
  1. 二一教育资源



The yearly marathon(a long-distance running race of 42.195 km)in my town usually takes place in summer. My job is to 1 behind the runners in an ambulance(救护车)to see if any one of them needs 2 help.
“We just need to stay behind the 3 runner, so take it slowly.” I said to the driver, Doug, as the race started.
The front-runners started to 4 and then my eyes were fixed on the woman in blue silk running shorts and a white T-shirt.
We knew that we were already watching our “last runner”. Her 5 were so disabled that it seemed almost 6 for her to be able to walk, let alone(更不用说)run a marathon. Doug and I watched in silence as she slowly moved forward. 7 she was the only runner left in sight. At that time, tears 8 down my face when I watched with respect 9 she pushed forward with great strength through the last miles.
When we got to the finish line, rubbish lay everywhere and the 10 people had gone home. However, a man was still standing straight there. He was 11 one end of a ribbon of crepe paper(绉纸带). She slowly crossed through, leaving both ends of the paper fluttering(飘动) 12 her. I didn’t know this woman’s name. but that day she became part of my 13 . For her, it wasn’t about 14 the other runners or winning a prize, but about 15 what she had started to do. When I think things are too difficult or I get those “I-just-can’t-do-it”, I will think of the “last runner”. Then I realize how easy the task before me really is.
1.A.go B.walk C.follow D.move
2.A.medical B.typical C.sudden D.strong
3.A.first B.last C.only D.best
4.A.run B.shake C.disappear D.appear
5.A.ears B.eyes C.arms D.legs
6.A.unnecessary B.impossible C.strange D.probable
7.A.Hardly B.Unluckily C.Sadly D.Finally
8.A.fell B.watered C.continued D.took
9.A.after B.before C.as D.until
10.A.nervous B.waiting C.worried D.busy
11.A.helping B.catching C.holding D.tying
12.A.behind B.in front of C.beside D.under
13.A.dream B.feelings C.idea D.life
14.A.following B.hoping C.encouraging D.beating
15.A.winning B.to win C.wining D.won
(22-23八年级下·江苏南通·期末)Putting lion statues(雕像) outside buildings is quite common in China. It was especially 16 in ancient times. They can be seen at the gates of temples, government offices and the homes of 17 people. The statues are usually made of 18 . People believe they can scare away evil spirits and bring good 19 .
However, the lion is not a 20 of China. It was not until about 2,000 years ago, when lions were 21 to Chinese emperors as gifts, that the animal 22 be seen in China. Emperors loved lions because they looked 23 . They kept lions as pets and as a symbol of power. The animals were also believed to look 24 Suan Ni(狻猊), one of the nine legendary sons of the dragon.
Lions became even more popular in Chinese culture as Buddhism(佛教) was 25 to the country later. Buddhas(佛祖) ride lions and the lion’s roar(咆哮) was 26 to be the teachings of the Buddhas.
Since ancient times, people have put lion statues outside their houses to 27 their families. They usually put a 28 of stone lions on each side of the gate to their home. A male lion stands on the 29 playing with a ball. It stands for power. A female lion is on the right with a baby lion under her paw. She stands for a large and thriving(兴旺的) 30 .
16.A.common B.special C.strange D.fresh
17.A.smart B.wealthy C.polite D.good
18.A.stone B.wood C.plastic D.gold
19.A.sense B.view C.idea D.luck
20.A.secret B.choice C.symbol D.native(本地物)
21.A.received B.lent C.given D.returned
22.A.should B.could C.need D.might
23.A.helpful B.gentle C.funny D.strong
24.A.like B.for C.after D.at
25.A.provided B.created C.introduced D.invented
26.A.sent B.changed C.chosen D.considered
27.A.please B.protect C.serve D.fight
28.A.pair B.piece C.copy D.number
29.A.top B.middle C.left D.bottom
30.A.mother B.family C.future D.wealth
This is the story of Joe and Fonzie. It’s a story about a 31 that started more than 20 years ago. And the friendship saved a life and started a new kind of help for people with 32 .
“Joe” is Joe Hoagland, who was three years old when the story 33 . And “Fonzie” is a dolphin. Joe was born with a heart problem. At 3, he had an 34 . It didn’t go well and he couldn’t move the left side of his body. The doctors at the hospital didn’t think he could get 35 . Deena, Joe’s mother, took him to different places for treatment, but it wasn’t very 36 . Then the family moved to Florida. Joe liked being in the water and Deena thought 37 could help him. First, they went to swimming pools in 38 , but some hotel guests didn’t like them. One day she went with Joe to a place, where people swam with dolphins. Joe met Fonzie there and the 39 really began.
Soon, Joe wanted to see Fonzie every day. He loved playing with him and 40 him. Joe’s mother told him 41 to feed Fonzie using his left hand so that he could move his left side of his body as often as possible. Slowly, he got better and better. He’s now over 30 years old and very 42 .
Deena saw that Joe’s friendship with Fonzie helped 43 a lot, and she knew it was a good idea for other people, too. So, she and her family worked to 44 a place called Island Dolphin Care to help people like Joe. Sadly, Fonzie died in 2004 when Joe was 17. He wrote, “Fonzie and I 45 a lot of good times. He was a great friend to me.”
31.A.course B.friendship C.dream D.charity
32.A.blindness B.deafness C.fever D.problems
33.A.began B.changed C.developed D.stopped
34.A.choice B.accident C.operation D.lesson
35.A.happier B.better C.fatter D.taller
36.A.successful B.special C.comfortable D.interesting
37.A.dancing B.jogging C.swimming D.camping
38.A.communities B.hotels C.schools D.parks
39.A.action B.story C.training D.game
40.A.supporting B.following C.feeding D.controlling
41.A.always B.never C.seldom D.sometimes
42.A.lonely B.famous C.safe D.well
43.A.it B.her C.him D.those
44.A.record B.open C.need D.reach
45.A.used B.wished C.shared D.made
(22-23八年级下·江苏泰州·期末)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 。
The Story of the Carrot and the Ring
Have you ever lost something that was important to you, and thought you’d never see it again That’s what happened to Mary Grams.
Mary had worn her wedding ring for more than half a century when she lost it. She was working in her 46 on the farm one day, pulling out a plant. And maybe it was at that moment 47 the ring came off her finger. When she found it was missing, she searched everywhere for it for days 48 finally giving up.
Mary realized maybe she wasn’t going to find the ring again. So she decided not to tell anyone about what had happened, 49 her husband. Instead, she thought she could get a much cheaper one from a jewellery (珠宝)
shop. Luckily, she 50 to buy another one that looked just like it. In fact, it was so similar that 51 in her family knew her real ring was missing.
But the story has a 52 ending. Mary got her wedding ring back — 13 years after it was lost! One day Mary’s daughter-in-law Colleen was working in the same garden where Mary had been all those years ago. She was 53 vegetables there when she found the ring. But this time it was a bit 54 — because there was a carrot growing right 55 the middle of it!
As soon as Colleen saw the ring, she knew who the 56 was. The farm had been in the family for over 100 years. And only two women had lived there all that time. So when Colleen found the story of the lost ring, 57 became clear that there was only one person it could possibly have belonged to (属于), and the ring was returned to Mary.
When Mary got the ring, she was full of 58 . She decided to wear it again. So she 59 cut the carrot in half, washed it and put it back on her finger — and it still 60 perfectly!
46.A.garden B.office C.park D.block
47.A.why B.how C.that D.where
48.A.after B.before C.when D.since
49.A.except B.like C.including D.as
50.A.managed B.failed C.agreed D.afforded
51.A.anybody B.somebody C.nobody D.everybody
52.A.sad B.serious C.natural D.happy
53.A.using up B.digging up C.turning up D.giving up
54.A.different B.beautiful C.difficult D.ugly
55.A.through B.over C.across D.on
56.A.user B.survivor C.producer D.owner
57.A.they B.he C.it D.we
58.A.sadness B.energy C.joy D.envy
59.A.hardly B.carefully C.bravely D.especially
60.A.formed B.fitted C.checked D.matched
(22-23八年级下·江苏扬州·期末)阅读下面短文,从文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个
Our house was across the street from a big hospital, so we rented(租)our empty upstairs rooms to outpatients(门诊病人). One evening, there was a 61 at the door. I opened it to see a truly sick-looking man.
His face looked terrible—it was swollen(肿胀的)and red. Yet his voice was 62 . He told me that he came for treatment and that he’d been looking for a spare room since noon, but no one would give him one because of 63 .
For a moment I said nothing, but he said he would be 64 to just sleep on the hallway. I agreed.
The old man had a huge heart inside his tiny body. He told me that he fished for a living to 65 his daughter, her five children, and her disabled husband.
He didn’t complain while telling 66 his story. He was grateful that he didn’t feel any 67 from his disease, which was seemingly a form of skin cancer.
The next morning, he said, “Can I come back and stay the 68 time I need treatment ” I told him he was welcome to come again.
On his next trip, as a 69 , he brought a big fish and some large oysters(牡蛎). In the years that he stayed with us, there was 70 a time that he did not bring us gifts like these.
My neighbor 71 me that I could lose some renters by putting up the old man after he left the first morning.
Maybe we did 72 renters once or twice. But if only they could have known him, perhaps their illnesses would have been 73 to bear(忍受). I know our family always will be 74 to have known him. From him, we learned 75 it was to accept the bad without complaint and the good with gratitude(谢意).
61.A.knock B.sign C.notice D.call
62.A.worrying B.upset C.traditional D.pleasant
63.A.huge heart B.his face C.tiny body D.his daughter
64.A.happy B.brave C.lonely D.friendly
65.A.forget B.surprise C.support D.change
66.A.them B.him C.me D.her
67.A.luck B.experience C.pain D.joy
68.A.second B.next C.last D.first
69.A.gift B.job C.hobby D.business
70.A.sometimes B.never C.always D.often
71.A.encouraged B.reported C.hated D.warned
72.A.expect B.choose C.refuse D.lose
73.A.worse B.better C.harder D.easier
74.A.thankful B.silly C.funny D.polite
75.A.how B.what C.where D.when
(22-23八年级下·江苏泰州·期末)Will you put others’ needs before your own What feeling will you get if you do Here is an 76 of mine.
It was a 77 day and I had a hard time. I was busy and everyone I talked to was 78 a bad mood. What’s more, I went out without breakfast and I left my wallet at home. So I couldn’t get lunch and was terribly 79 .
When I finished my work, I called to ask my 80 to meet me at the door with some money so that I could quickly go to buy dinner. Then I quickly made my way home in hope of eating my 81 meal of the day at 5 p.m.
As I was halfway home, my wife told me 82 the phone that a friend of ours was in trouble and needed a lift(搭便车) home. My mind said, “I will get him 83 I get the meal.” But my mouth said, “ 84 , I’ll give him a ride.” He jumped in the car with a smile on his face and 85 how thankful he was that I would drive him home. He told me he usually walked home from his company but that day the rain 86 him making that journey.
Traffic was a mess. A drive to him usually 87 10 minutes but that day it was 30 minutes.
Now you would guess the person that I was helping is a/an 88 friend of mine. But, in fact, he is a friend of a friend.
I wonder 89 I will see this person again, but I feel glad I was there when he needed me. So you will feel yourself 90 when you care more about others.
76.A.idea B.advice C.article D.experience
77.A.windy B.wet C.sunny D.hot
78.A.in B.at C.on D.from
79.A.ill B.hurt C.hungry D.weak
80.A.wife B.son C.friend D.neighbour
81.A.last B.second C.first D.next
82.A.by B.on C.with D.about
83.A.until B.since C.before D.after
84.A.Right B.No C.All right D.No way
85.A.repeated B.told C.explained D.asked
86.A.helped B.kept C.stopped D.dropped
87.A.cost B.paid C.took D.spent
88.A.interesting B.honest C.close D.new
89.A.that B.if C.how D.why
90.A.meaningful B.hopeful C.careful D.helpful
(22-23八年级下·江苏扬州·期末)A boy was one day sitting on the steps of a door. He had a broom in one hand, and in the other a large piece of 91 and butter which somebody had kindly given him. While he was eating it and 92 singing a tune (曲调), he saw a poor little dog quietly sleeping not far from him. He called out to him, “Come here, poor fellow!”
The dog, hearing kind words spoken to him, lifted up his ears and moved his tail happily. Seeing the boy 93 , he came near him. The boy held out a piece of his bread and butter. As the dog stretched out his 94 to take it, the boy hurriedly drew back his hand and 95 him hard on the nose. The poor dog 96 , barking and crying most dreadfully(害怕的), 97 the cruel boy sat laughing at the 98 he had done.
A man, who was looking from a window on the other side of the street, saw what the bad boy had done. Opening the street door, he called him to 99 over, at the same time holding up a 100 between his finger and thumb.
“Would you like this ” said the man. “Yes, please,” said the boy, smiling. He ran over to take the money.
Just at the moment when he stretched out his hand he got a hard knock across his 101 from a cane(藤条) which the man had 102 him. He cried out as loudly as a bull!
“What did you do that for ” said the boy. He had an 103 face and rubbed his hand. “I didn’t hurt you, nor did I ask you for money.”
“What did you hurt that poor dog for earlier ” said the man. “He didn’t hurt you, nor ask you for your bread and butter. Remember dogs can 104 as well as boys. Learn to 105 kindly towards animals in the future.”
91.A.bread B.cake C.meal D.cheese
92.A.gently B.loudly C.cheerfully D.lazily
93.A.singing B.eating C.lying D.dancing
94.A.paw B.tail C.head D.ear
95.A.kicked B.pushed C.held D.hit
96.A.got away B.got up C.got in D.got off
97.A.when B.since C.as D.while
98.A.treat B.game C.trick D.punishment
99.A.follow B.cross C.pass D.enter
100.A.coin B.sweet C.stone D.toy
101.A.face B.fingers C.arm D.knee
102.A.beside B.opposite C.near D.behind
103.A.uncomfortable B.unconfident C.unhappy D.unsatisfied
104.A.feel B.think C.care D.live
105.A.lead B.organize C.behave D.cover
Since it was published in 1908, Anne of Green Gables(《绿山墙的安妮》)has been a favorite book of teenagers all over the world. What it teaches us is simple: How to 106 to be a happy and useful person.
Anne is an 11-year-old girl and she has no parents. She 107 in the town of Avonlea, Canada. She helps Mathew and Marilla Cuthbert, a brother and sister, on their farm.
At first, Mathew and Marilla hope to adopt(收养)a boy, not a thin 108 . Will she be useful on the farm It seems(似乎) 109 . Anne is good at thinking of new and strange ideas. She likes talking 110 and she can’t do one thing for a long time. That’s not what is 111 on a farm.
However, Anne tries to explain that she can really be 112 . She works very hard. But she doesn’t lose her good sense of fun — and this is why 113 love the story. She doesn’t become “a good girl”, if “good girl” 114 knowing only how to work and live unhappily. We see Anne’s love for 115 everywhere. She knows how to enjoy 116 , such as eating ice cream or trying on a new dress.
Many stories for children are written to tell them 117 to do everything well. Usually, it means doing what children should do and not having any 118 . But that’s not the kind of story Canadian writer Lucy Maud Montgomery 119 to tell. The book gives readers a helping hand, 120 it doesn’t try to make them become “good” girls and boys.
106.A.use up B.look up C.give up D.grow up
107.A.arrives B.reaches C.get D.goes
108.A.baby B.student C.girl D.guest
109.A.impolite B.important C.impossible D.impatient
110.A.too many B.too much C.so many D.so far
111.A.needed B.returned C.improved D.developed
112.A.cheerful B.careful C.harmful D.useful
113.A.readers B.coaches C.farmers D.workers
114.A.catches B.means C.offers D.advises
115.A.teachers B.friends C.life D.job
116.A.themselves B.itself C.himself D.herself
117.A.when B.how C.what D.where
118.A.gain B.speed C.fun D.power
119.A.invited B.continued C.wanted D.sent
120.A.but B.or C.so D.otherwise
(21-22八年级下·江苏宿迁·期末)In the past, people used to travel to foreign countries because they thought they would be 121 in many ways—the buildings, the food, the national dresses and so on. At present, 122 , one large city is similar to 123 . They all have their hotels everywhere. They all have their Mc-Donald’s, and their Pizza Huts. Office buildings look 124 everywhere.
Then what do the foreigners travel 125 What do tourists hope to experience in a foreign country that they cannot 126 at home The 127 could be that people are very interested in the past. It is a nation’s history and 128 that are the main attractions. Most people travel overseas to find out what foreign countries’ history and culture 129 be like. Tourists try to learn the history and culture of foreign countries by visiting different kinds of museums.
Every country also has its own beautiful places for tourists 130 . Their own 131 scenery (风景) would attract tourists from other countries. A country is not just its old buildings, its works of art or beautiful places, it’s also the 132 who live in it. 133 , Thailand attracts millions of people. The tourists come mainly because of the people there. It is why the Pacific islands are also so 134 . The friendly, smiling people make visitors 135 welcome.
121.A.beautiful B.same C.similar D.different
122.A.however B.but C.anyway D.while
123.A.other B.another C.the other D.others
124.A.exciting B.the same C.friendly D.different
125.A.for B.in C.with D.from
126.A.have B.experience C.see D.hear
127.A.question B.key C.problem D.answer
128.A.dress B.art C.food D.culture
129.A.used B.used to C.be used to D.get used to
130.A.visit B.visiting C.to visit D.visited
131.A.new B.special C.strange D.old
132.A.history B.nature C.people D.culture
133.A.moreover B.such as C.however D.for example
134.A.important B.interesting C.popular D.large
135.A.feeling B.to feel C.felt D.feel
(21-22八年级下·江苏宿迁·期末)There is an old English saying, “Laughter (笑) is the best medicine.” Norman Cousins certainly would 136 with this.
Norman Cousins was the editor of a magazine called Saturday Review for almost forty years. He also wrote and spoke about world peace, 137 to many different countries to share his ideas.
In the 1960s, after returning to the United States from a busy and tiring trip to Europe, Mr. Cousins got 138 . He had a strange disease. It made him hard to 139 . In less than a week after he got back, he could not stand it. Every move was painful. He was not able to sleep at night. The doctor told Mr. Cousins that they did not know 140 to cure his problem and he might 141 be better. Mr. Cousins, however, didn’t want to
142 hope.
Mr. Cousins thought that the illness could be caused by 143 feeling. He did not want to take medicine to cure 144 . Instead, he felt that happy feelings or 145 might cure his illness.
He began to experiment on himself while still in the hospital 146 watching comedy (喜剧) shows on television. Mr. Cousins quickly found that ten minutes of real laughter during the day gave him two hours of pain-free sleep at night.
Because the doctors could not help him, Mr. Cousins left the hospital and stayed in a hotel room to do his experiments with laughter. For eight days, Mr. Cousins rested in the hotel room watching funny shows on television, reading 147 books, and sleeping when he felt tired. After three weeks, he felt 148 to take a vacation and begin running on the beach for exercise.
After a few months, Mr. Cousins was able to 149 to his work. He had laughed himself back to 150 . What a surprise!
136.A.agree B.play C.disgrace D.go
137.A.travelling B.sending C.talking D.listening
138.A.lost B.surprised C.sick D.ready
139.A.train B.sit C.speak D.move
140.A.how B.who C.when D.where
141.A.always B.often C.sometimes D.never
142.A.set up B.give up C.tidy up D.wake up
143.A.dangerous B.interesting C.strange D.unhappy
144.A.himself B.herself C.itself D.themselves
145.A.music B.doctors C.medicine D.laughter
146.A.by B.in C.on D.at
147.A.useful B.sad C.humorous D.boring
148.A.enough good B.good enough C.enough well D.well enough
149.A.go back B.go over C.go into D.go away
150.A.love B.health C.illness D.happiness
(21-22八年级下·江苏连云港·期末)A bus arrived and an old woman got on it slowly. She wore no shoes.
A little boy 151 the old woman and said to his mother, “Look, Mum. She isn’t wearing shoes.” “Don’t point at others, Tom. It’s 152 .” the mother said and then looked out of the window.
“She must have grown (成年的) children,” said a woman 153 a fur coat. “Her children should take care of her.”
“People should learn to save 154 ,” said a well-dressed man. “If she had saved money when she was young, she wouldn’t be so 155 now.”
Then all the passengers (乘客) on the bus 156 silent.
At the next stop, a young man 157 the bus. He was listening to music. 158 he saw the old woman, he froze. He carried his eyes from her feet to his own. He was wearing his expensive new trainers. He had saved money for months to buy 159 . Unexpectedly, the young man took off his 160 and socks. He knelt down (跪下) before the old woman. “Granny,” he said, “I see you have no shoes. Well, I have.” 161 and gently, he put his socks and trainers on the old woman’s 162 .
Just then the bus 163 the next stop. The young man got off the bus and walked away, wearing no 164 in the snow.
“Who is he ” one asked. “He 165 be an angel (天使),” said another. But the little boy who had pointed at the old woman said, “No, I saw him clearly. He was only a man.”
151.A.looked at B.shouted at C.knocked at D.pointed at
152.A.important B.impatient C.impolite D.impossible
153.A.in B.with C.on D.of
154.A.money B.water C.energy D.power
155.A.poor B.rich C.strong D.polite
156.A.felt B.kept C.seemed D.sounded
157.A.got up B.got out C.got on D.got off
158.A.Since B.Until C.Before D.When
159.A.it B.them C.him D.her
160.A.trainers B.coat C.trousers D.shirt
161.A.Carefully B.Especially C.Exactly D.Suddenly
162.A.feet B.arm C.face D.leg
163.A.arrived B.got C.came D.reached
164.A.coats B.glasses C.gloves D.shoes
165.A.could B.need C.must D.shall
(21-22八年级下·江苏宿迁·期末)In hot summer, many people like wearing flip-flops (人字拖), especially people in Kenya and other warm countries on the east coast of Africa. Each year, lots of plastic flip-flops 166 into the Indian Ocean (印度洋) as rubbish. These 167 cause a lot of plastic pollution. The environment there is getting 168 than before.
Plastic pollution is 169 to animals. A survey shows that one fifth of seabirds 170 eating plastic each year. Luckily, a company in Kenya has found a way 171 plastic pollution. Several years ago, a scientist called Julie Church noticed some children 172 toy boats out of the old flip-flops. That gave her 173 . In 2017, she 174 a company called Ocean Sole. It recycles old flip-flops and then turns 175 into colourful works of art. Now those works of art 176 well all over the world.
“I’m so happy that the plastic shoes 177 wisely. If everyone makes a change, rich resources in Indian Ocean 178 . What we are doing is good for the 179 , and it also provides new jobs 180 local people,” says Julie Church.
166.A.throw B.threw C.are thrown D.were thrown
167.A.trousers B.shirts C.shoes D.caps
168.A.better B.worse C.easier D.favourite
169.A.harmful B.wonderful C.careful D.meaningful
170.A.die of B.die from C.die to D.die with
171.A.to reduce B.reduce C.increase D.to increase
172.A.are making B.were making C.are made D.were made
173.A.a prize B.some money C.an idea D.a boat
174.A.sets off B.sets out C.set off D.set up
175.A.that B.it C.us D.them
176.A.is sold B.are sold C.sells D.sell
177.A.can use B.is using C.can be used D.can be using
178.A.will save B.is saved C.will be saving D.will be saved
179.A.environment B.achievement C.treatment D.equipment
180.A.with B.for C.on D.to
(21-22八年级下·江苏扬州·期末)Not long ago, my daughter’s favourite leather shoes were cut by a knife. She cried. I took the shoes to a shoemaker to get them repaired.
The young apprentice (学徒) took a look at the cuts quickly and said, “There is 181 I can do but change the uppers (鞋帮).”
His master looked at 182 and said to me, “If you trust me, I will add more cuts to both of the shoes on purpose for special style.”
I didn’t fully understand him, 183 I decided to leave the shoes.
Two days later, I went there to get the shoes. At the first sight I found there were indeed five or six 184 on each shoe, but all of them were covered by soft red leather sewed (缝) with thick thread (线). The shoes looked more special and interesting than ever. I 185 stop praising (称赞) the master for his skill.
Another time, my wife’s 186 had an opening on the back. My wife checked it carefully, and then said, “I’ll 187 it myself.”
Three days went past, and I was very 188 to see it again: the 189 was sewed up by thin and white thread and it looked like the ice crystal (晶体). She 190 made a lovely snowman and a wooden house on the blouse. I said with praise, “It’s just as beautiful as a piece of 191 .”
“I learned from the master. Patches (补丁) can be 192 to look perfect.” replied my wife.
Her words taught me even more: perfection is 193 to achieve in everything; patches are unavoidable (不可避免的), so is human’s life, which will appear in the form of wound, disability or disease. 194 you can’t change that, all you can do and have to do is to cover the wound by patches and try your best to make a most beautiful flower on the wound, and that is 195 life teaches us. Once you understand it, you can enjoy your life better.
181.A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything
182.A.him B.it C.them D.me
183.A.because B.but C.so D.or
184.A.marks B.colours C.flowers D.cuts
185.A.wouldn’t B.couldn’t C.mustn’t D.needn’t
186.A.skirt B.dress C.blouse D.shirt
187.A.clean B.repair C.sell D.paint
188.A.lucky B.sad C.worried D.surprised
189.A.cut B.injury C.wound D.opening
190.A.even B.once C.really D.just
191.A.art B.ice C.wood D.leather
192.A.drawn B.attracted C.designed D.bought
193.A.unhelpful B.necessary C.important D.impossible
194.A.As B.Since C.Unless D.While
195.A.how B.why C.what D.where
Once a farmer got in fight with his neighbour. During the fight, the farmer got so angry that he said many bad and 196 things to his neighbour.
After some time, the farmer 197 his mistake and wanted to take his words back but didn’t know 198 to do.
Just then, he got to know that a saint (圣人) was 199 his village. So, he decided to go to the saint and ask for 200 .
He went to the saint and told him 201 and asked him to tell him a way to take his words 202 .
The saint said to the farmer, “First, go and collect a lot of feathers in a(n) 203 basket and then keep them in the middle of the village and go home.”
The farmer did the same and the next day went to see the saint again.
The saint said, “Now go and bring those feathers to me.” The farmer went to get those feathers, but when he got there, all the feathers had 204 away because of wind.
The farmer returned to the saint with his hands 205 and told him, “I couldn’t bring back those feathers because there were none left in the 206 as they were all blown away by winds.”
The saint told him, “The same thing 207 to the words spoken by you. You can 208 say them but can not take them back even if you want to. Before saying something bitter and bad to someone in 209 you should always remember that your words can not be taken back. Therefore, it is better to keep 210 in the situation.”
Words can hurt others too. So always think before you speak.
196.A.serious B.special C.important D.rude
197.A.remembered B.realized C.complained D.continued
198.A.what B.when C.where D.how
199.A.searching B.checking C.visiting D.changing
200.A.answer B.excuse C.exercise D.example
201.A.something B.everything C.nothing D.anything
202.A.down B.away C.off D.back
203.A.closed B.locked C.open D.old
204.A.ran B.flown C.got D.washed
205.A.full B.dirty C.tied D.empty
206.A.basket B.village C.room D.pocket
207.A.agrees B.adds C.happens D.donates
208.A.carefully B.easily C.slowly D.properly
209.A.trouble B.danger C.fear D.anger
210.A.relaxed B.polite C.silent D.happy
(21-22八年级下·江苏淮安·期末)I love Switzerland. It is a country 211 high mountains and clean 212 lakes. It is beautiful, and we should try to keep it that way.
213 Switzerland, things 214 glass, plastic and paper are separated into different groups and then recycled. Even old clothes and shoes can be recycled. I learnt about an organization for recycling clothes. It collects old 215 from all over the country. Some of the clothes are sold in charity shops, some are 216 to the poor, and 217 are sent to factories for recycling. My family and I often send our old jeans and T-shirt to this organization.
Our government has many laws to protect the environment. For example, we are not allowed to cut 218
trees. 219 , we will be punished. If we drop litter in a public place, we will be fined 220 the police. There are also laws to limit air and water pollution.
Nature is our greatest treasure. We 221 its rich resources to live, so it is important for us 222 it wisely. Luckily, we are starting to use energy from the sun, wind and water. These new types of energy cost very little and will never 223 . Moreover, they produce 224 pollution.
Today is 5 June, World Environment Day. What have you done for the environment Remember that everyone can do something to make a 225 .
211.A.without B.with C.have D.has
212.A.blue B.red C.yellow D.green
213.A.On B.At C.To D.In
214.A.likes B.liking C.like D.is like
215.A.clothes B.trousers C.T-shirt D.jeans
216.A.give B.given C.gives D.giving
217.A.another B.other C.the others D.others
218.A.down B.off C.out D.from
219.A.Therefore B.However C.Otherwise D.Moreover
220.A.for B.from C.up D.by
221.A.carry on B.depend on C.keep on D.turn on
222.A.to practise B.to pollute C.to protect D.to produce
223.A.run out B.run after C.run away D.run out of
224.A.a few B.few C.a little D.little
225.A.different B.difference C.differences D.differently
1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.B 11.C 12.A 13.D 14.D 15.A
go去;walk走;follow跟;move移动。由“We just need to stay behind the…runner”可知,我们是跟在选手后面。故选C。
medical医疗的;typical典型的;sudden突然的;strong强壮的。由“in an ambulance (救护车) ”可知,应该是提供医疗帮助。故选A。
first首先;last最后;only仅仅;best最好。由“We knew that we were already watching our ‘last runner’.”可知,作者和司机是跟在最后一名选手后面。故选B。
run跑;shake摇晃;disappear消失;appear出现。由“my eyes were fixed on the woman”可知,前面的选手消失了,才注意到后面的人。故选C。
nervous紧张;waiting等待;worried担心的;busy忙碌的。由“people had gone home.”可知,应该是等待的人回家了。故选B。
behind后面;in front of前面;beside旁边;under下面。由语境及常识可知,纸带在后面飘。故选A。
winning动名词;to win动词不定式;wining错误结构;won动词过去式。about是介词,后接动名词,故选A。
16.A 17.B 18.A 19.D 20.D 21.C 22.B 23.D 24.A 25.C 26.D 27.B 28.A 29.C 30.B
common常见的;special特殊的;strange奇怪的;fresh新鲜的。根据“Putting lion statues outside of buildings is quite common in China.”可知,此处表示“这在古代尤为常见”。故选A。
smart聪明的;wealthy富有的;polite礼貌的;good好的。根据“the gates of temples, government offices and the homes of…people”可知,此处表示“富人家”。故选B。
stone石头;wood木头;plastic塑料;gold金子。根据“stone lions on each side of the gate to their home”可知,是由石头做的。故选A。
sense感觉;view观点;idea主意;luck幸运。根据“bring good…”可知,会带来好运。故选D。
secret秘密;choice选择;symbol象征;native本地人/物。根据“It was not until about 2,000 years ago, when
lions were…to Chinese emperors as gifts, that the animal…be seen in China.”可知,狮子并不是中国本土物。故选D。
received收到;lent借;given给;returned回去。根据“It was not until about 2,000 years ago, when lions were…to Chinese emperors as gifts,”可知,此处表示“送给中国皇帝”。故选C。
should应该;could能;need需要;might可能。根据“the animal…be seen in China”可知,狮子不是本土物,是作为礼物送给中国皇帝的,故此处表示“这种动物才能在中国被看到”,could符合题意。故选B。
helpful有帮助的;gentle轻柔的;funny滑稽的;strong强壮的。根据“They kept lions as pets and as a symbol of power.”可知,狮子看起来很强壮。故选D。
look like看起来像;look for寻找;look after照顾;look at看。根据“The animals were also believed to…Suan Ni”可知,狮子被认为长得像狻猊。故选A。
provided提供;created创造;introduced介绍,引见;invented发明。be introduced to“被引进”,此处表示“传入”。故选C。
sent发送;changed改变;chosen选择;considered认为。根据“the lion’s roar (咆哮) was…to be the teachings of the Buddhas.”可知,狮子的吼声被认为是佛的教诲。be considered to be“被认为是”。故选D。
please使满意;protect保护;serve服务;fight战斗。根据“put lion statues outside their houses to…their families”可知,把狮子雕像放在屋外,以保护家人。故选B。
a pair of一对;a piece of一片;a copy of一份;a number of大量。根据“A male lion”以及“A female lion”可知,应该是放一对狮子。故选A。
top顶部;middle中间; left左边;bottom底部。根据“A female lion is on the right”可推知,雄狮应该在左边。故选C。
mother妈妈;family家庭;future未来;wealth财富。根据“a large and thriving…”可知,她代表着一个兴旺的大家庭。故选B。
31.B 32.D 33.A 34.C 35.B 36.A 37.C 38.B 39.B 40.C 41.A 42.D 43.C 44.B 45.C
course课程;friendship友谊;dream梦想;charity慈善。根据“And the friendship saved a life”(这段友谊挽救了一个生命),可知此处指“友谊”。故选B。
began开始;changed改变;developed发展;stopped停止。根据“Joe met Fonzie there and the story really began.” 可知Joe和Fonzie的故事真正开始了,所以此处指“故事开始”。故选A。
choice选择;accident事故;operation手术;lesson课程。根据“It didn’t go well and he couldn’t move the left side of his body.”(手术并不顺利,他无法动左半身。)可知此处指“手术”。故选C。
happier更开心的;better更好的;fatter更胖的;taller更高的。根据“The doctors at the hospital didn’t think he could get…”可知此处是和做手术前做比较,表示“恢复得更好”。故选B。
dancing跳舞;jogging慢跑;swimming游泳;camping露营。根据前句提到“Joe liked being in the water”(乔喜欢在水中),可知此处指“游泳”。故选C。
communities社区;hotels酒店;schools学校;parks公园。根据下句提到的“some hotel guests”,可知他们去酒店游泳。故选B。
action行动;story故事;training训练;game游戏。根据“It’s a story about a friendship that started more than 20 years ago.”(这是一个始于20多年前关于友谊的故事。)可知此处指他们之间的故事。故选B。
supporting支持;following跟随;feeding喂;controlling控制。根据“Joe’s mother told him always to feed Fonzie using his left hand”(乔的妈妈总是告诉他用左手喂Fonzie)可知此处指“喂Fonzie”。故选C。
always总是;never从不;seldom几乎不;sometimes有时。根据句意“…so that he could move his left side of his body as often as possible.”可知此处填“总是”符合语境,因为这样可以她经常活动左半身。故选A。
lonely孤独的;famous著名的;safe安全的;well健康的。根据“Slowly, he got better and better.”可知此处指身体好,well表示“健康的”,形容词修饰人的身体状况。故选D。
record记录;open开启;need需要;reach到达。根据“…a place called Island Dolphin Care to help people like Joe.”句意可知,此处指开办了一个护理中心,此处填open符合语境。故选B。
used使用;wished希望;shared分享;made制作。根据“He was a great friend to me”可推知,此处指两者共度美好时光。故选C。
46.A 47.C 48.B 49.C 50.A 51.C 52.D 53.B 54.A 55.A 56.D 57.C 58.C 59.B 60.B
garden花园;office办公室;park 公园;block街区。根据“pulling out a plant”可知应是农场里的花园。故选A。
why为什么;how如何;that引导从句无实际含义;where在哪里。根据“And maybe it was at that moment ... the ring came off her finger.”可知此处用it was at that moment that ....表示强调。故选C。
after在……之后;before在……之前;when当……时候;since自从。根据“she searched everywhere for it for days”可知在放弃之前找了好几天。故选B。
except除了……之外;like向;including包括;as作为。根据“So she decided not to tell anyone about what had happened, ... her husband.”可知决定不告诉包括丈夫在内的任何人。故选C。
managed设法;failed失败;agreed同意;afforded买得起。manage to do sth.“设法完成某事”,此处指设法买到了相似的戒指。故选A。
anybody任何人;somebody某人;nobody没有人;everybody人人。根据“it was so similar”可知与原戒指非常相似以至于没人知道真的不见了。故选C。
sad伤心的;serious严重的;natural自然的;happy高兴的。根据“Mary got her wedding ring back — 13 years after it was lost!”可知结局是好的。故选D。
using up用完;digging up挖掘;turning up出现;giving up放弃。根据“She was ... vegetables there when she found the ring.”可知挖菜的时候发现的。故选B。
different不同的;beautiful漂亮的;difficult困难的;ugly丑陋的。根据“because there was a carrot growing right ... the middle of it”可知戒指与之前不同。故选A。
through穿过;over超过;across横穿;on关于。根据“the middle of it”可知是从戒指的中间长出来,用through。故选A。
user用户;survivor幸存者;producer生产者;owner主人。根据“and the ring was returned to Mary”可知知道失主是谁。故选D。
they他们;he他;it它;we我们。it became clear that ... 表示“很明显……”。故选C。
sadness悲伤;energy精力;joy高兴;envy嫉妒。根据“When Mary got the ring”可知戒指失而复得,满心欢喜。故选C。
hardly几乎不;carefully仔细地;bravely勇敢地;especially尤其。根据“cut the carrot in half, washed it and put it back on her finger”可知对失而复得的戒指很珍惜,怕损伤戒指,要小心翼翼地切胡萝卜。故选B。
formed构成;fitted合适;checked检查;matched搭配。根据“put it back on her finger — and it still ... perfectly”可知此处表示带上还是很合适。故选B。
61.A 62.D 63.B 64.A 65.C 66.C 67.C 68.B 69.A 70.B 71.D 72.D 73.D 74.A 75.B
knock敲门声;sign标志;notice告示;call打电话。根据“I opened it to see a truly sick-looking man.”可知作者开门看到一个病态的男人。由此推断作者先听到“敲门声”才去开门。故选A。
worrying担忧的;upset沮丧的;traditional传统的;pleasant令人愉快的。根据“His face looked terrible—it was swollen (肿胀的) and red.”可知他的脸因为红肿而看起来很糟糕。根据“Yet”可推断作者认为这个病人的声音和外貌给人的感觉是相反的,作者认为他的外貌是“糟糕的”,声音却是“好的”。故选D。
huge heart巨大的心;his face他的脸;tiny body小小的身体;his daughter他的女儿。根据“His face looked
terrible—it was swollen(肿胀的)and red.”可知他的脸看起来太糟糕了,别的房主都不收留他。由此推断别的房主不收留他是因为他的脸。故选B。
happy高兴的;brave勇敢的;lonely孤独的;friendly友好的。根据上文“he’d been looking for a spare room”和“just sleep on the hallway”可知这个病人从中午开始就一直找住的地方,但是没人愿意收留他,由此推断这个病人此刻如果能有一家房主收留他,让他睡到走廊也很“开心”。故选A。
forget忘记;surprise惊讶;support支持,帮助;change改变。根据“fished for a living”和“her disabled husband”可知这个病人以捕鱼为生,并且他女儿的丈夫是个残疾人,由此推断这个病人“帮助”女儿养家。故选C。
them他们;him他;me我;her她。根据上文“He told me that he fished for a living to...his daughter, her five children, and her disabled husband.”可知老人告诉“我”他自己的故事。故选C。
luck幸运;experience经历;pain疼痛;joy喜悦。根据“He was so grateful that he didn’t feel any ... from his disease”可知老人对疾病带来的感觉是感激的,由此推断疾病给他的感受应该是“好的”,又根据“didn’t”可知,空格处应该是填“不好的”一类词。故选C。
second第二;next下一个;last最后的;first第一个。根据“I told him he was welcome to come again.”可知作者欢迎他再来住。由此推断这个老人是询问能否“下次”再来住,the next time“下一次”。故选B。
gift礼物;job工作;hobby爱好;business商业。根据“there was ... a time that he did not bring us gifts like these”可知他每次都给我们带这些“礼物”。故选A。
sometimes有时候;never从未;always总是;often经常。根据“he did not bring us gifts like these”可知双重否定表肯定,表示每次都带,用never。故选B。
encouraged鼓励;reported报道;hated讨厌;warned提醒,警告。根据“I could lose some renters by putting
up the old man after he left the first morning”可知这里是作者的邻居给作者的劝告,由此推断空格处应该填“warned”。故选D。
expect期待;choose选择;refuse拒绝;lose失去。根据“I could lose some renters”可知邻居提醒作者可能会失去一些潜在租客,由此推断作者认同邻居的观点,即他们可能会“失去”一些租客。故选D。
worse更糟的;better更好的;harder更难的;easier更容易的。根据上文“He was grateful that he didn’t feel any...from his disease, which was seemingly a form of skin cancer.”可知老人得了一种皮肤癌,但是他却心怀感激,没跟别人说自己的疼痛。由此推断作者希望别的病人能从这个老人身上学到对待疾病乐观积极的态度,从而“更容易”忍受他们的疾病。故选D。
thankful感谢的;silly愚蠢的;funny好笑的;polite有礼貌的。根据“But if only they could have known him, perhaps their illnesses would have been ... to bear(忍受).”可知作者认为如果那些病人都认识这个老人,或者会有助于他们对抗疾病。由此推断作者应该是“感激”自己及家人认识这个老人。故选A。
how如何;what什么;where在哪里;when什么时候。空格所在句是宾语从句,从句“it was”后缺表语,指物或事情,用what。故选B。
76.D 77.B 78.A 79.C 80.A 81.C 82.B 83.D 84.C 85.A 86.C 87.C 88.C 89.B 90.D
windy多风的;wet湿的,下雨的;sunny晴朗的;hot热的。根据下文“He told me he usually walked home from his company but that day the rain…him making that journey.”可知,那是一个雨天。故选B。
in在……里;at在;on在……上面;from来自。in a bad mood“心情不好”。故选A。
ill生病的;hurt受伤的;hungry饿的;weak虚弱的。根据“So I couldn’t get lunch”可知,应该是饿的。故选C。
wife妻子;son儿子;friend朋友;neighbour邻居。根据“As I was halfway home, my wife told me…the phone that a friend of ours was in trouble and needed a lift(搭便车) home.”可知,应该是打电话让妻子在门口迎接。故选A。
last最后的;second第二;first第一;next下一个。根据“What’s more, I went out without breakfast and I left my wallet at home. So I couldn’t get lunch”可知,作者的早饭、午饭都没吃,因此是第一顿饭。故选C。
by通过;on在……上面;with和;about关于。on the phone“在电话中”。故选B。
until直到;since自从;before在……之前;after在……之后。根据“But my mouth said, ‘…, I’ll give him a ride.’”可知,此处表示转折,因此作者想的是吃完饭后就去接他。故选D。
Right正确的;No不;All right好吧;No way不可能。根据“I’ll give him a ride.”可知,作者同意载他一程,All right符合题意。故选C。
repeated重复;told告诉;explained解释;asked问。根据“…how thankful he was that I would drive him home”可知,朋友一直在重复着感谢的话语。故选A。
helped帮助;kept保持;stopped阻止;dropped掉落。根据“the rain…him making that journey.”可知,那天下雨阻止了他步行回家。故选C。
interesting有趣的;honest诚实的;close亲密的;new新的。根据“But, in fact, he is a friend of a friend.”可知,此处表示转折,故读者会猜测这可能是一个亲密的朋友。故选C。
that那个;if是否;how怎样;why为什么。根据“I wonder…I will see this person again,”可知,作者不知道是否还会再见到这个人。故选B。
meaningful有意义的;hopeful有希望的;careful仔细的;helpful有帮助的。根据“but I feel glad I was there when he needed me”可知,作者感到自己是有用的。故选D。
91.A 92.C 93.B 94.C 95.D 96.A 97.D 98.C 99.B 100.A 101.B 102.D 103.C 104.A 105.C
bread面包;cake蛋糕;meal餐;cheese奶酪。根据下文“The boy held out a piece of his bread and butter”可知,他手里拿的是面包。故选A。
gently温顺地;loudly大声地;cheerfully兴高采烈地;lazily懒地。根据“singing a tune”和上文拿着面包黄油,可知他兴高采烈。故选C。
singing唱歌;eating吃。lying躺;dancing跳舞。根据下文“to take it”可知,小狗被食物吸引,所以是看到男孩吃东西。故选B。
paw爪子;tail尾巴;head头;ear耳朵。根据“take it”可知,狗要吃东西是伸出头用嘴接。故选C。
kicked踢;pushed推;held举行;hit击打。根据“him hard on the nose”可知,男孩打了狗的鼻子,其他动词均不准确,故选D。
got away逃走;got up起来;got in进入;got off下车。根据上文“hit him hard on the nose”可知,被打了会迅速逃走,故选A。
when当……时候;since自从;as因为;while然而。根据上下句“The poor dog got away barking and crying most dreadfully”及“the cruel boy sat laughing”可知,两句对比,用“while”表“转折”,故选D。
treat招待;game游戏;trick把戏;punishment惩罚。根据上文“The boy held out a piece of his bread and butter. As the dog ... the cruel boy sat laughing”可知,男孩是在故意捉弄小狗,故选C。
follow跟着;cross横穿;pass通过;enter进入。根据上文“A man, who was looking from a window on the other side of the street,”可知,这个男的在街对面,所以让男孩穿过街道找他,横穿用across,故选B。
coin硬币;sweet糖果;stone石头;toy玩具。根据下文“He ran over to take the money”可知,举起的是钱,故选A。
face脸;fingers手指;arm手臂;knee膝盖。根据“he stretched out his hand”可知,男孩伸出了手,被打的部位与手有关,故选B。
beside旁边;opposite对面;near附近;behind后面。根据“when he stretched out his hand he got a hard knock across his finger from a cane”及常识可知,要用藤条教训别人,先藏在身后,不让对方看到。故选D。
uncomfortable不舒服;unconfident不自信;unhappy不开心;unsatisfied不满意。根据上文“Just at the moment when he stretched out his hand ... cried out as loudly as a bull!”可知,他伸手拿钱结果被打了,打的还很疼,所以是不开心。故选C。
lead带领;organize组织;behave表现;cover覆盖。根据“kindly towards animals”及全文可知,是善待动物。故选C。
106.D 107.A 108.C 109.C 110.B 111.A 112.D 113.A 114.B 115.C 116.D 117.B 118.C 119.C 120.A
【导语】本文主要介绍了《绿山墙的安妮》这本书的内容, 它教给我们“如何成长为一个快乐而有用的人”。
use up用;look up仰望;give up放弃;grow up长大。根据“ to be a happy and useful person.”结合选项可知,应是成长为有用和快乐的人,故选D。
arrives到达,后跟at/in;reaches到达;get得到;goes去。arrive in“到达”,固定短语。故选A。
impolite不礼貌的;important重要的;impossible不可能的;impatient不耐烦的。根据“ Anne is good at thinking of new and strange ideas. She likes talking ....and she can’t do one thing for a long time”可知,此处是指她对农场有用是不可能的,故选C。
too many太多,修饰可数名词复数形式;too much太多,副词;so many如此多,修饰可数名词复数;so far到目前为止。此处修饰动词talking,所以用副词短语too much修饰,故选B。
needed需要;returned返回;improved提高;developed发展。根据“Will she be useful on the farm ... She likes talking... and she can’t do one thing for a long time. ”可知,她对农场没用所以不是农场所需要的,故选A。
readers读者;coaches教练;farmers农民;workers工人。根据上文“has been a favorite book of teenagers ”可知,此处指读者喜欢这本书的原因,故选A。
catches抓住;means意味着;offers提供;advises建议。根据“knowing only how to work and live unhappily”可知,此处指“好女孩”的意义,故选B。
teachers教师;friends朋友;life生活;job工作。根据“such as eating ice cream or trying on a new dress.”可知,此处指对生活的热爱,故选C。
when什么时候;how怎样;what什么;where在哪里。根据“to do everything well”可知,此处指如何做好事,故选B。
gain获得;speed(使)加速;fun乐趣;power控制力。根据“ it means doing what children should do”可知,做该做的事情是没有乐趣的,故选C。
invited邀请;continued继续;wanted想要;sent发送。根据“Usually, it means doing what children should do and not having any...But that’s not the kind of story ”可知,此处是说“做孩子应该做的事情,没有任何乐趣”的故事不是作者想要告诉读者的,故选C。
121.D 122.A 123.B 124.B 125.A 126.B 127.D 128.D 129.B
130.C 131.B 132.C 133.D 134.C 135.D
beautiful美丽的;same相同的;similar相似的;different不同的。根据“in many ways — the buildings, the food, the national dresses and so on”并结合备选词汇可知应是认为在许多方面不同,所以去外国旅行。故选D。
however然而;but但是;anyway无论如何;while同时。根据上题和“one large city is similar to...”可知此处表转折,而由“逗号”可知应用however,故选A。
other其它的;another另一个,表泛指;the other两者中的另一个,表特指;others别的,复数代词。此处应填一个代词,而主语one large city为单数,所以应同another进行比较,故选B。
exciting令人兴奋的;the same相同的;friendly友好的;different不同的。根据上题可知现在的大城市很相似,故选B。
have有;experience经历;see看;hear听。根据“What do tourists hope to experience in a foreign country”可知应是在国内不能经历的,故选B。
dress裙子;art艺术;food事物;culture文化。根据“Tourists try to learn the history and culture of foreign countries by visiting different kinds of museums.”可知吸引外国游客的主要是这个国家的历史和文化。故选D。
used使用;used to曾经;be used to习惯于;get used to习惯于。根据第七题可知人们对过去感兴趣,故选B。
visit参观,原形;visiting动名词;to visit动词不定式;visited动词过去式。此处应是动词不定式作后置定语,故选C。
new新的;special特别的;strange奇怪的;old老的。根据“Every country also has its own beautiful places”可知应是特有的,与众不同的,故选B。
history历史;nature自然;people人;culture文化。根据“who live in it”可知应是住在里面的民众。故选C。
moreover此外;such as例如;however然而;for example例如。根据“Thailand attracts millions of people”可知是在为前面的观点举例子,而其后逗号,故选D。
important重要的;interesting有趣的;popular受欢迎的;large大的。根据“Thailand attracts millions of people. The tourists come mainly because of the people there.”和“also”可知此处是说太平洋岛屿和泰国一样受欢迎。故选C。
feeling感觉,动名词;to feel动词不定式;felt过去式;feel原形。make“使”,使役动词,其宾语后续省略to的动词不定式,故选D。
136.A 137.A 138.C 139.D 140.A 141.D 142.B 143.D 144.A 145.D 146.A 147.C 148.D 149.A 150.B
agree同意;play玩;disgrace使丢脸;go去。“this”指的是“Laughter is the best medicine”,句子表达他同意
这个观点,用短语“agree with”。故选A。
travelling旅行;sending发送;talking谈话;listening听。根据“to many different countries to share his ideas”,可知句子表达去很多不同的根据旅行,用现在分词“travelling”。故选A。
lost丢失的,迷失的;surprised吃惊的;sick病的;ready准备好的。根据“He had a strange disease”,可知句子表达他生病,用短语“got sick”。故选C。
train训练;sit坐;speak讲;move移动。根据“Every move was painful”,可知句子表达移动很艰难。用动词“move”。故选D。
how怎样;who谁;when什么时间;where哪里。根据“to cure his problem”,可知句子表达怎样治疗,用“how to cure”。故选A。
always总是;often经常;sometimes有时;never从不。根据“The doctor told Mr. Cousins that they did not know”,可知医生不知道如何治疗,他


