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第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Top universities in the Young University Rankings 2024
Paris Sciences et Lettres—PSL Research University, Paris, France
PSL is a collegiate university formed in 2010 with the aim of becoming one of the world’s leading research universities. It was originally made up of five institutions but has since grown to incorporate 25 self-governing academic and research institutions.
The university aims to boost research output from France and has developed strategic partnerships with Technion Israel Institute of Technology, among others.
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore is one of the highest-ranked Asian universities in the The World University Rankings. The university was established in 1991.
The university has 25,000 students from more than 100 nations. NTU also has strong ties with many institutions across the globe, including Peking University.
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
HKUST consistently ranks as one of the best universities in Hong Kong as well as being in the top 100 in the world. As its name suggests, HKUST focuses on providing students with a high-quality education within the realms of science and technology.
The university was established in 1991 and, in 2022, it introduced a scheme called HKUST 2.0, which covers its plans for development in the future.
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
UNIST is a warm and welcoming post-secondary institution located in the heart of South Korea’s largest industrial city, Ulsan.
Since its opening in 2009, UNIST has grown to become a world-class university, with a rapidly growing reputation for its research and impact on a wide range of fields. UNIST’s research facilities, along with its world-class laboratory and state-of-the-art research equipment became an envy of many scientists around the world.
1.Which university is the youngest one
2.What do the universities NTU and HKUST have in common
A.They are the best Asian universities. B.They were founded in the same year.
C.They limit ties to native institutions. D.They have a new plan for developing.
3.What is special about the university UNIST
A.It originally consisted of some institutions. B.It gains a good fame for special education.
C.Its advanced research equipment attracts a lot. D.It frequently ranks as the best local university.
【答案】1.A 2.B 3.C
1.细节理解题。根据第一部分“PSL is a collegiate university formed in 2010(北京外国语大学是一所成立于2010年的高等院校)”;第二部分“The university was established in 1991.(这所大学成立于1991年)”;第三部分“The university was established in 1991(这所大学成立于1991年)”以及第四部分“Since its opening in 2009, UNIST has grown to become a world-class university, with a rapidly growing reputation for its research and impact on a wide range of fields.(自2009年成立以来,UNIST已经发展成为一所世界一流的大学,其研究和在各个领域的影响迅速增长)”可知,PSL、NTU、HKUST和UNIST四所大学分别成立于2010,1991,1991和2009年,所以PSL是最年轻的一所大学。故选A。
2.细节理解题。根据Nanyang Technological University, Singapore部分中“The university was established in 1991.(这所大学成立于1991年)”以及The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong部分中“The university was established in 1991(这所大学成立于1991年)”可知,NTU和HKUST两所大学都成立于1991年。故选B。
3.细节理解题。根据Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea部分中“UNIST’s research facilitics, along with its world-class laboratory and state-of-the-art research equipment became an envy of many scientists around the world.(UNIST的研究设施,以及世界一流的实验室和最先进的研究设备成为世界各地许多科学家羡慕的对象)”可知,该大学的顶级的实验和科研设备对科学家们有着极大的诱惑力。故选C。
After over a decade of faithful service my old desktop computer finally died. It simply wouldn’t start. With no computer repair places open my daughter talked me into purchasing a new laptop to replace it. What followed was two days of pure frustration. It was like going from driving an old Model T Ford to flying the Space Shuttle.
After my daughter set it up, I looked for the old e-mail program I used to use, only to find that it wasn’t on this model. When I tried to download the older version again it wouldn’t work. I also had a terrible time downloading my old word processing program again. Then there were some difficulties of transferring all of my old stories that I had saved on a jump drive. The laptop computer’s fancy new programs were an icon minefield that I had to navigate. Each time I accidentally touched one of them it changed everything on my screen and I had to work hard to figure out how to change them back. In the end I had screwed up the settings so badly that I asked my daughter to do a reset so we could start over. Finally after two days I think we have set up the new computer to do the few simple things I need it to do so I can ignore the thousand other functions that I have no use for. I only hope it will work as long and faithfully as my old desktop did.
One thing I did learn from all of this is that when it comes to computers and life I want to keep things simple, simple, simple. Life is simple. Love is simple. It is we who make things complicated. Take some time today then to turn off your electronics and turn on your heart. Be a person, not a program. Be yourself, not your “Selfie”. Fill your days with purpose, your years with happiness, and your life with love.
4.What was the author’s old computer’s problem
A.It was slow to function. B.It crashed completely.
C.It was out of date. D.It kept restarting.
5.What made the author frustrated in the following two days
A.She couldn’t forget her old computer.
B.She regretted not repairing her old computer.
C.She didn’t buy a more advanced computer.
D.She had difficulty using the new computer.
6.How did the author probably consider the new computer’s thousand other functions
A.Useful. B.Unnecessary.
C.Disappointing. D.Challenging.
7.What is the author’s purpose in writing the last paragraph
A.To explain her requirements for computers.
B.To stress the importance of technology.
C.To show the development of electronics.
D.To express her attitude to life.
【答案】4.B 5.D 6.B 7.D
4.细节理解题。根据第一段中的“After over a decade of faithful service my old desktop computer finally died. It simply wouldn’t start.(经过十多年的忠实服务,我的旧台式电脑终于坏了。它根本启动不了)”可知,作者的旧电脑启动不了了,即它停止运转了。故选B。
5.细节理解题。根据第一段中的“It was like going from driving an old Model T Ford to flying the Space Shuttle.(这就像从开一辆老福特T型车变成驾驶航天飞机一样)”以及第二段中的“only to find that it wasn’t on this model(却发现它不在这款机型上)”、“it wouldn’t work(它无法工作)”、“had a terrible time downloading(下载时也遇到了麻烦)”、“Then there were some difficulties of transferring(然后转移时遇到了一些困难)”和“I had screwed up the settings so badly(我把设置搞砸了)”可知,从旧电脑换用到新电脑的作者就像从开一辆老爷车变成开宇宙飞船,她在操作中遇到很多麻烦,最终把设置弄得一团糟。由此可知,在购买新电脑后的头两天里让作者感到沮丧的是她使用新电脑有困难。故选D。
6.推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Finally after two days I think we have set up the new computer to do the few simple things I need it to do so I can ignore the thousand other functions that I have no use for.(最后,两天后,我想我们已经把新电脑设置好了,我需要它做一些简单的事情,这样我就可以忽略其他几千个我没用的功能了)”可知,作者只需要使用电脑做几件简单的事情,她忽略掉了其它她不需要的功能,所以她认为这些功能是多余的、不必要的。故选B。
7.推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Be a person, not a program.(做一个人,而不是一个程序)”和“Fill your days with purpose, your years with happiness, and your life with love.(让你的每一天都充满目标,让你的每一年都充满快乐,让你的生活充满爱)”可知,作者写最后一段的目的是表达她对人生的态度,她从自己更换电脑的经历中感悟到简单生活的价值,她认为人们应该保持生活的简单与美好。故选D。
A few years ago, we celebrated Frankenstein’s 200th birthday. This famous book, written by British novelist Mary Shelley (1797—1851), is rightly known as the first work of science fiction. Frankenstein is the name of a doctor who creates a creature from human body parts. The doctor’s ambitions for his work are noble, but his experiment has disastrous results.
Shelley was writing in an age when science was beginning to have a great impact on the world. People had different attitudes toward science back then. Some found it inspiring- they thought of the progress medicine was making in curing common illnesses. But others found it a little frightening—it was changing the, making it a lot less familiar.
Science plays a bigger part in our lives than it did two centuries ago. Today, science has brought us great things like the internet, but also nuclear weapons, which, if used in large numbers, could kill off our species. Science still therefore creates the mixed feelings it did in Shelley’s day. It’s because Shelley saw both the promise and the danger of science that she’s still an influence today.
In fact, the subtitle of the book, The Modern Prometheus (普罗米修斯), shows how important myth (神话) was to the writer. Prometheus, a figure from classical Greek mythology, written by ancient Greek playwright Sophocles, steals fire from the gods and gives it to people, an act for which he is terribly punished. Shelley’s husband, the famous poet Percy Shelley, wrote about him in Prometheus Unbound. In the poem, he is a revolutionary hero, who triumphs over the gods. In Mary Shelley’s book, however, her modern Prometheus. Dr Frankenstein, is a highly controversial figure, who sacrifices his home and life for his crazy addiction to his creation.
In short, Mary Shelley’s book is not just a scary and moving story, but a philosophical tale that, even after 200 years, still speaks to modern readers.
8.What can we know about Dr Frankenstein and the creature he made
A.He created it with animal parts.
B.He managed to kill it in the end.
C.He created it with good intentions.
D.He was aware of its dangers before its creation.
9.Why do today’s readers still relate to Mary Shelley
A.Her work discusses what it means to be human.
B.Her work warns people of the two sides of science.
C.Her work explains that any life deserves our respect.
D.Her work proves the important role of science in life.
10.Compared with Prometheus in Greek mythology, Dr Frankenstein _______.
A.is a revolutionary hero B.has inspired many poets
C.causes some disagreement D.suffers little for what he does
11.What is the text
A.A book review. B.A news report.
C.A short story. D.A biography.
【答案】8.C 9.B 10.C 11.A
【导语】本文是一篇书评。介绍了作家Mary Shelley的经典小说Frankenstein的写作背景,创作意图,文化内涵,重点挖掘其对现代社会的启示。
8.细节理解题。根据第一段“Frankenstein is the name of a doctor who creates a creature from human body parts. The doctor’s ambitions for his work are noble, but his experiment has disastrous results.(弗兰肯斯坦是一个医生的名字,他从人体部位创造了一个生物。这位医生对他的工作有崇高的抱负,但他的实验却产生了灾难性的结果。)”可知,Dr Frankenstein创造那个生物的初衷是好的。故选C。
9.推理判断题。根据第三段“It’s because Shelley saw both the promise and the danger of science that she’s still an influence today.(正是因为雪莱看到了科学的希望和危险,她今天仍然有影响力。)”可知,今天的读者仍然对Mary Shelley感兴趣是因为她的作品提醒人们注意科学的两面性。故选B。
10.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“Prometheus, a figure from classical Greek mythology, written by ancient Greek playwright Sophocles, steals fire from the gods and gives it to people, an act for which he is terribly punished.(Prometheus是古希腊剧作家Sophocles创作的古典希腊神话中的一个人物,他从众神那里偷火给人,因此受到了严厉的惩罚。)”和“Dr Frankenstein, is a highly controversial figure, who sacrifices his home and life for his crazy addiction to his creation.(Dr Frankenstein是一个极具争议的人物,他为了疯狂沉迷于自己的发明而牺牲了自己的家庭和生活。)”可知,与希腊神话中的Prometheus相比,Dr Frankenstein引起了一些争论,故选C。
11.推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是第一段“This famous book, written by British novelist Mary Shelley (1797—1851), is rightly known as the first work of science fiction. Frankenstein is the name of a doctor who creates a creature from human body parts. The doctor’s ambitions for his work are noble, but his experiment has disastrous results.(这部由英国小说家Mary Shelley(1797-1851)所著的名著,被公认为是科幻小说的第一部。弗兰肯斯坦是一位医生的名字,他用人类的身体部位创造出一种生物。这位医生对他的工作有崇高的抱负,但他的实验却产生了灾难性的结果。)”可知,这是一篇书评,介绍了作家Mary Shelley的经典小说Frankenstein的写作背景,创作意图,文化内涵,重点挖掘其对现代社会的启示。故选A。
Researchers in Australia have identified enzymes (酶) in the body of certain beetle larvae (甲虫幼虫) that can degrade or break down plastic. In a study published in Microbial Genomics, they write that these “superworms” could help reduce plastic waste in the future.
“Superworms are like mini recycling plants, cutting up the polysyrene (聚苯乙烯) with their mouths and then feeding it to the bacteria in their stomach,” said Chris Rinke from the University of Queensland in Australia. “The breakdown products from this reaction can then be used by other microbes to create high-value chemicals.”
In the study, scientists divided beetle larvae into three groups, feeding one group wheat bran, one polystyrene and one nothing. Over three weeks, they monitored their growth. “We found that superworms fed a diet of just polystyrene not only survived, but even had marginal weight gains,” said Rinke. “This suggests the worms can get energy from the polystyrene, most likely with the help of their stomach bacteria.”
On the other hand, the plastic-fed worms gained much less weight and were overall much less healthy than the bran-fed ones, though better off than the starvation group. After three weeks, some larvae were also set aside to grow into beetles, according to the study. About 93% of the bran-fed larvae formed adult worms, while about 67% of the plastic-fed larvae and 10% of the starved larvae formed adult worms.
The researchers investigated the superworm’s stomach bacteria to find the specific enzymes linked to plastic degradation, writes Fionna M. D.Samuels for Scientific American. The enzyme that degrades the polystyrene appears to live with the stomach bacteria, not the worm itself.
Polystyrene is one of the most common plastics used today. But it’s not very chemically reactive, and breaking it down with industrial recycling methods takes high heat. So, researchers have been looking for plastic-degrading enzymes and bacteria for years.
Further research will still need to be done to figure out how to employ these worms, bacteria and enzymes in recycling facilities.
12.What does Chris Rinke compare superworms to
A.Small plants. B.Beetle larvae. C.Stomach bacteria. D.High-value chemicals.
13.What does the underlined word “marginal” mean in Paragraph 3
A.Few. B.Tiny. C.Obvious. D.Normal.
14.What is the sixth paragraph intended to show
A.The damage of plastic to life.
B.Possible causes of plastic pollution.
C.Researchers’ efforts over the years to recycle plastic.
D.The necessity of finding out a way to degrade plastic.
15.What is the purpose of the text
A.To report a new way to recycle plastic. B.To call on people to reduce plastic waste.
C.To explain how larvae can degrade plastic. D.To introduce the findings of a new research.
【答案】12.A 13.B 14.D 15.D
12.细节理解题。根据第二段““Superworms are like mini recycling plants, cutting up the polysyrene (聚苯乙烯) with their mouths and then feeding it to the bacteria in their stomach,” said Chris Rinke from the University of Queensland in Australia.(澳大利亚昆士兰大学的克里斯·林克说:“超级蠕虫就像小型回收工厂,用嘴把聚苯乙烯切碎,然后把它喂给胃里的细菌。”)”可知,克里斯·林克把超级蠕虫比作小型回收工厂。故选A项。
13.词句猜测题。根据后文“This suggests the worms can get energy from the polystyrene, most likely with the help of their stomach bacteria.(这表明蠕虫可以从聚苯乙烯中获取能量,很可能是在它们胃部细菌的帮助下)”以及第四段“On the other hand, the plastic-fed worms gained much less weight and were overall much less healthy than the bran-fed ones, though better off than the starvation group.(另一方面,塑料喂养的蠕虫体重增加得更少,总体上也比麸皮喂养的蠕虫健康得多,尽管比饥饿组要好)”可知,塑料喂养的蠕虫体重增加得更少,所以前文应是吃聚苯乙烯的超级蠕虫也是体重增加,但是不大,所以才说更少,推知marginal意为“极小的”之意,和B项意思相近。故选B项。
14.推理判断题。根据第六段“Polystyrene is one of the most common plastics used today. But it’s not very chemically reactive, and breaking it down with industrial recycling methods takes high heat. So, researchers have been looking for plastic-degrading enzymes and bacteria for years.(聚苯乙烯是当今最常用的塑料之一。但它的化学反应性不强,用工业回收方法分解它需要很高的热量。因此,研究人员多年来一直在寻找塑料降解酶和细菌)”可知,本文主要讲述了聚苯乙烯的工业回收方法成本很高,所以研究人员多年来一直在寻找塑料降解酶和细菌,所以本段主要讲述找到一种方法来降解塑料的必要性。故选D项。
15.推理判断题。根据第一段“Researchers in Australia have identified enzymes (酶) in the body of certain beetle larvae (甲虫幼虫) that can degrade or break down plastic. In a study published in Microbial Genomics, they write that these “superworms” could help reduce plastic waste in the future.(澳大利亚的研究人员已经在某些甲虫幼虫体内发现了可以降解或分解塑料的酶。在发表在《微生物基因组学》上的一项研究中,他们写道,这些“超级蠕虫”未来可以帮助减少塑料垃圾)”以及纵观前文可知,本文主要澳大利亚研究人员发现的一种能够降解塑料的甲虫幼虫体内的酶,所以本文的目的是介绍一项新研究的发现。故选D项。
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Many people treat “life” as something that happens to them. They think they are the victims. 16 However, there are those who are clear on their goals. When something goes wrong, they are the first to admit where they went wrong. So how can you live a life by design instead of by default (默认)
Set goals and actually achieve them
17 “New Year’s Resolutions” are the worst (or best) example of this. It’s easy to set goals, but very few people follow through with them to the end. People who live by design practice the habit of setting goals and actually achieving them. This constant practice is what allows them to set bigger and bigger goals and see them through to completion.
Surround yourself with people you want to be like
Choose your friends carefully. As they say, “ 18 ” Make sure that the individuals who occupy your life and time share your values. Ideally, these people should even be a little bit ahead of you, forcing you to stretch and continue to grow in the direction you’d like to go.
Don’t be afraid to go your own way
When you go your own way, everyone will tell you that you’re wrong at first. But when they find actually they are wrong, they will all come back around. 19 And they will ask you how you did it.
Practice discipline
In order to get to where you know you can go, you have to say “no” a hundred times more than you say the word “yes”. 20 And the only way to do so is to have a strong sense of self-awareness and discipline.
A.Everybody sets goals.
B.They create the life they want to live.
C.Some people just don’t know when to quit.
D.They will see the life you’ve built for yourself.
E.You must be faithful to yourself and your goal.
F.When things go wrong, they think it’s someone else’s fault.
G.You are a reflection of those who you spend the most time with.
【答案】16.F 17.A 18.G 19.D 20.E
16.根据上文“They think they are the victims.”(他们认为自己是受害者。)可知,此处进一步的解释说明自认为受害者的人的情况;F. When things go wrong, they think it’s someone else’s fault. (当事情出错时,他们认为是别人的错。)符合语境。故选F。
17.根据小标题“Set goals and actually achieve them”(设定目标并实现它们)和下文““New Year’s Resolutions” are the worst (or best) example of this. ”(“新年决心”是最坏(或最好) 的例子。)可知,此处应讲述的是目标的设定,A. Everybody sets goals. (人人设定目标) 符合语境。故选A。
18.根据下文“Make sure that the individuals who occupy your life and time share your values.”(确保那些占据你的生活和时间的人分享你的价值观。)可知,本段讲述认真挑选身边的朋友,空处表达择友的原因,G. You are a reflection of those who you spend the most time with.(近朱者赤近墨者黑) 符合语境。故选G。
19.根据下文“And they will ask you how you did it.”(他们会问你是怎么做到的。)可知,此处表达的是当他们认识到你是对的时候,他们会转而支持你的。D. They will see the life you’ve built for yourself. (他们会看到你为自己打造的生活。)符合语境。故选D。
20.根据上文“In order to get to where you know you can go, you have to say “no” a hundred times more than you say the word “yes”. ”(为了到达你知道你能到达的地方,你说“不”的次数要比说“是”的次数多一百倍。)可知,此处说的是你要坚持你的目标,E. You must be faithful to yourself and your goal. (你必须忠于你自己和你的目标。) 符合语境。故选E。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
If you think you haven’t got what it takes to achieve your goals, you must remember that hard work beats talent every time!
21 is the natural ability or capacity to perform a function. When you 22 talent in an area, you are gifted with the “knack (诀窍)” or “instinct” needed to perform a skill or 23 a specific quality. But this only means you have the “ 24 qualities.” So, you have the equipment or tools needed to perform the skills.
According to a study by Angela Duckworth, a leading researcher, hard work and 25 are more important 26 of success than talent.
Duckworth found that 27 who showed more grit (defined as perseverance and passion for long-term goals) were more likely to achieve their 28 than those who were simply talented but lacked the 29 drive to succeed.
However, 30 you learn how to efficiently use, manage, and control these resources, you cannot perform or use your talents at the highest levels. This is where “hard work” 31 . “Hard work” applied to your natural talents and instincts will take you to levels others may never 32 . But talent alone will not do it…you must 33 your “talents” through “hard work” -practice, training, and exerting effort.
If you do not 34 to gain experience, education, and training as it relates to your talent, your 35 ability will not shine. Soon, others will surpass your accomplishments. Hard work beats talent.
21.A.Extinction B.Talent C.Insight D.Perseverance
22.A.possess B.overcome C.lack D.enhance
23.A.learn B.master C.display D.practise
24.A.rare B.unique C.extraordinary D.raw
25.A.perseverance B.skills C.performance D.efficiency
26.A.evidences B.instruments C.predictors D.categories
27.A.intellectuals B.individuals C.creatures D.managers
28.A.objectives B.happiness C.richness D.functions
29.A.critical B.necessary C.optimistic D.awkward
30.A.when B.because C.until D.although
31.A.breaks up B.steps in C.pays off D.leaves out
32.A.require B.dream C.seize D.attain
33.A.drop B.abandon C.generate D.perfect
34.A.take steps B.back down C.play tricks D.give in
35.A.painstaking B.knowledgeable C.natural D.overall
21.B 22.A 23.C 24.D 25.A 26.C 27.B 28.A 29.B 30.C 31.B 32.D 33.D 34.A 35.C
21.考查名词词义辨析。句意:天赋是执行某种机能的自然能力。A. Extinction 灭绝;B. Talent 天赋;C. Insight 洞察力;D. Perseverance 坚持;根据下文的“natural ability or capacity to perform a function”可知,与生俱来的自然能力是天赋。故选B项。
22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当你在一个领域拥有天赋时,你被赋予了执行技能或展示特定品质所需的“诀窍”或“本能”。A. possess 拥有;B. overcome 克服;C. lack 缺乏;D. enhance 提高;根据后文的“you are gifted with the “knack” or “instinct” needed to perform a skill”可知,你被赋予了诀窍或本能时意味着你拥有了某项天赋。故选A项。
23.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当你在一个领域拥有天赋时,你被赋予了执行技能或展示特定品质所需的“诀窍”或“本能”。A. learn 学习;B. master 掌握;C. display 展示;D. practise 练习;根据上文的“you are gifted with the “knack” or “instinct” needed to perform a skill”可知,“诀窍”意味着你能够执行某项技能,“本能”意味着你能够展示出某个特定的品质。故选C项。
24.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但这只意味着你有“天然的品质”。A. rare 稀有的;B. unique 独特的;C. extraordinary 非凡的;D. raw 天然的。根据下文的“So, you have the equipment or tools needed to perform the skills.”可知,你有执行技能所需的设备或工具,即这些品质是天然具备的。故选D项。
25.考查名词词义辨析。句意:根据著名研究人员安吉拉·达克沃斯的一项研究,努力和毅力是比天赋更重要的成功因素。A. perseverance毅力;B. skills 技能;C. performance 表现;D. efficiency 效率;根据空前的“hard work”和下文的“defined as perseverance”可知,努力和毅力对于成功而言是很重要的。故选A项。
26.考查名词词义辨析。句意:根据著名研究人员安吉拉·达克沃斯的一项研究,努力和毅力是比天赋更重要的成功预测器。A. evidences 证据;B. instruments 工具;C. predictors预测器;D. categories 类别;根据上文的“you must remember that hard work beats talent every time!”可知,努力是比天赋更重要的成功因素,努力和毅力预示了成功。故选C项。
27.考查名词词义辨析。句意:达克沃斯发现,那些表现出更多勇气(定义为对长期目标的毅力和激情)的人比那些仅仅是有天赋但缺乏成功必要动力的人更有可能实现目标。A. intellectuals 知识分子;B. individuals 个人;C. creatures 生物;D. managers 管理者;根据下文的“who showed more grit”和“who were simply talented”可知,这是拿两种人作比较,即“表现出更多勇气的人”和“仅是有天赋的人”。故选B项。
28.考查名词词义辨析。句意:达克沃斯发现,那些表现出更多毅力(定义为对长期目标的毅力和激情)的人比那些仅仅是有天赋但缺乏成功必要动力的人更有可能实现目标。A. objectives 目标;B. happiness 幸福;C. richness 富裕;D. functions 功能;根据上文的“achieve your goals”可知,此处讲的是影响目标实现的因素。故选A项。
29.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:达克沃斯发现,那些表现出更多毅力(定义为对长期目标的毅力和激情)的人比那些仅仅是有天赋但缺乏成功必要动力的人更有可能实现目标。A. critical 关键的;B. necessary 必要的;C. optimistic 乐观的;D. awkward 尴尬的;根据上文的“who were simply talented”可知,只是拥有天赋缺乏必要的动力是很难成功的。故选B项。
30.考查连词词义辨析。句意:然而,在你学会如何有效地使用、管理和控制这些资源之前,你无法在最高水平上执行或使用你的才能。A. when 当.....时候;B. because 因为;C. until 直到,在……之前;D. although 尽管;根据下文的“you cannot perform or use your talents at the highest levels”可知,在最高水平上执行或使用你的才能是你在学会如何有效地使用、管理和控制这些资源之前无法做到的。故选C项。
31.考查动词短语辨析。句意:这就是“努力”的用武之地。A. breaks up 分手;B. steps in 插手,发挥作用;C. pays off 得到回报;D. leaves out 遗漏;根据上文的“ However,...you learn how to efficiently use, manage, and control these resources, you cannot perform or use your talents at the highest levels.”和下文的““Hard work” applied to your natural talents and instincts will take you to levels”可知,努力加天赋能够将你带到高水准,这就是努力发挥作用的地方。故选B项。
32.考查动词词义辨析。句意:把“努力”应用到你的天赋和本能上,会把你带到别人可能永远无法达到的水平。A. require 需要;B. dream 梦想;C. seize 抓住;D. attain 达到;根据上文的“This is where “hard work”...”可知,,努力加天赋能够将你带到高水准,这是有些人无法做到的,即指的是光有天赋不努力的人。故选D项。
33.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是光有天赋是不够的,你必须通过“努力”——练习、训练和付出努力来完善你的“才能”。A. drop 放弃;B. abandon 放弃;C. generate 产生;D. perfect 完善;根据上文的“But talent alone will not do it”可知,只是拥有天赋是不能成功的,你需要让自己的才能通过不断的努力和训练得到完善。故选D项。
34.考查动词短语辨析。句意:如果你不采取措施获得与你的才能相关的经验、教育和培训,你的天赋就不会发挥作用。A. take steps 采取措施;B. back down 退缩;C. play tricks 耍花招;D. give in 让步;根据上文的“you must...your “talents” through “hard work” -practice, training, and exerting effort.”可知,你需要让自己的才能通过不断的努力和训练得到完善,即你要采取措施去获得经验、教育和培训。故选A项。
35.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果你不采取措施获得与你的才能相关的经验、教育和培训,你的天赋就不会发挥作用。A. painstaking 艰苦的;B. knowledgeable 知识渊博的;C. natural 自然的;D. overall 总体的;根据下文的“Hard work beats talent.”可知,努力会战胜天赋,再结合前文的“...is the natural ability or capacity to perform a function. ”可知,“talent”是一种与生俱来的自然能力。故选C项。
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Huishan clay figurines (泥人) are produced in the western suburb of Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, and are one of China’s most famous folk arts, having a history 36 (stretch) back over a thousand years.
The craft originated in the Southern Dynasties and reached it speak in the Qing Dynasty. During the Qing, an artist made five clay figurines for Emperor Qianlong (17l1~1799) and 37 (reward) with high praise from the royal family.
Huishan figurines differ from 38 of other localities in that they are always small and always feature a big head. They divide into two types-mold-pressed and hand-crafted. The cheaper, molded figures often serve as children’s toys 39 the hand-crafted pieces are more refined and original.
The characters depicted (描绘) come 40 (large) from legends and Chinese opera plots. Da A Fu, a plump (微胖的) boy holding a fish, is the most popular figure in Huishan clay art. The legend 41 (go) that long, long ago, a god, disguised as a boy, beat a fierce lion 42 saved the children in Huishan.
43 (express) appreciation, local people started to make clay figures of their boy savior Da A Fu. One-third of the overall figure is taken up by Da A Fu’s large head, 44 a face round as a full moon and big ears reaching down to his shoulders. It is 45 image implying happiness and good fortune.
36.stretching 37.was rewarded 38.those 39.while 40.largely 41.goes 42.and 43.To express 44.with 45.an
37.考查时态和语态。句意:清代,一位艺术家为乾隆皇帝(1711~1799)制作了五尊泥人,受到皇室的高度赞扬。空处和上文made并列作谓语,主语artist和reward之间为被动关系,且陈述过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时的被动语态;主语是单数,故填was rewarded。
41.考查时态。句意:传说很久很久以前,在惠山,一个神,伪装成一个男孩,打了一头凶猛的狮子,救了孩子们。空处为主句谓语,陈述客观事实,应用一般现在时,主语the legend为第三人称单数,谓语动词用单数形式。the legend goes that...“相传……”。故填goes。
43.考查不定式。句意:为了表示感谢,当地人开始制作他们的救星大阿福的泥人。结合句意可知,人们制作泥人大阿福是为了表达感激,因此空处填不定式作目的状语,位于句首,首字母需大写。故填To express。
44.考查with复合结构。句意:大阿福的大头占了整个形象的三分之一,脸圆得像满月,大耳朵垂到肩膀上。分析可知,此处为with复合结构作伴随状语,句中round和reaching down分别为形容词、现在分词作宾补。故填with。
第一节 (满分15分)
1. 活动时间、地点;
2. 活动安排;
3. 期盼参加。
1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear David,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear David,
I hope this email finds you well. I want to personally invite you to be the host of our upcoming English Art Festival at our school next week.
The event will take place on next Friday in school concert hall, which is an exciting opportunity for students to showcase their talents and skills in English. The schedule for the event includes various performances such as singing, dancing, and drama.
We are really looking forward to your participation as the host. Please let me know if you are able to accept this invitation.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
举办:take place → hold/launch
各种各样的:various→ a variety of
原句:I want to personally invite you to be the host of our upcoming English Art Festival at our school next week.
拓展句:I want to personally invite you to be the host of our upcoming English Art Festival at our school next week, which will be our great honor.
【点睛】【高分句型1】The event will take place on next Friday in school concert hall, which is an exciting opportunity for students to showcase their talents and skills in English. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
【高分句型2】Please let me know if you are able to accept this invitation.(运用了if引导条件状语从句)
“Have you decided on your major ” my parents inquired.
“Bioengineering, of course.” I responded without the slightest hesitation.
I entered this world with Poland syndrome, a disease that prevented the formation of my right arm and pectoral muscle(s 胸肌). My parents, believing that playing with Lego could enhance my dexterity(灵巧), gifted me my first kit when I was five. Struggling to piece the components together, I crafted my first Lego work – a car. As I got older, I grew obsessed with Lego Technic, a more advanced range, and how to use it to build more delicate structures. By the age of nine, I had fashioned my first prosthetic arm(义肢)using Lego Technic – a simple box that perfectly accommodated my right arm.
This early creation sparked my drive for further exploration. Years later, I developed another prosthetic arm that I called the MK-1, which had fingers, a motor, a pressure sensor, a movable elbow joint, and a grabber capable of picking things up.
Before constructing it, I had already decided against traditional prosthetics. Not because they were ineffective, but because playing with Lego did significantly improve my dexterity, helping me adapt to my condition. However, a more frustrating reason was that prosthetics were too expensive. My parents and I had looked into getting one a few years earlier, only to be discouraged by the prohibitive price. So, I concluded that I might not need one because I was managing well without. Nevertheless, the joy of creating prosthetics with Lego remained, and I continued making them purely for the fun of it.
As the years passed, my creations evolved from MK-1 to the more advanced and comfortable MK-V. It featured a control unit that could send and receive orders from sensors on the arm to the motors, with cables that contract like muscles.
One day, a couple with their eight-year-old son, who lost both arms in an accident, reached out to me after learning about my creations. Short of money, they couldn’t afford well-functioning prosthetics. “Daniel,” the father earnestly asked, “we were wondering if you could possibly help build a set of prosthetics for our son.”
1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
Paragraph 1:
I knew it would be a challenging and demanding task, but I responded with a “yes”.
Paragraph 2:
I rushed to the boy’s home and secured the prosthetics onto him!
【答案】One possible version:
I knew it would be a challenging and demanding task, but I responded with a “yes”. The boy lifted his head with his once lifeless eyes now glittering with a spark of hope. I beamed at him with a radiant smile and without any delay, embarked on the task. The subsequent days witnessed how I carefully selected the Lego pieces that catered to the boy’s interests and intricately integrated practical components to enhance its flexibility. Days turned into weeks, and the boy-customized prosthetics finally took shape. It’s time for them to fulfill their intended purpose.
I rushed to the boy’s home and secured the prosthetics onto him. Holding breath, we anxiously awaited the result — they worked! The room erupted with cheers! The boy expressed his gratitude and sprinted to his parents to envelop them in the biggest hug he hadn’t been able to give for years. The scene was truly inspiring. Never had I imagined that my creations, born out of mere fun, would someday make such a profound difference. It is on that day that I made up my mind to commit myself to making a lasting impact in the realm of prosthetic innovation.
③能够:be able to/have the capability to
②下定决心:make up one's mind/ set one's heart on something
【点睛】[高分句型1]. The boy lifted his head with his once lifeless eyes now glittering with a spark of hope.(使用了with复合结构作状语)
[高分句型2]. The boy expressed his gratitude and sprinted to his parents to envelop them in the biggest hug that he hadn’t been able to give for years.(使用了以hug为先行词、关系代词that为引导词的定语从句)2024届高考英语仿真模拟卷04(广东山东卷)
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Top universities in the Young University Rankings 2024
Paris Sciences et Lettres—PSL Research University, Paris, France
PSL is a collegiate university formed in 2010 with the aim of becoming one of the world’s leading research universities. It was originally made up of five institutions but has since grown to incorporate 25 self-governing academic and research institutions.
The university aims to boost research output from France and has developed strategic partnerships with Technion Israel Institute of Technology, among others.
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore is one of the highest-ranked Asian universities in the The World University Rankings. The university was established in 1991.
The university has 25,000 students from more than 100 nations. NTU also has strong ties with many institutions across the globe, including Peking University.
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
HKUST consistently ranks as one of the best universities in Hong Kong as well as being in the top 100 in the world. As its name suggests, HKUST focuses on providing students with a high-quality education within the realms of science and technology.
The university was established in 1991 and, in 2022, it introduced a scheme called HKUST 2.0, which covers its plans for development in the future.
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
UNIST is a warm and welcoming post-secondary institution located in the heart of South Korea’s largest industrial city, Ulsan.
Since its opening in 2009, UNIST has grown to become a world-class university, with a rapidly growing reputation for its research and impact on a wide range of fields. UNIST’s research facilities, along with its world-class laboratory and state-of-the-art research equipment became an envy of many scientists around the world.
1.Which university is the youngest one
2.What do the universities NTU and HKUST have in common
A.They are the best Asian universities. B.They were founded in the same year.
C.They limit ties to native institutions. D.They have a new plan for developing.
3.What is special about the university UNIST
A.It originally consisted of some institutions. B.It gains a good fame for special education.
C.Its advanced research equipment attracts a lot. D.It frequently ranks as the best local university.
After over a decade of faithful service my old desktop computer finally died. It simply wouldn’t start. With no computer repair places open my daughter talked me into purchasing a new laptop to replace it. What followed was two days of pure frustration. It was like going from driving an old Model T Ford to flying the Space Shuttle.
After my daughter set it up, I looked for the old e-mail program I used to use, only to find that it wasn’t on this model. When I tried to download the older version again it wouldn’t work. I also had a terrible time downloading my old word processing program again. Then there were some difficulties of transferring all of my old stories that I had saved on a jump drive. The laptop computer’s fancy new programs were an icon minefield that I had to navigate. Each time I accidentally touched one of them it changed everything on my screen and I had to work hard to figure out how to change them back. In the end I had screwed up the settings so badly that I asked my daughter to do a reset so we could start over. Finally after two days I think we have set up the new computer to do the few simple things I need it to do so I can ignore the thousand other functions that I have no use for. I only hope it will work as long and faithfully as my old desktop did.
One thing I did learn from all of this is that when it comes to computers and life I want to keep things simple, simple, simple. Life is simple. Love is simple. It is we who make things complicated. Take some time today then to turn off your electronics and turn on your heart. Be a person, not a program. Be yourself, not your “Selfie”. Fill your days with purpose, your years with happiness, and your life with love.
4.What was the author’s old computer’s problem
A.It was slow to function. B.It crashed completely.
C.It was out of date. D.It kept restarting.
5.What made the author frustrated in the following two days
A.She couldn’t forget her old computer.
B.She regretted not repairing her old computer.
C.She didn’t buy a more advanced computer.
D.She had difficulty using the new computer.
6.How did the author probably consider the new computer’s thousand other functions
A.Useful. B.Unnecessary.
C.Disappointing. D.Challenging.
7.What is the author’s purpose in writing the last paragraph
A.To explain her requirements for computers.
B.To stress the importance of technology.
C.To show the development of electronics.
D.To express her attitude to life.
A few years ago, we celebrated Frankenstein’s 200th birthday. This famous book, written by British novelist Mary Shelley (1797—1851), is rightly known as the first work of science fiction. Frankenstein is the name of a doctor who creates a creature from human body parts. The doctor’s ambitions for his work are noble, but his experiment has disastrous results.
Shelley was writing in an age when science was beginning to have a great impact on the world. People had different attitudes toward science back then. Some found it inspiring- they thought of the progress medicine was making in curing common illnesses. But others found it a little frightening—it was changing the, making it a lot less familiar.
Science plays a bigger part in our lives than it did two centuries ago. Today, science has brought us great things like the internet, but also nuclear weapons, which, if used in large numbers, could kill off our species. Science still therefore creates the mixed feelings it did in Shelley’s day. It’s because Shelley saw both the promise and the danger of science that she’s still an influence today.
In fact, the subtitle of the book, The Modern Prometheus (普罗米修斯), shows how important myth (神话) was to the writer. Prometheus, a figure from classical Greek mythology, written by ancient Greek playwright Sophocles, steals fire from the gods and gives it to people, an act for which he is terribly punished. Shelley’s husband, the famous poet Percy Shelley, wrote about him in Prometheus Unbound. In the poem, he is a revolutionary hero, who triumphs over the gods. In Mary Shelley’s book, however, her modern Prometheus. Dr Frankenstein, is a highly controversial figure, who sacrifices his home and life for his crazy addiction to his creation.
In short, Mary Shelley’s book is not just a scary and moving story, but a philosophical tale that, even after 200 years, still speaks to modern readers.
8.What can we know about Dr Frankenstein and the creature he made
A.He created it with animal parts.
B.He managed to kill it in the end.
C.He created it with good intentions.
D.He was aware of its dangers before its creation.
9.Why do today’s readers still relate to Mary Shelley
A.Her work discusses what it means to be human.
B.Her work warns people of the two sides of science.
C.Her work explains that any life deserves our respect.
D.Her work proves the important role of science in life.
10.Compared with Prometheus in Greek mythology, Dr Frankenstein _______.
A.is a revolutionary hero B.has inspired many poets
C.causes some disagreement D.suffers little for what he does
11.What is the text
A.A book review. B.A news report.
C.A short story. D.A biography.
Researchers in Australia have identified enzymes (酶) in the body of certain beetle larvae (甲虫幼虫) that can degrade or break down plastic. In a study published in Microbial Genomics, they write that these “superworms” could help reduce plastic waste in the future.
“Superworms are like mini recycling plants, cutting up the polysyrene (聚苯乙烯) with their mouths and then feeding it to the bacteria in their stomach,” said Chris Rinke from the University of Queensland in Australia. “The breakdown products from this reaction can then be used by other microbes to create high-value chemicals.”
In the study, scientists divided beetle larvae into three groups, feeding one group wheat bran, one polystyrene and one nothing. Over three weeks, they monitored their growth. “We found that superworms fed a diet of just polystyrene not only survived, but even had marginal weight gains,” said Rinke. “This suggests the worms can get energy from the polystyrene, most likely with the help of their stomach bacteria.”
On the other hand, the plastic-fed worms gained much less weight and were overall much less healthy than the bran-fed ones, though better off than the starvation group. After three weeks, some larvae were also set aside to grow into beetles, according to the study. About 93% of the bran-fed larvae formed adult worms, while about 67% of the plastic-fed larvae and 10% of the starved larvae formed adult worms.
The researchers investigated the superworm’s stomach bacteria to find the specific enzymes linked to plastic degradation, writes Fionna M. D.Samuels for Scientific American. The enzyme that degrades the polystyrene appears to live with the stomach bacteria, not the worm itself.
Polystyrene is one of the most common plastics used today. But it’s not very chemically reactive, and breaking it down with industrial recycling methods takes high heat. So, researchers have been looking for plastic-degrading enzymes and bacteria for years.
Further research will still need to be done to figure out how to employ these worms, bacteria and enzymes in recycling facilities.
12.What does Chris Rinke compare superworms to
A.Small plants. B.Beetle larvae. C.Stomach bacteria. D.High-value chemicals.
13.What does the underlined word “marginal” mean in Paragraph 3
A.Few. B.Tiny. C.Obvious. D.Normal.
14.What is the sixth paragraph intended to show
A.The damage of plastic to life.
B.Possible causes of plastic pollution.
C.Researchers’ efforts over the years to recycle plastic.
D.The necessity of finding out a way to degrade plastic.
15.What is the purpose of the text
A.To report a new way to recycle plastic. B.To call on people to reduce plastic waste.
C.To explain how larvae can degrade plastic. D.To introduce the findings of a new research.
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Many people treat “life” as something that happens to them. They think they are the victims. 16 However, there are those who are clear on their goals. When something goes wrong, they are the first to admit where they went wrong. So how can you live a life by design instead of by default (默认)
Set goals and actually achieve them
17 “New Year’s Resolutions” are the worst (or best) example of this. It’s easy to set goals, but very few people follow through with them to the end. People who live by design practice the habit of setting goals and actually achieving them. This constant practice is what allows them to set bigger and bigger goals and see them through to completion.
Surround yourself with people you want to be like
Choose your friends carefully. As they say, “ 18 ” Make sure that the individuals who occupy your life and time share your values. Ideally, these people should even be a little bit ahead of you, forcing you to stretch and continue to grow in the direction you’d like to go.
Don’t be afraid to go your own way
When you go your own way, everyone will tell you that you’re wrong at first. But when they find actually they are wrong, they will all come back around. 19 And they will ask you how you did it.
Practice discipline
In order to get to where you know you can go, you have to say “no” a hundred times more than you say the word “yes”. 20 And the only way to do so is to have a strong sense of self-awareness and discipline.
A.Everybody sets goals.
B.They create the life they want to live.
C.Some people just don’t know when to quit.
D.They will see the life you’ve built for yourself.
E.You must be faithful to yourself and your goal.
F.When things go wrong, they think it’s someone else’s fault.
G.You are a reflection of those who you spend the most time with.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
If you think you haven’t got what it takes to achieve your goals, you must remember that hard work beats talent every time!
21 is the natural ability or capacity to perform a function. When you 22 talent in an area, you are gifted with the “knack (诀窍)” or “instinct” needed to perform a skill or 23 a specific quality. But this only means you have the “ 24 qualities.” So, you have the equipment or tools needed to perform the skills.
According to a study by Angela Duckworth, a leading researcher, hard work and 25 are more important 26 of success than talent.
Duckworth found that 27 who showed more grit (defined as perseverance and passion for long-term goals) were more likely to achieve their 28 than those who were simply talented but lacked the 29 drive to succeed.
However, 30 you learn how to efficiently use, manage, and control these resources, you cannot perform or use your talents at the highest levels. This is where “hard work” 31 . “Hard work” applied to your natural talents and instincts will take you to levels others may never 32 . But talent alone will not do it…you must 33 your “talents” through “hard work” -practice, training, and exerting effort.
If you do not 34 to gain experience, education, and training as it relates to your talent, your 35 ability will not shine. Soon, others will surpass your accomplishments. Hard work beats talent.
21.A.Extinction B.Talent C.Insight D.Perseverance
22.A.possess B.overcome C.lack D.enhance
23.A.learn B.master C.display D.practise
24.A.rare B.unique C.extraordinary D.raw
25.A.perseverance B.skills C.performance D.efficiency
26.A.evidences B.instruments C.predictors D.categories
27.A.intellectuals B.individuals C.creatures D.managers
28.A.objectives B.happiness C.richness D.functions
29.A.critical B.necessary C.optimistic D.awkward
30.A.when B.because C.until D.although
31.A.breaks up B.steps in C.pays off D.leaves out
32.A.require B.dream C.seize D.attain
33.A.drop B.abandon C.generate D.perfect
34.A.take steps B.back down C.play tricks D.give in
35.A.painstaking B.knowledgeable C.natural D.overall
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Huishan clay figurines (泥人) are produced in the western suburb of Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, and are one of China’s most famous folk arts, having a history 36 (stretch) back over a thousand years.
The craft originated in the Southern Dynasties and reached it speak in the Qing Dynasty. During the Qing, an artist made five clay figurines for Emperor Qianlong (17l1~1799) and 37 (reward) with high praise from the royal family.
Huishan figurines differ from 38 of other localities in that they are always small and always feature a big head. They divide into two types-mold-pressed and hand-crafted. The cheaper, molded figures often serve as children’s toys 39 the hand-crafted pieces are more refined and original.
The characters depicted (描绘) come 40 (large) from legends and Chinese opera plots. Da A Fu, a plump (微胖的) boy holding a fish, is the most popular figure in Huishan clay art. The legend 41 (go) that long, long ago, a god, disguised as a boy, beat a fierce lion 42 saved the children in Huishan.
43 (express) appreciation, local people started to make clay figures of their boy savior Da A Fu. One-third of the overall figure is taken up by Da A Fu’s large head, 44 a face round as a full moon and big ears reaching down to his shoulders. It is 45 image implying happiness and good fortune.
第一节 (满分15分)
1. 活动时间、地点;
2. 活动安排;
3. 期盼参加。
1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear David,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
“Have you decided on your major ” my parents inquired.
“Bioengineering, of course.” I responded without the slightest hesitation.
I entered this world with Poland syndrome, a disease that prevented the formation of my right arm and pectoral muscle(s 胸肌). My parents, believing that playing with Lego could enhance my dexterity(灵巧), gifted me my first kit when I was five. Struggling to piece the components together, I crafted my first Lego work – a car. As I got older, I grew obsessed with Lego Technic, a more advanced range, and how to use it to build more delicate structures. By the age of nine, I had fashioned my first prosthetic arm(义肢)using Lego Technic – a simple box that perfectly accommodated my right arm.
This early creation sparked my drive for further exploration. Years later, I developed another prosthetic arm that I called the MK-1, which had fingers, a motor, a pressure sensor, a movable elbow joint, and a grabber capable of picking things up.
Before constructing it, I had already decided against traditional prosthetics. Not because they were ineffective, but because playing with Lego did significantly improve my dexterity, helping me adapt to my condition. However, a more frustrating reason was that prosthetics were too expensive. My parents and I had looked into getting one a few years earlier, only to be discouraged by the prohibitive price. So, I concluded that I might not need one because I was managing well without. Nevertheless, the joy of creating prosthetics with Lego remained, and I continued making them purely for the fun of it.
As the years passed, my creations evolved from MK-1 to the more advanced and comfortable MK-V. It featured a control unit that could send and receive orders from sensors on the arm to the motors, with cables that contract like muscles.
One day, a couple with their eight-year-old son, who lost both arms in an accident, reached out to me after learning about my creations. Short of money, they couldn’t afford well-functioning prosthetics. “Daniel,” the father earnestly asked, “we were wondering if you could possibly help build a set of prosthetics for our son.”
1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
Paragraph 1:
I knew it would be a challenging and demanding task, but I responded with a “yes”.
Paragraph 2:
I rushed to the boy’s home and secured the prosthetics onto him!


