonizing” underlined in paragraph 3
A.Painful. B.Brief. C.Important. D.Happy.
33.What does the author want to show by telling the story
A.Poor people should be treated equally.
B.He wants to blame the new lunch lady.
C.There were a lot of poor people in his country.
D.We can be influenced by the awareness of inequality.
34.What does Keith Payne feel about making social comparisons
A.Unimportant. B.Acceptable. C.Annoying. D.Unnecessary.
35.What will Keith Payne most probably advise us to do if we feel stressed
A.Talk to psychologists immediately. B.Hang out with top performers.
C.Compare with less successful persons. D.Stay alone and enjoy ourselves.
第二节(共5小题:每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Some of the oldest living things on our remarkable planet are trees. The record holders are bristlecone pines (狐尾松) of the western United States, quite a few of which are known to be more than 3,000 years old. One individual, discovered in 2012, is estimated to be more than 5,060 years old, making it the oldest known non-clonal tree in the world! 36 : individuals across a number of other tree species have also been around for thousands of years.
So, how do trees survive for thousands of years 37 . Undoubtedly, part of the answer lies in luck. Ancient trees have obviously not submitted to deadly diseases, pests, fires, droughts, windstorms, landslides, or the human axe in the centuries and centuries that they have quietly endured.
The other part of the answer has to do with how trees age. In fact, there is quite a debate about whether ancient trees can be considered “immortal (永生的)”. That is, will such trees ever die if they are not killed by an outside force We may never know the answer to that, but, at the very least, 38 . While cell death is an important factor in the aging of humans and other animals, one study found little evidence of cell death in the ginkgo tree vascular cambium (银杏树维管形成层). In addition, a study of bristlecone pine pollen (花粉) found no significant increase in mutation (变异) rates with age, which is another factor associated with animal aging. 39 .
Older trees benefit greatly from having bodies made mostly of dead woody tissue. In fact, an old tree might be as much as 95 percent dead tissue! Given that it isn’t alive, wood does not require metabolic (新陈代谢的) activity to maintain it, 40 .
A.so an old tree doesn’t really need to do much to keep living
B.This is a question that has something to do with the good luck of trees
C.However, bristlecones are certainly not alone in terms of the oldest creatures
D.This is a fascinating question for biologists that does not yet have a settled answer
E.What’s more, some ancient trees have superior chemical defenses against pests and diseases
F.which means that trees can survive everywhere without being limited by external and internal conditions
G.we know that ancient trees age in ways that are dramatically different from the ways that most animals and even other plants age
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
I’d been exploring the 40-hectare woods around our cottage my whole life and I knew the way well. So it was a 41 when I found myself lost there.
One dull cold February afternoon, I had a sudden 42 to hike the hill with my two daughters. Putting on our snowshoes, we immediately 43 northwestward. While making our way up the hill, my daughters stopped occasionally to investigate unknown plants and to look at the abandoned deer beds… These really made their 44 .
As the shadows started to 45 , we moved further up. Soon, weariness began to 46 enthusiasm. We decided to return. Instead of backtracking over our 47 route, I chose to walk down the
steep (陡峭的) side of the hill, 48 my general sense that ahead of us lay the stream that would guide us to the road. But as the terrain (地形) leveled out, I had my first major moment of 49 : Where was the stream Were we off course
I instinctively (本能地) pulled out my phone to get my location, but it 50 in my hand in the cold air. 51 , I started feeling a bit panicky. However, I quickly 52 myself, reassuring my daughters to continue walking. Focusing on the landmarks, I spotted a familiar tree and eventually 53 the road.
That winter’s day taught me a valuable lesson about habitual reliance on technology. If my phone had 54 then, I might have directly followed the GPS, ignoring the old 55 of depending on surroundings and life skills.
41.A.challenge B.shock C.reward D.reminder
42.A.discovery B.response C.worry D.urge
43.A.escaped B.drove C.headed D.looked
44.A.reputation B.dream C.day D.way
45.A.lengthen B.swing C.emerge D.fade
46.A.fuel B.witness C.overlook D.outpace
47.A.original B.rough C.offbeat D.roundabout
48.A.appreciating B.trusting C.envisioning D.assessing
49.A.curiosity B.comparison C.doubt D.anticipation
50.A.died B.slipped C.flashed D.rang
51.A.Reportedly B.Admittedly C.Seemingly D.Surprisingly
52.A.exposed B.composed C.defended D.behaved
53.A.got off B.laid down C.came across D.made out
54.A.worked B.remained C.changed D.overheated
55.A.theory B.standard C.practice D.routine
第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分 ,满分15分)
Following the tradition of wearing new clothes for the Chinese New Year, hanfu, or traditional Chinese clothing, 56 (experience) substantial growth recently. The horse face skirt is particularly popular for
57 (it) combination of traditional and modern elements, especially among young Chinese.
During the Spring Festival, many performers and tourists in Luoyang, Henan province, showcased the horse face skirts. Gorgeous hanfu shows in Caoxian county, Shandon g province, one of the major hanfu production bases in China, highlighted the 58 (elegant) of the long tradition of Chinese clothing.
Consumers expressed their desire 59 (promote) traditional Chinese culture as hanfu styles become 60 (common).
The sales of horse face skirts are booming, 61 (lead) production enterprises to optimize (优化) processes to meet demand. 62 annual sales surpassing (超过) 7 billion yuan, the sales of new year’s clothes for the Year of the Dragon, 63 (primary) horse face skirts, exceeded 300 million yuan in Caoxian county.
Additionally, local companies are dedicating efforts to 64 production and development of more Chinese-style clothing fabrics. The new trend of Chinese-style fashion, 65 was led by horse face skirts, is gaining popularity among overseas consumers as well.
第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
假定你是李华,你和你校的外国交换生David计划在校园内组织一场名为“A Taste of the World”的美食节活动,请写一封邮件给David,内容包括:
1. 你对活动形式的建议;
2. 约定时间讨论安排和分工。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear David,
Best Wishes,
Li Hua
I sat in my parents’ car. Mom had insisted I go with her to pick up Dad from work. Across from Dad’s office is a bike store. That was the day my eleven-year-old eyes first saw the purple BMX Mongoose bike. From that day on, all I could think about was that bike. I even drew pictures of the bike in class. Every evening afterward, at five thirty, I eagerly went along with Mom to get Dad.
And every day I told my parents, “I want that bike!” But they disagreed and replied that I had already had a perfectly good bike at home. I’d argue it was old and ugly, thinking that my happiness depended on that purple bike. Days later, I found the store had sold that bike. I knew I’d never be happy again.
A week later, returning home from school, I tripped over something. Lying in the weeds near a river and some wooded lots, was a bike — the exact bike from the store. “Hey, whose bike is this ” I shouted, scanning the area. No one replied, and there was no one in sight. Maybe its owner didn’t want it any longer. I couldn’t leave it lying in the weeds. So I took it home and hid it behind the garage. Every day after school, I sat there, admiring it. But I didn’t feel like riding and didn’t feel as happy as I had thought. Thinking about the bike made my stomach tighten and uncomfortable.
A few days later, during lunch at school, my friend said, “Did you hear about Tyler, in the other fifth-grade class He lost his new purple BMX Mongoose bike he had just gotten for his birthday. He left it by a river while playing in the woods. It got dark, and he couldn’t find it.”
“I’d never go off and leave a new bike like that. He doesn’t deserve to have that bike,” I replied. My friend added, “Kids say he’s nice. And they say Tyler is upset because his dad worked overtime to buy the bike for him.” For the rest of the day, I couldn’t stop thinking about Tyler.
After school, I returned home and dragged to my room.
“I know Tyler’s house,” Mom said. “I’ll drive you there.”


